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trans diapergirl hangout thread
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it's a trauma thing and there are also cis girls into that
they are eggs
personally not down with the diaper stuff in the slightest, but that girl in the pic (cami) is rly sweet and kind
what is the chance diaper companies are posting on tttt to brainwash autistic transbians into liking their stuff
I had a serious abdl fetish until I started hrt. It cured me overnight. Best part of transition.

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--- Totally-Not-About-Suicide Edition ---

>QOTT #1: Do you expect your life to end naturally or end in suicide?
>QOTT #2: Do you consider suicide to be a bad thing?

Previous thread: >>35705871


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?

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Good bisexual morning

it's a bit uncanny, but maybe that was the intent
I think the convention should be that when there are multiple versions of a film we should switch between them at completely random intervals.
>>QOTT #1: Do you expect your life to end naturally or end in suicide?
I want to get murdered in my 50s or 60s. I don't see ending myself because my family care so much to me.
>>QOTT #2: Do you consider suicide to be a bad thing?
Depending. But I don't want to commit suicide because I don't want my mom feel guilty or worsen her mental health.
u ever wish u were featured in a mv?

why did i have to be a woman???

this is the only thing i want
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Ok but you realize being a guy getting a boyfriend is a fucking nightmare to the point giving up completely is more likely? It's not like being a girl dating a guy, there are powerful social pressures against the very foundation of dating another dude. Furthermore, even if you do find a guy who is willing to date you and by some miracle you're emotionally compatible now you both need to sort through the awful baggage of being a gay dude in this shit hole and if your baggage doesn't match the relationship ends there. This is completely putting aside open relationship shit, the rampancy of drug use in the gay community, the wild objectification of one another that possibly exceeds the objectification of women in hetero dynamics, and all the other normal relationship crap that can crop up (cheating, drifting apart, changing as people, I could go on.)

It's cool if you like Yaoi and stuff, and it's cool if you're a transman, but if you genuinely want to trans your gender because you think dating a dude as a dude will be IRL yaoi you are being delusional. Like, if I (a man) outwardly asserted I am attracted to a man to his face there is a high probability in most parts of the world that I would be met with physical assault. It's not like yaoi.
You know that you can be a dyke right?
can't you just like cut your hair? Guys IRL who look like the picture would turn 19 eventually, start to bloat out, bald and get very hairy. People here who are AMAB legit take estrogen to be like the pic
Is female transgenderism just a flimsy cover for pedophilia? Why though? Most adult women can just get a job at the local school if they want access to boys and society will heap praise upon them if they follow through on it. Afabs can literally get away with murder and then point to their breasts and vaginas and society will forgive them or even say "there's nothing to forgive" I hate women so much it's unreal
It’s no use. Women have been so poisoned by bl and yaoi stories that they have an idealized version of gay love in their head that doesn’t reflect reality. They don’t know how good they have it as straight women

why are men like this? my bf literally would if that was a thing. pooners and chasers on this board, what's your excuse
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Amerikkka is a nation of untreated schizophrenics lmao why do you got prayers on your fucking soap
Our every institution, corporation, entertainment, and level of government are overrun by neurotic Jews whose only driving force besides greed is a weird mix of thinking they can literally outsmart God with semantics, and being cripplingly paranoid of going against his word because their kind killed his only son. The Christian schizos successful enough to put their message on a bottle of soap in every grocery store without being suicided by the cabal are geniuses.
me and my bf uwu
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lived with a black trans guy for a couple years who used this all the time. i started using it too, it's excellent soap. also vegan friendly if you're Really Really Gay and care about that sort of thing.

Weekend celebrations Edition
previous: >>35587792

Goal of the thread: Make a shopping list of things that you need, consider if there is any self care things you might be missing!
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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hi this is my first time on 4chan but i need to talk to someone who has had similiar experiences? trans mtf and struggling with what i believe is a mix of derealization from drugs and early onset psychosis? also have a family history of schizophrenia. life fell apart last year after coming out been doing online highschool for a year and failing. completely stuck in life my appointment for hormones is this month and everything up until now iv just been stuck doing nothing. my family doesn’t take me seriously and my moms a narcissist. i sound like a sorry little bitch but idk also some of the psychosis i think was from too much benadryl this year. sorry for the rant lol but idk where else to turn to im so paranoid i’ll js hood for a couple weeks and then lose touch and live inside my head again, my mom tries to push my buttons and i say things that aren’t me. i want to get better and i’m hoping hormones will help but ik it doesn’t just fix all of your mental issues. i’m just really scared that transitioning isn’t what i expect it to be and my brain is doomed please someone if you relate to this and it does get better please talk to me
Walked a bit too much yesterday after barely moving for weeks now my legs hurt, I'll rest today and try again tomorrow.
Also been wanting to get into reading for a while and today I finally started Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, it's a very short read, I'm almost done with it.
I'm really not used to reading or really focusing on anything so I'm sure I missed or misunderstood some parts but the more I read the better it feels and I'm sure the next book I read will be a better experience right from the start.
Tomorrow I'll finally start this precalc book and go through with it, I plan to eventually go back to school and get a diploma.
I'm fucking lonely and sad all the time. Today I just ate 4 sandwiches and some cake, wasted time in front of pc not even doing anything and cried in bed. I haven't sleept for more than few hours because I go to sleep before I take my sleeping pills. AllI have to do is to fry chicken, boil rice and do groceries for tomorrow but instead I lay in bed crying over being alone for my whole life I don't even remember how it feels to have any other emotions. I'm just a fake thrash that doesn't even have other pieces of junk with whom I can openly talk about my life. My hands looks terrible I shake from the lowcalory cold and I'm just thinking about trying to choke myself to death again, getting drunk or simply cutting
I will never be a woman im just a fuckibg pervert who should be stoned to death for trying to imitate a normal human being i hate myself for that all im just a usless imitator who will never be seen as real me uncorrupted by all my mental problems and trannyism. Mylife could be fucking normal if fucking Y chromosone would just not work in a fucking womb and instead im crying on a fucking 4xhan i hate it all maybe i just should jump from the 9th floor
I'm really sorry you feel that way, I wish there was an easy fix for loneliness but that shit is crippling and makes everything else much harder than it should be.
Please don't do anything bad, it's ok to lay in bed for now.
>Applied maths, physics, physical chemistry, engineering
I hated AP Calc in high school. I think I had a bad teacher, because I think I've forgotten all of it by this point.
I should mention that I always preferred science to pure mathematics, so idk how applied maths would work.
Physics is fine, I guess? I don't know.
When I was a kid I wanted to invent stuff but then I saw "the way things work" and only looked at the pictures without internalizing any of the mechanisms.
So I don't think I'd be much of an engineer either.
Pchem would require some regular chem, no?
I guess that leaves physics...
I like things where you have to approach the problem in fun ways.
Japanese grammar, derivations in Logic, backwards induction in game theory...
God, I really missed whatever my calling was, huh?

What are your letters and level of cleanliness?

Bi cis male, keep my place clean but it can be a bit disorganized sometimes.
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Cis intersex enbie into men. I don't leave trash around and clean when needed but don't have a schedule and may leave dishes in the sink for a day or two if depressed.
I'm vigilant about food and trash, but sometimes I'm too lazy to put my shit back where it belongs.

People who enjoy cleaning horrific messes are a rare breed. Seeing a room like pic related, I'd vomit in my mouth and leave.
mtf trash goblin
I don't own much so I'd have to try hard to leave things out of place. I guess I'm privileged that way.
As expected

I am very depressed and constantly buying new tech, books, and random odds and ends to try and fill the void. It works for short bursts.

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>be me
>realize you could buy oral lidocaine on campus
>what if I inject it
>just werks
>plan to inject my singular ball with cacl dissolved in ethyl alcohol until I kill them
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you are either the next dr. fleming or one of a million retards. post results lel
will do follow-ups whenever possible. honestly, I just want to prove a point and nuke my T, bone density and get depressed beyond belief.
>appalling how a future doctor could be this retarded
yes, I agree It's genuinely an awful Idea but what do I have to lose, I have nothing left. I've also read every possible account on CaCl injections on eunuch archives, If you don't end up with some in your scrotum you're pretty much fine..besides the pain for days ig
if ur actually a med fag you should be able to do a proper diy orchi on yourself with a little practice.
It's not that simple, I've already tried before and almost bled out to death. I fucked the ligation part up, I'm only a second year student what do you expect. I ended up in a looney bin for a month and had every single device I own confiscated by the police.
Injections just seem like a better choice in my current situation and hey since I've got rid of one ball the first time when I tried the DIY orchi I only have one left to btfo

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Previous Thread: >>35786747
• Help, advice, guidance on meds and dosages
• HRT related medical experiences and research
• Availability and pricing of medications
• Rational and scientific discussion

See following post for a pharmacy list.

Survey: https://1drv.ms/xs/s!AudRJceTA5C9c2G5lCV2Avq0kQ0
▶ Survey data: https://1drv.ms/x/s!AudRJceTA5C9cyIWo6_X14AvHyM
▶ HRTGen Data Analysis: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gRLLWnbpdzlIxe4r
▶ HRT Info Sheets: https://1drv.ms/f/s!AudRJceTA5C9gQnyM7wxZcBGWRzW
▶ Pill ID: https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php
▶ DrugBank: https://www.drugbank.com/
▶ Basic HRT: https://apps.carleton.edu/campus/gsc/assets/hormones_MTF.pdf

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Some people do 5mg/7days and some people do 7mg/10 days. Both will give you like 0.7mg/1 day so it looks the same to me Anon
how long till the "discontinuation" takes effect? i recently ran out of prog and i cannot find any seller
Im at trough for 4mg/week, but if I take 10mg/14 now wouldnt that mean that id spike up to like 600-700 since the normal trough of 10/14 is lower?

Ive seen some more complicated dosage calculator before, the transfemscience one only calculates same dose. If anyone has the link id appreciate it :)
Best way to sanitize diy vials?
Pressure cooker I assume but what temp and how long?
Also does anyone have information about filtering the powder before use? I heard thats a good idea
I mean it takes quite some time for the body to suck up all the depot into the bloodstream, that's why some people inject more volume but less frequently and have the same levels.
Hopefully someone gives you a better answer but this seems to make sense to me

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Who do you prefer cis women or trans women? Have you been driven crazy with passion by either?
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>Who do you prefer cis women or trans women?
I prefer cis women. But I'm also fine with SRS trans women. Just don't have penis, look like a women, and we can fuck.
Having been with both I legitimately don’t have a preference. Only difference is trans women are accepting of me being bi
Last week, tranny from grindr told me she isn't interested because of my bisexuality. Later I fucked pussy. Feels good man.
>Who do you prefer cis women or trans women?
I prefer ftms and cis twinks
>Have you been driven crazy with passion by either?

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As a young skinny twink who's exclusively top, I love guys built like sumo wrestlers
would I? probably not.

but surely their a lots of fat, sumo-like bottoms all over America. don't need a sport organisation if you want to fuck a fatty.

is detransing for a kink valid?
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yes!! transitioning is valid detransitioning is valid, the entire message we are trying to push is you can be yourself! like stupidhornyboy is containing it in his fantasies in his blog he could really do no better than that its not like he goes up to people in the street like "uooghh.. i can feel the testosterone ravaging my futile attempts to transition.. im so hard.." like come on
are you a detrans fetishist? you speak of this like it's familiar to you.
i'm not, i just tried to put myself in those shoes while i typed the quote. i'm sure it's very reductive lol
it's only hot when ftms do it. when mtfs do it it just makes me sad. but why do it for the kink when you can just do it for real?

>The Department of State is aware of the increased potential for foreign terrorist organization-inspired violence against LGBTQI+ persons and events and advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution.

They sent out a worldwide alert warning us about terrorist attacks on Pride parades. What’s going on?

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Do you reckon one day if this list keeps getting published some us states will be on it? I think that would be funny
What list?
Sorry I mistook this thread for one that happened earlier, where the state department issued warnings about certain countries to lgbt travelers :( my mistake anon
Hospitals and schools are getting bomb threats daily from trumpanzees and the main disagreement from conservatives right now is whether to just put all the transgenders in prison or execute them. How can you possibly be surprised that when both sides of the media only ever portray transwomen as sexual predators that dimwitted reactionaries with guns might go on a mass shooting? The republicans have been threatening every single day now to bomb and shoot up prides and scholls and hospitals, this is just the government finally acknowledging it might happen.
This honestly seems like a nothingburger to me. Muslims hate gays, shocker. I already knew to stay out of their shithole countries and avoid them.

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>cisfem chasers
Not even once.
PSA to transbians: T4T is the way
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If you weren't a whore you wouldn't have this problem
toys obv?
>willing to pay for dates and deal with making reservations and all of that nastiness, strong,
None of these are true in my experience. Most trannies couldn't make a reservation to safe her life
trans girls belong in cribs being babied by cis women
i havent found my cis mommy yet but i will
>Sounds like you have some stories on this matter
I've had a cis woman straight up like hit me expecting me to not hit back and like screaming at me even in public and gendering me male even when it wasn't necessary to gender me like holy shit

Does this look ok
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hair and eyebrows look fine. the dress fits. maybe do some makeup if that's what your into. what's the occasion?
Barely. Midsection is almost too tight. Lose some weight and consider painting your fingernails.
it's the fucking lighting omg girl it's the fucking lighting!!! take like 20 pics of the same pose but circling around your room in different areas to capture the best pic then look through those 20 pics to find it.
you are cute
Man man man man man man you will always be a man
depends on your hips/legs, and the cut of that dress. it's hard to tell from that picture.

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do u guys think im ugly or do u like me </3 idk if i should post pics of myself or naur
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well its just bcs ur so charming obv ! M48S
awwwe tysm anon!
um, whats M48S?
i typed the captcha in to the type box and didnt notice :\\
oh ok lol

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