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I'm cis heterosexual man. But actually straight one. (Not one of those morons who fuck twinks and hons and think he is straight)
And the only way I would actually have sex with trans women, is if she have srs and pass as biological woman. I would rather die than have sex with anyone who have a penis. I like my women with pussy, simple as. I still prefer cis women, but only because they can get pregnant. Mtfs with vaginas go in same section as infertile women.
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What male traits? I only want passable one.
You sound mad.
What's wrong fucking someone with a penis?
We both have penis. So it's gay and I can't get hard when I look at penis.

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>>35828263 (last episode)
QOTT - Saturday plans ?
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getting welded inside a locker and sent into space

God dammit, don't be ashamed of yourself. I want more. What the fuck is it with you hating everything great about yourself? Stop listening to the critic in your head. I don't know what person in your childhood became that mean fucking voice but they're an asshole. Fuck them.
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wanna know a trick how to set up a delayed sabotage of the singularity that won't result in a BWOINK ?
assuming it's /tg/ station
radiochan status, I feel blah
my cat's fur is getting a bit ratty, but that should be fixed in a few days and hopefully he can start grooming himself again this week
do garden work
tape some stuff
maybe clean (oh who am I kidding)
>tfw not a crossdressing whore
And i did wanna stay anon, but i also don't want to speak directly to paige, knowing it's paige, and not wear the name so she can ostensibly filter me, even though she doesn't.

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Do you believe in Total Puppygirl Death?
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1) you're not a rightoid and using rightoid memes and verbal tics for the same reasons twitter posters talk like black people is not endearing you to me
2) this is another "social capital is bad" post where you put a hit out on a scene, because amerifats are not allowed to have those for too long, because they might use them to organize in unapproved ways.

one interesting thing about this is the reason sharty never gets the same treatment, and why op is using its memes, is that sharty and shit like it are about lysing everything else, redditjacketing shit. they get special treatment and can't be cringe because they're useful for suppressing the rest of us, like how cops get concealed carry, strong unions, and immunity to steroid distribution cases
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The Trans % is 2% adults in America. :3

And I mean the wealthy one percent you morons
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>these hecking incomprehensible woahjacks!!!

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depends on what you're working with really, but my best friend and i started at 22 and 23 respectively four years ago and we both look pretty good now. we both live normal lives as women now and i've met people who started in their teens who both of us mog. you can still get a good result at this age, really it's all about the effort you put in. maintaining good hormone levels, learning makeup, voice training, feminising workouts and good diet/lifestyle habits should get you a long way. if you put in zero effort and let yourself get hondosed you'll look like shit no matter when you start. give it a go anon, anything's better than continuing to masculinise and grow old as a man, right?
start now so Ur not asking the same shit next year or next year or next year.
the best time is always in the past.
the next best time is always right now.
besides do you really think you could cope with knowing for the rest of your life that you could've started to better yourself at 23? what a terrifying thought.
thank you anon
it's OVER.
this, right now, is the youngest you will ever be able to start hrt. you only get older. you either grab it now or ask is 23 too late to start hrt? 25? 30? etc etc etc. life is so limited. show your gratitude through spontaneity and bravado

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>cisfem chasers
Not even once.
PSA to transbians: T4T is the way
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I've only ever been with cis women and I have never met a female chaser in my life. All cis girl's I have been with were super nice to me
Where are you people finding those psychopaths?
yeah thats literally what i just said baka, i just asked what do people even do together if both refuse to top or use their genitals. everyone wants to get fucked in the ass but no one wants to fuck asses
If you weren't a whore you wouldn't have this problem
toys obv?
>willing to pay for dates and deal with making reservations and all of that nastiness, strong,
None of these are true in my experience. Most trannies couldn't make a reservation to safe her life

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What would you do if this happened to you?
shid and fard

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Previous: >>35815805

There is a conspiracy to feminize people of color and turn tbem into brown pets for the white european. Think about it. Estrogen makes you paler. Whiter.
The conspiracy to use BWC to replace the POC is real.
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im a colored myself and it's making me so horny how white I've become. i think i have autowhitephilia (AWP). 2 years on HRT and i almost pass as white
>i think i have autowhitephilia (AWP).
this board suffers from severe grass touching deficiency disorder
Why does raceplay only turn me on when the guy is black???

like i'd let a dominant tall masc white dude top me and make me his slut (duh) but white=cute in my mind for most average guys and I'd rather see them as fem and being feminized.

Yes I'm aware of the internalized racism.
Yes I feel bad about it.
Yes it still gets me hot af.
>I wish I had a guy to practice on I want to become a professional blowjob giver <.<
What is your stance on eating ass?
same, i think its because i live in an area where there's practically no black people, so the only time i really see them is either chimping out in the news or in fetish porn. i dont really consider them real people with emotions, love, families, friends and insecurities, i just think of them as porn caricatures so its much hotter and degrading getting ruined by a mindless sexual beast. if i see a hot/cute/handsome white guy in porn i get depressed because i dont have a bf

why is this place so hugboxxy
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it's the look of that stupid fuckin doll lmao
so based actually. so cute.
but i dont
thanks i really need to look into ffs
This isn't FFS this is orthognathic surgery and you should see a orthognathic surgeon to see if what I'm saying is correct lol

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cisf chaser here
How do i pull a tranny like this? What do they like?
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>hates capitalism
speak for yourself this trannys a fascist
yeah. i like the feeling of topping, and it can be really intimate, but it can also be very dysphoric. if the girl i’m with can make me feel comfortable enough, and domme me while doing it then i’m okay (i usually have to smoke a lot of weed tho…). I also like it when the’re on top. But most of them want me to be dominant: missionary or whatever other degrading position.
the sophisticated cisf chasers know that though, and the first couple times you have sex respect it, but then get way more demanding. it’s kinda evil.
Sounds like someone has met some lesbian fuckboys

They're fun 'til they're not, drop them when they stop being what you want them to be—just like they would be happy to do to you.

Fair's fair :)
Yeah but I don’t want to have short term tho. I have a lot of trauma, and have realized that I should probably only have sex in the context of a relationship (or at the begging of a potential one also I guess).

I wish people were nicer. I’d be a good girlfriend. But noooo.

Straight cis women are nice tho. Fun to hang out with.

>hate trans people
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do you hate yourself too or do you get some sort of exception
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>no emotions towards trans people

Are all tranny haters trans?
yes. i have a healthy self esteem about everything besides gender. when i remember im trans for too long i start having an anxiety attack

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

QOTT: what is your favorite dessert?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
old thread: >>35815100
discord: https://discord.gg/vakBkTTwBx
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>rape threats from cute trannies
100% completed gravity rush what fag game should i play next lezjen
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Is moving out worth it? On one hand, seems like there are hundreds of upsides.
But the big downside is that... you live alone.. every day you just come from work to no one being there. That must be a weird feeling. Iv never had that. It seems miserable in theory.
you could get a roommate
A trans roommate? Wouldnt that invite drama? Im scared of living with a guy unless its a weak twink.

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itt: post transition timelines
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oh right i forgot you had ffs lol
but from that pic it looks like it was well worth the money, especially the lips
>cringed hard mostly at hug boxers
yea the hugboxxing in the threads is laughable, I'm just sitting here shaking my head
>smut romantasy
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i have a degen csgo gambling problem if you want to fund :3
idk how many times i can post my chest as a guy, with visibly no top surgery scars on here until yall realize i am trans an not larping
do you ever get clocked these days?
That's not you, just drop the larp already

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Do u use the women or men’s bathroom

And what’s ur assigned gender at birth
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MTF, Women bathroom, standing up only
Yeeeeah thats definitely a rapey agp straight dude, crossdressing

Pretty fucking disgusting and appalling
MTF, born Intersex male (mosaicism) and I use the handicap bathroom
>take the handicap pill
>as a gay boy pre-transition girls didn't mind sharing a bathroom with me
politics are different now tds is worse
i started getting stared at in the mens so i use the womens.. im always fast and try to avoid being seen cuz im scared of someone not liking me being in there but so far if women have noticed i was a tranny they didnt show it

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You're finally awake! That fall looked real bad.
What are you talking about?

Get up, Anon, we're retaking Jerusalem!
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My sword is sharp and my will is iron. Let us purge the Holy Land of the Saracen menace!
my dad thinks he fought in the crusades in his past life, and tells me about his dreams of fighting and dying in battle
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Perhaps he did. I salute his noble soul.
past lives and reincarnation dont exist in christianity though
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Look, I'm just trying to comfort a dying comrade. He's bleeding out, just look at him.

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we all know Brazilian tranners are high quality. but what about Portuguese tranners??

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