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>malefailing all the time
>havent voicetrained
>anytime i open my mouth people look at me weird
i hate this existence
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Neither can channing but you're doing that. Money can get you experiences in the physical world where the only bigotry anyone will express is against your portfolio. I've always done a lot of leisure travel (see: money), and at no point when I was an awkward baby trans did it result in any kind of social stigma even when I visited very bigoted, macho cultures such as in Asia or South America. That's because of the quality of individual and venue that having a little bit of money allows you. Nobody at the poolside, rooftop bar is going to embarrass themselves by freaking out over durr hurr le epic rapehon meme or whatever. If you have money then get out there and live, meet some fun and interesting people, and if you're an Internet sadboy then invest some of it also into some paid companionship. We live in a timeline where you can hire life coaches, personal assistants, even professional girlfriends. Get outside, do things you like while presenting fem, focus on those experiences and places you enjoy, and let yourself grow into them. Hiding on the Internet from the cruelty of the world does nothing to make it less cruel, just makes you another of its victims. Fortify yourself and rip joy from those who would deny you

Alternately, cry about life on 4chan and throw what little money you have at some online findom until you rope
Cute image. :3
that some good advices... i hope i find the motivation to do any of that (expect the last one)

Was planning on going back to school to at least finish hs yk, maybe try to find the stengh to do shit about the whole tranny situations in the 2years that that will take.

But yes travelling seems a good idea, like how i became myself little more every time i changed school no repercussion if u fuck up too much u can just retry...

Thank you for taking the time to try to make a stranger life better :D
will remember your advices if you have any more am taking
You don't look like that THOUGH
At this point I'll assume you have money. Put most of it in an index fund, put some amount you'd feel comfortable setting on fire into a brokerage account and make long plays on penny stocks that mysteriously have backing from Luxemburg

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How many trannies are turned on by attention fro Fat Bald Ugy Bastards? Raise up your voices sisters and lets hear you.
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>Gilticus. The apex turbogigapassoid
Yep. Bonus points for deliberately avoiding an ounce of voice training. 99% of the drunken Russians who approach him on the street have a moment of stunned drunkenness when she speaks, you can see the gears slowly turning, then they visibly brighten and you can see them thinking "eh, fuck it, I'll be dead in Ukraine within a year anyway"
>I wish girls knew how sexy crooked teeth can be.
Her crooked teeth is actually worse than it looks and it will cause problems later in life. Better fix it now when she's still young.
The guy on the left is less of a fat ugly bastard than the guy on the right.
I feel voice training isn't for her
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Is this gay propaganda?

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Previous: >>35511744
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don't shoot the messenger
arms body legs flesh skin bone sinew
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are you polish?
i know a ftm nigga with an artstyle thats eerily similar to yours
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Alright which one of you did this fess up
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>homoerotic photoshoots
saint sebastian mishima tied up to that tree... yummy
God I wish Fuentes trooned out
>its just such a faggot ideology.
Well it's not falsely advertised, the symbol is a bundle of sticks.
It's actually and unironically fake, but people will share disinfo for free on the behalf of Israeli intelligence to make sure he stays character assassinated
fascism is all about mascfag tops hating femfag bottoms while fucking them

I'm at a new low. I've been looking for dick on fucking Reddit. I've never been so humiliated in my life, someone please put me out of my misery.
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>too bad im in yurp
Damn I want some eurodick rn
If only plane tickets didn't cost a fortune
you wanna suck my bussy worms out?
squeegee my turdfarts onto your mushy mushroom and slobby bobby it all off?
I eat a lot of salad so my shits are feminine
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if you're lurking and think that's me it's not i'm 29 now

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The only time I interacted with a woman was when I shared food with a girl on a schoolbus going home. I'm being hyperbole but I'm such a fucking loser, still. Can anyone relate. The only thing I have going for me is that Im slightly talented at my hobbies.
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I didn't interact with girls much in childhood, my parents thought women would corrupt me so they sent me to a boys-only school. So my formative years I grew up horny and surrounded by boys, and those boys intruded a lot into my sexual fantasies. Later in life I gained access to females, and tasted their estrogenized flesh, but I still have a taste for the male, and I blame my parents for this and indeed I am seething over being turned prison gay because my parents are stuck in the stone age.
i'd always gotten along better with girls growing up but seeing as most girls are straight i never had many that were into me

my first love was though, atleast enough that we spent every single day together rain or shine for most of that school year, she was the most beautiful/developed/smart/high achieving girl in the school and i was the iffy grades kid that got bullied for having long hair and being feminine

i loved her so deeply, i still wonder about her life sometimes, still listen to the songs occasionally from that time that make me think of her; my goddess looks pretty similar to her

that first relationship, those feelings i had, her effect on me and how i saw her, made me who i am more than anything else

>hope your life turned out well Eleanor
>The only thing I have going for me is that Im slightly talented at my hobbies.
Tell us more about how proud you are to be platinum ranked
nta but there's literally nothing wrong with being perma stuck platinum in league you fucking bitch
How does it feel to know that there are braindead discord kittens higher ranked than you

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Anyone else in love with their best friend?

I hate it he's not into me and I respect that and I don't think I will ever cross that line

He's known since like 2017 since I was drunk and messaged him to suck his dick.....

Last year when I got dumped by my ex I got drunk and I messaged him a just complete confession of love it was so cringe and we didn't talk about it for months until he brought it up and idk it was a weird talk I denied it but I'm pretty sure he just knows I love him

He has teased me 2 or 3 times and has laughed at my responses

God I wish he would fuck me lol more than that I wish he was my boyfriend and we could sleep in the same bed and cuddle...
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He knows I like him but I still respect him as my best friend and we act like such and well I don't have many friends besides him I don't want to be like hey date me and cross the line as nice as it would be to make him my bf

I don't know I maybe will try to ask this year
is it bad that i get jealous when i read things like this?
i wanna be in love with someone so bad
>I fancy a guy but I won't fess up
woman moment
>He knows I like him
And it hasn't ruined your friendship, mission accomplished.
>I don't want to be like hey date me and cross the line
Okay, then don't demand it of him and cross lines. Just put it out there that you're into him and want to date. He can chose once he has the right information.
Yeah I think I might mention it this year I think I probably should

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Last time on /st4t/!


Qott: If you're in a relationship, how's it going, and if not, what are your relationship goals?
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This may be cheating a bit, because of it being last gen's op pic, but, ever since I started transitioning to female, Zack and Aerith give me strong st4t vibes.
need misogynistic lazy gamer ftm bf
which dating apps are the best to find an ftm bf on?
Taimi. It's not great, but it's really your only chance

why are men like this? my bf literally would if that was a thing. pooners and chasers on this board, what's your excuse
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oi vey
im not jewish
it's not always about you
dr bronners is amazing
I wont use it for my hair or anything but being able to do one or two small squirts to wash my entire body is nuts.

I want to minmax on my cleaning products. this covers a lot, and it's actually quite cheap

t. aspiring housewife
The real answer is that social standards for men to be acceptably put-together are very low and they do not need to put in the effort to appeal to you when you're desperate for their approval

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My thread died because i fell asleep so im makin another one.. do any tranners play mmos like runescape?
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I dunno, any mmos really, i dont like xiv much because its so social focused..
i don't like osrs because all new content is just sweatlord 5000apm shit the redditors salivate over and that's not why i fell in love with the game as a kid, ironman sounds fun until you find out you have to spend the first 500 hours of the account doing the utterly brainless firemaking minigame because jagex won't just nerf/remove the total hp damage scaling, i just play leagues now whenever those happen
why do you need to hang out with other trannys on runescape its not real you can stealth as a normal woman and just hang out with anyone nobody needs to know your a tranny its a beautiful place to escape and be yourself
I figured id get clocked just by playing and stuff, i dont really interact with people much anyway.. im probably not gonna play with other tranners but my imageboard i usually talk about it on went down because the owner forgot to enable autorenew on the domain..
I thought a lotta the stuff wasnt too hard or somethin besides like gettin an inferno cape and ToB solo and whatnot, i havent done either though so maybe im wrong.. i like runecrafting
i like world of Warcraft

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Do you believe you look like a teenage anime girl?
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My profile pictures are just paintings of nature
vapid discord "friends" saying "YAS QUEEN SLAY YOU ARE STUNNING YOU ARE BRAVE"
No I look like dbd heather mason
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No i look like Chad if he were a Gothic vampire that grew tits. I can easily steal any woman away from you. The problem is I am a woman not a fucking romance novel cover. Your problem is that you're a morbidly b obese balding 5.5/10 pajeet addicted to goyim news and you've been brainwashed to screech about trannies all day. I am visually everything you wish you were but you're not hence why your so bitter and willing to goy around for McDonald's to feel better about b your position in life you hope abandoned misfit toy.
Anyways I'm done taking a piss now and gotta take my shot and start my day. Good luck with your self actualization, you'll need it. Youre a long ways away.

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>cisfem chasers
Not even once.
PSA to transbians: T4T is the way
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if you're going for T and have 1 as a standard you're doomed, every tranny is mentally fucking insane. Also lols for wanting a wagie
>and i dont even really like cock that much and gock isn't much better
Same, the above posts are why I rep. I love pussy and wish I had a pussy. I'm the most retarded snowflake there is....no one wants me so why bother?
find an identity outside genitals and cooming, that would drastically improve things
Hope you get run over by a bus
>how do you get better at oral?
Practice with someone who cares

I bought a dress like pic related. Can you wear pantyhose with that? Are you supposed to wear a bra with that? I don't have boobs yet but I feel a bit naked.
I think pantyhose wouldn't go well with that. A bralette would make sense. As would short leggings underneath (shorts length).
IDK, try it.
Bare legs unless you need/want something to cover your crotch. They make short leggings, Oris said. Only wear a bra/lette if you need/want the padding. Get better shoes than those in the pic. Even short heels will make your legs and butt look nicer. Consider also some simple, tasteful jewelry like a silver tennis bracelet or if you've got more confidence an understated fashion watch


Twitter TERF using our lingo. Are they lurking here?
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they must be lurking. now I wonder if they post about us on their shitty little forums lmao
They're not even using it correctly that's not a gorillahon that's just a hon
Terfs obviously want the gock >:)
Sorry ladies, I'm a bottom
>>guys i'm totally pro trans rights
>>deadnames x
then you wonder why people don't take you seriously
>hehe let me rape you
malebrain moment

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QOTT: If you were reborn as any non-human animal, what animal would you like to be reborn as?

Reminder: This gen is for cis homosexual females (lesbians). All trans-related or bisexual posts are considered off-topic and should be directed to other generals or threads. No discussion of male (XY) anatomy.

Discord: https://pastebin.com/P644WESi

Previous thread:
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>leave me alone
don't post if you don't want responses tf
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Reminds me of an old webcomic
>she posts facebook status feels broken
>some dumb angsty shit like that
>sad emoji
>first comment: "what's wrong."
I just deleted it thanks anon now that it's gone I don't have to feel weird
No the message was cringe and it even screws up multiplication
I'm sorry anon you were right I'm stupid and retarded
man have some confidence
>being this desperate and pathetic for validation
you’re a tranny aren’t you

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