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I developed a fetish about wanting to be a tranny since I started browsing this board, screw you girls.
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What do you mean?
I have a fetish for pinkpilling reppers like you ;3
I have never seen you pinkpill anyonez why?
Probably because you're so new here.
Nah. You just haven't pinkpilled anybody ever

Weekend celebrations Edition
previous: >>35587792

Goal of the thread: Make a shopping list of things that you need, consider if there is any self care things you might be missing!
Daily goals can be repeated. Remember to keep score, it can only go up!

>What is this thread for?
Getting better is hard, and sucks. A lot. It does not get easier doing it alone.
Share resources and experiences with combating depression, anxiety, personal issues, achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, etc.
>Why is this thread /lgbt/?
Struggles with mental and physical health are an indisputable part of /lgbt/ life, be it from dysphoria, social pressure, heartbreak, or just unfortunate lifestyle choices.
>Notes to consider:
Please be civil. Shame is your greatest enemy in fighting urges of self abuse (be it sh, drugs, or just self deprecation). Relapsing into bad and unhealthy habits is to be expected, the goal is to increase the average amount of time it takes between relapses. Any improvement is a victory no matter how small. Your worth and right to get better are non-negotiable. And most importantly:
>Note on advice

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hi whatever this site is, it is currently 3am. i need help, if i only find physical and mental attraction to a trans woman does that make me a chaser? i just want to have an understanding trans gf and not some cisgendered woman literally i want to spend all my life with someone i can understand but would this make me a chaser?
we all wish to be understood, but why do you feel that only trans women can do that?
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If you are reading this, please now, you are loved and your struggles matter but they arent unbeatable.
Keep going!
hi this is my first time on 4chan but i need to talk to someone who has had similiar experiences? trans mtf and struggling with what i believe is a mix of derealization from drugs and early onset psychosis? also have a family history of schizophrenia. life fell apart last year after coming out been doing online highschool for a year and failing. completely stuck in life my appointment for hormones is this month and everything up until now iv just been stuck doing nothing. my family doesn’t take me seriously and my moms a narcissist. i sound like a sorry little bitch but idk also some of the psychosis i think was from too much benadryl this year. sorry for the rant lol but idk where else to turn to im so paranoid i’ll js hood for a couple weeks and then lose touch and live inside my head again, my mom tries to push my buttons and i say things that aren’t me. i want to get better and i’m hoping hormones will help but ik it doesn’t just fix all of your mental issues. i’m just really scared that transitioning isn’t what i expect it to be and my brain is doomed please someone if you relate to this and it does get better please talk to me

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Who do you prefer cis women or trans women? Have you been driven crazy with passion by either?
seeing cute tranners do produce a significant amount of dopamine whereas cute cis women don't (remotely as much).
cis women are naturally submissive to men so it's whatever

but dominating and subjugating a little fag girl and seeing her little dick flop around while I pound her gets me going
i prefer cis men

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why is my skin worse after starting HRT? will it clear up or am i fucked? 3 months :/ its kinda spotty I guess would be the best way to explain it.
>goes through second puberty
>"wtf, why are things changing"
yea but everyones like "OMG MY SKIN IS PERFECT NOWWW" mines not even tho i take good care of it :c
just genetics things, see a dermatologist mayhaps idk im not qualified in this discussion my skins not perfect either
my acne flared up again for the first like month but it seems to have calmed down again i have no fucking idea

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What did muscle atrophy feel like?
You lose every bit of strength you didn't even know you had. Oh and eventually your dick stops working
i had muscle atrophy from an illness and i would shit myself uncontrollably
i never had any muscle
i literally didnt notice, not like i did anything that required strength before or after

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what do you think of women's rights? do women (you) deserve human rights? if so why? you lived okay without them in the past, why do you NEED them now? wouldn't you be happier if you turned your brain and worries off? answer without bigotry towards me and be rational
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>wouldn't you be happier if you turned your brain and worries off?
no im pretty sure thats called brain death.
the appeal of being treated like a dumb mindless fuck object is that it's the opposite of what you usually get to experience
>but yeah rights are pretty important
You just made that up, you don't really think that's true.
>some level of rights is just basic recognition as human.
Women functioned for thousands of years and lived happy and prosperous without any problems while having zero voting rights or independance. It's better if your husband takes the responsibility to decide what's good for you as a woman. With rights comes responsibility, you don't need that.
>no im pretty sure thats called brain death.
its just a figure of speech, i dont think ALL women should be lobotomized, only some
>the appeal of being treated like a dumb mindless fuck object is that it's the opposite of what you usually get to experience
yeah but think of it this way, why not have a kink where you are a dumb mindless fuck object 99% of the time, and then in bed you pretend to be intelligent, capable, strong, independant, a leader, etc. Food for thought anonette.
>You just made that up, you don't really think that's true.
I do because rights protect people from abuse which is very important
>why not have a kink where you are a dumb mindless fuck object 99% of the time
But my enjoyment of being a dumb mindless fuck object is intrinsically tied to being smart enough to realise that I'm not? :> not trying to be a downer, I just dont think it would make me happy. like, if I was that dumb would I even know it felt good, if you feel me?
>Women functioned for thousands of years and lived happy and prosperous without any problems
women were literally property and suffered all the abuse that could involve, some lived happily but definitly not the majority.
>It's better if your husband takes the responsibility to decide what's good for you as a woman. With rights comes responsibility, you don't need that.
personally i'd feel a lot more secure that way, but not all women and trannies feel the same.

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how do i get a black gf as an nb
tell me
Ask out black queer women? Idk anon, I'm a chocolate chaser myself but I don't have any real life experience talking to any. I just find them incredibly beautiful and wish my white ancestors didn't make me live in a city with none of them in it.
not even they'd stoop that low
What's an nb?
theyfab or theymab?

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Bottoms don't need arms and legs
biden's america is gemmy af
Is that the baby from eraserhead?

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>see post on 4chan
>get angry
>close tab
is this malebrained or fembrained
i'm genuinely concerned with how angry i get at things

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Do u use the women or men’s bathroom

And what’s ur assigned gender at birth
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US, was in california all my life until 2021; transitioned at ~34
at some point the other anon took over for me here in your discussion
i don't mean to be a pickme with my views, i just want to stay realistic about what is scientifically possible on hormones. especially for me, i started at 27 and you just don't really make it at that point
if im going to call myself a woman i have to earn it. this is why i still boymode and use my original name. pre-transition i was a man who called himself "she" for comfort. now a good ways in on my transition i'm closer to the goal but still not there. and i'm just working to accept the idea i might never make it
i use the mens bathroom and i hate it so much
there is usually only one or two cubicles and i sure as hell ain't using the urinal, so i have to stand around awkwardly with everyone staring at me while i wait for some guy to finish taking a dump
>i don't mean to be a pickme
but you are. same shit, different tribe.
how? my motivation is internal, im not trying to win over bigots

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What's with transgirls being unable to drive cars? It's pretty cute ngl but I notice a lot of you can't drive. You need to learn how to drive to live in this society ladies.
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I'm not trans but I haven't owned a car in decades. Walking, biking, mass transit, and uber all exist. I have a license but it's mostly used for ID and for car rentals when I'm in places with shitty transit, like europe

Trans girls have their issues and I've got a number of things I disagree with them on politically, especially the unhinged racism and homophobia, but I'm with them on the driving thing, being a cager is not something to be proud of

>and yet you participate in society
I accept your concession
i can drive but i haven't driven in four years or so ever since leaving my parents' house. i live in a euro megacity now where having a car is more of a hindrance than a help so i don't own one anymore, saves having to pay for insurance and so on.
lots of copes in here for not being able to drive and I assume neets
im both a woman (retarded) and amab (dangerous)

I should not be behind the wheel
Acting like your shitbox is a huge flex that impresses everyone is third world tier, where in sub saharan africa are you posting from?

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I taker estradiol and bicalutamide but still identify as a guy, what do?
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Why do people become preoccupied with what they identify as? Why do people fall for this lame tumblr trick?
holy fuck im so drunk
the chems you take don't change how you identify, that's on you
You're as valid of a man as a pre t ftm, which is completely valid! I hope your partner appreciates your mind and body for what you like them to be.

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i'm considering FFS when i can afford it but i'm absolutely terrified of complications, recovery or ending up looking worse than before. i'm extremely squeamish and have a general phobia of anything to do with doctors and hospitals to the point where going to my GP gives me palpitations, so going through a surgery that's essentially a simulation of being chucked head-first through a windscreen in a car crash is frightening to say at the least and idk if i could cope with some of the things i've read about what the days or weeks after FFS are like. while i don't have issues passing in day-to-day life, i spend a lot of time agonising over some of my features like my slight brow bossing and my stronger than average chin/jaw. this has been going on for years at this point and i'd probably get some relief from them being gone, but maybe not if it'd just be replaced by agonising over scarring in my already fine hair, sagging skin under my chin, etc. nerve damage and permanent numbness also scare me, it seems like hell for someone with sensory issues like me. what advice would you give someone in this situation?
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I am also terrified of this bumperino
yeah i wish i was one of those people who could fling myself into it no questions asked but i'm too apprehensive. i've been transitioning for years now and hesitated about getting surgeries for a long time. i guess i feel like something like SRS seems a bit more clearcut (i know recovery is long and results are variable but it seems relatively foolproof when the primary relief is just from having my dick gone, it's certain that things will be better after), whereas FFS is much more ambiguous in the sense that i might still not like how i look after or even hate my appearance more, especially in the initial stages of swelling and before i can fix the sagging skin.
Give your money to me so i can get FFS instead, I won't bitch about it
i have €200 in my account lol this is more long term planning for when i have a job again and can save for these things.

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I may have rose-tinted goggles on the matter forgive me
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Ok and? I had a personal friend 30 years ago who was, if you go back through old newspapers there were people 70 years ago doing it, doesn't change the fact that it's vastly more common now than it was then
so why would that make it less likely she is? in the same "quiet" flat that we were in, there was already at least two others outspoken, so why not more?
Does it matter? it's the same thing, mtfs transition into female autists
I mean just answer, I asked here first but I can ask more terfy places I guess. I mean no ill harm I'm just wondering if I missed something that everyone I knew at that time realised, which wouldn't be a surprise, they knew how autistic and unaware I was, and used it against me regularly. I already no longer talk to that friend group
hooding over the eyes and orbits suggests yes anon. do you care more if she was?

I always see mtfs talking about being blessed by an unknown female deity, almost like they are ruled by her. Who is she?
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Rolling a joint mixed with angel dust to go meet her. Come along anonette, smoke the black dust, and become a vessel.

We live in a world where those attributes and pursuits that are most highly praised have ascribed to them masculine association. So magnificent is Athena that in addition to her prototypically feminine pursuits she also casually excels in those male-coded pursuits, exceeding heroic men and most gods to the point that she's better at warfare than the god of war.

I think most women, but especially the STEM-heavy mtf coder cohort, can find much to admire in her
thankyou i will keep up my efforts!
When they say this they are referring to Chris chan.

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