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>REAL women don't have AGP you disgusting rapehon ogre freak--- ACK
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you can think that if you want but it's pretty telling that your only response is "that never happened" when I know for a fact that it did. I know that there's no way for me to prove it or convince you as an anonymous stranger on the internet sharing a personal anecdote, but I'm genuinely super curious, hypothetically if you DID believe me, what would you think? Would you at least agree that (IF it was true) it would call into question the legitimacy of agp as a concept? Or would you then pivot to "your ex is just a freak" ?
Not going to read, whatever it is. Enjoy viving in your pornographic, voyeuristic opiodic delusions.
No Anon, it is not normal for men.
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if you're attracted physically to women = you're AGP according to Blanchard
declaratively heterosexual cis women are attracted physically to women as proven by brain imaging
>activations more responsive to female stimuli in sensory processing areas, and activations more responsive to male stimuli in areas associated with social cognition
isn't this literally the meta-attraction meme?

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How do I start dressing more feminine or at least androgynous?
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I didn’t want assaulted or harassed
If there's real danger just to however you look in some slightly faggy or feminine clothes, you won't feel safe until you're armed or living somewhere else, and if you're just armed are you gonna really be *happy* or merely living in even more fear waiting for the worst to happen? And if it's just misplaced fear / paranoia, you know even better then if the danger is real that dressing fem will be inherently scary.

The goal, then, is to nudge things both to get yourself comfortable and less noided out about this, and to see how genuine the worries are -- after all, maybe you do live in some shithole where assault or harassment really could be a major issue.

I still think you'd be surprised though, you can look really-not-passing without being disgusting if you're dressing / presenting yourself much like I suggested in >>35833149 overall. Someone who's clean and looks even just a bit androgynous will usually just be ignored, you're harmless and doing your own thing.
As a tangent off of the bulge in female jeans, you can easily get around this with tucking underwear, tomboyx sells pairs online, wear them under you normal underwear if you're still worried but they're generally really effective eliminating bulge. i wear a women's small-medium depending on the store, am 5.5 inches, and have no issue hiding my crotch area entirely.
bump for whatever

>I was born with a small penis, a lot of people made fun of that even my cousins.
>femenine figure and small boobs
> made friends with an older trans woman on videogame discord server even though I barely know English.
>I thought it was a good idea to go all the way and I bought hrt (otokonoko). Since shem told me I have a good potential and she also guided me on the dose and how to buy.
>Came to my family after some months because they noticed I look like a girl. They went crazy but accepted it after some weeks.
> my goal now is to get a nice boyfriend, get married and live and not have to worry about work or money. I know how to cook clean and all that stuff I'm not lazy I'm just too bad at men's stuff.
> Idk what's my sexuality I used to be straight. But now Idc about dating women, it seems just a hassle and waste of money. I guess I'm straight the other way around now.
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How tall are u and how much do u weigh anon?
did you and your friends not all compare? how did you determine male hierarchy then?
Anon, are you still here? Where are you from? And how tall are you?
I'm latina and 5'6

>walk past sephora every day
>this sign is mocking me
Are they accusing me of being a repper? It's because I googled something while not in incognito mode? Why won't Big Trans leave me alone? I wouldn't even care but they're rubbing it in my face, how can I delete this from my permanent record?
no, schizo

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twink chaser here
How do i pull a tranny like this? What do they like?
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>What do they like?
>twink chaser
you're already perfectly capable to desu
>you're already perfectly capable
how are you so sure about that?
The real answer is they behave almost exactly the way redpill pick up artists think cisf do, with the fun bonus that almost all mtf are mentally unwell and desperate for affection. If that sounds like encouragement to manipulate them then I wish you a wonderful time in discovering the negatives that I have spelled out to you
twinks are the most desirable form of male

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Does your maxilla pass?

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I just want to be someone's pretty little sweatheart
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What are you doing to achieve your goal?
work out
Tfw no ftm to suck off and listen to sperg…
Tomboy supremacy boo

It's Friday motherfuckers post yourself and tell other people if they pass and whatever else yk what to do
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There's no way you'll be scared of me once you get to know me, and I wish you would give me a chance to get to know you
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My fiancé was playing with my hair last night and I wouldn't have guessed half up half down would be my thing, but I think I actually like it a lot. It's pretty cute <3

(this is all I have to contribute but I love you all <3)
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Getting FFS done in a week or so, is there any hope for me?
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Girls that make me come without effort.
How do I unscare you

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Just how did the idea of being a girl appear in my head when I was 5yo? I never had a chance to transition earlier 18, but I still didn't make in 20. I know I will be a deformed freak forever. Why just don't stop wanting it? I will never reach it. What the point?? Why it's so irrational? Why did I do this to myself? Why don't I want to give it up? It's pointless from the beginning.

They all just want to use me, if i go repping with gf she will just use me and we will never have a connection. If i troon out, they will leave me or again use me as a sex toy. I'm not a toy. I'm literally a subhuman in society.

Just why? Just how? NO BO DY TOLD ME THAT I AM TROON EV ER! I did it myself, just who how for what? So fucking hate this all. I'm pointless. Why I am so stupid?

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you didn't "make" yourself dysphoric if you were dysphoric at the age of 5
take your pills, shut the fuck up
i can't afford pills
the best advice for all reppers is to be poor af
wym not work for it?
dont have a job to afford it or dont want to put in the effort?
agh i guess it would be pointless to describe
It's not your fault, anon. Calm down.

Why are women always stereotyped as being grudge holders when they're the far more empathetic and thus forgiving gender?
You stereotyped women as more empathetic and more forgiving.
men will give you shit for you pissing them off immediately after you do so. w*men will premeditate sinister bullshit and ruin your fucking life
>Why are women always stereotyped as being grudge holders
because they are
>they're the far more empathetic and thus forgiving gender
empathetic =! forgiving
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What if I give people shit immediately after *and* continue being openly hostile for months and years after? Am I bothbrained?
that's called bpd

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Hi, sorry if you dislike the term, I just wanted to specify so some random dude who doesn’t like trans woman don’t comment on it.

I am wondering if any of the chasers see himself as marrying a trans woman when they are older. I feel like I don’t wanna spend the second half of my life alone. I wonder if there are any people who are happily married to trans woman or consider that.
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That's like saying would I move to texas if it wasn't full of crazy people. Like, sure I guess, it depends? The universe would be so different at that point that who knows what the options might be.
What's the point of marrying someone who can't have kids. That, after all, is the essential reason for marriage.

Gay marriage is a sham.
Happily married for almost 10 years.
Any fruit?
why the fuck would i transition. i love being a man

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>wear girl clothes
>get boner
I wish it was at least smaller, it makes me feel like a pervert...
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imagine advertising goyslop in your selfie, what kind of soulless bugman shit is that
Was your bulge visible?
Why doesn't literally every trans girl get a chastity cage?
you are a pervert, you nasty trans slut
because they suck ass and are generally more visible than your creepy boner. Literally getting used to women’s clothes and letting shrinkage take the wheel is the better option

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Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit.
i have no idea if that is some real quote but it looks like anything else youd see with some verse notation at the end

it just kindof amuses me that people "study" that when it's just word salad it could mean practically anything
Bumping to slide a tranime thread off the 'log

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