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Last time on /st4t/!


Qott: If you're in a relationship, how's it going, and if not, what are your relationship goals?
link and zelda are so st4t fr
also how do you mod a console game? tf
This time we're getting it to bump limit
Let's fuckin do it.
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Oh also, hacked consoles. I hacked my Switch, and I installed a mod for Smash Ultimate that turns Daisy into Bridget!
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One day I will train-hop through eastern europe with a trans girl, we will lie in an open gondala looking out into the night, sleep in hammocks in the forest, and of course take LSD to appreciate the imagery.
As a tranny with train autism, this sounds like my dream anon <3 Would you hold my hand on the train rides?
Of course anonette, especially when it's bumpy.
That's so sweet anon <3
I want to know how it's going for that trans girl from last thread and her grindr FtM
lsd and fast moving metal objects do not mix
We'll take it when we're in the hammocks then.
I was too scared to say anything back and will try again tomorrow
It’s absurd how scared I am of anything romantic
Alright so I told this story a few days ago in ftmg but figured I'll tell it here too? Figured everyone here would like it.
>be me
>moved in with new roomie about 5 months ago
>roomie is ftm
>last week on Tuesday, said he felt really bad and was throwing up
>Asked if he would like some grilled cheese and tomato soup as that always helps me when I don't feel good
>Said he'd love some
>Cook em up, and bring to his room
>He smiles and says "What did I do to get such a sweet girl like you as a roomate?"
>made me smile and blush
>Kissed his forehead and told him "Get better."
>Cut to last Friday
>Taking a shower, slip and fall in the shower, and bring the shower rod down with me.
>He immediately rushes in to make sure I'm okay
>Sees my nude body
>Wraps me in a towel and places me on the couch, gives me the concussion test
>deemed that I don't have a concussion
>he and I chat on the couch more
>things get intimate
>Ultimately lead to us having sex
>Next few days were really really awkward but we talked about it yesterday evening at dinner
>Both of us have an actual date date this coming Saturday with each other to see how we feel about a relationship as more than just roommates
Cute story anon :3 Good luck with your date!
bump, keep the thread alive!!!!
>ftm strong enough to lift troon
makes your fake story sound even faker
Fuck outta our thread retard
He helped me get up, he didn't lift me and carry me to the couch
omg didn't know this was a thing. I'm ftm and I just need cock and would love to be fucked by a trans girl. I feel like they're mostly subs tho
It's new, welcome! I'm a trans girl but ever since my orchi, it takes a lot to get me hard these days. And I don't get horny for days now.
nah we're not all subs, i'd love a ftm bf who was into soft femdom
Good luck anonette
id go st4t to ride trans with a trans guy. but we wouldn't ride junk
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That's a shame because I would also love to sail a junk around the world with a trans girl
Bump 4st4t
I will build a house on a rural mediterranean coast with my own two hands for a trans girl gf. Finally escape the degeneracy and fray of society and find enlightenment together with a simple life.
I AM! It's going great we met 2 years ago became friends and 4 months ago we finally started dating. She is awesome, super nice, super smart, super empathetic and giga pretty. I love her so much.
The 0 to 100 sweary hostility is the ftm equivalent of "uwu <3" femininity troons affect.
So based. Do you have any experience with building stuff? I’ve really gotten into it home improvement and building shit myself and I love it. Like people are asking me for advice now
don't do it, you're obviously not ready
I want an ftm bf to punish me, just fuck me up. Take control during sex and doesn't let me say a word. I know that sounds odd.
OP here, found this while scrolling TikTok and found it too cute not to share.

Dibs. no one else can message him he’s my boyfriend now
I’ve had a ftm carry me before
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>piv between two consenting trans people bad because.... i have brainworms
to the people who say this i must say, why do you insist on projecting your own self hatred and dysphoria outward onto happy people just doing they what they want? why can't you just hate every part of yourself in peace? why project your retarded belief system onto everyone else and police what they do?
I can only speak for myself, but, my ftm bf and I do piv, but he's still in control, he'll get ontop of me, grab my penis, and slowly ease me into him, and then he does most of the work. It's not perfect, but it works really well for us.
just a tourist passing by but it's not just in that context, some of the people on this board go absolutely ballistic at the idea that some girl don't want to die when they do anything with their dick, it's just sad
Yea this is really enjoyable
Glad the thread is still going when I wake up. Good morning anons.
Good evening anon :) How did you sleep?
Surprisingly well. My sleep schedule's been insane lately but finally last night I went to bed at 11 and woke up at 7. Feels good.
What'd you dream about? Also nice trips!
Had a dream I was dating the girl I had a crush on in high school. Just hanging around my hometown with her.
Was she trans?
No, she was cis. I'm into trans and cis girls (though I'd especially like a trans girl to have someone who understands dysphoria).
I feel that anon. I like cis men as well as trans men, but I do prefer trans men for the same reason.
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>had a dream for the first time in days
>it involves my ex boyfriend
does my brain think it's FUNNY to do this to me?
need some st4t in my life before i truly go kooky from loneliness
I'm 5'10 ftm and I need shorter mtf gf
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>5'10 ftm
you're a big guy...
>I'm 5'10
t. 5'8 manlet
Saw this tonight and wanted to share.
Obligatory me and who
Well are you an FtM or MtF anon?
Fuck, meant for
>5'10 ftm
I'm 5'5"
how do i get my ftm bf to stop calling himself a tranny? i've been telling him it's a word for mtfs only but he won't listen to me
I'm FtM. Hence manlet.
It's not a "word for mtfs".
It's a word for trans people.
no one calls ftms trannies anon
it means mtf
Yes they do. You are incorrect, sorry.
show me one instance of this happening
Someone's mother screamed tranny at me from her car when I was in highschool and I'm ftm
Please do not derail the thread anons
No one de-railed anything.
Derailing good because it keeps the thread alive
Good night friends. Hope you match with a cute MtF or FtM on your app of choice while I'm asleep.
I have a date with an autistic trans girl on Saturday. How do I not fuck this up bros? She's a little socially awkward, but she's cute.
wish i had advice but im a khhv
spoken like someone who's never tried lsd lol
What the hell is that?
kissless, hugless, handholdless virgin
Oh. I see. Hmm. Maybe I should ask ftmg.
by junk i mean junk trains. i ride intermodallike doublestacks or pigs
i want to be raped by a tboy. ive only ever been with cis men and would probably cum the second i got inside him and id want him to beat the shit out of me for it. possibly killing me
Other than being beaten, I feel this too anonette :(
ok honestly i probably dont want to get beat up like that
i'm lonely but i'm afraid to put myself out there
in an ideal world...
I have, though admittedly never in a hammock.
i keep talking to trans women on apps who seem interested but end up losing all interest when i tell them i'm 151 cm tall...
no that's cute :(
>t. 174cm trans girl
these girls are just shallow
I'm 5'5" It's unironically cute anon. I would date you c:
me too :c
bro theyre retarded. short boys are cute and i love you
was talking to this tgirl and she tried to stab me as a joke a few months ago. last relationship was years ago with a cis man. feeling kinda hopeless on relationships but im enjoying being single.
I have a date with a trans guy on Saturday!!!!!!! c: We're going to an Italian restaurant he likes, and then going to a movie. We haven't decided on the movie yet, but hey I'm just happy!
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YIPPEE! happy for you anon
i'm FtM with an MtF. we share the same birthday which is pretty cool.
our relationship is going pretty swell, saw her today and hung out at her house before leaving for work. cuddled and made a bunch of silly, autistic jokes which made her laugh.
i love tdick so fucking much <3
trans guys would you date a tomboymoder mtf?
ITT: post ships with st4t vibes
Would you get topped by one?
I would c:
Cute! How long have you two been together?
Mtfs, would you date androgynous moding ftms?
Maybe. I do prefer traditional masculinity tho.
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i already posted roxas and xion so here's another
also eva and neil from to the moon (if anyone remembers that game)
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yusuke x futaba, peak autism x autism
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can't believe i didn't think of this considering my babytrans phase consisted of... a lot of futaba profile pictures
if we talking persona then i'm gonna throw out sho minazuki and labrys (which is admittedly a crackship)
>be me
>bi mtf
>go on grindr
>look for ftm bf
>all of them are gayden bottoms
Do top poonchads only exist online?? Wtf
I don't believe this thread is real. This gotta be a psyop. No mtfs like ftms. Mtfs are deeply annoyed by us and it shows.
This whole thread is a psyop. Mtfs can get along with anyone. Cism, cisf, other mtfs even theyfabs/mabs.
But the moment you're ftm, you're like a piece of shit that doesn't deserve to live in their eyes. No mtf actually want to love ftm. You pooners are truly reatrded if you believe in this.
You want only poonchads?
I love my ftm friends! I'm mtf myself, and hell one of my former roommates is a trans guy. He and I got along really well, and he even helped me start learning how to drive. I used to be scared to drive, and he helped me overcome my fear of that.
Can yoh stop fucking invading every thread that talks about ftms and mtfs with your schizo nonsense. Get off the 4chin for your own sake
I always thought shuichi gave off pooner Vibes
God I am excited for my date tomorrow c: Seeing a trans guy, and we decided on a movie! We're gonna go see Challengers c:
You probably see him as nothing more but a reatrded foid.
>schizo nonsense
Turn around the world.
Why do you think this anon? Are you okay? Who hurt you?
Im just teeling you the truth.
No you aren't. Nothing you've said is truthful. I'm literally going on a date with a trans guy tomorrow.
After you found yourself a "real man" you will talk how he is just annoying, retarded deluded foid who ruined trans community with foid bullshit.
depends what androgynous moder entails
What is acceptable? Im not femboy if you think that
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This may be cheating a bit, because of it being last gen's op pic, but, ever since I started transitioning to female, Zack and Aerith give me strong st4t vibes.
need misogynistic lazy gamer ftm bf
which dating apps are the best to find an ftm bf on?
Taimi. It's not great, but it's really your only chance
is it normal to feel really protective of trans girls as a trans guy
but he's taller?
Absolutely. I have a trans gf, and it took everything in me not to beat the shit out of this guy who laughed at her a few months ago. She's kinda visibly trans, and it scares her.
you seem like an amazing boyfrien, yr girlfriend is lucky
>took everything in me not to beat the shit out of this guy who laughed at her a few months ago
holy based
Thanks anon. Only reason I didn't do it is I didn't wanna get arrested on our date.
Post op ftm x post op mtf is the purest form of love.
desu mtf x ftm is just purest form of love in general.
Goodnight anons c: Here's hoping thread is still alive tomorrow.
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don't forget the original danganronpa st4t couple
just as it should be
is it normal that my bf requires i shave my pubes and armpit hair? i never did it before dating him desu
He just likes it. I wouldn't worry about it.
Morning thread! Glad to see it's still alive. How's everyone's day so far?
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my day's been great! i went to the gym, then got to go to this local restaurant that i really like. when i got home i played persona 4 arena with my friends, and i stayed up overnight...
hoping that tonight i can go to bed at a reasonable time and fix my terrible sleep schedule, i've been waking up when the sun is setting the past few days which is really bad
How do I get an FtM bf? I can't stand cis men anymore. I went on a date with a chaser last night, and he wanted to go all the way in the back of the restaurant, and then said he wanted to take me to his place. I left because I honestly didn't feel safe, but that's my point! I'm tired of not being safe, if I had an ftm bf I know I'd be safe.
Pls respond :(
am i the only person who wants a ftm not because they're "safer" than cis men, but because i want someone who understands and respects my journey, and someone i could do the same for an genuinely care for on a deeper personal level than i could likely ever get from a cis man, i dont view them as a second option but my first
>Question for all mtfs here
What type of ftm you like the most? I want to chase you, but I don't know what you like.
probably missed some things but ideally
>around my height, a little shorter or taller i dont mind (im 5'7)
>longish hair, a little bit of that weak facial hair if he's able to grow it
>unpopular, not many friends or ambitions (like me)
>midwestern emo type fashion, no tattoos or piercings but visibly puts a little effort into how he dresses
>chill personality, dark humour, someone who will say random things to keep conversation going, shy tho and maybe awkward
>twinkish but squishy with slight muscle definition
>body hair
>cuddly and touch deprived
>a little nerdy with niche interests he's passionate about
dont die thread :c
Bump :P
skinny ftms with facial hair and lots of tattoos
Why is no one replying? :(((((((>>35852389
it's crazy how much stronger my ftm bf is compared to me even tho he's like 11 cm shorter
How so?
love that for you. I go at the gym specifically to be capable to carry my gf around anywhere. If we go out late by the time we need to go back home she wants to be carried back. I love doing it ofc, she is too tall to be on my shoulders so i need to carry her wife style. My arms do get sore after 30 min tho, yesterday I was exhausteddddd.
Go to queer events, go on apps, go to gyms and queer bars and scout out the ftm boyfriend of your dreams. Compliment them on masculine traits, flirt a bit and if they are straight it's gonna be very easy. Just be touchy, flirty, make jokes and laugh, try to always find a way to hang out and do stuff he or both of you like.
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you are not the only person anon because i exist
you're so based anon
i hope my demands aren't unreasonable
>not balding
>approaching my height or taller (i'm 5'5)
>masculine (duh)
>dominant (sorry... i couldn't be dom if i tried)
>ok with no buttstuff (sorry)
I wonder why, truyl
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we don't know how to get boyfriends either
Link is MtF
he's a pooner
>see obviously male character
>it's a mtf
Nuh nuh
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before /st4t/ die
anyone wanna admit they got a crush on me
fake and gay
Who are you?
he can pin me down really easily...
Do I sound ok, mtfs
>ftm 20
>no tattoos, piercings etc
>skinny, white
>short brown hair
>not much hairy except legs and little happy trail
get tattoos they make everyone look hotter
I wish you were older anon :( I'm 30.
what is the mtf to ftm ratio of this gen?
This is all good and everything but what are you like beyond just physical appearance. Are you an overtly masculine personality? Are you very interested in certain things?

Physical attractiveness is obviously important but like that's not something you can express with a list of appearance traits so much and also it's not the only thing.
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idk man i just wanted to save the thread
if we actually hit bump limit that'd be pretty cray cray
seconding >>35871170
im ftm
im mtf
looks like it's 1:1
yes, also dont get tattoos if you dont want them
everyone should get them
10/10 mtf just messaged me and I know she is real.
Guys what the fuck do I do I already ignored her for 3 days now I dont know what to say
I have the ‘tism and can’t handle pretty women
Based and true
i hate getting hard when i'm cuddling with my bf ;-;
>I already ignored her for 3 days
it's over
Im retardation
This cannot be
I'm seeing a trans guy on Friday. First T4T date I've ever had :) How do I not blow this?
could just tell her you're nervous
>How do I not blow this?
by blowing him
He hasn't had bottom surgery yet tho.
you can blow his tdick
I mean, I don't have sex on the first date. Here's some factoids about him
>5'4" (I'm 5'7")
>Relatively muscular, wants to be a UFC fighter
>Very protective personality, especially of girls
>Loves going out to bars and musical festivals
>Very outdoorsy
He currently works construction too.
Heading to bed. What do you anons think about the idea of this guy?
>Very protective personality, especially of girls
>dreamt i had a hot ftm bf
felt sad when i woke up and it wasn't real :(
emergency bump to stop thread dying
Why does it say Page: ? Never seen that before
i need a tgirl to keep locked in my basement and drain of blood regularly (for drinking)
Vampire ftm bf?
how do i convince my gf to let me try using a strap on her again? i did once and she didn't like it and doesn't want to do it again. currently are relationship (in terms of sex) is just her occasionally performing oral on me which is fine for me of course but i don't like how one sided it is
Average incel post in the trans ethnostate, 2040
Bumping cause don't want thread to die
t. mtf
just tell her topping gives you gender euphoria and it makes you dysphoric when you can't top her.
maybe ask her what she didnt like about it and see if there are possible work arounds
>no cute mtf gf to move in with and love forever
why even live
What do you except in relationship
Only that?
making out
going down on him >_<
him licking and massaging my feet..
need subby ftm bf to cuddle with and call him my good boy
need ftm bf to call me (girl) his good boy
Talking to a trans guy on Taimi right now, who's only a city away. We're hitting it off really really well, and he and I have a lot of common interests, he's Bi so I worry he may gayden out on me tho :(
Oh boy... he revealed he's Christian. Idk bout this one...
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She's a boymoder and the MtF headcannon has been here longer than people claiming she's a pooner in the last 5 years
he's a guy who crossdressed to get into a town men aren't allowed to visit
how is that mtf lol
what kind of christian...
Not sure on his subsect. But as a former Christian who grew up as a Bi boy into a Het MtF, I got bullied so badly as a kid by mostly Christian kids. Not sure I can go through it again...
>Tfw no perverted sex obsessed trans bf
my girlfriend makes fun of me for my obsession with her feet
what's wrong with him being christian, unless he isn't a fundamentalist
me fr
I am in a relationship. It's going great. Since she is a programmer we are thinking of moving to Ireland and I can me a farmer!
do you like it when she teases you about it?
yeah kindaaaaa
someone pls make a new threaddddd
this one hasn't reached bump limit?
fair but it's getting boringgg
make it more exciting!
Nuh nuh, mtfs have zelda
What is your favourite video game? what kind of video games you like the most?
>What is your favourite video game?
the world ends with you
>what kind of video games you like the most?
jrpgs, tactical rpgs, and survival horror.
wish i was sucking tdick rn

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