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Is pepper spray any good against wolves or dogs?

What can you do about wild boars?

How about beavers?
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Beavers are immune to all attacks.
I relentlessly mock the use of pepper spray for bears. But I actually know it's quite effective for dogs. And I suspect it would be similarly effective for wolves.
No clue about wild swine. But I've been attacked by a domesticated sow protecting her piglets. And the only thing that saved my leg was my father breaking an axe handle over her head. She lived, but was kinda retarded and clumsy for the rest of her life.
I wouldn't be surprised if pepper spray was less effective on wild boars
>I relentlessly mock the use of pepper spray for bears
Why? its def worked for some people. better than nothing.
It probably works for predatory attacks because predators seek easy kills.
But for defensive encounters, particularly if cubs are involved its next to useless.
I think a large body of the research on it was it simply being deployed on false charges
are you a tree?
>defensive encounters, particularly if cubs are involved its next to useless
This guy got attacked by a sow with 2 cubs. bear spray saved his life
Why would you fight beavers?
>But for defensive encounters, particularly if cubs are involved its next to useless.
bears are not that smart, if you blind them they will get confused and freak out, not coldly continue attacking

maybe if he already bite you its over, but otherwise you should be fine
Yeah, whatever fags
Great. You have an anecdote. What’s your point? You can find anecdotes of all sorts of outcomes for grizzly encounters. Nothing works 100% of the time even guns.
>Is pepper spray any good against wolves or dogs?
Yes, but it doesn't stop them. Just makes their eyes tear and their noses smell, so you have a better chance of escaping.
Sprays are unreliable though, as they can always lose pressure with no warning sign. The one time I had to use them (well, thought so, at least), that can only got a range of approx 30cm instead of the advertised 3m. That was a 4 months old can that had been kept in the house most of the time - carry one on your belt in the sun, and it'll lose pressure even quicker.
If you can afford it and aren't limited by retarded UK or US laws, carrying a pepper gun (a revolver or sawed of shotgun firing what's basically a cartridge where the bullet was replaced with a pepper / wax mixture) is much better.

But really, having encountered both wolves and boars a few times now, usually from distances below 5m, I never actually needed to fight them. Unleashed, badly trained dogs are a different matter, but fighting them off usually ends up with having to intimidate or fight the owner too, so I'd want something more convincing than an irritant.
>didn’t work once therefore it never works
How fucking retarded are you?
> doubling down on cope
Lol. Same as it ever was.
Just get bear spray.
Bears run when you spray because they instinctively know not to mess with things that hiss and skunks. Predatory bears are not frequently deterred by bear spray.
Sounds like a classic false charge. Didn't need bearspray
>bear turns around and charges again at full tilt with different body language
> it was just kidding
>coping this hard

extremely effective against cunt dogs that want to bite you....the only problem is the owner after they figure out you maced their shithead dog, so make sure you have can with enough juice left to spray them as well
I know for sure it works on junkies
for larger animals it might be effective, but for dogs, nothing beats a rock. (free)
Of course the guy who hates dogs also goes right to stoning. Have you said your daily seven prayers?

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