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What do you smoke when you're /out/? I'm not a smoker but I enjoy picrel when I go outing.
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Nature joints are killer. Smoking with a view is even more killer, go for a hike and spark up at the top where you can see for 30+ miles.
get addicted to vaping so you never forget extra batteries for you flashlight.
You're simnply too young to appreciate these things, it's obvious from a mile away.

And yeah, I love whiskey and pipes. So what?
NTA but I don't understand the appeal of cigars either. You don't even inhale them? The entire point is just the act of smoking. tasting, and smelling the cigar? It seems like you risk a lot for something that other things do a lot better.
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Smoking an Allegria Lonsdale. It has improved since when I first bought them, which was 1+ years ago. Yesterday, I smoked a bowl of Capstan Gold in a cob, great blend.
There's also a nicotine buzz, and the risk is actually incredibly low.

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this was funny anon
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I fucking love this dude.
I don't know for certain of course, but honestly I'd be fine with getting smacked around a bit when acting out if it might I had a dad who constantly took me to cool as fuck /out/ places. He's kids certainly had it better than I did.
do you suppose he beats the ones he suspects of being gay extra hard?

You have been abducted by aliens and they are telling You that you are going to be dropped onto an uninhabited planet with an Earthlike atmosphere and and an ecosystem identical to the pacific northwest.

they have given you a set of thrirteen empty boxes whose interiors is 1 foot tall 2 feet wide and 8 feet long, you may request anything you want for on the planet and you have a weight limit of 35 pounds each (not including the box itself) you will not be leaving the planet, no rescue is coming

One box will come with you the other 12 will arrive in six month intervals

What do you pack?
How do you pack it?
Which do you take with you initially?
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i dont think he gets that
>box 1: 1 gun, a rifle (probably a lightweight .308 build), 3 mags for the rifle, 90 rounds for the rifle. lightest 1 person tent those alien fuckers can find on amazon (thats about 10lbs down).
Fill remainder with one lightweight nalgene waterbottle (refillable), one knife + edge straightener, one water filter, set of ultra lightweight insulating clothes, some lightweight footwear. remaining 5 lbs are filled with the highest calorie shelf-stable mush those alien bastards can whip up. one box of 200 matches to top off.

I should be able to live in the lightweight tent and hunt / scavenge for food with the gun / knife. Water is taken care of. the main purpose of the gun is because PNW has grizzlies, I am not gonna fuck with those.

box 2: 5lbs more of water purification crap. a pot, more filters, some matches. I can begin to move off of filter reliability and start to boil my own water. military style cot, tarp, down blankets. knife sharpener (the edge straightener will likely start to have diminishing returns at this point) and replacement knife.

with this I can set up a more all-seasons solution to living there.

box 3: fleshlight, basic supplies similar to box 2, except stuffing all the spare space with food to prepare for winter.

boxes 4-13: food
>80% of the vegs from those seeds have barely any calories
>only one corn type
box 1 basically an alone loadout + some calories + .22 rifle

after that i'd have to think on order but i'd want survival, construction stuff, food production next

survival stuff, like a big metal pot, lots of paracord and rope, big fishing kit, tarps, several water filters + extra filters, lots of plastic bags to store things. lots of multi vitamin bottles.
then remainder of my summer / winter hiking stuff
construction equipment, screws nails, tools, saws to mill lumber.
5 books on both pre and post industrial technology.
6 pistol, rifle, ammo, optics
7 and 8 high calorie foods
9 seeds and farm equipment. foldable shovel, pickaxe
10 solar chargers and batteries

i think it'd be pretty easy if you got all 12 boxes each a week apart. 6 months i don't know there's a fairly decent chance you die early. if you could get to box 2 and 3 you'd be ok.
Dead thread

Bought a mountain bike today. Gonna go riding on some trails tomorrow.

Anyone here mountain bike? Can I get a quick rundown
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>the gains are minimal at best.
>never getting a flat
I think one of the most important things to learn is good braking. On downhills, using your rear brake will cause you to slide around. Learn good brake control with your front brake, and it'll save you from crashes later on. Maybe just ride around on the flat and see how different braking pressures feel (with the front brake of course). Then just as you ride, focus on mostly using your front brake, and you should get the hang of it quickly.
OP's bike doesn't have brakes, it has slowers.
When you brake only with the back brake it doesn't slow you down that much unless you really pull it, which will cause it to lock up. In order to have maximum slowdown you have to use the front brake. However with the front brake you risk going over the bars. You counter this by keeping your butt behind the seat. This is even more important when going downhill as you are already leaning forward and encouraging the bike to tip. So you really got to get behind the seat and lower your center of gravity.
I mean you have to use both brakes together, back brake only locks up and front brake alone you go over the bars.

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Bit of a stupid question. Are crampons sold as a set or individually?
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is there no /out/ archive? I wanted to look up discussions of mountains and hiking in my state (NC)
You aren't missing much. Any discussion of east coast mountains inevitably dissolves into mindless shit-flinging because of anons with differing definitions of "mountain".
Saw moms box in the bathroom once, think they come in packs of 8, 10 or 12
Weird, I also saw your mom's box.

Where can I just walk for like, years and years? Florida? California?

Lease ending in a few months and for the last few years I've basically been holding onto society by a thread. I can't keep it up anymore. I'm out of jobs that I think I could do. I'm out of money. I lack the parts to be normal. I'll probably miss my last rent payment, but I am just too crazy to get a job. It's just not there for me anymore. That ship has sailed. So it's time to be a hobo. Walking is all I've ever been good at.
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>i refuse to do things because theyre illegal
get rid of this attitude or you will not make it as a hobo
accept you'll get talked to by cops and possibly put in jail for a night, try shit and learn from experience what cops do and don't give a flying fuck about
hint: this one falls firmly into the "they don't" category
It has always been like this. Economic conditions have merely forced the woods dwellers out of their habitats and back into their tiny studios, where they are forced to reminisce of the days when they could afford to clock out of work, fuck off into the woods, and re-emerge two days later for the next week.
Sounds cool got any stories? I walked south to north a few years ago and had a blast
Ive never had any issues with this, got stopped once by bored cops cause i was walking w traffic and they told me to cross the road and walk on the other side. You sound like a pussy, stay in your cope shed.
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Anyone use these for camping?

I like the idea that you sleep off the ground and it sets up fast
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>USB rechargeable
Why is this so common now? Even if I'm car camping, I'd still have to turn on the car, plug it in, and wait. I'd rather just have something where I can carry spare batteries and change them if needed. The rechargeable flashlights are particularly stupid.
Why don't you just get a hammock tent?

It's easier to hike in and out with a tent suspended by straps than stilts. They're a lot lighter and they accomplish the exact same thing.
I bang your mom inna hammock tent
I got a usb-fan-with-battery at Walmart and it literally has a lithium battery that is removable as if a normal AA or AAA battery. Just pop off the cover and pull it out like normal, but it’s a big ol’ lithium battery, probably 18650 or whatever.

I think the idea behind everything being rechargeable (removable battery or not) is that you can use small solar to recharge or to trickle charge constantly so that it’s always ready to go (like a flashlight in a power outage)
Because it's a no brainer to use the number one connection standard for typical electronic accessories. What else would you use, besides a cigarette lighter? When even then, almost everyone will have a cigarette lighter USB plug inside it, should their vehicle not have USB ports from factory
>I'd still have to turn on the car, plug it in, and wait.
If you own anything rechargable, why would you not ensure that its charged at all times prior to your trip? Not to mention most rechargeable things sport stupidly dense batteries for their size and efficiency and if need be, you can carry spare batteries if possible
>but if I'm carrying spare batteries, why would I want it rechargeable
Not ensuring your rechargeable tools are charged when necessary is entirely the same as not having a battery already installed for a non-rechargeable tool. I use a Petzl actik and I have a bunch of its rechargeable lithium-ion cells and have keep it on the charger at all times to make sure its charged. Not to mention, portable battery stations are becoming super common and super cheap and they're able to be charged at home, in your car, or via solar; where you can then use that power station alone to charge or power anything you deem necessary when the vehicle is off.

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"invasive" species are the best there are
your stupid ass local plants are weak and unworthy
only the strong will survive
It's just another way for retards to virtue signal and feel superior about.
>heh I'm better than you because I have a milkweed in my backyard
But it's funny because then these fags start infighting about how native a plant needs to be.
if you don't want "invasive people", does that somehow make invasive plants good?

you do get people that do this. but condemning the whole idea because of them is like condemning the concept of drinking coffee because of the one guy making it with a whisk.

a lot of the time they're just opportunists. so for instance if you cut down all the trees in an area and weed out all the plants growing higher than a few inches, you might end up ultimately with lots of (invasive) dandelions. you would probably agree that does not mean dandelions are better than trees.

I agree with this entire post and wish more people had this mindset.
>Weeds we can't get rid of because rosties won't quit planting them
This plague carrier.
most boring looking plant i have ever seen

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>west virginia
Holy shit I share a board with plebs
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>but how do you handle everything else
Its a giant state. So many places to go where you never have to deal with "everything else".
Not really. You still pay California property tax, you still pay the "gas tax", you still have California gas prices, you still pay 30% income tax.
Yes. Really.
Can't you just go to Shenandoah? It's like 2 hours if you're in NOVA faggot area.
shenandoah kinda sucks though once you realize how much cool shit there is with an additional few hours drive

Alright /out/ with turkey season wrapping up for most of the country, how did we do this year?
Ill start. I harvested my first bird in a decade of hunting them. I got it done in the Cleveland National Forest in San Diego county
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why u killed that torkey? he did nun wrong.
mm chikemn....
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He pretend sleep for photo, hes okay
Still trying to get one southeastern indiana. Feels like the kentuckiana methheads keep beating me to it. public land hunting truely is pain.

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Favorite cold hardy perennials? I'm partial to the turkish rocket
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Found some salsify on the road side. Snagged seeds. Tempted to try transplanting a root. Not much info on propagation though.
very few plants will fail to transplant if you have a reasonably large root with a leaf connected to it
I just took the whole dang plant. Does biannual mean it'll return to a veg state and not flower or once it flowers, it's gone?
i feel a fool, i just transplanted a bunch of plants that will die since they've flowered. drat
Let them drop seed and they might come back. That's how I got my wild cabbage and my henbit

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> Mountain biking deep in the woods last week
> Take a trail, assume it's point-to-point, ending at the road
> Somehow get turned around. End up on the back of the mountain, in the middle of nowhere.
> The trail gets smaller and smaller.
> I'm hoping that means I'm closer to the road, but instead it dwindles to nothing. It's a glorified deer trail at this point.
> I see something in the distance.
> What the actual fuck??? It's a camper.
> Looks like pic related, exactly like Breaking Bad, maybe even more ramshackle.
> Covered in spray painted pentagrams, and the hood reads "LIAR"
> How the fuck did it get all the way out here?
> It's got to be five miles to the nearest road.
> I get a better look. There are spent propane tanks all over the place
> I see galvanized metal tubs. Someone has been cooking out here.
> Begin to put two and two together, and I get the feeling I'm being watched.
> Can't see in the windows. Realize someone might be looking back at me.

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when i was a young anon, i found a trailer in the woods. but back then nobody made meth.... it was just filled with old pornography magazines. i dont know why but the older generation use to just dump trailers in the middle of the woods and fill them with smut. Maybe these tweakers found an old porn trailer and converted it to a meth lab.

im being 100% serious.
Are you kidding? 80% of the posts on this board are fiction.
fucking call the cops you dumbass. Nature doesnt need those fuckers polluting up the forest
>When I came home I started to take off my muddy clothes and clean the stuff I was carrying
>Inside the backpack I found a hand hook man car door
>will never know who was phone
Can confirm, that’s how I encountered some of my first smut too.

Someone’s older brother found a couple of boxes of nudie mags in the woods, took as much as he could carry but there was so much of it. Told his little brother, who was our friend, and we went to check it out ourselves. Sure enough, there were a bunch of boxes of nudie mags back there. Off name random late 80s - early 90s smut. That was some time in elementary school I think, maybe 6th or 7th grade at the absolute latest.

I also remember finding a box of porno tapes in a closet at a college house. It was cool at first but then Danny’s Dudes turned out to be about a guy named Daniel instead of a girl Danielle, that was weird.

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>inb4 he's a southernlet
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Didn't even realize there was an aurora Friday. Was out camping. Was super cool, stayed up really late though.
>I definitely need to get a better camera specifically for low-light photography because what I have isn't cutting it

A7s? A7s3 second hand if you re kinda rich
That's awesome. It looks like a supernova!
is there an app or something that will notify me when these magnetic storms happen? i keep missing out

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Despite being known for rainforests, most of the region of the Pacific Northwest on the windward side of the Cascade mountains is surprisingly dry during the summer, specifically. By the end of August, the undergrowth foliage is thinner, and brown grass is common.
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>climate change is only due to local factors
no I havent considered that because im not retarded.

>I don't trust those measurements
so you just make up your own data? lol
Sure whatever, but you do realize that the timber companies go ahead and plant trees back to harvest in 30 years or whatever right? I fly over all the timber land all the time... it's all trees, not empty plots. It's not like they are magically turning their property into voids of desert.

Regardless of whatever science you have to support your position, it's a small factor compared to what the ocean is doing. You can argue on a grand scale forestry and construction affect the oceans but the ocean is way more dominant than the local factors.

ah, but not all forest is the same. for example water collects less efficiently and is lost much faster from plantation forests. so you're right that large scale weather patterns are more affected by the oceans, but when you're thinking about the actual water relations on the ground, vegetation structure matters a lot.
Sure, a new-growth forest isn't the same as an old-growth forest, and that'll have varying affects on local flora/fauna and water retention and kinds of environment. These are however local effects. You see far more impact from weather systems moving in from the ocean and colliding with geographic masses causing orographic effects like lifting up mountains, or around the olympics creating the puget sound convergence zone.
If I dump a bucket of water on some grass, I don't say the grass caused the bucket of water, even if the shade caused by the grass keeps the water from evaporating.
I think we may be talking at cross purposes.

I would be interested to read some stats for this specifically discussing logging in the PNW. I have found many sources discussing how logging in the amazon can strongly affect weather systems elsewhere, but very little from elsewhere.

One of the best /out/ experiences of my life was when I was camping in South Dakota and I watched this massive multi-cell storm approach me then hammer me all night. I had never experienced such power in a storm, even in the tropics. And that was considered a typical summer storm for people out there. I want to go back to the plains and storm chase. How do I go about this? These videos make me want to see it in real life.



OP i heard that you are interested in bugs too? you could become a bugchaser! would be a very fitting hobby for you i think
fuck around and find out, anon. I'd advise you to listen to your ancestors and get inside during storms.
make sure you have a sturdy car
>How do I go about this?
you need to become a weather dork and understand why and where big T-storms form and put yourself in position- which requires advanced planning and luck. Hardcore chasers no the day before where the storms are likely to form and proceed accordingly

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