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#504- “Mother’s Day” Edition

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janny pls…

Thinking about picking up a new hobby? Want to get a memecaster? Haven't mastered the Palomar knot? Click here!

New Bong Fishin Guide

First for best telescopic rod is the one you exchanged for a 3pc.

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I gave a Scumdog a ponytail
Fiberglass is the best material for a rod that's actually gonna be used.
Also an echo lift is objectively better than a similar fly rod at 10x the retail value from 20 years ago.
Anywho as an autist who likes fiberglass I'd like to reccomend the b.a.g.
It's "fast glass"
How do you feel about the Traverse? I bought the Lift Kit. It's nice, but I bet there are better balanced, more sensitive rods out there. Plus, the reel is plastic. Kelly Galloup made a very positive video about the Traverse, which has me interested.
You sound like a bitch, tbqh.
Not a thing wrong with it, though I've not actually fished one myself.
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my cats finna make the finals

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I looked for a tent thread to post this in, but search didn't bring up a general thread.

Anyway, The Cloud Up 2 is a solid tent from what I've read and it's way cheaper on Aliexpress than Amazon (£104 instead of £155!) so naturally I want to get it from there. But is it real, or am I buying fakes or factory seconds?

Recently i bought some Vans shoes in their "sale" but what I actually received were clearly cast-offs that they couldn't sell as standard quality due to bad stitching -- this has never been the case paying full price in 20 years of buying them. I don't want to get a shit tent for 60% of the price of a good one so please advise me /out/.
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the reason the tent is hot is because the mesh doesn't go all the way to the bottom btw so check on that
>I promise you that tent is hot as fuck
This is actually a good thing for me, it sounds well insulated. Holt sunny weather is a luxury for us, we get maybe 3 scorchers per year, so the fact that it holds warmth is exactly what I want. Cheers.
You never know what you're going to get from Ali, but give it a go by all means.
Last month I rolled the dice on "Genuine NEW" Garmin Instinct Solar for a fraction of one from the shop, and a high spec tablet on sale.
The watch is definitely genuine and new.
The tablet was trash, but with a couple of clicks I got my money back.
This is in line with what I've come to expect - quality is a bit of a gamble, but it's not difficult to resolve any issues. I've never had a refund declined.

Tent specific, I got one a while back and it was fucking great - seam sealed, snow flaps, a ton of alloy snow pegs etc.
Right up until the zip broke.
I actually got it with zero expectations for the kids to garden camp, but ended up using it in the hills because it was lighter than my $$$ tent. Never quite trusted it for winter in the mountains though - it's Ali after all : )
Naturehike and Lanshan are pretty good. Know a couple of people with them and they have no problems with them. You can find people who have taken them on through hikes and they have held up alright. Just got to make sure to seam seal as some are not from the factory.

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Is it true there's a hidden boy scouts trail to get to the top of Mt Tammany? I remember some anon on here told me once but I forgot to save the directions.
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im intrigued by the delaware and lehigh rivers, and the views they offer, but not this one due to the prominent highway
I believe there's a "secret" trail to an abandoned cabin north of Jim Thorpe on the Lehigh that you can access from either a normal trail (there's a youtube video where a guy in a mask does it), or possibly there's this road listed on the map but its listed as private and I'm not sure if you could drive it or if there's a gate or if you could walk it or what the situation is, I assume its the old road that least directly to the cabin

also on the delaware there's some possible views downstream of mt tammany but they are located on nature preserves that have next to no information about them online

anyone else interested in the lesser views of the delaware and lehigh?
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Mt Tammany is where we lose all our anons
Some guy on here literally decided to go on his first ever hike there hours before a bad rainstorm hit the location, he never gave any updates afterwards.
And the guy who went to look for him also never posted again

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Sunset Edition
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I started out with a trailer sailor. I went to a small keelboat as I found i didn't like the hassle of launch and retrieval.
Based fellow CalAnon
Naw. They cost as much as much or as little as you want.
Whenever I hear some boomer say "BOAT - BREAK OUT ANOTHER THOUSAND HURF HURF" all I hear is "I'm a useless fuckwit who can't use basic tools and has to pay a "marine technician" $200 to squirt a tube of sealant"
whats the catch with wooden sailboats? ive come across so many interesting old sloops that are relatively well maintained and not that expensive in the grand scheme of things. i love the classic way they look. is the maintenace more of a bitch than a fiberglass hull?
Yes, wood rots. Having to rip out large amounts of the hull, hand rebuild it to the correct curvature, recaulk and repaint everything, is either going to be really expensive or really time consuming. If you have the money they do indeed look a lot more classic and old-timey, but if you're a regular dude with a normal sub-100k/year job I would be hesitant to buy anything larger than a daysailer made of wood.

Also there's a lot of fiberglass boats that have teak decks, bowsprits, etc. that give you most of the look. Thankfully the ye olde wood stuff has retained popularity as an aesthetic.
Just because a wooden boat looks good doesn't mean it's not fucked under the hood and wood is a HUGE pain to fix, have to pull apart the hull and do all sorts of specialized shit rather just patch and glass the problem area. If it's a good price then it's a good price for a reason. A classic wooden boat that is in genuinely good shape is usually expensive. Buy a 70s fiberglass boat m8.

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what's your gaymen/entertainment setup when backpacking, /out/?
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Nintendo games always seemed gay to me. I loved my PSP as a kid, it's such a shame that Homosexualtendo doesn't have any real competitors anymore.
Is the Switch tied to your account or are you using your friend's? It should function fine offline. The whole point of the Switch is to be a portable platform, for backpacking, travel, camping.
wow, 2008 called.

i take my phone with podcasts and whatever my game of the month is on it. And a battery pack always at least 5000ma but sometimes a 20k one. If I plan to write I pack a foldable keyboard. The mini's ones suck because i have man sized hands.

if I'm "working remotely" i take a laptop and full power supply. Weighs over 10 lbs so I'm not carrying that stuff hiking, its staying in the car or campsite.
>2008 called

>Any suggestions?
Take a book and read by candle light.
>You can drink
That's basically a given.

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Also cooking kit thread I guess. Post em.
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"Fibreglass String" IIRC but it's a different Anons kit so I might be wrong.
what do you cook in an alcohol/trangia stove?

I like isopro stoves because i get a functional stovetop and can cook just like I do at home

>inb4 ispro is expensive
you can refill with butane and then it's cheap
Cat can stove is optimized to boil water for dehydrated/freeze dried meals while being very lightweight, easily DIY'ed. I've never used a full Trangia kit but the promo material around them seems more 'cook a proper meal like at home'. 2 very different use cases between the two.
(You): "When's dinner ready?"
Trangia: "By breakfast. Maybe."
Or if you're in the snow:
"It won't be."

Like I said - if you've got time to burn.

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anyone in college or employed in an /out/ related field. im in college for environmental engineering and hate it but hopefully i can land some innawoods job out of this. or at least become a government jackass smugly delaying construction projects.
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About once a year I get activated to some shithole small town that doesn't have resources, and other adjacent counties with mutual aid agreements are expected to be at capacity due to a storm, wildfire, whatever. So I get to run dispatch for plows/ems/fire teams.
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"Your bid is kind of high", says the customer who wants a job done right away because it's an emergency.
Neat, let me know if you find someone else who's got the qualifications to do the job.
Sounds unfathomably based anon.

I can only dream of having a /out/ job as awesome as that.
i currently do environmental consulting for a small company. 2 years out of college with a soil science degree. i mostly work with geologists and engineers. wish i had done either or so i could eventually get my PE or PG, that seems to be what pays.i get to do a lot of decently cool work and a lot of very uncool and not fun work. groundwater monitoring, soil sampling, wetland delineation etc.., sometimes in cool places. mostly at federal sites and military bases that aren’t very fun. ama
these give me hope

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I’ve been bouncing on a bunch of ideas on how I could live my life as I am increasingly growing tired of living in my parents house (I’m currently working minimum wage at autozone delivering car parts to different stores while I am in school for welding.) but the idea of van life seems genuinely interesting to me. I’ve also heard of people working from their vans and I am willing to do just that. I am thinking of driving out west from the mid-Atlantic with a dirt bike/adv bike in the van. How do you even get started? What vans should I look into? What are the legal steps I need to take (if any)?
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Van lifing is a fad, get a property you delusional idiot
>just fork out $600k for a property with no utilities, no road access and 6 hour's drive from the nearest job
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It costs money. More than you think.
Just use your CRV, it's better in essentially every way except living inside of. The CRV (especially first gens) are great cars, better than anything made today.
I say this with the exception of you finding your dream van for $1000 being sold by some grandma who doesn't know what she has.
Ride around your town and see if there are any sitting in a back alley, knock on some doors, ect.
Camper trailer + CRV would be good too
Live-in work is usually a better alternative yeah.
I laffed
Fucken saved. That's an awesome looking rig.
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Van life "people" are insufferable retards, you'll fit right in
agreed. you're not a sexy instagram model doing the 'vanlife' with hundreds of thousands in the bank, you are homeless in a car, shitting in public toilets and going days or weeks without a bathing. it's not glamorous.

>*dies in your path*
what do?
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based worm
i love worms so much, i save every one i see
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Eat it. You think you just gon leave it down there? Huh?
I've found at least one worm on the sidewalk that was still alive, but dried up and almost dead. All it took to revive it was to pour a little water on it, and I could release it into some nearby dirt. Felt nice to do that :)
Put it in my urethra. As God intended

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ozarksanon, I recognize this from the stock photo, glad you finally got to see it irl
heh im not him, but i do post in every thread he makes
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speaking of, i tried to find the perfect view for him in the national forest, but surprisingly the best ones i saw were off roads high up in the mountains. im gonna try to find them on streetview

picrel is the highest point in the ozarks (buffalo lookout) but the trees were overgrown to the point that this was the only decent view on the mountain
anon posted one that qualified, but wouldn't tell me where it is, and I'm not even 100% sure it's even in the ozarks anyways
> i tried to find the perfect view for him in the national forest
im glad I brainwormed you in a good way
I really must know the best view to be had in the plateau-ish part of the ozarks
ozarks are really far from me but its kinda a dream destination like some people wanna see the himalayas, I wanna drive/fly to ozarks, it just would be a journey

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I'm a beginner tanner, I've been practicing by tanning a few hides, never seen this before though. I noticed the skin is striped? This was a wild black tailed jackrabbit caught in the West Coast USA. Is this normal?? I researched it to death, and I can't find anything about what can cause striped skin in a jackrabbit. It was a healthy looking rabbit, very responsive, no lethargy or anything like that, just wondering if this is normal or some sort of disease?
This is pretty normal anon AFAIK. Rabbits have really really really thin skin, almost as thin as a bird's, and that means you can see the coloration of the skin through the interior. If you ever had a multi-colored dog with spots and parted its fur in different locations, you'd see that some spots are pink while others are black. That's what you're seeing here. Sometimes that matches with the coloration/pattern of the fur, sometimes it doesn't. Don't worry about it; completely normal.
I'm afraid that this is a classic case of rabbit AIDS. Please go get tested anon.
was the rabbit female? if so, look into X chromosome inactivation. females have two X chromosomes but one is deactivated randomly upon embryonic elongation. this is why calico cats have a mix of mom and dads fur color. human women have this too but is only visible under UV spectrum cameras
This is pretty normal. I think it occurs when the coat begins to transition from winter to summer. I've seen it in cottontails and jackrabbits. Other furbearers will sometimes display this as their coats are changing, too. I don't think I've ever seen it on any pelt between October and the beginning of January, possibly the beginning of February.

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What’s it going to take to stop this man?
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Not yet, but I have a location planned. Innawoods by the local creek that meanders through town. We don't have a homeless problem so I won't have to deal with what >>2732128 was talking about.
Did all three get the Fauci ouchie?
>Step 2
where did this "drinking 1 beer makes you an alcoholic?" zoomer shitposting come from?
is it zoomer's addicted to vape pens and MDMA?
this but unironically
people watch it for this shit, hoping it'll be the video he gets caught
it works, like when Joe Robinet 'almost died' because the retard didnt take enough food with him on an 8 day camp

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Morel edition
Found about a half pound over Easter weekend, upstate SC.
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I found a group of Wrinkled Peach today, very unusual caps. I felt lucky to find it and take it for a spore print until I slipped with it in my hand and landed on my walking stick, snapping it in half. RIP stick.
Perlite is for tub-in-tub systems, where a big tub is filled with a floor of perlite that is saturated with water and then the small tub with your bulk substrate is placed on top. Keeps the humidity up without a fogger and nothing grows on perlite so it stays clean.
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How much does weight really limit your travel distance?
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>eating two whole wheels of cheese to make room for more shit
That's dedication right there
This annon Fus Ro Dah's.
a lot but it shouldnt really matter you dont really need to worry about it but you do need to make sure you are eating enough that is infinitely more important than lowering your weight. it just so happens eating lowers your pack weight substantially its remarkable really like>>2733030 said
But this is an indoor board.
I remember doing that in an RPG game I played.

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Previous thread >>2721535
hit the image limit
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Pointing out that OP is a fucking retard for starting a plant thread with a fungus is autistic? You're fucking retarded as well.
>We didn't say...well, tell that to the books written in the 1700s.
You didn't, because you have no sense of humor and take everything literally and can't just chill the fuck out for a second to smirk at a stupid joke.
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Fuck you, get skunk cabbaged
>nuh uh my big rant isn't autistic, you're retarded!!!
You could win Americas Next Top Autist with talent like that.
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this is now a mushie thread

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