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Also cooking kit thread I guess. Post em.
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i cook
I knew this would be posted and I am not disappointed.
Is this about the fastman thing? I never understood this one. Am I a fastman? Explain yourself.
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Stop stealing scoopulas from the chemistry lab, Jamal
You are a sociopath
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wat, take you meds
If I were you I'd replace that can with a carbon steel pot or pan, but it looks fine to me.
I got this setup for like $30 new. Still waiting to use it. Not sure what some good food to cook on a mini griddle might be. Keep leaning towards Korean BBQ.
here's mine (in minecraft)
That's the container for the fuel you genius.
None of you actually go our right?
Then it's not really a cooking kit, it's just a stove kit.
well i put a pot on it. do you want to see my pot?
i does work really well if you are out for 2 or 3 only. especially for stew of chili. one can cooks for about 2 hours. depending on what fuel you use. smak the pikes in the floor and put a pot on it.
Seems like a worse trangia stove, which already takes forever to boil up some water.
I mostly just throw my shit on an open fire, need to carry a lighter and a stainless coffee pot.
I do have a Soto multifuel cooker as well, but I only use that when I go above the treeline or if it's very wet.
just put some rocks etc around it as a windshield and it cooks pretty fast. maybe 15 mins. i used gas cookers before but this takes a lot less space in my pack. if i can i too make fire and grill some meat and veggies on a stick. but here in goymany its rare to find a place where fire is possible without normies having a stroke about it. its why i mostly stick to rivers or lakes.
Ah, your laws on /out/ stuff seems pretty draconic desu.
We have a blanket ban on open fires until 20th July IIRC, but it's not enforced in my region, as pretty much everyone here are very /out/ people.
Some form of gas or petrol stove is very useful here, as the tree line is at about 350-400 meters above sea level, due to how far north it is, 70 degrees north.
Still not a fan of the Trangia type burners, though I see the appeal with pack size and weight.
yeah we are very limited and 99% of the country is controlled in some way or another. like helicopter watching the woods etc. if we want a proper /out/ we have to be very ninja about it or just go to vacation in scandinavia
You must have time to burn mate
What uh, whatcha doin there bud?
>relaxing and enjoying the outdoors
>jet engine gas burner WROOOOOSHHHH

get a load of this indoorsman
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lol. going into the wilds and bringing along star trek tier gear.
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Here's a personal favorite of mine that I always see in cook kit threads.
that cord. is it that oven-cord you seen in doors of old wood stoves? this might actually be a good idea for my can
"Fibreglass String" IIRC but it's a different Anons kit so I might be wrong.
what do you cook in an alcohol/trangia stove?

I like isopro stoves because i get a functional stovetop and can cook just like I do at home

>inb4 ispro is expensive
you can refill with butane and then it's cheap
Cat can stove is optimized to boil water for dehydrated/freeze dried meals while being very lightweight, easily DIY'ed. I've never used a full Trangia kit but the promo material around them seems more 'cook a proper meal like at home'. 2 very different use cases between the two.
(You): "When's dinner ready?"
Trangia: "By breakfast. Maybe."
Or if you're in the snow:
"It won't be."

Like I said - if you've got time to burn.
you are retarded
so are you

brain rotted -IQ mongoloids, i bet you´ve never actually cooked outside, and have DEFINITELY never used a Trangia
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Blue Ridge famous recipe
DEFINITELY never used a Trangia
I have actually. Once, never again.
Appears you've never had to boil more than a cup of tea's worth of water in anything approaching adverse conditions.
>glass bottle for fuel
cringe and heavybackpackpilled
This. Just find some wood.
Trangia is for food, all those other shit ones are just for boiling water to pour in your dehydrated slop meal
NTA, but you've apparently never actually COOKED anything while out. You don't want the heat to be too high (like when boiling water), as that will make it easier to burn your food and it will heat up unevenly. You want to lower the heat of your stove. And if you're gonna lower the heat anyway, then it doesn't matter that much what's your maximum output - cooking rice or whatever will take you the same amount of time even on a "slower" alcohol stove.

But yeah, if your "cooking" consists only of boiling water and you're in a hurry, and you're not organized enough to set up your stove while you're setting up your tent to save time, and you don't mind additional weight then sure, jet stove makes a lot of sense.
what the fuck is wrong with you
>Trangia has fuck all heat
>and here's why that's a good thing
Are you an actual drooling retard?
You do understand that you can regulate the flame on a gas burner?
Sometimes you have to boil water, sometimes it's fucking cold outside, having more watts of heat is always better.
Trangia is also more mess to deal with.
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get rid of one of the stakes. 3 points are sturdier than 4 as you have guaranteed contact on all stakes.

that's clearly a repurposed bottle of salad dressing
Ha! That’s mine! That pic was taken when it was pretty new. The handle is encrusted with filth and a bit cringed but holding up well. I replaced the spork with a chrome plated spoon (bare titanium is a little rough and uncomfortable on my lips and tongue, plus sporks make a shitty fork and a shitty spoon).

It’s fiberglass rope that’s used in old oil lamps and various high heat applications.

It’s for boiling water. Everything is either dehydrated, freeze dried, or just dry.
Here’s Shug Emmery hammock camping and making his breakfast in -11°F (-24°C) with an alcohol stove.

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Hexi stove is all you need
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MSR Alpine pots for me
Are there any good cookbooks or channels you guys know of for backpacking cooking?

How in the world did you get it so cheap? Also, what's the weight on that thing?
Posting charts is a surefire way to know you have absolutely no practical experience with the subject. Another stay at home larper and internet theoretician.
If you shill for trangia, you have never been /out/ in shit weather.
A little snow and wind, and the Trangia will never boil a cup of water.
Use a real burner, just service it as needed and carry that gas canister or fuel bottle, at least you can have a hot cup of coffee.
Find somewhere else to cut 100 grams.
See unlike you I actually have done the things I talk about. I have used an alcohol burner in the snow and wind multiple times and never had any issues. Just don't be a retard, use a wind shield/heat reflector and actual fuel not 70% proof supermarket denatured alcohol.
>muh boil time!
No one even talked about this until the early 2000’s, when the JetBoil was introduced. Since the main stream was so slow in adopting the idea of saving weight, and stoves served the same purpose, that giant ass monstrosity was seen as the gold standard. People will just accept whatever they’re told, and we’re told boil time matters. I guess if you’re dumb enough to just sit there waiting for water to boil then it does matter to you.
I’m not a Trangia user, but
There’s a video posted of someone using an alcohol stove in -11°F. There’s plenty of snow on the ground. How cold does it have to be for an alcohol stove to not work?
This is absolutely true, at least right out of the box. A lot of the Trangia setups don’t include a windscreen, but it’s a necessity.
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Guys… Trangia also make gas and multifuel stoves. It has been a staple amongst outdoors people in the Nordics for a couple of generations. When they say «Trangia» they are usualy refering to the classic storm kitchen, either alcohol or gas.

Gas works poorly in cold temperatures. It’s also much harder to reup gas if youre out in the boonies, while every single gas station will sell alcohol.

The storm kitchen is superb in really bad winter weather and is ment for makkng real food, not just boil water.

I agree that gas can be much much much more practical than alcohol given the right circumstances. Less is more, but I wouldnt trust my 26 gram gas stove during a winter storm
the one i bought years ago had a brushed interior finish
are they still made that way?
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Yea, I've seen that before. It's pretty cool.
>Ha! That’s mine!
Hello (:

Picrel is mine - I've also posted it in the Walmart / Aliexpress thread.
The stove is a simple titanium burner from AE.

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