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what's your gaymen/entertainment setup when backpacking, /out/?
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Just get a Nintendo Switch. It's p much made for that. Lightweight and very portable. Picrel
The Switch is a godsend on winter camping trips when the nights are seemingly endless and I'm not able to get much sleep
I throw rocks at trees and giggle when I hit one.
None. When you go into the woods, you don't have to bring the city with you.
I have a retroid pocket 3. I never really use it though. I think a guitar or book would be better for camping.
>Nintendo shills on /out/
Kys faggot. Go back to /g/.
There are few things in life that are greater than reading a book while basking in the sun in the woods with no one around and the gentle quiet of the forest life. Whittling is up there too.
>currently rereading The Silmarillion

Nobody is shilling any product on 4chan's outdoor board. Get a grip.
Okay shill
> /v/
>currently rereading The Silmarillion

Based. I'm currently enjoying Beren and Lúthien.
books are quite cumbersome. I prefer to bring a kindle. you can pick one up on eBay for less than $60, holds more books than I could read in a lifetime, and the battery lasts a week or so between charges. for comics and manga though you gotta bring physical.
> not allowed to use electronics while outside
you must be very fun to hang out with anon
I hate ereaders.
why? most of the time youre reading is after setting up camp anyways, so the backlight is real handy. better than strapping a flashlight to your head in any case.
I like physical books in my hands with smell and pages
My wife printed some boardgame patterns on a couple of our bandana so we can play backgammon, chess or mancala using pebbles and seeds.
Other than that we'll usually bring a pack of cards (or some specific card game), maybe a book.
Half the point of going outdoors is to get away from electronics and modernity. Is your brain so broken that you can't just "be bored" and enjoy the peace for a night?
Do you ask this same question to normies who have to party in the outdoors? At least someone who plays handheld games for a few hours isn't disrupting the peace for others.
I don't ask because I already know the answer. I hold them in contempt just the same though.
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You're picrel aren't you.
>n-no you can't go outside like that!!!
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I don't backpack, but I usually bring a laptop or two with me.
This cute lil shit charges on USB just like a phone, 6+ hours on a charge with reasonable use, and it still does real computer things.
I'm on the physical book train too. It gives me a space to make sketches while I'm out, and also I stuff wildflowers between the pages to dry. I really deface my books, and usually leave them in a lending library when I'm done (I usually take the flowers out though). What are you reading right now?
Very fun, but I never know what to make so i always just carve a dick and leave it somewhere.
the absolute state of zoomers in 2k24. you cant even sit with your thoughts through a sleepless night in winter and facing the void instead you need to fill every moment with flashy lights and pixels. its absolutely degenerate how little patience young people have these days. you cant sit still or sit quietly. and that means no personal soundtrack of ipod earpods listening to whatever flavour of the week pop schlock playlist from spotify
I take my books into the sauna and sweat all over them and destroy the glue and covers.
On the contrary to what some people think, it is indeed possible to enjoy the outdoors and electronic entertainment at the same time. I bring a small radio, and also a power bank for my phone. Listening to coast to coast am out in the woods by a fire is peak comfy
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/hamradio/ ?
What is that?
My thoughts...
Maybe a walkman
I sing the songs I remember and throw small rocks at bigger rocks
i wanna build a durable but bulky laptop that connects to a small server on an internal rack under the keyboard
it'd be too bulky to carry around casually but its something i want for carrying around on a UTV for doing stuff like land nav or radios with friends
What the fuck did he mean by this, /g/?
i mean i want to put one of these into something like the pic i posted, so i can remove and change shit in it instead of dealing with laptop parts
> degenerate
how is one forgoing the future for short term enjoyment by playing Pokemon emerald in the woods for an hour? or do you just use that word to describe things you don't personally enjoy?
The whole point of going /out/ is to get away from all this electronic crap. If you take all the tech with you you still get all the electomagnetic signlas, radiofrequency energy, blue light effect, screen time etc etc.

I'm not saying you can't take tech with you when you go /out. I'm saying that if you do, you are retarded.
My cock or a 10/22.
>track pad
>instead of a clit mouse
No thanks
Amazon Kindle
+ 20k MAH powerbank
+ Wireless earphones

I enjoy podcasts and audiobooks while /out/, and I don't see anything wrong with it.
based miyoo mini mentioned
Do you listen to podcasts while you hike?
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Yes. I try to keep it high brow, topics that inspire a sense of wonder or somebody who really knows their art/craft. But I don't hike, just walk for an hour or so and then set up a chill out zone under a nice low tree. Blankets like picrel add to the listening experience because they make it extra comfy, and they're versatile at little extra weight. But that's a ramble.
same here, but without the headphones.
I like it when it's fucking quiet for once.
Based. I usually just do a spear.
I bring a Switch and a speaker that's portable, but loud enough to blast KISS into the night until I'm too tired to keep my eyes open. Playing BotW next to a campfire in the middle of nowhere is peak comfy.
6 D6
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im not really proud about it but for the last 8 or so years im constantly listening to internet radio or podcasts or some youtube video
before i owned a smarthphone i would bring a book with me, first i listened to audiobooks but now my concentration has degenerated so that i cant even do that anymore

even basic walking that i used to love have become just listening to something from my earpiece, i rarely use my binoculars because i dont hear the nature around me
kids stay away from mobile phones and wireless earpieces they will ruin your life
I listen to music if I am hiking for speed/ trail running. Especially in-city hikes. I really like 2pacs Me Against the World album for hiking because it isn't too high bpm or too slow and it is lyrics heavy.
Joe Rogan is infinitely more interesting than the squawking of birds, you made the right move anon.
here anon, take these. they'll help make you less of an insufferable twat.
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whoopsie, forgot img
30k mah solar/crank power bank
25k mah solar brick power bank
10k mah regular power bank
pixel 5
airpods pro
miyoo mini plus
kindle (2022)

all three power banks usually get me 4 weeks or so of juice before I need to stop for a refill. playing Pokemon emerald, listening to podcasts and eating ramen during a rainstorm in my bivvy is peak /out/ and peak comfy. fuck anyone who says otherwise.
not him, and i dont really care about his music taste, but playing music on speakers around a campfire is top kino
the best is when you have a friend who knows how to play the guitar
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If i'm going out on my feet, the closest thing to electronic entertainment i'll have is my gps. I can dick around looking for trails, or play with the calculator, if im that bored. A couple pocket sized books like the SAS guide, or the bible, are nice too.
If i'm car camping i'll bring my laptop to watch movies on, usually John Wayne. mostly useful just for when its getting too dark to do anything else. or as background noise. I'll bring some more books aswell, for plant identification, bushcraft, first aid etc.
I do not feel any urge to play videagames when i am out for some reason.
The only music is classic country western like lefty frizzell and hank thompson and ernest tubb
why dont you use CDs or tapes instead of radios?
At most I'll have sudoku installed on my phone. Going /out/ is a dopamine detox for me
what do you use this for ?

I want this but I don't think I need this.
No I mean, it's what everybody should be listening to if they are listening to anything while camping.
It has a 6" 1366x768 screen. It costs $550-750. You can't actually type on it. It is running windows with a celeron and 732mhz ram. I would just buy a regular 15" thinkpad. I have a samsung fold 3 with a 7.6" 1440p OLED rather than a chink ips. If I just wanted a screen to have movies on a samsung 11" tablet is like $170 at costco. The thing is pointless.
Book in a ziplock back.
I once ruined a copy of The Glass Bead Game by getting it wet. Felt bad man. The ziplock back is mandatory for me now.
If someone is close enough to hear Simmons/Stanley, they're too close to me.

Miss me with that hee-haw, cousin-pokin' cringe-ass bullshit.

bringing video games /out/ is like going to a buffet when you're fasting.
kek, reading in the sauna actually seems like a good idea, I can't think of any practical way you could do it without ruining the book though.
Maybe if you have the e-book you could print out a few chapters of wherever you're at on your current book?
I just buy paperbacks so it doesn't matter.
>power chord jusic
i chaperoned a group of high school juniors on a 3 day overnight in Pisgah

highlight of a trip was standing at the top of a hill and throwing rocks at trees, this quickly escalated to throwing sticks at trees and exploding them into a million pieces, which escalated to throwing logs into trees, seeing how big we could go

goddamn that stupid shit was fun as fuck, taking kids out in the woods is so fun (no pedo)
>You can't actually type on it
>celeron ram
You can't type on it unless you are 4'3 and have smaller hands than a 9yo chinese factory worker. Ram has a clock speed. Celeron is intels dumpster silicon. You can get a decent real laptop for $750.
i thought about getting one of these so i can do my anki flash cards even when i’m out innawoods and not lose my streak
but the price is way too much just, might as well just get a small surface pro or something
Just get a dongle and use your phone.
the issue is that it needs to run windows to run the addons properly
Is there any reason you wouldn't just use your phone? Just get an emulator and play whatever. Surely people aren't this fucking retarded, inb4 I am an itoddler, the answer is yes it seems
playing on a screen feels horrendous, part of the experience is the tactile feedback of the buttons. they are literally designed to feel good when pressed
The controller vs touch screen
yeah, they're socializing with others, unlike you, you fucking failure of a human.

only acceptable answer holy shit
Listening to music/podcasts while searching the skies for shooting stars is peak kino; as far as I'm concerned anyone who isn't shitting up a trail, taking onions-face selfies every 50 meters is ahead of the curve.

Country is so shit as a genre it has to have it's own channel and own awards because nobody with actual taste will take it seriously. Somehow, some way, it managed to be more of a meme than shit-hop.

To be fair, at least you're listening to old school country by genuinely provincial hicks who were singing their truth, as opposed to whatever the fuck modern country is trying to be aside from LARP tracks pandering to what people who have never been on a horse think "country" life is really like, and/or full-on tunes to simp to.

I legit don't know how anyone with self-respect can listen to that shit ever since Bo Burnham MOGGED the entire genre.
>oh no, somebody wants to kill some time in the middle of the night by playing a game or two
Eat my ass zoomer faggot. I've been going on camping and backpacking trips longer than you've been alive.
You have a soft, flabby, city boy body. I wouldn't go touting that.
>socializing with others
That's what cities are for, you oversocialized nigger. Nature is for peace and quiet.
>wahhh country artists aren't genuine
most mainsteam artist are poseurs regardless of genre. Almost every modern day popular metal band, rapper, or pop singer falls under that same category. I hate country as much as the next person, but I hate it because it sounds like shit. Not because some meme e-celebrity told me to.
I also agree country music is dead as a whole but I have a few exceptions when I'm looking for comfy wanderer typa vibes while I'm out. Mainly Hank Williams, Merle Haggard, Glen Campbell, Eddy Arnold shit like that
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pls learn basic gusic theory before talking about music ever again. I care about the sound and arrangements not le truthful beeeing urself
>I care about the sound and arrangements not le truthful beeeing urself
Autistic take on music. "I love the patterns and the relationship they have to each other". Music is like mathematics to you. Doesn't mean it has to be to the rest of us.
heh that sounds fun, im gonna steal your wife's idea
Protip: if it's good, it's inauthentic, retard. The only "authentic" music where the person isn't focusing on building an image or where to take the chord progression or melody or arrangement is literal retard music like daniel johnson. Even some dipshit "punk" artist you listen to, if they don't sound like absolute fucking ass, was cleaned up by a producer who knows exactly what he is doing. And even those punk lazy shits are just cultivating a gay image around that to sell themselves as le authentic.

Let me put it this way, you are watching pro wrestling and thinking it's real. You are watching a movie that says, "based on a true story" and thinking it's accurate. You're retarded. The enlightened position is in recognizing it's an entertainment product and then understanding how the product is structured and made and appreciating it on a deeper level because of it.
>rambling rant nobody asked for
>ends with "understanding how the product is structured and made and appreciating it on a deeper level because of it"
Autism confirmed.
You have dogbrains.
Big talk coming from someone unable to appreciate music at face value.
I appreciate it at a deeper level than you. Now I can't unironically listen to complete untalented shit anymore, that is a tradeoff to actually learning about a medium. But I can actually follow what is happening. Let's put it yet another way, I see the plays before they happen and know why they were chosen to happen. I don't just follow the ball with my eyes, I see the picks set, I see the positioning of the three point shooter. You think seeing a guy dunk and going "wowee whoa!" means you appreciate basketball more than me because I know what the coach is doing?
>unironically giving a niggerball analogy
Pls commit suicide
please never consider going to any public space where music is playing anon. you need to save some pussy for the rest of us uncultured gorillas
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Everytime, lmao
Every time because you're a a clear faggot
Exactly how you're autistically screeching about music theory
I'm not the one who listens to kiss as an adult lmao. These are my preferred spooky clown musicians.
Not even the guy who listens to Kiss and I like CC you're just a faggot
My boy I'm the anon you're having a pretend argument with. I play multiple instruments, you just have autism.
Personally I just don't endorse ignorance and mediocrity at any level. Kiss is terrible and they don't even have significantly good hooks even in their genre. You know who has good hooks? Classic country western.
Pretty much everybody who plays one instrument plays multiple instruments because the skill is transferable.
People might actually take you more seriously if you just straight up say "I'm autistic and miserable" instead of trying to make some grand statement of why you have the chosen enlightened music taste
I was just rustled by somebody talking shit about country while heralding fucking kiss. Is such a thing so unreasonable? They don't have a single talented member nor good songwriting.
I agree with you on that shit. Love country, love bluegrass, but no need to be anal about music theory. Just call him a homo who loves men in make up and tights, like a normal person.
Your first mistake is typing any of this shit to someone who likes glam rock. Just looks like you cant read the room.

What anon said here is most acceptable >>2718585
I just don't get how rock n roll all night would be better camping music than tony rice. People who listen to stuff like kiss or any other plain boring power chord music would grow out of it if they tried learning any instrument and the basic 2 hours worth of music theory. I'm not saying you have to listen to 12 key change songs with a 666/13 time signature. Just know what a harmony is, know what an actual triad sounds like, and learn to hear that almost all pop music is the same 12 songs over and over again and all we really have is better musicianship and arrangement (and lyrics to a lesser extent) to set things apart.

This is some ideal river floating music with lush forest around you and the sound of cicadas.
>hahah yeah man anyways i gotta get goin.......
>so anyways I just don't get how rock n roll all night would be better camping music than tony rice. People who listen to stuff like kiss or any other plain boring power chord music would grow out of it if they tried learning any instrument and the basic 2 hours worth of music theory. I'm not saying you have to listen to 12 key change songs with a 666/13 time signature. Just know what a harmony is, know what an actual triad sounds like, and learn to hear that almost all pop music is the same 12 songs over and over again and all we really have is better musicianship and arrangement (and lyrics to a lesser extent) to set things apart.
The authentic music thing always seems to come out of poseurs. To me, punk rock is where you dress up and larp as a musician without putting in any of the work and then try to sell it purely with marketing. There just isn't really such a thing because any art is a construct based around constraints and conventions. And the conventions aren't really arbitrary whether it is in music or in storytelling. Mathematics are discovered, not invented, and are the language of God. When you learn to use the physical relationships between vibrations which are can be described with this language it is no less magical because of literacy.
Okay fag
punk literally means bottoming faggot, anon
>Gyms don't exist
Yeah, I'm just gonna go on being more shredded than you, making more than you, and living in a place with an actual pulse, and leave the MUH SMALL TOWN larp to you.

>musicians cultivate an image
No shit. Using KISS as an example, they wanted to start a band that was entertaining (in their words, "the band they wanted to see") and to get money and pussy. Who can't get behind that? "Selling out" was the entire point.

I'm not one of these twats who thinks in binary, musician/entertainer terms, what I'm saying is, the entire point of country, and the audience it panders to, is so vapid, banal, and uninspired it is legitimately painful to listen to if you've got anything going on upstairs.

Not to mention it feels like 90% of what gets pumped out is full-on music to simp/cuck yourself to, songs like Drink on it, Love Ain't, Dicked Down in Dallas, etc. shit that ain't my vibe.

Having said all that, taste is subjective, and if that kind of music gets you all sticky in the overalls, more power to you. I've got friends who are into it, I even go /out/ with them and abide country in the playlist, I just mercilessly roast any stupid lyrics I hear and make a drinking game out of it; every time you hear
>dirt road
>good girl
take a drink, if you hear "small town" finish that shit...

WARNING: Do not play this game if you have anywhere to be in the morning, and/or if you value your liver.

>Hank Williams
>Merle Haggard
For sure, even I can get down with that, and I love me some Randy Travis. I'm mostly talking shit about post 90s country, and especially the genre's last decade or so.

>I care about the sound and arrangements
Yet another reason modern country is ass, and another reason KISS is based, to say nothing of the musicians and work they've inspired; you ever hear Yoshiki's orchestral arrangement of Black Diamond? Shit gave me chills.

Not just an absolute BANGER of a track, but a blueprint to a happy, fulfilling relationship.

We're reaching levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible. You're overthinking this: I just wanna listen to Paul Stanley sing about his dick while I make fun of rednecks. Stop being gay about it.
>I'm mostly talking shit about post 90s country, and especially the genre's last decade or so.
Country mostly died around 1980 due to shitty slick production. The age of country was 40s-70s. I hate George Strait. There were always holdouts like Billy Joe Shaver or Junior Brown or Sturgill today.
Fair enough, you're just exposed to shit country. There's plenty of non-pop country keeping the spirit alive (Sturgill Simpson, Charley Crockett - hell, Willie Nelson is still here) it just doesn't get thrown around as much as the beer-drinking-truck-loving meme country.
He clearly doesn't listen to anything at a deep level if he is listening to kiss anon lmao. It's like being into ICP.
>Miss me with that hee-haw, cousin-pokin' cringe-ass bullshit
Why are so many anons pretending to be black on /out/?
that's southern-speak
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Zoomers have been destroyed because they were raised almost exclusively by public education and media and had little contact with any sense of community, church, or even family. As a result they can only emulate what their screen and the jigaboos at school behave like. It's a generation of malibus most wanteds except even black people are gay as fuck now.
That's melanated speak. We share some similarities because they also heavily reside in the South. But there's a few shades of difference.
There's nothing exclusively, or even typically black about that line of text. "Miss me with" is the only part that comes close, and even then that's verbage widely used in the south. I've said it for at least 20 years; the term predates zoomers and contemporary nog-worship.

This shit was fucking eloquent. Well said.

All fair points, and I'm sorry if I was giving off STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE vibes; as I haven't heard anyone try to defend "stadium" country, I think we're all on the same page.

>It's like being into ICP
Overplayed your hand, outed this as bait. Listen, I'm not going to sit here and defend KISS. It's either for you or it isn't, and their influence and legacy speaks for itself at this point. What I do know is this, if you're on 4chan, and
^this doesn't make you happy, you don't belong.
Maybe a deck of cards if I'm with someone otherwise nothing
>KMM, 1-2U low power server (possibly on rails and with cable management arm), probably a UPS that's overspecced so that the battery lasts a while
>All stuffed in a 2-4 U plastic audio rack
Seems really bulky and loud.
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Me? I do drugs and look at nature
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>what do you use this for ?
It's one of my service PC's. It's tiny, so it packs well. I can charge it on my motorcycle.

>The thing is pointless.
It runs windows and it has real hardware ports on it. Ether, RS232, HDMI, and several USB's.
It's great for router configuration, radio configuration, programming, updating firmware on equipment.
It's also great for presenting powerpoints. It fits in the case with my projector.
based cable guy
You think you do, but no you don't
>t. /g/
What portable can play shit like Prince of Persia 1 and 2? Don't really care about more advanced games my backlog is huge I'll be old when I reach 2020 games
Thats pretty niche, there is a version of Prince of Persia 1 on android, PoP2 you will need something that has an MS-DOS emulator. A lot of these new handheld emulators can support a lot of different retro consoles
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>cable guy
"wireless" is a fucking lie; it's all cables
picrel, about 6 hours ago. 150ft.
Sometimes I bring ketamine and a movie on my phone when I am settling in for the night and maximum cozy.

Also books.
Not a zoomer but it seems like the moment I put my head down in the mountains I get congestion and cannot fall asleep. The sleep is fine when I eventually do pass out but it takes a while.

Any suggestions?
My man servicing fixed wireless for yokels to post on facebook
Just get a retroid pocket 4 or whatever the newest one is
You can drink or take a benedryl
Its worth putting some effort into the design. It's rolling out something we'll-made and aesthetically pleasing for game at the end of the day.
She did the chessboard one with six celtic knotwork and runic memery and took some inspiration from link related for the backgammon board.
Bumping for interest
The post that made everyone seethe But he was right. Nintendo Switch+ tent is ultimate comfy.
My man. Trips like that in high school made me a significantly better man.
A few good teachers taking us out camping brought me from a stoner living a silly existence to a half decent person.
Doing stuff like that is one of the best ways to ensure the next generation is a good one imo.

Anyway, best /out/ tech is no tech. Enjoy the nature and schiz out at every noise when you can’t sleep.
Just this
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>he didn't play the superior hoop game
Send it
Why not a steam deck? I don't have either but I hear the steam deck can pirate nintendo games and other console stuff too. Again, I know very little about both
I'd bring a gun, especially if there's junk to shoot.
steam deck is heavy as balls bro
Right now I'm in the process of doing pic related with my 10/22. Waiting for the Odin chasis to show up, already got a 8" barrel and can.
My wife uses the switch for animal crossing. I just use ryujinx if I ever want to play anything for switch. All the games are free and it upscales to 4k. As for actually playing it on the go, I never did. She likes to do that but I couldn't get past the shitty little screen. I have a retroid pocket 3+ that I play gba and PSP on. The games are actually made for portability first and they're usually lighter to boot up and get into than a switch title. Things like fire emblem or advance wars were built for a poop.
Based gun ricer. I want one of these guys
I held one in the gunstore the other day. The side folder is actually very good, but I wouldn't call the charging handle and the way the mags are stored in the stock smart. I'd get a sub2k and an otterman magnet to replace the barrel catch
How heavy can it be lol it's a handheld
I want to get one for
>We got an mp7 at home.
For a plinking gun while /out/, it'll be way cheaper to go .22 route.
It's 3.5lbs vs the 0.5lbs of a Switch
Holy fuck that's heavy as shit wtf
Steamdeck is not even pound and a half you tard.
It's still heavy
Maybe if you're a 95 year old woman
No it's not.
This is the faggy vidya thread, not the faggy ultralighter thread
I always take my switch with me backpacking and an accompanying heavy battery pack that can charge it a couple times. I'm not even a big video game guy usually, anime and manga are my primary sedentary hobbies, I actually get a significant portion of my gaming done on backpacking trips.
I also always take my yama no susume nendoroids and a plushie of my favorite vtuber by the way
>I also always take my yama no susume nendoroids and a plushie of my favorite vtuber by the way
Damn it. I was so close to making fun of you but you’re cool. Who’s your oshi?
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Wonderful photo and patrician tastes.
good podcast sites?
Icom transceiver and framework. A man of refined tastes.
As far as I can tell, the switch I got from a friend locks me out of any downloaded content I have when offline, which is basically the only time I would ever want to use the thing. Is there a way around that or is that supposed to be the case, and if so, that sucks cock and my 100 dollar phone from walmart is better for gaming
E-reader for books, and phone for podcasts. That gives me a lot to enjoy while out there.
Nintendo games always seemed gay to me. I loved my PSP as a kid, it's such a shame that Homosexualtendo doesn't have any real competitors anymore.
Is the Switch tied to your account or are you using your friend's? It should function fine offline. The whole point of the Switch is to be a portable platform, for backpacking, travel, camping.
wow, 2008 called.

i take my phone with podcasts and whatever my game of the month is on it. And a battery pack always at least 5000ma but sometimes a 20k one. If I plan to write I pack a foldable keyboard. The mini's ones suck because i have man sized hands.

if I'm "working remotely" i take a laptop and full power supply. Weighs over 10 lbs so I'm not carrying that stuff hiking, its staying in the car or campsite.
>2008 called

>Any suggestions?
Take a book and read by candle light.
>You can drink
That's basically a given.
>You can't actually type on it. It is running windows with a celeron and 732mhz ram
Haha what.
It's too small to type on and if it's running windows 10 with that hardware it will be so unbearably slow to the point of being unusable. From what he said as a network tech all he uses it for is accessing some cisco ios shit or cnmaestro for some cambium towers.
Not based, just common sense.
>go outside to get away from technology and the city
>bring technology

i read a fucking book
The printing press was one of the biggest technological advancements in human history
What a shame all those books come with so many forced updates and ads
I like the book ads and updates
I tried to get into gaming but it felt like a major waste of time. Maybe I'll pick it up when I can't do anything else with my life.
>I tried to get into gaming but it felt like a major waste of time.
Just like movies, music etc. It's just entertainment. In moderation it's fine.
Music is different in that I can listen to music while still being productive. I hardly ever watch movies, but 2 occasional hours is different than 10+ hours of gaming.
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I am walking, sleeping, eating, or meditating. I do not play games. I do not consume entertainment while outside.
>entertainment setup when backpacking
Fapping, cumming on a flat rock, placing rock in fireplace and watch cum sizzle on rock.
>I have a samsung fold 3
Based Folder, I'm still rocking the 2 and think I'll be set with it until fuck maybe the Fold 8 or something. Favorite tech purchase I've ever made
I could never successfully fap while /out/ camping. Body's just way too tired
Having a gameboy or something is always nice, if you want to spend an hour or so in the dark doing something before you fall asleep. Otherwise a book is nice (bring a kindle of you want something more space-effective) or just hanging out enjoying the moment.

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