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>Get back to the reservation, Leo!
>This is Turtle clay dude.
Uh oh! Time to bring out the Smallpox Skateboards!
>stolen valor!
>As Raph and Leo fight, Mexiangelo sneaks across the border to take their jerbs.
I genuinely want these and they would be the first things I printed if I had a 3D printer
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If they made a s7 ultimates of this guy I'd finally buy one
Imagine all the fully articulated nonPC goodness we could have if only Flynn wasn’t a woketard.
i would have used "mexiCangelo", myself
Nickelodeon would straight up never approve of such products.
Why didn't we get a Baxter Mengele?
Gestapo Müller Traag?
Hermann Körang?
Shredder Hitler aka Shitler?
Man. The 80s were truly a different time.
People had a sense of humor, and hadn't been brainwashed into believing they should be offended and victimized by everything yet.
Not to mention that the media actually fought back against the feminist oppression, not endorsed it.
>Wanna hear a joke Shred-Head?
>What do you get when you cross a mutated reptile and a ninja clan that fights him and plans for world domination?
>I'll tell you what you get! YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE!
*Proceeds to smash Shredder's face in with a nunchuck*
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>still no Cerebus figure
After all these years I'm only now realizing Raphael's bayonet at the tip of his musket is a mini sai.
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We had a Rocksteady Doughboy for some reason. Maybe it was to emphasize that Bebop and Rocksteady don't really cooperate with eachother.
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Big fan of vintage Turtles. I had this arrive today.
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This was fun to build. The Kowabunga Surf Buggy is likely never fully complete, even with supposedly complete examples. How do I know this? Mine was fresh from the box.
There's some differences between not only only the stickers on tge box and the color of parts, but two pieces not even shown in the vague and confusing instructions. The pieces aren't even shown on the box.
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Meant to include the photo of the accessory pouch.
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The two odd pieces, not described anywhere, were these two orange pegs with tabs on their side, that I ended up guessing were gun sights for the barrels on the guns, which just plug on the ends. They're very tiny and highly loseable, and I checked on Google and could find this part on any supposedly complete buggy.

The pic shown here is one of the pegs attached to the end of the gun.
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Here's the buggy out of the box. I'll post more pics in the morning.
"Wow, Leo! Why are so many of you worthless fucking redskins diabetic alcoholics? Could it be that your kind are so primative that you never independantly discovered fermentation or refined sugars? It's almost like you're all literal sub-humans that deserved total genocide instead of being relegated to reservations! Cowagunga, shitskin!"
Or flaming carrot. What id give for a nice flsming carrot figure.
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Pic of the buggy all assembled.
Nobody cares knob
I care. Post moar buggy pics, anon.
Why the heck is the windshield opaque?
You should post it in TMNT general. I think that's why >>10996689 is lashing out. He feels like you've snobbed him by not also posting this on his thread.
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Forgot the spike ball, so here's another.
Why are you samefagging again Cockhead? You already got banned for it once.
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Another pic of the gun sights. These pieces must be extremely rare. They're small and easily loseable, and they're not documented in the directions, the arwork, nor in the pics of the prototype on the box. And I feel like there's no good documentation on the vintage vehicles or figures. Even reviews on youtube are sort of hard to come by.
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Rear pic showing the little cooler

I got news for you, you're talking to multiple people, and I've not been banned.
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He gets REAL mad when you call him out on it. lol
Didn't the creator of Cerebus get cancelled or something?
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This just in: turtles cancelled. Back to the sewers.
He’s a pædo and a misogynist, so yes.
Yeh, pretty sure we'll never see that.
Yeah, Crimson Commander is that too
yo, this the new turtle general after the other one got nuked?
You know I can see Hasbro maybe getting another ride on the town bike that is TMNT and maybe use these designs in a G.I.JOE teamup
It can be, if you believe it in your heart.
I was treating it that way. I was avoiding the other one, because there's often a lack of real discussion going on.
No, nobody wants your shitposts and samefagging around. Glad you decided to fuck off finally. Guess you couldn't handle being found out.
double dip turtle thread
has been more informative
and entertain me more than
the neco op led tmntg
The feeling's mutual
Good, stay here and do nothing but shitpost like you always do, shit for brains.
>Crimson Cumguzzler hiding in another thread after everyone saw him posting without his trip
>War has changed

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