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>The World of Bionicle
Media: https://biomediaproject.com/bmp/
Story: https://wallofhistory.com/
Wiki: https://biosector01.com/

>Building with Bionicle
Studio: https://www.bricklink.com/v3/studio/download.page
Guide: https://bioniclerebuilt.wixsite.com/fallingstars/studio-guide-v2

Previous thread: >>10955070
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Which way will you go bionicle chads? I became a plush collector after getting all the bionicles I wanted, but I know of others who went the warhammer route. I might try getting into gundam next.
I wonder what's going on in /toy/ lately that threads not getting posts even for half a day get archived so quickly. (I'm not active here outside of /biog/)
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I've been slowly getting into model kits. Got a whole stack I bought in Japan that I need to crack into.
I detest the temptation to learn to make my own tittymocs just to build some outrageous shit.
reminder that roodaka is fat
The board has been more active recently, I’m not sure why. The thread was autosaged though as well.
I wish there were instructions of these thick mocs.
It was made by Dawn, I'm pretty sure there are breakdowns of his MOCs on his discord. He cuts and modifies a lot of pieces but there are some more-or-less legal workarounds (or at least ways you don't have to cut parts) for those kinds of stuff.
Most people are biding their time, waiting for the supposed G3 leaks. If they are proven false, /biog/ will die.
>cuts pieces
If G3 is real, I wonder what direction they're gonna take it? Simplified like G2? Or maybe a reboot to cash in on G1 nostalgia. I wonder if they'll go back to Technic. Honestly though I'd just take a rerelease of older sets.
yeah there's no fucking way im gonna be able to get every g1 mask lmao
forgot image
>stopping at the 20$ turaga masks and not the 80$ kaukau reprints

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me on the bottom
I just got my first Exo Toa today, I'm not going to build it yet because it's actually missing some parts but this is the first time I ever got my hand on one of these little technic missing launchers and fuck this thing can fling the missile far, I was expecting it to be a weak little launcher.
Back in the day, launchers actually launched shit. The trigger sensitivity can vary between pieces though.
>The trigger sensitivity can vary between pieces though.
Yeah mine definitely has a hair trigger. When I put the missile in it never locks into place unless I press down on the back of it to make sure it hooks into the trigger fully.
these should definitely be switched
he also has a child torture fetish which is almost as bad
i went the gundam route, it fills that niche of building a figure out of pieces although the cutting out part is a bit tedious. also decaling is annoying sometimes.
>cutting your dick off is presented as the good route and painting is the bad one
things are looking grim
Bumping to save the thread from autosaging again.
It's extremely strange, a number of threads basically got autosaged immediately and no amount of posting in them did anthing.
I blame chungusfurry but it might just be some autistic jannie for all we know.
Nah the board implemented some new change where threads that go past page I think 8? start the autosage process regardless of number of posts. They also got rid of the poster IP count. Stupid fucking changes if you ask me though.
>They also got rid of the poster IP count
I see literally no benefit to this
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I got some shoulder armor in the mail yesterday.

To further reduce the quality of the site, they'll remove post timestamps next.
top sexy bionicles 2024
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I think Mask of Light is the exact opposite of a trans allegory. Takua became Takanuva by finally accepting his Duty and Destiny. Nidhiki's back story and Web of Shadows are closer to actual "trans allegories" imo. Vakama and Nidhiki chose to run away from their Destinies and give in to their mental illnesses, though Vakama could still be saved. Nidhiki on the other hand was beyond help, even as a dark hunter he still tried to run away, which made things even worse. His permanent mutation was his "transition", then he finally got devoured by Makuta the deceiver himself.
>see bionicle thread
>oh cool I haven't collected these since I was a kid
>guess I'll check the general out
Takua was meant to serve as a self-insert for the target audience (kids) to imagine themselves living in the Bionicle universe and becoming a Toa. That's why the Miramax film focused more on the Matoran instead of the Toa, and why they sounded and acted like kids. If Takanuva is an allegory for anything, it's about growing up and becoming a man. The closest real-world equivalent to Takua's physical change is puberty, something that trannies advocate for taking pills to prevent.
gatekeeping successful
>post a schizo take
>get called schizo
takua is a tranny cuz he transistioned from matoran to toa
wasn't my post, but regardless, reddit might be more your speed
I think Mask of Light is a cheap direct to DVD licensed movie made to sell plastic toys to little boys.
he's probably more acclimated to discord
i hate how this fandom has been reduced to nothing but retarded coomer bullshit
Because coomers wanted to learn how to make posable action figures, instead of the rest stagnating on metru-build. The statue builders on the other hand while skilled, very much forgot what makes figures fun, not all of them but significant majority.
Then you don't have much knowledge of Bionicle.
>I got some shoulder armor in the mail yesterday.
from where? Hows the quality
Soulless answer. You are jewish and trans
Duck Bricks will save bionicle

Hoarding aside,
He engages the community with contests and runs them decently unlike trainwrecks like TTV.
Are we seriously going to complain about him endlessly when everyone else has sucked balls running the community?
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People hate on him for being a social media personality and for his hoarding. It's easy to dislike him, but in all fairness he's a chill with guy who clearly just really fucking loves Lego in general.
I'd rather it be someone like him who at least seems like a reasonable person than the dumbasses running things like TTV and BZP
>nothing but
If you only pay attention to shitposters here, then sure
He’s not ready to shove his politics into videos, which is nice. Granted, he pretty much bought his way into fame and seems very inorganic because of it but I couldn’t care less. He just needs better editors and maybe i’d watch his stuff. Seems like a nice guy, though.
Isn't there a new Bioncle line coming out next year?
no that was last year you just missed it
An old leak suggested there would be in 2025, so if true we should see tangible leaks later this year (depending on when these would supposedly release).
G3 is always next year.
>40k fandom
>No trannies
Maybe on bizarro earth
The IP count removal at least was done some months ago and is sitewide. If I had to guess the IP count hiding is probably some attempt to prepare for the upcoming US election. I do agree though, the thread low-page autosage is retarded.
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I love how fluid the MOCs of IBK look even though the building techniques are so straightforward.
Okay so the Exo-Toa is cool as fuck but it's kind of funny to me how utterly ill-suited this entire team is to actually riding the damn thing
>Tahu, Kopaka, Lewa all have fuck huge weapons that have to be removed in order not look retarded riding it
>Onua's head has to be moved to onto his technic function's axle or something to close up the front at all
>Pohatu has to be pretty much entirely rebuilt just to even try sitting him inside it
>Thought Gali was the only one that could actually properly fit and look good inside without modifications, and then I noticed her socket milkers actually stop the front from closing up completely
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are there good third party replacements for the small rubber bands from the master builder set? (https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=x88#T=C) i feel like the early non-bohrok rubber bands have a tendency to be brittle in general.
I haven't built any bionicle kits aside from the original 2001 set and the original bohrok run from 2002.

Are there any newer ones that you folks would recommend?
>newer ones
Nothing quite like Bionicle on the market right now, and obviously no actual Bionicle. You could track down the Bionicle GWP from last year if you have specific nostalgia for Tahu and/or Takua.
For canister sets, the Piraka, Toa Mahri, Barraki, and 2008 Phantoka Makuta. For large/titan sets, Pewku and Gukko are both good if you like animal sets. Pretty much any of the "titan" sets from 2006 and 2007 are peak too. Most of the bigger sets will have you paying 4-5 times MSRP though, so you might wanna start with canister sets. I'm also fond of the 06 Voya Nui Matoran and 07 Mahri Nui ones.
I'll never understand why people are obsessed with calling Bionicle a trans allegory, or saying it makes people become trans
Even the Bionicle community on >reddit talks about a "trans pipeline" in their tagline
That's because the old mods grew negligent, and allowed tranny mods to slip in. Once they tried to remove the trannies, they appealed to reddit and ousted the owner.
Because trannies love to make everything about them to try and justify their mental illness, and Bionicle just happens to be another thing.
seconded, i currently have two of these on my own Ussal and they have not decayed in the past two years
I went the secret beyblade route
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I veered into transformers to satisfy my robot autism

Miniatures are gay, can't pose them

Model kits are fun to build but I don't care for gundam so I have no interest in 99.9999999% of model kits out there.
I simply now desire to make MOC mechs out of regular Lego and old Bonk parts from bricklink.

Just because Lego stopped selling bonks doesn't mean I have to stop buying them.
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that the lightpiping effect of Metru heads sucks ass and that Mata heads are the superior heads?
Saw a Hero Factory X-Plode and some green guy at a vintage toy store today
No bonkl though :(
no wholesome bonkle boners?
Not a single wholesome rock'n'roll boondally rip-snorter of a bonkle dream boner, chungus. Not a one :(
The real question is which of the two varieties of wholly transparent head is worse, Glatorian heads or Av-Matoran """heads""".
The former actually look like something even if they're still ugly as shit, but aren't compatible with either axle or stud masks, whereas the Av-Matoran shit sculptures barely look like a face, are retarded, and are way too long for no good reason, but can at least take 2003b-onward masks.
There's a reason Mata Nui has huge sculptures of Mata heads but the midget xenomorph Metru heads are nowhere to be seen.
Whole fields and valleys full of Tohunga head statues too
Actually, has anyone here ever made a good Po-Koro mini-MOC scaled to regular-sized Mctoran heads? That would be cool to see
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Only thing I ever tried was the entrance to Po-Koro as shown in MNOG.
Exactly what I was after, thank you.
I got laid, married a woman, and had a kid. I would recommend the same thing to you faggots, but none of you worthless cunts should reproduce.
Now we just need a micro-scale Naho Bay built around a regular Kaukau (I guess gold since it doesn't come in tan or brown?)
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The Glatorian head works really well with the Makuta mask.
That would be quite nice and I'm sure possible, but I have very little experience with micro scale dioramas. Might try one day.
Too small desu
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at least use good minis in your pic
Nah thats symbolically sound
The reason Bionicle is so strong is that it channels symbolic truth that exists universally in all mythic stories
It's that too. Symbols aren't only 1 thing. Think about Fire and all the things it symbolizes
Man imagine getting people like THAT nto Bionicle. Might turn the tides away from the mongrel dogs of the American Empire (troons) from Bionicle.
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That doesn't sound like a bad idea
Other than other Lego settings, what settings would make good fits for Bionicle crossovers?
I got into Gunpla and Mechamusume
It's like Bionicle, but I can modify and paint all I want, plus there are more boobs available
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Option 1: Risk of Rain. Two waves of humanoid sets based on the Survivors and tons of options for small sets based on the small enemies. Titan sets could be the bosses, Aurelionite, Mithrix, and Providence.

Option 2: Monster Hunter. Each toa-scale set can be a hunter with a different weapon, 14+ weapons makes for two waves of 6 w/ a special edition each wave. Small monsters make for small sets. The large monsters are obviously the rahi/titan-scale sets. Rathalos gets to be the Target-exclusive.
Now to figure out how to get Jonathan Pageau to meet with Christian Faber. They both have contact info after all.
Sena playing halo: https://www.twitch.tv/sena_bonbon
they are retarded manchildren
what do you think
so we're never gonna find out what Marendar is or how the Toa would fight it huh

or what happened to Velika

or Lesovikk

or fucking anyone
fuck Lego
It's been 14 years.
eat a dick faggot.
G3 leaks
two more weeks
trust the plan
Just go read the VotGB continuation retard. Stop attaching yourself to daddy lego and enjoy something for once.
What does a potential G3 have to do with dropped G1 plot lines?
what does VotGB stand for again?
Some troon shit probably
I keep waiting for DC to do something with them, since they showed up in a multiverse shot once. Maybe Multiversus...

Cool bio-frames, though. Funny how Kopaka is the only one there who looks Primed.
Vision of the Great Beings. Some fans are doing fan continuations of the scrapped serials
Rampepe is incredible.
Do you mean that page in Spectre (Hal Jordan)? Think that was just an easter egg.
Tbh the plotlines greg was setting up post-Reformation were just an overglorified fanfic. G1 ended as it should have and the only reason the first cancelation left a bitter taste at least for me was the fact that they decided that Stars were a good wave of final sets.
I agree for the most partt. And while I like Tahu, the last-minute "Tahu is the chosen one" was sort of strange to me. While maybe not as all sets, they should've had the toa nuva together for the final fight. Between the weird side quests and parallel universe plot lines, there was far too much going on on the side.
It also has guidance from Greg Farshtey, so for canonfags it's as close as you're gonna ever get to closure and probably better than what tumblrfags have come up with. The only thing I don't like is Gonel's use of referencing Slizers or Hero Factory. I did enjoy Annals of Icarax and the Takanuva stories though.
Both the Toa Nuva (plus Takanuva) and Toa Mahri should have been on the final battle but Greg decided it was best to have the latter trapped on a sidequest and then freed without notice.
Really, Bob Thompson quitting and Greg Fartshit becoming the head of the story team marked the start of the demise of Bionicle.
I assume this is mostly because Lego told him to focus on the new sets instead of the universe at large. That's why the main books always focused on the currently selling sets while everyone else was relegated to online serials. Those serials were probably just Greg and the story team wanting to do more with the older characters they weren't allowed to touch
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Guys, even more proof that Bionicle is coming back. We are so back! G3 is real
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So lore question.

The toa collected all the six different colored kanohi to unlock the golden masks with all six masks power, right?

Then when they fought the bahrag queens they jumped into the protodermis pool and changed into their nuva form.

So does their standard nuva masks have all the six mata mask powers? Or did they lose them? Is there any lore reason for the nuva masks in different colors?
Could you fucking imagine the outcry if Lego did something this instead? $60+ titan sized version of each toa as some kind of collector thing, mostly made of bricks but with specialized parts (and Technic innards)?
The Nuva masks are more powerful than their Mata masks, and they can share the powers with nearby Toa.
>So does their standard nuva masks have all the six mata mask powers?
No, they had to collect all that shit again so Lego could make more mask packs.
>Is there any lore reason for the nuva masks in different colors?
Literally got teleported in by Artakha so Lego could make more mask packs. The silver ones are supposed to be from when the Kal stole their elemental powers.
>So does their standard nuva masks have all the six mata mask powers? Or did they lose them?
Their golden masks turned into Kanohi Nuva with only one mask power.
>Is there any lore reason for the nuva masks in different colors?
All masks are silver/grey by default, if someone puts them on they change color because of the user's elemental energies.
If it looks like this I'd rather have it be its own thing or an Exo Force reboot rather than G3
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thats just these mocs
What is it about this theme in particular that makes it a niche for troons? This is relevant because while this board exists, nearly all other avenues for Bionicle groups online talk about this shit relentlessly. I understand its plebbit, but holy shit the bionicle sub is awful
The common denominator is autism
It's also about customization. They treat real life like lego or a character creator in a game. But mostly autism ^
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I guess it's also because they grew up as boys and had boy toys. A lot of them are not actually trans, it's always the same male to female autogynophile shit. That's why they act so strange. So many are still "boys" ir "men", if you could call them that.
It's unfortunate that these people focus everything about sexuality and fetish, therefore making many places inaccessable to people who just wanna endulge in their hobby.
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>Groups with overrepresentation of autists get struck by bad ideas that disproportionally targets autistic people more than average turn out to have more troons than other
Who would have known
It also does not help the fact that the community is so relatively small which means among other things that 1. glorified jannies are powertripping constantly on an artificial celebrity status which goes from the bullshit seen on the canon contests to pushing more their crappy american left ideas and 2. because of this small size is way easier to ostracize/cancel anyone whose opinion is le bad.
I have seen how even centrist opinions that still lean towards the left can be met with outrage and some people in the community cutting ties with someone because they were not 100% on their paranoid boat. And some of the ones getting pissed being known names in the fanbase.
You really can't talk about anything else, I fully welcome all the fatmocs, least that's on topic.
Nothing, like anything else it's just blindly abused by mentally ill people to spread and wrongfully normalize their destructive lifestyle
telling on yourself
I posted a moc alongside my opinion you absolute buffoon. How about you post your builds yourself instead of enjoying the stale reposted obesity fetish?
I think I hate GregF-anfiction
Am I the only one?
yes, you're the only one who has a negative opinion of the mediocre writing for a series of children's books made for a toy line that was discontinued 14 years ago
Based, Hapka supremacy
MoL is a coming of age story about accepting that adulthood will reach everyone no matter what (something most of the posters on 4chan never learned because they act like bloody children), and WoS is about learning to move on from your mistakes and use them as a chance to better yourself instead of wallowing in them and letting them consume you as well as the dangers of pride.

Take your fucking meds you kohli-brained idiot.
That gali tho goddamn
what you just described is the exact opposite of a trans allegory
why don't titty moccers ever use Inika heads? they're pretty conveniently round parts.
Limited colors and unnatural shape (which I know isn't a problem for some MOCers). Though I remember seeing some MOCs using Inika heads for boobs before, and they were ugly as expected.
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Honestly, Nuva shoulders are just easy. Also I like when there is no gap between the boobs, just kinda makes sense to me when it comes to armor. That applies even if I don't use Nuva shoulders.
Here is an example for when I don't use Nuva shoulders.
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>find a chunky little deal of a box full of bonkle boners for $5
>proceed to resell the entire bundle for $100

You suckers are easy to scalp. :)
Noone actually buys at those prices, you're just going to be sitting on more stuff you supposedly hate so much.
don't bother responding to chungusfurry, it's probably not even his image
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Is there a repository of Bionicle set backgrounds? Ideally without the figures in them. Found some on plebbit
BMP has psd files for a lot of stuff here, including the set covers. You can get standalone backgrounds from those.
Guys, G3 is here
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>Almost nothing from the trailers and screenshots is in the game

What the hell happened here? Remember being confused that the game was nothing like the trailers on the cereal CDs and MoL vhs
Bionicle is one of those hobbies that's so autistic that I instantly assume any "girl" who likes it is a tranny. Contrast pokemon which has actual female fans due to having stuff that appeals to them like cute creatures or collecting. Paradox games is another thing where any "girl" fans can instantly be assumed to be trans
True statement, but why do we have to constantly clog up the thread with tranny discussion?
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Why are her boobs on her chin and why is she voiced by a troon?
Anyone have Boots' phase dragon revamp?
He's a child groomer btw
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bionicle segment at 8:11
Roodaka has caused irreparable damage to the community.
When did that happen?
Bionicle really lost its soul when they replaced gear functions with gun of the wave. It also happened the same wave they stopped doing different eye colours.
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>he is unable to come to conclusions without confirmation from someone else
I love the Inika building system, I just wish they kept using them as creatively as they did in 2007.
Also, Glatorian heads are my favourite ones, their smaller size make them more proportionate on sets and MOCs, there is a huge variety of compatible helmets, and in some cases they can work without a helmet too as they have actual faces without an axle hole/antistud ruining it. They are really versatile in my opinion.
why are we perma page 10?

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