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>Upcoming Transformers
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>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

Previous Slag: >>10992380
Be careful when ordering from Amazon. Just got my Siege (((Springer))) and they just threw a label on him and that's it. No box, nothing.
Don't buy from third party vendors.
they... threw a label on the figure and shipped him without a box? you got a figure with a sticker on it in the mail?
just the figure box and him, no brown box, shipping bubbles or anything.
oh, got it
to be totally honest I've often felt that'd be a fine and efficient way to ship non-fragile things. But I never went through with it, always at least wrapped the sucker in paper. sometimes... literally sheets of printer paper.
Yeah it would save on shipping but I'm used to stuff arriving without the whole world seeing what it is. I didn't want some redguard stealing my toy
Is there a hole on the front of the box?
heh, where i live your shit's getting stolen no matter what. but that is a good point.
clear plastic window
Have you heard any word about the other provinces?
No, just small areas like the cloud district. They say you don't belong there.
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Is Springer gay? Why didnt he fuck Arcee? I kind of want the new Springer so I can use his open hand to manhandle her like the movie.
He's not gay, he just doesn't have a penis. But compared to Han Solo who he is modeled on, he definitely lost.
Is it true Hasbro ran an add for pretty much every single Transformers thing they are selling at the beginning of the theater release?
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I don't know you, and I don't care to know you.
I don't know you, and I don't care to know you.
>Why didnt he fuck Arcee?
He's got better things to do tonight
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Chase head can swap with autorooper.
Bruh. I just tried pulling Chase’s head off like an hour ago. Weird. I didnt want to break it so I stopped. How does Chase look with Bluestreak’s head? Thats the swap I wanted to make
Shouldn't they have Maximal symbols if they turn into pigs?
because Arcee only fucks human men
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it's really easy if you just open the hood first and then pull it out. at least for me.
this is satisfying to me
Not for me at least. I’m Australian though, so it was probably different for everyone else.
that would be pretty fucking tacky
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i dunno somehow a guy with a bug head just seems like he deserves that.
Chase is a good boy he would never do this ;_;
He was radicalized after the Decepticons burned down Griffin Rock Island.
there there anon.
I'll cry too if you keep it up qAq
would never save people from decepticons?
I am reminding you that Hasbro have now actually made comic accurate figures of Jhiaxus and Straxus.
>only noticing now the 5 oclock shadow on the cannon mode
Honestly it says something for Straxus on how much the dots and shading on him doesn't bother me. Maybe it just works with the blue better.
yeah that looks less stupid than other attempts at toon shading on a figure.
It is half-assed compared to the other examples which in this case works to the favor.
He's got a fairly bland and bare color scheme, so a bit of greeble brings out more on him.
Saw someone speculate that the black on his helmet and coil below his mask wouldn't have been painted on a non-comic release, and dude really needs those bits of black.
>was on the fence about Chase but now he's $10 more expensive
Yeah, since they started using their own trucks, they use packing boxes less.
it's funny, older comics tend to have nice big blocks of color, because A) color printing used to be a lot of manual labor and B) they expect the inker to do all the work with shading and detail, and they don't want to muddle that
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I like this little dude. Hopefully he gets a Marvel deco.
I wonder if it was VW dictating the more orange-yellow that the MP and Netflix figures use.
I think he looks great in bot mode, and I've warmed up on the vehicle mode slightly, but I'm still not keen on that price. I don't know what else they could have packed in to justify it more because it's not like Bumblebee had a whole lot of stuff in G1, but he just looks downright comical next to TFOne Optimus. I really wish we weren't bound by strict price points and this guy could be more like $15 but that is not the world we live in. Maybe he'll go on sale or something, he's supposed to be an always available "A-level" figure so that might help?
It would be nice if we finally got a Glyph and Tap-Out out of this mold
It's possible. MP45 is licensed too but he gets to retain his proper yellow so maybe they were less strict on it because of the Choro-Q shape of it. Moot point on THIS Bee of course because his packaging has no VW branding at all.
Shitting and praying that The Fallen next year will be comic-accurate too, to keep up the pattern from these two and Tarn.
I definitely wanna pick up Straxus, but there's nothing yet in stock on Pulse that I desperately wanna get, or is on sale, so I can't get free shipping on him. Guess I don't mind waiting tho, considering none of these comic figure preorders have sold out; will very likely still have plenty of time to pick him up later.
But damn he really does look fucking cool.
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There is a Transformers sale on atm but they haven't put together a page saying which figures are included.
I mean tf prices in general are bad these days, but this bumblebee doesn't seem particularly egregious. Isn't he the same size as (if not slightly taller than) the earthrise mould?
It's these figures. https://hasbropulse.com/collections/transformers-40
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Thanks to this Fag I bought them both for 110 after shipping
>%15 off
How utterly Hebrew
But I did finally get normal Missing Link Prime
truly bargains are a wonderful thing.
unfortunately, this would take silverbolt down to, what, 30 bucks, and the shipping is still a piss.. naw i'm gonna wait. i need to get my bird dog from the animal shelter.
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Been a couple years since I've been on /tfg/, you guys helped me fill me long desired niche with some nice buys from the WFC line I'm still enjoying today.
However one always eluded me, that being pic related Soundwave.
Did his mold ever get rereleased like how Kingdom Galvatron got thrown onto Legacy?
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got this dude on the cheap and he is just solid as hell. I can see the complaints about the shoulders but overall, the only real point of contention I have is the diarrhea green. 8/10 would buy again.
the hollowest arms..
he's got 'em too! jesus hasbro. Just put a hinged flap on the arm. don't be cunts. transformers had nice opening hinged doors to let hands out since the 80s.
Hrrmmm, well it only takes about $5 off a given Deluxe or Voyager, so 20-30 plus Straxus' $55 is still around $80-90 total when considering tax... Ehhhh. I guess I'll spring for him plus GF Starscream - he doesn't seem like he's gonna go out of stock or anything since he's being repacked next wave, but he is in good demand so he's prolly not gonna go on sale much otherwise. Plus he's basically the only guy I really strongly want out right now, so I guess I'll spring for it. $90 for two toys still bites, though...
i believe he is about to be in studio series
This mold is being repacked in Legacy United's last wave this year, bundled with 3 repainted cassettes, as a Leader class.
Personally I don't like the mold so I'm holding out for a new SS mold, but if he's suitable for you then I'd say it should be a good option ye.
I think the TF One Optimus comparison makes it look worse than it actually is to me, because that actually looks like a pretty large deluxe, which in turn makes Bee seem even teenier(I mean he should be teeny but still). Just feels strange seeing two figures next to each other, one half the size of the other, and they're the same price.
Both figures are actually Hasbro being nice, in a way. TF One OP is prob a great value, as far as size/plastic/parts is concerned. Hes a gateway drug. With Bumblebee, they already know you’d pay $40 for it, so $25 is generous.
He DID actually but as part of a special "Nemesis Bridge" set tho it's supposedly a "Fresh new print" of him so no yellowing and he's beautifully painted
Glad I checked in, damn.
Any speculated quarter release?
The Legacy United Leader Soundwave will also use the Netflix mold and includes 3 cassettes.
Also, that anon is confused, they will make an SS86 Soundwave and they already said they would try to make a new mold for it, but there's nothing concrete so far.
Swoop review finally up. They didn't fuck up the swords, they're hard plastic.

Shame the other sword releases are rubber.
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If it's a new mold, so long as it's similar scale and turns into the actual cassette player, I'm all for it.
Can't stand the Legacy one.
Kino alt mode
You have options, at least. Get United (pre orders should go up next month) with the extra cassettes, or wait for 86.
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>Huge Carrier ass alt mode
>Imagine multiple of them in Orbit over a planet glassing it
it really is the kind of altmode that looks way better if you imagine it truly gigantic. like star destroyer size. something where aerodynamics mean nothing.
Judging by the size of the cockpit, it's at least a space freighter or something
oh yeah there is a little cockpit isn't there
hm that makes it.. pretty small for a spaceship. a little bigger than a 'captain's yacht' from star trek maybe.
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if you use the little conning tower that flips out for scale, he's like a small city
oh there you go, now if you imagine that to be a little little viewing window on the tower.. then this is a NICE big ship. and maybe the seeming cockpit is really a shield generator or something.
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that's how I thought of it, giant carrier to compliment Shockwave's dreadnaught
i always thought of it as fighter/bomber command. the people who managed the smaller spacecraft and ran the deck.
Siege Shockwave is so cool too
with a nice big open window? that actually tracks.. certainly starbases have those in the startrek
lol, no
they made up a completely new alt mode for him
>AU Where the decepticons are giant, Galactus sized monstrosities that come to planets and wreck them
It's close enough, and attaching the red gun with the shoulder scope piece ontop of the jet evokes the original further. You look at that original design used for like two panels total and tell me it could reasonably transform into the robot mode we got.
think about it man, like a 5 story tall Intel building with a floor for deck operation, a floor for space combat evaluation and theory, a floor for enemy craft analysis, a floor for r+d and intelligence, and a floor for systems analysis and command all looking out through what would be the largest window ever made on earth. that's good sci fi
>Soundwave must mass shift huge or small for a sensible alt mode
Will he ever find a peaceful medium?
i can dig it
The original design was absolutely nothing of the sort, so I dunno if that was the intent with the final one.

He was originally a gunship, just instead of guns, his two legs became like tuning fork prongs and he shot, you guessed it, soundwaves.

The chest window was on top, not on back, and he had no pylons to hold the nacells up, they were just slapped onto his sides.

Considering Megatron and Ironhide had weapon mode gimmicks that were dropped, the square nacelles were likely related to that, but they were cool so they stayed in the final design.
I liked his Animated alt mode
gotta love a guy who used to be a tape player is now the kind of car that you know is just blasting that bass-heavy rap 24/7 right outside your window.
it would have been cool to get a bunch of different musical-instrument-formers for him to wield.
There was a repaint that came with Ratbat and it turns into a keyboard
that, my friend, is a keytar, not a keyboard.
I don't fucking care nigga, this is what I get trying to be nice
i'm not that same guy, you did do a nice.
though I was aware, that's why I said a bunch. all we got was two, I believe.
a keytar is a kind of keyboard though
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The first MP Bumblebee was also more orange, I remember thinking they got the colors on him and MPM Bumblebee mixed up.
>Shame the other sword releases are rubber.
I really don't see why they did that, Grimlock uses zero rubbery plastic.
Same, it makes no sense.
you got ripped the fuck off, but at least they're nice figures
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>Cardboard backing stole my black paint
Wow I hate the environment now.
I actually have never seen this and I'm surprised it didn't happen to me since I'm a bad QC magnet.
>'m still not keen on that price.
Wait, wtf is his price?
Is that really the late tax on those guys? Damn, I'm glad I grabbed them when I did.
Not him, but 25. At that price, he should be a deformed Beetle, the fake car mode does the toy no favors. We're getting a ML Bee in a few months so we know they can get the license for it.
>At that price, he should be a deformed Beetle
You say that as if 25 bucks isn't the standard price for any deluxe, regardless of licensing. The ongoing fuss about Bumblebees is absurd and only proves how spoiled geewunners are getting. If you don't like this one, buy the one that came out just a few years ago that was a licensed Beetle. Oh wait, you want deformed licensed Beetle? Well buy the MP 2.0 then. The fact that there's any whining about the variety of Bumblebees available is fucking insane, I am so sick of this yellow turd.
Maybe they should release it in the generations line, instead of SS that tends to strive for robot and vehicle mode accuracy.

And for a guy who complains about others being obnoxious about Bee, you sure are whining about Bee louder than any of them.
>Maybe they should release it in the generations line, instead of SS
I legitimately wish my life was so placid and uneventful that I had time and energy to care about this. Just pretend the box says something else then, worthless retard.
>Maybe they should release it in the generations line, instead of SS that tends to strive for robot and vehicle mode accuracy.
You DO realize that SS86 is just an "overflow" line for them to put out more G1 characters without hogging space in the main Generations line, right? Or do you think we need an SS Cyclonus because Scourge was in SS and Cyclonus was in Kingdom?
Honestly I prefer the "honey yellow" of the 1.0 MP or the Netflix version. I get this is more accurate but it looks weirdly washed out.
>I legitimately wish my life was so placid and uneventful that I had time and energy to care about this.
It is and you do because you keep replying to the anon you disagree with.
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>buy the one that came out just a few years ago that was a licensed Beetle
The short packed Walmart exclusive that had limited availability during shipment lock downs of 2020?
Now to actually comment, I was blown away this new SS Bee wasn't just that Netflix mold slightly retooled (again) for how much demanded it had.
It's the "anon only went to eBay" tax.

I also got the Duocons within the past week. Bought Battleslash and Roadtrap new for $10 and $30 respectively, and Flywheels used for $25.
they also used it for that really shitty goldbug that one time
poor guy can never get a dedicated mold
Coming back to the scale autism, does anyone know the length of the ER Seeker's jet mode? (I am without access to my collection and can't measure myself)
I'm not using mercari anymore after they added like 6 new fees
A little over 8 1/2 inches
Im saving myself for t he galvatron repaint, hope a third party company makes the cape, and i guess fillers for the arms, heard the upgrade for the arms rotation fucks up the tank mode
From fin to nose: just barely under nine inches. It's like 8 and 4/5ths.

Haven't used it either. Battleslash was from TFSource, Roadtrap from eBay (damaged packaging), and Flywheels from an anon on /bst/. Though to be entirely fair to you I would also have paid that much for both of them because they are that excellent. We don't get as great engineering these days.
Silver ER Optimus prime and Red Rodimus prime 2-pack when?
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Legacy Deluxe Optimus Prime will be repacked and sold in Studio Series as "Gamer Edition DreamMix TV World Fighters Optimus Prime". My uncle who works as Hasbro told me so
I'm still waiting for any of Lio Convoys repaints and a normal release of Burning Convoy (just red plastic, not clear like the new Takara release).
It'd be cool if they did the 2003 PS2 game's designs instead of more High Moon slop.
Review of the leader Thundertron went up. You could already tell in pics, but the blue is lighter and vibrant compared to the voyager. Several parts are now colored black, like the peg gun, back skirt and sword. Hook hand has a stopper to prevent you from moving it much.
>2003 PS2 game's designs instead of more High Moon slop.
>Wants shitty Armada game designs instead of the two best Transformers games ever.
I wouldn't trust your uncle since he fucked your aunt.
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>the two best Transformers games ever
Three. Three mediocre games.
Would you forgo the vac metal if it meant getting the Transmetal characters from Beast Wars?
Because I would, they've done basically everyone else, except the Transmetal guys. I'm surprised they haven't done Quickstrike yet to go with Silverbolt. Hell they could just re-issue the original toy in yellow plastic instead of clear and mildly retool the cobra head to remove the squirt feature and it would be fine, he still scales pretty well.
WFC and FOC both kick ass, and Rise of the Dark Spark wasn't High Moon, it was made by Edge of Reality using recycled assets. Regardless they were all better that the PS2 game.
I'm not arguing if the 2003 game is good, I just want their designs as toys over WfC's.
Here's link:
>I just want their designs as toys over WfC's.
You know what? That's fair, and that speaks to a bigger issue I have with the Transformers toyline in general, we are constantly getting G1 over and over, while neglecting the rest of the franchise. You could split the difference and have Armada (and the Unicron Trilogy as a whole) in the mainline, considering they've already done a bunch, which gets you the name characters. Then you could get the mooks in the Gamer Edition line.
I tried to like the game, I just got it recently and 100% clocked the thing, but it was just awkward and annoying. That being said, I wouldn't mine getting one of those invisible gorilla dudes with the EMP attack. I even got an original secondhand Cyclonus just because I liked his design in the game (never watched the show).
F-15 is 19.43 meters, ER seekers are 1/87 scale, which is also the same scale as SS movie Starscream (about) and is HO scale for model trains. Roadhandler and swindler from Siege are also about 1/83 scale fyi
As a side note I figured out the scale of SS-38 and Buzzworthy ROTB Optimus, both the Mamon and Freightliner cabs are 86 inches bumper to back of cab, and using that SS-38 is 1/45 scale (similar scale of battle blades optimus). The ROTB Optimus is 1/52, and should scale well with 2007 Wreckage, 2007 legends Jazz, SS DOTM Megatron, DOTM Leader Sentinel, and DOTM Voyager Optimus, in vehicle mode.
I am losing sleep over this, especially silly considering I don't own half of these toys
>DreamMix TV World Fighters Optimus Prime
That's literally what the Missing Link one is.
You're giving them a little too much credit here. Both of battletrap's alt modes are EXTREMELY scuffed in service of two other modes at that scale, and flywheels is equivalent to splitting a figure in half at the mushroom peg and bullshitting a mode out of both of them. Not bad figures at all, but they're not some godlike quality compared to today's stuff
That's Masterpiece DreamMix TV World Fighters Optimus
Hell yes.
I'll never understand why they didn't use the Runamuck/Runabout mold for Goldbug. I get that the car mode doesn't match but that robot mode is spot on, and having the wrong car never stopped them before.
Still kicking myself for never picking this guy up and instead going for the mediocre megatron. I’d love to have a display with the micros riding on top of this thing
I don't think they have "similar gimmick in the original toy" a reason to make Goldbug a recolor of them instead of Bumblebee who is intended to be the same guy.
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So much this. Or at least used the Cliffjumper mold. I guess were waiting forever for boxy Goldbug. That being said I do love the creatures collide version.
>this is what I get trying to be nice
I was also trying to be nice, which is why I called you my friend
I don't just assume everyone was born in the 80s and even know what a keytar is, just like I dont assume anyone knows what a hurdy gurdy is
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Oh, it's not because of the gimmick that I'm saying that. The way the transformation works and the general design elements of the character are way more present here than they are on Bumblebee, IMO.
No. Vac metal rules and there's no reason we shouldn't still be getting it. The figures fucking cost enough.

To be quite honest though, regardless of vac metal, a lot of the coolest transmetal toys are just too big and frivolous to be remade today. I can't imagine a modern "update" of Rampage or Depth Charge that isn't just a complete downgrade from the original in terms of presence and style. But with ankle tilts. Yayyyyyyyyyy...
The simple fact that the back of the roof partsform is an automatic pass for me. I tried forcing myself to like Cliffjumper, which is one of my favourite Transformers designs ever, and still ended up selling the thing. However, I am glad that you are enjoying it, as Goldbug deserves love.
>Both of battletrap's alt modes are EXTREMELY scuffed in service of two other modes at that scale
This is part of his success story, though. Like they're both lots of fun in spite of that. Sometimes a flaw is only a flaw if you insist upon it.
Are you getting the ML Cliffjumper?
Fun note: this is when you can tell the poster is old and alone because they take any comment as criticism
>I'll never understand why they didn't use the Runamuck/Runabout mold for Goldbug.
Because that's too big for Goldbug. Also they literally had a licensed VW bug mold they needed to squeeze some more profit out of, and it only needed a new head.

Like, seriously? You'll never understand that? It's pretty straightforward.
Fucksakes everyone was expecting and excited for 2020 mold and/or Hubcap mold but in Movie deco for this Studio Series release and they still find a way to disappoint.

That's what makes this so fucking crazy, when that guy dropped with the mold but as a different store exclusive it gave everyone hope the SS was going to be in that, but nope, get this waste of a design.
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Personally, I already have my perfect Goldbug.
>Because that's too big for Goldbug
Actually it be about the right height if we are talking scale. Goldbug was taller than BB both in the Marvel comic and Cartoon/Anime.
>Also they literally had a licensed VW bug mold they needed to squeeze some more profit out of
That's not how any of that works. They have to get rights every time they use it. Volkswagen is a motherfucker to work with when using their brand even Mattel has horror stories of dealing with them. And to >>10996832 is why it was so crazy they used in with Goldbug because they would have had to go through a process again of getting the rights to use it with another figure. VW wasn't like "you can use this for X amount of months/years" it's more like "You get this one, want to use it more? Come back later"
Yeah, even if I find the conversion more successful on Bumblebee, but I'll be getting both.

I was obviously being hyperbolic. Also, I'm not sure Goldbug is the same size as Bumblebee. I've never watched G1 because I don't care about it, but from some of the screencaps I've seen, he seems way bigger. Again, don't quote me on that, I've never checked the episodes, I like toys first and foremost.
>and it only needed a new head.
Goldbug actually shares more with Cliffjumper than Netflix Bee does since they needed the new head to fit.
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>Because that's too big for Goldbug.
Goldbug is only a foot shorter than Blurr/Hotrod in height in both return of Optimus Prime Retrun and Rebirth. It's why Fun Publications made Shatter Glass Goldbug with the Cybertron Hotshot mold was because he was to tall/big to be BB but it was comparable for his upgrade.
>Goldbug actually shares more with Cliffjumper than Netflix Bee
how? (braces for autism)
my guess is the more boxy look like >>10996817 shared
The inner chest piece for Bee has a collar that his head sits on, this was changed to the piece from Cliffjumper without it that the Shattered Glass Goldbug head was designed for
So some stupid collar piece completely outweighs the fact that Netflix Bee is literally the vehicle that Goldbug is supposed to be? Teach me to be this selectively retarded, senpai.
>bootleg post
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Good riddance. Ugly show, bad writing, bad animation, bad premise, bad American Aesthetic toys.
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Why are you being so hostile? This seems a bit much talking about Goldbug.
This a day old. Find something new.
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I had an epiphany today; I think a individual’s love for a character can make them like a figure more and ignore its flaws. And thats ok.
Not at all, I simply think it's interesting that Goldbug is more of a chimera between the two versions of the mold than you would initially think
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>tfw rescue bots got mainline figures before us
even if it's a minute old or a month old is worthless to bring here, if we cared about that shit we be over there and/or posting on /co/. But some poor fool keeps bringing it here.
Not disagreeing about the vac metal, I love it, hell I even love foil covers on comics. I just want the updated season 2 cast. An in-scale Transmetal Rattrap if nothing else.

It could also make one more critical, where they think their character should be perfect so any flaws are exacerbated.
Nah Anon is just retarded
I like tons of flawed figures of characters I give zero fucks about. The figure just has to be fun and cool enough to outweigh the flaws. That's it.

I think the issue is moreso that a lot of Hasbro's current offerings basically require you to be invested in a given toy for reasons beyond the toy itself, because Hasbro has forgotten how to make a toy cool, stylish, and/or appealing in and of itself. I think this can be majorly reflected in the shift toward packaging characters in robot mode instead of alt mode. It used to be the alt mode was the entire purpose. Like, yeah, you're buying an action figure, big whoop, but LOOK at what this action figure can DO. Lately, most alt modes just seem like a formality that the designers begrudgingly include.
Warden says no and enjoy the core 1984 cast for the xth time.
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>beast machines soundtrack drops
>rather than share some tunes of transfomers past he rather shitpost

Come on anon, have some fun.

Inversely the love for a figure can make you like the character despite the flaws of either it or the toy
I've mentioned Siege Starscream like fifty times, it's a fun robot that makes you warm up to the shitty dirty pyramid
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Warden misunderstands my need to kick his keister, and have a new Quickstrike.
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>I think a individual’s love for a character can make them like a figure more and ignore its flaws
Not for me. If anything, my love for characters is dictated by which toys I like the most. If a buy a bot and love it so much that it stays on my desk to be fiddled with for months or even years, then I'll start to bond with them and look for reasons to appreciate them as a character.

Not that it really matters, imo. Most Transformers media is pretty bad. Conversely, I rather love Beast Wars, but don't have love for many of the toys because I'm just not into organic beast alt modes. I do love some Transmetals, but my absolute favorite (picrel) didn't even appear in the show.
I had shitty friends as a kid and they broke my Transmetal Waspinator, they pulled off the robot head and then snapped the wings. I need to get a replacement.
>Most Transformers media is pretty bad
Yeah. I've already started losing interest in the new comic. I was really getting hyped, but the last few issues have been pretty meh, especially since they got the new artist who has the most boring page layouts imaginable. It wouldn't bother me usually, but the layouts for issues 1-6 were phenomenal and one of my favorite things about the book, and now it's just all rectangles. Yawn.
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I agree, I would've been way more enticed by a goldbug redeco of the run brothers. Wouldn't even mind the alt mode since he's supposed to be an upgrade anyway
I want a Fall of Cybertron Optimus before they stop, at least. Ultra Magnus would be nice, too. This is of course assuming they aren't turds like what we've gotten so far. I always liked the High Moon designs; GE has been underwhelming though.
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That's shitty, anon, I'm sorry. Luckily, he's one of the cheaper vintage bots to nab, even on ebay. I got mine, still on the card, for like 25 bucks about a year ago.

I really wanted an excuse to buy this mold, but I just didn't like the alt mode, or the fake roof-chest. In the end, it really only made me wanna buy the old convention repaints of Runamok and Runabout from the Generations Wheeljack mold.

I guess you can say gold BUGS him
I'd be really happy if we got a Shattered Glass Goldbug from Cybertron Hotshot and Starscream from Cybertron Starscream. They could use it as a chance to do a Megatron from G1 Galvatron, or some Helicopter for SG Galvatron (SS Springer?) and Botcon Laser Prime SG Prime
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Do you even lift bro
Naruto Penguin is too strong.
>Cuz paramount plus!
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have done well even if it wasn't on Plus. The show ain't great.

At least Grimlock got a nice toy out of it.
stand true, stay strong, and show less.
remember when the treehuggers hated us using paper
why didn't that discredit them forever
weirdly everyone forgets it was on Nick at 9 and 10am Saturdays and it had repeats on the weekdays after
i imagine it's the 'australia and/or canada' tax.
some of us are here not because we have nothing better to do, but because we're escaping from our work and troubles.
No one watches tv
i will always miss vac metal
but let's be real, on these toys, it was used as a gimmick. applied haphazardly to random parts of the body. it will not be missed that hard if Primal's kneecaps aren't shiny.
also primal needs a complete overhaul.
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>play with the figures that come with metroplex

Can someone explain why they did not mold the hand holes in the proper direction and had to give them guns with strange sideway handle?

The old bb toy was like that too, why?
Or Nick, anyway. Nothing but Spongebob will do that.
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I still stand by the opinion that Legacy Armada Starscream looks like a proboscis monkey.
Heh. Starscreamy Durante. "Ha cha cha cha cha".
You see the mold seam on the arms? Doing it sideways allowed them to mold the hand holes with a simple 2-part mold, instead of adding a side-insert or do extra drilling manually.
Well, you see uh...

corporate greed!
I'm probably the only one old enough to get that

I get it, but then I mainly remember him from Frosty the Snowman.
I want to go back to 2d animation.
That would have made far more sense for this show to begin with.
Too expensive. Unless its Flash.
lmao didn't know that
looked it up and the ratings dropped off a cliff by the end
Too much work. Easier to just have something 3D and make it appear to be 2D.
okay anon
now you have me wanting one of those 'retro' transformers with like, steam-engine-formers and what have you.. to have a Soundwave who turns into an organ grinder with a little monkey
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With a little handle that makes it lift its hat off its head.
what a colossal faggot
>tfw no Hearts of Steel player piano Soundwave
So they're never gonna reissue the Runamuck/Runabout or Topspin/Twin Twist figures in their original decos, are they?
Did you ask for that on the Instagram thing they talked about doing reissues of TR and later toys some months back?
me toooo.. but without the use of either korean slave labor or AI, it's never gonna be affordable.
There's two conspicuously missing toys in things i follow:
no quickstrike, and no movie II splinter.

i noticed something interesting about quickstrike.. either his scorpion DNA, or his being vaguely "sort of transmetalized", or just slavish toy-accuracy, led to his tail being segmented even on the show. they didnt just go with what the toy was presumably depicting, and make it a real, unsegmented snake
imagine how bad those people feel now
anyway you're in luck in that he's one of the more affordable transmetals today. you can probably grab one for like, 30 bucks.
what trickery have you used here.. there's no way them 25 year old ball joints is that strong.
hearts of steel, that was it
hehe the piano reels would turn into weird round little animals..
ntg dhtg but I do have an alligator megatron and I would believe those balljoints would still be that strong
I sure hope so, Earthspark is garbage
I dont have instagram...
come on, even just balancing it would be hard.
Because that is also his robot mode arm. Having a regular snake for an arm would look strange.
not really, it's not as if it looks weird that primal has no visible joints on his fingers because they are just gorilla hands. though japan sure seems to think it does.
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That seems like an easy way to get lost.
plastic was just cooked better back then, homeslice
Yeah first time I've seen them do this. At least for small items. I can understand when they ship my arcade cabinets
lol dumb
this is objectively true, but my old BW guys all have loose joints now. they're not floppy or anything, but even when they were new they couldn't hold another figure on their shoulders. think about it, that would require the penguin's shoulders to be as strong as megatron's knees and hips. and thems is STRONG ratchets.
As Transformers a lot of Beast Wars stuff kind of sucks. They rely on specific aesthetic decisions to get by. I don't think it would work with how Hasbro does things now. I always liked the Transmetal style (it's also what my nostalgia primarily associates with Beast Wars) but modern iterations would be even more flat and sterile looking than what we got in Kingdom.
you cool rich person, can I come to your house
Sure. 72116

I gotta be honest, the only Transmetals I want are Rampage and Depth Charge. The rest are show characters that have better toys available.

Unless they make some new guys. That'd be cool.
damn. you could be four houses over and it would be pretty hard to get over there.
hell and a half, I would love some original transmetal 1s. it's so weird we didn't get them in the toyline. i mean we sort of did, but they were all still show guys.
I'd prefer the chrome, but if we got a non-self-destructing TM Megatron reissue that used metallic paint instead of chrome I'd buy it.
I'll say I've been tempted by some of those Transart Transmetals
Transmetals were mostly to get new versions of show characters. Fuzors had the higher new guy rate.
Now peel it off

Speaking of something else I'd give my left nut for new toys of...
two points here
what makes plastic break is not being chromed (though the chrome itself can flake), but mixing metallic flakes INTO the plastic, and doing so in a.. way.. that makes that happen

and that isn't what made TM1 megatron break. the breakage point was actually in his normal black plastic, the joint was poorly designed.
I'm just going to throw the box away
>Rampage and Depthcharge
Good choices for original characters. For 'upgraded' characters, I still want TM Tarantulas and Megatron, with maybe Rattrap (since they can pull double-duty with that mold for Packrat. Who I'm STILL waiting for with Fractyl). It feels like a missed opportunity to skip the more iconic character designs.
>I'll say I've been tempted by some of those Transart Transmetals
I've got Rattrap, Tarantulas, TM2 Blackarachnia and the TM2 Arcee repaint. They're great and very show- accurate (though they all cheat in some way); eagerly awaiting their Dinobot II (and inevitable Rapticon repaint). My only issue with them is that they're MP scale and thus won't work with the rest of the recent official BW releases.
want airhammer and skyshadow basically exactly as they were

bantor, injector, and terragator need slight tweaks
noctorro, torca, and buzzclaw need a total overhaul
>My only issue with them is that they're MP scale
I do own the entire suite of BWMPs so that isn't a bother to me
There's a local selling TM Megatron and Rattrap that I'm considering
i wish I was rich enough to have the MPs
So, I guess Nightstrike is meant to be Thundertron's "parrot"?

Foo. I was already using Mini Con Swoop for that.
He's pulling double duty as the flag as well
Kind of goofy isn't it? The one in the show only appeared as a bat, those blind bag rubber figures had Nightstrike in a robot mode, and then the normal toy is entirely bat because he is forked from Ratbat.
Yeah, if they wanted a parrot, just use Laserbeak.
I do like how they're trying to be more creative with the cassette designs - Nightstrike as the Star Raiders' Jolly Roger and Bullseye as a literal Target Gift Card (with Prime's Diagnostics Drone as a literal price scanner) are fun ideas, even if the latter is totally glorifying soul-sucking corporate greed.
I want to say Bullseye is actually technically a promo for their new(?) bubbled shipping envelopes
there's nothing greedy about it, i would say it's... a bizarre case of corporate back-patting. they think they are actually something anyone cares about.
I mean, Buzzworthy Bumblebee was pretty useful.
Laserbeak already has a buddy. Go find a wild bird.
in what way
Got us some molds and redecos/retools we'd never get otherwise.
er, yes, the toys released under the line are good and useful
but none of that made it necessary to be target-exclusive or 4-pack exclusive. fuck that.
It is a rubbish headsculpt.
bit of an exaggeration to call it a proboscis monkey, it just looks like a very ugly human
>Nightstrike as the Star Raiders' Jolly Roger
Oh THAT'S what he's supposed to be
>The one in the show
It still pisses me off that they gave Thundertron such a shitty off-model face on purpose for his first release knowing full-well they could force people to double-dip on the mold later with an accurate one. I mean, I should have seen it coming, but still - it's a shitty practice to announce an obscure character, release them without any indication that said character was going to get another toy any time soon, then drop the version people wanted from the start after everyone who was interested in the character has already bought the dud version, forcing them to spend more money 'upgrading'.
Thats what leaks are for.
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who's ready for poorly-painted, poorly-photographed customs that looked a lot better in my head?
i wanted to make a blue tiger, but I kinda wanted one more... like.. desaturated blue? but 'clear gray paint' does not appear to exist, so I just made a cerulean tiger.
I would have done a comparison with other tigatrons, but so tired.
Not every leak is reliable. Shit changes all the time, and there's always the chance of the leaker just making things up.
In Thundertron's case, the only thing I remember hearing was that he was going to have a slightly different paint scheme and possibly some new accessories; there was no mention that he'd have a new head sculpt.
Looks like you wrecked a perfectly good Tigatron by smearing him in paint like an infant.
go back to readdit
it really does look like that, doesn't it?
but i couldn't very well have two, and Premium Finish made this one redundant
and I put TONS of work into painting all his green parts nice and metallic, and I wasn't gonna waste that. so clear blue on top of that green and we've got a whole new color.
and actually the coat took a ton of work. two different kinds of paint, tons of thinning to get gradients.. all for it to look this lousy!
Has the pre order window opened up for this guy?
Gradient work should be done with matte paints and an airbrush; gloss paint should always be the last thing you apply (it functions as a sealant) and only used sparingly and only in a very, very thin layer. DO NOT try to mix glosses, or you'll end up with the clumpy-looking mess you've got there.
Reactivate Optimus and Soundwave are fucking rad -- other than one of the truck side panels on Optimus being pretty warped. I didn't expect to like Soundwave so much but it's probably my favorite Soundwave in recent memory.

I didn't plan on getting the BumbleScream set but now I feel like I have to.
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I disagree, it's a lot easier doing gradients with clear paint. You can let it just 'wash' and do fewer go-overs, and then you can clean it up later with water or alcohol (this one's using both). it worked a treat on the yellow tigatron, that one came out way better. (it also worked on this tigatron, evening out his shitty half-assed orange paint that Hasbro put on it. it actually ended up looking nice and pretty natural)
buuut there are a lot of blobby parts around the face, I'm STILL cleaning some of that up. but alcohol does still work for removing some even on the water-based stuff. I just really really should have held out for smoke-colored paint. i think it might exist. Oh well.
and when it comes to "I already put work into customizing this, but it is now obsolete, so I want to keep the extant pattern" you can't avoid clear paint. Next project will be painting my custom Dinobot in.... maybe clear green? I'm open to suggestions. but I feel like green on top of that brown will look pretty good and 'dinosaury'. and then maybe red over his metallic blue parts, make a nice poiple.. silver over the gold parts.. it should work.
I don't hate the face sculpt, but it's definitely not their finest job. The old Generations deluxe did a better job in that department. It's so odd to me how they swing and miss on some of this.

I think SS86 Bumblebee looks good and I like the head sculpt on it a lot, but I'm pretty sure it's less accurate than one of the smaller Buzzworthy Bumblebees we got recently. Why? Why do they struggle with Kup so much? Why does SS86 Hot Rod look great and Kingdom Rodimus look like shit? Why did Blurr answer the call? I can name a lot of great recent head sculpts too, but that just makes it stranger.
He looks like he rolled around in blue glitter frosting
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I did a SS86 Bee digibash for fun the other day and I'm hoping to use it as reference for some kind of custom job. Somebody a few threads ago said that the wonky headsculpts are most likely an effort by the designers to "do their own thing", putting their own spin on established designs. The problem, of course, being that they usually stink.
a fair priced/cheap ss38 prime is one of my two grails, what would you consider a fair/cheap price? for reference, cause i don't see it often here
mmm, I know exactly the stuff you mean.
yeah it definitely didn't turn out well. at least the metallic green parts look nice in metallic teal now.
>Somebody a few threads ago said that the wonky headsculpts are most likely an effort by the designers to "do their own thing",
For my tastes it worked out in this case. I like SS86 Bee's head sculpt more than the vast majority of Bumblebees'. It's just odd given the purpose of SS86. Blurr's face sculpt killed my interest entirely.

It makes me all the more curious how SS86 Optimus will turn out.
Soundbox that says things like "Megatron must be stopped no matter the cost", "One shall stand one shall fall", and "Do not grieve. Soon I will be one with the Matrix." added.
It just says Toonami promos
>the shocked faces on Ironhide and Prowl
My airhammer arrived today, and I really dig him. I wish they did more Fuzors, it was a fun concept.
If you could think up a new Fuzor what would it be?
Crab with octopus, so it can have eight claws instead of two
Octopunch "hands" typed this
well how often do you see a fembot motorboating a manbot
i'm so with you, dude. though i never would have been able to afford them all back then.
i had an OC that was a winged lion (with eagle hind legs as well for talon grabs) but that's pretty boring. there's a TON of more interesting ideas
>cat in front, dolphin in back, mermaid cat
>whale head on wolverine body
>beetle body with chameleon legs and tail and the chameleon's nose horns
I know, I'm just saying a sturdy reissue of that mold would be great, even if it wasn't chromed.
let's see, what else
>goblin shark head and tail with a wolf body
>turtle with a centipede forming the head and tail
>chipanzee arms and head with deer legs and antlers
i would say dino fuzors but i can't imagine the pods were counding fossils until specifically told to.
oh I got it, you were saying "even if the paint wouldn't be chrome anymore, if it at least didn't break, it would be worth it"
i want a slight modification though. I want his dino head to fold into the body, possible forming the actual chest (But the top of it can flip to form the alternate chest)
He thinks he’s really tough, doesn’t he?
Unopened for $60 is probably about as good as it will get now. There might be decent KOs out there, though the 3P thread would probably have more insight. The "premium" KO market is a dodgy mess that can produce toys better than the originals but can also churn out superficial winners with excellent paint and diecast parts but utterly shit tolerances, so I'd search around.
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>Replies: 292
>Images: 53
We gotta work on this
he thinks he's on the same side as the mob, and they will fight for him
Hes getting reissued
Starscream looks sexy ngl
>beetle body with chameleon legs and tail and the chameleon's nose horns
What could have been
I have a long fascination with that concept art Fuzor Optimus Primal, the body of a gorilla with head and wings of an eagle
please show. i do not remember this
SS38 is on the list of all the Primes that happen to be getting reissues
Your edit looks like he's wearing a balaclava, g1 bee never has his "helmet" circling his eyes like that
Wish it was a v2, the toy as is, feels unfinished. All the KO's fuck something up so they don't feel worth it either.
what if.. a bee-crab
or a kiwi bird kangaroo
maybe half tuatara half anomalocaris
or a squid penguin
not europe
thank you hasjew
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What other Primes are getting reissued?
well maybe you should have treated em nicer like we did.
that would actually be really cool, like if armor plates replaced feathers?
>not bat
>car modo tigatron
where the fuck do the gorilla arms go?? the knee and foot transformations are dumb. but overal that does look radical.
the other four look just okay, top left is the best and the hardest to see.
I think Rodimus looks great as a more grizzled version of him and so I use him as my "Marvel" Rodimus, I think he looks several degrees better in person than under any camera or studio lights. They capture angles and lines on his face that just aren't anywhere as pronounced as in person.
Weren't these from a fanart competition?
that would have been a better 'mythology gag' yeah
i find that unlikely for a few reasons
So you really think that Kenner was actually considering Blackarachnia that looked that and it wasn't just adult fans at a convention?
I mean.. it didn't get picked.
tons of the early art is a lot different from what we ended up getting. including some being downright gory looking
GE Prime, Armada Prime, ER Prime, SS102, and maybe others
No, like, official word from Hasbro acknowledging the trend. But it is happening.

Some quick research is telling me that they art fan art, dating back to Botcon '98
What about DOTM Prime?
>you really think that Kenner was actually considering Blackarachnia that looked that
It's no more salacious thanTM2 Blackarachnia.
especially with her top coming off
i can't believe the 3p fucked that up so hard.
This shit IS illegal to ship and they bend the rules constantly to do this dogshit
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He got a Buzzworthy rerelease last year (I got it) but I can't recall word of him getting another
The actual Blackarachnia doesn't have thighhighs with garters. Even the actual toy only had "armored" and "solid chest" with no cleavage mode.
they have essentially done this with the Black Series COUNTLESS times, especially with Mandos
seems like the -law- doesn't need to get involved in something like this
just give the seller a bad rating. i just saw a heavily discounted toy i want, but the ratings were fucking 48% positive. Problem solved.
and you think those are.. sexual?
Yes. Transformers normally don't wear clothes. Parts that are designed to invoke clothes are vulgar.
>I think he looks several degrees better in person than under any camera or studio lights.
Maybe. I skipped it because of other issues I had with it. It was a disappointment to me in several respects, which is a shame because Rodimus is one of my favorite characters. Maybe we'll get a spruced up SS86 version. I doubt it, but anything's possible. I didn't think they'd do Springer or Ultra Magnus again.
>This a day old. Find something new

Good news then, Omegamale just uploaded
Roddy is a main guy, so they will try and fail another one 3 years from now.
Posting TJ should be bannable
Yeah I know about it but I couldn't get it either...
This thing always sells out in seconds
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What I thought the Bishoujo line was going to look like when announced.
Would a pastiche of Rowdy Roddy Piper work as a characterization for a new Rodimus? Red or purple, doesn't matter
love it. do it.
Top half of a fish and the bottom half of a mermaid
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lol what a bizarre idea where did you even think of that
wow this actually looks okay. though the arms are still stubby.
>lol what a bizarre idea where did you even think of that
It was once revealed to me in a dream
Lion/snapping turtle
Manta Ray/Swan
Horse/Stag Beetle
Zebra/Rhinoceros Beetle
anon, you're mixing maximal and predacon animals!! all five of these are doing that.

doesn't mean they aren't an awesome idea though.
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got 2 snarls today
make up your mind, is it pinchar or lepida?
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I genuinely fucking loathe the part of my brain that wants SS86 just because of the improved shoulders. No. I must be strong.

>the files on the screen
How's the swinger party vid
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SS86 what, exactly?
anyway I love stupid ass g1 gifs
there's something so funny about a robot pushing his own buttons
whether it's beast wars guys accessing panels on their forearms, or fucking Brainiac needing to plug into things in order to control them... like they REALLY did not see wifi coming, or understand that a robot could control all of his body's functions by thinking.
>tfw there will never be an optimus where you pull the trigger on his gun and a mic and antenna come out of his head or a Hound with light up forehead
I mean, it depends. What if it's a mod that doesn't directly interface with their brain modules? Or wireless signals are something that drastically differ between planets, and they don't comprehend or pick up on our specific frequencies innately? Or what if it's a situation like how we're technically meat machines, and our brains do stuff automatically that we cannot directly control, like our internal organs?
I guess you can say the concept really [toyler]gets your gears turnin'[/toyler]
indeed. and that gets me into other neat discussions, about how like, the beast wars guys at least clearly had onboard computers, which think at computer speed, monitor their vitals, and speak to them verbally. while they have more humanlike minds and have to ask the computer to tell them stuff.
That stood out to me too when I first watched the show, I thought that was a really neat interpretation :)
i particularly loved the episode when those computers were shut down because they got hit by severe energon, basically like an EMP.. and they could barely, painfully, transform, and couldn't get any of their other usual autonomic functions online (such as going into stasis lock to prevent permadeth when your body's damaged). it's like the damn safety net is cut.
though I still have no idea what Rhinox was doing with that " imagine a training grid in your head" i mean,, how does he know which way they're facing, how tall they are, that wouldn't work just shouting coordinates.
Rodimus doesn't get that much love, though. Kingdom's is as good as it gets unfortunately. Even SS86 Hot Rod didn't get churned out in different decos the way I expected.
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>If you could think up a new Fuzor what would it be?

Why even bother? Just update and fiddle with this guy Airhammer is as close to perfect as it gets with a concept and design
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JFC, I'm too stoned. Springer. I love Siege but the shoulders fucking suck. Any improvement to articulation would be welcome.
you have no problem with him having a shark tail for one hand, and a disembodied beaky shark mouth as his other hand?
because I agree he's fantastic, but those are the only flaws in my opinion. Let the fin fold back, making a big forearm spike, while a real fist folds out (do not leave a hollow space!!!) and... the shark mouth should really stay attached to the head. which itself would have made a very nice chest or something, being all hammer shaped as it is..
Injector seems to do that. It is fine.
I think a cool combo and callback would be a Bat-Crocodile Fuzor.
Omega Primal
injector is fish and bug, those are both pred-

hang on no, fish are maximals. huh.
batodile! and/or crocobat. i love it.
>and a disembodied beaky shark mouth as his other hand?
>because I agree he's fantastic, but those are the only flaws in my opinion. Let the fin fold back, making a big forearm spike, while a real fist folds out (do not leave a hollow space!!!) and... the shark mouth should really stay attached to the head. which itself would have made a very nice chest or something, being all hammer shaped as it is... blah blah blah

I said fiddle with it. I'm sure he would be at least a Deluxe, which would afford him a bit more complex transformation. I'm sure they would fix his fin arm and good chance the shark head integrates with the chest and the wings would fold. I imagine them giving him the same sort of chomping arm, and I'm okay with that.
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Though I suppose I am ASSUMING it will be an improvement, haven't seen a direct comparison yet. It seemed like such a no-brainer to me back when Siege was new, looks like it should be much more posable with those chonkers rotated away.
>Horse/Stag Beetle
No, a Stag Beetle.
>deer body with beetle elytron and actual antlers instead of pincers

Oh and a Tarantula Hawk
Everyone defends that fucking owl when it's sinful existence damned the show more than anything. No tranny owl and the show was just another wet fart like Cyberverse and 2015
oh i was focusing on the 'as close to perfect as you can get' part
yes yes, fiddle.
it's not that bad a design at least
Injector 2, no further questions.
Cyberverse was better. Also most people sensationalizing Nightshade don't watch Transformers, at his very worst he's a kind-of obnoxious and heavy-handed piece of dialogue from an ugly cartoon kid. Earthspark's biggest sin is that it's just boring and ugly.
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>injector's tag team partner; Injector
Oh, I didn’t even notice he had a beak molded on him until you posted this
>at his very worst he's a kind-of obnoxious and heavy-handed piece of dialogue from an ugly cartoon kid.
In his 20 episode of existence outside of his three lines about pronouns he's literally just Donatello from TMNT
jesus christ, three??? i didn't realize it was that bad yet.
Two and a half I guess
So they should have given Nightshade glasses
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I find it sad that Robosen managed to do better at making a G1 tank Megatron than Hasbro did with the ER mold, given they were constrained by it needing to be able to automatically transform. It's not at all perfect, but it proves that Hasbro could have done much, much better than they actually did.
Robosen doesn't recycle parts from Siege.
It's just Combiner Wars without a rotating turret.
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Isn't it just a refined version of this one?
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They already did that...kinda.
I'm probably one of the few people on this planet that actually likes Megatron having some dumbass spear slot in to be his tank barrel
oh yeah
what a childish way to make an animal transformer.. i mean it's an impossible task of course, but it's just ridiculous like "we'll make the hands halfway between the size of a bat's wings and a crocodile's hands, it's fine. people will buy it"
The dumbass spear was a lot better in the Siege version tho
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And Seige's tank mode, doodoo speckles, and head sculpt are worse.
I still love that sculpt. The shoulders are shit but a lot of the details are nice. It's one of my favorote Megatron faces. I like the Armada retool's face sculpt more than Legacy's version, too.
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Chase holds himself to a high cartoon cop standard
It's hardly even a spear, it's a gaint obvious piece of partsforming that he can't even hold as a spear. Completely half-assed.
Seige at least out the effort towards making its partsforming turn into a sword.
The tank mode is worse but it's not because of how they did the sword. The speckles and face sculpt have nothing to do with the tank barrel so I'm not sure why you're even bringing them up.
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Since I'm dying on this hill, I might as well say LG G2 Megatron is the best he's ever looked and he feels a hundred times better as a Blitzwing redeco than his own toy.
I really like the heft of die-cast transformers figures, but every one I've ever owned has been kinda messed up - either unable to stand on its feet or with plastic joints that struggle to support the weight of the die-cast parts attached to them. Are there any die-cast transformers out there that are actually good all around?
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The siege tank mode with the netflix paintjob looks way better than the earthrise figure
I don't like how weird and elongated the head looks in the earthrise figure. Siege has the weird lips but that isn't too bad compared to the helmet the other one has
I like changing him from mode to mode, even if popular opinion says it's too simple.
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speaking of tank modes, it's nice to actually have a functional turret for once. shout-out to core class as well
>head sculpt
we must have very different aesthetic tastes because that is nonsense. I'll give you the rest though
So simple yet so effective
Why is transformers such a stupid pathetic brand? Why does it never have any items on the shelves? You literally can't buy anything. Half the products are from the garbage spin off shows that came after generation 1 that NOBODY gives a shit about. The only thing people want is G1 looking transformers.
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>How's the swinger party vid

No too good

The studio has been lacking since like 2010's. I blame the directors for copying what I called "american style". It just missing the old "Oof"

I don't know if I am getting old and my eyes are getting bad or not, I just feeling that lately all the photo I have taken of my toys they all have huge amount of imperfections
Maybe I should not use the light?
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>"Don't fire a shaped charge at me or my son ever again."
is that a movie bot? you don't have to answer, I can tell it is cause the alt mode rips. I'm so envious of the bayverse alt modes...
that's a fucking weird looking car, but I like it.
It's not a bad toy. It's not amazing and came out during a pathetic time for Transformers, but with some changes to the shoulders it would be a kickass Megatron. I'd buy a polished version in a heartbeat, especially if it were downscaled to modern leader/voyager size.
you gotta love the synergy. they like explosions and money, the military is happy to provide in exchange for promotion of their cool machines
Well fine, I was going to answer but now I won't. bich
At this point I'd rather Hasbro just reissue the old Battle Blades voyager. It's better than either Bay Studio Series Optimus by a mile.
Same, I'm p sure most people are on the same page too. I'm betting they're gonna do 2.0s of most of the 07/DotM guys (since early-SS mainly did those two films) either in 2026 or 27 for the first film's 20th Anni, hopefully 26 because the sooner the better.
Personally I'm upset bout it cuz I love the Bay trilogy, but next year's mainly focused on 86 and AoE. I mean, I like G1 too in fairness, but... man, AoE really...
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indeed, in fact my decepticon armored division is getting fairly sizeable these days.
hey don't be like that; it was a compliment. a bitchy, backhanded one, but a compliment nonetheless!
would never happen but I would be really happy if they gave Mutant Soundwave another release(either reusing his original mold or even a new one) since he's basically one of the only Beast Era figures to suffer from GPS that didn't see their mold reused with non GPS plastic

the Mutant figures are basically them taking some mostly finished but unreleased Animorphs figures(after that line got canned) and making a couple minor tweaks to make it a little less obvious

kind of funny that it's rather obvious that the turret can't rotate a full 360 degrees simply so that people can't pose him in robot mode with his cannon in a way suggestive of a dick
I'm so glad I skipped the Earthrise version. I hate how Hasbro seems to refuse to give Megatron an extending barrel for the tank mode, or engineering it so that the cannon gets buried in the turret instead of just being able to swing out the front. I'm really sick of partsforming Megatrons.
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In hindsight, he ended up being a decent scale for modern displays.
He tried to kill himself in a shallow pool and he's seeing a therapist.
>but let's be real, on these toys, it was used as a gimmick. applied haphazardly to random parts of the body. it will not be missed that hard if Primal's kneecaps aren't shiny. also primal needs a complete overhaul.
It may have been a gimmick but I could not disagree more with the rest of what you said. The areas of vac metal look very specifically chosen and Transmetal Primal is damn near perfect. Aside from the lack of ankle tilts and ball-joints in the necks he has just as much articulation as a modern figure. Hell you add just swivels on thighs and he has the same articulation as SS ROTB Primal.
>As Transformers a lot of Beast Wars stuff kind of sucks. They rely on specific aesthetic decisions to get by.
But in all seriousness, I gotta disagree, I think the majority of Beast Wars figures, especially the main cast work perfectly fine. Hell most of the main cast could just be re-released with minor changes like headsculpts, added balljoints, and if possible scale tweaks.
yeah but even as an animorphs toy it's.. a dumb idea, and poor execution.
weirdly hasbro cannot leave this idea alone, they now have jurassic park dinosaurs that turn into other dinosaur monstrosities.
well i'll admit the chrome gorilla and t-rex heads looked good. but most of the chrome was added randomly to most of them
yeah missing link beast wars would rock
And I gave a bitchy, backhanded reply of acceptance!
(sick af Hero Megatron btw, anon!)
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Yeah it's studio series Brawl
Why are you pretending to be me?
>suggestive of a dick
that's funny I was puzzling over that the other night and your theory is better than any of mine. lousy puritans!
Who said I was pretending? All I said was I also wanted to answer :b
Luckily, it's extremely easy to fix just by unscrewing the turret and snipping the gate out
man, this figure was rough
I'm glad he's got that masterpiece on the way
Yeah the MPMs look amazing, I wish I could afford them
hey that guy who customized his old inferno with new inferno's head, and added paint.. you got those pictures again? would be nice to reference, i'm about to do the same.
he already had a leader class one right?
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I don't know why but I always pictured Air Hammer as a fembot back in the day. Probably the huge pectorals.
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the legs are good, the chest is ok, the tread shoulders are awesome, the weapons everywhere is awesome and then you get to the head and the whole thing becomes irredeemable. the tank mode is sick though you are right about that.
oh nice I was just thinking about doing that
Mhm, there's a vid on YT for whenever ya get around to it! :b
so your just a lunatic who likes to talk to people? are you a robot? what's your story?
Bratty anon needs correction
yes I saw them at Botcons a few times 1999-2003
It was also streaming on Amazon Prime when it first launched. The first 6 episodes were there before put behind the buy to own/Paramount subscription wall. Also episodes one and two had Youtube Premiere and most of the episodes were sliced into tictok shorts, they pushed this harder than any other show since the original.

>no one watches Plus
>It was on TV too
>No one watches TV

So what metric would you want to follow? Direct brain scans?
"find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life"
>badmouthing the only toy to give you two nickels
Yeah I saw aussie-kun's video too.
>drop the version people wanted from the start

Ehhh...no one said anything about his retail face... or his retail release for that manner

Especially considering he's a D-tier character from the universe & toyline he is from, but the most faithful of TFP characters done in Legacy
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Any hopes for Prime line next year or SS? First two waves might be the best but seeing all those repaints and lazy remolds in United I feel like I might grab Aerial bots and Fallen + Red Alert. Pretty good considering all the fun stuff in Studio Series like Megatron, Knight Optimus, Devastator etc.
I very much agree. I feel like the shift to robot mode prioritization has really hamstrung the alt modes. Kingdom was good for the beast characters, and a few vehicles such as cyclonus got the best of both worlds, but my netflex soundwave barely looks like a casette player. Hell, they even tooled his legs backwards so the tapered bits are facing outward on the alt mode. It's just shameful really.
I remember some anon suggesting a retool of lio prime for bantor, although i really think they'd need to give him some cool weaponry to make him sell. Maybe a foldout double barrel blaster? That'd be cool. A big torca would be great. Also, with a good bit of tweaking i think you could retool noctorro into a gargoyle, maybe repaint him as a hellboy crossover figure? That'd be really cool
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Rock on, fish-bug enjoyer
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Finally finished Rescue Bots. That was a fun finale, I liked how it brought together all the random chaos-inducing inventions from one-off episodes into a big finale, where the Bots grappled with what really seemed like the closest thing they had to a Decepticon; lotta fun action scenes, Heatwave especially got to be the based action hero he was born to be lol. But yeah, if there's one thing this show always did well it was it's surprising sense of continuity, and the fun character writing and silly G1-style episodes of course. Prolly some of the most fun human characters too, lowkey; Chief Burns is so great lol.
I still think S1 is maybe my fave with how seriously it took the rescue operations, S2 and S3 def leaned more towards the more preposterous cartoony stuff but still kept the whole "saving people" part important lol - tho it became really funny how everybody was just a magnet for Murphy's Law, the most dramatic disaster would happen out of nowhere right when everything is going fine lmfao. S4's my second fave, keeping up the formula of the middle ones but also giving more attention to the characters and trying to wrap everything up in a nice bow, having some nice emotional weight. Also the more serious or grounded eps never totally went away, but they came back into focus a little bit in S4, too. Overall solid and fun show, really hope these lads show up in something written more for older viewers/readers someday, cuz they're great.

Tried out Beast Machines' first ep too, I shouted "SHUT UP" way louder than needed when they referenced the Apple commercial, lmfao. This is so of-the-time already, I kinda love it. Car Robots was very Y2K in the optimistic high-energy way a lotta anime and video games were, Beast Machines is extremely Y2K in the way that brought us The Matrix: dystopian scifi with spiritualism and "breaking the system". I always loved how TF adapted to the tropes of the time, it's what keeps it fun for me lol. Makes for great timecapsules.
If there's anything to be learned, it's that Megatron looks much nicer with taller proportions than squat ones.
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Postin big daddy lil baby combos nice. Name a better light piped duo than Iron Chongus and lil’ Zip Zap right here. You cant. Theyre a couple ‘o time vampires here to steal your soul as early as possible.
I just got back from the 40th event, man that was shit lol. Rewatching the cartoon did get me thinking,since we're getting a new updated Soundwave, were Optimus and Megatron or anyone else confirmed or rumoured to be getting the update treatment too? Seeing again how dynamic G1 Megatron was is making me want a more sleek mainline figure of him.
>were Optimus and Megatron or anyone else confirmed or rumoured to be getting the update treatment too?
Yeah, SS86 Optimus this year and SS86 Megatron next year.
Sweet, I hope they can fold all the treads of Megatron (assuming he's a tank again) into his legs, I would really like if he had a cleaner back than the recent figures where the treads are just slapped on there.
any fellow euro here? there's a ss102 optimus on vinted for 25€, why nobody's buying it? i thought it was popular and not well distributed here, is there something better coming up?
if the price is good collectibles sell in literal seconds on vinted
Reminder that the mutants were all former fuzors that got affected by the virus(this is where the "Savage/Noble came from Silverbolt's body" fantheory way back came from)
Always wanted to see fuzor versions of the mutants(and maybe a mutant version of Silverbolt with pure wolf and eagle altmodes)
Prime and Megatron both have deluxe listings for the near future too
We're not getting an updated soundwave sadly, we're getting a refresh of the half-assed netflix soundwave and you're paying 15 more burgers for an extra cassette
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Testing out those clear resin recast parts on ebay/taobao, for light piped eyes.
I know they said the cassettes would just be repaints but did they say specifically that Soundwave would have no retooling? I was of the impression he was a Springer-esque deal.
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The recasts are slightly smaller so you can see gaps around the eyes from the front. No issue with assembly though despite the shrinkage, other than the stock head being hard to remove from the balljoint.
>This is that Neflix cassette player version of Soundwave that everyone has been after.
Doesn't deconfirm new tooling but I suspect they think the cassettes are justification enough for the price point, a bit lame.
In Hasbro's mind the cassettes are still battlemasters, so they inflated the price proportionally
Like how Flamewar's price was bumped up because she came with Fireglide(?)
I wonder if that alternate Thundertron will actually be sold at a standard leader price.
Is that part 5 Jojo
Yeah, breaking it down with the usual math a voyager plus a deluxe plus a battle master for leader price sound like a better bargain than normal
>Like how Flamewar's price was bumped up because she came with Fireglide(?)
Thought that was because of the comic...?
Hopefully at least made from better formulated materials that won't turn yellow in a year.
$25 toy +$6 toy +$4 comic still is less than sum of parts. The claim is that they counted doing more paintwork than usual in the cost. Also ignore that older releases like Generations didn't have the comic in the cost.
Fuck, I mangled it by omitting a section. The price it was sold for was $40.
Haven't heard of any guys from the last year having discoloration issues, so might be in the clear now.
I actually like the yellowing on G2 Sandstorm and Cyclonus. Looks rancid on everything else though, yeah.
Yeah I'm not saying it's a *good* excuse to raise the price, just that it was also a factor in their claims. All just boils down to basic corporate greed at the end of the day.
If Legacy Arcee wasn't as awful as it was, I probably would have fallen for it.
It is a very nice looking deco for such a mediocre mold, at least. I am glad I found her in ross when it started getting flooded with overstock
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These two feel kindred.
there is no metric. entertainment is dead. how are you not aware of that?
Yeah, it was fanart for proposed toys I think.
Or he just added that restriction himself.
looks to me like the issue is eyes too high, not nose
wheels and the legman!
>I'm betting they're gonna do 2.0s of most of the 07/DotM guys (since early-SS mainly did those two films) either in 2026 or 27 for the first film's 20th Anni, hopefully 26 because the sooner the better.
Who knows. I don't like them much as movies, but I like some of the designs and I'd like to have a good movie Optimus just for the sake of it. The Studio Series versions just miss as much as they hit, and the changes made to the transformation framework just seem odd. Sure, Battle Blades was a somewhat complex voyager even back in 2010, but even much simpler toys shared a lot of those beats that the SS versions just dismiss entirely. I understand the Bay fatigue that a lot of people feel though.

The AOE/TLK designs suck ass, but I'm sort of curious to see how they handle them.
They're both great takes on Soundwave if you can get over him not including the cassette concept. They both have neat alt modes, though WFC Soundwave has the more satisfying transformation I think.
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Also very fun toy.
Optimus is good too. Maybe the best of the recent Optimi. I'm not a huge fan of the way the arms work going into truck mode, but it's a solid transformation. The legs are a simple but clever solution and probably my favorite part. Pinned wheels would have been nice too, but what can you do.
yeah but his stripe got a bit lost didn't it
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Bought a junker TLK Voyager Megatron for $15 to make this Death's Head custom and it was missing the horns on the Megatron head (not an issue) and the left skirt piece (A bit more of an issue). Since it's Death's Head and I don't really see myself transforming the guy what should I kitbash onto the left side skirt? Was thinking some kind of pistol holster.
appropriate given that outfit that she turns into a DRAGster.
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Is Breakdown ever getting reissued?
>find him at retail exactly once, broke that day
>never see him again
Fucking hell. The really funny part is they did all the other G2 limbs except him.
I think it looks fine, though.
>actually-competent customizing
fucking awesome anon.
uh I think.. something rounded on the skirts would give it some good resemblance.
>hands inside claws
dig it. he's got kind of a Tigerhawk head though
random angular glyphs are not ugly, but they're weird.
Nah that's not mine, that's the image from the cults3d page I'm getting the head from (It's printing right now). I paint Gunpla and minis fairly regularly so I actually kinda know what I'm doing compared to the guy with the blue Tigatron.
oh "this custom" meaning i'm gonna do this pictured custom

yeah why uh, why'd you think I was so impressed?
I'm gonna try cleaning up the face at least. maybe black over the eyes...
>random angular glyphs are not ugly, but they're weird.
The truck also has jet thrusters, so it keeps with that I guess. I'm hoping to see this mold get redeco'd into something else (I'm always game for a white Ultra Magnus) but I can never predict what Hasbro will pimp out these days. They didn't even really churn out ER Optimus redecos the way I thought they would.
rocket truckkkk
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Here is your Hasbro Decepticon pack bro
That will be $100
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Aren't these just Cyberverse guys again? How are they charging more than 60 for them in any case?
459 yen is like three bucks dude.
it's a wierd way to list prices compared to americans, but they're trying to say it's 60 dollars not 6.
so what does the 459 mean
it's 459 sets of 10 yuan

Japan does similar things. Instead of what we do, 1, 10, 100, 1000, they do stuff like 1, 10, 100, 10 100s, 100 100s.
They count differently, and when they reach those higher groups, they use a word isntead of the number

sorta like if we said "this is 50 grand"
Entertainment Earth has preorders up for him, but it has been getting pushed back constantly.
i THOUGHT that writing looked a little chinky, but... the fuck, since when do they use the yen sign for yuan? I remember something else.

also yeah their numbering system is fuckin weird in terms of how numbers get grouped.
>459 sets of 10
shouldn't that still have a zero, though, to indicate that? just, without a comma because they save that for 5 digits, and put it before the first 4 digits.. right?
If I remember correctly, the leak list has him rumored to receive a G2 repaint next year. Who knows whether that might change between now and then, but at least it's something. I personally prefer the G2 color scheme, but it'd probably look out of place on an otherwise G1 colored Menasor.

I placed a preorder on Entertainment Earth back when he was listed as expected to ship last December. Last I checked, he had been pushed back to May, but since that's this month, I'm sure he's been delayed further. I eventually cancelled my preorder a few months ago after I was lucky enough to find him at a con still sealed in his box for only $35. I honestly have no idea why Entertainment Earth seems to think they're ever gonna get a shipment of his wave.
it's 459 chinese yuan not nipponese yens
so they're worth nothing
>since when do they use the yen sign for yuan
they have different words, so you might just be used to them writing the word yuan (which is 1 symbol) not the symbol for yuan.
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ah yeah, this sumbitch. this is what i'm used to when they pretend they have money
yeah, that'd be like us writing out "dollar" instead of $
but since it only takes up 1 character space, they use it plenty.
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It's obviously supposed to be a stormwolf, the vehicles modes are nearly identical
seems like they could just use that as the money symbol instead.
oh there you go. it's a stormwolf - minus the x-wing engines - plus star trek nacelles
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I get why you might think that, but that is a fairly tropey design too.
this was the concept.
They moved his tape screen to the back, and flattened out the top, and moved the nacelles to being on pylons.
honestly i think you just proved that anon right
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We could have gotten any of those Sideswipes instead of just a legally distinct lamborgini
it's pretty interesting to note... the actual toy ended up with a blue piece shaped exactly like that concept art's chest window, and it pops open at the same point that the window would have.
I'm betting they weren't planning on making the chest window have a spring loaded hinge, and when that decision was made they changed it around a little and his chest became his back.
Not to mention in the concept art, his nacelles have to move from his armpit to his shoulderblades and that's quite tricky.
Siege in general was just slightly altered Earth modes on one side and total crumpled robot nonsense on the other (or lazy shell-forming, in the Seeker case).
i adore futurecars. that sucker looks straight out of an old arcade game with wireframe shit.
yeah except the door is on the ass end which completely ruins the concept
the seeker one pisses me off the most
look at that design.
>arms can be hidden inside the intakes
>legs become rear of the jet, has tailfin on them
>nosecone folds in like the g1 toy
it would have been fucking perfect, even if it wasn't as pointy as it should have been
Would the robot mode look like how Starscream did in the show though?
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despite being so simple I really like this design, it could easily be a ship from wipeout or BallisticNG. hopefully they return to this design in the future
also it feels very like, lacking in personailty, so it suits him. it's the opposite of a slick hot rod, just a utilitarian barge.
I realized why my Kup has such fucked up limbs. It's to recreate when he got ATE by the piranhacons
You left a piece out.
People will say "hell yeah" to this but then go and shit on the BB movie toy design.
>Solid color differentiation
>Isn't a pancake
It wins by default
you have a point about the colors, but this is flatter than my ass
The shape. If you pour pancake batter on a grill, it looks circular.
It legitimately looks like a fucking bunch of blocks that is a robot that fell over how are you telling me that's any better than the BB movie one? He has less steps than one of those 3 dollar aisle smash changers.
My condolences
That's his line after hotrod puts him back together
A hell of a lot closer than siege was, for sure
If the Seige one is a bunch of blocks, the Bumblebee one is made of broken blocks that fell down.
>a fucking bunch of blocks
I mean... That's just soundwave
both are ass, you're talking to anons with shit taste
This is the most inconsistent and hypocritical fandom I think I've ever been apart of.
oh you didn't mean its flatness but its even-width. you prefer a more uneven width. man i am with you there. ribbed for re-entry.
Yea, if it wasn't for those pencil shoulders this would be my top Megatron figure I own
not only thin but attached midway down the arm instead of up at the top.
I feel bad for anyone who cancelled their Dramatic Capture Series preorder for this.
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Why? He's great
oh yeah I like that one.
though with a few tweaks, it could have been a lot better.
They never mentioned new tooling. They only said a potential 86 version would likely be a brand new mold.
No, apparently he looks better when he looks like a pallet of lumber from Home Depot that has been sorted through by passerby's,
What great is that both Soundwave and Megatron have fairly involved transformations to turn into... nothing at all really
Well what people wanted was a Soundwave that was the original but with more articulation and show-accurate deco. Things get derailed because Hasbro for some reason doesn't believe the nostalgia toyline is mostly bought by Nostalgic people.
i sometimes wonder, even if retards weren't breathing down their throats about megatron being a gun, if they STILL wouldn't wanna do it for the same reason they hate making soundwave a tape deck
They're both pretty bad. I don't mind Cybertronian or fantastical alt modes, but they have to feel purposeful.
Meh, I'm going with chunkwave.
who's bringin' a truckful of noise!?!
actually shouldn't he turn into one of those vehicles they use to blast people with sound to get them out of a place
see i don't hate this but it really bugs me that the obviously-cloth cover turns into a shield. it's weird enough with beast guys, a tail turning into a rigid weapon or something.
I have Bulkhead and he isn't exactly great. Can't imagine a twice worn down redeco with a new head from some other guy would work.
Why is this even in debate? Siege and BBM Soundwave have equally terrible alt modes.
The only difference is one of them has fucked us out of a proper G1 Soundwave for the foreseeable future.
Siege at least looks okay in robot mode. BBM is a mistake.
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Can't wait to see that custom
That figure's chest is hollow so it wouldn't be too difficult to engineer a cassette function into it
anon where do you think his arms and head go in alt mode
>instead of cassettes, he just ejects fat truck drivers
that's dumb
I would the hastak employees figure that out
I know Hasbro is losing money, but nobody asked for this. Even as a poor fag option this sucks.
It is just the filler thing that probably goes on Amazon or Target or whatever.
My favorite part of the Siege mold is where he changes colors over time.
It's definitely gonna occupy space until it clearances.
Its just the 1st head I found, it doesn't have to be that one.

Pic related could work
It's almost like it's made up of a multitude of different people instead of one person
Anyone want to link some negative reviews of Earthspark that don't mention the fucking owl? I want to be validated in thinking the animation and storytelling is boring ass shit without being either gushing over the progressive found family shit or raging about it and the unnecessary bird.
>even if retards weren't breathing down their throats about megatron being a gun
I just want them to "recycle" the engineering that would go into a gun megatron but for, say, a silver and black jet. Just imagine his legs becoming wings and everything else being a fuselage
I'm not sure where to find those but in my opinion the animation is dogshit indeed
But the transformation to robot mode for G1 Megatron is awful. Carried entirely by being the main villain on the TV show.
you're drawing an artificial line between outrageous sexwrong and just being terrible at writing
i thin his legs have turned into wings a few times. at least one of the movies
but yeah the tricky part here is... you want him to have decent thicknesses for his arms and legs, but both arms and legs need to fuse together to form... a pretty damn narrow piece of a gun. guns are narrow. it was just a bad idea.
a better idea would be if the handle and rear barrel area split not longwise but sidewise. so one leg is the front of the grip, one leg is the back.
MakeToys Despotron did that and the handle was so fucking thick you could barely reach the trigger.
it's so rough getting around the fact that a gun handle is like, almost a perfect robot calf. but that only works if you mix TWO guns together. which I have tried to draw a design for before.
like motorcycles have a perfect pauldron in the form of the bitch seat, but then you need two motorcycles.
Just use one leg for the handle and stick the other one the opposite side like Spinister.
I think his legs turned into wings in the TLK voyager figure and the TF1 studio series
interesting. i feel like he could have gotten away with splitting the cockpit in half...
where would you hide another leg inside him? maybe inside the hollow chest piece?
Maybe, but they wanted to be accurate to the G1 boxart with him.
i meant uh, where would megatron hide another leg inside the gun mode.
a walther hasn't really got any undercarriage..
You are thinking about this from an "alt-mode first" view. The important thing is getting the shape of the robot correct and making something else out of it.
when it comes to g1 designs, especially turning into something like a gun, you reaaalllly have to go altmode-first. just figure out the most sensible ways to use up the meat.
You didn't learn your lesson after two MP Megatrons?
>when it comes to g1 designs,
You should always go for what most people are familiar with, the robot modes.

focusing on altmodes fucked up MP Megatron and the whole Raiden team.
No one gives a fuck about the Trainbots, so making them focus on model train mode makes sense in that case. But Megatron definitely should be robot mode first.
how weird a gun are you willing to tolerate
About Sixshot levels of weird.
i bet that's more than most people would be cool with
Megatron already means you have the correct colors.
here's the other issue
megatron's robot mode design, cheaty as it may be, does clearly have parts from the walther on it. the barrel, the area behind the barrel, the legs look like the grip... so it'd be hard to change it so that those parts are not... those parts.
at best I think you'd have the handle split apart into dinky thin legs, then... slide some meat over there. unfold some panels. something.
MP Megatron was designed in like a week. They fixed it with the second attempt.
>They fixed it with the second attempt.
By making him a panel nightmare, I'do with a fat gun it that means less tiny panels.

If it gets the botmode right, give me the fucking devastation tank mode.
Maybe stop having hams for hands?
i mean that toy is famously a spaghetti mess. and i believe the 3p version is too
Missing Link Soundwave will be upon us soon, brother.
Mine's made out plastic, don't know how yours is made out of pasta.
It depends on what the goal is. A SS86 Megatron that turned into a gun would probably be a mess because of the cartoon accuracy. Gun Transformers in general are more than viable; they just haven't really been handled much since Micro Change.
Megatron should transform into any of these:
Dual-rotor helicopter
>instead of cassettes, he just ejects fat truck drivers
... Trucker hat wearing rumble and frenzy when?
All of the above.
Lol no
I watched the first ten eps and it was an absolute slog except for 2 eps
The soundwave ep and the seeker fight ep
It's just low tier. They had an entire episode where arcee was a crazed, incompetent boot camp drill instructor.
And wheeljack randomly becomes an uncle?
I was watching the first tf eps in theaters this week and noticed something...
In the cartoon, his canon becomes the base of the silencer, not his scope
Depends on the scene and animator. In Transport for Oblivion his fusion cannon becomes his scope
Heck, in Quest For Survival his transformation has tons of wires just hanging out.
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Not all of it though, there are some missing themes from that BM playlist. It doesn't have the theme that plays when Megatron gets the Optimal body.
that's just a mistake. the scope has always been the cannon.
none of those
get that shit out of here
I mean, that's basically a giant, flying, biological gun, right?
Also, I want a TLK Concept Art Megatron at some point.
>No skate shoes
It's shit
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i always liked this version
what do his legs do to turn into the tail on that copter? it looks like most of the shins fold away but the knees and feet stay where they are.
>biological gun
Pistol Shrimp
It's kinda stupid giving a machine broken wings and a jetpack. Do you think in the timeline they went with this concept it evolved into a Valstrax-like thing?
It was originally intended to turn into the robot mode we got in the final movie. For some reason they swapped it out for the made-up jet we see in the film (despite the fact that his robot mode still has dragon kibble and a flamethrower visible on it) and turned the model that was intended for him into the Autobot combiner Dragonstorm. The thrusters are where they are because that's how they worked with the planned transformation.
>It's kinda stupid giving a machine broken wings and a jetpack. Do you think in the timeline they went with this concept it evolved into a Valstrax-like thing
It's in the final movie - they just tacked two extra heads on it and passed it off as a new character.
the hollow-space wings look like 'magnesser' wings in Zoids, which negate gravity but still require boosters if you wanna fly -fast-
that actually explains why i love that megatron so much. his jet mode is cool too. he's easily top four movie guys that I don't have toys of yet. and unlike most, there are TWO great toys of him
The calfs rotate and colapse into the thighs to complete the shape of the fuselage leaving the feet to form the tip of the tail
Dragonstorm's final concept art, for comparison. It's clearly just a modified version of Megatron's concept art, except this actually made it into the movie.
cool!! plus that would mean his robot calves could open up and you could pretend there's boosters in there, right?
this (like the previous movie's ridiculous naniteformers) feels like a parody of people's perception of the baymovie designs as 'just a big mass of metal pieces'
because those wings... I mean they literally are. and he's made up of like twelve guys so there's no other way for it to work than for them to just dissolve into shrapnel.
As I understand it, they thought 'tattered' wings looked evil, and since this guy was supposed to be a good guy and this was happening at the last possible second, they patched them up with no thought about how that would actually work from a transformation standpoint; considering the design was intended to be a whole different character to begin with, HOW the thing was going to work as a combiner now wasn't really something that was thought out (which is why all of Dragonstorm's toys are utter shit).
i still say the new chinesey version of that dagron would be okay with just a slight modification that pushes his robot feet inside the hollows left where his head and tail were hiding
not perfect, but better. and that same transformation scheme with different, better legs? ideally with more segments but some of them have a fake joint or lock together? yeah.
You're thinking of Steelbane, who's based on a different (smaller) dragon that was part of a chase scene outside the sunken Autobot ship. I agree with you that the feet could have been handled better, but that's a whole different character from who we're talking about.
It's in many, many episodes though.
Basically, if Megatron does a flip, he's transforming like the toy
If not, his canon becomes the silencer barrel
I think it's interesting
wait what
there were two dragons in that movie??

oh wait wait i'm remembering now, this guy had a toy that turned into just two guys, didn't he
My guess is they finally googled "dragon Megatron" and realized it was not 1 but TWO other Megatrons people might confuse him with.
come to think of it, when he turns into a gun, it's ALWAYS with the scope and silencer, but no stock
but in robot mode there's no place for the silencer, is there
i was about to say 'so what? this optimus is a truck and they won't confuse him with another' then i realized, the dragon megatrons are not G1, but are within a g1-related family. at least sometimes. so that actually would be confusing.
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No, the stock is almost always there, just often not seen due to angle, or cause it's on the inside of the decepticons arm that's firing him
Yeah, rid less so, but beast megs, who ALSO has tattered dragon wings might definitely confuse some, especially since this movie was 18 years after dragon megs came out, people who were kids for beast wars and now adults might've thought they were basically writing off ever having their fave from childhood in live action movies
Like how scorponok fans reacted when they went with... That
huh. so it is
but when it's an accessory that comes with like, starscream-

no.. that has the stock too. weird. i'm seriously getting the poo brain.
would that be g1 scorponok fans or beast wars scorponok fans who were disappointed by the movie one? because I actually thought he was cool in the movie, but his toys all sucked ass.
Dragonstorm's toy was the one that split into two bots (instead of 12 like in the movie). Steelbane was one of the nameless knights (he's actually the dude that beats the crap out of Prime and almost executes him in the final film before Marky Mark steps in and begs for him to be spared), and we only saw him actually transform in a scene that was cut from the final film (where he kills Nautica AKA the submarine). Presumably, all 12 knights became wyvern-style dragons individually, and combined into the hydra-style dragon when together, but we never get to see their individual transformations in the film and only the combined form...which, again, only exists because they didn't want to waste the unused model they made for Megatron.
But getting back to my original statement, I'd like to see them make a version of TLK Megs that actually has his intended dragon transformation somewhere down the line, just for the hell of it.
>not 1 but TWO other Megatrons people might confuse him with.
Technically, the RID one is Gigatron, not Megatron.
oh oh oh okay. man that is weird how the toys turned out. we get one dragon guy who turns into two, and one dragon guy who turns into one... but he's meant to be one of the twelve that makes up the first guy
G1, since at the time that was the limit of the cast
Not counting prime and megs since they're in every incarnation
-ironhide, bumblebee, jazz, ratchet, prime, Jetfire,
Then on the decepticon side
-starscream, soundwave, ravage, constructicons
i was just thrown off because
the discussion in question is "Wait, if we make movie megatron a dragon, people will think they missed their chance to get beast-megatron, when in reality this is just another of their version of g1 megatron" so ... the same for scorponok kinda threw me.
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>and one dragon guy who turns into one... but he's meant to be one of the twelve that makes up the first guy
Two. We got two dragon guys who turn into one while also intended to be among the twelve that make up the first guy. Poor Skullitron (the old dude who was rusting away and who got his ass lit up by marines before the misunderstanding was sorted out, though he presumably survived) shares Steelbane's alt mode and is also supposed to be a combiner component for Dragonstorm.
oh I didn't realize he'd gotten a remold. i guess someone there REALLY liked that toy.
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Two remolds, counting Crimsonflame (the new one you brought up earlier that turns into a Long Dragon for the Chinese New Year). It's not too shocking considering both characters had big scenes in the movie (Skullitron's was short but probably one of the few memorable moments of the film, while Steelbane was supposed to have two and only got his second scene kept in the final film). It's also just a fun mold in general, though the original Steelbane version is notoriously floppy (The Skullitron rerelease fixes a lot of the floppiness but still has an unpleasant gap on the dragon's back, while Crimsonflame is virtually flawless except for the feet you mentioned before).
it's definitely doing right things
sometimes i get a bit of hope for the future of cool toys. just abit.
1) Preorder? Hasn't it already shipped for everyone anyway?
2) I doubt anyone did, we all knew it had Starscream over Megs and no info for anything else.
3) Dramatic Capture Series isn't that impressive and I own it. Unless you passed on all the prior molds and/or that desperate to own the Netflix Soundwave you are getting mostly a side grade.
I got to BM S2, already they called back to the Apple commercial again, and also I heard the fucking stock pipe sound effect in an otherwise tense scene and immediately lost my shit. I didn't know I was this easy.
So far enjoying myself though, this is very art-student-film-kino with all the pretentious psuedo-spiritualism going on lol. It's very corny, I love it.
>feels like a parody of people's perception of the baymovie designs as 'just a big mass of metal pieces'
I'm fond of the one concept art of a monochrome pile of scrapmetal labeled "Junkpile robot". Feels the most like they were in on the joke.
Megatron being just a giant flying head casually hovering around Cybertron is complete nonsense, this is amazing

Sidenote is it controversial to say I think I maybe like Blackarachnia in BM more than any other show so far? I like how she's just being treated like any other normal member of the team here, whereas in BW it was very much always centered around her being "le bad girl" lol. I also like her in TFA, but I've admittedly always felt disappointed she never became a good guy there (or at least had her villain arc completed fully...)
Here tho, she gets to have some pretty casual and regular banter n teamwork with everyone else, it's pretty nice c:
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Was the so-called All Spark in TF 07 supposed to be Kabballah/cube god symbolism? The Jews love Saturn/Chronos and his cube, and we know Steven Spielberg worked on this film.
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MP-36 managed it pretty well. Not sure how doable that is for a voyager size toy though.
Maybe, but it was originally just a reference to energon cubes like in the cartoon.
Very generous of ILM to provide us with two faces of the All Spark cube texture, including the displacement maps. But are the all spark props that sold retail actually accurate to these movie textures?
Do it like Toyworld Hegemon or Maketoys Despotron did, rotate the waist 90 degrees and plug the legs together front-to-back instead of side-by-side. Much easier than the MP36 panel origami and the Toyworld is already basically Voyager+/leader in terms of budget/complexity, though it does show its age quite badly these days.
Despite all of the 12 year old bait on the gmod workshop and despite a sizable amount of Transformers models on there I'm surprised nobody has made functional transforming SNPCs/Nextbots of any of the game characters, or any ability to play as them. Every so often I get a wish for someone to port the movie games or WFC series characters but since I have no affinity for coding I have no idea how intense that task is. Anyone here have any idea how to get started with that? Bonus toy pic for the toy board as this is the only consistent place to air my grievances
>are the all spark props that sold retail actually accurate
Dude, just look at the tiny size of some of those symbols and then at the scale of the props, of course they aren't accurate, you'd need at least a beach ball sized cube.
Despite the colors being blatantly off this texture atlas looks pretty close. Not sure if it's the one from the 2007 Popbox collectible. Need to dig further.
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The texture seems to match this Popbox replica from October, I think.
I would kill myself even attempting to do this in the Source Engine to be honest, though it might be possible with the right modelswap hacks.
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>looks pretty close
Nah, bottom one looks like it was fanmade and as expected is missing most of the symbols.
The ultimate goal would be playable transformers in a sandbox environment to relive the glory of team deathmatch days, since theres no other real options. Apparently theres a minecraft mod with playable optimus+whatever, but thats minecraft and the bots are no bigger than actual players. There is also a UT2004 mod called robostorm but that's jank as hell and doesn't use any actual licensed characters (although the tank in that looks close to armada megatron).
As janky as source and lua code are gmod just has the most potential, plus a lot of the models are already ported. As for model swapping, I have no idea what models you'd have to use without it looking janky. The best thing I would guess would to be just use the animation files the original games use and figure out how to move them onto the characters, after all if Senator Armstrong and Vergil can be ported in with their animations intact as Nextbots I would assume the same for games on Unreal and the rotf engine. Although the hardest part to me would seem to be attaching weapons to each NPC, if one isn't going to make an entire custom weapon system for it in the first place.
Fans brought back the online for WFC and FOC with fan servers, did the shut them down?
Beast Machines is great, i think out of all the shows that got the most flak, i feel like most of it isn't as warranted, yeah its jarringly different from Beast Wars but its a solid as hell show on its own merits. i love how dark and cyberpunk it feels.
>Fucking hell. The really funny part is they did all the other G2 limbs except him.
G2 Breakdown is coming next year. Wildrider still hasn't been released
>Apparently theres a minecraft mod with playable optimus+whatever
I recall at least two Transformers mods in the game, once of which I used myself. I think there was also one from Fiskmods or whevever that relied on the armor system, and used sounds from WFC.
Ugh, how long until we see the amazon version of Bludgeon?
SDCC or any day from leak.
>uses a sword and canons
Is he stupid?
mah nigga
Or, alternatively, you make the back leg fold out into the stock.

But I think if they made a jet mode where there was a nosecone instead of a gun barrel, his canon splits in two and folds down into jet engines, and his legs do splits to make wings, you'd have something that resembles him pretty close in both modes and keeps his transformation scheme.
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>Started watching Rescue Bots with my baby son
>Tfw it is unironically better than 90% of Transformers media
More RB Legacy please! Chase is already the MVP of 2024
We're getting a heatwave
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titan class high tide when........................
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>get group together for shot
>remember that ‘Blades’ is severly yellowed along with all other white parts of this Superion
>take this pic
>realize Mirage’s nylon parts are yellowing
I forgot which UT had the best modding support but I remember downloading tons of models. They had perfect versions of trans formers and Gundam. Fav to play as was ez8
heh. although that is more a normal transformer (hell, fewer pieces than usual) who just happens to be old and junkish, but.. the junkpile behind him, yeah. gotta be inspiration.
Had there been a season 4 of beast wars, I'm sure BA would have softened up and been one of the team. It's just she had to get her evil surgically removed first.
>the jews love greek religion
oh yeah, totally. that's what the story of hanukkah was about. The maccabees stormed the temple and... had a nice nosh with the hellenized guys. no pagan skulls cracked open or anything.
ooooh I like that. that's a clever idea.
what allspark props that sold retail?
huh, I guess that anon was right, that makes the handle really fat. but yknow, not so bad.
a lot of people have said, if it wasn't explicitly a beast wars sequel, it would have done a lot better. hell if it wasn't even tied in to transformers, it'd be just a fine weird scifi show.
maybe it's short for "blood dungeon"
So...just a normal fish, then?
>Magmatron getting ready to ship


So, how good is Missing Link Optimus?
>Missing Link Optimus
it's the final chunk of plastic that will fill the hole in your heart and make you stop collecting

Well gosh, I don't want that.
>So, how good is Missing Link Optimus?
If you've ever handled the original toy it's more or less everything you would have wanted it to do. It's genuinely my toy of the year I think, like the idea of the original G1 molds with modern articulation is such a novel idea compared to the endless fixation on cartoon accuracy every other line goes for.

I do also think it's funny how many people were surprised how small the original G1 Optimus was when Missing Link was their first experience with it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, missing link is a novelty. You're getting exactly what it looks like; an original G1 optimus with above average posing (for CHUG, anyway) and a slightly more detailed transformation.
It's not an amazing figure nor do I find it's really worth the price, but it does what it sets out to do perfectly.
The definitive Optimus Prime
I wanted to get ML Optimus, but Hasbro has their own upcoming toy inspired Prime and thar might be better for me, since I'm not the biggest fan of rubber tires or chrome.

You think that one will have a Matrix?
I liked him. I never had the original Optimus, so it was nice getting one that also had modern articulation, plus all those fun accessories that teh Earthrise one didn't come (standard) with, like Roller, a Diagnostics Drone that has working missile launchers, the fuel pump, and decals that go a long way to making the trailer look less bland than ER's.
While I plan on passing on Bumblebee and Cliffjumper, I'd love to see a Megatron.
>I'd love to see a Megatron.
Were such a thing possible...
it's possible in freedomland, the united states of japan.
I wonder, would it even be legal to import it?
If they package in robot and these faggots stop being afraid
why do you think the law would be involved here
it's just self-imposed toy regulations.
also this.
Based RB enjoyer, the show IS delightful.
Really can't wait for Heatwave, and hopefully they do Blades, Boulder, and the Morbots sooner than later.
Probably, but a lot of her in BW towards the end did have her as a proper Maximal, just her interactions still mainly consisted of someone snarking if she's fully trustworthy (usually Rattrap), followed by her doing the "nobody understands me" routine, etc etc. Also the relationship drama between Silverbolt and Cheetor, that was a bit gay and I coulda done without it lol.
Yea I'm not seeing much to complain about here beyond the horrifying designs (Nightscream def would've given me nightmares, had I watched well into middle school probably); for as much as the writers were encouraged not to watch BW, the characters work surprisingly pretty well still. I guess Rhinox is kinda egregious, but at least he has the "not in his right mind" excuse going, and he repented at the end, tho the situation is still tragic (which's the point). Also that one episode where they were total cunts to Rattrap for no reason, but it doesn't get brought up again afaik. But most everyone else can believably be seen the same characters as BW, just more jaded or on edge, yeah.
I'll also admit in addition to BA, tho he only just got brought back, I'm enjoying Silverbolt too. He was fine in BW, p fun, but I'll also admit I had a lovehate relationship with him bc he was just too much for me lmao. He was VERY corny, but though I'm also very much rolling my eyes at how brooding he is now, I appreciate that they tried subverting his character, exploring him as more than a one-note gag. I think that's neat, or at least believe the writers' hearts were in the right place.
>BW towards the end did have her as a proper Maximal, just her interactions still mainly consisted of someone snarking if she's fully trustworthy (usually Rattrap), followed by her doing the "nobody understands me" routine
i flat-out don't remember her ever talking again, unless the 'teletron' 'it's teletraan' line was post-tm2
apparently the writers' intention was that he was totally sane, and just willingly chose Megatron's side. but the actor... did not get that memo.
>i flat-out don't remember her ever talking again
Fair, might need to rewatch BW sometime anywho (I saw it for the first time early last year or so, so I'm workin offa those memories). I've read and seen all of Marvel n Sunbow since then too, so it would be neat to examine how BW grabbed from either, desu.
>apparently the writers' intention was that he was totally sane, and just willingly chose Megatron's side. but the actor... did not get that memo.
Yeah I can see that. Ultimately worked out for the best though, I guessh.
i certainly think so. and i bet the actor thought so too. 'fuck this, rhinox was the best guy. he won't side with megatron, even if megatron suddenly thinks honor is cool'
>missing link is a novelty
Aren't all Transformers? The build quality is solid, the transformation is simple and appealing, and both modes look great. How many figures check all those boxes? You're right in the sense that anyone that wanted a G1 Optimus had ample opportunity by now, but still as an overall toy it's better than most.
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>rubber tires and chrome
Haha I was praying the Legacy has both. Especially the rubber tires, which is actually possible since they did it on Beachcomber
>wal-mart has deluxes on rollback
>get 2 SS86 gnaw
I wasn't expecting much but for a deluxe these little dudes are great. Paint apps for an alt mode head? Yes please.

As long as they do him right by giving him a Deluxe.
wellllllll deluxes are slightly too big, but maybe his long tail would qualify him for that size class. but then i want jointed legs
he's about Rattrap's size.. so core would be too small, but..
He was a hand to hand fighter.
The comics added a sword, but his original bio specifically mentions him fracturing his enemies
The only use of this mold I'd have gotten was Machine Wars Starscream, and I didn't really expect Hasbro to make him. But I'm really surprised they didn't make G1 Skyquake out of this.
Fool, he doesn't USE a Bludgeon, he IS the Bludgeon.
honestly considering transformers are all made of metal and everything, swords are a weird weapon unless they're tremendously, ludicrously sharp AND wielded at stupendously high strength. swords are best at chopping softer material, y'know? you'd expect more maces and junk.
whoa, the pretender shell transforms too? granted.... neither of them really have proper altmodes, but.. still impressive.
okay, okay
hear me out.

Retool the nosecone
get rid of the wings
paint him blue (again)
boom, non super mode rescue bots hightide
By all means, tell the giant robot skeleton samurai what he can and can’t do
I'm sick of Matrices desu
>swords are best at chopping softer material, y'know?
The entire reason swords are used against armor in the first place is because metal with an edge and force behind it cleaves it in two, even if the material it's hitting is similarly hard.

Not to mention, not all TF bodies are all metal. Glass over optics, soundwave's giant chest, autobot tires, there's a lot of vulnerable parts to have a sword as one of your weapons, just not to rely on it exclusively.
Which toy bludgeon did not.
He had 2 guns
well that's just it, no they aren't
war hammers and picks are used against armor.
swords are also not typically used against glass. but okay, tires, yes. could slash your tires..
I would love to see a transformer with a gunlance or gunaxe or something, so he jams a really thick, HEAVY blade into a vulnerable area, then fires a shot either into the now-weakened part of the armor, or ideally, through the hole that the blade just cut if it managed to.
Yeah but it's locked under weird discord integration
Which ones?
Both UT99 and 2004 have a great selection of models but I mostly only know about 2004 mods. Aside from games like deus ex being based off the UT99 engine
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The best way I can describe it is, you know how the original G1 figure couldn't hold his gun properly because the grip is not designed to fit into his hand so it has to be angled to the side, and it's such a minor thing, but you still wish it all worked a little bit better? Missing link does that, it's the G1 toy and it works better.
it will never not be weird to me that Battle Convoy was completely open in back, like some kinda.. woodwife. that's not a very tactical idea for the diaclone team
though to be fair, a lot of old Zoids had completely exposed cockpits, so
you know what i would have done if i was a designer back then working on him..
the forearm becomes the wheel well part, but what if the front of it folded down and into the wheel well gap, revealing the fist? that's just two more hinged parts and fixes the proportions while you're at it.
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Their melee weapons always have some kind of tech to boost their effectiveness.
Laser edges, energy discharges, heat emissions, sonic vibrations, etc.
heat-weapons and energy weapons all the way, those are perfect against robuts.
i'm not sure how much good vibration would do, i'd like to see someone test that for real. Marvel had vibro-knives forever.
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Totes got a new fren :}}}
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Outta the way!! Beep beep!! Best frens driving here!!!
>gonna make side stickers, still working on a design :/
thaaat is an old design..
can't not love the altmode though. but why does the plastic look so.. marbled?
He was an incredibly cheap knock off that i dyed :}
he needs to divorce her
ahh well that answers my question about whether home dyeing is a good way to recolor transformers that have really small joints that would be hard to get paint into.
The answer is "kinda." like if you went back and painted over it later, so only the joints were marbled, that might be okay.
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It will be gay if they don't make MW Starscream
Maybe they're saving it for a machine wars subline. Once Superion is out, they could use one of those moulds for Megatron, and then Doubledealer for Soundwave.
People were suggesting Doubledealer for MW Soundwave when he was new. That was in 2020.
>Fred Perry will never design toys for Hasbro
what's great about this is how it takes the robots in disguise concept and gives it a new reason
>We WILL destroy the evil forces of dried-up bitches.
Swords are the main character of weapons in fiction.
yes yes i'm aware
just saying, it's a robot. that's not gonna do much if it's not a lasery sword or a special nanotech sword or something.
i actually do wonder now, like, humans are just barely strong enough to break our own bones, if we really try.. are transformers strong enough to break their own armor? then they'd be able to break each other's a lot more believably.
Making his Powermaster partners is extremely blatant about what they were thinking at the time. If they actually get around to it is the question.
my ideal Megatron would be a triple changer with tank and dual-rotor chopper modes.
that would be rough.. have you thought about how it would work?
That sounds cool
Not any more rough than a tank/jet. Or most other triple changers, really.
No but the last Megatron triple changer was sold without any thought as to how it would work, so it should be fine
the rotors add a lot of complexity and you want to put in twice as many.
plus just as a jet really needs to be flat (and a lot of transformers fail), a copter needs to be slender, at least in back.
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I think it really just depends on the plastic quality, like the motormaster was part of those cheap ko sets and every figure that would have some form of metallic plastic was super marbled, I’m gonna try to dye a few ko micromasters and maybe nose cone and see how they turn out, I think in comparison some they’re plastic colors are more solid the results might be better
that's.. actually fucking cool. that's the recent guy with the stupidly long legs and the diaper but otherwise badass? this is straight out of Michael Bay's Metal Slug featuring Megan Fox as Fio
i would be tempted to dye alligaticon, because i like a robot gator but i have no particular need for him to be optimus. but some joints are red and blue, so it has little choice.
You have some serious nerve comparing that hunk of unidentifiable scrap to metal slug
This isn't the regular version. Michael Bay adaptation one.
ah shit, my kingdom inferno is yellowing.
Nearly done reading all of the main TF comics, basically only have 3H/FunPub and manga left.
Are the Marvel/Dreamwave/IDW Character Profile books worth looking at for anything? Like, do they offer anything fun beyond just describing the Transformer's basic personality and abilities? Otherwise, I feel like the internet might've kinda outmoded them no?
I did specify that it looks like the bay version of it, come on man
god dammit i guess it's not solved.
You can see how characters changed.
we use metal to cut metal all the time, what are you talking about?
Not familiar with the source material, but judging from the fact that they have similar hair, skin color, facial shape and are both wearing glasses, I think that's the dude's mother, not his wife - he's a cellar-dweller and his mommy is mad he's buying sexy toys.
He is right and it looks like a metal slug tank
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Been working on making a 3D printable Polynian style, non-transforming but nicely poseable version of Armada Sureshock (to scale with Figmas and the like). Printing now, gonna take best part of 12 hours as my figure resin needs a lot of exposure and those arm kibble bits are pretty big. This screenshot isn't terribly flattering, now that I think about it. Anyway, gonna joint her with Hobby Base joints. If this works I might do Grindor and High Wire too.
what, like a buzzsaw? we don't use metal swords to cut metal armor.
oh. then just kill her.
fuckin rad dude. so you do these pieces first and then put in the ball joints later? or are you going to use some from a kit you already have.
lmao you even have the death hound and prowl
cool man, I gotta get back to learning blender, this whole 3d printing Renaissance is passing me by
I print the parts here in resin. Then I assemble her with pre-made joints made by Hobby Base (which are available on sprues for pretty cheap off Hobby Search and the like), which are essentially Figma/Revoltech styled joints. I've tried using printed resin joints and it's never ended well and I don't have an FDM printer, but the joints are plentiful and affordable.
I'd highly recommend Artisans of Vaul on YouTube. His stuff is for making wargaming miniatures primarily but his advice is applicable to just about anything 3D printing related.
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every time I scan this page praying that there is some mention of powerglide
my poor boy hasn't gotten a chug voyager or deluxe or anything for almost a decade
To be honest this isn't much worse than some of the other Bumblebee alt modes, if at all. Ironhide/Ratchet and Sunstreaker come out pretty good, but the Seekers have some strange dangling robot mass in jet mode, Brawn is an overpriced shrug, Shockwave is pretty lazy, and so on. That's not a defense of this tank at all but I think the only real difference is the amount of greebles and single color obscure the already borderline shape of the tank. It's par for the course otherwise.
>I'd highly recommend
thanks I will check that out. the technology finally exists to follow a long dormant dream of mine to make transformers of the old shitty cars I had growing up
radical, I have some of those joints (having previously used them to limited success for Antagony's shitty ant legs) and i'm going to do it a bit differently this time for inferno. I'm thinking hinge joints are best for the parts of the ant legs that are only meant to hinge, the ball joints gave them far too little range. mainly good for swiveling.
I need only two things before i'd get right into this
1) a 3d art program that tracks my fingertips somehow and lets me "sculpt" comfortably
2) for resin printers to either be way, way less toxic, or for me to get a ventilated room with a sink in it. currently do not have one of those.
I wonder.. how much of a transformer's body changes when he scans a new altmode? in the bay movies, it's a fuckton, but what about beast wars.. Tigatron ends up looking like a more buff cheetor, is that something the altmode-scanner came up with and therefore it did something similar for two different cats? or would Tigatron's robot parts have been the same no matter what he scanned, and he'd just be wearing a different animal's head on his chest
He, Seaspray (and I guess Cliffjumper again now) are the only minibots really left for them to do from 84/85, afaik. I'm certain we'll get em sooner than later, though I'll admit I'm sad they're not in the 2025 leaks as well :/
The closer to being a key archetype, the less your body changes. For example if you are called Optimus Prime, you will have windshield pecs and grill abs even if the vehicle you scanned doesn't have those.
Unless you're from Armada or Binaltech, of course.
Bros why are Core classes so good?
Already bought Tasmania Kid back in January and love him, just bought SL Galvatron and BM Cheetor on a small discount and I adore them too. Cheetor's got really fun proportions to just pose him around in, and even without his electronics n gimmicks, Galvatron just feels like he's SO kit'd out with all that weaponry - he still just has so much fiddlability. Real chunky mf, for someone barely larger than a Lego minifig
It's more of a tank than this is a jet
This is in disguise. You will hurt his feelings to say that.
Magmatron arrived today, here he is with his… “army”
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wait a minute
Fuck, that got me good.
yeah he would definitely boss those three around
>if we're good, think he'll let us be a combiner?
Mainline could use more Alternators/Alternity in its soup. They'll never let Optimus turn into a sports car again. Even Volvoptimus was relegated to an exclusive.
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oh shit the fuckin BOYS! they do love a warlord
oh man for a hot second i got binaltech mixed up with transtech
it'd be weird if we ever got any of that stuff again. i still say call BM a mulligan, start over with a new canon beast wars sequel. get the original guys back.
End up with extra Thundertron swords.
>Gave one to Lio Convoy

Should have done this sooner, he looks great with it.
give pics?
he really does look like he needs a sword...
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I really need to up my collection of Beast Wars basics
>[show less]
they are truly amazing little guys
which ones you lookin at that you're missing?
>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors

I know I had most of them at one point or another 25 or so years ago
But right now I could go for a Powerpinch or a (TM) Claw Jaw
I bet he missed that the trans-coded owl character was put in front of a butcher who wanted to remove his parts, and said he could not believe the butcher's cruelty.
Can you guys stop responding to the shitty bait screencap. You're worse than /co/ sometimes, christ.
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some bots out tonight, but its peaceful. who do you guys think in the arthropod wars? land or sea?
I'd like to see Transtech get revisited and realized in some form over more remakes.
“No but I do think we get to live if we do good”
Oh HELL yea anon, just got these three lads within the last month, they’re great. There’s a lot of untouched gold in beast wars
I’ve got claw jaw, and I can vouch for him being pretty good, really solid robot mode.
Given that their personalities are apparently supposed to be pretty similar in that they’re playing the long game and not making any major upsets, I vote for them just vibing together while powerpinch starts shit in the background
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Got MP52 today and holy shit he's so good. gotta sell off my ER shit now, can't believe I tolerated those molds for that long when MP is such a gem.
>(and I guess Cliffjumper again now)
Why? He has a current toy.

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