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(Previous thread: >>10954300)
Welcome to the /40kg/!
Tyranids confirmed and up for preorder! We eating good, boys.
>Thread Question
What old, pre-Primaris models would you like to see as a figure, even if there's no chance of it actually happening? Bonus points for metal. I'd love to see a JT Pedro Kantor myself.
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And just to keep the thread up to date, the Termagant.
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Is Lion's pistol removable from its holster
Sadly no
Damn, that strap "securing" it is deceptive. And it's such a cool looking pistol, too. I guess I should have known when he didn't come with any trigger finger hands.
Eh, not really a fan of many of the old designs, because they're really goofy. Maybe like, a Slaanesh daemon with actual tits, or something. Kinda sad that the chaos god of drugs, sex, and rock'n'roll doesn't have a topless temptress running around, distracting (and maybe even converting) guardsmen.
nothing is removable ever, except for random shit that you'd never expect to be removable.
I felt like I was done with warhammer but I really want those guys
Has anyone noticed the smell of the most recent releases has been almost unbearable.
Like the usual plastic smell but it almost burns my nose and eyes after some time. Had to wash my hands immediately after handling the new Sons Of Horus figure I got today.
I get that it is made of chinesium but their previous releases were no where near this bad.
>not really a fan of many of the old designs, because they're really goofy
retard newfag
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Yes, how dare I not like tiny torso, droopy helmet, and retarded ass gun. Clearly, this would be pinnacle action figure designs!
>action figure
that's a miniature retard
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> still has more soul than anything primaris.
go play halo or something faggot
I know it's a miniature, you fucking retard, I'm saying that it wouldn't make a good action figure, because that's what I said to the thread question, when the other retard cried that new bad, old gud. Do try to keep up.

Nobody mentioned primaris, so stop projecting your insecurities. The mk 6 figures look amazing, thanks in large part to an updated (and reasonable) anatomy. Hell, even the mk 3 and 5 look good, despite being slightly old sculpts. Even when it comes to some brand new sculpts, though, not all of them are amazing, nor would they make good figures.
>doesn't understand how 50 years ago they needed to caricaturize the models so they would stand out on a game board and how that caricaturization is what defined the brand for most of its life.
retarded newfag
>It's a stylistic choice!!
Ok, just plain retard.
>Verification not required
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It'd be nice to see more non-Marines. A couple of Eldar and Dark Eldar could conceivably come out, but probably not, say, the full set of Phoenix Lords, and especially not the old chunky metal Maugan Ra rather than the newer one. This Dark Eldar lord was replaced by a much worse plastic one as well.

I still think the Dark Eldar revamp was pretty new, but apparently it was 14 years ago. I could have done without feeling so old today.
JoyToy owes me DEldar Wyches
>that caricaturization is what defined the brand for most of its life.
And despite that, it's not used in any of the toys, books, paintings, most games and movies/shorts.
What the fuck even IS transhuman dread?
It just seems to be a feeling or "ooh space marine scary" which is perfectly logical when you've got a 500 pound monkey man running up at you to rip your prostate out through your teeth, but then again there's also a million and one other things in 40k that could and should cause pretty much the same reaction through good old fashioned fear
So what the hell is it and why does it get a special name?
Almost got suckered on properly with a wraith knight a few years ago, but I thought better of it when I saw the price and learned it didn't come assembled or painted
A figure of one would be nice tho
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>So what the hell is it and why does it get a special name?
because humans come into contact with and have to work alongside Space Marines. So it's a thing they need to know abotu and take into account.

You don't need "Ork dread" or "Tyranid Warrior dread" or anything else because the solution is always "shoot the thing that isn't human"
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>there's also a million and one other things in 40k that could and should cause pretty much the same reaction through good old fashioned fear

Not every Imperial controlled planet is Cadia or Armageddon. Some planets go hundreds of years without being aware of Orks, Aeldari, Drukhari, Tau, Tyranids, and Necrons existing. Maybe they encountered them once and luckily a Militarum Regiment and, or Battle Sister Order fought it off but four generations later no one even knows what the fuck happened except tight-lipped servitors and scribes working for the Departmento Munitorum. Chaos Cults and Genestealer Cults gain traction because a portion of Imperial worlds don't even know they're being corrupted by evil daemon lovers or Hivemind creatures masquerading as social activist movements. There's a couple wars going on in the real world right now. Are you involved in them? Would you not shit you pants if a tank or squad of soldiers suddenly burst through your home firing at some enemy you can't even see?
are you retarded?
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I would love to see these guys in the new Cataphractii mold as a part of the 30k SW line. We need some 30k and modern Thousand Sons to put up against them though.
We got justaerians or whatever the special sons and fmhorus cataphractii were called, so those doggies could be on the table. I don't know if their beards will translate well as posable figures, though...
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Hello all, I'm new to this whole world of Warhammer. I read the Dan Abnett Xenos and am now reading the follow-up.

I bought the skitarii rangers set from games workshop figures and started building them and was wondering - are they all supposed to be this small? I feel like they're way smaller than I expected, only a little more than an inch high. I then look at the joytoy figures, and they're like 4 times as big. Is that normal?

Please be bait
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I'm new to this friendo, plz no bully
You got scammed, gamesworkshop is a scam site they sell mini versions of the characters at stupid expensive prices.
real talk they're called minis for a reason, they're meant to be about the size of a chess piece because that's what they're used for on the actual tabletop game
joytoy makes figures based on the minis at the larger toy scale
remember you're supposed to be making entire armies out of the minis, while a dozen joytoys can take up a good sized shelf
Started my Chaos Terminators box.
Can you anons tell me how do space marine heroes minis compare in size to space marines in typical sets?
I hecking love chaos terminators, we need tyrant siege terminators and scarab occult immediately
These guys, anon? They're exactly the same as their regular equivalents, they're just designed as snapfits rather than having some customisation. The older style ones with the angry Darth Vader helmets will be a little smaller than the most recent ones with the more boring grille because GW changed the scale of the whole line.
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Yes, they're pretty tiny. I remember having the exact same thought as you when I first got interested in 40k! The idea is that you can fit many little guys plus their vehicles plus some scenery on a table and still have some room to move around, so it makes sense in context. The Joytoy ones are more display pieces or, well, toys to be played with, so the size makes more sense and allows more flexible posing. You could in theory play a game with the Joytoy ones using Kill Team rules or something, but it would somehow be more expensive to collect then with regular GW minis.

If you really wanted to get stressed out look at Epic 40k - that's 6mm scale!
Thanks for the info anon, they are the ones I wanted to know about. Does GW reprint these minis? Currently I'm trying to get my hands on death guard version, but they've been out of stock everywhere I look.
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>They're exactly the same as their regular equivalents
I don't know about the newer series, but the ones are certainly bigger than the units in regulr boxes. This example is a primaris, a hero and a tac marine. You can see more if you google space marine heroes size comparison.
*the ones from a few years ago
I don't think they do, sorry. You might have some luck on ebay if you're looking for specific ones, but there is a fair bit of price gouging. Just had a quick look and there's a guy offering "Warhammer 40K Space Marine Heroes Deathguard Complete Box" in the UK with what looks like 8 boxes, the current bid is £40. You might also have some luck looking up the specific Hero names, but again, you're likely to get gouged.

Huh, that is quite noticeable. I always assumed it was the more dynamic posing rather than the traditional power squat and a minor lift from the textured basing, but he does seem a bit larger.
you're not supposed to buy the official ones anon, just get Joycon ones.
It's really hard to tell, as id attribute the height difference to those factors, too.

They're basically the same. Size difference, from what I can tell, is barely noticable to the naked eye.
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>Barely noticeable
>t. phoneposter
fucking lol
Or are you just a manlet in denial?

The heights are like the difference between men and women.
The second figure from the left can't look straight into the eyes of the first one without lifting their head, instead they're looking at their mouth.
The third one is looking at the second one's neck or collar bone and is staring at the first one's tits.

Nevermind the fucking proportions are way different on all of them.

Fucking blind people and phoneposters on the internet need to shut up about things that rely on sight.
>Posts irrelevant pic
>Ignores everything actually said
>Hurr durr phone poster
>Hurr durr le manlet lmao (I'm 6'3", so goes to show what you know)
>Compared the primaris, when nobody else was (for obvious reasons)
Fucking retard
Warhammer 40k sucked ever since it started taking itself too seriously and stopped doing shit like this
That mini is actually pretty new. But it's just an update of an old one. I think they keep some of this weird shit around because they think they have to, but they don't really like it or want it anymore. It's just there because it's tradition. Modern day GW is on a huffing their own farts level of taking this brand seriously. And it's just so much better when it embraces the goofiness.
Anyone got him or his brethren already? Do they look as good as the preview pictures?
Man, it's a shame GW fully committed to Primaris. The Heroes line gave us a delicious taste of true-scaled regular Marines and they rocked.
Also the picture is interesting, it shows that Primaris aren't supposed to be massively bigger than regular Marines (contrary to a certain oft-reposted fanmade incredibly inaccurate height chart).
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>my eyesight isn't shit because you used a picture as an analogy instead of another direct comparison and because you brought the primaris mini into this, that means I'll ignore everything else you said
>t. blind and retarded manlet using an nokia cellphone to browse /toy/
You can tell the proportions and heights are different from the thumbnail alone

Games Workshop is on a decline at this point, so does it matter?
>midget proportions of the minis is the true scale and hasn't been clarified by Games Workshop a million times over that the game embellishes the proportions of everything to make them stand out cause they're so small
sure is fag who's never played any of the games in his life and doesn't understand miniature games

pic of GW's official canon art showing their true sizes
Oh, it IS subby. And shocker, he's trying to talk about the minis, like he knows anything about them lol!
>sure is fag who's never played any of the games in his life and doesn't understand miniature games
You sure ARE the fag that's never owned a mini, nor codex, and so understands nothing of miniature games
Why don't you tell us about how joytoy is a shit company, with brittle plastics, over prices, terrible QC, and mustard yellow gold, but your still buying them anyways?
Mental illness
>blind retard still thinks pictures can't be used to judge size and proportions because his only experience with internet photos is his nokia phone
>implying i buy any of the Joytoy's figures that are prone to breaking or have shit paint apps
Maybe if Joytoy did fix their shit, I'd buy a dozen imperial guards, but then... they're out of proportion with own 1:18 lines, so that's pretty shit too.

So being out of proportion for their figures (even within the WH40k line) and being made of brittle plastic? I just can't.
Damn, subbys schizophrenic episodes have him saying he's NOT buying joytoy now.
(Also, notice how he avoided any more discussion of minis lmao)
Mental illness.
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>if you ignore any part of my post, it means something
so you're a retarded manlet who browses 4chan on his nokia phone, which is probably why you have vision problems?

post proof for the contrary or you are a retarded manlet who browses 4chan on his nokia phone

pic of canon paintings made by Games Workshop that proves none of their characters are supposed to look like midgets... aside from the squats.
Sure, I'll post my id with my height on it, right after you post minis.

Obligatory mental illness reminder.
I despise both of you pathetic faggots.
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>only going to post censored government ID to show height, not anything else that was asked
Oh look, the mentally retarded phoneposting manlet is too scared to acknowlege anything else.
I've already jumped through multiple of your goalposts proving you wrong every single time, so you need to post first.

BTW, are you the guy who claimed he was a crippled shut in, which is why you've never played a game of WH40k in your life? Is your retardation why you're not allowed into any gaming shops? Did they ban you because you smell like you shat your pants?

Nevermind all this is unnecessary anyway, because anyone with good vision can notice when something is bigger than the other.

Pic of how you guys never noticed I already posted at least one of my codexes (along with how badly Joytoy scaled their Primaris figures) because you're posting from tiny cellphones
Huh, that's a good point. The truescale Mk.VII isn't that much smaller than the Primaris guy.
>W-when I avoid posting proof, i-its because I'm too smart f-for you, but when you don't, it's because your wrong!
>it doesn't matter b-because it still won't count, anyways!
Mental illness
Do we have a powerfist with moveable fingers?
Only lightning claws. Guilliman has interchangeable hands on his power fist.
I want to make them flip off my sister barbies
>STILL can't work out the difference between "scale" and "proportions"
Get a new picture faggot, we're tired of this one.
Mentally retarded manlets on their shitty nokia phones given to them by the CIA, keep denyin the truth, I've already proved you wrong multiple times,but keep moving the goalposts, I wonder how long it will take you to tire out and leave, or maybe you can't since uncle Cheng's store on Ali might close if you do, pathetic chink manlet.
I'll get a new picture when you get a new phone retarded manlet chink, tell your CIA handler to give you a better phone
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Just got the Mk. VI SoH Marine.
that's a good looking beaky boi
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He's probably got the most firm joints of any JT figure so far.
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I like beak.
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He’s a great dude indeed
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Based and beak-pilled
And one for the Photography general, which I can't seem to find.
Please tell me this isn't an actual bona-fide Subby post and is actually someone doing an eerily good impersonation of him as mockery/satire. Surely even HE can't be that fucking retarded.
are they taller than the ultrasmurfs?
Every new marine release gets taller for some reason.
This one is a bit taller than the Vanguard Veteran.
Has the SoH axe praetor and Contemptor come out yet? I preordered the set of beakies plus those two from Flyima as one purchase, and while the beakies arrived the other day, the big boys didn't. Its saying everything hss been delivered though
NTA but has anyone gotten their fist contemptors or had them ship yet?
I ordered mine with my solar watch and I think they were slated for about the same release window, but I haven't seen hide nor hair of mine yet while my banana cream boys arrived last week
Just checked Amazon and they seem to be claiming a delivery time in early July for the fists and late June for SoH, so I guess we've got some time to wait on them yet
beakies are the best design in 40k and its amazing that we're drowning in them lately
we just need some standard blue helmet ultrabeakies and some blood angels beakies
Lore also states that a stockpile of corvus armor was produced for Horus before the betrayal. So there should be a decent amount of traitor and Chaos beakies out there.
Anyone know what colors were the loyal SoH during the Drop site massacre? Was it white or the dark green that we have now?
probably dark green, they hadn't been luna wolves for a hot minute by then and there's not exactly an opportunity to put an entirely new coat of paint between being dropped from orbit and getting shot at by your once-buds
Funny, I just messaged Flyima earlier today asking "It said shipped a week ago but hasn't updated since, what gives?"
I love beak. Here's one I did on a very slow day at work a few years back.
>The truth
>CIA pays Chinese shills in BK coupons
The only thing you've proven is that you suffer from mental illness
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Small and slightly unhelpful update to my Contemptor.
Why would i use another photo when it clearly shows you guys don't even know what a codex looks like, muchless what Primaris marines are?
Stop avoiding all these facts.

>chooses to repeat the CIA jab, but not the one where you found the coupon on a trash pile that Americans send to your garbage dump of a country
hue, ESL pretending to be an american with old trash.
Your IQ must be pretty low if you haven't figured out my vernacular or punctuation style by now. Are you really that much of an ESL?
It's clearly not me, but i'll give him props for getting the attitude right. I laughed.

great pics showing off how much better Joytoys is doing now. I'm really glad they listened to criticism, but now they need to respond to the trash mustard paint they've been using.
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You have never contributed anything of substance to anyone or anything in your entire life.

The gold on this Terminator is exactly the same gold on Guilliman.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Subby is back to liking joytoy again, mental illness
It's really weird how all copies of this terminator that I have ever seen have the same fucked up paint application on the horns. I even contacted the manufacturer requesting a replacement when mine came with fucked up paint and they just sent me an identical one. It doesn't match the paint on the box but it seems like they are coming out of the factory like that.
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This is not a mistake. It's because JoyToy's original paint job shown in the promo shots is inaccurate. They are supposed to follow GW's official paint schemes, and GW painted that mini with a black gradient over the tusks. Now, JoyToy did go too heavy-handed with it compared to said mini, but the gradient itself is no mistake, it was intentionally changed because they got it wrong on the samples.
>great pics showing off how much better Joytoys is doing now.
They're basically almost exactly the same size you utter mongoloid.
>It's because JoyToy's original paint job shown in the promo shots is inaccurate. They are supposed to follow GW's official paint schemes
>They are supposed to follow GW's official paint schemes
>follow GW's official paint schemes
LOL. mustard.jpeg

Also, i love how you blame GW for Joytoy falsely advertising the paint job on their box.

yeah, yeah, I'm the worst person ever for criticizing Joytoy.

Keep defending shitty fixable problems and pretending everyone else loves eating shit.
And yet your still buying joytoy figures.
Mental illness
Did you paint the Space Marine trophy helmet? Mine is blue and the spike base is unpainted.
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Yezzir, Salamanders Sgt.
What color did you use for the spike base?
Balthasar Gold, Agrax Earthshade wash, Sycorax Bronze layer.
Are you blind? Point to me where in that post anon blamed GW. They blamed JoyToy like three times.
No good opinion has ever begun with "eh".
You deserve that disappointment for your reddit choice.
And yet the "eh" is all that you can criticize.

He's literally delusional, and can never respond to what's actually written, only to the strawmen that the voices made for him.
you didn't say anything else worth repeating
Skatros is about to deliver righteous retribution for that one. Skitarii are cool
better than tau
The Mechanicus is fun.
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The Tau are also pretty neat, aesthetically.
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Well it looks bad. The Word Bearers version has solid white tusks and looks slightly better, but a bone color on the tusks with the gold accents at the tips would make it my favorite chaos terminator helmet. It would look way better if the actual product matched the picture on the box where it is bone white with a very slight black shading at the base.
God, you sound like a whiney little bitch!
What exactly do you gain from defending a shitty paintjob?
you're one shitty brush, one beige paint and a drybrush away from achieving your dreams
but you wouldnt know any of that because you're just another secondary, just like subby, who only collects "cool action figures"
I've got no problem with the color of the tusks on the helmet. I've got problems with attaching the helmet securely, loose hips, and the unpainted spike base under the Space Marine trophy helmet. He's still my favorite JoyToy Chaos Terminator, though.
Have a regular aviary going on here.
He's pretty solid.
Emo boy looks pretty cool, I wish that both of his claws could extend though. I would buy him but then I would end up having to buy the rest of the Raven Guard line like I ended up doing with the Iron Hands.
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I may be a pleb, but the only RG guy I know aside from Corax is Kayvaan. I like him enough that I did a McFarlane one a couple years back.
Man, stfu with that retarded ass "no true scottsman". Subby is a retard for trying that shit, and now you are too. It's completely valid to be disappointed that a figure varies from the promo art. We give McFarlane shit for skimping on paint, we can give the terminator shit for not looking like the promo pic. Sure, it's technically accurate to the mini, but that mini wasn't what they were using to advertise the FIGURE, now was it?

He is right about one single thing, sort of; it's not that hard to paint it yourself, also sort of. Those of us that do paint minis, already have the means and experience to apply a quick primer, layer on some wraithbone as a base, then slather on some aggrax earth shade, and EZ full tusk paint. Despite that, I still understand being disappointed. Pic related.
Funnily enough, the Word Bearer is also inaccurate. According to GW's paint job, it should have a black gradient fade in the opposite direction as the Black Legion, with gold tips.

But anyway, the horns are not that hard to repaint. All the surfaces that need paint are raised, so as long as you don't overload your brush with paint, you can basically just drag a flat brush along it and it will paint itself, while the recessed parts will stay black.
bro the tusk is going up too far...you done painted over part of the helmet. I can even see the division line in the sculpt.
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>Subby is a retard for trying that shit,
Trying what shit?
Generic literal-who space marine being in slightly different colors? Who cares. It's why i never really cared about them not having gold paint either.
Important, revered, named characters like the primarchs using brown paint instead of gold? Yeah, I'll care if they're shitting out on the paint, especially when they cost $150 and standing at the same height as a $20 McFarlane figure.
Japanese prices are saner than Joytoy's rip offs. Shit like this is almost the same price yet twice the height and also using better plastics.

>Joytoy didn't use the paint schemes on the box because they followed GW's paint scheme
>it's not a mistake
>this isn't shifting their responsibility to another company
ok retard
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Anyone here got one of those? How are they?
I have the red one, and I quite like it! I think the elbow, knee and ankle joints are metal which helps the stability and it's a good solid weight. That said, I did manage to break off the ball joint armature one of the shoulder pads when it fell off - they only go on one way and the its just long enough to snap under pressure. The human arms are also a bit silly, but that's an issue with the original model.
Post models.
Ive the black one and the gold one. The gold ones sculpt kinda gets in the way of its articulation in areas but is fine otherwise. They're good figures and crazy stable due to all the diecast below the waist. Can get a lot of poses out if them too. They were worth the retail price on release and doubly worth the sale prices you can find them at on gundamit.
>better plastics than joytoy resin

Yikes. Joytoys arent the most durable sure, but Figuarts are made out of absolute dogshit plastic. If you want to talk about durability talk about the revoltech plastics, or Magic Square Plastics for christ sake.
Personal preference, but the regular warsuit is pretty lame. I have the black one, and the proportions are just too weird. And maybe it's just mine, but the diecast on the knees and ankles got really loose over time.
Morvenn is one of my favorites in the entire line though, as far as I can tell it's like 80% new parts and she's still rock solid. Also her wrist is actually hinged to swing her spear, unlike the regular paragon.
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We have a ping on the auspex...
another fucking secondary
dont you know the whole point of this hobby is CUSTOMIZING your minis/figures? of course you dont. you're just reposting someone else's picture from months ago

we're completely surrounded by secondaries in this fucking thread
>Posts pic of his custom painted CSM terminator helmet
>Gets called out for not customizing
*Ping* retard confirmed
Also, tell me more about customizing minis and figures. I told you your no true scottsman is retarded, I with good reason.

>"Trying what shit?"
It's literally explained right there, but of course you build a strawman, because you know you can't refute the fact that you both try to invoke, and fail at, no true scottsman

Pic to put both of you retards in your place.
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I apologize for a potentially broken record post, /toy/ was the only place I could think of to ask.
I've been eyeing a basic Ultramarine in pic related for awhile now, though originally at the time only the "Assault Intercessor" and "Intercessors" were available,
I watched a couple "comparison videos" of the two, but honestly couldn't make a decision other than the Assault being slightly more expensive.
However, due to putting it off, it seems that they're both out of stock now, and the "Ver.2" of the Intercessors is what's next on the horizon.
Unsure if a Ver.2 wave has even made its way out yet, but its apparently the cheapest of the three?
I'm really unfamiliar with Joytoy, but is the fact that it's becoming cheaper possibly mean a shittier mold, or something along the lines? Should I just try to hunt down one of the former?
It probably is just because they don't have to do all-new tooling for molds. They can reuse a lot from the original ones, which have easily paid off the price of their molds, as they've been remade and different colors
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The first two pics are the same Intercessor, but on different body molds. The first one was on the older V1-type body and the second has the V2-type, primary differences being some small changes to the articulation (especially the shoulders) and most importantly the V2 bodies are a head or so taller. This figure acted as a cheap army builder and came with a heavy bolt pistol as his primary.

The third pic is the latest cheap army builder and it is on the updated V2 body mold. It has a slight change to the coloration, the blue is a shade brighter, and the weathering is much lighter, mostly just panel lining. They also used a metallic red for the eyes, which is a nice improvement. This one comes with a bolt rifle in lieu of the heavy bolt pistol, but accessories are otherwise pretty similar.

So, nothing wrong with getting the one in your third pic; it's a good, solid figure. In my pic, the most recent version is on the far left while the older one is on the far right (with a bolt rifle from another figure, hehe). If you're in the US, the most recent version is readily available now on Amazon for about the same price as BBTS.
Appreciate the info! Time to finally take the dive then.
"Head or so"? Dude, it was like, not even half a cm.
Yeah, that was way hyperbolic, there's barely a height difference. I have 1.0 and 3.0 guys next to each other and when they're posed up you can't even tell at all.
I like how ornately 'busy' this pic looks. Only 4 dudes actually pictured but somehow it gives off the vibe of being extremely crowded.
>own a dozen figuarts
>never a problem
>own a dozen joytoy figures
>needed to use replacement joints because half of every set broke
Also, see >>10988833 . Post isn't even mine, but i like how casual you guys are about Joytoy figures breaking.

Out of thousands of figures I own, there's only two toy companies that have consistently used shit plastics and inferior molding techniques: Mythic Legions by 4 Horsemen and Joytoy.
Surely by pure coincidence, they're both far more expensive than other brands selling same scale/sized figures, who offer better quality. totally not scamming customers because of their fans or license they hold, eh?
What exactly do you gain from lying about toys?
>Warhammer 40k Actionfigur 1/18 Adepta Sororitas Geminae Superia 1 + 2
Is the only difference really that one has the whole bangs colored white and the other has 2 strands of white? Yes I know they are twins but still. Also were they re-released?
>I did manage to break off the ball joint armature one of the shoulder pads when it fell off
It just fell off by just posing or did you drop the figure?
is the skirt movable oror fixed?
Do you happen to know how tall she is? On Amazon it says 10,2cm. That would be smaller than a Terminator
Skirt's fixed but it's fairly flexible. The abbess is 22cm tall.
And yet you continue to buy from said shit plastic company.
Mental illness.
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thanks anon
it is pretty crowded
will you get a Nid or chaos army too to stage a big battle?
possibly some day. I haven't been super impressed with anything chaos yet. maybe tyrannids we'll see. I hope they do some more unique chaos factions soon.
I'm reluctant to see nurgle, because they have a lot of gunk n shit that seems like it would get in the way of a figure. These things aren't issue for static minis, so I wonder if this is a logistical issue that is preventing joytoy, like how nids were for the longest time. World eaters and thousand sons seem totally viable, though. EC are probably a no go due to no real model sources to draw from.

On the daemon side, I'm sure blood letters are very desirable, as are pink/blue horrors and darmonettes, but what about poxwalkers? They seem really plain, and really lame, would the nurgle fans prefer something else, like nurglings or beasts before the generic foot soldiers?
>EC are probably a no go due to no real model sources to draw from.
doesn't everyone saying the EC will get their codex + minis this year?
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I doubt it'll be much of an issue. Nurgle, I mean. JoyToy has some really fantastic soft plastics in use, and they've already successfully done designs that look like they would be nearly immobile due to hanging/overlaying bits. They're handling all that just fine. SoH Praetor is a good example, look at all the junk hanging off this dude. Yet he poses just fine.
Fair enough. I've actively avoided the super ornate, cluttered characters in fear of reduced articulation, so I could be biased in this regard.

I think that's partly desperate hope, but the trend is implied (8th was death guard/nurgle, 9th was world eaters/khorne, so 10th being EC/slaanesh is a given).
I love these giant lineups but god fuck it makes me seethe that there's not more baddies for theem to fight. But maybe I'm just picky. I'm not a huge fan of the chaos marines chosen, and both the Necrons and Tau feel like they could use a little more variety.

All that said, I really am looking forward to the nids and hope they get a good lineup of units. In the meanwhile I continue to wait for my Thousand Sons.
What are you gonna do? Xenos don't sell, apparently. There's only so long you can keep losing money before you need to move on. And GW dictates the lineups for the most part.
Marines fight Marines too. There is a lot of historical precedence for this, various disagreements have led to battle.
Poor Little Spartan Boi
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Beakies will always be peak space marine design
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Any Salamanders displays?
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I have a few salamanders, I'm getting the last intercessor I'm missing in the mail soon actually
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Is that your Praetor and did you get him recently? I'm >>10985445 and mine still hasn't arrived.

They've made some very odd choices with the xenos. There's, what, one set of Kommandos for all Orks, some Tau in a boring white rather than ochre, and some elite Necrons but no troops or interestingly freaky monsters. The Necron Lord also isn't that good, he can't move his head very well, posing with the giant axe can be tricky because of the cables running to his back and the fact his other hand is permanently filled with something else, and the chest tassels areq quite stiff but aren't well secured at all so you can pop them off if you move the chest in a certain way.
Everyone bagged on these boiz for their simpler paint jobs, but they still look pretty dang good all together like this. Salamanders have always had pretty cool colors.
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Sightly disappointed in the deathwing champion. It's hard to tell from a photo alone, but the design of the gauntlets (or I guess vambraces is more accurate?) hamper his hand articulation, making it really difficult to get him holding his halberd correctly. This isn't a problem on any of the other deathwing terminators since they all have one-handed weapons that they hold straight out so the little flanges on the wrists don't get in the way of their hands as much.
The paint apps are great on Ajax and the bladeguard veteran. You might not be able to see it really well in that picture, but they have a nice effect from a deeper green being blended with a more yellowish green. As for the regular intercessors, they look basically just as flat as the basic Ultramarines or Blood Angels, so I have never really understood that complaint. I would certainly love to have seen them with some edge highlighting or battle damage, but I think they're fine as they are.
pretty shitty but I'd just shave those bumps off
unless I am mistaken though, they don't even appear to have panel lines, and I think even the plainest, cheapest smurfs and BAs got that.
I keep trying to roll with it and get used to the new termie mold, but I just can't. It doesn't look right to me, the heads are so dang small.

I preordered the new Chaplain, so I hope it doesn't bug me as much in person.
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I like this guy and he's great in person.
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... and he evokes the old Space Hulk art.
Also, try out the Cataphractii, they're great in person (I've got the Lightning Claws Imperial Fist and on pre-order I've got the Lightning Claws Justaerin). I'm not a fan of Tartaros generally but the JoyToy proportions look fantastic and I pre-ordered the Lightning Claws Tartaros.
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Leviathan dreads, wasn't expecting that. Cool I guess, but an easy skip for me.

I'm a huge Dreadnought slut but I'm not interested in JoyToy Leviathans or potential Deredeos. We need more Contemptors and we need Forgeworld Mk IVs and more Mk Vs.
There's been an updated Chuck (Contemptor) and an updated Eddy (Deredeo) but why has there never been an updated Furibundus?
oh no.
this is not good for my financial stability.
This guy's standard looks like it's advertising italian sausage pizzas, always makes me hungry
GW seems to hate them, but I love boxnaughts and their stumpy little legs. Those are the definitive Dredds for me. I wouldn't mind some of the older Forge World designs for not-quite Venerables like the Chaplain with the wings on the chest plate, or the Noise Marine one with grille mouth, sirens and sonic weapon arm
What do you mean when you say "new"? Your replying to a deathwing post, but those aren't the newest anymore, of which are the 10th edition updated sculpts. Yeah the deathwing heads do seem small, which I agree is a turn off, but the 10th edition ones don't, in my opinion. Chaplains helmet head is on the smallish side, as it feels more like a head than a helmet, but his unhelmed/breather mask only head looks right, as it is not a helmet proper, so it "fits in" a lot better.
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>GW seems to hate them
In what way? They've made like 20 different ones in metal or plastic over the years. That's not counting the Forgeworld ones which is like another 30.
what's the difference betwenn the Dark Angel ones and the new new upcoming Ultramarine ones?
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the ultramarines have bigger balls
we will never get 30k Ultramarines
Death wing terminators are the old plastic sculpt, while new new UM terminators are based on the 10th edition sculpts. There's a 10th edition deathwing terminator sculpt/redesign as well, but the joytoy figures are based on the previous plastic kit. New new UM have slightly more details, and slightly more realistic proportion, such as a slightly longer torso, so it doesn't look like the wearer has their spine curved like a question mark. Joytoy already did sort of fix these things with their figure sculpts already, so it's less noticable from figure to figure, but bring up the pictures of each, side by side, and the differences, though small, will be apparent.
I'm sure we will...
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still prefer my mcfarlanes over joytoys, unpopular opinion i guess
great pic anon
That thing can't pose for shit unfortunately.
Got my 'nid preorders in, now for them to announce repaints (specifically, behemoth, my colors) lol. Im faced with quite a conundrum, because I would like behemoth over leviathan, so the logical conclusion is to wait, BUT if nids don't sell well enough, then I can kiss recolors goodbye. Alternatively, if they do well enough to sell out, but not well enough to get a recolor, then I'm also screwed, so buying Leviathan now is my best option.

If they made genestealers, what Colors and style would y'all prefer; new sculpt in Leviathan colors, or old sculpt in space hulk colors (or genestealer cult default colors, I guess? The dark blue/purple, with pink joints).

Also, looked like the chaos terminator characters are in sale at showz/gundamit, along with a few other cool stuff.

Do you even collect joytoy? Or is this a case of "I like 1/12 scale better, so joytoy was basically never in the running"?
Enjoy what you enjoy at the end of the day. No reason to try to please some strangers online. I do like the Genestealer quite a bit, but the Termie was not my cup of tea.
If anything, buy Nids now to show support, then sell them off later and rebuy the ones you really want. You'll have no problem doing so, this is one faction that pretty much everyone is going to want to army build. Getting rid of a few spares will be a cinch.
"New" as in big as fucking hell? Deathwing and the new Smurf wave are the same size, both huge.
Yeah I'm not sure what he's talking about, I'm fairly sure the Leviathan box terminators are based on the same mold as the new deathwing terminators, which themselves I think originated from Arjac Rockfist.
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thank you anon
quite fitting for a termie, i will admit that he could use a little bit more arm movement though
What bodily fluids did you use for that drool?
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crystal putty
Nah man, look closely at the two waves, and you will see they share very little, if even, in common. Torsos are completely new sculpts, as are the biceps, thighs, looks like entirely new parts. Maybe they have parts reusage on internals, like the actual joints, and maybe some hard to notice stuff like the top of the legs, at the hips, which house the legs ball joint, and swivel, but otherwise, they are NOT a simple repaint, and they are NOT parts reusage from arjac. They each have slightly different proportions.
Is it confirmed that nids will come in other hivefleet colours?
No, nids barely happened, as their engineering was troublesome to keep prices at desirable thresholds, as well as the fact that xenos don't sell really well. So far, the only xenos to get a recolor, was necrons. Tau didn't do very well, despite almost everybody that posts pictures here having them.
The assumption is that they need to sell well enough to get recolors and more figures. They sold out for a sec on a few sites I frequent, so hopefully that's a good sign.
Im >>10994205, and I think >>10994832 has the correct plan, but I can be pretty impulsive, so I might keep the Levis in the end. Knowing my luck, I'll open them, and then they will announce behemoth, with the weapon options I'd much prefer lmao.
I suspect nids will sell better than the other xenos factions, everybody seems to like them and they make an ideal enemy faction for all those smurfs to fight. I hope we get Genestealers.
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I personally don't give a shit about xenos. I'm just waiting for more marines.
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These kniggas really are just too big. There is no reason for them to be Arjac-sized. They make marines look like gay little babies. The sculpting quality is fantastic, but I hate that they feel at least 15% out of scale. The little helmets don't help, which is why I prefer the look of the hooded guys and the unhelmeted captain.
anon you know terminator armor is basically power armor for power armor, right?
its supposed to be big, though the discrepancy in size is more to my understanding that the older figures were a bit smaller than they should be, and we are now getting "properly" sized figures
of course if they keep getting bigger and bigger then thats a big load of shit I'll have to eat, but no way to know that until it happens
As far as I know, the entire base suit of power armor is not contained within the terminator armor, but the new deathwing are big enough to make you think that could be the case. Arjac is supposed to be exceptionally large, but now he is barely taller than the average terminator. You can make it slightly better by forcing Arjac's hip joints to the highest position and everyone else's to the lowest, but he still hardly looks like a mountain of a man anymore.
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FUCK YOU JOYTOY! GIVE US TERMINATORS VERSUS GENESTEALERS YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES! The Terminators can be Blood Angels or Deathwing but the Genestealers must be purple and blue YOU FUCKING BASTARDS! Give them to us. NOW!
>anon you know terminator armor is basically power armor for power armor, right?
That is incorrect. Space Marines in Terminator Armor are not also wearing Power Armor. The idea of Terminator Honors (the Crux Terminatus) means that a Space Marine can operate both Power Armor and Terminator Armor.
this is a currently not supported color scheme
I'd buy probably 10 blue/purple JoyToy genestealers. I can't possibly be the only one.
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>space marines are too big
casuals, get out

Just say that Joytoy fucked up the scale with the Primaris figures and you're mad that you bought out of date shit.
Damn, next you'll be telling me mcfarts batman are heroic proportions.
Subby responds with something that has nothing to do with what's being discussed, what a shock. Oh, and of course he came in with his no true scottsman bullshit.
Mental illness.
>posting third party fan art again as if it were gospel
>40k ever having a set scale like this
>you not being a coping little cuck of a secondary
away with thee knave
>Still posting his fanmade and completely inaccurate scale chart again
Post models.
Aren't genestealer cult default colors the space hulk color scheme?
This wasn't about proportions or part reuse you dink. Of course they're mostly all unique molds, that's kinda JoyToy's schtick. The whole reason this whole thing started is because I said the phrase "new Termies" and some guy got all weird about it, so I had to clarify that by "new" I meant the taller ones. That's all there is to it.
Should've gotten the pic first, but this is from the newest genestealer kit, off of the official site.
I think it's possible. Pair together a repaint terminator with the default storm bolter, and boom, space hulk edition lol
Didn't JoyToy at one point say they were gonna remake some key characters in the new scale, or did I imagine that? It would be really funny if they released a 7" Arjac in a few months. Well, not really funny. More unfortunate.
>mostly all unique molds, that's kinda JoyToy's schtick
Most of them are retools, not unique molds.
Retools only look unique because they basically kitbash a figure using other parts from other figures or newly molded pieces (heads, hands, armor, accessories, etc)

I hope this is just one casual samefagging, because that's a lot displaced mad at Joytoy fucking up the scale on the Primaris figures
They absolutely are, it's the color for all GSC purestrains.

There it is. There will probably be some on the new GSC codex too.
>They're retools
No, they're not. Subby pulling shit out of his ass, like he's the authority of everything again.

Also, screen grab to further demonstrate that you speak out of your ass and have no idea what your talking about. We told you to get out of here with your fan art head cannon.
>official books, movies, games, animation, and art work are fanfiction
sure is casual who's mad his early Primaris figures are out of scale with all the modern figures Joytoy is producing

Feels pretty awesome knowing Joytoy fixed their scale problem because they heard me bitch.

And yes, most of the figures are just retools. This isn't even an argument. They literally are and no amount of "nuh uh" will change that.
>The fan art I googled is totes legit!!
>Y-your all samefagging! Your screen grab doesn't count because the voices in my head say so!
>I'm right because I say so!
Pic to remind you that your the casual when compared to me.
Oh, and extra flex, I can recreate your googled pic with minis. Get fucked, secondary!
Obligatory mental illness.
>>>10996066 never played a game in his life because his store banned him for shitting his pants
Hilarious that you want to call me casual (despite all my proof toward the contrary), yet want to say that official books, movies, games, art, etc are fake and gay.
Because I bitched about Joytoy lying about their Space Marines being 1:18. Sure doesn't make you sound like a shill and the biggest casual on the board.

But now they're actually 1:18 and you guys are upset that Joytoy made your figures outdated.
What proof? The fan art that you passed off as official? The codex page that you ripped from spikey bits? Or how about your pic that has primarchs listed as 9'4", which would put primaris and custodes at just a few inches below? Fucking delusional secondary!
Oh, and of course you don't reply to the pic that recreates your fan art, but with OFFICIAL minis!
Mental illness.
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>descriptions from official books are fake and gay
>official art is fake and gay
Sure is never ending excuses from a pants shitting casual who's never played a game in his life who doesn't like that Joytoy made your out of scale figures outdated
>only minis are official!
sure is pathetic headcanon from pants shitter.
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Intercessor arrived, and I really like it! Nice clean and simple marine to start the collection.
Though when trying to pose it, the shin guard popped off. Thankfully it stays on when static, but it's kinda a bummer.
Any good glue tips?
Amazing that Joytoy can fuck up even simple glue.

Any glue should work to keep your shit together. You can even use blu tack if you want.
simple superglue will do.
>another retarded fanart "scale comparison" pic passed as canon
i yawn secondary-kun
Thanks mates!
So what's your excuse for pic in >>10996087 ? I thought you were super fan #1, so why are you posting pictures that say primarchs are the same size as primaris Marines? Just gonna try to ignore that little blunder?
Considering the art, that's probably made before the Primarchs were better developed. So it's not even a blunder.

No one's asking for exact measurements, just that everyone is roughly where they should be human < astarte < primaris < custode < primarch

Whereas Joytoy has it as human < primaris < astarte.... pretty fucking dumb and they're the ones claiming their figures are 1:18 scale. How can they fuck it up? I mean... given >>10996154 , they seem to have no bounds in how poorly they manage anything.

But who are you to say anything about blunders? I am talking to casuals who weren't even aware that a different type of space marine was created in the past 10 years, which is what the now outdated figures are.
Casual as fuck.
You didn't answer the question; why did you post a pic with wrong information on it?
I wish this was the scale of primarchs.
>This nigger thinks the height difference between oldscale Marines and Primaris (which are basically just truescaled Marines) is canon
Point and laugh, everyone.
Post models BTW.
>space hulk edition lol
This is actually an amazing idea, cheap kitbashes in unique recolors to reflect classic designs. GW hates fun though so they would never approve.
everyone except for James has retconned the stupid primaris height increase
Me too, would make more sense in every manner. As things are now, loyal primarchs feel even more detached from humans, and the thought of them entering any enclosed space that wasn't explicitly designed for them, makes no sense, as they'd be needing to crawl through. Just look at your average doorway; a space marine could barely fit through, even out of power armor, so their interactions with the world's designed for smaller beings should always be awkward, and that awkwardness should be tenfold for 12'+ giants.

I heard that primarchs were originally just chapter masters. That idea seems better, in my opinion, because it puts them on a level playing field to everyone else, as opposed to demigods that we have now.
based. my head cannon is rooted firmly in the 90s. no primarch or primaris bullshit
Even James has retconned it; the updated HH plastic Marines and the plastic Chaos Marines both of which are essentially Firstborn, are at most a hair shorter than Primaris.
good news but will it make subby shut up about it?
Probably not because he can't seem to get his head round the idea the figures are based on the minis. Just watch, he'll go "hurrr but the JT figures don't have midget proportions like the minis durr" ignoring that A: the proportions on modern minis are less stylized and match up pretty well to JT and B: that scale and proportions are not the same thing.

Really depends what ones we're talking about. Thousand Sons I think were done first out of the batch of CSM remakes, and they are noticeably smaller than Deathguard which are more in line with Primaris.
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Forgot image.
Yeah, the Thousand Sons are oldscale. Death Guard and the "generic" Chaos Marines are more true-scaled though, and are basically the same height as Primaris.

Yea, which sucks because I literally bought ilke 1500pts of Thousand Sons when they were relaunched because Thousand Sons and Dark Angels are my two favorite factions for Marines.

Hopefully joytoy makes some Rubrics and a Sorcerer for 40k. I'd love for some DA HH, especially the DA contemptor.
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This is my first set of minis. I noticed that there are variants for incursors and infiltrators. Does it matter which ones I build? Do people typically build half and half or go all in on one type? The back of the box has the incursors in black, but are those Raven Guard only colors and should I go green?
Why are GW modelers obsessed with giving everyone crossdraw holsters? They look fucking stupid


Give me 80's schlocky chunky boys. It's the only 40k shit I care about.
the already made blood angels terminators on the old style. what more do you want?
If you intend to play, then you can build the kit half and half, if you so desire. Each has a different role to play, so how one chooses what to build depends on which role(s) they wish to fulfill. Infiltrators are screening units, which means that they are best suited for blocking out enemy reinforcements that would normally drop in anywhere in the board. Incursors are slightly better shooting units that can be placed in good spots on the board, ideal for partial screening, or just digging into spots that you want some decent shooters to be camping at. Either can also be used to push up quickly thanks to their forward deploy and pregame movement abilities.

Colors is entirely what you want to paint them as, as even a straight up chapter army could just be flavored as a successor, with their only difference being a new color scheme. It used to be where one color scheme was one army sub faction, but they did away with that, and you can have the entire army be painted however you'd like, and it's acceptable (just most prefer to have some sort of cohesion within a single army).
If your not playing, then have fun mixing and matching the parts as you please, as the kit is really great, with a lot of options, and a lot of parts to make some great kitbashes.

Just goes to show that GW has very little idea how guns, and everything involving them, works. Fortunately, you can just put the holster wherever you please.
thank you friend. Some of these models look difficult to paint when fully assembled (like guns across the chest, the small skulls, etc.). Should those be painted separate and then attached afterwards? Can I do a full base layer over everything and then just add the real colors on top once dried?
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Depends how hard you want to work. Many people paint in subassemblies (for example, you could leave the arms off the torso to allow you to paint the stuff behind the gun/arms). I've never assembled or painted space marines so it's hard to make a recommendation for these, I play Admech, where it's practically mandatory for many units (the legs and inside of skitarii robes, for example). In your case, you'd probably want to glue together anything you can, but leave the arms off the body.

On the other hand, there's always the mindset that, if you can't see it to paint it, you often can't see it once it's painted.

When you ask if you can do a full base layer, what exactly do you mean? You'll definitely want to prime your models, likely with a spray can of you're getting started, and usually people prime with a color that will be used on a lot of their model if possible, especially for space marines. So for example, if you were painting ultramarines, You would either spray them with a blue primer, or prime them and then spray them with blue paint.

When you're putting down your basic colors, don't be afraid to paint outside the area you're aiming for, as long as you thin your paints enough you can always just go back with the color you painted over and fix it.
What >>10997126 said covers most of it. I have over 200 space Marines under my belt, and I would just say to definitely have the arms separated when painting (but just the two handed arms, or arms that go accross the chest). The little skulls can be intimidating, but they're easy, because they're elevated so much. Space Marines are designed to be painted by the section, like a 3d color by numbers.
Stuff like pouches, charms, and holsters should just be attached, there's no need to paint a tiny little pouch, and the millimeter behind it, just glue it on top.
Yes, you can start with a full base, and then paint everything else after, that's what I do. My color scheme is lead Belcher base, literally all over, then the iron warriors silver, and then carefully the tan for the undersuit, belts, and pouches, with red for the armor decorations and trims. Guns are green, with brown handle and under grip, and a silver for small details, like sights, charging handle, and barrel tip. Super easy to do.
>dislikes the WH40k setting and its characters yet posts in a WH40k thread
Imagine being such a giant casual that you didn't know that the year 40,000 isn't the same as 2024.
They live in an era of gothic architecture being the rule. And everything would be built to accommodate all of the Imperium's citizens anyway.

>muh headcanon
sure is Joytoy shill that has never played the game who's so retarded he can no longer defend people being upset that the older figures, that falsely advertised they were 1/18 scale, are outdated by Joytoy's newer bigger figures.

Again, i welcome that Joytoy fixed their fuck up on scale. It's no skin off my back that customers are upset that Joytoy updated their figures.
Post models, Subby.
you're obviously a newfag
hmm thanks for the tips. First I've heard about priming with the base color, which makes sense. I only have black, white and grey, which I'll just use for these models and paint over.

I meant can I include the charms, pouches, etc. in the base layer (like painting them blue), and then just come back and add the gold on top? Or will the blue mess it up.

And do you guys recommend using actual paint thinner or water for a beginner? That's an awesome Admech btw, I was looking at those but they seemed a lot harder than the marines. Do you paint the back pieces separately too before attaching?
Yep, you're exactly right, you can freely paint your base color over the details, then go back and paint them the right color later. No need to be careful when you're doing the first color.
Yeah yeah, no true scottsman, that's why you only post googled images, right? I'm starting to think that those two pictures of yours that you repost constantly aren't actually yours, and you ripped them from somebody else. No time stamps, ever.
The real fake is evident.
Obligatory mental illness.
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You're all cool guys

>the one kicking
That guy is the reason that I have never posted my ultramarines; he has the best display I have ever seen. I love all the kitbashes and the use of the super rare secret firstborn helmets. I've wanted to try kitbashing some of my own JT figures, but my autism/OCD combo makes it difficult for me to put any parts from one figure onto any other, even simple stuff like swapping weapons.
>Joytoy shill that has never played the game
says the filthy secondary who doesnt even own a single model and only picked up a page of a codex on google to shitpost in these threads

up next: muh "secondary" is a "hong kong" term despite being BTFO repeatedly on this very subject by all archives
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To be fair, JT just made the Vanguard Veterans from (IIRC) 8th edition
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please don't let my boys in blue stop you from posting your toys anon. the more pics of toys here the better!
we need the claw guy
I usually don't get very many replies when I post them, plus the ultramarines are just kind of boring. I only started collecting them because they had the best variety of units, but now I hardly ever even look at my UM shelf.
I wish blood angels had this much variety and new figures
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Stop saying secondary you homosexual faggot. Stop replying to that idiot you seem obsessed with. Post pictures of you're fucking toys.
another question. I built a couple of the models, but they don't seem to stick very well to the bases. I'm using Tamiya extra thin cement glue for everything. Should I use something thicker for the bases?
>no minis
as if the rest of this idiotic post didnt already scream out secondary, if not subby himself
Plastic cement is different from super glue, and you'll need to hold things together for a bit in order for the bond to complete, as it works a bit differently than super glue. Plastic cement partially melts them together, so you need to hold them in place for the process to complete.
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Motherfucking damnit, you homosexual faggot. Miniatures are statues and no statues are allowed on /toy/. I'm the guy that has every Citadel Dreadnought (metal and plastic), every Forgeworld Dreadnought, and every metal Chaos Terminator and has never assembled or painted a single one and has read hundreds of 40K novels going back to the 90's. Post your fucking 40K toys.
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Here's another on-topic post, you faggoty, homosexual faggot, man-fucking, male anus penetrator.
Your replying to yourself there, and to me, when I didn't say "secondary". Going off the deep end, there...
Sorry I meant to reply to >>10997484
Stop saying secondary, you fucking faggot.
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Post your fucking toys, faggot.
By the way, do you know what the rarest metal Chaos Dreadnought part is, possibly one of the rarest Citadel metal parts? It"s not discussed on the internet, accept on a thread I posted on a 40K forum like 15 years ago. Only a person who obsessively collects metal Chaos Dreadnought parts will know the answer and I, unfortunately, don't have the part. Do you know what it is?
Nta, but do you realize how fishy that question is? "What's the answer only I could know"? It sounds so rare that you couldn't be able to prove the authenticity of the supposed proper answer, so there's no point in even answering such a question, by him or you.
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It's these claw/talon version of the feet. There's a couple of pictures of White Dwarf 'Eavy Metal painted Chaos Dreadnoughts with those feet and I thought they were never actually released. About 15 years ago, there was a guy from Europe on the Warseer forum (no longer seems to exist) that had them on one of his customs so they were definitely released. I've been looking for these for about 20 years. No lie, I'd pay $1,000.00 for a pair.
And you immediately assumed that they are 100% authentic? Kitbashing, sculpting, and 3d prints ARE a thing, so these unreleased parts could just be one guy with sufficient skill in any of these categories. To that end, have you tried bringing this page entry to the attention of 3d modelers, and request a commission? I'm sure you can get someone to recreate these bad boys for far less than $1k.
I want the originals. Pic related is the painted White Dwarf 'Eavy Metal Dreadnought with the claw feet. The Warseer European guy's feet were authentic. His thread on Warseer was an in progress thread so the early pictures were unpainted and it was obvious that his feet were the exact same claw/talon style with no putty or other modification. I asked him about it at the time and he said his box just came with those. He had no idea they were rare. Again, this was about 15 years ago, or more.
>every photo you've taken to meet my 87 goalposts are now fake and gay because you've pointed out how we know nothing about the Warhammer property and how we get upset over the setting that makes Warhammer 40k Warhammer 40k
LOL, biggest cope on /toy/.
Go create a safespace where other people follow your headcanon and no one will ever argue with it.

Why are you even posting here if you get triggered over the fact that Space Marines are canonically HUEG and the buildings are oversized to accomodate them?

Is it just because Joytoy fucked up the scaling and even some of you fanboys are upset that they newest figures have made them outdated?

Plz shit on those fanboys for stepping out of line and continue being mad that Joytoy listened to my bitching by making the Horus Heresy figures to 1:18 scale instead of 1/22 like the outdated Primariseseses
Ok, well, interesting tangent (genuinely), and I get what you were trying to prove with that question, but do you not see the flaw in such a thing? Your trying to one up that other guy with no true scottsman, but the problem with no true scottsman is that there gets a point where what qualifies as a true scottsman, or what matters more in such a contest, becomes subjective, and is therefore unquantifiable. There are some levels where you can sort of prove "trueness", such as me posting a wide variety of painted minis, in such a quantity that is nothing to scoff at, with timestamps to prove that they are indeed mine, vs subby and his two pictures that he reuses for years, along with his endless array of googled images that he presents, not understanding their context. Like, I do in fact win the no true scottsman there, but I never invoked it, because it is a flawed line of reasoning. It's stupid to invoke it, but even stupider to do so, and fail at it so badly.

All of that to say, I agree with your sentiment, that we should be focused on posting Warhammer action figures, but You've lost my sympathies with your ranting against "secondary", especially when you do so to people that use it reactively. Additionally, why do you hate the term, when it wasn't even directed at you? I know later that other guy did, but again, that was reactively. It makes no sense to complain about the phrase the way you do, unless you are the "secondary" in question (aka subby, aka the mentally ill). I'm trying to be reasonable here, will you reply in kind?
Oh no, subby can't put his money where his mouth is, figures. Oh, and your back to liking joytoy again.
Mental illness.
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This board spends more time bitching than actually posting toys.
>You've lost my sympathies with your ranting against "secondary", especially when you do so to people that use it reactively. Additionally, why do you hate the term, when it wasn't even directed at you? I know later that other guy did, but again, that was reactively. It makes no sense to complain about the phrase the way you do, unless you are the "secondary" in question (aka subby, aka the mentally ill). I'm trying to be reasonable here, will you reply in kind?
I think people should enjoy things however they want (such as me being willing to pay $1,000.00 for a pair of feet that will just go in a box with the rest of my bitz). The idea of secondary seems like an elitist gate-keeping term and it annoys me.
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To add, the guy that says secondary all the time annoys me much more than the guy he hates.
>elitist gate-keeping term and it annoys me.
So why don't you admonish subby when he cries that everyone else is a fake fan, or when he tries to criticize people for enjoying the joytoy line? Literally everything about him is what you say you hate. I get not liking the idea of elitism and gatekeeping, but the phrase does make sense, and subby is literally trying to fulfill the definition thereof, with his constant posting of fan art, and not understanding the context, or even content therein. He freggin' posted a picture of a primarch, listed at 9'4", when trying to claim that we do not understand the lore. As far as I can tell, he doesn't actually own anything, be it minis, book, or even figures. Truly, he IS the secondary.
He appears to be mentally ill. Better to ignore him.
We try
Despite being the old plastic design, I still love this figure. I always wonder, though, if I made the right decision in buying the UM, rather than the BA, which color I really wanted, but was unsure about the different head sizes. Can anybody with both an UM terminator and BA terminator do a head swap? I wanna see if the head size difference was as big a deal as I thought.
Though not swapped, the two heads are here:
The Ultramarine head is slightly wider and the lower jaw area is sculpted differently.
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Also, the conspicuously smallest heads are on the Deathwing, compounded by the larger bodies..
Post models.
Bad loadouts though. All hammers and lightning claws. My empire for a simple storm bolter and powerfist. It would rock my world to get caution stripes on that fist.
The BA helmet is too short front to back. Their faces feel puffy and squashed-in. They corrected this for the smurfs right after that, which are still the best Terminators they've made thus far.
What exactly am i gatekeeping?
You guys just get super butthurt over me criticizing the toyline being out of scale and then get angry when i catch you guys not knowing anything about the series the toyline is based on.

Catching your stupid lies isn't gatekeeping and I've never said people can't enjoy their Joytoy figures.
It's your low self esteem that make you take criticism about the shitty efforts a brand makes as a personal insult.
No point in even replying, the schizo would just make up what was said, or ignore what he can't fantasize away.
Mental illness.
many such cases
How do you guys zenithil prime if you paint parts separately?
I'm sure there is a Warhammer tabletop thread somewhere. this one is for toys
I've become confused about which guy is the one that says secondary all the time and whose mission in life is to argue with subjectanon (the gatekeeper) and the guy that's always complaining and critical and gets called subjectanon. How about just try to be more positive and constructive in general and post pictures of your toys and not being a homosexual faggot. This is good life advice. All my JoyToys have small flaws, as all toys do, but the output and the reveal to release rate and overall quality have been unbelievable and unprecedented in the history of all toy lines. I don't even care if the scale shifts. I've been fantasizing about these Terminators and Dreadnoughts for at least 30 years from when I got my first free Citadel catalog from the game store in the early 90's.
I think I wrote this in a confusing way:
The guy that says secondary, the homosexual faggot, is the gatekeeper. The guy that gets called subjectanon is just an irrelevant, mentally ill idiot.
shut up secondary
Hahaha! I kneel. Never change, /toy/
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>How about just try to be more positive and constructive in general
>read: Don't criticize Joytoy

>JoyToys have small flaws
>Joytoy lying about the scale is a small flaw
>Joytoy using brown mustard paint instead of gold is small flaw
>Joytoy using brittle plastics that causes the normal sized toys to randomly break is small flaw
>Joytoy's bait and switching advertised paint jobs is a small flaw
So what would constitute a normal flaw to you? Not including a figure in the box?
Would a big flaw be? Including the next plague with every box?

Explain your scale on flaws because any other toyline gets rightfully shat for any of the quoted flaws.

Are your standards just much lowered for Joytoy, because Chinese companies are known to produce inferior goods compared to the western and Japanese companies?
In the immortal words of Reclusiarch Grimaldus [slight paraphrase]: "Neither are you to be addressed. You are nothing; barely above a servitor"
I like how subby tries to pretend to be reasonable, when we all know that he will just blatantly misrepresent what you say (if he doesn't outright ignore it), and try to deflect with something else that will just trigger a preset tirade about whichever delusion his NPC programming roles that day.
Accompanied by a pic that he stole, of course.
Mental illness.
barely above a servitor
Servitors have an excuse.for being retarded lmao
Funny how subby keeps posting the pic with Bobby G and the mustards to "prove" his armor is a "mustard brown" color, and literally none of the mustards in the pic even match the color of the Gulliman pic
Mental illness
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>me praying that at least one of the 20 new posts today will be about the toys
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Be the change you want to see, anon
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Yes it's literal mental illness, which all the more reason it's fucking retarded to even engage.
Where'd you get that revolver?
Use blue-tack or whatever to hold the parts up in the position they're going to be in when assembled.
Acid Rain Marine 303 Maelstrom Trooper. Also Acid Rain 303 Marines make for a great OC Guardsmen Regiment or PDF Troopers as seen here >>10980713
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I bought a few of joytoy ariadna soldiers from the Infinity line. Also some of the army builders are good too
god the beakies look so fucking good. I can't believe we made it here.
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Don't we need a new thread? AND JOYTOY SPACE HULK EDITION TERMINATORS VS BLUE/PURPLE GENESTEALERS WITH DIORAMA CORRIDORS (pic unrelated) I know you slant-eyed Chinks monitor these threads. GIVE US SPACE HULK
Sure as soon as the CIA gives us McDonalds coupons, Burger King is getting old
I'm so close to just buy him even tho I don't want to get into Fists too.
Buy it, poorfag.
Bruh, you don't need to go all-in on a chapter/faction, just buy the one guy. Hammer and shield IS really cool.

Chinks don't frequent this thread, that's just the delusions of a particular schizo. That being said, I, too, would like the space hulk color scheme genestealers over the Leviathan colors.
Joytoy HAS done playsets, too, so it would be interesting if they made a modular set of space hulk, so if you were to buy a bunch, you could recreate the game lmao.
Hell, if they did it right, I could see the miniature hobbiests buying the dioramas, to use as terrain lol.
JoyToy Space Hulk corridors would be equivalent to Quantitative Easing (printing money).
i am shocked nobody is offering this yet. SHOCKED.
having some stability issues with the standard bearer solar watch custodes, which is strange cause the original one is just fine, he's the only one who's falling over out of all of my figures
Is it the figure itself, or because of the banner?
mix of both, though I suppose the figure tilting might be influenced more by the banner losing its footing and tilting than vice versa
still, the original in a pretty much mirrored pose on the other side of the shelf is just fine, as are the other figures next to the trouble onee
Just took us 3 years!
which is practically nothing considering i've been waiting 20+ years for this
you will never get that tho.
pretty good loadouts for space hulk
You can't advance, or cover advances, without long range weapons on over watch. Close combat is for covering the rear of an advance or maybe a genestealer spawning point.
On which note, upscaled versions of the the Space Hulk board game with the unique terminators and Broodlord would be good additions to the line.
Space Hulk always instantly sells out when it gets rereleased. Clearly there's a demand for Space Hulk even if it isn't discussed very much. 2nd edition Space Hulk is my favorite boardgame of all time, second is Heroquest.
I've never even played it, but I've always liked the sound of it. The idea of a squad of heavy-ass Terminators stomping through dark, claustrophobic space station hallways, anticipating Genestealers at every turn...it just sounds awesome. GW is leaving so much money on the table if they don't allow JoyToy to cover Space Hulk.
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Captain with Jump pack and jump pack intercessors. These guys came out not too long ago I think.
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These jetpacks are yuk

Do they look kind of...lanky to anyone else? Their hips are bulging out of the sockets, and their legs seem longer than usual...
>These jetpacks are yuk
that's primaris design for ya.
>Do they look kind of...lanky to anyone else?
it's because they keep making them taller.
Did you buy anything lately?
I've got these on pre-order:
Imperial Fists Contempor
Sons of Horus Contemptor
Lightning Claw Justaerin Terminator
10th Edition Storm Bolter Terminator
Space Wolves Relic Contemptor
Lightning Claw Tartaros Terminator
Do you buy all Dreadnoughts?
Two of the Space Wolves reissues and the last Salamander that I need to complete my squad are on their way. Two Sons of Horus and two Justaerin terminators, along with Horus and Abbadon, are on preorder.
Wtf, why is the sgt figure better than the captain!? Sgt gets a power sword instead of the pleb chain sword, as well as an unhelmed head! Captain will probably cost more, too. RIP, because I liked his helmet better than the sgts (I have plenty of red helmed space Marines, id actually like a normal UM blue helm, for once).
Isn't it about time we got other pre/post heresy traitor legions? Almost every marine we get lately is either ultramarine, space wolf, blood angel, sons of horus mainly not counting other chapters/legions in smaller numbers. Which ones would you anons like to have?
Iron hands
I'm fairly certain that Thousand Sons are next
The pattern is poster boys first (UM for 40k, SoH/IF for 30k). So far, wolves and fists (and arguably SoH, if you count black legion as them in 40k) are the only chapters/legions that have gotten cross-multu-millenia representation, but I imagine BA and one of the good green chapters will get figures soon.
Iron warriors would be a good next choice for "bad guys", as since they didn't go quite as daemonic in the lore, they could work as both 30 AND 40K figures.
We already have a few of them.
So far, yes.
Dude, the captain looks way better. Your reasons for choosing the sarge are for the sword and head? Just buy a damn power sword and unhelmeted head on eBay, and buy the fig with the obviously cooler armor: the captain.
Can the IF Breachers wear their shields on the back? Fafnir can do it but I haven't seen a picture where the normal ones do that.
Yeah! I have plenty of chainswords, so I'd like to get a wider variety of weapons. I also have very few unhelmed heads, so it's like, do I want a guy in some blinged out and cooler armor, or do I want one with less bling, but an extra head option, and a style of sword that I have too few of? And probably for cheaper, too! More accessories wins out for me. Or at least for now, I don't know, they're all still in the table for me, I'm just lamenting that if the captain has an unhelmed head, plus the clearly better sword, it would have been a no brainer.
The sons of Horus are growing on me. I don't like that one bit tho.
Night Lords and Carcharadons.
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Night Lords paint apps are gonna be a pain in the ass for the factory. Might even incur additional costs.
We should probably set up a new thread, were on page 10. Someone who's not on a phone do it.
I went from not caring about them at all to buying most of them almost overnight. They've really got some fucking awesome designs.
I can't help but think of a misapplied texture in a video game when I see the night lords' lightning bolts, specifically a poorly done shirt in roblox
I guess its just a very love it or hate it kind of thing, very distinct from how other factions look
I love it. Night Lords are a relic of the more goofy heavy metal-level grimdark of early 40k. Look at the bat and skull insignia on that Knight's tiltshield, can't you just see that as a band t-shirt? This is the side of 40k that's disappearing more and more every day, and I miss it.
JoyToy can do Night Lords. They can also do FUCKING SPACE HULK
stop being a spaz
>stop being a spaz
anyone planning on buying this beast? where you gonna put it?

That's the actual model. They haven't shown a chaos knight yet.

I was thinking about getting one but last I heard they were $1000? I can't swing that.
>That's the actual model. They haven't shown a chaos knight yet.
I know... I assumed people would know what I was asking about.

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