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non collector here

i opened up both a bigbadtoystore and ebay account for my nephew last year on his 10th birthday so that he could buy a couple of action figures for himself each month as a treat for doing well in school etc

it started off being +-$100 worth of purchases from him for the first few months (star wars, marvel, mcfarlane toys) but over the last 5 months ive been getting about $500 worth of charges off my account EACH MONTH. shipment notifications from fucking hong kong and japan. i didn't address it because i have been in and out of hospital and very distracted

today his mother (my sister) sent me pic related. that was our fathers cupboard which nobody ever touched or went into - the little kid has been hiding what he's buying from all of us in there. this is just one of 6 different places he's hidden these toys (garage, under his bed, shed in garden)

is this an addiction? do any of you have this problem? should i intervene and/or close his account?

I don't know what to do because for kids, action figures are literally all they got going but it seems insane to be spending almost 10s of thousands of dollars on toys???
Don't worry those will double in price annually and you can earn back your money + interest in 36 years.
>Most of these are buff naked men
Your son might just be gay OP. Let him be or else it'll turn into a whole thing.
What a fucking chad. He'll grow up to fuck all the pussies. He has god tier taste in toys and toylines.
I'm sorry, but this is funny as fuck if true. You're a good uncle, though you really should've known better than to give a a 10 year old unlimited access to your money. If it wasn't toys, it would've been video games. I don't know how much $500 a month impacts you, but unless you want to start seeing $1000+ Hot Toys charges you should probably have him make a wishlist for you or deposit a certain amount in a paypal account for him each month.
Fakest and gayest post I’ve ever read
Wait you gave a 10 year old unrestricted access to your money? And you're shocked he spent a shit ton of it? lmao
Kids got some good taste.
What are you even doing kek.
Take your card off and ask him what he wants next time not give him access to order things himself.
Kid has good taste even though I’m not a huge storm guy
This is so fake. No one is giving their 10 year old unlimited access to a credit card and a toy store. And no 10 year old is buying high end action figures of properties that he wouldn't be familiar with. What 10 year old is buying Street Fighter and Dark Knight Returns figures? I gotta wonder what went through OPs head when he made this post. This is some of the lowest effort trolling I've seen in a minute.
Fakest thread on /toy/ in ages but still more entertaining than Athena’s shitposts
I disagree, but to each his own.
>What 10 year old is buying Street Fighter and Dark Knight Returns figures?
I mean, Street Fighter 6 just came out recently and DKR has animated movies he could've seen, so that doesn't really seem that farfetched to me. It's more the unlimited access to OP's account where you have to suspend disbelief hard.
>i opened up a bigbadtoystore account

First mistake
Gotta give him props, kid has better taste than half of this board. Still, you better take some of these away until he learns how to spend YOUR money better, or give him a cap of a couple bucks a month so he learns the value of saving money.

Or what this >>10982758 anon said
This post is counterfeit and non-binary.
Possibly imaginary and homosexual too.
Damn that Shao Kahn looks sick.
He is abusing this setup you've arranged due to your irresponsibility. letting him have almost unlimited access to your money is not teaching the value of money. Its not an addiction until it starts impacting other areas of his life and for toy buying that usually manifests as either spending too much money in a way that affects his other financial responsibilities(which at that age he probably has none) or if the toy collection starts to turn into a hoard. Those won't be relevant until he grows up and hed probably grow out of his interest by then or we'll be seeing his posts here in a few years. If you want to continue allowing him to buy stuff you should set up payment options where you regularly put in whatever allowance your comfortable with him spending every month. Maybe give him one month of allowance to start the new system but delay whatever amount of months it would take for him to "payback" the amount he over spent in the past 5 months.
when was the last time they reissue deadpool revoltech?
that box is new wtf
>yeah hundreds of dollars are being taken out of my account each month but y'know, I was to busy to actually do anything about it
>should I take steps to stop this child from spending my money?
I wish this was real.
u'd be surprise as the stupidity of some people, either way this kid is BALLING! Thank god he didnt waste it on shitty domestic figs
I know its fake and bait but the fact he isnt responding arguing with anyone to rile them up further makes me hope this is real and hes just too embarrassed to respond from everyone calling him a dumbass for letting this happen
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I was poor with money when I was younger. Give me $20 and the world was my "candy store." I already knew how to bargain, so it helped me learn to value and prioritize a purchase more. But that still went out fast in less than 2 weeks. As a kid, I had a million options and wasnt just buying toys neither. Anyway, a better idea would be giving your nephew an allowance in the form of a (reloadable) gift card, if money or venmo isn't an option. In the meantime, discipline him so that he can stop and even learn to value what he already has, it'll even motivate him to earn his own money in a few years. Also it helps to give him gift cards that are store/company specific to help add restrictions. Ebay has them, but BBTS accepts only major cards.

Also to anyone claiming this is fake, you're all just hiding that you aren't smart enough to help anyone
>aren't smart enough to help anyone
Fuck do you want them to say? Dont give your 10 year old nephew unlimited access to your bank account? Tell them its not healthy to spend that much? That's just stating the obvious bare minimum and if OP needs an anonymous messaging board to tell him that he's a lost cause
if wasnt for the storm collectables this kid would had a better taste than 90%of this board
Why are Americans obsessed with taste and based level?
white millenials will have some money and be like "hey slugger! good job in school! have unrestricted access to my credit card!"
Why would you ever give a 10 year old a credit card to use.
Like last year some time. I want to say before the Spider-Man 2.0 shipped, but I might be off on that.
This is why I call bullshit on people saying kids don't want to play with toys. There's plenty of normie kids who just want games and tech stuff and want to grow up fast, but plenty of kids would play with toys if they were good- and most domestic stuff isn't that good.
They're aware now thanks to youtube videos what toys can be, you give them the $10 crap you get at retail and how can they like it? My nephew won't even touch Marvel Legends since he found out about Figuarts and SHF.
The unlimited access to the credit card part is probably the most believable thing about the OP. Wealthier people do spoil their families. But everything else about the post just screams 90's and 2000's nostalgia. No 10 year old would have this specific taste and certainly not this refined with keeping it to only higher end imports. A 10 year old would also not pack and organize boxes neatly like that.
>No 10 year old would have this specific taste and certainly not this refined with keeping it to only higher end imports. A 10 year old would also not pack and organize boxes neatly like that.
Kids get their personality from other places, like the internet. They watch some 35 year old toy reviewer hyping up these toys and want them, too.
When I was a kid I got into toys in a similar way. you might be out of touch or don't have many kids in your life.
Fucking this.

No 10 year old is buying high end Japanese import toys from a comic that came out 40 years ago and a video game that came out 30 years ago. Get fucking real.
>No 10 year old is buying high end Japanese import toys from a comic that came out 40 years ago and a video game that came out 30 years ago. Get fucking real.
My nephew is so you're wrong.He likes Spider-man, Godzilla, Dragon Ball, and Zelda and stuff like that. Not entirely through me, he finds a lot of this on his own. He has Dragon Ball Figuarts and a spider-man Mafex and his favorite game is Ocarina of Time because of the Nintendo Switch online service. The only limit he has is being limited to whatever funds he gets, which is mainly Xmas and bday money and an allowance. Meanwhile, OP's nephew has un-monitored access to money.
I don't know why the idea that 10 year olds like older media is so mindblowing to you.When I was a 10 year old I got into pulp stories like Conan and the Shadow because I got internet access and found info on them. I was obsessed with DKR because I saw a rerun of the BTAS episode of Batman where there's 3 eras of Batman stories. Now, a kid goes on youtube and looks up "Batman action figure" and foes down a rabbit hole and discovers imports. The media might be old but it doesn't mean it disappeared, it's still available for a kid to check out- or they might just think it looks cool. I didn't watch Alien until I was 14 but I always wanted any cool toys of them as a kid.
You're fucking dumb.
Would you like to have an actual discussion? Why am I dumb?
I've given you an example of why I can see the OP as believable.
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>is this an addiction?
No it's bad parenting. You gave your 10 year old unrestricted access to your bank account and turned a blind eye when you started getting $500 bills each month. Don't blame him for your criminal lack of common sense.
>oh yeah? well yer dumb!
>Why am I dumb?
Because you're applying your anecdotal evidence to everyone. I can tell you by toy, comic and movie sales, the vast majority of small children do not care about comics from 30 years before they were born. They care about anime and manga. Just go to your local Barnes and Noble where there are three shelves of comics vs. three entire walls of manga. Stop being obtuse and thinking your unique situation is the norm when there's mountains of evidence proving you otherwise.
But we're not talking about the vast majority of kids. We're talking about a few. There will always be a few weird outliers.
My nephew loves manga, too, I took him to the bookstore to buy LoZ manga the other week. If you actually read my post I even mentioned him liking Dragon Ball. But that doesn't mean he doesn't like Spider-man, too.
There are 3 walls of manga because of a larger old fanbase. there are less graphic novels because those arent often as printed as single issues, latter of which are sold elsewhere because Barnes is a books general store.
>But we're not talking about the vast majority of kids.
Says who? I'm talking broad strokes. Of course there could be outliers. But the whole point of my original reply was that this whole thing is unbelievable because of numerous reasons.

Reason 1. An adult giving a small child unlimited access to a credit card and toy store, while not noticing hundreds of dollars of charges to his account is far fetched.

Reason 2. A small child exclusively buying high end Japanese import collectables is far fetched

Reason 3. A small child exclusively buying high end Japanese import collectibles of comics and videos games that came out 20 to 30 years before he was born is even more far fetched.

Reason 4. This guy coming to /toy/ of all places to post about this is absolutely a shitpost.

Combine all these things and this is clearly bullshit. Are there children out there that are into super heroes, or are introduced to older media through their parents/relatives? Yes. Absolutely. But combine that with the rest of OPs bullshit and it's clearly fake and a shitpost. I feel like you're deliberately missing the point.

LCS' are dying. I've had several in my local area close down, even before COVID. I miss them.
and either way it's not like a kid needs to read those comic books to want a toy of them. Batman/Superman and all those Marvel characters have a shit ton of media and just look appealing to people, especially kids.
I'm not saying s child isn't into Batman or Spider Man. I'm saying it's far fetched for a fucking 10 year old to buy high end imports of them based on stories from decades before they were born.

Holy shit you guys are gulible.
>I'm saying it's far fetched for a fucking 10 year old to buy high end imports of them based on stories from decades before they were born.
A kid with an unlimited budget though? You be their ass they'd go for the expensive toy. Yes the whole part of unlimited access to uncle's credit card is farfetched, but as someone who did grow up around the internet, and has talked to other people who were kids with internet access, yes we'd want cool imports.
Just for fun, go on and look up "Spider-man figure" on youtube and see how long it takes you to find import figures. This isn't the early 2000's where the world of imports was some mysterious, unknown thing. Kids can find them easy online.
>decades before they were born.
they could just think it looks cool, anon. And it' s not like DKR is buried into obscurity. A kid could also be aware of it through other avenues outside the comic itself.
This is why I circle back to you're fucking dumb dude. Too many red flags here for it to possibly be real. Cut it out.
>there's no way a kid likes marvel!!
>oh yeah, this guy definitely gave a ten year old unrestricted access to his bank account for several months, noticed 500+ dollars going out monthly, didn't mention it to the kids parents OR have a conversation with the kid himself and instead goes online to post, confused, about how this could possibly have happened and whether its good or bad
My birthday was last month and I graduated cum laude from university a decade ago. Can I get access to that account?
I did something like this with Transformers and my grandma's credit card as a kid. Would have her buy me import and con exclusive TFs from BBTS and ebay because she'd watch me afterschool. I asked if I could order, but did lie about the price but she never noticed or never said anything about it.
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>And it' s not like DKR is buried into obscurity. A kid could also be aware of it through other avenues outside the comic itself.
Yeah, like these movies which came out around the time OP's nephew would've been born. This is also only 1/6 of the stashes he's allegedly hidden and he started with domestics like McFarlane so it's a safe bet he's got several more mainstream Batmans.
I've just seen a lot of weird stories and people with way more money than sense in my day. When I collected Macross, one of the forum regulars was a doctor who'd buy extras for his kid.
His kid was 9 and owned $200+ imports based off an anime he probably never watched.
Some people just have more money than they know what to do with.
she probably noticed but didnt say because she loves you
I mean I think the child in the OP doesn't exist but if he did he might not actually be a fan of those properties and just thought they looked cool. His exposure to them could have simply been from seeing them on the front page of BBTS and it spiraled from there.
What's wrong with Storm Collectibles? They're the one company I see getting good reviews consistently.
>a 10 year old is buying himself 90s and 80s nostalgiafag toys
fake and gay.
You don't understand. My brothers neighbors nephew likes Spiderman and watches YouTube. Clearly he would buy these hyper specific toys if he had the unlimited income and knowhow.
>Clearly he would buy these hyper specific toys if he had the unlimited income and knowhow.
unironically yes, kids would.
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>unlimited budget
>nostalgiafag shit from the 80s and 90s
>before something that's popular with kids today
I doubt kids would even buy action figures, especially if they had access to eBay, where they'd buy video games and pokemon cards.
Funko trash on BBTS.
Based YamaguCHAD kiddo.
Kinda true, I bet there are thousands of retarded zoomers who want nice import Godzilla/transformers figures purely because they watch JobbyTheHong.
He's still 10-11, so don't worry if it's just male figures. The boxes look in good condition so you can sell if to get some money back.
Place limits so he can learn the value of saving money and being selective. Getting whatever he wants at this age results in a spoiled kid.
very sad
I bought a Hot Toys Iron Man as an 11 year old like this, too, but it was my mom's credit card.
based nephew, you should let him keep them as a reward for good taste
Compulsive lying is a sign of conduct disorder, which evolves into sociopathy into adults. He knew what he was doing was wrong since he hid it, which is bad sign. Definitely close the account and get this kid to counseling ASAP.
a kid lying about spending money on toys is bad but linking it to sociopathy seems a bit much
>but muh pile of steaming loot.
Tell him he misused your kindness and that you're closing the account. If you want to reward him with a figure once in a while, do so yourself. Ask him what he'd like and how he's been doing in school and various other aspects of his life. If he's earned it then go ahead and get him something. Otherwise tell him to try harder next time.

Considering he's 10 years old some of his selection is interesting. You seem like a good uncle and I hope you have the cash to be not be overly effected by his purchases. Still don't be taken advantage of. Try not to be harsh with him and let him know he should try to pass on such kindness later in life.

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