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>The "leaks" are bullshit
Also Super7
>TMNT 2003 will have double jointed elbows and knees
Things that make you go hmm
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>Horses mouth vs shill
My proper response is that your a faggit
Super7 seems to be hemorrhaging cash, they're cranking out more repaints this year than ever before.
Necrobump, much?
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I like Super7 for their ReAction line of Toho monsters. I look forward to the next wave

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Hey /toy/ figured I'd just make a thread and ask since it'd be quicker. I got this old Temjin toy off ebay. It was sealed, but the texture of the toy itself feels sticky as does all of the articulation. Is there a solution to fix this?
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What game is on your monitor?
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what, did you not enjoy a certain magical virtual on?
looks like its this
The orange variant of this toy is better just for this reason. It has a blue stand too which looks cooler

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Imagine, if you will,
Mezco One:12 King of the Hill figures
Mezco One:12 Beavis and Butthead
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Not a big fan of either, but I hope you guys that are get your wish. If they can make action figures of The Golden Girls, nothing's off the table.
that's NECA
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I know, I meant more in general. It was after seeing them get figures when I realized anything is possible nowadays.
Fish react?

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Preorders coming in hot very soon

Iron Spider (Reissue)
Lunagaron Armor Set (Monster Hunter)
Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Spider-Man Ver.2.0 (Reissue)
Buzz Lightyear Ver.1.5 (Reissue)
Supergirl (DC)
Jessie Ver.1.5 (Toy Story)
Stitch (Reissue)
Shigaraki Tomura (My Hero Academia)

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luke is such a shitty character. he will never replace ryu or be as iconic as 3rd strike alex who capcom tried to replace ryu with before. i so wish capcom would bring back C.viper
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lol alex was a failed character just like necalli and will be forgotten. Lukechads stay winning, we'll even get a buff next update
I love David from Edgerunners!
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revoltech need save us with a rebecca, jada show some early prototypes a year ago

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When they showed this zombie cobra commander off in the gi joe concept vault back in 2012 i was so hyped but alas, it never got released. Im still bitter the modern 3.75 joe line just doesnt exist anymore too
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that's what really killed their line from the start.
from what i remember they wanted to make modern/classic stuff ever since they got the license but they couldn't due to contractual obligations.
that might be the reason why jazwares ditched the sonic license because they didn't want to deal with boom.
this, i need to source it again but I found out the creator has model files somewhere actually and he had prototype pics on his website
Night Landing Craft did get a release but this version of the Eel did not. This was supposed to be some kind of deluxe release like the motorcycles from the Retaliation line.
Where would one obtain these files?

You are given 2000 dollars at a toy convention, whether it be something like Wonderfest, or Kane County, or SDCC, and you are told to spend it within an hour otherwise you lose it all.

What do you buy? Do you go for your grail, or do you just try and fill up your collection?
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>, I used to always find some booths with boxes of loose/used figures for good deals.
Medium cons usually have these and they're almost always better than buying online. If you pay cash, you don't even have to pay for taxes.
I was able to army build pretty cheaply, but they're not as common anymore, because fuck covid and funkos.

And i think smaller cons are really shit. It's all locals (many of whom i already shop at) and even though i live near a big city, I've never really found good deals there. And i mean they're shit if you want toys, because I'm always surprised by artists and talent who are actually local.
If you want toys, it's better to hit a flea market than go to a small con. Your mileage may vary.

I almost never post other convention loot, because of how common the shit i buy from them is and the fact that it's almost all comic/manga related. Pic of how weak the first post-COVID SDCC was. Not even a lot of cool freebies.
>low iq burger
you are fodder for your government be it left or right
Yeah. I went to Otakon for many years. The first few, it would've been easy to blow through $2000 if I'd had it. I'd usually leave with one or two figures/statues, a DVD or a couple of manga volumes, and maybe some random small item. My first Otakon, I bought this small 4x6 frame drawing of Lina Inverse, which I will treasure forever. But as time went on, it was harder to find anything with buying outside of the artist alley. Last couple of times, it was a struggle to find anything. Even though SHF/Figma got big over the same period (albeit too late for most of my favorite series), it always felt like vendors just had leftovers from Japan.

I make one or two western toy shows a year now. But I'm renting a booth to sell stuff so that puts a hard limit on what I can go out and spend. Usually it's like after $500, I can go look around and pick up something. Every $200 or so after that I can go back and pick up something else. I usually pick up about three figures. Last year I was so abnormally busy, as in tripled my usual sales, that I could barely get out a second time. I bought a retro Scarlet Witch for virtually nothing,a 1:48 (or whatever the Diaclone cars are) die-cast A-Team van, and some guy inexplicably had the black NewAge Megatron for under $100.
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>it always felt like vendors just had leftovers from Japan.
oooooof... you just reminded me of when i could have bought up a ton of Figmas and Revoltechs for under $10 at comic con one year (2010-2013. i forget).
Japanese toys actually fell out of favor around that time and one of the official distributors in the US was offloading their stuff for super cheap. It felt like i was in the middle of Akihabara during one of their clearances where vendors put shit outside to advertise their shit is super cheap.

I don't remember the Figmas that were being pushed off, but Revoltechs were easier, since it wasn't a bunch of generic school girls: patlabor, dante, transformers, and a bunch of other shit i didn't buy, because Revoltechs at the time were still archaic with their articulation. Weird cuts.

Seriously, you can get some really good deals at conventions and why i generally stop buying stuff a month or two before SDCC and other bigger conventions. ... but you can see that the last few years have been busts. Disappointing.

Also, you can get a lot of freebies too. I usually forget to post them, but Hasbro, McFarlane, Mattel, LEGO, Diamond, and even Kaiyodo have given stuff out at conventions. IT can range from blind bags, to exclusives, and even shit you can buy at the convention floor for $20-30. But again, last few years have been a bust. I got some keychains and table top miniatures. meh

pic has some "exclusives" freebies from MegaBloks and a diorama piece from MCFarlane in 2015. plus some things in baggies i forget what they were
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Paying the cosplayer prostitutes

>Kickstarter for Mighty Maniax: Dark Earth

>I was wondering if thesewould be repainted to death like your other stuff.

>What is glyos

>What is available

>Thread Challenge
Build something that glows in the dark

>Previous Thread

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a four day window in a month long kickstarter is retarded
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paleolords "soon"
I only want a coloring page, can you ask him when that will be ready?
Probably for a super limited window of time, completely independent of any announced dates. Better not miss it
or a same day drop with very limited numbers because secret reasons

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New thread and a new license for Storm!

Looks like Momotaro, Date Omito and Hien will be the first 3 of the line. This was one of my never evers so this is exciting news.


SHF Naruto
SHF Bleach
SHF One Piece
SHF Demon Slayer
SHF Sand Land

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Medicos WF lottery items are up.
They're probably start filtering on to auctions sites after the event and eventually standard po's will go up without the bonuses.
Damn. When'd it become so much. I saw them all languishing on mandarake for months after I got them and thought I shoulda waited, but I guess everything has to sell out eventually.

I honestly can't wait for this. HnK has always been my favourite IP of any genre, hope they do it justice.
Went ahead and entered into the lottery. This will be my first time trying, hope I can win HP and Gyro Third.
Wish the jojos were 1/10 too...
The medicos phantom blood figures are the same scale as the hnk ones which is closer to 1/10. I really need a company to do new part3 figures. I don't care who as long as they're good.

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On one hand, im glad Dune got big enough to get toys at all, but for a movie with such amazing designs I wish we got more than stillsuits and Feyd, and that stupid Emperor Shaddam Walken figure. Blade Runner 2049 deja vu. Anyone else have some of the Dune figures? I got a turban paul recently, pretty good.
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>no baldgeserette witch
>no sardine cars
>no armored harkonens
>no armored atreyadiz
>no Duke Leto
>absolutely no 14" bendy worm

Todd shit all over the license he was given as he shits on the DC license.
Yeh. I was like, "wait, who is that?"
Why is Stilgar white?
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make some army builder grunts and then we'll talk
Meng did a few model kits, and is doing a few more. They did small-scale Atreides and Harkonnen ornithopters, and a Spice Harvester. They recently came out with a big 1/72 'thopter, and they're doing a 1/12 Paul Atreides figure.

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Calling all diecast enthusiasts!

Welcome to the Diecast General, your one-stop shop for everything diecast! Whether you're a Hot Wheels fanatic, a Jada Toys collector, or simply love miniature metal marvels, this is the place for you.

From cars and trucks to figurines and statues, we celebrate all things diecast. So buckle up, join the conversation, and let's roll!

>Hot Wheels:



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Damn that is wild. First time I've heard of it.
I saw a Tooligan treasure hunt today on the pegs. I already have one on care, so, I left it there. I think it'll get scooped up by another autistic man but I hope a kid can find it instead and freak out over getting a treasure hunt.
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is this a factory error paintjob? brakelights on the front
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What's up with all this nasty crud inside the package?

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Garfield Movie is coming out soon. The new plush actually look alright. I wish we got proper Garfield action figures though. How come no Garfield nendoroid or something?

Anyone else excited or have some cool Garfield toys to share?
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that's a mood.
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bumping with Nermal train. I wish Garfield had more interesting things to post.

Seriously why didn't super 7 make some Garfield figures or something? I would have been okay if they did hipster shit like early years Garfield, Jon, Odie, and Lyman.
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I think my favorite so far is the small movie garfield plush. I haven't seen the one with the bandanas (bibs?).
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We now have information regarding the Sonic Movie 3 line and the new LEGO sets if you're into those.
How do you feel about the movie figures, anon?
I got a movie Sonic on clearance and didn't care for it at first but he has grown on me. I really like the design and the detail.
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>go to one store it's just a bunch of sonics
>go to another store the 4in figures were replaced by the prime line
5" sonic movie sounds good. the 4" line from movie 2 had good articulation, and the 5" line for prime had some nice details. Hopefully they can improve the articulation for 5" and let the elbows and knees bend further for the movie toyline.
Some people here really didn't like the prime line but I thought they're excellent, sonic and shadow especially. I hope the same will be the case for the movie toys
5" is too tall though. 4" was perfect because the characters were small. Also now im remembering how tall they were in Sonic X
I think the 4" ones are ok but feel a bit small and limited in detail because of it. The 5" prime ones get the extra detail and articulation and just feel better in my hands. When I was a kid, I wanted toys about 5" tall, and now as an adult collector I still feel the same. I've always felt that the 4" line has a lot of wonkiness and I think their scale is the primary contributor to that. I think Sonic in particular is one of the wonkiest looking toys in that line too
2.5" is, on average, the perfect size for most Sonic figs, especially since you've "4-inch" characters like Big, Vector, and Omega that look right with them, the playsets and accessories work with them.

That said, if you prefer a 1/12 scale situation, 4-inch is the better option. 5-inch on its own doesn't really add anything, just an awkward size.

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I recently had to repurchase the neca bootlegs to replace some weapons and noticed the huge drop in quality.
I have a few questions if anyone can help.

I heard that the people pumping these out actually got their hands on the original moulds, how did this happen?
And I noticed the difference in the paint apps, can anyone tell me exactly how this process is done?
Sorry about the low quality pic.
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seriously? did they work on the super7 tmnt line too?
Why is your super expensive art print framed so shittily? Just cirious, whoever did it doesn't know what they're doing, like from a fundamental geomety standpoint
Why are you so concerned about the geometric placing of a print?
Are you autistic or on Adderall?
I've seen what can only be bootlegs of super7s on aliexpress, does anyone know if those are any good?
Those figures are my Moby Dick. I wish NECA would reissue them one more time so I could cop, but it's looking like I'll have to drop almost 1k to buy these fuckers.

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LGB Stainz Edition
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Makes sense anon. Any steam locos you'd want to see added to the catalogues?
>Southern Pacific
It's still too soon ;_;
Yeah there's far more steam options available for Britain in that scale. Graham Farish is a particular favourite brand of mine but there's lots of choice.
To add to what he said, for Z, there is Märklin for steam, but that is almost entirely for German subjects. AZL has some too.
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O scale can easily be more of a toy than a model but it is also really easy to set up and take down and makes a good rug runner set.
that N&W is fuckin clean
>Makes sense anon. Any steam locos you'd want to see added to the catalogues?
Too much to name. So many locos existed in reality it would take 100's of years to make them all outside of the brass already made plus many come from forgotten, unpopular Class 1 railroads that the mainline model manufacturers won't touch because they won't sell. But if you had to twist my arm I would say more steam options from the Baltimore and Ohio, Southern (USA) Railroad, and Western Maryland. Would really like to see a Western Maryland I-2 Decapod outside of brass.

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Bo Peep is Woody's love interest in TS1 and 2. She's depicted as a porcelain doll. Despite this, she's seen to have a fabric dress and articulated arms.
How the fuck is that supposed to work? She also has a layers of clothing as revealed in TS4. Who makes a porcelain doll into a night light?
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>Now Buzz on the other hand; there's no way he could have the folding pop out wings AND the karate chop action button on his back at the same time. Not to mention the karate chop arm is the same one with the light and sound wrist lazer.

The Disney store one has the karate arm, wings and laser, but the karate arm needs to be locked upwards first and the back button just unlocks it so it makes the chopping motion, doesn't work with gears that move it up and down like in the movie.

The main problem is the fully retractable helmet, that interferes with every other thing inside the body. Also accurate wingspan is absolutely impossible, as they cheat a lot with those in the animation.
Can you go into more detail why? As someone who doesn’t really know about the internals of toys like that.
It's literally just basic physical limitations; There simply isn't space for all those things to exist at the same time. The helmet has to go somewhere. The mechanics for the karate chop have to go somewhere. The wings and the mechanism that releases them have to go somewhere.

It's not something that requires an engineering degree to figure out. Holy shit just stop to think for two fucking seconds you fucking retard.
The weird cerberus sheep always freaked me out of some reason. It/they look like they live in abject conjoined misery.
Not only that but also the electronics, speaker, batteries and all the wires. Just too much crammed inside the body already.

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