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>Kickstarter for Mighty Maniax: Dark Earth

>I was wondering if thesewould be repainted to death like your other stuff.

>What is glyos

>What is available

>Thread Challenge
Build something that glows in the dark

>Previous Thread
glyos general has been a regular thread on this board for nearly a decade you dumb newfag
have you been in cryosleep since 2011?
Blame necrobumper and transfags for forcing the site to introduce timed autosage
No more comfy 1-month-old+ threads
I wish this board would still archive, that was changed months before the bump changes were made
As long as you had the thread number there was a way to view older threads. That's why you see alot of generals still attempt to >> as book ends
Doing it on-site only ever archived threads for 3 days, which it still does
Yes but off site you could still archive them for years and now you cant where as you still can on other boards
Probably for the best, imagine the shame we might cause future generations if these threads were archived.
>imagine the shame we might cause future generations
Mostly your own shame
Everything is archived https://archive.palanq.win/toy/
The entire, actual entire glyos community hates you. Oh youre tight with the creators? The ones you meet with face to face at shows where its their job to be nice to every manchild that walks through the doors and want to make sure that you continue to spend lots of money on their stuff? Yeah Im sure youre best pals.
thats some good rp right there
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Man Sincroborgs were in like 3 waves then got shelved, just like Delphi
Can someone in the discord ask the guy who says his dad is a voice actor why his dad is such a shitbag?
I think it would be very funny to see the discord-trannies get mad over him being transphobic
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So glad I spent my 20$ on the new Jada toys mega man line instead of these shits! Glyos prices are getting retarded
I love glow in the dark figures so damn much.
Same. They can't sneak up on you when the light is off.
definitely getting a bit silly price wise compared to other lines, easy to get sucked into the whole fomo, secret limited drop side of it too

Most figures are made in numbers under 200

Two. Hundred.

Find me another toyline with numbers that low and prices at this level.
>Inb4 then make more retard
Any more and they wouldn't sell and the lines would all be over.
It's not price and it's not FOMO, it's the poorfags
>new thing comes out, sells out in hours, bunch of fags whine about how they didn't have time or were saving money
>new thing re-released, numbers bumped up, sells out in days, same fags whine about how they didn't have time or were saving money
>new thing gets 3rd release, numbers same or higher than second release, sits in stock for months, fags are silent
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I'm sure both will turn up at some point in the next several waves. What I need is Gobons.
>muh reason
trust the neighborhood burger to simplify things down to retard level and be aggressive/homophobic about it to boot
totally right bro I should instead listen to the guys here:
who are complaining that figures made in numbers so low you can count to them outloud in under a minute are more expensive than figures from a company that does 14 million in revenue a year and has toys at major retailers
He says posting in a general for an American toyline on an American website on the American internet
Get fucked nigger
>I love buying SLOP
Fuck you glyosfags eat a dick
See you next wave btw
while we're at it can we ask why we have to be subjected to all his terrible fucking fan art?
oh dear you really are dim
meh go invade somewhere you hivemind fat fuck
i miss the old glyos discord that made you take foot pics and recite icp lyrics for verification
>FAN CLUB EXCLUSIVE - "Cosmic Zoo" will be available at Midnight Pacific from May 9th until May 14th as both its own Reward and as an Add-On. For those looking to get all figures with one-click, a new Evolution Set will be available as its own reward for the remainder of the campaign. The Evolution Set is discounted for those worried about losing their Early Bird Base Set savings. The savings for the Evolution Set will be the same. The new heads and Cosmic Creeper will match the PVC color of the Exclusive Thrasher. Thanks to everyone that has backed the campaign so far!
>missing heads
glyos is kill
Robot opening his toys and playing with them is somehow even more annoying that him just hording them unopened in shoeboxes
What are you talking about schizo
So nothing makes you happy, gotcha

Some interesting nuggets from Marty
I like the eye, but now I need nose, ear, potato
Delphi is definitely a potato
so hopefully a godbeast drop this week with zulloids in the mix
jai macaluso
slaton kalie
are these your new alter egos? are they goodies or baddies?did you answer the 100 questions for each?
I need gummy flavors of delphi's though, fucking stat, time is running out for all of us...
>>I’m not familiar enough with the character from the game - is this eventually “Big Boss”?
>>Curious on why you used those limbs with him, and that head instead of the Bugwing Death head. From an artistic standpoint.
>>I was stationed with a Marine Medic (Navy Corpsman) that was REALLY into MGS. He showed me some of it and I was impressed.

I won't shut the fuck up about my spergy collecting and my stupid kid and dumbass homages I like but I know shit all about anything else except for the taste of jesse's cock
maybe a small chance for the odd one here or there, but I think Onell move forward not backward, I mostly buy used now cause I don't like the current lagoon monster zeitgeist at all
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anyone know about pic related? did someone in china go dumpster diving?
just look at the other things they are selling and itll give you an idea of what they are doing
Pizza man said
>Old inventory from the trash. That account has been dumpster diving for years. Credit where it's due, those are some cool combos.
>"dumpster diving"
>old stuff
>no other glyos maker items
>only pizza shit

ginger gross glyos thumb craybooth guy wasn't so bad after all
I bought one, it's currently in export/import limbo, will report back if it has banana peel stuck to it
good content
I don't like maniax, but props to dude for his hussle, the Kickstarter could have sat at 30k but he turbocharged the fucker
>ignores most questions on ks
>doesnt push updates very often about changes
>hardly does anything aside from social posts
>finding new ways to charge $50 for meh offerings is hustle now
Go to bed pizzaboy
How's your Glyos Kickstarter doing?
Better than yours
Oh baby!
what's this from?
This is the next item that will be added to the mighty maniax dark earth kickstarter. You will be able to add it to your pledge tomorrow. Link is in the op.
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>In honor of @zullbeasts 2 continue my friend Mikemz’s legacy…Wave 58 Return of Xenoglow (the 1st ever glow vinyl Zullbeast & Zulloid)!!!
>VERY LIMITED colorway run/drop coming 2nite/Wednesday 05.15.24 @ 8pm CST to:


>While supplies last…limit 1 Zulloid per customer until 9pm CST.
Hope the Onell drop isn't all this boring ass colorway
You know what be a great way to honor Mikemz's legacy?
these are normal production numbers, Mike placed the order for all these himself
>>I have thought of skipping Factory PVC/Plastic as my “end goal” for what I want to make. I’m actually thinking (because I’m obsessed with durability and longevity) of making articulated figures from pewter or silver (like Retro Robot) and then painting them. Sure, the runs will be low and expensive - but I want to eventually make something that will stand the test of time.

>>I was referring to my “end goal”. I fully plan on using 3d prints, resin cast parts, and hand sculpted and then cast stuff for PROTOTYPES, or to sell “Resin Art Toys” eventually - but I don’t want to stop there. I want to make a toy that will LAST FOR OVER 100 YEARS. Why? I dunno - I like metal figures, but I think I can improve on them. I’m tired of the ReAction/Kenner style. And I’ll never come up with an idea for plastic toys that’s better than Glyos (nor would i want to) so I started thinking what I could do to make it “Awesome” in my mind. I have a LONG way to go before I get there - i’m still figuring out molding. But I’ll get there.

This guy's such a fucking moron
So wait, certain rewards in the Maniax kickstarter were only available for a limited time? That’s fucking dumb
There were limited days to buy certain figures individually. You can still pledge for the Everything Set which includes all of the limited figures. There are also variations of the base set plus certain limited items, check the kickstarter page, it breaks it all down.
did you read the onell blog? there's gonna be onell numbers soon
he's doing it that way because he hates you so much
Okay? Thank you for repeating information I already know, I guess
I guess he hates my money too. There’s a handful I would have backed for, but I don’t care about the rest enough to go all in just for the handful I actually want
You can pledge for individual figures from the base set, check the kickstarter page, the info for it really is there.
>too stupid to know how to use ks or follow simple instructions
Cry harder
yeah, if there's stuff I want I'll get it later when he sells extras or from the discord trannies
I pledge never to buy stuff from you!
VERY LIMITED colorway run/drop coming 2nite/Wednesday 05.15.24 @ 8pm CST
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Matt Doughty spotted taking packages to the post office
I already you knew you were dumb, but damn. The original post is clearly about certain rewards only being available for limited time. No one is talking about figures from the base set
I swear that is Jesse
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>I already you knew you
The post I responded to was talking about a handful of figures. If it's for the four figures that were limited they can still be pledged for like I said in the other post that >>10994187
"already knew" about. Also if a four day window is something you consider unfair maybe glyos just isnt for you.
a four day window in a month long kickstarter is retarded
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paleolords "soon"
I only want a coloring page, can you ask him when that will be ready?
Probably for a super limited window of time, completely independent of any announced dates. Better not miss it
or a same day drop with very limited numbers because secret reasons
Anybody get their bitfigs yet? Post pics
Glyos operates within a very small dedicated fan base. Unless you as a maker make significant headway into cultivating a larger, or at least different, set of buyers(like toypizza), then you have to have to accept that you're deliberately sharing a toyline space with a dozen or more other current makers. One of the agreed upon terms is that you don't step on eachothers toes too much, and all scheduling goes through the big boy to make sure that people have at least a few days to a week leading up to their drop to build up hype. Matt has moved away from hyping up his drops because he doesn't need to, and people will probably spend less on xyz sister companies toys if they know that Onell is dropping somethings in a few days/weeks.
The problem is, you brought facts and sensibility to a crowd that just wants to get angry and shout about things
>because he doesn't need to
think about that statement a little
What does that have to do with the posts you replied to
People are upset by the quick, late notice drop of the Zulloid that then sold out fast. All of what I said is part of the reason why it happened the way it did.

Then factor in MikeMZs death and realize that Matt/Marty don't just own his stuff now, it all has to go through his estate in order to make any of it happen.

No u
Matt does what he does to help the people around him. The sooner you figure that out, the better off you'll be.
it must be nice to be so dumb that you think you have all the answers
It must be terrible to be such a miserable piece of garbage that you actively shit on the nicest guy in the toy industry. Be on time next time I guess.
word, matt is a legitimate give you the shirt off his own back kinda guy

those are rare these days
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Job cut hours. No new Glyos for a while.
At least I got plenty of stock to try new builds.
Hope things get better for ya soon. Will enjoy seeing more builds from you in the meantime.
>Job cut hours.
Same here! Although I wasn't really buying Glyos either.
I hope you get beaten to within an inch of your life by a pack of niggers and I hope your family goes bankrupt trying to save your life from hospital bills and then right as they start to come to terms with having to take care of some faggot who can barely move or speak anymore I hope your hospital room catches on fire and you die a burning slow death you fucking bitch
This is what missing a Zullen drop does to a man…

It turns him into a creature more vile than the very pvc abomination he lusts over.
New Thread >>11003328

New Thread >>11003328

New Thread >>11003328
the horror, the horror
Is this pasta or full retardation?

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