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Return of the Stage Killer Edition


https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/Beyblade General/


Future 2024:
BX-00 Storm Pegasis
BX-00 Victory Valkyrie

UX-05 Random Booster Select

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No idea perhaps for non standard launcher of sorts either way those are some sexy stickers
What would be better on 9-80 MN do you think, Unicorn or Chain?
> pheonix wing
> " we fucked up " - TT

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What are the best Pac-Man toys? Also curious about this Chogokin Pac-Man since it’s on the BBTS daily deal today.
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This is actually Ms. Pac-Man's modern design introduced in 2018. She appeared in social media posts but not in any actual games due to the AtGames shit.
What’s the issue with AtGames?
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Okay it's a long story but I'll try to make it short:
>Namco made Pac-Man in Japan
>Midway published Pac-Man in the US
>Small company GCC makes money selling rom hack kits of existing arcade games, has one for Pac-Man in development called Crazy Otto
>GCC gets sued by Atari over one of their hacks, leading to a new law being made that they can only sell these hacks if they get permission from the original game's owners
>GCC decide to negotiate with Midway and Namco over getting Crazy Otto released, and it becomes Ms. Pac-Man
>The agreement is that Midway owns the game while GCC would be paid royalties
>A little bit later Namco buys the copyright from Midway
>Namco makes a bunch of rereleases of the game and features the character in new games for decades, not knowing about the royalties
>GCC finds out and sues Namco in 2006
>Namco loses money and now have to pay royalties to rerelease the game and use the character
>Bandai Namco attempts to sidestep Ms. during the 2010s, only occassionally rereleasing her game
>Bandai Namco attempts to negotiate with GCC about buying out the royalty rights from them in 2019
>Fucking AtGames (some shady company infamous for shitty plug-n-plays) offers a larger price and buys the royalty rights

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Jesus, what the fuck.
That’s annoying though, did Bandai basically refuse to match AtGames’ offer then I’m assuming? I don’t see why they wouldn’t honestly.
That is very cool

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Is this guy's face supposed to look like something?
Damn, this would be perfect for the mrs. Maybe i can find a pre order since you say its sold out.
it’s still available at amiami, the link the one anon posted
he has a chode
Qubix BTFO

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Previous Thread: >>10962674
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I ain't paying 180 bucks to mod the thing myself, fuck that, I can keep waiting
How do the SOFVICS shin and Godzillas compare to the promo/press photos of them? Are they pretty much 1:1 or is there a gap in quality from the press images to the final statues comparable to like SHMA?
any chance the gravity beam version will have less iessues?
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G-Store announced Retro Spacegodzilla based on the original 8 inch release back in 1994. Think this is the first Heisei series of Godzilla monsters to be given a Retro color release too I think.
Oops didn't see>>10995239. Anyway yeah figure mention anyway on what the color was based on.

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Tyrantrum edition
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We all would. Doesn't seem likely though with TPCI now handling Figma, and Red being issues so long ago, and when Figma themselves handled the releases
Sounds like you're throwing a tyrantum of your own
Still want a damn Arbok and Weezing for my SHF.
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Only Weezing I know of
They need to pull the Enteis that are sitting around rotting in some warehouse and dump them on Ross or something. I want my fire lion doggo.

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King Edition

SHF Ultraman Exceed X
SHF Valvarad
SHF Shin Cyclone
SHFSS Kamen Rider Kuuga Rising Titan
SHFSS Kamen Rider OOO Tajadol Combo Final Ver
Minipla Shugod Gattai series PB King Kyoryuzin
SODO Kamen Rider Gotchard 5
SHODOXX Kamen Rider 8
YUDO Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger
SG Boonboom Car 01
DX Kamen Rider Geats Sound Core ID + Kamen Rider Core ID Set 03

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>Before they ruined the suit entirely
Hey at least it get reused by Laces
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My fat ass won't fit in my csm kabuto(bootleg) and kuuga belts. Is there some strap I can buy to extend it a few inches? I see some online but they say it only works with their custom belts. Do they just say that so bandai doesn't take legal action? Any help is appreciated.
I've heard people say this is the buckle Bandai uses for CSMs. I have not bought one to confirm that, I'm also too lazy to pul onel my CSMs out of storage to check. You can make some type of extension with this if it fits. Or you know, just tie some string.

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>open a figure fresh out of the box

>huff the plastic fumes
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Why do humans enjoy the smell of toxic chemicals?
Brain damage from too much toxic chemicals.

I bought an unpainted mcfarlane warhammer marine, still stunk for a few weeks. I think it's the rubbery type plastic in mcfarlanes.
That bootleg Figma Solid Snake I bought probably gave me cancer
Smelly tomboy gf figure? Holy erotic gooner moment.

I'm just starting to make homemade things, so please rate it
looks sick to me bro. Titanfall colors. it's not as good as my mechs but it's really good.
this is just Overwatch bastion with additional armor
it's using picrel
you fucking lady sonofabitch you lightly modified an official set and told lies on the Internet?!

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>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"



The guide:
Part 1 (Quick Start)

Part 2 (Deeper Dive)

And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20(Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step).pdf

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So Meng decided to become next Bandai or something.
that's cool
I've never seen their stuff before besides a few anons posting about the dune ones
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They are a pretty big chinese plastic model company, also the company behind DSPIAE brand.
>also the company behind DSPIAE brand.
huh interesting, they also make tools and tool collaborations with DSPIAE too.
T-rex scale?

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Previous Thread: >>10953976

Other mecha toy discussion is also more than welcome!

Upcoming regular retail releases:
-Aegis Gundam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (May 25th)
-Guel's Dilanza ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jun. 2024)
-Buster Gundam ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Quattro's Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Jul. 2024)
-Rick Dias ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Aug. 2024)
-IB-07: SOL 644/Ayre (Sep. 2024)
-RMS-106 Hi-Zack ver. A.N.I.M.E. (Sep. 2024)

Current open Tamashii Web exclusive preorders:
►Order Deadline TBA

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Hobbygenki usually has the best prices, but are gone in a flash. You're charged a markup probably equivalent to a proxy.
Super Fumina when?
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Has anyone owned a robot spirits full armor unicorn gundam before? How's the poseable range of it?
I'm also kind of scared since it's a figure from 2013 and idk if I would overload the arms if I put the gatling guns on the shield and wield the bazookas at the same time
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The FA unicorn pose in question is in this image. This was from an old online gundam game...
I own it, it's solid but don't expect the articulation of more modern releases. Looks better as just with everything loaded onto it and on a stand

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-Batman vs Bane 2 pack preorder still up at Game Stop and MTS (for now)
-Tim Drake Robin preorders still up at Game Stop (for now)
-Punchline and Joker 2 pack projected to be warming the pegs come summer
-Plastic Man BAF wave and Ghosts of Krypton Page Punchers waves hitting stores
-Ed McGuinness Superman, Longbow Hunters Green Arrow, and Ray Palmer Atom announced
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>it's not curling inward, looking like they're going to pull the trigger, its a finger slightly out of alignment for holding pose!!!!! nevermind that it perfectly holds guns with the finger curling inward like its going to pull a trigger
and way to skip over >>10997916 you fucking idiot.
Does no one understand why mcfarlanes, before they caved to fan pressure for multiple hands, had the separate index finger hands rather than just a gripping hand? With imagination (which I know most people now largely no longer possess), that hand can be a melee weapon holding grasping hand, can be a pointing hand, can be a trigger finger hand, and can even be a fist. It is the most versatile formation and can largely do what you need it to, if imperfectly.

Back in the 80s or 90s when we had imaginations we didn't need swappable hands on figures. Action figure hands were close enough to be whatever they needed to be. A grasping hand for example could still pass as a fist for a punch even if it had a hole in the middle to also put in a weapon. It didn't actually need to be entirely closed.
>Guy Gardner, best Lantern, front and center
Muh man, you have taste.
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Yeah, like side eyes, it's more expressive, and natural looking.
Does it work all the time? No, and might not work if you want to do straight up and down poses, hence people not liking it and preferring the most generic option.

And I'd like to say that C-cup hands are the worst. ugly as fuck and does nothing right. Can't believe some companies were still using them into the 00s

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It is not the puppy or kitty surprise shit. Or the cat pictured. It probably wasnt made by a big or named toy company. Bought in 2000s. It was of a bunch of different pets, like 20, you could buy and they actually had a big red vagina hole or ass hole you removed the babies from. Not as large as a puppets hole but large and i think it opened and shut with magnets. Some had babies falling out in the box with the asshole open. The babies and moms would make noises and talk. The moms had 6 plush round boobies and nipples made of rubber and if you squished them or put a baby on it it would make sucking and slurping noises. The moms would say "Im having babies" "you have to pull the babies out" in the process of pulling out the babies there was like a string that was attached at first and this would make the mom say "wow the babys coming" "its a baby boy" "its a baby girl" they had a frog, dog, cat, chicken, guinea pig, bear, hamster, seal, panda, pikachu, winnie the pooh, hello kitty and minnie mouse and more i dont remember. Some of the babies had pull back wheels on them to run and I can't find photos of these toys on the internet after 2 decades years of searching.

I'm sure this is what they were like. If the toy is missing something from the description it was not the right one. Any idea what the name is?
Please leave
The only thing with wheels I remember was Zhu Zhu pets
You sure you didnt just have a schizo furry fever dream and misremember this toy into false existence?
sounds like some MKULTRA shit, homie.

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Why was this process so controversial for years and why have toy companies seemingly did a 180 on it and have brought it back?
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If anyone has trouble with English it's you. I'm >>10996903 and I never said it often flakes. If anything I was supporting your point. I cited a specific case that's caused by shitty paint and NOT aging. >>10996908 summarizes my point well: vac-metal doesn't inherently have a short shelf-life, it's shitty materials and poor craftsmanship that causes vac-metal to flake in the box.

Also you clearly didn't look at the image because you can see the green flaking off the helmet in the top right corner. Here's a better pic to show my point. The parts painted green and red have bad flaking, but the silver parts on the shoulders are still intact.
It peels off toys all the time.
The horrors I've seen...
>retarded toy company applies Vac metallization the wrong way

Sometimes I wonder how you guys manage to function.
Heard u talkin shit.

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-We have e-mails for a reason. USE THEM.
-Be sure to have PRICES (with photos preferably) in your SALE listings - NO "feeler" posts, just post the thing with a price.
-Ignore price-policing posts, as someone will ALWAYS complain. E-mail the seller and communicate accordingly if pricing is an issue.
-I'll save you the effort: check Mandarake, either for pricing (if selling), or for availability (if buying).
-Don't shit-talk buyers or sellers without evidence.

Previous thread: >>10962500
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Guess I am going to keep the combo going. I got Spike in today.
Great seller!
Fuck you
Damn wow, that was a great price.
Sweet pics!
I'm glad you're enjoying them. Thanks for the kind words!
Thanks for everyone I've purchased bots from so far! Quick update on what I'm looking for:
>Siege Refraktor set
>Earthrise (or PotP) Punch / Counterpunch
>Studio Series '86 Scourge
>Cassettes for ER Doubledealer and Soundwave
>Legacy Menasor (Wild Rider, Dead End, Breakdown, and Motormaster)
>Buzzworthy Ransack

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This cock sucker has to be the biggest Super7 shill of all time.
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You guys care about YouTubers more than you do about toys.
>I buy everything blind and live with the consequences
Sorry retard but that's not shopping smart
As long as he's not a child molestor like LioConvoy
>trusting YouTube shills
Get a load of this guy calling other people retarded.
Took you four hours to come up with that and it's not even related, just kill yourself, you'll make the people around you happier

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