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Why was this process so controversial for years and why have toy companies seemingly did a 180 on it and have brought it back?
Because everyone remembers how this shit chips over time and with any play. If you’re just gonna buy it and sit it on a shelf, sure whatever, but if you’re playing with this it gets ruined.
Because of costs, and because you can't vac-metallize soft plastics like PVC.
It's super limiting on toys (affecting articulation options), cost, and frankly doesn't last.
From everything I've heard about it, it boils down to this:
>can only be used on hard plastics, instead of softer ones that most modern articulated figures require.
>using harder plastic also means that swappable hands and parts are super fragile and have a high rate of breaking, because the plastic doesn't flex.
>requires the figure to be sculpted smaller in the vac-metal areas to accomodate a layer of the material, which makes it harder to use on a fully articulated figure, because they have to sculpt joints to accomodate the process.
>it often has a shelf life and can flake off over time.
>On softer plastics it will flake off eventually, which Super7 already has warned about their Silver Hawks Ultimates that are going to have the vac-metal.
>Vac-metalling articulated joints is a nightmare beyond simple articulation and will likely flake.
>Costs way more to do, so Hasbro didn't include it in their G.I. Joe 50th re-releases.
>Creates a lot of waste, that Hasbro and other toy makers have claimed is bad for the environment. Super7 said that the waste part is primarily that there are a lot of parts on the figures that come out fucked up from the process and have to be thrown away during prodimuction, which also makes things cost more.

For these reasons, most companies phased it out.
Anybody produced a similar effect using paint? What did you use?
Molotow markers, followed by a day of drying, followed by a few clear glossy coats sprayed on. Was popular with the vintage heads in the Microman / Micronauts groups.
BUT... even that's not perfect, as humidity can play a factor. AND... it has to not be on malleable PVC parts, just hard, nearly-stationary plastic.
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And in regards to "glossy coats", some of the Microman nerds, myself included, have brushed on (CAREFULLY) a very specific Pledge floor shine. Who knows what they call it now, as the name's changed over the years. (Here's a pic of Molotow I used on a VERY grainy, 3D printed gun).
>it often has a shelf life
Does it or doesn’t it? This is what I hate about wives’ tales like this
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But what does the t stand for?
>it often has a shelf life and can flake off over time.
Literally NO examples of this on any carded Kenner SW figures from over 40 years ago. You're just pulling shit out of your ass.
It does not, he's completely full of shit. Go look at vintage carded toys on any auction site. You're not going to see any with flakes floating around in the bubble. This board has gotten ultra-retarded with dumb fucks trying to pass off their dumb opinions as if they were facts, but you can literally verify this for yourself with a very quick look. Kenner SW droids, Silverhawks, lots of other vac metal carded figures to look for.
Well, SOME figures vintage in card have chrome flaking... some Transmetal Beast Wars... Tekla from Shadow Raiders / War Planets, bunches of others. Though a LOT get it right, and are fine, 40 years later.
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The only example I know of vac-metal peeling off in the box are Bandai's Saint Seiya figures that came out in 2004. See pic related, the chrome is coming off the helmet in the top right. However, this was only an issue on vac-metallized parts that were colored, i.e. had clear paints on top of the vac-metal layer. I own the Phoenix Ikki figure from the same line, which has metallic parts in pink, gold, and silver. Only the pink and gold parts started peeling, the silver held up just fine. This looks the clear paints are what damaged the vac-metal, and not any sort of aging. I have Saint Cloth Myth figures from the same time period, and the chrome on those has held up just fine.
The issue is not so much it has a shelf life as if it is done poorly it has a shelf life and there is really no way to tell how many corners the chinese slave labor cut until the vac metal starts turning to shit after a couple years. Beast wars is the most notorious line for it I know offhand where figures started flaking even sealed on card after only a few years.
>Well, SOME figures
>The only example I know of
Fucking Goddamn Retards.
>>it often has a shelf life and can flake off over time.
>durrrrrrrrr here's MAYBE one fucking example duurrrrrrr!!!
Thanks for proving my point of how fucking stupid you are, and how you can't even understand basic English. OFTEN does not mean your stupid single solitary shitty example, and >>10996903 your stupid fucking pic doesn't even support your claim.

EVERY GODDAMN TIME this fucking board.
>No, proofs
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If anyone has trouble with English it's you. I'm >>10996903 and I never said it often flakes. If anything I was supporting your point. I cited a specific case that's caused by shitty paint and NOT aging. >>10996908 summarizes my point well: vac-metal doesn't inherently have a short shelf-life, it's shitty materials and poor craftsmanship that causes vac-metal to flake in the box.

Also you clearly didn't look at the image because you can see the green flaking off the helmet in the top right corner. Here's a better pic to show my point. The parts painted green and red have bad flaking, but the silver parts on the shoulders are still intact.
It peels off toys all the time.
The horrors I've seen...
>retarded toy company applies Vac metallization the wrong way

Sometimes I wonder how you guys manage to function.
Heard u talkin shit.
When I was a kid, I thought Destro was being "fabulous"with his ridiculous collar. Only as an adult did I realize it was intended to resemble a cobra head.
I thought Destro was black for like 30 years because he had black features and a black VA in the cartoon. I thought his skin in his open V neck jacket was a shirt.
What are those two purple things near Momotaros? Cool designs
It comes off easier from wear and tear than other paints, but if you never play with your toys it's a non issue.
Look up sealed carded examples of Beast Wars Transmetals Scourge (The Locust)

Bet you cant find a single one thats not flaking in the package.
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Ah. One is a clear purple Microman "MicroBoy".
The other is a mashup Microman made of... I think Lego parts, Pharoid... maybe fists off some model like Godmarz or something? Here's another old pic of him, in the background... looks like he has a mouth that's a cut-down Lego helmet, and wearing a backpackpack maybe from a Devilman Fewture Miko?
(Looks like the small guy has other 200X Microman figure parts in him too). Here's the transforming Microboy box.
Know where I could possibly find more info on that pledge floor shine you're referring to? I'm collecting the old Transmetals and want to do anything I can to protect their coats.
People are nostalgic for the look so its coming back. I like it, and it works well on figures that won't really be played with, especially if the vac metal is only a small part and not in the way of the articulation.

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