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>"If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!"



The guide:
Part 1 (Quick Start)

Part 2 (Deeper Dive)

And a handy guide to other types of plamo: http://www.mediafire.com/view/1vf1aw7v91pz5pa/Airfix%20Model%20World%20Specia%20(Scale%20Modelling%20Step-By-Step).pdf

Some line art:

Previous thread:
I've had it static electricity on my models

Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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>my ancient scooter made it to the top of Tinami model rankings
Didn't really expect that.
great job anon

I want a scooter now
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>taking a 1/35 or larger model, rescaling it to 1/72 and calling it a day
>printing all the microscopic detail in place
On one hand I'm glad I don't have to deal with ridiculously tiny PE, on the other hand I wish I did.
Handling/painting/assembling these pieces is going to take a whole next level of care. I'm not using a toothbrush (or running water) to wash them, that's for sure.
This may be a really dumb fucking question but is there some sort of site that allows you to mix and match the Core Gundam armors? After messing with my new Plutine HG I kinda want to make a custom for it.
I need a bit of displaying advice or a recommendation.
I'm getting the clear plastic Daizyujin in a few months, and want to find a light up stand or base for him.
Most of the ones I can find are for glass spheres and only focus the light through the center, or have rainbow LEDs, and I'm not sure that's necessary.
Hobby Lobby is having a 40% sale on all Gundam kits. just picked up a couple sets for cheaper than I will ever see in my life again.
>Hobby Lobby is having a 40% sale on all Gundam kits
This happens literally every other week.
>options to get a new HG friend soon
>regular Zaku II or Char's Zaku II, even though I have a western MSIA Zaku II and a Japanese Char's Zaku II even though they're dwarfed by 1/144 HGs, and HG Char's Gelgoog is also pretty great
>updated Gouf, but the old one I have seems fine as well
>Guncannon, Zaku FZ Kai
>Alex, F91, Ez8, and Mk2 Gundams
>pay a bit more for Qubeley, Zeong, Hyakushiki, Zeta, Kampfer, or GM Sniper II
>likewise for God Gundam, but I could just save and wait to get the RG
>pay literally half the price for an average HG and get a GM or a Z'Gok variant, would likely be getting two or even three kits with the same amount of money set aside
I could get a GM plus a regular-priced kit, and get both Z'Goks soon after, but that feels greedy. What's the best new pal to get? The only other Gundam HGs I have are Operation V and the update for Gundam and Gyan.
I must be blind, I've only ever seen it happen this week. amazing deals regardless.
Yeah, Hobby Lobby is a decent source of cheap Gunpla, their selection is very generic but every now and then they get some pretty good kits in like RG Hi-Nu and MG Sinanju OVA. As of recently they're starting to get stocks of SEED kits and action figure kits (including Tallgeese II, which is 1/144 size and probably the only way to get one outside of P-Bandai), and it might not be long before they get 00 S2 HG kits since those just got a reprint.

Protip, since they get resupplied every week you can ask what day their truck gets in and stop in the day after to see what new kits are on the shelves. If you buy a kit at full price, just keep the receipt and don't open it, then come back during a 40% off week and request a price match.
Is it just Gundam, or do Digimon kits go cheap too?
They don't stock Digimon stuff to my knowledge. You'll have to do your own research, but various sections of the store get discounted different percentages on different weeks. For the models stuff, that applies to boxed models, which includes their Star Wars, military vehicles and classic automobiles. Doesn't apply to Action Bases or action figures in the same section.
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So predictably the tiny antennae didn't print properly (stopped at about 1/2 their intended size and curled for some reason) and so it's time for the old-fashioned way: drill 0.15mm holes and glue antenna-sized 0.1mm wire into them.
Goes to show that 3D printer won't do everything for you, modelling skills are not going obsolete anytime soon.
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Is 100€ (shipping included) an okay price to pay for pic related?
I've seen it for less than $40 USD on a good deal. Unless you're stupidly desperate I would not pay anywhere near your amount.
Wish you lived in the US. I have one I'm about to sell, but international shipping would make it a bad deal for us both.
It goes for €55 where I live, €100 is a lot.
Give it another 5 years and they'll be able to print that easily.
Pretty sure you could easily print something that thin with a 4k or 8k printer but it will snap off at a slight gust of wind
You definitely can, but for it to print properly you need to support it on both sides and for it not to break off right away you need to use a more elastic resin (neither of which our chinese friends did).
There are softer resins that can print thin details fine without snapping. Hell you could probably mix something like tenacious with an ABS-like and have it turn out fine. Miniature printers print small self standing details like swords and spears all the time
how would you even ship this without something breaking?
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By printing little shipping crates around the parts.
Whats your asking price?
What's been y'all's experiences with ordering from P-Bandai
It's pretty good, but you have to be the kind of person who's patient enough to be willing to wait several months after purchase before you get your kit. Also, the shipping is always $10 flat, so it's often to your benefit to buy multiple kits from the same month.

They'll also occasionally (read: regularly) re-list a kit the month after its pre-order period ends (e.g. if a kit goes up on the site in March, the pre-order period ends in June and the boxes go out in July, it is fully possible for that same kit to go up again in August if all pre-order capacity was filled very quickly. So if there's a month where your desired kit is the only thing out of the catalog you want, there's a possibility that it'll go up again in a later month, though don't rely on it.
Feeling burned out on official kits. Can anyone recommend some chinesium for me? Mostly interested in AOZ aesthetics. I'm fine with resin recasts or plastic. Pic unrelated.
Good. No complaints, it works exactly like you'd think. You preorder, pay, and then a few months later a kit arrives. If you intend to buy from there regularly, pay with credit card, not paypal. The former allows you to combine shipping if you later order stuff coming out the same month, the latter does not.
Glory is a good reimgination of the Stargazer Gundam. Ruling (based on Calamity Gundam) is a good one too.
What are the lens looking things on radomes? Are they cameras? Sensors? Just round things that happen to look like lenses? I'm having trouble determining their purpose because not all radomes have them.
It's a fictional piece of technology, it doesn't serve any purpose other than to look cool. Are you asking because you want to know what color to paint it, or if it should be shiny? That's entirely up to you, most radomes I've seen don't have glass or shiny pieces on them (e.g. the person who designed them take inspiration from real-life radar dishes/antennas, which detect radio waves and not visible light)
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Yes, precisely why I was asking. I have seen quite a lot of builds where they are painted like lenses, so I was wondering if they actually were. I even looked up irl radomes, which didn't look anything like the gundam ones, and gave me no insight into this.
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I don't pay above £40 including postage for any RG. I got Nu and Hi Nu RG's for about £35 each once postage is included. I buy a large number of models at once from HLJ and so far haven't been forced to pay import taxes or VAT on anything because I stay below the thresholds.
HLJ charges a lot for postage so make sure you factor in 30 euros for postage. Works out great when you get two 3 RG's at a time.
Also it's on backorder so you could be waiting 6 months.
I'm sure you can come with your own explanation more easily than figuring out the use for V-fins.
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is it worth it?
When exactly did Bandai change their plastics? Not a negative question.

I decided to buy a bit of an older kit just to practice some painting and cementing. a 2004 Seed kit

i noticed how different the plastic is, its almost rough and really shiny. Im not sure how to describe it.

the plastic looks terrible on the backside of pieces too.

when did they change?

as a teen, i never noticed it being this bad.
Probably around 2010 is when they changed things up, but have been changing their plastic formula every few years with certain releases.
They made an in-house blend of polystyrene called "KPS" that's supposedly more durable than regular PS but also more paintable than ABS. Google shows it being mentioned in 2015 but i forgot when they actually started using it on commercial releases.

>its almost rough and really shiny.
>the plastic looks terrible on the backside of pieces too.
Finishing is more due to the mold tooling, less to do with material. glossy molded surfaces = cheap, molded surfaces with machining marks = cheapest.
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>get too excited and impatient and tear off the mask right after painting
>liquid mask tears and releases a paintflake that permanently attaches itself to the paintjob
>sanding it off is impossible because of specialized primer used
>have to strip and redo it
Not a good character trait for this hobby I'm sorry to say.
Thanks for recommendations. Starfield Asgard has been on my radar too but it seems like they missed their release date and haven't had any updates. Seems like there are very few 3rd party kits that try to do UC stuff, and even then it's only minor stuff like the subarms and square skirt plates.
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I thought this IKEA shelf would be great for displaying above my computer desk. should I just buck up and cut the Gundam base? or should I acquire something to fill in the gap between the wall and the edge? it was so close to perfect and it looks very nice, and I'm not particularly inclined to take it down for something else. I like to be able to look up and see the little dudes hangin out.
2019 MG Dynames has KPS for the inner frame, I can't think of any earlier ones that use it
>should I just buck up and cut the Gundam base
Make a custom base, standard bases look tacky.
That Ground Gundam be sneaking.
I'd design a 3D printed insert for the shelf with a bunch of pegholes that will accept your stand arms. Then you can just plug them in anywhere on the shelf.

Or just cut em down.
you make your own? what do they look like?
I genuinely forget I have a resin printer sitting on my desk. I'll look around for some stl files to edit.
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It's supposed to look like the zaku is assaulting an entrenched position but the bases really messed it up :(
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>get some techno-looking mini base
>resize to fit
>punch a 3mm hole where you need it
>optionally paint
I do not currently, just telling you what I would do in your situation. I would just design a simple flat plate with rows of pegholes in it.
MG Nu Gundam Ver.ka was first
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So Meng decided to become next Bandai or something.
that's cool
I've never seen their stuff before besides a few anons posting about the dune ones
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They are a pretty big chinese plastic model company, also the company behind DSPIAE brand.
>also the company behind DSPIAE brand.
huh interesting, they also make tools and tool collaborations with DSPIAE too.
T-rex scale?
Was the Psycho Gundam worth it for you? If yes, then yes. If no, then no.
TBF, the HG Psycho Gundam is much cheaper than the Destroy.>>10998502
Okay poorfag.
It just me or are we in a giant dead spot in releases? Besides the Narratice VerKa, there's barely anything new coming out, excluding Premium Scamdai
They showed a bunch of stuff last week. Still, I'd chalk it up to their economy being fucked.
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Without masking liquid acting as a temporary glue, painting complex pieces would surely be a lot less convenient.
what's the liquid mask used for here?
This is what backlogs are for. Don't lie, I know you have one.
Keeping 2 pieces stuck together while I prime them.
Interested in the Solomon GP02 kit. How is it?
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I never built the Psycho. It's not as cool as the Destroy anyway
>out of stock everywhere
what a bummer
I don't actually. I knew I was moving and haven't bought a kit in over 6 months.
Well, you can't possibly have built all the good existing kits yet. Go pick out something old and good while you wait for new shit to be announced. We are literally swimming in phenomenal kits right now. Have you built the new Seed HGs? You should, even if you hate Seed like me-they're that good

Pick a larger one like the Knights or Gelgoog tho, the actual gundams are kinda tiny and dinky feeling
there's a bunch of stuff coming out. But These kits with large amounts of plastic ate the budget for what could have been MG kits. There's not even much MG Premium Bandai stuff coming out

Godzilla model kit
Winged Dragon of Ra
1/1000 Yamato
RG Akatsuki
RG 2.0 Gundam
Psycho Gundam MK II
Destiny Spec II with Zeus Silhouette
>UStar wants to become a proper plamo manufacturer
>implying it's not just a rebranded Takom kit
Details are impressive nonetheless.
Hello anons, i'm a beginner and looking to assemble a kotobukiya kit so that it looks nice enough to display while keeping it as easy as possible.

I was planning on buying a black gundam marker for the "panels" and spraying all the parts with matte or semi-gloss topcoat (tamiya brand...?) before assembling it all. Hopefully without breaking any, but i was thinking of buying some (tamiya...?) cement just in case i did, and maybe trying to use it to seal some seams if there are any obvious ones?
The only experience i have of model kits is a chinese knock off metal slug, its pretty cool, i broke 2 pieces putting it together but you cant really tell.

Does this sound like a plan to you anons? Am i overkilling it? Or is this a dumb waste of money. Im shying away from actually paining the thing because i know i couldnt do it to any sort of acceptable standard. But running a marker around some grooves and then spraying it sounds within my comfort zone, haha. Thanks for your time.
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Pic related was my first ever plastic kit, Takemikazuchi (v 1) by Kotobukiya.
It has no topcoat and I didn't use any glue (except for some superglue in some internal support part that wasn't visible from the outside.
But since this was a Koto kit, I couldn't get away without at least some detail painting and marker alone wouldn't cut it either. So I had to learn how to paint on a very basic level.

The nice thing about Kotobukiya kits is how tightly parts snap together, so even if there is a seam running along the middle of the leg, for example, you are not going to see it. The downside of that is the inability to disassemble the snapped together parts without some damage, so you will need to plan the sequence of assembly pretty carefully.

Being a beginner with zero experience, I didn't want to do anything to the kit that I wouldn't be able to easily undo and redo if I get it wrong the first time. That's why I didn't attempt to topcoat it and avoided using plastic cement. I used acrylic paint to paint details because it was easy to strip (and I ended up having to strip the parts I painted a few times before I got it right).
I'd sooner burn my own seedsac than built Seed kits.
i believe this was already their second release. their Eva kits are on the bigger scale though, i think even larger than the Perfect Grade Eva
Looks really good, thanks for the advice. It seems im not too far off base with my plans, which is good to know. And yours looks fine without any topcoat, though thats probably because you painted it.
Does anyone have any examples of different kinds of topcoat, what they actually look like when applied? For example, matte, semi-gloss, or "super clear", or any other types you like to use?
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>though thats probably because you painted it
Like I said, I only painted details that were obviously the wrong color out of the box, specifically all the red bits, the black inserts in the shoulders and I painted the clear parts silver on the inside to make them reflect light. All the purple and gunmetal is just bare plastic.
y'all think this is going to be worth with it being mechanized and having leds?
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anyone ever try to fix mispaints by brush with lacquer paints? Like Tamiya or Gaia Notes?

So, I just have some parts of the spray that got under the mask (I need to do it better), and I was wondering if anyone has tried to touch up mistakes by using a brush with Tamiya or Gaia Notes?

How would I go to thin it, or should I just do it straight from the jar since it's small patches?
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>anyone ever try to fix mispaints by brush with lacquer paints
All the time. Also painting small details.

>How would I go to thin it
1:1 with levelling thinner.
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i made suledda :)))
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shelf anon here, still havnt decided what to do about the stands. in the meantime I built a new zaku and did panel lining for the first time on it! I'm super happy with the results. the stickers were a massive pain to put on, and the line on on of the legs doesn't completely line up, but it looks alright.
gud jub
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got the x1 recently and so far so good minus me losing the stickers
Just bought the RG banshee. Is it a good kit?
That the red comet edition? That's a good kit.
:D I love suledda
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Magellan Attack tank i printed and painted over the weekend. Paintjob turned out a little toonier than i would've liked but this was more or less a pre vs post shading experiment
They should make real grade kits of the angels from Evangelion, will be expecting tomato throwing in t-monus 4, 3, 2, 1-
i mean nobody is gonna disagree with you, it just isn't gonna happen. barely anyone has ever made angels figures, even fewer have made poseable ones. I am amazed ThreeZero's Sachiel even made it to market.
I'm gonna need a less blurry picture.
That would require effort and not just reusing the same RG Eva mould with a different head and color. It's the same reason they wont even do a Mark 13 with 4 arms
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DSPIAE MT-EC or spend more on the MT-C?
I'm instead waiting for Kotobukiya's version
Is that one of the cities/schools from Girls und Panzers?
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Putting together this Bulkarm Jackal
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Hatch opens to reveal some guy inside
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Oh, this is beautiful. I haven't kept up with Hexa Gear in a while because their designs were interesting me less and less, but this is very nice. Is it the same size as the original Bulkarm?

I think it reminds me of robot designs from the PCE-CD era, which I love.
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I don't have any other Bulkarm yet but this is around the height of a normal MG kit
The cool thing is hoe customizable it is thanks to the hexagons and 3mm hardpoint connectors all over the place, this will let me install a minigun from an old set of HG weapons I had stored in a box for years
Oh nice, that's the size I was hoping for. I am surprised at the clear parts, the promo shots show them as solid metallic orange. This is much cooler.
It's a bit taller (longer legs) but not as bulky
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main body complete, its missing its weapons but that may take some more days
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head is pretty weird
there is no main visor or camera, only a vaguely humanoid shaped face molded in silver parts. I painted with light blue 2 little squares molded at the sides that seemed like cameras to me
just like the zakus, you can choose between a grunt version with a smooth helmet or the commander's version with the antenna, which happens to be very thick
Short of trimming them closer to the detail is there anything to be done to make stickers not suck? I've been experimenting with decal softener and airbrush thinner to try and kind of "weld" the sticker the plastic but I've not had any success. I'm reluctant to use anything too strong for obvious reasons.
>I've been experimenting with decal softener and airbrush thinner to try and kind of "weld" the sticker the plastic but I've not had any success
The sticker film is not meant to be "welded" or "softened", it is most likely polyethylene so you will melt your kit's plastic long before you manage to do anything to the sticker. The only way to try and hide the sticker edges is to drown it in many coats of clear top coat with multiple sandings in between them, which is NOT worth the effort.
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Finally got this in the mail.

Anyone got any tips on assembly?
What paints should I use for the missiles?
What decals to order?
I know it's not meant to be used like that, that's why I said experimenting.
Check out Watership4.5 on Taobao, they do really nice AOZ resin kits.
rule #1 is to have fun and be yourself
just build it as you want and enjoy yourself
missiles are supposed to be red right? you could just grab some acrylics and a brush and get to it
Which version of that did you print?
There's a couple floating around online and I never got around to printing any of them.
Like clear stickers? Not really. If you are building a popular or important kit, you may be able to purchase third party aftermarket waterslides which will look a lot nicer.

I have no trouble with non-clear stickers unless it's on very curvy or complex surfaces, so if that is your issue I cannot help you.
I end up painting things cause I'm a tard that always ends up over sanding something
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Different guy doing a Kotobukiya kit here
Hypothetically how would you go about doing blood spatters like pic rel? Thought about maybe flicking the brush with my finger from a distance to produce the spatter but the speckles are usually too small IME.
>kind of want to try resin kits because of sharper and crisper details than plastic
>can't find any resin kits I actually like cause chinks have no sense of aesthetics and japs have their shitty 1 day copyright rule
>Hypothetically how would you go about doing blood spatters like pic rel
Close the MAC valve on your airbrush almost all the way down and adjust until the droplet size is satisfactory.
Mandarake is still here. 3D prints are also technically resin.
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UStar's new smol tanks.
Time to stalk yahoo auctions for good deals then
you can do it with some dark red acrylic and a brush and apply thin even layers
if you want the splatter effect, maybe try something like a small sponge, cut it first to get some irregular surface and crevices and apply the paint with it
Got these lads in today. I'm all set for the weekend.
looked like shit until I realized it was 1:144 which they seems pretty alright for?
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Fuck yeah, Balam chads win
Now give us Walter and Orteus
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Also the beginner Orbiter mech
It's cool, won't skip it. Second songbird is a welcome surprise
Plus, double pile bunkers...
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>that captcha
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would you a russian 3dprinted kit?
I don't get it, if you're going to 1:1 copy the Catapult, why would you bother with a boilerplate name and designation code? It's from Russia, we already know it's going to be bootleg shit, why not just outright call it a Catapult?
>giving pidors money

It's a cultural thing. See their ripoff of Wizard of Oz etc etc.
would something like an artillery unit be eligible for the group build? to me it IS indirect combat, but it is still totally robot with gun.
Hell yeah, love Michigan.
I'm hoping for Open Faith or Mad Stomp next.
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Fuck yeah, LOADER 4 is my jam.
Oh I just can't wait to build my AC just like in the game.

Wait... where's my pulse blade?
Ok there miliekowsky calm down with the anti russia jewish polish autism.
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Fresh from /m/, AMAIM kits for literally a fucking dollar.
New thread: >>11014447

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