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Return of the Stage Killer Edition


https://archive.palanq.win/toy/search/subject/Beyblade General/


Future 2024:
BX-00 Storm Pegasis
BX-00 Victory Valkyrie

UX-05 Random Booster Select
BX-00 Hells Chain 5-60HT (Metal Coat: Black) RARE BEY GET BATTLE

BX-33 Booster

BX-34 Starter
BX-35 Random Booster

UX-06 Booster
UX-07 Battle Deck Set

BX-36 Random Booster Select
BXG-07 BX-00 Random Booster Select

WAVE 1 (June?)

Sword Dran 3-60F
Scythe Incendio 4-60T
Arrow Wizard 4-80B
Helm Knight 3-80N

Soar Phoenix 9-60GF String Launcher Set
Winder Launcher
Xtreme Battle Set (Dagger Dran 4-60R, Tusk Mammoth 3-60T)

Single Boosters:
Steel Samurai
Horn Rhino
Keel Shark
Talon Ptera

Dual Packs:
Knife Shinobi & Keel Shark
Chain Incendio & Arrow Wizard
Tail Viper & Sword Dran

Also the Cheap Shitty Bucket Stadium
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Dual Packs:
Yell Kong & Helm Knight
Bite Croc & Sting Uni
Gale Wyvern & Tail Viper


Luke & Darth Vader 2-Pack
Mando & Moff Gideon 2-pack
Iron Man & Thanos 2-Pack
Spider-Man & Venom 2-Pack
Megatron & Starscream 2-pack


Rhino Horn 5-80Q
Wizard Arrow 4-80GB
Sphinx Cowl
Lance Knight
Claw Leon
Savage Bear
Vice Tiger
Roar Tyranno

Marvel Battle Set
Beystadium 25
The Shinobi Shadow Variants in the Random Booster:

>Prize: Blue+Teal, 1-80 MN/Metal Needle
>Black, 9-60 LF/Low Flat
>Gold, 3-70 GP/Gear Point
Finally, I was wondering when a new thread would appear.
Anyone hear if they tyranno boosters are back or not?
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Does anyone have a list of what could be in the first few original random boosters I looked on the wiki they only have pictures of the packaging but no list of all the possible contents.
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I need a full release of the MFB soundtrack.
Is Anon who made this post still around? Would you be able to give me full res versions of the pass stickers in this post? I really wanna use them.
>Weiss Tiger 3-60U
*possibly Unite
Release date June 15
Forgot to mention it's code is BX-33
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It is Unite. Basically Taper Point.
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Hasbro Beyblade X collab with Transformers
I was gonna skip Hasbro stuff for the most part but might get at least two of these...
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Optimus Prime 4-60P & Megatron 4-80B
Available for pre-order on Amazon at 1PM ET
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Optimus Prime (Knight Shield) 4-60P vs Megatron (Hells Scythe) 4-80B

25 USD
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Optimus Primal (Shark Edge) 3-60F vs Starscream (Wizard Arrow) 3-80N
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Also 25 USD
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I want it. That tip is combining a few of my favorites right there.
>the back of the packages don't even spell out FLAT or NEEDLE
wow, these look like a complete afterthought. The shame of it all is I want those two bits since I don't own them, but those blades are kinda wack save for Primal.
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>Dransword Metal Blue Coat version
B4 stores exclusive?
corocoro like PF
This is basically Driger, my therory that all the antagonist beys are based off the bladebreakers beys might be coming to light.
My first tournament is on saturday, based on my testing I've decided to bring:

Shark Edge 3-60F
Vipertail 5-60T
Knight Shield 3-80B

Vipertail 5-60T is actually the blade I'm most confident about, it can take abuse and outspin attack types and seems to consistently burst opponents. Most guides I've read recommend HN for knight shield but in my testing it seems like it has balance issues which ball mitigates. I'm going with flat on shark edge so it can outspin other attackers using LF
No one also has mentioned this yet: a Beyblade X tie-in game will be on the Switch this winter. XONE is pronounced as "zone".
Comes with a recolored Knife Shinobi
Great, another game that'll never touch the states.
Wouldn't the included blade being hasbro exclusive confirm a US release?
I'd run everything but shark edge, but that's because I have terrible results with that bey. I'm using the one that came with the dagger set and the flat head has a chip in it because the stupid shark likes to fall off the launcher for no reason sometimes and it landed on a fully spinning blade.
more like it confirms that the blade redesigns were always TT's and that Hasbro just accelerated their launch in the states because they wanted exclusive releases for awhile to attract sales. I wouldn't be surprised if the american releases don't start showing up in future TT products (like now confirmed by this one)
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Is this new news? I've not seen it before.
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These aren't bad, but they missed the opportunity to put Prime's face on KnightShield.
Goes in line with >>10989531's misc leaks. Only difference is that they decided to go with red recolor for whatever reason.

Speaking of preorders, Beyblade X is now up for preorders on Amazon US. Actual release dates vary from June 1st to July 19th.
Most things seem to be "unavailable" as of this writing.
What's everyone thinking with these remoulds? Will they buff of nerf the designs they're based off of? Also wondering if they'll be tournament legal since we don't know if Japan/Asia is getting them in a worldwide sense.
I think they look like complete shit and I have no faith the star wars or marvel ones will look any better
that one time Hasbro actually did licensing right! i can actually see this becoming collector items for TF fans
Are these story heavy? If it just follows the anime then probably wont be so bad to play. A switch beyblade game sounds fun
The sculpts are cool, the blade choices make sense, but the gear chips are ass. As a Transformers fan, I'm sick of seeing that bog standard evergreen artwork on all merch, and they really should have commissioned new art in the actual gear chip art style.
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Amazon.jp preorders for Beyblade X XONE (zone) are up for 8228 yen.
Game is made by Furyu (the ones that did the Burst games.)
Platforms will be Switch and Steam.
Here's the official site: https://www.cs.furyu.jp/beyblade2024/

Release date: 11/14
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Included Knife Shinobi is... Shinobi Knife. 4-60LF
The colors of that mystery bey remind me of Meteor L-Drago.
My daughter is 4 and has showed interest in beyblade. What's a good start to get her set up? My only exposure to beyblades is the original anime.
>and they really should have commissioned new art in the actual gear chip art style.

Like I said, last thread, they should've just gave them all Autobot and Decepticon logos(except for Primal, who gets a Maximal logo).
>should've just gave them all Autobot and Decepticon logos
With their specific color scheme
The newest generation is going to be in the west very soon, so it's best to wait the extra month or so. There's no concrete release date just yet, but there's a lot of reason to believe it'll be starting the top of June, July at the latest.

There's already a page for Amazon (though nothing's viewable yet)
but you could also keep a tab on stores to see if there will be any official launches there.

Look out for pic related since it sets you up with the good stadium + two beys.
There will be another cheaper stadium that'll be coming out with it, but with how hectic the battles in X are compared to previous generations, I cannot in any good faith recommend it since it doesn't have the protective cover.

Also I'd recommend picking up two of the Winder launchers that come in their own packaging since the ones you get with the beys on their own aren't very good.

And of course the dub for the anime will be coming out alongside it:
Thanks bro
>I cannot in any good faith recommend it since it doesn't have the protective cover.
Is the shit actually dangerous? I've got no frame of reference.
This is how it looks. Even with the protective cover beys are known to fly out the stadium, so having the whole thing open like this is a serious safety hazard. Granted I doubt your daughter will be able to launch it so hard that it flies out, but anything to save you a trip to the doctor. Plus the plastic used in the budget stadiums aren't known to hold up very well, so there's a serious risk of it breaking and having plastic fly everywhere.

In general most people recommend taking a step back after launching anyhow, so either way you should be fine so long as you exercise caution.
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Limited ruling for G2 tournament, could also be implemented in regular tournament I guess.
>Opponent will get 1 point if you were using the listed limited parts

>Cobalt Drake
>Phoenix Wing
>Wizard Rod


>1 point per part

Is this for every round or is it just for the first?
Oh my god, this is hilarious. Running the meta deck forfeits the entire match.
metafags on suicide watch holy shit
being honest though Takara Tomy is really retarded with the weight gaps on these releases. putting CB behind an almost impossible gacha and being Japan only was fine but PW and now WR outclassing everything, its like they didn't even bother testing game balance before release.
any south east asians able to get their hands on RBVol3 yet? because its the middle of fucking May now and I still dont see one seller thats actually selling the random booster by itself
Weren't they talking about implementing a sort of point buy system regarding the tiers of parts?
Still, wonder how many people will still try to use one of these, if not multiple.
Every round, let's say you were using Cobalt Drake Blade on 1st battle, you already giving 1 point to the opponent and if you win the score will be 1-1.
Then on the 2nd battle, you're using Phoenix Wing, opponent already leading by 2-1.

Which Southeast Asia are you on? SG, Malay and Pinoys already get it
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Does anyone here have any experience with ordering from Beysandbricks?
I'm asking because they have pic related available there for half the price people are selling it for on Ebay. Is it legit or is price gouging just this lazy?
The actual Tyranno Beat 4-70Q BX-31-01, not the random booster
I'd say wait until Hasbro just sells the main bey on it's own unless you want to pick up some of the booster variants. Buying the actual prize bey solo is $53 there.
Ya. I recently purchased one there for $53, but I noticed people are selling the same exact thing on ebay and other places for $75-100+, so I was just questioning bricksandbeys legitimacy. They did label it TT. I guess I'll just find out when it arrives.
To my knowledge their products are legitimate, but it might the SEA version instead of the JP version which only matters if you're scanning them into the JP app.
I actually just got the app working (I'm in the US) so that's interesting to note. I just emailed them and asked if they're legitimate, are they JP or SEA. I can post the reply here if anyone cares. Still though, would the price be that different?
Asian code is cheaper because the way to redeem the prize bey is hard. You need to come to each distributors offices or stores just to collect the prize bey, no deliveries like in Japan. But that only applied to Hong Kong and Singapore so far.
that actually looks really cool
Tiger beys are always the coolest in every gen
Fucking finally! I've been waiting for a left spinning X bey to finally make an appearance. Hopefully it's more than just one like with Burst.
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>It comes in green too
Why does Dranzer get so many recolours? where's red Driger S?
Malaysia. To be specific east Malaysia. I've only found 1 seller who actually sells the random boosters as random boosters instead of confirmed beys or full sets
That's for Europe.
ohh, so this is how they're gonna discourage LAD from being a prevalent meta again like on the previous gens? i'm already guessing bearing tips will get high penalties when used in an official setting.
flips also sell them as actual random boosters. i haven't seen a seller sell them as confirmed beys
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Galeon's cooler
Watch them fuse the Sub AR to the "Weight Disc" if they do a remake.... :(
Didn't you guys already getting random boosters 3 on retail?
i dont know. ive never seen new beys at my local toys r us. theres also the takara tomy official store or affiliated store on shopee but they told that the shipment of rb vol 3 got delayed and i still havent heard from them
Update. This came today and it is the JP version from an opened booster with the QR code included. Now I got Tyranno Beat for half the price as Ebay.
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>Shinobi Shadow weights under 30gr
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What weight should a prize winning bey be? Around 30?
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Prize bey is around 28.2 gram >>10995233
What's the best ratchet for Hellball if I'm already using 3-60 on a different bey? I'm thinking 3-80
5-60 or 4-60 if 5 is on something else. usually 60=better other than 4
You know, in addition to Transformer Beyblades, what if there was a Beyblade Transformer? I'm not talking about the Hidden Spirits where you got a mini model kit with your bey, but a Transformers figure that could actually transform into a working Beyblade that's compatible with standard launchers.
With how cheap Hasbro materials are I'd expect something like that to explode instantly
Anyone have any experience with 3D printed blades? I'm watching through the original trilogy again and there are so many that never got made like most of the European team, Team Who, the Saint Shields and tons of Team Psykick blades. I've looked and this one seller I found has insane prices. Like $200 for a whole blade.
Is this them?
at this point takara needs to make a weight class division cause what the fuck are they even thinking with these. im gonna skip on this and go straight to weiss tiger
Holy fucking shit how long is it gonna take for us to get an actually above decent Defense type
Do you think Chrome will win Bird over by calling out on the latter's weakness and never winning that would lead to Bird betraying Ekusu by blinding him in the eye by punching his helmet in?
Anyone have an amazon JP link for the coro coro that will feature the blue dran? I didn't save the kanji from last time
>[月刊コロコロコミック 2024年7月]
Cool thank you. Presumptive of me to guess that it's included with the mag like the feather was, but if it is a giveaway or mail in type thing that sucks.
>Trying to order the Blue Shark Edge
>Error code: 17CE56B8730832CFBFE702E05383117C54F0640C
What the fuck? I didn't have this issue when buying a launcher grip.
It should be magazine bonus like Phoenix Feather afaik
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>knocks Ichigo's bey out of the stadium
>but because HellsHammer stopped spinning before it touched the floor, they count it as a lost

do we know the weight for MS yet? is it heavier enough to be at all worth using?
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What's the octagon shaped sticker on this sticker sheet for?
they done made a jew beyblade
No idea perhaps for non standard launcher of sorts either way those are some sexy stickers
What would be better on 9-80 MN do you think, Unicorn or Chain?
> pheonix wing
> " we fucked up " - TT
Someone got their hands on the variant beys

>Steel Samurai
>About the same weight as Leon
>Beat Leon by a wide margin, could very well be a straight upgrade

>Talon Ptera
>Is a smidge lighter than Viper
>Ratchet and bit are really nice, sporting a black and yellow color and Red respectively
>Lost by a wide margin, but a lot of close calls

>Knife Shinobi
>Ratchet & Bit are completely different colors from what's shown on the package
>Lost to Rhino by a wide margin
>>Lost to Rhino by a wide margin
>tfw shinobi shadow is also very light
the dream of having an ironic weeaboo jones deck is now dead
Rhino is still the best underdog, not even replaced by its clone. Love to see it.
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a couple launches isn't proper testing, i'm also looking forward to the coated version of it
What combo do you use on it?
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Which Beyblade protagonist had the best Beyblades relative to the time of each release?
Looking back I think Tyson's Dragoon Beyblades were mediocre, carried by 1 or 2 parts.
Ginga's first Pegasis was good. But every subsequent one was carried by the rubber tips.
I think Valt's Valkyrie was generally okay, and usually had decent attacking parts if I remember.
And I think Kamen X so far has the most consistent Beyblades out of the box (Bird is a wannabe).
Storm pegasus fucking sucked dude, consistently lost back in the day.
The upgrades were improvements but even then Pegasus was never amazing.
bird haters stay on bottom
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Hey dude, Storm Pegasis wasn't the first.
PHW Pegasis is used in limited for attack.
Every subsequent wheel sucks for attack.
They call him bird because he's cooked.
>having virtual bans this soon into release

X was a mistake
What's an X blade for both Attack and Stamina combos, interchangeably?
Plastic gen already did that with the Hayate dragons and Griffolyon.
>I'm not talking about the Hidden Spirits where you got a mini model kit with your bey,
Yeah it's pretty annoying considering they've had 3 generations of Beys to reference from when it came to designs. All they had to do was released gimped Beys first then do the gradual power creep, outside of competitions there's no stopping anyone from buying these Beys and I don't blame anyone since all 3 look awesome.
>>10992398 here

Finished 5th place out of 16, pretty good first showing. I did end up swapping out shark edge for dransword and knight Shield for hell scythe. Dransword carried me through the tournament.

Literally everyone was using wizard rod and phoenix wing, rod gave me the most trouble. I think I might be able to counter it with a hell's hammer attack build, it hits like a truck and the smooth edges seem to make better contact with WR than a sharper bey would
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What is the point?
what about it? is it the bit? it looks like its slightly rounder almost like ball with a hard edge on the bottom
That's just it, there is no point.

It's a ball point hybrid where the point literally doesn't matter.
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Worth $32? I have a bunch of Takara Beys from burst. This would be my first stadium. Regular price is 79.99.
When will the fantastical stuff come back?
It's a decent enough stadium if you can't get a Takara one for cheap.
So is Shinobi Shadow a wash or Is the lighter weight better for the "evasive type" it's advertised as
i can see it having a niche when we get metal flat
Really I just want metal needle to help give some extra precious weight to my Rhino Horn.
Wizard Rod is a pain but I've been able to burst or flip it using LF Shark to aim for the huge gap in it
>Beat Leon by a wide margin, could very well be a straight upgrade
>Samurai has Taper, which is really good on LeonClaw
>guy battles them both on 9-60T
>LeonClaw wins by a wide margin
MN is only .83g heavier than N.
>metal flat
Don't give them ideas anon.
Okay in my defense that vid hadn't come out yet
Oh boy, almost a gram of extra weight? Why is that not a good thing?
>punches a whole in your stadium
nothing personnel kid
It's equipped to rhino horn; let's not get ahead of ourselves here.

No one gives a shit about your cringe ass burst rips get with the times basement dweller.
>Purple manta diver
looks fucking giga nice.
I dunno stock Rhino Horn has already put several dents in my stadium, make it harder and even a little heavier and shit could get ugly.
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I dwell in the hobby room of my house. X isn't available yet in my country and I won't be dealing with japan's love for gacha bullshit

thanks. im testing them for Beyblade East 2024 as prizes to give out. here's uriel 2, in a form that is aesthetically pleasing and doesn't explode
what country, anon? im sure you could get imports from hong kong or china through aliexpress and the prices there checks out unlike the price gouging that western importer resellers have.
God, it's hideous
US. I don't care for importing X. especially since I'm seeing so much breakage and the fact that there are already official bans on beys before it even officially hits stores here
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I'd rather not risk my real plastic gen stuff
I'd fit them all in one pic if I could
>so much breakage
the breakage for x is uncommon, but of course when you have metal tops spinning at high speeds breaks will happen. i've only had one bit damaged from landing on top of another bey
>official bans
it's a limit rule and is being used for the first time next month at a g2 tournament only during the qualifiers
No black dranzer?
Beyblades were designed to fight in the bey stadium until they break, you are denying them their birthright...
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>live in US
>Collection built from Amazon
>all JP
but, why? i've got most of the releases up to sphinx cowl and feel like that's enough to cover me competitively until hasbro catches up
all look same, all go super fast attack spin on the x ridge. no real difference other than color imo
They all look different to me and I like collecting things. After the junk I bought from Hasbro during the Burst series I have zero interest in buying from them again
that's fair, i didn't touch burst at all, but from the initial response to the product people have gotten their hands on, hasbro is doing good this time
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Idk how I feel about the smaller stadium and I don't care about Transformers but I might end up checking them out anyway. I'm also a weeb and I don't trust American products in general, at least toys or things that might be dangerous to kids.
>These just came in today!
Drake already lost to Wizard Rod. I've said it before but so far my go-to Wizard Rod killer is Shark edge :3
You can see them compete in this vid I came across last night
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Jetstream Sam ain't paying me for a new White Gabriel G AR if it breaks. I'd rather scan, then 3d print weight matched parts not just for me to use, but for others who can't enjoy BSB because of scalpers
if anyone here has any questions about the Quake bit, fling em over and I'll answer em when I wake up. Been tryna make that shit as viable as possible.

for reference, my brother bought one of the hasbro bucket stadiums (see picrel) and we did SharkEdge vs PhoenixWing.

..SharkEdge was sent across my bedroom. bucket stadiums are FUCKED for X.
I always thought they made buckets for safety because raised walls.
But what's their excuse for Beyblade X?
Is it just because you can stack them for shelf space?
breakage wont happen unless you launch beys 10000 times a day at a concrete wall. also there are many formats for tournaments and if US doesnt have them officially then no one will use official restrictions. if you ever do plan on buying, dont buy them from youtubers

Teaser for >>10992422
that seems to be the general consensus for it. new stadium shapes are all good with me, but I feel bad for the kids who use the super strong winders in those stadiums. they're gonna get fucking killed.

hate to "uhm ackshually" you here, but breakages of the blades, while uncommon, is still a frequent issue. Ratchets are the main ones, though. those get super noticeable dents in them if you use em enough.

as for the official bans? honestly? it's good they're cracking down on it early, since they're trying to make it into an actual sport.
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So... any word of a retail release yet?
>uncommon, is still a frequent issue
>US version shrinks down
>JP version gets bigger
Make up your fucking minds
no just autistic and poor at wording things if I'm not autistic about it.

what I mean is that, while sort of frequent, it only really happens with a few blades. Most molds nowadays are actually quite sturdy from what we've seen, with only certain blades with either hollow points or strong, rectangular attack blades getting shattered. DranSword, DranDagger, and KnightShield seem to be the only ones to consistently destroy themselves, with the rest just getting dents and scuff marks.

hope that clarifies! :D
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oh no no no
the fact that we have these limits even befoee the US release is a sign that TT didn't think this shit out for X
That looks like someone pried it apart
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no they uh
they smack eachother at like, super speed.

maybe, trips anon. maybe. but it's not exactly too bad.
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what's the point in X when you only play stock and every bey wants to hit the tornado ridge and do attack type things
Stadium variety is based actually.
>tell me you don't use beyblade x without saying saying you don't use beyblade x
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I don't. it's not available in US retail yet, plus there are concerning issues such as early bans due to game imbalance that wasn't picked up by TT which is not a good health indicator of the game (what else will be banned?), and pic related being too common
There are no bans.
Extremely rare issue caused by excessive wear and faults in the metal.
yea like, you'd need to do it 8 hours a day, every day, with the same beyblade, for about a month straight.

also, yea, there's no banned parts, but you get penalised for using the parts. I.E if you used WizardRod 9-60 Ball, You'd be 0-3 immediately on that round.
Seriously. Ive been doing absolute gigachad ripcord launches with mine, basically TRYING to break them, and haven't been able to yet.
Ripcord launchers are way more powerful than string launchers, btw. I don't care what anyone says.
>also, yea, there's no banned parts, but you get penalised for using the parts. I.E if you used WizardRod 9-60 Ball, You'd be 0-3 immediately on that round.
That's only for 1v1 qualification round G2 tournament in Japan, not the usual 3v3 bey.
Do you guys lube your ripcords? What do you use as lube?
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I wish Zero G's existence wasn't suppressed.
I would want a remake of Samurai Pegasis.
Look how pretty this looks, it's so good.
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And they should remake Samurai Ifrit.
They made Disc Ball, so make Disc Flat.
I really like these asymmetrical designs.
I don't but my friends use a tamiya grease (safe for plastic one) for the gears.
these breaks arent common. theyre only common if youre autistic enough to battle the same beyblade hundreds of times a day, everyday. if you are this autist, official hasbro release in the US will not fix this "issue"
How much would this even improve performance?
All the force comes from the gearing, at most I see this prolonging the life of the launcher, but like, just buy another one for $8 if you manage to break the gears.
Ok guys hear me out
Gear Disc.
i kinda find it funny that the railings is shaped like a cat's head.
Got a list of your stuff?
she grip my launcher til i let it rip
are these all real or are any 3d printed? insane collection
Dude, using illegally modified launchers to RRRIIIIIPPPPP is hecking sick!
It feels smoother when you pull it, which supposedly make it spin more faster.
oh yea, ripcords 100% are.
the way I see it is, ripcord is for power, string is for control. and if you have a bey that needs control like a quake bey, a string launcher is preferred.

YES. I hope they make Disc Flat, and put the gears on the actual disc itself, that'd be baller.

usually, rougher ripcord launches is due to the ripcord being as straight as the average male drag race viewer, so getting it un-curled makes it a lot smoother.
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real. my 3d printed ones are numerous
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these are my 3d printed ones. not all of them since this is an old photo
you ever thought of commissioning a custom plastic gen beyblade before?
What printer do you have and what do you do for weight disks? Just use spares?
weight disks are an unavoidable expense. I either buy them in lots or take the desirable weight disks (10 Heavy, 10 Wide, 10 Balance, Wide Defense, Wide Survivor) from beys I buy. however ive orderd reproduction wide defence and wide survivors from jawas junkyard and I hope to use those to fill in the gaps in my 3d printed beyblade cube


all the weight disks are zamak 3. if I had casting equipment I could learnt o make it
weight disks are zamak but maybe look into wire edm for making weight disks at home
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how good will weiss tiger be?
Ah Pegasis, consistently getting downgraded every year. Peaked in meta with the very first release.

> every bey wants to hit the tornado ridge and do attack type things

...have you tried using a Ball or Needle type Bit? Those almost never hit the Xtreme Line.
>put the gears on the actual disc
Could we handle that speed? That's crazy.
>you get penalised for using the parts
it's to incentivize you to not be a meta cuck, anon.
>Pegasis, consistently downgraded
That was disappointing, Dransword is better.
It's true, but everyone wants to win.
That's why we optimized the fun out of the game.
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funnily enough, from what I've seen, the more gears, the SLOWER it gets, so it'd probably be a more defensive bit.

yea, I'm no meta cuck, though. my deck has a fuckin storm capricorn headass in it. I'm a performer, not a winner, just like the best blader I know of.
gears have TEETH, not MORE GEARS
fuck beybladers are retarded just like me
look, I'm a blader, I'm not smart with actual useful shit, anon.
y'know, I still have no clue what yell kong or bite croc will be.
I just hope they make a crab bey using unicornsting's plastic.
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first try at using a cameo for cutting stickers
Looks pretty good, anon.
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>BX-00 B4 Store Limited Starter Drandagger 2-80GP Metal Coat: Black Giants Ver.

>Yomiuri Giants and BEYBLADE X collaborate!
>With a blade that has high rapid-fire power and bits that can create large changes in movement, this Beyblade has all the elements of "running, attacking, and defending," with high-speed X-dashes and rapid-fire attacks and defenses at its disposal!
>The blade is painted metal for improved performance and also comes with a collaboration sticker!

>※ This product is only available at the B4 Store/Yomiuri Giants' official merchandise shop "GIANTS STORE" and the official online store.

>Scheduled to be released on August 3rd!
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2-80 Ratchet
Damn I don't like Drandagger but this version with its colours and stickers looks so damn good
God that's sexy. Getting one is gonna be a bitch.
what western sports team would you want to see in a bey collab?
GUYS I live in the US wtf do I do?
You have to have some proxy in Japan.
YouTubers use their Japanese friend's addresses.
I think 3rd party shipping sites are blocked.
Doesn't matter when every deck will still run the Wizard Rod blade and everyone will just take the 1 point penalty. Even if you slap it on Hexa instead of Ball or Orb it still performs quite well.
It's too good at the moment and there isn't a consistent counter to it yet. Dran Buster, Shark Edge, and Tyranno Beat are currently the best counter options. Buster is basically a coin flip.

There are always going to be meta builds. There's definitely still room to cook and do goofy shit. The Xtreme line makes things work to some degree.
ofc ofc, but at least it technically still has counters, but I feel we might get a gigantic influx of the left-spin blade after it releases.
I don't know anyone in Japan unfortunately. I tried Buyee but got this message. I guess it's just a waste, then?
Yes, maybe you can find another solution.
But you're going to need a Japan address.
im pretty sure people have used tenso
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Why does TT make the blades they want to nerf underweight AND unbalanced?
They should pick one, both is too much. Plus their shapes are usually bad as well.
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My first Beyblade X haul eeeee, bought all these at Kmart ( AU ) as they were the cheapest I've seen retailers do them for. Soar Pheonix set was $25 AUD, Starters $19, Boosters $14 and the stadium was $17. Will look into getting a proper Takara stadium in the future as I don't like Hasbros offering.
Shape is just a byproduct of trying to make these recognizable.
It's unfortunate the X-Over beys have been pretty underwhelming so far. At least Dragoon will be left spin. That will probably see a bit of play for a while as long as it's one of the few left spins available.
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>Hasbro Beyblade X app available June 1st
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Finally putting stickers on the rest of my printed beys
It's actually available now. Check the App/Play Store.
>Someone else already took the ID I wanted
>Now I'm forever #2
God damn it
I am trying Blackship right now. Does anyone have experience with thay? Is the shipping going to end up costing as much as the Bey would have?
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>Golden Griffins
lucky there's a family guy
I'm unsure, but it can be for large items.
It should just tell you the prize but idk.
apparently leaked blades for the other variant-beys
>Bite Croc=Shark Edge/Keel Shark
>Tyranno Roar=Phoenix Wing/Soar Phoenix
>Yell Kong=Wyvern Gale
>Bear Scratch=Rhino Horn (Again?)
the gear chips for each
also personal note, >>11008798 I shit you not, I was going to rely to this saying "my gut tells me kong is going to be wyvern gale" but then I decided against saying it cause I thought it'd be dumb
but here we are
I like the shape of Bear Scratch reminds me of Bistool which could be a good thing, and the bit chip art is awesome
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Savage Bear 3-60S (each region had different name?)
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Bite Croc 3-60LF
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Yell Kong 3-60GB
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Roar Tyranno 9-60GF
haven't seen any news on the bucket

how is it?
Well I tried it out. Wish me luck.
Turns out the voucher was just the ability to buy it. So I'm already ~$25usd in
All prize bey app comes in voucher code to buy it
It's not bad, certainly has more space than I initially thought for battles although my only complaint is slanted bits like Taper can launch themselves into pockets with enough speed behind it. Also recommend to have a barrier around it and a surface with grip as it likes to shift around during high speed battles, overall I can't complain for its price compared to the proper ones.
TyrannoRoar is not TyrannoBeat?
Nope! I guess Beat's gonna show up a bit later.
I wish weight didn't matter as much, I know shape matters but grams>shape.
Is central weight distribution even beneficial? I feel like only outwards is.
You spin longer, hit harder, and are more stable. Why make defense lighter at all?
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My stadium just arrived, got it from the suruga sale so I only paid 23$ for it, its a bit bigger than I expected.
Yeah I was a little shocked at how big it was when I got mine. I wonder just how much larger the new one is going to be.
Correct if I’m a wrong but Beyblade X releases tommorow in the states right? I’ve seen people getting their stuff early so I went to check my Walmart and nothing but I remember hearing june first as the official date
tomorrow is the official street date. there have been a few stores that have put stuff out early which has caused others to search, i haven't found anything locally myself yet
Some of my friends used RhinoHorn 1-60A ever since someone on twitter saying they're winning tournaments with it and it's actually pretty decent one. [spoiler]Hope anyone can tolerate the zoomer video edit for this[/spoiler].
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Pegasis & Valkyrie X-Over prototype display
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Small insider from a brick store, there's been no updates inside my Target for Beyblade stuff as of yet. Small store though, with absolutely no shelf space currently dedicated to it whatsoever. Checked yesterday, didn't work today, but will work tomorrow to confirm if I have to go to other places.
Related to the above, have there been any UPCs leaked? If so, I can at least see if other stores around Commiefornia has stock.
Well, if someone is getting used out of RhinoHorn that's good.
Anyone have luck finding anything?
Looking around NJ and nothing thus far
None of the stores around me have anything yet, they haven't changed the shelf labels or put any of the burst beys on clearance, they did clearance out the stadiums though. It's making me think they're waiting for the aisle or department to reset before putting stuff out, but you should still be able to order stuff for pickup if thats the case.
Anybody find any X in stores today?
Doesn't seem like they're out here in leafland yet.
>Storm Pegasis without rubber flat
What's the point? Will they ever make RF?
there was a leaf that went to a gamestop and found them two days early. i checked walmart and the guy working the toy section is a beyblade fan but hadn't heard anything about them getting product. when i went to superstore i was told if it was a new product it would be out on shelves tomorrow
Brick store guy again, suddenly in Detroit. After finding the UPC for a blade, I was able to check multiple stores and absolutely nothing. There are also no mods to put up, which means we won't get anything until mid-week or something. We might get the shipment early but we wouldn't be able to put it out and it would sit in the backroom until it's time.
>if it was a new product it would be out on shelves tomorrow
Unless they checked if they have the mod up, there's no way it can just drop and they can work it on the same day. I wouldn't expect it for maybe another week. Even Amazon is pushing for the 7th.
yeah i noticed amazon and walmart were doing delivery on the 7th. i don't have anything to do tomorrow anyways so it won't hurt to check
Anyone in the US, GameStop is likely the only store that would have been stocking it today. Even then it's not guaranteed your local store has it yet.
Expect a rollout at other places like Target and Walmart over the next few days.

Amazon still has most things available, but not the single boosters.
My Amazon order is being delivered tomorrow. I bought everything today. Any long shipping estimate is going to be due to you not having prime.
it's not the case for leafs

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