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King Edition

SHF Ultraman Exceed X
SHF Valvarad
SHF Shin Cyclone
SHFSS Kamen Rider Kuuga Rising Titan
SHFSS Kamen Rider OOO Tajadol Combo Final Ver
Minipla Shugod Gattai series PB King Kyoryuzin
SODO Kamen Rider Gotchard 5
SHODOXX Kamen Rider 8
YUDO Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger
SG Boonboom Car 01
DX Kamen Rider Geats Sound Core ID + Kamen Rider Core ID Set 03

SHF Hunter Knight Tsurugi
SHF Kamen Rider Nago Entry Raise Form & Entry Raise Set
SHF Gold Dash
SHFSS Kamen Rider Saga
SHODO SUPER Neziranger
CHODO α Ultraman 9
CHODO α Ultra Monster
FRS Ultraman Geed Primitive
Shining!! Sounding!! Spiral Burrade
Guts Hyperkey Premium New Generation Stars Set
SUPER BEST DX Grease Blizzard Knuckle

DX Arc Ariser
DX Arc Eye Sword
DX Ultraman Arc Solis Armor Cube
SG Arc Cube 01
SHF Kamen Rider Legend
SHF Boostriker
SHFSS Kamen Rider Next Faiz
SHF Ultraman Trigger Power Type
SHF Ultraman & Emi
Minipla PB Tarantula Abyss & King Caucasus Kabuto Ogher Metallic ve. & Guardian Weapons
Ultraman Blazar Blazar Brace MEMORIAL EDITION
DX Evol Driver
DX Great Cross-Z Dragon
CSM Core Medal Kazari Set
CSM Xore Medal Mezool Set
CSM Core Medal Gamel Set

DX Ultraman Arc Luna Armor Cube
SHF Kamen Rider Build Rabbit Dragon NEW YEAR EDITION
SHFSS Kamen Rider Next Kaixa
SHFSS Kamen Rider Gaim Orange Arms
SHF Ace Killer 5 Stars Scattered in the Galaxy Set
SHF Father of Ultra
CSG Zanvat Sword
SODO CHRONICLE Kamen Rider 555 20th Paradise Regained Set 01
SODO CHRONICLE Kamen Rider 555 20th Paradise Regained Set 02
DX Mighty Brothers XX Gashat
DX Gashat Gear Dual β
DX Taddle Legacy Gashat
DX Mighty Creator VRX Gashat
PREMIUM DX Memorial Monster Raise Buckle
RCF PB10 Kamen Rider Buffa Plosion Rage
Ultra Replica Night Breath BRIGHT EDITION
SMP Daizyuzin Clear Color Ver

Previous Threads: >>10972574
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SHF Kamen Rider Majade Sun Unicorn
SHF Kamen Rider Buffa Fever Zombie Form
SHF Auto Vajin (vehicle mode)
SHFSS Kamen Rider Baron Banana Arms
SHF Beta Spark Armor & Hybrid Armor Option Parts Set
SHFSS Evil Tiga
CSM Kaizaphone XX
CSM Blay Buckle Rerelease
DX Gamer Driver High Spec Belt & Kimewaza Slot Holder
DX Western Combo & Kung Fu Combo Set FULLACTION VER
RCF PB11 Kamen Rider Doom Geats
FRS Kamen Rider Kuuga Ultimate Form
Ultimate Mumeiken Kyomu
Ride Chemmy Trading Card Gorgeous Kaguya File

SHF Bun Red
SHF Kamen Rider Valvarad
SHF Kamen Rider Horobi Ark Scorpion FINAL BATTLE WEAPONS SET
SHF Earth Garon Mod.2/Mod.3/Mod.4 Option Parts Set
SHF BLACK KING Ultra Star Shining Ver
SHFSS Kamen Rider X
CSM Faiz Driver NEXT
Ultra Replica Geed Riser
DX Gaburimix Shooter
DX Don Ohger Crown
DX 3 Large Rider Gashat & Kimewaza Slot Holder Set
PREMIUM DX Memorial Boost Mark IX Raise Buckle
RCF PB09 Kamen Rider Geats Oneness & X Geats Set

Fireball Booster SP1 License
Ultra Replica Ultra Capsule & Capsule Holder Set
CSM V Buckle 4 Major Kamen Rider Set

CSM Chalicerouzer & Chalicearrow
Gabutivolver Memorial Edition
Minipla Shugod PB God King Ohger God Clear Plating Ver

SHFSS Gridman


King Gaburicalibur Memorial Edition
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>Before they ruined the suit entirely
Hey at least it get reused by Laces
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My fat ass won't fit in my csm kabuto(bootleg) and kuuga belts. Is there some strap I can buy to extend it a few inches? I see some online but they say it only works with their custom belts. Do they just say that so bandai doesn't take legal action? Any help is appreciated.
I've heard people say this is the buckle Bandai uses for CSMs. I have not bought one to confirm that, I'm also too lazy to pul onel my CSMs out of storage to check. You can make some type of extension with this if it fits. Or you know, just tie some string.
>decide to look up Geats figuarts on Manda
>The entire main group of riders are all over $100
I hate P-Bandai
Geats can't stop winning
Got my CSG Garouken in 2 months of delayed release later. Ridiculous that even with ~$90 of shipping I still got it $70 cheaper than what Tokucollectibles was asking for it by going through AmiAmi.
Someone please tell John Bandai to do another run of this
try again in 2 years and buy them for peanuts
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I want this guy desu
And here I thought the point of two-stage Super Forms is to create a cohesive figure that layers over one stage to "evolve" it, and it's perfect for figures too. In the end, they still did not make a figure of it. Guess we'll have to wait for a Figuarts that would come out at the start of next year only if shilled in an exclusive shop for pre-order with no hope of reissue... *sigh*
>MOVIE villain
lol, lmao
I assume you're referring to Iron and Platinum Gotchard, I don't think they'd be able to do the cast off gimmick well in the Souchaku Henshin line. They never did one for Revice either and if they managed to somehow it'll have to be executed similarly to the Arms Change Gaim Kiwami Arms where it'll be a solid block of plastic resembling the 1st stage form which is then ejected to reveal the true 2nd stage form behind it. Again I feel that because the design is not modular enough to have both forms in one toy that Bandai probably doesn't even bother. At least with Figuarts they'd bother to give you all the parts to make either form and in typical Bandai fashion make the parts swapping process difficult enough that it'll make you want to buy two just to have both forms displayed or played with.
Geats used Powered Builder in the show and as far as Bandai is concerned it's considered one of his official forms whenever they promote Geats line of upgraded forms. It would be possible they'd either make a Seeker Figuarts with parts for Geats or most likely it'll be a Geats Powered Builder set with Seeker's head as an accessory. What is pretty much almost impossible is getting Revi and Vice's heads.
Still on Manda too


I don't wanna buy it for ass rape prices
Last one that sold on Manda was only 9k yen. Which is less than 60 USD. What'll fuck you over is the shipping.
Shipping for one figuarts isn't that bad unless you live in some shit hole with only one available shipping method.
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I just want them to give us Geats IX already. I hope it doesn't sit in prototype hell for years.
Geats is popular so probably just a matter of time
Hoping that it comes with the parts to make Geats Oneness since it's just a torso and head swap.
Well too bad lmao
You didn't pre order so you get to pay ass rape
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Should I sell my mmpr figuarts anons? Im getting rid of some items but I dont want to regret this decision. I love the articulation on these but I prefer the Lightning collection helmet accuracy and scale.
Hunt down the 2.0 LC honestly
A bunch of places cancelled them cause LC is basically dead but they're def worth it
What do you mean cancelled them? Except for green, Ive seen pink, blue black and yellow still in stock in some online stores.
NTA, Hasbro has canceled the lighting collection line and they are no longer fulfilling the restock of remastered red and green. So a bunch of retailers have canceled people's orders of them.
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>no longer fulfilling the restock of remastered red and green.
Can they do that?
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Nothing important.
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I canot seem to find the remastered blue ranger is that one that hard to find? Someone is selling the green ranger for 65 near me is that a good deal at this point? I find it amazing with all the QC issues and insta-thot quality head sculpts (especially in the beginning) how EXPENSIVE LC rangers have gotten. The white ranger alone is above $100 and they were one of the most common and easy to find figures back then. Crazy.
Red, green, and blue are the hard to find ones. Red and green because of popularity and seems blue due to scarcity. You're going to have to go through a reseller or hope to find them left over in a retail store somewhere.
Is that why I don't see the Power Rangers general pop up again in this board? Damn, Hasbro really dropped the ball hard. And they say that Hasbro would do Tokusatsu better than Bandai. Well I hope this is a chance for Bandai to lean into Sentai a lot more than before, I would definitely buy up a Figuarts SS TyrannoRanger.
So any chance Sentai SHFs don't die this time or is doomed to be 100% Reds only in the non-P-Bandai market?
This time they'll get to Gaoranger, right? Right?
Maybe if we'll buy more Reds then Bandai would try dipping into finishing the teams. P-Bandai have been on overtime for them and any Ranger's not Red are doomed to it so might as well.
So the Zombie legs is separate from the waist cape. This means a Buffa Boost or BoostZombie is now possible.
Oh yeah, after SHF BoonboomRed they'll announce Go-on Red and throw in NinjaRed for good measure.

lol jk the sentai shf are all on sale and the line will die again.
SMP reissues announced for
- Biorobo
- Biodragon
- Balgion
- Victory Robo
- Grand Liner
- Liner Boy

Preorders open tomorrow.

Also Victory Mars teased, don't know if it'll be up for preorder tomorrow too or not.
Did Lighting Collection actually complete any teams?
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One day.
Yeah it completed, MMPR, Alien, Zeo, In Space, Lost Galaxy, SPD, Dino Thunder.
And also Psycho Rangers, A-Squad and the TMNT crossover rangers.
They didn't fully complete it but they done the base 6 for Dino Charge.
MMPRx4(OG, Metallic, Ninja and Remastered), Zeo, In Space, Lost Galaxy, SPD and Dino Thunder. Alien if you don't count Ninjor. Psycho Rangers if you want to count villains. The incomplete team that annoys me the most is Beast Morphers because they only had the best Gobuster left to make.
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Kind of neat that Converge is doing kaiju but I guess if they just stuck to Ultras they would run out of material pretty quickly.
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He could do with a good paint wash. He looks too clean compared to the actual suit.
Feels like Sentai would do good for FRS no?
Yeah at this point I’m just going with the Mezco versions. I got White and Green and I really like them. They’re not as crazy poseable as a SHF or LC but they have that shitty costume look of the original suits when I seen them in an exhibition in Japan. I used my rewards and knocked $120 off the box set PO. I also do dig the Mez Ultraman as well even though he can’t pose for shit.
I would go for those except I autistic about helmet accuracy and those suck balls in that department. If I'm gonna shell out that cash the helmets better be miniature replicas.

So is it a good idea to pounce on the pink and yellow while they're available and shill out the $65 for green?
If you really want them. They're not amazing, and a lot of the price is the plastic effects pieces. Also, remastered green doesn't have the shield, so you'd need red as well.

I'm hoping that the last stock of Rita actually gets fulfilled, but I doubt it at this point.
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Who else is hyped for the GoGoV reissues and this bad boy being teased? The prior GoGoV releases came out at a bad time for me,and I only ended up being able to pick up Grand Liner.
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The King...has returned.
>So popular that his Figuarts got a re-issue
Is this the power of Chad Energy?
The Sentai SHF line is dying again? Damn. There's no hope for Sentai figs at that price point. I only bought the new GokaiRed and I see he's in stock at a lot of places still. This was the last chance for me to potentially get MegaRed. Drat.
Bun Red got announced, so I guess they're doing okay.
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So unfortunately, the extra lenses only fit Geats. Still look great though.
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SHF Upgrade made kits to fix that.
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Not bad. The big wings for Jin look good. SHODO always seems to work best with the simpler designs of Showa though. Also, if the anon who was worried about Converge last thread is in here they announced the new set for that line as well.
No matter how much I look at it, the bare bottom half compared to the bulky upper half will always look like shit.
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I'm just waiting for them to do the rest of the riders. My Dapan needs eye lenses for magnum.
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Those Bandai fucks, this is how they are going to rerelease the rest of the Ryuki Advent Deck CSM instead of the full set.
>Abyss Decj
what's an Undead doing there?
Of course theyll find anyway to jew you. You think this is a prelude to shfss ryuki?
hey that's my pic nice
genuinely sick combo. haven't finished zero-one but that ark suit is great.
I think they do pretty well for more modern designs as well, it's just that the modern designs require a lot of paint apps, which is where they skimp.
2+1 is +1 too big on that bike.
Feels Based seeing power rangers get it's ass blown out
SEAmonkey pls go.
In 8 hours.
It's either Blade or Ryuki. Was gonna say Kaixa, but he got revealed awhile ago.
Hopefully Blade, it is his 20th Anniversary this year. I would like it to be Ryuki but saving him for his 25th Anniversary and any new forms that comes out of it (like how Faiz got Next Faiz because of the movie) would be the best case scenario.
So this Ryuki release is the exact same as the first one but no Dragvisor compatibility?
>Figuarts SS TyrannoRanger
How likely do you think that would happen? I mean Tyrannoranger is one of the that has the biggest chance, but I fear Hasbro having the license will fuck it up.

Worst case scenario is seeing Hasbro ruining the box art for American/MMPR version. But I really want an SS TyrannoRanger, the only ones we got feels absolutely outdated and I mostly dislike the Lightning Collection.
Fucking King cocksuckers.
They made Kyoryu Red and Gokai Red, doesn't matter.
But at the same time neither the original Gokai Red and Kyoryu Red had Power Rangers packaging. But for TyrannoRanger part of the appeal is (unfortunately) MMPR. But regardless, I still want an SS TyrannoRanger either way.
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It's built like a brick, limited posability because of all the crap they put on top of Zero. The unique sculpt is very well done, but that's all it has going for it. Don't bother getting one unless you really like Zero or are a chink.
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All that armor really gets in the way with the posing.
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Best wide zero shot I could do. Very limited by that red fabric on the chest. It's softer plastic, but not nearly pliable enough to do anything with.
Hasbro has nothing to do with what SS gets made or any involvement in what Zyuranger items Bandai of Japan makes. The only say they have in the matter is cockblocking it being sold domestically here like Rider is. So no they wouldn't touch a box here because an American version wouldn't exist to begin with, only reasons those even happened years ago was because they did it through BOA.
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Damn it, >>11003868 called it. I was hoping for Putotyra.
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Fuck yes.
Looks fucking sick but I don't care for the unmasked head. Is there a price up?
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Amazing. These were great designs, and were some of my favorite SHFs for many years. I will happily buy the new version.
No prices yet but PB opens for preorders tmrw
This would be the first Rider SHFSS to actually use a 3D scan of some sort... Unless Ixa or human Ankh already did, since here it's just for the face again
Human Ankh technically wasn't a Shinkocchou, although the box tried to mimic one.
My bad - the arm ended up being the Shinkocchou
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Is there a figure of Ghost's Exaid mode?
Goddammit alright. The suit designs are probably the only redeeming quality of these movies but theyre my favorite iterationz of ichigo.
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I want one just to be the "normal form" of this.
Huh, didn't see that coming.
This is probably the beginning.
It's THE FIRST's 20th anniversary next year.
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I want a figure of this, if there is onez but I don't know if there is.
Wait for the SS Ghost line where jacket and faceplate swapping becomes possible.
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Lmao the cracks are just decals.
Probably so they can just repaint it without any remolds into The First version of Hongo with the teal.
The ultimate plan:
THE NEXT Rider 2
THE NEXT Cyclone 2
THE NEXT Hurricane
Kamen Rider G (shares the same bike)
How long will I wait for it then?
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It was supposed to be THEIR turn
Nobody likes the one on the right.
I do
I do too
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One down, six to go.
You ever feel like another agito was originally designed to be a normal unknown since they never go into him having all their same design elements
Or is that explained somewhere
I'd argue the figures they have all still hold up really well despite their age.
The existing A-type Figuarts is already very good. The articulation could be updated a bit (I guess) but I'm not sure it's worth it.
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>Probably so they can just repaint it without any remolds into The First version
Frankly, it sucks to see, especially on such a supposedly "premium" product. Yeah, I know it was almost 20 years ago, but the originals were like $20 and had separate cracked/intact headsculpts. This just feels like Bandai wants to leave room on the table to someday sell an "ultimate" version with sculpted cracks and other small QOL fixes. You know, like SHFSS 2.0 or something.
Posing J next to TyranoRed really shows off how the arm lengths changed
I mean the whole thing about Agito and Gills is they both represent a new stage of human evolution, AA somehow sharing elements from both makes sense, plus on top of that he also has Rider 1 aesthetics as a cute bonus.
This plus OG Man already has enough perfectly good figures between several lines.
Really captured her dead fish expression in the second varient, wow.

Why'd these die for Geats though
One of Bandai's best sculpts.
Also up on US soon.
$100 shipped really chaps my ass. 1/12 figs are really getting too pricey. Maybe I'll do this dance one last time, since the old NEXT Ichigo was one of my favorites of the original SHF line. But after that, it might be time to bow out. By the time the line advances enough to give us a "3.0" Ichigo, I'm sure it will be like $300.
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Am I reading this wrong, or does this not have LED eyes? Even with promo shots like this? I'm floored. They have to know about the existence of SHFUpgrade by now, I'm surprised they don't seem to care one bit about improving their "flagship" KR line. I guess when the fans are rabid enough to buy them no matter what, there is no real reason to improve.
I bet SHFUpgrade will come out with an LED head with sculpted cracks instead of decals. It will add on another $50-60 to the already high cost of this Ichigo though, which is infuriating. Bandai should be doing this shit themselves, it shouldn't be up to the fans to fix their mistakes.
At least this has spare antennae.
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Same but the thing is, if you buy ichigo, you gotta buy nigo, and if you buy nigo, you gotta buy SHFSS Drake.

Mine nip ones literally arrived like 30 minutes ago, thank god I didn't pay rape prices.
fucking finally.
those motherbitches seriously releasing all three at the same time are you kidding me
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holy kek those prices
a rereleased eternal would be like $200
feels good already owning these
>95+10 shipping+13 dollar tax
It really is a shame Bandai left its "do absolutely everything" phase a long time ago because I'd really like new versions of the remaining Kabuto Riders. Yes, that includes the GSL trio.
Ill sell you mine bro. All I ask is for a kidney. Posing figuarts = boning a chick without rubber I promiseu bro.
The Hibiki price seems pretty decent on a cursory look around at secondhand/scalper pricing. I really shouldn't but I am very tempted.
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I do, fuck off. I need more bio-organic rider.
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I just hope this means we are getting the Lights of Ginga so that you can apply them on both the SMP Gingaioh and this bad boy.
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Coming from Medicom.
I can't wait for mine to ship. King and Marvelous are two of my favorite Reds, so I'm loving the SS re-releases. I wish we'd get a Fire Squad DekaRed or whatever the new form is coming in the special. ZyuohEagle (preferably Whale, if they'd do power-up forms), ToQ #1, and Shishi Red would be great as well.
Looks like something Seiho related is coming for Kuuga in China. Probably some special re-release.
I'm calling premium finish Amazing Mighty Form
Fourze. . . When. . .
It's gonna be a grongi or [spoiler]Ichijo[/spoiler] there's literally nothing else to do for Kuuga
Oh shoot, yeah we have SMP Gingaioh coming so that's possible.
>The suit designs are probably the only redeeming quality of these movies
Some of the action is pretty good. Better than what's in the shows and arguably better than Shin's.
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Fuckers increasing prices while we wait
100 for a shfss that comes with nothing is a no way from me.
I hope the Horse Orphenoch did well and we can start getting some kaijins again.
5 jesters please
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SHFSS when?
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what the fuck is your bugmen show even about wtf is this
You ever see Power Rangers?
Those guys are basically the putties of the original Kamen Rider. Mooks that existed to be beaten down in large numbers before the real villain. If you are wondering about the salute a lot of the old Kamen Rider villains co-opted a lot of imagery from early 20th century dictators and regimes. Hell, in X one of the monsters of the week was monster with Hitler's cloned brain.
Shocker also canonically has ties to the Nazis.
Is that a salute?!
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Ichigo already sold out on US P-Bandai.
surprised it lasted as long as it did frankly. I think it's also going to be my last big SHF Kamen Rider purchase, this shit is just pricing me out. I might pick up a new Rider here or there if Bandai releases cheap "introductory" versions when shows launch, but I think I'm done with this pricier stuff.
why would these motherfuckers announce and open up these bitches at the end of the month
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No kidding
i mean there's 16 years and a lot of upheaval during that period, but

I still feel the price is too high.
>still feel the price is too high.
Well, it is. The unmasked head is nice I guess but I don't see myself ever using it. The rest is standard SHF stuff, accessory wise.
I'm with other people. Figuarts are just getting way too expensive for what you're getting out of the box nowadays. The new Next #1 is not worth $90.
Wait, not even his accessories?
Damn I wasn't a fan of Sakurajima/The Next colors but that lighting makes it look pretty. Pretty tempted ngl.
I forgot he comes with his kunai. Im so used to him fighting with his hands/pointing to the sky that i forgot he doesnt just slap and kick the shit out of things.
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Wtf he's way cleaner and nicer looking
that metallic
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It's not 90, you retards. 9000 yen is $57. Sounds about right for a SS.
uh huh?
Not everyone is American. Plus you wouldn't be laughing if the yen exchange rate went up.
And once the yen normalizes, bandai is going to decrease its pricing right?
It's a good thing the preorder is up now and not when the yen normalizes then.
I don't see how that matters given it's a P-Bandai exclusive and how much they want to funnel international customers to their respective sites. I guess if you opt to just get it on Mandarake later it matters (that's how I got Shin Nigo), but it isn't ideal.
You're going to be paying about the same once international shipping and middleman fees are figured in. Why would you try to compare the raw base Japanese price against the American all-inclusive price? Seems disingenuous, like you were never interested in a fair comparison in the first place.
NTA, I paid 96 dollars shipped by fedex at hobbygenki. It comes a month earlier and I paid less than shipped by P-Bandai US. Sounds like a (You) problem.
And I paid $90 shipped via P-Bandai US. There was a free shipping coupon (probably still active, but Ichigo is sold out now so eh). Like I said, it's about the same. Even if there was no coupon, shipping is a flat $10 so I would have paid $4 more than you at most.

It's funny how you thought you gotcha'd me tho
i still can't get over the price of the us releases for hibiki and kabuto
debating if i should purchase, not like not purchasing it will matter since they won't ever lower the prices to something reasonable as people will buy them anyway
Im skipping it because fuck that price.
Is there a reason the TimeFlyer for the DX is so expensive?
but it was supposed to be $57 though? What happened?
The ones with the mini figs? Poor sales overall so less copies in the wild.
They had a free shipping coupon after March?
Bandai US just gets more and more jewish with each new release, don't they? Ninety fucking US dollars for a roughly ten year old figure with only minor changes from the original release? Yeah okay the Japanese price is 9000 yen, but that converts to less than sixty bucks right now. The JPY-USD rate hasn't been close to 100:1 for years.
They're really trying to bring as much power to the yen as they can.
Just days ago. I actually canceled my Ichigo that I paid shipping on, and reordered it with the coupon.
I guess it's the shop.bandai.com moving thing that triggered a promotion.
They didn't post that shit on any of their social media nor is it in their deals section. How weird.
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>friend is heading over to tamashii store to pick this up for me tomorrow
I feel bad for asking him to do this and for enabling this pricing. If they had gatack with proper hand joints instead, id get that.
you gonna post the free shipping code or nah?
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>my favorite W form
Nice, now get Nazca out of prototype hell please.
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Youll get it after shfss g3
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PO is backup
That would be nice
Why’s the blade made out of energy? I don’t remember that happening
Fuuto PI memory break effect?
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Just a really lazy attempt at doing the finisher energy charging.
I will buy all of your mmpr figuarts figures anon. Which ones do you have?
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I wish the HAF line was better.
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>bandai installing killswitches in shfss just in time for whenever they announce a new version
How do they keep getting away with this?
He got them skinny white woman legs
why are these motherfuckers dropping all this good shit all at once FUCK
man fuck bandai man
I'm happy I got all my HAF figs for under 15 bucks each because my local comic shop was retarded.

Sadly my Jan-9's leg joints fucking exploded
I dont know but i gotta po it. when does it start for hlj and shit?
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So you're saying there's a chance
No. No there isn't.
So what are the chances of FangMetal and FangTrigger?
don't these have form change gimmick?
About as likely as a second season of the anime.
Anyone have leads on where I could find a SMP astro megazord? I had found a delta for cheap a while back but been having a hell of a time finding its other half.
The SS Double figures? Nope
Man I really hope they make another Shinkocchou Sentai soon. Would feel really empty if there's only two.
SS DekaRed for the anniversary would have been nice. At least give us Fire Squad.
I see no reason why this wouldn't happen.
I honestly don't even see the point of them doing Sentai anymore if all they're going to make is Reds.
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At least if they keep going I can do something like this
Hopefully it comes with regular blades cause I don’t want that energy shit
Planned obsolescence is standard in modern industry.
It's optional. Dont worry though, the fucking thing is still 9900 yen.
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Friend picked me up kaybootoe. Man it doesnt scale well to bewer shfs.
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was gonna say the shin riders are just taller because they're wearing heels but then I brought out gotchard and yeah...
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They've been scaling them bigger and bigger with ever new rider release.
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touma keeps using the powers of xross saber to keep himself as the tallest main rider shf
>noticed that your kabuto ankle cuffs are separate and that the ones in my pic are pulled up for some reason
>pull my ankle cuffs down with the popping sound when youre releasing air
>silver paint got fucking sucffed onto it
Thanks bandai.
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>ninja legs
Bujin sword incoming eventually.
Sucks that as of now the SS line is sticking to the old height/scale from before Saber. Apparently Super Sentai's are also the same deal, as tall as the older Figuarts before Saber. Should've just upsized them to keep consistency since they're pretty intent on making the new Rider Figuarts height a standard.

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