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Bo Peep is Woody's love interest in TS1 and 2. She's depicted as a porcelain doll. Despite this, she's seen to have a fabric dress and articulated arms.
How the fuck is that supposed to work? She also has a layers of clothing as revealed in TS4. Who makes a porcelain doll into a night light?
>articulated arms
They're not. It's like the green toy soldiers, they just magically bend.
So yeah, it's a porcelain doll with fabric clothes that is part of a night light. Doesn't make much sense but it's what it is.
What is this then? Andy has clearly posed her arms in the very first seen of 1.
Uh. Complely forgot about that. The only way any of this makes sense is with her being some kind of articulated doll instead of a porcelain one, but she is clearly made of porcelain.

I guess we're thinking about it way more than any of the guys making the movies did.
Leave the thread if you don't like it
That's what I'm saying. I love the first two movies and all the animation errors but Bo continues to be the worst part of it. This time not even because she's a woman.
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She's the kind of tchotchke a grandma would have back then, probably popular enough in the 40's-70's but less so as things became more minimalist. If you were around back then you probably saw something like this in an older person's house.
Bo Peep is a more stylized version of it- but most of the TS toys skew to stylized versions. IRL Buzz's design would've been for a toddler toy, where as the the movie shows him as equivalent to a toy for 6-11 year olds.
I like that bo beep was never an official woody toy, just something andy probably found in the attic and used as a damsel.
Where those ever used on lamps though? I feel like the only way to rectify Bo is if she were a custom thing Andy's mom made.
Buzz started life as another "tin" toy, albeit with a space theme. Because the Woody's concept started as a ventriloquist dummy (and stayed there a long time), it made no sense for two out-dated toys to be the leads. So the spaceman became more about what modern toys could boast: push button gimmicks, lights and sounds, glow in the dark, anything you could see in a commercial at the time.

But yeah, the guys making Toy Story definitely had their eyes on the most outdated toys around when they started, especially with how long into production Woody stayed a ventriloquist dummy.
That image I posted IS a lamp. I think some of you guys don't realize/were too young to realize how many mail order catalogs and things full of kitschy stuff were around back then.
A doll lamp wouldn't be unheard of.
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>Who makes a porcelain doll into a night light?
>doll with fabric clothes that is part of a night light. Doesn't make much sense but it's what it is.
Idk what's so DIFFICULT to understand about this...
are you zoomers? I've seen all kinds of night lights.

It's just a beautiful complicated oldfashioned night light for little girls. Probably from 1940-50s or something like that.
What a stupid thead.
porcelain did have articulation you tiktok driven retard, usually only head of a doll or hands made of porcelain. But they still connect and rotate.
I guess I'm retarded. I'll do some more research on it.
A lot of Andy's toys are dated and weird, like the roly poly clown or the troikas.
I've literally never seen a night light like this before.
>A lot of Andy's toys are dated and weird
>porcelain did have articulation you tiktok driven retard
Sorry for not being as knowledgeable as you on porcelain dolls but I take offense on someone comparing me a tiktoker so fuck yourself.
Who the fuck makes an articulated doll out of porcelain?
>Who the fuck makes an articulated doll out of porcelain?
a human?
porcelain dolls were 5 POA sometimes
im reacting like that to the idea of a not allowing for the possibility of something that might exist.
It sounds like a native from the island doesn't believe supermarkets exist.

It's so retarded.
Please spend less time on tiktok.
I literally don't use tiktok. I just don't like the idea of something so intricate being made so fragile and getting turned into a fire hazard. It's retarded. It's also not common knowledge that anything like this existed, you're in the minority but I appreciate you sharing a proper answer to OP.
>getting turned into a fire hazard.
yeah people in the past were known for being very careful and safe with everything.
They would've been inventing asbestos filters for cigarettes around the time they had lamps like this so yes they were very careful and not retarded at all
Porcelain dolls can have joints. older ones could be both cloth body with porcelain head and limbs, as well as fully Porcelain. Newer BJD dolls aimed at adults take this to the next level.

Now Buzz on the other hand; there's no way he could have the folding pop out wings AND the karate chop action button on his back at the same time. Not to mention the karate chop arm is the same one with the light and sound wrist lazer.
>there's no way he could have the folding pop out wings AND the karate chop action button on his back at the same time. Not to mention the karate chop arm is the same one with the light and sound wrist lazer.
>lot of Andy's toys are dated and weird
they weren't at all.
Engineering even today isn't refined enough to fit all those gimmicks into the space available at the scale available.
How would you have the wings, the karate chop, the fold up helmet, the light and sound, and the battery box all fit in that torso? Blue Bear in mind that this Buzz isn't even 12 inches tall like the thinkway trash.
>6 year old boy
>no ninja turtles
>has antique troika dolls, 50s lamp, and miscellaneous shit no one but a Christian mom would give a boy with an absent father
He at least had an SNES but literally before Buzz Rocky was his only action figure. The rest of his stuff was random baby toys.
She isn't sculpted to the base though, she's not attached to it in the first scene of the first movie when Andy's playing with her.
Didn't Bo belong to Andy's baby sister? Pretty sure he just borrowed her to be the damsel in distress.
Presumably a lot of his toys were inherited.
he had a RC, muscle guy, army men, planes, modern potato head, videogame, a Slinky dog, a T-Rex, an electronic robot, buzz and a few inhereted, like Woody. They were all in good shape, most were new.

He had a really good selection of toys.
He can fly too.
>Now Buzz on the other hand; there's no way he could have the folding pop out wings AND the karate chop action button on his back at the same time. Not to mention the karate chop arm is the same one with the light and sound wrist lazer.

The Disney store one has the karate arm, wings and laser, but the karate arm needs to be locked upwards first and the back button just unlocks it so it makes the chopping motion, doesn't work with gears that move it up and down like in the movie.

The main problem is the fully retractable helmet, that interferes with every other thing inside the body. Also accurate wingspan is absolutely impossible, as they cheat a lot with those in the animation.
Can you go into more detail why? As someone who doesn’t really know about the internals of toys like that.
It's literally just basic physical limitations; There simply isn't space for all those things to exist at the same time. The helmet has to go somewhere. The mechanics for the karate chop have to go somewhere. The wings and the mechanism that releases them have to go somewhere.

It's not something that requires an engineering degree to figure out. Holy shit just stop to think for two fucking seconds you fucking retard.
The weird cerberus sheep always freaked me out of some reason. It/they look like they live in abject conjoined misery.
Not only that but also the electronics, speaker, batteries and all the wires. Just too much crammed inside the body already.
he fly now?
Yeah, with Woody, pretty crazy, that was more like magic though.
Hello miss
Bo Peep was a literal last minute addition to Toy Story; originally Pixar wanted to have a Barbie doll be used as Woody's love interest but Mattel refused to license her out for the film. So they had to hastily create an OC character for Woody in the form of Bo Peep.

Once Toy Story 1 was a huge hit, Mattel was more than willing to let Pixar use Barbie in the sequel and it meant that Bo Peep didn't have to be used anymore. However, fans kept complaining about her being phase out and written off for good with the third film, that they made a huge point to bring her back in Toy Story 4.
I like buying buzz lighter year merch (but not from the recent buzz movie with the gay blacks)
>no ninja turtles
Wow, no product placement for real toys in a fucking animated movie? Who'd've guessed.
>but Bo continues to be the worst part of it
I feel like they didn't give much thought into her. Was her lamp shown in TS1 or TS2? I didn't know she was supposed to be part of a lamp until the 4th movie lol
>It's also not common knowledge that anything like this existed
Wut. NTA, but seriously, how young are you? Porcelain dolls most certainly weren't a rare thing when I was a kid; they were as common as other dolls, and packing them with things like tea sets and lamps wasn't unusual in the slightest.
The issue here clearly isn't that the concept for Bo Peep is weird in some way, but more that you're clearly too young to remember that dolls like her were very much a real thing and very well known. If you want to talk about impossible toys, you're better off complaining about Buzz - there is literally no way to pack all of his moving gimmicks into a single toy.
The helmet is genuinely the most impossible part. Even if you increased the size of the body to fit all the other stuff in, the helmet has to get bigger along with it, making it more and more unwieldy. The Wings would have to be an entirely separate accessory that attaches to his back and probably made of fabric for it to work.
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It's not that intricate.
Damn, toy story has to be the most soys enduced faggot shit of all time.
The problem here is that Andy poses her in a way that is fucking impossible without neck and elbow joints, something she clearly doesn't have, just check the first two pics in this thread. That's what makes Bo Peep as a toy confusing when compared to the rest.
It's weird you fags put this much thought into a commercial to sell toys and can't see how woke the brand is
>how woke the brand is
The thing only really went woke with the 4th movie. We aren't discussing that (or even the movies in general), we're discussing whether or not Bo Peep was a real toy that could have existed (and the answer is yes: articulated porcelain dolls were a very real thing).
Learn to follow a conversation - and get your head out of politics. It's poison.
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not sure if it comes across, but this is how i've always thought her designed worked
arms and neckline are glued to the shirt without nothing between the arms and neckline connecting them, torso insides are full of cotton, upper body and legs have skeleton that comes out through her neck to attach the head, and attaches to her porcelain shoes. Legs have basic articulation, head can be moved a little, and pants are also full of cotton to give her legs a more shapely look instead of just pants with sticks, shoes and staff attach to the mount somehow.
>Link wearing lipstick
Uh... hotgluesisters??? I feel funny...
>well heck, Sora, you look more feminine than Jesse and Bo combined? You a factory defect? Did they attach you on the wrong body, Son?
noooo, even the porcelain night lights are doing the transparent challenge, nothing is sacred!!
Yet instead of googling it first, you came here and made a thread without actually doing any research. You knee-jerk room temp IQ mutts are the fucking worst.
Still doesn't explain the bullshit elbow movement between the two first pics when there's clearly no elbow joint there and it's not one of the "toys are alive" scenes where they bend however they want, so OP has a point on it making little sense. The guys behind the movie just took some liberties when needed.
Also why do you even care about this thread? You are replying to a ten days old post. Just ignore it as you've been doing for over a week.
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Believe it or not, we didn't use to have plastic to make things out of. Shocking, I know.
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