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Does anyone else wait a bit to open a new figure? If i went and bought something in store, no, but sometimes, I save something to open for a rainy day as a little hit of dopamine. Extends the excitement, i guess. Anyone else do this or am i just bizarre.

Holy fucking zoomie
Lol. Im 30, i just wanted a recognizable image of "opening a toy".
I'll do this when I have a big shipment of toys. Feels satisfying when I open a new figure each day.

Responding like this to OPs totally normal posts only shows you fucking deranged you are you fucking terminally online detritus gobbling keyboard ghoul.
Sometimes I go months or years before opening, I like creating a stockpile and then opening them all at once
Guess I better checker those chunkers I got safely invested in for that sweet sweet sweet Big Bad Toy Store pile of loot swagger kino to ship on out, kek.
yeah, i don't open multiple toys in a single day either.
i still have a boxed carnage that came in weeks ago and i'm just waiting for the perfect time
Especially if i don't have any room (which i don't)
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Americans can't make anything can they? Kek
>Just a chunky little seamonkey, pretty sussy if you ask me
>don't open the figure
>Not checking for QC problems
>When you finally open it you have 2 left feet and the store won't do shit because you waited too long

Ive had wfc jetfire for almost 4 years, still un opened. Ive had black zarak for 2 years, still unopened. Those are the oldest ive got that i intend to open. What am i waiting for? Im waiting till i find my 'home', i do not want to pack them up again.
This happened to me with the Figuarts Hit. I waited a long ass time and its wrists blew up when I swapped the hands twice.
If its any consolation I think thats an issue with a ton of people's Hits. Mine are whitening from minimum use and I've heard stories of people who have them break whilst he's posed up on a shelf without them even touching him
Nigger go back.
Everyone know the OPENINGS IMAGE of any thread is the most important part.
if you post a picture that you know people don’t like, you gonna get a lot of attention, but don’t be surprised if the attention addresses your picture instead of your topic.
Same. I've done it with toys, movies and comics. It's a great way to treat yourself and/or really appreciate the object.
I've a bunch of orders from February and open what I feel like. But I can't decide whether to shelf or store them, because i can't decide which team they should be in
Sounds like your just in it for opening, rather than they toy itself. I like the feeling of opening a new toy too, but that's more of an associated affinity, aka Pavlov effect, rather than "I enjoy this act in and of itself".
It's happened just by timing, I forget when I ordered something and it comes earlier than mentioned. Happened with Figma Kurumi and one of my Megami Device kits I got.
No Open Octoyber

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