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Is it better to stay indoors rather than "touch grass" and be reminded that you're a social outcast?
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>There's just not a damn thing I can do about it.
No? You've said (repeatedly) that women don't like "guys like me" and that your personality is part of the problem.
That last bit, right there, is something you can do something about.
>inb4 but I can't change negative aspects of my personality because I just can't ok??
You can't change your personality. The problem is that fuckers like you think life is some kind of video game where you can just respec your character. Your personality is the accumulation of your upbringing, your experiences, your environment, and yes there's even genetics involved. If you think all of that can be radically altered then you are delusional.
Completely wrong, but cling to your copes if you must.
What I don't get here though is that if your personality is that unchangeably bad then that means you DESERVE all your misfortune, so why are you even complaining about it?
>you deserve misfortune for having a shit start in life
Okay psycho.
Except that's not what I said now is it?
If you're that unlikable (and apparently proud of it), then yes, you deserve not to be liked.

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At what point should I accept that I'm not good enough for a gf? I'm 31 now but I still can't make peace with the fact that I'll never experience a romantic relationship.
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if u're anywhere below 90th percentile in traits that women find attractive, u'll definetely have a very hard time finding a gf.
Instead of pitying yourself and wallowing in your own misery do what you can to change things
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>I still can't make peace with the fact that I'll never experience a romantic relationship.

You made a weird typo there. You obviously meant to write "with the decidion that I'll never...."

It IS your decision.
I have no idea how to fix being introverted, shy and quiet.
>It IS your decision.
What do you mean? I never had a woman interested in me romantically.
>I never had a woman interested in me romantically.
how do you know that?

All my life my values have been a little different from the average person, most social convention is constructed around what the majority of people want. I.e., They expect me to accommodate their values but not they, my own. I have to take the time and effort to perform introspection as to what they want but they never do the same for myself. The way they behave is so entitled, things I put up with on a daily basis will cause them to get pissy and act like they've suffered some injustice, I could never imagine being like that.

Take for instance that I am a final year mechanical engineering student that has just finished his final exam. I had to work very hard and couldn’t contribute the time towards cleaning yet they can’t sympathise with that much. I did extra cleaning at the beginning of last semester to make up for this because I knew I wouldn’t be able to do as much later. I live with 4 other people, one man studying another engineering degree, and 3 other humanities who are all women. The guy is cool, but the women are constantly up my ass about not doing enough cleaning in the flat, leaving dishes by the sink, and being very condescending towards me as if I am incapable of looking after myself.

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Choose to live in society and you have to play your role in the society.

Share a flat with others and you must do your part in its upkeep. If you don't want to, then live by yourself.

(Meanwhile, in the time you took to write your post, you could have done the dishes and cleaned the bathroom.)
>me being busy is their problem?
You not doing your part of the cleaning is their problem.
Take out the trash, this isn't the street you grew up shitting on.

the point was that I am taking out their trash, not my own. You're just a bunch of entitles that think it's fair for me to clean up your mess. You're the one who wants me to clean up after you.
I have explained this twice already, I have finished my degree so now I have time, before I did not. I am speaking past tense.

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I haven't seen a thread like this in a while so I thought that I'd give it a go.

How have you improved yourself this week/month/year? What habits are you trying to foster? What challenges are you facing and trying to overcome? What long-term goals are you hoping to achieve?

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Is there any scientific or biological reason that I become aroused and protective of pregnant women? Also, is there any likelihood that pregnant women feel some sort of biological arousal when alone around me?
>I'm not into pregnant women
>I don't search for pregnant women porn and honestly, I find the bulbous torso a little off-putting
>Like the idea of getting a woman pregnant, but the idea of taking care of a woman carrying a child sounds awful
>However, whenever I'm alone with a pregnant woman, I feel physically aroused and protective
>I am a large, muscular/chubby 6'4" man with a beard.
>There have been times where I've been in the company of pregnant women that I kind of feel like they give me horny vibes
>On a rare occasion in my life, I've had women look at me in that sort of way, and you can just sort of "tell".
The whole reason I ask is that there have been times in my life where I've wondered if there's some biological subconscious part of our brain that wants that. But then also, A couple of days ago I was alone on an elevator with a pregnant woman, we exchanged pleasantries, "Hello, how are you? How's the weather..." But I realized she was staring at me in this aroused sort of way. After I saw her staring she got red in the face. As we were standing there I realized that my floor's button was no longer lit, so I leaned past her to press it and she audibly made this little excited gasp sound. Both of us then stood there awkwardly until we got off the elevator, but I realized that it gave me one of the hardest boners I've had in a long time...

So I'm wondering, is this a natural compulsion for pregnant women/big burly fuckers? Sometimes in life, I wish we had a limited number of "Hold the phone" cards that allowed us to ask people what was going through their heads at a specific moment, without judgement.
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It's pretty obvious most people feel protective of pregnant women.
If people would not feel that way, it's doomsday.
Perhaps you are confused about being something sexual but it's just innate brain structures making you to protect the species.
The same when you see young, broad hip, big boob women, ready to be impregnated. The impulse to creampie them is strong. Nobody planted that into you, you where born with it.
it’s hardwired into male brains. pregnant bitches are hot. pregnant hoes want to fuck. cream pie-ing a pregnant skank and smashing the baby’s soft cranium in is a lot of fun

they can’t be about to pop, but medium preg
Aye lad
why i dont feel that way? i also dont like kids, am i free of the chains of this biological body?

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She basically had a shitfit telling me I need to wear more light-coloured clothes and hoodies lmao. She says I dress like i'm 50 instead of 23.

It is true that I dress very basic - jeans/ joggers and a t-shirts/ sweaters mostly, but her idea of dressing well is wearing some shitty flashy clothing with big logos. She complimented a t-shirt I got from a friend that was basically just a plain white tee with massive writing saying "ADIDAS" across it and said I should get more like it. She also told me to get skinnier jeans. I wear regular straight fit jeans lol.

If I was to dress better (smarter, not like a fucking 16 year old in rainbow-coloured Adidas hoodies) i'd feel uncomfortable because I don't like standing out.
Should I listen to what she's saying or just continue doing what i'm doing?
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>And Make sure your jeans actually fit and are not baggy, dad jeans.
That's what's in now though...?
My life has gotten better since I stopped dressing like a depressed old man. Your mother's fashion advice sounds like not much of an upgrade. I stopped wearing tee shirts entirelt and now only wear collared shirts of different kinds. I look and feel more dressed than most people. My shoe game sucks because my feet are flat.
>I look and feel more dressed than most people
I wouldn't really want that though. I'd feel tryhard. I don't like standing out physically.

>my feet are flat.
lmao same. Are there a certain kind of shoes you have to wear? I had to get orthotics at 18 but they don't really work anymore. Basically any pair of shoes I get are fucked after 2 weeks max.

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I am at a wall here. I've been working nothing but dead-end jobs that haven't led to any qualifications or certifications that are useful for me. Customer service, retail, security, food service and delivery, and I am at my wit's end with the bullshit these jobs bring. My area is poor, and lacks real opportunities. When I try to search for open positions, even outside of my area, I see that most jobs just want someone dropped into their lap knowing everything and being fully certified. Nobody is offering to train you, or help you get certified. Where the hell is the ground floor? It seems as though either you have to put up a ton of money and resources beforehand for a very basic wage, or be stuck in menial without a future. Where the fuck do people even begin? For instance, how do you get a CDL if you don't already own or have access to a commercial vehicle and pay for the training yourself?

On top of that, I really don't have a clue what I'd like to do, or what would be worth doing. I'm not deluded to thinking that more money equals more better in every circumstance; what I value more is gaining skills, experience, certifications, and having a general upward direction. I'd like to become valuable, and I'm willing to put in the work to get there, but aside from maybe taking out debt, I have no idea where to begin or go. When nobody is offering the requisite training to even start, how am I supposed to break into an industry and make myself valuable?

I'm also afraid that my mental and physical state are just shot at this point. After many years of dealing with bullshit, bad companies, bad customers, bad living circumstances, I'm jaded, lazy, weak. I don't want to be this way, I'd like to be a good, reliable, hard worker, and I have been, and I try to be, but it is hard to maintain faith in the benefit of that when the payoff thus far has been minimal. Any time I've stuck my neck out, gone above and beyond, it's only brought more bullshit.

Anons, any advice?
Choose one of the businesses you have experience in. Present yourself in the best possible light and apply for management jobs in similar companies. (For example, a couple of years behind a counter at McDonalds can be packaged in a way to apply for Assistant Manager at a Pizza Hut)

And know this - job listings are wishlists, describing the dream candidate. If he doesn't show up, they will take the best among those who do. In practice, any job asking for 2 or 3 years experience will accept an impressive beginner.
Schools, mostly. CDL, for example, there are training schools specifically for that, community colleges also offer stuff like that. My local cc has CDL courses for 4-5 grand, I think. They provide trucks and everything.
But that of course brings the question of how you afford school. It's a shitty place to be anon and I'm right there with you.
I always assumed management positions required at least management experience if not schooling, is that not the case? I have been overlooking management openings because I assume getting on with a new company with no experience would just be a flat rejection. I'm a bit nervous of being in charge of others, but that would be a path forward for me.
Thanks for the input anon and yeah it's tough getting a break-in to anything worthwhile these days. I have considered trade school but it's like 10k, and I'm not only a little jealous hearing about others that just got a lucky position where they were trained to weld or something and got their certs for free.

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How does one become confident and extroverted at times? I'm kind of introverted right now/shy but mainly resulting from social anxiety. How does one become a Chad?
Practice social interaction with girls and work on yourself.

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How to deal with people constantly talking about you behind your back? How do you live knowing people are always trying to make you a victim?
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Ignore them, they're petty and bored with their lives. They'll never really change even when they say they do.
The Unpleasant Truth

Nobody even thinks about you behind your back.

Everyone has their own lives and problems and no partricular interest in you.
That's not true people talk ahit a out others
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Trying to talk some shit?
Let's talk some shit, bitch.

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Should I settle for my current bf as a 22 year old woman? We have dated for 4 years but I am not physically attracted to him to the point that thinking about him touching me causes extreme anxiety. However, he can provide me with a comfortable life. For reference he is my only boyfriend at this point in my life, I kind of lost feelings for him a year or so ago but I thought it could just be a low period in our relationship but it still persists. I also find myself feeling like spending time with him has become more of a chore. I love and care for him as a person, but I do not know if this is sustainable long term or fair to him. Can you have a relationship without physical attraction?
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Nope you don't have to settle until around 28. That doesn't mean date around and be a whore, but rather date for the purpose of finding the one.
Sounds like depolarization. Based on your story I'm assuming you didn't switch on or off any sort of hormonal birth control? He needs to be more of a man.
>I remember the exact moment. One time he said if I didn't send him nudes more frequently he wanted to consider breaking up with me
Well, it’s not wholly unreasonable, then. It’s probably your subconscious complaining about the lack of trust or something like that.
I’m usually against engaging or breaking a relation on the grounds of attraction because every long term relationship is a game of compromise, but in this case it’s more of a symptom of general dissatisfaction and lack of faith.
Maybe have a serious talk to him before breaking up if you think there’s a chance to relight things but otherwise go for it.
>another woman whores herself out to a complete degenerate and still blames herself
The sexual revolution has been an unmitigated disaster.
He sounds awful desu, he's probably a jerk so you dont wanna touch him, probably nothing to do with physical attraction just repulsive, demanding behavious

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>Parents fought all childhood
>Made me and my siblings childhood hell it was so crazy
>Have mom's phone one day.
>Decide to snoop to put some pieces together
>Find text messages from my dad's phone she took pictures of on her phone
>Dad was texting my brother's at the time gf
>They'd flirt and mock my mother and brother together
>Ask mom about it, coming clean I snooped
>She tells me that my dad attempted to do the same thing with my then gf, who I almost married
>Fortunately she says as far as she knows she never reciprocated
>Doesn't matter as far as me and him goes. The fact that he would if he could is betrayal
>She also told me there was worse between him and brother's gf. Telling her she'd look hot in his wife (my mother's dresses)
>I text my ex gf. Told her I want to get back in touch
>She immediately gives me her phone number
>Excited I go home

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I want to save my dad as a Catholic. I just don't know how. I think I might make an ultimatum of going to church, family counseling, therapy, and quitting drinking or we are done.

If he actually agreed to all that and followed through it would be good.

I feel like such a piece of shit though because now that I know it wasn't MY ex I'm less mad at him. I hate that I feel that way. I should have the same honor toward my brother as I do myself.

If you see this bro (I linked you the thread) I love you. I promise. But you are more forgiving then I. If you aren't as angry as I am maybe I should tone it down just a little too.

But still. Gotta be just a bit angry. Just not nuclear rage anymore.

OP again to my brother.

I wanted to add too that this girl was just a girl you weren't super serious about. So there was less investment. This girl was the closest thing in my life you have to say how you'd feel if it was your ex wife. You might be skeptical but with the bipolar love and the fact that I saw myself living the rest of my life with this woman at the time it's probably true.
This is obviously not real.
You jumped from your mom and dad fighting throughout your childhood to you finding the reason when snooping on her phone as an adult
It's an illogical way to frame the story. If this were real, you wouldn't begin with your parents fighting throughout your childhood, which is an irrelevant unrelated detail when the actual issue is this significant

Other anon's bullshit detector rightfully fired and you write fanfic elsewhere
What leads you to believe that seeking revenge and causing harm to someone is the morally correct thing to do?
Dude, the fact that you're imposing your own neurotic, hate-filled, and paranoid worldview on a complete stranger is fucked up. I actually do wish you would get cheated on.

You should really just focus on taking care of yourself and prioritize your own well-being. Take time to process your emotions and consider seeking support from trusted friends, family, or a therapist. When you feel ready, having open and honest discussions with your dad and ex-girlfriend about how their actions have impacted you can be beneficial. Setting clear boundaries and expressing your feelings calmly and assertively can help foster understanding and potentially lead to resolution. Remember, you deserve support and understanding as you navigate through these difficult emotions.

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I’m just here to share my life story because I’ve accumulated this and now I just want to die. I am an older brother and I have a younger brother. We have always been inseparable, especially after we lost our mother 5 years ago. Our father, struggling with his grief, drowned himself in bottles and gambling. The only thing I could do was start working at the age of 16 and start providing us with food and buying the most necessary things for home. We were left with ourselves, trying to survive this pain and cope with the new reality. I just didn’t understand how to help my father, and I felt sorry for him because he is my father, he constantly insulted us and beat us to a terrible state. Every day became harder because we knew that no one else would take care of us.

Later, my brother fell ill and was diagnosed with cancer, and treatment required huge amounts of money, which we did not have. I promised myself that I would find a way to save my brother, even if it meant selling everything. I understood that only I could take care of my brother and started selling whatever I could and worked 3 jobs and I saved up around $11,000 in 1.5 years. I literally had $4,000 left for my brother to have the operation, and I could pay the rest later myself. And my father began to drink more and gamble, I began to hate him because even when my little brother needed help the most. Later I found out that this idiot lost his car and was also stuck for $9,000, he ransacked the whole house when we were not there and found where I kept the money. He spent all the money to pay off debts and continue drinking, which I saved for treatment, and this bastard didn’t even tell me about it until I found out myself. I just beat him to death for this and almost killed him, and I just cried after all this on the street and now I don’t even know how to look my brother in the face. I collected my last $200, which this asshole didn’t have time to spend, and left home.

My telegram: Tsundur
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I read this same story like last week or two weeks ago. Except it didn’t have the telegram at the bottom. Fuck off.
Depends on your country. In some cases you can enforce a guardianship over someone who has spending issues and/or substance abuse. But you’re gonna need lawyers and it might take a few months. And selling the house is usually a no-no.
I mean, losers lose. If you send money over the internet over something like this you deserve to get scammed.
How can I sell my several organs? You don't know how to do this or can you help me with this?
People who buy organs like that usually do so in Bangladesh or some other country they can get them for dirt cheap. No idea where or even if it would be enough to pay for your expenses. Or if the guys would even pay you considering your desperate situation.

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Why do some women get mad when you wanna hookup? This fat white girl just started insulting me. "You can't talk to a woman this way" kind of bullshit. So i hit on a skinny short latina and she came to my place.
Flee from fornication. The book said "flee" so if you are in the same vicinity, you position yourself AWAY from the situation. When it is a yes, you say "Yes to running!" and get going no questions asked. ASKING is crazy.
Women are really weird. Just because you want to fuck them, they expect you to be polite.
>fat white girl
projecting insecurity, she knows you're out of her league so she thinks you're just using her.

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>26, too old for the "I don't know what I want to do with my life" crap
>Useless degree
>Enlisted in the US military in a job I hate
>Jaded by the atrocious dating scene in my current location to the point where I don't even want a gf or a family anymore
>Applying to be a pilot, already got rejected once last year
If I get rejected again, what can I do to unfuck my life? I feel like I'm grasping at the last straws of hope for a life that doesn't make me want to jump off a bridge.
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God wants to make a point.
I don’t even know why I visit this site anymore. Larpers, bots, shills, and toxic terrible people.

Anyway, try again with the pilot thing. All you can do is try to solve the puzzle. This can take time so be patient with the process but also don’t waste time. All the best anon.
Play video games, read a book smoke weed take benzos there are tons of ways to spend your time. If you need a real purpose in life read about, religion philosophy, history maybe learn an instrument. etc. Or go to university and learn something else.
>wants to be a pilot
Tons of pilots are prior enlisted, are you high?

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Is it possible to get these pit stains out of this shirt?
Oxygen bleach/sodium percarbonate. Soak.
Nope. The salt in your sweat has bleached the fabric.
What you can do is re-dye the fabric with new colour. You probably won't get exactly the same colour out.
Buy a new shirt. They're like $10
I'll never understand people maintaining clothes
Don't buy expensive shit. Clothes are cheap to make. Brands are for retards. Buy cheap clothes that fit and look good, anything else and you're a sucker

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