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>be me
>volcel the last two years
>life went so fucked I ended up in rehab
>now feel well and want to be better
>forgave my past and everyone who ever hurt me
>understood nobody is perfect and they don't know how to live either
>"I want to improve myself, I want to do my best and die in peace"
>realize I want a girlfriend to do simple things with
>acepted I am a classic romantic one and don't want to ignore that fact anymore
>actually once had a girl in my life who showed me that love is real
>need that feel again, know it would be a great boost
>feel so calm, life's so good
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I'm sure love is real, I just don't think I'll ever experience it
Love has a way of finding you out of the blue; I wasn't trying to meet the love of my life it just kinda happened. One single tinder date, my only one, was all it took. Both of us successfully failed at hookup culture.

>I honestly hope you maintain the happiness as long as possible.
Beleive me, it does take maintenance. Love can be found and stoked, but it NEEDS maintenance to flourish. Concessions, hard conversations, compromise and co-operation, it's a lot of work making something so natural go smoothly. Compatibility with likes and interests is nice and all, but a shared outlook on life and similar morals are what can really make or break a relationship.

If you find a girl you like but have nothing in common with, take initiative! Let her teach you, let her tell you all about everything she loves and help you love it with her. Share those intimate parts of yourself and encourage her to do the same, you'll find common ground quicker than you'd think.

>good to hear someone is having what I imagined exists.
You'll get there man. Kindness has a way of finding its way back to you.
I thought so but I realized we were both broken and hurt and hurting each other. If that’s love I could do without it
Non-virgin women are incapable of love and I'm too old to find a virgin
Sorry. I meant "other things that get you going" like the 500 hours you have on Apex that gets you so hyped up, you know?

Why isn't male sexual abuse taken as seriously?
not enough equality
Because of our culture that defines male sexual exploits as a symbol of power and strength.
because when a woman gropes you there are so many things you can do... you can punch it in the tits, you can scream heil hitler, etc they are never really in control of the situation

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how do you spend your weekends?

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> Have been trying to get a very niche job role In the military for nearly 8 years, there are literally 2 positions in the entire country.
> Job finally comes up but there is an issue with my application and for some reason this causes an argument with my mother when I ask her about it. Didn't get he job because of it.
> Cut to yesterday. Mum rings me out of nowhere.
> "Oh hey anon. That kid who made your life a living hell in high school and punched you in the face repeatedly got the job you were applying for. Theyre standards are not that high. You should apply again".

Why the fuck would she tell me this?

I don't even have a Facebook page and have told her repeatedly over the past decade not to bring this stuff up from high school again. I didnt even know the first thing about this person as an adult. I'm mortified but mostly at my mother's gossiping.

Did she do this on purpose?
"Man, that guy from high school probably had better mom than I do, she raised him to be a man. It's okay mom, not every woman is capable of being a mother. But it's really unfortunate I had to face the consequences of your lack of support. I should've been orphan, probably could've raised myself better lol"

Sit back and watch the crocodile tears and fireworks.
"This person you think poorly of can do it so you definitely can". She thought she was giving you a compliment.
You can't even explain she's done something wrong without her having an outburst. This would probably end our relationship.

That's completely retarded though. I actually don't think poorly of anyone. I've tried very hard to move on from that period in my life and just put it in the past. She thinks poorly of these people and from what i can tell was looking for an opportunity to talk shit about someone else and drag me down with her. I don't care about the job as much as I care about her bringing something up I would clearly be uncomfortable with for an 5 second dopamine hit from gossiping.
She may have done something dumb but it clearly wasn't malicious. People make mistakes.

Get over it.

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I got married to a guy I met online last year and he’s wonderful but autistic and offers 0 emotional support
I swore off of women to try the straight and narrow. I have lost all my friends and am living in a new place where I have no friends or family locally, I am 100% alone outside of him

We recently conceived and realized we weren’t ready, but I miscarried at 7 weeks. I’m out of tears to cry and can’t process anymore

I thought I was lesbian before we met, he knew this marrying me. I gave full disclosure. im feeling like im still a lesbian after the dust has settled. I miss pussy so much.
I’m stuck between getting it on the side and staying in the marriage or admitting this to him and letting him rule me with an iron fist. I value my autonomy but I do not trust myself to not chase after women on the side so I stay sane. I feel so alone and I miss women. I’ve told him I need communication and he gives me nothing, I try to start dialogue, but after the miscarriage I’ve been so depressed and suicidal that I give up. I’m done trying for now

He’s wanted me to sleep with other men but I can only stomach him in terms of sex with men. But I am struggling to want to have male sex at all due to the miscarriage. He gets nothing from watching me sleep with women but they’re all im attracted to.
Is it really that bad to have lesbian affairs? Plz help.

Before anyone suggests, yes I am in therapy doing IFS + EMDR and im on psych meds for my slew of issues. I’ve been put on more meds bc of how severe my depression has gotten after losing the baby. No I do not have bpd
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It’s been about a year and nothing. Not helpful. IFS has helped a lot
The way women smile and laugh is really intoxicating
Ohh I don't have a wife no. And I don't want to post in pol. Never actually been on there, since that is too much 4chan for me. Too cancerous without being helpful. Only visit advice. That is kind of a long shot to assume it is him. Would also doubt the guy would like to separate from his wife. Even said in previous replies that it would never work. Now how does that make sense cutie?
If you've been doing EMDR for an ENTIRE YEAR lmao then you should find a new therapist and start over. I'm glad IFS is working but it should be supplementary while EMDR is your base imo
Rent a cabin in the woods, you can clearly afford it. Spend time away from all distractions and write a book. You clearly have a story, and your understanding of linguistic aesthetics seems pretty good. And most importantly don't forget to leave your soulless husband before all of this.

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So this thread, right?

This thread

This thread right here



For stuff
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Women will use men because they know they can. Hold them accountable for it and they’ll stare at you blankly like you’re being unreasonable. It’s like asking a scorpion why it’s stung the frog that was carrying it across the river. Because it’s in their nature
Not being able to move or having my neck stuck in a certain position or constantly struggling to get somewhere while my body doesn't cooperate and my progress gets reset is a really common theme in my dreams, and it's usually nothing more than sort of uncomfortable and maybe makes me feel tiresome upon awaking at worst, but there was one time where I was stuck in a chair, and it was dark and I couldn't move my head far enough back to see the entirety of the shadowy figure with pure white eyes that was behind me
My other most common dream is waking up, but my room looks a bit weird because I'm still dreaming, and eventually I notice and wake up again and this happens a couple more times until I actually wake up.
If they fired you, you should be able to file for Unemployment.
I vaguely remember waking up screaming some time during my binge that lead to the ER visit. Think I was hit by a train. Nothing terribly interesting.

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I finally got a girlfriend at age 29. Got to admit, I made a lot of doomer and blackpill posts here. Made a lot of angry posts. I thought I was for sure never going to make it. But then I just went out for a hinge date (number 605, I was actually recording stats) and miraculously a girl likes me who I actually like, for the first time in my life. So how about that. I used to think that I was going to have to figure out what to do differently or where to move, like anything to change my success rate, but in the end I didn't even do anything. Just met a girl who happens to be perfect, and when I'm with her everything works like the way I always imagined it should.
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I'm ugly and autistic
Crabs incoming.
Thread too Drakey ew ew ew Jesus Christ could never ever
>so almost every fat person out there is dating
at least 40%*
actually 57.1% i made a mistake

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I’m a 28 year old firefighter. My gf is 26, she’s a nurse. We’ve had some issues prior because my libido is higher. Ultimately I decided to just stop whining and jerk off before bed or run more. Thing is, now I’m starting to have episodes where I’m restless in bed and it’s waking her up. Originally she said she didn’t want to fuck me beacuse she didn’t want to feel like “an object or tool for you to use when you’re stressed or need to rest”. Now, she’s saying she’d rather fuck me than have me keep her up. I’m autistic so this kinda doesn’t make sense to me, why was it bad for me to ask when I needed a shag to sleep but now it’s fine when she’s loosing sleep over it? I don’t know bros. I’m used to staying up so I’m not really bothered. Been overall just doing my thing. Anyway, some solutions I figured are sleeping on the floor or zapping my libido with an SSRI. Any other actionable solutions? Don’t suggest divorce or whatever, too expensive. Thanks
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youre getting cucked
>My gf is a nurse
my condolences
Sorry, I don't take advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between your and you're
You were only jealous because you can’t let yourself be vulnerable like that with anyone and it makes you irrationally upset.

I think a relationship should be mutually tender and caring.
This is sweet and cute, this is precious and ideal and is a moment of this man showing care and women become more high pitched when experiencing attraction. There’s a silliness that expresses wonder and joy at such a simple action of care.

The idea of needing to be hyper-serious and overly mature for adults is retarded. Being playful and silly and indulging in mutual care is sweet. Look at any old couple that enjoys being together after 50 years, they have great senses of humor and vulnerability between one another and do silly things that last a lifetime.
Most stable answer in the room.

She’s probably feeling ashamed she can’t provide you with what you need due to her emotional insecurity. She may feel unsafe to be vulnerable with you. The repeated inability she felt to have sex and your responses lead me to believe you were very strong with your requests. That’s why she said she doesn’t want to just be an object for your desires.

Take her out for an adventure she’s never done, but has always wanted to do. Look at her interests and hobbies and actively seek out her as a person. Don’t expect sex during this time. She will want to have sex with you, naturally, when you treat her like a person more than just your wife.

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>The idea of needing to be hyper-serious and overly mature for adults is retarded. Being playful and silly and indulging in mutual care is sweet. Look at any old couple that enjoys being together after 50 years, they have great senses of humor and vulnerability between one another and do silly things that last a lifetime.
i wasn't complaining i like being silly/goofy with her we have fun batnz. and it's really cute when she gets all high pitched. we had a fight and i didn't see her this weekend and i missed her a lot.

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Living in a walkup in Tribeca and ive had the exterminators in twice. It's a shitty student size pad just for while I finish my degree. The roaches just keep coming back in small numbers no matter what. Most of the people in the building have them too and have stopped giving a fuck. This filmschool jackass was just like "welcome to NY" when I expressed how stressed I was about roach infestations.

Should I just resign myself to the fact that they're living in my walls? I try to keep the place as tidy as possible but I still get them maybe twice a week. I'm basically the guy in Joes apartment for real.
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5/7 places I've lived in NYC had some combination of roaches, mice, or bed bugs. landlords are obligated to make an attempt to get rid of them, like getting pest control come by once each year. but that's usually not enough because the buildings are so close together, you get re-infestation pretty quickly. the best you can do is set roach traps everywhere. there are some poison treatment that they'll eat and take back to the nest causing the others to die as well. do try to get the landlord to bring in pest control if they're not already doing so
>"welcome to NY"
sadly this is how it goes
You're never going to get rid of them because while you are apartment may be clean other places nearby aren't.
If your neighbors have them, you have them. Always. The best you can do is caulk all cracks and crevices in your home, keep it clean and food packed away, and use bait traps like roach motels and the gel to keep them in check. You could consult your local laws regarding tenancy and contact a local tenant advocate board if they're legally required to address those kinds of pests, but most municipalities only regulate actually dangerous pests, where roaches and even bed bugs just don't qualify. Slumlords gonna slum. They know you don't have better options, so they don't care.
>Most of the people in the building have them too and have stopped giving a fuck.
they're bugmen
Manhattan has roaches. That's life. Trump Tower has roaches. You can keep killing gthem, but they are no respecters of doorways, and if they're anywhere in the building, they'll quickly be everywhere in the building.

Enjoy living in Tribeca instead of some midwest state college dorm, an accept what goes with it.

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Git gud nigger

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How do I stop my butt from leaking?

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>Parents fought all childhood
>Made me and my siblings childhood hell it was so crazy
>Have mom's phone one day.
>Decide to snoop to put some pieces together
>Find text messages from my dad's phone she took pictures of on her phone
>Dad was texting my brother's at the time gf
>They'd flirt and mock my mother and brother together
>Ask mom about it, coming clean I snooped
>She tells me that my dad attempted to do the same thing with my then gf, who I almost married
>Fortunately she says as far as she knows she never reciprocated
>Doesn't matter as far as me and him goes. The fact that he would if he could is betrayal
>She also told me there was worse between him and brother's gf. Telling her she'd look hot in his wife (my mother's dresses)
>I text my ex gf. Told her I want to get back in touch
>She immediately gives me her phone number
>Excited I go home

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You’re really going to blame your mom? Your father is to blame entirely. And according to you, your mother wasn’t lying. I’ll remind you:

>Fortunately she says as far as she knows she never reciprocated.

And look at that, your ex-gf says nothing happened. Aka. She never reciprocated.

How does this make your mother a liar? Do you think your dad didn’t try to hit up your girlfriend? He already proved there is no boundary sacred enough to respect, he fucked your brother’s gf. That means he’d gladly have fucked yours, and most likely tried, but your mom and gf already said it wasn’t reciprocated.

Also, don’t think your ex-gf won’t lie to protect herself. She’s not going to say “yeah, your father tried to fuck me” to your face. Because she will worry about how the drama will affect her life, and even your life. So it wouldn’t surprise me if she tries to protect your sanity by telling you he didn’t try.

The common denominator in all of this is your father. So blame him.

Yeah. She did say I shouldn't blame my mother because my mom is a really sweet person but that I should cut my dad out of my life. Said "she was just hurt". So you are probably right there.

Between my mother and her though at least some of my fears are resolved.
you're a faggot piece of shit and you deserve to burn in hell just as much as his dad. Parents don't get unconditional love, and the people that think that are narcissists who afraid of the jig being up.

I want to save my dad as a Catholic. I just don't know how. I think I might make an ultimatum of going to church, family counseling, therapy, and quitting drinking or we are done.

If he actually agreed to all that and followed through it would be good.

I feel like such a piece of shit though because now that I know it wasn't MY ex I'm less mad at him. I hate that I feel that way. I should have the same honor toward my brother as I do myself.

If you see this bro (I linked you the thread) I love you. I promise. But you are more forgiving then I. If you aren't as angry as I am maybe I should tone it down just a little too.

But still. Gotta be just a bit angry. Just not nuclear rage anymore.

OP again to my brother.

I wanted to add too that this girl was just a girl you weren't super serious about. So there was less investment. This girl was the closest thing in my life you have to say how you'd feel if it was your ex wife. You might be skeptical but with the bipolar love and the fact that I saw myself living the rest of my life with this woman at the time it's probably true.

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How do I find a woman that looks like this? It's a specific style of makeup or something. I've only seen one girl that looks remotely like this irl.
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You get a girl who could look like this to want your validation then get her to wear makeup like this
So then i have a follow up question. How do I get my girlfriend to wear her makeup like this?
say she looks fat in her current makeup
I don't think that'd work too well lol
Maybe I could just buy the makeup for her and act like it's a present but then I'd have to know the type of makeup and shit these women use

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>go to club
>see girl eyeing me
>approach her
>we dance and drink and end up going back to her hotel room
>we get into bed
>she tells me I can take my clothes off (in a non-sexual way imo)
>I do
>she asks if she can put her hand on my chest
>I say ok
>she does for a little while
>we go to sleep
>she ghosts me the next day

Was the sex supposed to happen then? I didn’t get any indicators she wanted to fuck. We didn’t even kiss much. we made out for a bit at the club but she pulled away after a few seconds each time.

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Shelter her... in her hotel room?

I need advice. I'll be going on a solo holiday again soon and I don't want this to happen again.


It was a nightclub. everyone does that there.
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girls don't want relationships they want chad to fuck her and they want chuds to pay her money it's CURRENT YEAR I thought you guys knew this already
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Keep coping pajeet lmao, women literally fuck dogs and niggers. They have almost 0 standards for what goes inside their holes.
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I love you anon
She was coping with something else, you were just her cope for the night
She didn't want to have sex, she wanted company
The next day she talked to her friend how she "spent the night with some random" and then they proceeded to talk about the guy that really fucked her up

You were a random dude
She thought you were attractive but that's it
Nothing personal and you did everything right. Problem was perhaps that you let someone waste your time but you couldn't have known. You thought you'd get sex, and she wasn't intending on giving you sex. You did everything right, got used emotionally by someone, and you must learn
Next time, if she pulls away while kissing, you ask why. You don't let yourself get played like that from the start

I suffered something even more confusing. I unknowingly seduced a girl and then accidentally didn't seduce her for 3 seconds and she completely ghosted me. I have no idea what I did to seduce her, and I just couldn't do it again, and it's fucked me up because I can't talk to her anymore
I'm disoriented. I don't know how to seduce girls anymore and I'm confused

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19M, I've been on 4chan for around a year browsing this board +/pol, /biz, /fit I have become completely addicted to this website, I browse this website for hours and constantly keep multiple threads open to later read. Aside from my 4chan addiction I do these things

> Procrastinate

> Addicted to junk food/eating out ever since I got this new job at work I tend to eat at plaza down the street ( sonic or five guys) yes I know horrible choices, but even then when I'm not at work I get the urge to get up and drive down to sonic to buy food, I have the urge right now ffs

> Waste too much on my phone ex. listening to music, podcast, Instagram, youtube I know It sounds retarded but I just keep on doing it. So far I've deleted all my social media apps except for youtube

> Also major porn addiction for 6+ years now

How do I fix myself? What drastic measures should I take? ( No meds or therapy bs plz)

Days and weeks go by and I don't accomplish any of my goals ( gym, guitar, studying)

I want to cultivate self discipline I want to get rid of these shit habits and stop being a lazy fuck
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>No meds or therapy bs plz)
Sorry bud but it ain't gonna work without that. If you don't want meds try taking supplements like magnesium, zinc vitamin b, complex, vitamin c, lithium orotate etc, they all aid in the formation of neurotransmitters and can potentially fix underlying neurotransmitters deficiencies you might have.
Trust me I tried it a thousand times to implement 'drastic measures' but it doesn't work if you have adhd.
Fuck I was trying to avoid using meds, Im planning on enlisting soon and I’m pretty sure those will disqualify me. Any way to get those meds illegally?
You can get anything you want illegally, in the darknet. But I'm not too familiar maybe download tor browser and look on hidden wiki, stores should be enlisted there. But you will need bitcoin for that. It's all a whole procedure. Maybe ask a friend if he can go larp to a doctor who prescribes him Adderall and or Ritalin try both of them as they can have different effects. But first try vitamins, zinc magnesium, b complex etc. and see how far you get with that. Enlisted in the military? Try calling them anonymily and ask about the adhd thing to make sure.
You can still do all those things, your problem is you prioritize that over the shit you have to get done.
Create a reward system like in a video game, complete task a to get reward b.
Spend the next 5 years locked in and learning and leave the rest to God, the rest, everything. Career, future, family, your entire body, your entire thoughts, your entire feeling because you could be feeling anything else. Not enough guys yet who are open about avoiding online negativity so get ready if the responsibility falls to you. Seriously, horrible spirits are wanting to know everything that you do, checking up on you and yum yum instant energy drain.
When they said "Give your life to Jesus Christ", this is what it actually means.

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