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All my life, I've pretty much been isolated from my peers. At home, at work, in my neigborhood, all of people decades older than me. I don't have a problem being around older people, but it's all I really have, and it's not really healthy for someone to grow up with no peers.

So I've tried getting the older people in my life to set me up with their relatives that are close in age. No one ever offers to set me up, and when I ask, nothing ever comes of it.

I'm looking for a group of peers close in age to learn, grow, hang out, party, date, and experience things for the first time with. I've lived a pretty lonely life devoid of any fun. I tried reaching out to my family, teachers, school counselors, etc. when I was in my teens, but they did nothing to help, just threw out generic empty platitudes and eventually got tired of dealing with me, so I just stopped trying to ask them for help. I've tried therapy and reaching out to coworkers as an adult, but again, they did nothing, just put me on pills that killed my ability to feel anything, didn't actually help. I missed a lot of learning and growing experiences.

I've pretty much missed out on 30 years of socializing and fun. The pandemic didn't help matters.

The few people my age I do see already have a friend group, significant other, or family, and aren't looking to add anyone new to their life.

I'm managing the physical and mental symptoms (chest pain and tightness, inflammation brain fog, sleep deprivation) of this pretty well with medication, but it can only do so much. I refuse to let it keep me down, and still go out of my way to be kind to everyone. But every day I feel doubt about how much longer I can really keep this up.

Now that I've laid out my story in detail, where do you guys think would be a good place to meet people (preferably not a bar since I've tried those) and hopefully have fun for the first time in my life?
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And diagnoses.
29, male, in good shape. I have normal blood pressure and no medical conditions. I'm physically very healthy according to my doctor.

I have no mental problems either. I got myself evaluated recently, and they found nothing wrong with my mind.
Thank you for the information. You say:

>I'm managing the physical and mental symptoms (chest pain and tightness, inflammation brain fog, sleep deprivation) of this pretty well with medication, but it can only do so much.

What is that all about? What is the medication for and what has the doctor found as a cause of your brain fog?
I take OTC pain relievers and allergy pills, that's it. The pain is manageable with ibuprofen and occasionally acetaminophen. I've also had really bad allergic rhinitis my whole life and take medication for that.
>I take OTC pain relievers and allergy pills, that's it. The pain is manageable with ibuprofen and occasionally acetaminophen. I've also had really bad allergic rhinitis my whole life and take medication for that.
Thanks for the info.

I'm still wondering about the "brain fog" which sounds concerning.

Master a musical instrument or singing and join a band or form your own. You will meet a ton of people around your age.

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Some months ago during a discussion with I friend via Linkedin chat, I used the words tactics and strategy as synonymous. He told me they are REALLY different words, I answered for me no and in some context they can be treated as synonymous. Also, I humbly asked him to explain to me the difference, by the way without getting an immediate and clear reply (in my opinion).

After that moment he told to a common friend and his girlfriend this fact and they start joking on me.

The joke is really repetitive and forced into our conversations: they say the words strategy - tactics - apple cake as synonymous.

Even if this is not a big deal, this situation hurts me because as I already said, is repetitive and forced on a very little thing.

I said that I don't like this situation, but they keep going.

We are adults, 35 - 55.

Am I too sensitive or I am a big ignorant? We talk in italian.
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This nigga talks with his friends on LinkedIn
ya this is 100% a case of
>bite your lip the first time because you deserve to be ridiculed for saying something so stupid
>Punch him if it ever comes again
you showed you won't object so now you're a lil cuck
You don’t need to like it but OP is right. Common usage defines definitions. I agree with OP and so do many others, therefore, his definitions are acceptable.
They sound autistic as fuck. I guess it could be amusing once, but it's a lame in-joke

Are creative hobbies (drawing, writing, videography, gamedev etc) supposed to be actively fun? like, while you're doing them?

I'm apparently very good at sketching and writing (they're my only real 'skills', I have literally nothing else going for me) but they are absolute chores and I can only do them if I zone in on them for hours through sheer discipline

My ego likes the idea of 'making something'; justifying my existence, making my friends/family proud of me instead of politely disappointed; but the only part of creativity that brings me joy is people complimenting it when I'm done

Is this normal? are there solutions to this? I've tried drugs, but even when I'm teethgrindingly high on stimulants I'd still rather be playing video games or watching youtube all day
create a tulpa of yourself and please him like it's someone else

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Is there any scientific or biological reason that I become aroused and protective of pregnant women? Also, is there any likelihood that pregnant women feel some sort of biological arousal when alone around me?
>I'm not into pregnant women
>I don't search for pregnant women porn and honestly, I find the bulbous torso a little off-putting
>Like the idea of getting a woman pregnant, but the idea of taking care of a woman carrying a child sounds awful
>However, whenever I'm alone with a pregnant woman, I feel physically aroused and protective
>I am a large, muscular/chubby 6'4" man with a beard.
>There have been times where I've been in the company of pregnant women that I kind of feel like they give me horny vibes
>On a rare occasion in my life, I've had women look at me in that sort of way, and you can just sort of "tell".
The whole reason I ask is that there have been times in my life where I've wondered if there's some biological subconscious part of our brain that wants that. But then also, A couple of days ago I was alone on an elevator with a pregnant woman, we exchanged pleasantries, "Hello, how are you? How's the weather..." But I realized she was staring at me in this aroused sort of way. After I saw her staring she got red in the face. As we were standing there I realized that my floor's button was no longer lit, so I leaned past her to press it and she audibly made this little excited gasp sound. Both of us then stood there awkwardly until we got off the elevator, but I realized that it gave me one of the hardest boners I've had in a long time...

So I'm wondering, is this a natural compulsion for pregnant women/big burly fuckers? Sometimes in life, I wish we had a limited number of "Hold the phone" cards that allowed us to ask people what was going through their heads at a specific moment, without judgement.
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I was in a hostel chatting with a guy who told me that he supported his friend (roommate) who'd become a single mother. He was there holding her hand while she gave birth, and when the baby popped out it was like his entire world changed with an aura of responsibility.
We're still tribal creatures at heart, and that's kinda cool, and pregnancy is a huge investment for all.

>limited number of "Hold the phone" cards
they're actually unlimited anon, because even in these scenarios, everybody always loves talking about themselves
It's pretty obvious most people feel protective of pregnant women.
If people would not feel that way, it's doomsday.
Perhaps you are confused about being something sexual but it's just innate brain structures making you to protect the species.
The same when you see young, broad hip, big boob women, ready to be impregnated. The impulse to creampie them is strong. Nobody planted that into you, you where born with it.
it’s hardwired into male brains. pregnant bitches are hot. pregnant hoes want to fuck. cream pie-ing a pregnant skank and smashing the baby’s soft cranium in is a lot of fun

they can’t be about to pop, but medium preg
Aye lad
why i dont feel that way? i also dont like kids, am i free of the chains of this biological body?

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The only way I can get enjoyment out of this world is when I am naive and innocent like a child. But this gets me hurt and taken advantage of.

When I act like an adult that's hyper vigilant and constantly assessing threats and social value. I don't feel happy at all. But I don't get shit from anyone.

I don't know what to do with this information. You lose no matter what you do.

pic is a cliche but relevant I guess
Welcome to growing up
You sound like an underage school girl with a sassy attitude. What is your question? The answer is pretty simple: grow up you're not that important.

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Hello, frens. I'm so depressed rn. Been trying to get a job but no character references and last job was more than 10 years ago and everyone is looking for young people to hire. I was hopeful a few months ago that after online study to update my programming skills and getting certified I might get a job but now they're saying AI will wipe out the need for human programmers.
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Try going for manual qa jobs. Tell them that you've been working at a call center as tech support for several years (use the name of one of the ones that didn't call you back), and before that you worked at a different call center. You don't have reference from your current work place because you don't want them to know you're looking for a new job, and you haven't kept references from the last job because it's been so long and you didn't really think you needed it because it was just call center work.
You've never worked at programming, only tech support and similar low level jobs. The reason you never strived for more was because you inherited the house you live in and besides that your bills were low enough that even call center work was enough to live comfortably. At some point you've decided you've had enough of call centers or just became interested in getting into a more technical field, or experienced financial pressure due to some acceptable reason, and decided to get programming certification. When you finished getting your cert, the field was flooded due to the reasons you listed, and now you're looking to get your foot in the door through a job that fits the transerable skills you've developed from tech support.
If you're appling to call centers instead, it's pretty much the same, but say that you've worked at manual labor up to now and it's started to take a toll on your body so you're looking for office work.
Alternatively you can get your friends to pretend to be references, but that's only if you're willing to take your lies a but farther.
Thank you very much, kind anon.
Touch grass.
You have no future. Kill yourself.
>I’m literally on easy mode

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>burnout laborer for the past few years
>hardly have progressed, stuck bouncing between small contractors, area is mainly full of old boomers who gatekept shit early on when I started, which lead to a lot of “you’ve been in this field for this long and don’t know shit” later on

I am destroying my body for Pennys at this point like a dirty ass whore. I wanna make some real money. All the guys in these small contractor jobs are the same. I don’t wanna be in that type of environment. I’ve had some ideas

But I have no sales experience. Brother is a genius salesman. Made $100k selling phones a few years back. Now works for some landscaping company on sales. Doesn’t seem hard, but idk where to start. Would like to get into construction sales

Again, do not know where to start. Seems boring and kind of hard to get into. The jobs seem to go between making shit piss entry level wages, to being moderately good.

Anybody have experience in these fields or got a better idea then getting paid dog shit to break my back?
>a better idea then getting paid dog shit to break my back?
Do you have any certification? You will need something in order to get a decent job: truck driver, crane operator. Or consider the military.

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Most people from my childhood are dead (anyone who might’ve loved me ever), my remaining grandparents are unwell or just depressing to be around because it makes me think of how soon I’ll die too, my moms health is getting worse, I have literally no one, my life is shit, can’t afford therapy and don’t see myself ever being happy

Nearly 30 years old and a woman

I still feel like I’m 12 and just want to go back to being a child, i think bringing people onto earth is cruel

I have zero desire to face the adult corporate world, I have zero ability to understand or like others (most other people, especially women)

Need advice
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>I don’t think anyone could genuinely want to be friends with me
Correct. The friends you are about to make are just 'anyone'. More than be with you, they will consider and act on behalf of your wellbeing.

Disposition and outlook in life is contageous. What these caring people have to impart to you may not just help you stand - it may help you fly.
The friends you are about to make are not just 'anyone'*
Yeah well most guys want kids so why would anyone be my boyfriend? Plus most guys want their women to work and have a good job
I don’t wanna be a groupie or sister wive

Where do I get me one of those?
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>Where do I get me one of those?
Be with.

>have zero ability to understand or like others (most other people, especially women)
Zero could be bulit up, and I am almost completely certain that it is worth bulding.

There is only so much range that could be covered within the reach of our appendages and energy to exhaust.

They say to run away from a fight, but what if they're taller than you with longer and faster legs? What then??
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then you do a Belgian tackle, where you grab around their shins and flip them upside down. after that you should get a head start in running or whatever you like
learn to sprint
Before you ever get in a fight , you should get your conditioning in order , be able to do 10-15K for a stamina base and do that twice a week for a month and then start bulking a bit for a sprint training and just focus on nothing greater than a mile (realistically you'll never have to run further than this in one go unless this is the sarengeti that your attacker is pursuing you on)
and in both these phases , nail your running technique and also focus on knees over toes , whats gonna get you is not always some straight , its some bad angle and a sharp turn and you twisted your angle

kneesovertoesguy covers a lot of this but so does many rehab therapy channels on YT
>they're taller than you with longer and faster legs?

most of these guys unless athletes themselves are not in top condition either - especially if they got some fat on them , they can gas out pretty quick. If you are running from military level guys and pro athletes - make better choices in life, don't even get into those situations.

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I know eating disorders are for fags and females but I’m pretty sure I have one. For some reason I find eating repulsive to the point where I can barely force myself to do it in social situations when I need to, but when I’m alone I just don’t do it except for a couple times a week when I make a smoothie of some fruits and protein stuff so I don’t die.

I don’t really care about how I look, or being skinny or healthy or any of that stuff, I just find eating, and food itself, really disgusting.

How do I fix this?
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How much can you bench? What is your height and weight?
last time I bench pressed I was like 16, but it was around 60-70kg I think. 185cm tall but I have no idea what my weight is, I’m lean though
Pick it up again.
specifically bench pressing? I already am active and work out with15kg dumbbells and calisthenics, no sense in spending money to get access to bech press equipment
You would have starved as a baby. Maybe some issue with boob milk.

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How do I make loudest farts as humanly possible? Is there some sort of specific diet required? I tried eating beans and onions a lot for past 2 weeks I do fart more often but it is nothing, barely audible most of the time. Do you need good genetics for your guts and ass to make loudest farts or something? Or do you need to stress your ass muscles in some specific way? Also can you fart at any time at will like with burps?
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Currently vegan on a cut. What's giving me insane farts is a big plate of lentils with kidney beans, carrots and onions.
Along with garlic and some other spices.

Farts don't smell but they're loud as fuck
Beans, cauliflower, onions, dairy... knock yourself out. And knock out the entire room
Hash browns, mashed potatoes, ice cream. Things with air.
I have tried that but I got more burps than farts.
Hold them in, farts are burps that never happened.

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Been taking antipsychotics since august of last year and they just pretty much give me all terrible side effects without any relief of my symptoms. I suffered a lot being on them despite my psychiatrist saying I need to take them. I see absolutely no upsides at all and it doesn’t control my paranoia or anxiety well. I am taking a mood stabilizer which does help a little bit but my current antipsychotic makes me sleep all day and is making me fat and lazy. Anyone else have experience taking this shit? I’d rather smoke weed and stay on my mood stabilizer than take something that robs me of every joy in my life for no relief of my symptoms. I’d rather be more crazy than to be a zombie.
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What diagnosis did she have you under?
Bipolar at the very least
I wouldn't recommend taking antipsychotics unless you're really schizophrenic. IIRC they block dopamine and reduce the electricity in your brain. Basically it's designed to make you go retarded. If you're familiar with psychiatric meds you ought to know that you will have to find the right med for you through trial and error BUT antipsychotics aren't the ones. Quit weed and alcohol and go see another psychiatrist. Bipolar is quite hard to fix so don't waste any more time. Godspeed.
Yeah I take them for my OCD and they essentially did to me what they did to you. If it's not doing much for you, I say get off of it. The reason why I still take them is because they did actually help me, just at a cost. If they were helping you, I'd say weigh the pros and cons, but if they're not helping you at all, I just say get off of them.
You could suggest to your psychiatrist to try out cariprazine. It's a new antipsychotic. It's really well tolerated by the patients, the most common collateral effect, which disappears after a few weeks and affects only a minority of the patients, is akathisia. Anyway you shouldn't underestimate the bipolar disorder, it's the psychiatric illness with the highest suicide rate. I saw a lot of people doing crazy stuff during their manic episodes. After the mania went away they realized what they did and then killed themselves.

Younger sister has something against me and only me. When I ask her a simple question or 2 she gets enraged and annoyed with me. She ruins a good day fast with her attitude and I'm SICK OF IT! If anyone else asks her questions she answers with no problem and nicely. She doesn't respect me. Hell she treats strangers better than me.
How can I make her stop being a bitch for no good reason to me and make her respect me??
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I’m surprised you degenerates took 5 posts to mention this.
What traits do you have that actually make you admirable? Teenage girls are ALWAYS going to be moody, but if they respect and trust you they'll go out of their way to make it up to you or apologize.

>t. cool big brother
Move out and ignore her for the rest of your life. I dealt with the same issue and she drove me absolutely fucking insane because she wouldn’t stop harassing me. Just remember that blood is not thicker than water sometimes and you don’t have to put up with abusive behavior from anyone. I moved out after years of putting up with my younger sister and have never looked back.
become someone worth respecting retard
why are you getting so heated up about your sister being mad at you? it's embarrassing

Recently reconnected with my Ex and we're going on a date tomorrow. I'm the one who broke up with her, as well as initiated the interactions again. Anyone got some success stories to share or tips? I wanna keep it fun and light hearted but I think it's still important to like hash out more details about why we broke up. How do I keep it fun while still having those more serious talks? Any questions you think I should ask?

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I feel like my bumble match is nice and respectful towards me and cares about me and reaches out a lot but I feel like that's EXACTLY why we should not have a relationship.
I feel like we shouldn't have a relationship just because he's nice to me and I should find someone else I actually want to be with.
I ignore him a lot and only reply when I'm horny and want sex. we didn't meet up for the first time yet.

>inb4 women love abusive chads
I admit I did pursue relationships with men who treated me badly, but I regret them deeply.

note I'm a femcel, and men really don't like me. both long distance dating and dating near me didn't work out for decades.

tldr; I think a relationship with my bumble match is a bad idea

apologies for any typos wrote this on phone
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Pieces of evidence. For what, you'll have to discern for yourself. But let me ask this, where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
fake and gay thread; everyone who replied is a nigger
not fake and gay. its real and we're talking on discord

I guess my question is if a relationship is a good idea
>I feel like we shouldn't have a relationship just because he's nice to me
>I admit I did pursue relationships with men who treated me badly, but I regret them deeply.

Then you only regretted those relationships because they didn't work out.
Keep pursuing abusers you broken whore - that's the kind of guy you know you want to be with.
no they don't lol, you as a woman projecting this just proves yet again femcels are not real

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