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am i a good candidate for ftm transition?
>naturally larger adam's apple
>long midface
>big jaw
>androgynous face
>big hips
>B cups
>big foid ass
>curly hair
>fuller lips
>20 (didn't transitioned in teen years which automatically sucks)
What do you think, anons? Is it over?
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you sound like you have 0 friends irl. sad.
>I don't want to be woman at all.
but you ARE a woman and everyone will perceive you as one regardless. surgery and hormones aren't going to change that, they're just going to turn you into a masculine-appearing woman, or worse, some fucking weirdo that everyone avoids because you look like a freaky andro "lgbt" with a beard.
>I guess I'm bisexual. Why?
nta, but I imagine a better question would be do you consider sex to be important to your life, because you're never going to get it again if you try to transition.
>you don't approve state-backed child butcheries
>y-you have no friends!
and forget about getting pregnant. breastfeeding a child. your new body hair will be itchy. you need to shave. others will be repulsed by you and lie to your face. your doctors and therapists will lie to you. your LGBTQAPedo friends will lie to you. you will spend your money on surgeries and useless hormones. you will become a failed medical experiment. lifelong health issues. REAL HEALTH ISSUES not your imaginary gender dysphoria, made up by pharma and failed shrinks with useless degrees.
>What exactly is so bad about being female?
From (my) perspective, everything.
>dont kill yourself, also starvemaxxing or anything like that is just shit. good luck if you do decide to transition
I will try, thanks anon
>Nothing wrong with being a tomboy
Tomboy = women
I don't want that.
>just love urself for who you are, how you are :)
Tried, didn't work. What now?
So, it's better if I just kill myself right now huh?
>Your problem is not your body.

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how do you know if a girl likes you? I went on a date with a girl and she agreed to go on a second with me but I am unsure if she is actually interested in me or not. She texted me about a day ago and I have yet to respond and she has not sent me anything since.
the fact that you arent texting is a little suspicious. is there a rule that you cant talk? how did the fiest date go?
we had sex and were texting back and forth for a few days after the date. I have not sent her a text in about two days and she hasn't said anything else after the last text she sent me.

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Hi, I have never posted on 4chan before so please be paitent with me

I am 36yrs old, male ex adf. Was abused/violently hazed whilst I was enlisted. I tried to an hero and was thrown out on my arse.

Got married to a karen, had 3 kids worked jobs here and there but always left because I couldnt cope mentally. Found a job in a lab that I was pretty good at for a few years.

Comapny hired arrogant useless cunts who will not follow instructions. I snapped and was going to kill one and this led to me putting a mental health claim in with DVA.

I am unable to work atm and I don't know what to do. An heroing is not an option because my youngest is 5.

Anyone have any advice?
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I mean sorry. Best to get help from professionals I guess. Maybe keep a low profile at work instead of acting like you did. Easier said than done probably.
You are unable to work ATM. You are waiting for a claim with the DVA? You have an income?

I don't know what you can do except look after yourself, your household and your kids. I can't cope well with work either and I just try to keep the work boots on and find shit to do around the place regardless (gardens, cleaning, car stuff, kerbside, teaching self stuff, writing). What can you do but show up to appointments, survive, and all that.

You might end up on the DSP or I dunno what the DVA gives you. It's not the worst life. the economy's changing and war's always sucked and ruined people. Keep your head above water and do your best. Those kids need you.
Thanks everyone for the advice, I do appreciate it. Like I said KMS isn't an option.
Wait for those meds to stabilise. You'll get another break. There's help for you. You're doing well. You;ll deal with this. More jobs and plans for if you feel like you might snap, whether it's better job or disability help. you'll be okay.
don't come to 4chan for advice on something like this, I doubt many people here have the adequate experience to seriously help you out.
Good luck, though.

So, I most likely have DID. I don't think I need to explain why I don't want to tell anyone that. We all know what the perception is, especially in a post-TikTok world. But it would be nice to be able to talk to my family about my problems, and how experiences like having alters and switching affect my life... just like, without calling it alters and switching.
Anybody got any good ideas for more coded language I could use around it, to open up to people without giving away the secret?
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Post your tits.
DID is so misunderstood by the general public that you'll probably have to explain it in more words anyway. I haven't told any of my family about it but my closest friends know. If you have disc, you can message me (username @deathobsessed). I usually just tell people that I have PTSD. But when I do get more into my symptoms I describe my alters as "parts," because people can sort of understand the concept better (as in "well part of me X but part of me Y").
>my condition is real;
Your condition is real; DID is not. You have something; you do not have DID.

>before i knew what DID was i thought i was legitimately experiencing possessions or something.
And did you experience complete loss of memory for the periods when one of your alters was in control? No? Then you don't have DID. You have *something*, but not that. Schizophrenia would be an obvious possibility. But you need a better diagnosis if you're going to get anywhere.
I do not typically experience complete memory loss during episodes and I was diagnosed by one of the only specializing hospitals in the United States. Stop spreading misinformation.
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both some good points. i guess there's not really a sneaky way to express "my mind is not in one piece" and be clear about what's going on at the same time. maybe instead of trying to find coded talk i should just focus on figuring out who i trust to open up about it to, and whether my parents are on that list. and then yeah in most contexts if it has to come up at all writing things off as just ptsd insofar as i can is smart. thanks both of u, helpful posts
>Your condition is real; DID is not
ok so care to explain what my alters are then? lmao
>did you experience complete loss of memory for the periods when one of your alters was in control? No? Then you don't have DID
not how dissociative amnesia works. some people experience only grayouts (or blackouts they don't notice), or continue to be able to access informational memory while just being cut off from emotional memory and so technically have "continuity" of informatioal memory despite also having "come to" moments. this is roughly my experience, and is not uncommon as a presentation of dissociative amnesia. it's just a less extreme form.
>Schizophrenia would be an obvious possibility
every "DID is not real" person says this, and it makes it so obvious you just don't understand. i don't hallucinate, i don't hear voices that aren't there. i have an inner monologue split into different streams that disagree and hide things from each other. completely different
good post ty :)

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So this thread, right?

This thread

This thread right here



For stuff
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>commuting to church one late Sunday night with my mom
>there's this pretty lady that's maybe in her early 20's,
>she's wearing a flowy black dress and is sitting in the back seat
>naturally, she scooted over to let me in some room
>wet puddle from where she sat
>pretend not to notice
>sat DIRECTLY on that spot of fluid
>might have probably sat on a woman's vaginal fluids on the way to a sacred place of worship
I can kind of see how my actions could be leading this person on... hopefully they're attractive enough to make my mistake worth it!
The single time I've done shrooms was pretty damn good. We watched The Holy Mountain on the comeup. Went out to the forest, had an overall good time. Cut my leg up and bled a little. Came back and hung around and slept. I didn't really fall asleep. I went out sometime very early morning to eat a bowl of cereal on the front step in some incredibly light rain. Waved at the neighbor across the street who I knew from school when he came out to do the paper route. The primary colors were green and pink. I have a very short journal entry somewhere and a note about how I was going to hang outside for a while.
Chased em with Sunny D
>just dont do it XD
nigger that is so useless its crazy. why dont you tell me not to have internalized self hatred?

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How do I help someone like this? My little brother is going to destroy his life. I'm willing to sacrifice my time and health to help him, but how? I'm less dysfunctional, but still naive.
I prescribe:
>Internet ban
>Going outside
>Getting a job
Tell him to get ifs therapy and practice unified mindfulness

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How do I become less self-conscious? And more open and outgoing in general
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Unironically, from leaving this place. This place has a real crab bucket mentality that the real world just doesn't have.
take your meds.
Thanks for proving my point.

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>Be decent looking
>Extremely fit
>Have game etc
>in bed I cum after like 7 pumps. 20 seconds.
>Disappointed every girl I have had over
Things Ive tried:
>Be drunk... nope still
>Use delay spray... nope didnt work
>Use delay condoms... still now.
>tried masturbating and not maturating. , etc didnt work.
intensive core exercises followed by kegel exercsies, every day
The more tense and nervous you are the worse itll be. If youre always worried about it then itll always happen. What does help me sometimes is curling the toes/feet and/or flexing the legs while trying not to flex the muscles around the dick. Distracting your mind in the moment helps. And usually the second round is way longer especially when using those tricks. But most important is that you satisfy her right? So get good at using your hands and tongue. Get her off before you even drop your pants and she will be less likely to complain
try fucking a man i bet you will last longer
First have the girl give you an incredible blowjob slowly. Pump her mouth full.
Then wait 10-15 mins and engage in regular vaginal sex.
Also, the more times you had pussy, the less often you'll have premature ejaculation due to too much excitement.
Maybe you're just young.

Pro tip: when you're about to cum, slow down and either think about Garfield or a penguin.
Trust me, it works wonders.

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How to deal with people constantly talking about you behind your back? How do you live knowing people are always trying to make you a victim?
Hey anon, this is pretty much a good portion of my recent life. I'm not even talking about gangstalking, what I mean is that a girl I went out with literally accused me anonymously of sexual harassment last year. She placed my name on a "sexual harassers" list where I study/work with "rapist" written next to it. Not only that but even before such incident, I knew of at least 4 people who had openly talked shit about me behind my back, or didn't even hide they hated me.

To tell you how I solved it all: first, a woman friend of mine helped clear the situation with all other women at the institution, the list was swept under the rug and now everyone agrees it was a femcel idea that could've horribly backfired law-wise. As for the other people that hate me, well, I never actually cared for them so I just started having fun with it. Smile and wave at them just to see them forcefully ignore you and get visibly pissed, overall just place yourself first and your own attitude will make them mad. As such, my advice is: smile and wave to piss them off, showing you're sturdier than they expected is actually one of the best ways of bothering the haters. Also, whoever sticks to your side, take that person dearly.
Well i just basically cant do anything just ignore rumors.
Im not being paranoid, its just the reality that people purposely do that. It basically doesnt matter if i get new people to talk to me.
Ignore them, they're petty and bored with their lives. They'll never really change even when they say they do.

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They make you fat, make you gain weight, make you suicidal for the first few weeks, make you apathetic, make your hair fall out, kill your sex drive, kill your penis and make you into a zombie. Why should I take these?
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Don't just kill yourself instead you pathetic excuse of a man.
Antipsychotics for bipolar and schizophrenia have way stronger side effects than ssri's my dude
Mine haven't done any of that to me. Also when I don't take them I want to die and have like 3+ panic attacks a day. The antidepressants are good imo.
hey that's not very nice...
if you aren't happy, you aren't happy. giving yourself pill induced erectile dysfunction and making you a fucking loser who can't even stroke it anymore isn't going to cure your depression.

Ever seen the retard pills episode from American Dad? Thats what SSRI's are, they make you a loser.

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Why do I constantly get vivid night terrors where I see people in my room at night?

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I finally got a girlfriend at age 29. Got to admit, I made a lot of doomer and blackpill posts here. Made a lot of angry posts. I thought I was for sure never going to make it. But then I just went out for a hinge date (number 605, I was actually recording stats) and miraculously a girl likes me who I actually like, for the first time in my life. So how about that. I used to think that I was going to have to figure out what to do differently or where to move, like anything to change my success rate, but in the end I didn't even do anything. Just met a girl who happens to be perfect, and when I'm with her everything works like the way I always imagined it should.
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Did OP say they liked obese middle aged women? Because to me it sounded likey they found their ideal partner by doing the thing everyone recommends you to do. Are you experiencing some sour grapes perhaps?
Over 70% of males in country are labeled oveeweight. More than 70% get into relationships so almost every fat person out there is dating.
Your reading comprehension isn't the best is it, dumbass?
You are literally a overgrown child, imagine whining angrily online because you don’t have gf and society is over then you get one date and she’s perfect and you are glad you didn’t improve at all. Literally like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum until they get a toy. She is going to eventually dump your incompetent ass and you’ll be right back here complaining you pathetic weakling.
Of course, that's all incels and blackpillers ever were. Little kids crying because they can't have a lollipop.
OP, you're a pathetic sellout. At least stick to your views even after getting a gf, wrong as those views still were. You don't get to just walk that back after making all those whiny demoralization posts.

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How do I become "charismatic and engaging"? I try to be a good listener but I find that my responses are pretty boring and I hardly have anything engaging to talk about with normies.
The first step (all of this is my opinion) is being comfortable. So conversation flows naturally. If you're anxious it tends to cloud your mind and even distract you
another thing to consider is that so-called introverted people are often unusual. for me, for example, regular conversation seems incredibly pointless. so i really struggle to jump in and maintain the flow of pointless conversation. but if i start talking about what i want they would think im an autist. i assume you can relate
I find that a good conversation starter is something that you both hate. If it’s raining for example, talk about how you hate the weather and, in my experience at least, people will generally be a little more open to talking. People just like talking about stuff they hate more than stuff they like, especially with new people. I saw a study about that around once but I can’t be bothered to find it.
Just keep in mind people remember how you made them feel, if nothing else.
So you might want to focus on something positive instead of doom and gloom, but I agree it's easier to start a conversation that way.

So i've got these opium poppies in my garden and the thought of processing them into opium is intriguing me. I have been warned it's extremely addictive by people who i can't imagine know a lot about it. Is it really that bad?

seeing as I only have a handful of plants I don't think i can produce a whole lot more than one time use, so I won't be repeating it again anytime soon, which I imagine should mitigate the risk of addiction. Is this a stupid idea? Is the high worth the hassle?
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Just so you know when you extract opium you are, criminally speaking, manufacturing a schedule I controlled substance. Compared to buying it which is only possession of a Schedule I.

Just Shrek some Opium nigga. I have access to Opium. also perc 30s
the high is not worth the hassle for many. it can become super important in people lives

also the physical addiction of opium sap is complex. lots of addictive molecules. various opiate molecules

its something you cant undo. eolling dice scenario

but it will definitely be enjoyable
>its something you cant undo.
yea is it really that bad? if i just produce enough for a one time use will I be in the gutter lookin for a dealer to sell me black tar heroin 30 minutes after i come down?
you guys are both fucking retarded.
>"Bro don't do opium you'll get addicted! you can't become un addicted!"
>"bro you'll become physically addicted!!"

I used to snort lots of Heroin when I was 16. I'd just snory some casually. I binged it for a week and then didn't touch any for months. no addiction like those cucks said. no physical dependence or withdrawals. I snorted meth a month ago cuz I found some leftovers from last year. snorted it then moved on. its called recreational drug use. Are you going to magically become addicted to porn if you stroke it? no, its called self control. addiction is a choice and I fucking HATE addicts, they give us recreational users a bad rep.

fear mongering bullshit. Bro don't have sex you'll get aids!!! bro don't smoke cigs you'll get cancer!! bro don't jerk off your whole life you'll regret it in 50 years when all your friends are old demented bastards mourning the loss of their wife while you're chilling off the opiates and happy!!

No, drinking opium or smoking it once isn't magically going to get you addicted unless you're that fucking pathetic that you get addicted to Opium, an opiate infamous for being mild. Heroin way better.

Addiction is when you are mentally weak. Dependence is just when you are physically dependent, like withdrawals. are people prescribed Xanax to take every day "addicts"? no, they are just dependent. If they were cut off their script suddenly they would have a grand mal seizure and die but they are not addicted to the drugs. if I buy a gram of meth and I plan to snort 10mg a day till it runs out, am I an "addict" for doing meth every day? no, you fucking loser.
opium isnt as bad as heroin no. not even close. but it is euphoric nonetheless and does cause dependency and withdrawal symptoms if taken at a certain rate

i would think youll be ok messing around every few months or whatever. drinking tea doesnt have the same euphoric thrill as snuffing heroin or whatever

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>24 years old
>did all the self improvement crap for the last 7 years
>got fit
>got a career
>got money, savings and investments
>got a sports car
>literally wish i was dead
>not a virgin but never had a girlfriend
There were moments in the last 7 years i was homeless, spent christmas and birthdays alone, no friends, no money and no one to go to but i still had hope in these moments for a better future for myself. that better future came and honestly that little amount of hope just left my body. I just don't have positive view towards anything and the worst part is im so young i have so much further to go. It sounds good but it'll just be a slow grind down to death in my view. Obviously being 5'7 is brutal in the dating market but ive gone on dates, been with women and had success with really good looking girls but idk i guess its just how transactional everything is its hard for me to really even want a relationship aside from the fact its just never happened.
>OK now that my body count is higher than your age and you have X Y and Z im ready for you
like its not a real connection and there isn't anything special about it. its just im a meal ticket for her and if she can find a better one she'll go for it. That's not real love or anything and i just dont even want to go on living this pointless life. A lot of the time im just thankful one day ill be dead so this will all be over and yes i know it can be so much worse it doesn't really change my view but just reinforces it. What keeps you anons going? posting a pic of myself because i kinda just don't care and for some reason you guys insulting me for my looks makes me feel better
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>its not a real connection and there isn't anything special about it. its just im a meal ticket for her and if she can find a better one she'll go for it
Welcome to adulthood anon.
You were sold a fairy tale of true love along with santa clause, the easter bunny and the tooth fairy.
Relationships are not and have never been the end goal. It has always been about the children. If you don't want kids... you're wasting your time.
in case its a serious post:
>shitty hair, grow it up
>5'7 - sorry mate but you need LL surgery. Trust me on this one, its non-negotiable
>get a hobby, one where women are, and you can do stuff together
thats it, that should bring you up to speed with your goals
make your inner life better. take good care of yourself. do things you enjoy.

trying to find bliss by way of other people is just a bad idea. if it happens great, but you are all you really have. relax a bit.
really that haircut?
make ti longer to hide bad hairline and cheekbones being wider than lower jaw
It sounds like they're only attracted to you because of the stuff you worked on improving, such as body and money, and that makes you feel like it's not a real connection.

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