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A crazy homeless man can just walk up and shoot you in the head. Maybe I'm retarded but this paralyzes me to do anything with my life.

How do I stop thinking my life has zero value and I'm worth nothing because I can just be killed and nobody would care?
A meteor can fall from the sky straight into your room and kill you. A lighting can fall on your building. travel through the electrical grid, come out of the outlet closest to you and strike you.
I think there is something deeply wrong with me because all this did was make me more afraid and manic instead of relieved that probability will account for these things never happening to me.
Because that means your screwups don't matter either, so you might as well do whatever you want in your limited time on earth

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I'm 20. I'm jealous of people who drink, smoke, and party, and when I see it in films or shows, I get envious of the characters. I was always lonely my whole life, and only now do I have an IRL girlfriend, but I never had a "school life" or was invited to parties, nor did I ever drink or smoke except for one date with a girl and never again afterward.

Should I try now? How do I even try? My whole life, I've avoided all of this because I'm pretty mentally unstable on occasions, and I'm afraid of all that coming out.
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All the guys I knew who partied, drank, did drugs (not to the point of addiction) regretted it massively. If you're young focus on being fit and getting a decent career. You can always drink your 30s away
I'm 27 and none of that meant anything to me once I left college. Spending $200 to have 3 hours of mid-grade "fun" is not something you sit around wistfully remembering.
20 years old? literally fuck off and kill yourself

15: smoked weed first time
17: got big into drinking, girls, partying sex
17: cocaine, mushrooms first time
20: mdma first time
21-26: after college. drinking every weekend. more mdma. more cocaine. lsd first time
29: stopped smoking marijuana
30s: ketamine, dmt

i went to a party school and married a lot but i partied way harder in my 20s and 30s. and i had a kid at 26. you’re only old if you act old
I was in the exact same position as you anon. I’m 20 as well. I envied that lifestyle as well when I was in high school. All I wanted was to do drugs and party and have sex with chicks. Only recently have I realized all of that shit is fake and lifeless. Nothing really matters. Having meaningful and deep friendships and relationships with people are more important than fake or lifeless relationships with people at parties. You can still have fun without that life. I realized that spending the late night with my brother, sitting out on my porch and looking at the stars and talking about our lives is the most valuable thing ever. Parties, drugs, women etc. don’t mean much when you have actual important things you love and give meaning to.

This is a vent thread.

You have a mentally ill sibling? Parent? Friend? Significant other? Got no one to talk about it with?

This is your thread. It can be very stressful watching someone close to you suffer from mental illness, especially when it causes them to lash out at you. You might not want to cut off the relationship and leave them to wallow, but you're also suffering inside and feel there's no way out. Talk about here.

Here are some ice breakers:

>What is their relationship to you?
>How does their condition affect you?
>What strategies have you learned to cope?
>Have you gone no contact with them?
>Most importantly, how are you holding up?
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It *has* to be my fault. I got two dogshit degrees from the *same* commuter college. So not only did I waste my time getting worthless degrees, but I also didn't go out and have a college experience like I could've. I fucked up and it's entirely my fault.
I might consider talking to a doctor. I'm deathly afraid of being 51/50d
I highly doubt you're going to be sectioned. I've mentioned having suicidal thoughts to psychiatrists before and they don't even bat an eye. They just size up whether you're about to slide a gun in your mouth, and if the answer is no then they move on. Therapists similarly don't usually section people unless the risk is high and the suicidal person isn't cooperating with care. Your mileage may vary, but in general it's not like they're just eagerly waiting to toss people in the ward
Mom is a neglectful covert narcissist, 6 kids with 3 different men and she wasn't prepared to raise any of them. She expects your confidence but habitually betrays it and did absolutely nothing to shelter me from the abuse my sister tormented me with throughout my youth. I understand she couldn't control my sister, but I can't forgive her for not protecting or nurturing me. Thankfully she's better for my younger siblings.

Dad had BPD, textbook narcissist as well. Incredible craftsman but a junkie, he snorted drank and smoked anything he could find for 50 years until he died. Absent from my life from 4 years old to 11 and I didn't understand why I wasn't good enough to be loved anymore the entire time. I became everything he ever wanted from a son and by the time he decided he wanted to be a part of my life I wanted nothing to do with him. I lowered him to rest alongside his brothers, perfect strangers to me who needed comfort during their loss.

Older sister was the perfect storm between my 2 parents; BPD, daddy issues, no guidance or affection which lead to abandonment issues, impulsivity and unchecked rage that was always directed towards her punching bag of choice, me; for my entire youth. Once I started getting bigger than her she tried turning that rage at my little sister; I wouldn't let that stand. I'm not a violent man but I had to be to keep the little one safe; it haunts me every day. I'd invoke her anger before she hurt the kid, take the hits until she wore herself out, only strike back in defense to minimize damage; try to restrain her or protect myself. Her adult life has been a hell of her own making but I draw no joy from that, she had a rough start and was never taught how to be any better than she is.

I'm doing good now; 24 with a great job, wonderful fiance, incredible friends and a bright future that I fought for tooth and nail. I never wanted to be strong but I am; my heart is heavy but big, and I'm happy now with people who I love.
mental illness and being effected by it is gay

my boyfriend and i are really close. we tell eachother everything , and we spend most of our time together. 2 weeks ago he told me he would never tell me that "he's on my side" after i was telling him about how in my past (childhood) how hurt i was and how i felt no one was on my side. he wont even explain why he wont tell me that besides that it would be lying to say that. he wont even explain why he wont explain. he told me he will never explain why. why is he doing this? i dont understand. we have been dating for almost 2 years and we have always been close and loving. we have always been really open with eachother about how we feel, our thoughts. it hurts so much that he won't even explain why for such a simple thing. it feels like im being betrayed of my trust of closeness with him. it honestly scares me so much that he wont explain and said he never will. he has never done this before. i am i overreacting? why is he doing this? i dont understand. it feels like such a simple thing but i dont get it. he told me that im just hurting myself when i told him it hurt me that he wont ever explain. am i overreacting to this by being really shocked and hurt by this seemingly random behavior?
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that's not at all what i want and he knows it. he isn't being honest at all because he isn't explaining anything. i dont know what to do. he wont talk to me or explain waht he sees.
>The most he said is that he disagrees with everything I said about feeling like there was no one on my side during childhood, and that's why he can't say it.
So he disagrees with your feelings? That's not how feelings work. Best case autism, worst case he's a raging asshole who thinks he knows better than everyone else and he's deliberately upsetting you by refusing to understand your side or explain because he thinks you should be punished for being "wrong".
That’s some autism right there.
“Not doing words” the way men usually do and actively antagonizing your gf over some bullshit are very different things. And there is no morality in this either, he’s just crazy.
>He told me I should listen to him not wanting to explain, because he listens to me.
I man he's free to not explain but if he's not going to explain I'm going to assume he has a bad reason for doing so. It sucks to throw away 2 years over something so bizarre but the way he's treating you is not normal and not okay. This isn't a situation where he has any right to feel the need to feel listened to. You told him about your childhood trauma and he essentially said "that's dumb. No I will not elaborate". Like that's not a valid boundary.
No matter how sperg they could be they're just being unreasonable for not elaborating any

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I’m just here to share my life story because I’ve accumulated this and now I just want to die. I am an older brother and I have a younger brother. We have always been inseparable, especially after we lost our mother 5 years ago. Our father, struggling with his grief, drowned himself in bottles and gambling. The only thing I could do was start working at the age of 16 and start providing us with food and buying the most necessary things for home. We were left with ourselves, trying to survive this pain and cope with the new reality. I just didn’t understand how to help my father, and I felt sorry for him because he is my father, he constantly insulted us and beat us to a terrible state. Every day became harder because we knew that no one else would take care of us.

Later, my brother fell ill and was diagnosed with cancer, and treatment required huge amounts of money, which we did not have. I promised myself that I would find a way to save my brother, even if it meant selling everything. I understood that only I could take care of my brother and started selling whatever I could and worked 3 jobs and I saved up around $11,000 in 1.5 years. I literally had $4,000 left for my brother to have the operation, and I could pay the rest later myself. And my father began to drink more and gamble, I began to hate him because even when my little brother needed help the most. Later I found out that this idiot lost his car and was also stuck for $9,000, he ransacked the whole house when we were not there and found where I kept the money. He spent all the money to pay off debts and continue drinking, which I saved for treatment, and this bastard didn’t even tell me about it until I found out myself. I just beat him to death for this and almost killed him, and I just cried after all this on the street and now I don’t even know how to look my brother in the face. I collected my last $200, which this asshole didn’t have time to spend, and left home.

My telegram: Tsundur
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I think I might sell some of my organs, for now I’m looking for who and what I can sell
IDK, you can just hold a sign that says "Father stole $ for brother's cancer, please help" or something and maybe people will give you money.
Okay, I'll send here it in a couple of days
I read this same story like last week or two weeks ago. Except it didn’t have the telegram at the bottom. Fuck off.
Depends on your country. In some cases you can enforce a guardianship over someone who has spending issues and/or substance abuse. But you’re gonna need lawyers and it might take a few months. And selling the house is usually a no-no.
I mean, losers lose. If you send money over the internet over something like this you deserve to get scammed.

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Around 2014 — 2020

> be me
> act like an absolutely irresponsible retard
> do indescribable atrocities against your own privacy online
> and worst of all, use your real voice for no reason

Back to the years of 2021 and 2024

> realize what you've done
> somehow leave it all almost unnoticed by people
> manage to clear out most of your own records of those actions
> change several accounts everywhere
> the current ones no longer remind you of your past
> believe that everything is behind you and now you just need to not rock the boat ever again

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No idea what you're talking about. Leave the Internet, turn off your computer and get a life.
Well, no shit. By the way, looks like i've choosen the wrong board since people down there are talking about their real problems way more than the internet ones. And now i can't delete or move the post since i cleared my browser again. Rookie mistake.

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hi 4chan im too scared to ask any of my friends for advice but how i can develop a friendship with a girl if shes not interested in me? ive had a crush on her for months now but she could clearly care less about me. is there something im doing wrong?

i really want to get to know her but i too dont have the confidence for it. how do i build confidence? serious replies only, please.
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Next time give advice buddy. It’s like that Will Smith movie where he manages to get a fat Jonah hill to bag his boss, but l only watched like 30 minutes of it in a waiting room.
Try finding that movie l was speaking of. Do what Will Smith says or just shoot your shot when she’s drunk.
Thanks man. Yeah OP watch this
something about her is so eye catching to me and i dont know what. i cant imagine thinking someone else :/
ill maybe consider it, im looking for answers; not a movie suggestions :/

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Is the incel revolution the only solution?
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>screencapping his own braindead shitty post
The audacity of not only saying the exact inverse of what is really going on here but reposting it as some sort of "gotcha".
>every incel with an iq of atleast 80
So none of you then?
some are dumb, some are smart
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> far-leftwing

pick one
I think incels harbour the kind of spirirt communists had in the early 20th century desu

Will girls be attracted to a NEET loser living with his parents as long as he's physically attractive and in his 20s?
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yeah fr, just get even a hobby maybe? Something artistic would get em on you.

Photography is the poor man's way into the good life. If you have a DSLR and some studio space, you can usually get beautiful girls to pay for model shots. If you're not a creep (which is rare for the industry) you can get some great business by referral. One of these girls will end up dating you, most likely. Just don't mess it up.
Yes if your parents are billionaires and you live in a mansion.
There's girls out there for just about any guy, but the problem is that you need a way to meet them in the real world. The odds are like 1 in 25 for an average guy that any random girl will find him attractive. How do you find a way to interact with dozens of women?
Doesn't have to be in his 20s, just needs to be hot
If the Love Quest worked for Chris it’ll work for you. Just try to have it be consensual.

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I come home from work just exhausted and end up doing nothing. I'm working and studying and it's just a lot. This Saturday morning I was gonna do so much productive shit, like buy some shit from a hardware store to stop my bed creaking, going to the gym, get a haircut, clean my messy apartment etc... but I ended up just playing GTA and then went to the store to buy beer. This kind fo shit is all I wanna do on the weekend and it makes me feel like a piece of shit for not doing something more. I'm just so tired all the time.
who's the milf
idk man sounds a little heavy maybe some gta and a couple beers will clear your head
>I'm just so tired all the time.
Ditch the gaming, stop drinking, eat healthy and exercise. Why are you so stupid as not to do the obvious?

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What are some WFH/Remote jobs one can do with no degree? Something that pays 25-28 an hour is fine.
Come on, such things don't exist. Grow up and be willing to get your hands dirty.
Isn't that commission based only?
Maybe call center first level support, but I'm not sure about those wages. What you've got in your mind seems awfully high. Also it's not given you can work from home there.
>there's no easy and convenient short cut for making a shitload of money by being lazy at home

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So how do you genuinely deal with the self-hatred/learned Helplessness + nihilistic/despondent death combo?

It seems like the most common issue here.
Pick one problem to work on at a time.
Is it you?
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I literally just stopped caring so much and just accepted that life isn't fair and I was lucky to not be born a woman in India.

I'm perfectly happy to be a below average wageslave, volunteering to work with sex trafficking victims in college and seeing how much disregard they have for human life due to the pure apathy their captors displayed when they were children blackpilled me over the deep-end. I'm more comfortable than I deserve.

I'm a straight cisgender guy. Last night I had a dream that I was hanging out with a trans girl who really liked me. I watched her play old Pokemon games for a while. Then, we cuddled up in bed together and I kissed her on her forehead and stroked her hair. What does this all mean?
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It might be the result of excessive porn and masturbation, and your mind is leading you to find novel, perverted stimuli. If you lay off the porn you will probably recover.
I wouldn't try to over analyze dreams. They're your thoughts of the day in a blender.

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How do l find friends or a girlfriend? I tried /soc/ but it didn’t work. I’m white, average height, but fat. I literally don’t care what they look like, how do l go about finding some?
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Tell us more about your IRL activities
I work full time. When l go home l try to learn how to play the guitar, play video games, sometimes go to a bar on the weekends, and go to sleep. It’s been like that since as far as l can remember.
Do something other than that shit with some consistency. Gym, martial art, rock climbing, some sort of trivia club or running club or something with a group of people who also do it regularly. Some of those things are expensive, but some are free. Get into something regular and you'll find people. If you like even one of them, they'll intro you to others. In this way, friendship, companionship, lovers. Rinse and repeat. If you really want to be machiavellian, drop the hobby once you make a good friend that you hang with regularly.
Do you know where l can look to find these sort of groups? I tried Meetup, but it’s either elderly people or women only groups. I have a lot of money, and l was thinking about putting up posters at my college pinboard to do gaming or something, but l don’t know if that would come off as autistic or not
Okay, great. So all you have to do is add one weekday evening that you do something outside the house. Something where you can meet women. Examples: take a course at the local community college. Or volunteer at the local hospital.

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my girlfriend recently confessed to being a cuckquean and I've been doing my best to learn about it and support her, but I still feel like I don't really understand it or what my role should actually be here.

Part of me is obviously excited by the idea, but a larger part of me is worried about the long term psychological effects. I don't want to lose her.

I'm not even sure what I'm asking. I guess I just want to know more. I would really like some resources/information that isn't just a subreddit full of LARPing men or something.

Is there a reality in which I indulge her fetish and it makes our relationship stronger? I would very much want that. I want to be the guy who makes her feel like I truly understand and accept her for who and what she is.

I'm not a cuck at all, so I really don't get it. If she did something with another man I would lose my mind. It's very difficult for me to understand but I'm really trying.

idk just fucking somebody help please my brain hurts
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It is literally subhuman, like you. Don't get upset at the truth.
>I'm incredibly committed to this girl.
You're not, you want to fuck random people lmao
I remember once a buddy told me that his ex wanted to watch me and my gf at the time fuck. I feel like it's pretty hot if you're seeing her get turned on from fucking another woman but it's pretty weird if she just sits back and watches while drinking tea or some crap.

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