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Do you wave to other riders?
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I just nod in a non committal way and assume they saw the quality, rarity and desirability of my custom built fillet brazed 90s mtb decked out with Chris King, Ringle and Gravity Research
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>mini velo family
spotted yesterday
meme magic is real
look at all that wasted space between the bikes. a car would be much more efficient
I live in Florida, the only other riders are the homeless. Best not to make eye contact.
I always lift my fingers for others on similar bikes. Exceptions: I'm climbing, I'm on a grandpa bike.

Last April, a company called Dreamstar Lines announced plans for an overnight service between Los Angeles and San Francisco, in effect, restoring Southern Pacific's Lark service, the overnight equivalent of the more famous Coast Daylight, which ceased service in 1968.

What we know:

>the train would run between Los Angeles Union Station and San Francisco's 4th & King Street Caltrain station
>rolling stock will consist of streamliner cars built in the 1940s and 1950s
>actual train consist would be a locomotive, 5-6 sleeper cars, and a lounge car serving drinks and "tavern food" (idk what that would entail)
>the train would run on a ten-and-a-half hour schedule, departing around 10pm and arrive at its final destination at 8:30am
>Tickets will be in the $300-$1000 (the minimum is slightly higher than the current price for a private room on Los Angeles-Oakland on Amtrak's Coast Starlight at $284)
>there will be no coach service, sleeper class only
>the company hopes to begin operations by Summer, 2024
>the project is far enough along that negotiations with Metrolink and Union Pacific for right of way have already started

The most detailed sources I could find

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The big problem with Nightjet is that's part of the Austrian national carrier so they can give their trains priority whereas private railroads seem to go out of their way to screw passenger services here.
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>No one's going to pay for a luxury overnight sleeper train

I mean, they already do though.
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>Interstate 5

LA traffic makes it take nearly as long to drive down as go by rail and it's suicide-inducing.

>low cost airlines
>wait in line for two hours to get fondled by the TSA
>to spend an additional three hours packed like sardines with non-whites
>jk, your flight got cancelled so you're gonna be here for at least another six hours lol
Dreamstar's got a wikipedia page now so I guess it's happening (maybe)?



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Why does this keep happening?
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(The JB in the background N2048 A321N has been down for months because PW GTL problems)
AIRBUS is getting completely paranoid with security. I won't say more.
It happened AGAIN:

Total ATC death when?
why do you ask this?
go back to your containment board

It was supposed to revolutionize transportation.
What went wrong?
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It was designed to abolish walking. But Americans don't walk anyway.
>pony tails
>no bra
>them legs
>exposed midriff

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>rts games split into rts games and non rts games
She has a hobby-channel where she baits coomers into her OF if that's your thing.
Not sure why OP thing was made so goofy.

But these things are everywhere now and revolutionized transportation.

>Saudi Arabia has been forced to scale back its $1.5trillion plans for a 106-mile linear desert megacity, according to reports, in a humiliating climb down for the kingdom.

>The Line - part of the country's audacious and futuristic NEOM project - was meant to be home to around 1.5 million residents by the end of the decade, with plans to ultimately increase its full capacity to nine million people.

>Now, according to people familiar with the project, the development will only stretch 1.5 miles and house fewer than 300,000 residents by 2030, according to a new report from Bloomberg citing sources close to the project and documents.
Lol it didn't take long to happen exactly what /n/ said would happen.
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See >>1997225
I'm not simping for anyone, ESL-kun, I just don't appreciate dumbasses redefining words on the fly in the neverending war against objective reality.
I hope the old money sees this bro
Imagine sperging out this bad because someone said "new rich" people such as gulf arabs are tacky.
Holy fuck dude, get a grip
But it's not even correct, the house of saud has been rich for like 300 years, I realize that's "new money" by yurolard standards but it pretty much counts as old money anywhere else in the world

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Why don't you own one with direct front drive?
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Important to note: the gradient here. White in purpedicular sunshine: 120F
Black: 140F
The answer is double hull and/or insulation, even propane powered refrigeration. All beats the greenhouse on wheels if a car.
>White in purpedicular sunshine: 120F
>Black: 140F
Where did you get those numbers? On picture range is from 31.1°C to 45.8°C (88 F to 114 F).
I can't find the link to the full study though to see what is the ambient temperature.

I think insulation might do more harm, because the major source of heat is still the body doing the work. And you have to remove that heat. Insulation is good only if you actually have some sort of air conditioning installed.
Vented double hull might work. The outer hull stops the sun and heats up because of that, inner hull is heated up by body heat and the air between both hulls circulates and cools down both inner and outer hull.
>propane powered refrigeration
Do you know where to get it? I cant' seem to find anything useful.
Ucl employees are not welcome.
>At 5:11
Yeah, the Velion, previously known as Katanga VM45.
At first I thought it would be a competitor for the Quatrevelo, but it's not, this one is WAY bigger. It was meant to be in the scooter category with a top speed of 45km/h (27-ish mph?) which would require insurance in EU. Which I don't like at all, it also pains me that using it without e-assist is almost impossible.
Your gradient is completely wrong, the real measurements are as >>1995868 said. In a more cold weather the color might not matter, but where I'm from, Spain, it does matter a lot. Also all the suggestions you said increase weight by a lot, which is the main issue with VMs and not emissions. So if I can cool my velo by ~14°C with 0 weight gain, there's no reason not to do it.

>>1991166 following up on this post, I made some progress in the design phase of the 4 wheeler will post later, I'm using SketchUp for the 3d model because that's what I learned to use in highschool and can't be assed to learn any other software.
why does it have to be so gay looking

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Should the Port Authority consider the development of a railway/subway line from New Jersey to Staten Island?
Everyone knows that Staten Island is the bumhole of NYC transit, having one heavy rail line that runs worse headways during off-peak than any 24h Subway line during the night. That even includes the Rockaway Park shuttle whose five stops are among the nine least used on the entire network according to 2014-2019 figures.
Now every half assed transit enthusiast knows that Staten Island once had a line going from St. George along the north coast of the borough. The continuation of that line is now a cargo rail line into New Jersey. This provides two opportunities
>A rail line along the existing right of way to Elizabeth and Newark, providing direct rail service to Newark Airport and potentially midtown Manhattan
>A subway (PATH) or light rail (in collaboration with NJ Transit) line that crosses the state border over the Kill van Kull and then uses the existing right of way at Port Richmond
All three options will need at least a 3 mile long tunnel to reconnect St. George with the elevated section at Port Richmond. The rail line option would need a connector to the Northeast Corridor line at Elizabeth Port, while both the subway and light rail options would need a bridge or tunnel to cross the river. And of course the Subway would need a major extension project across Hudson County.
How realistic would such a project be, and do you think it would be reasonable or maybe even needed? Also I am not an American so I don't have expert knowledge on all the different parties required to make such a project happen so feedback would be welcome in that regard.
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All of you can suck my NYC mutt spicy bodega cock.
I am Pro-Global Metropolis. NJ's Eastern and Northern counties should be annexed into NYC. from there on, New York city should expand its city area towering up 2 to 3 mile long skyscrapers everywhere. Low low density cucks can tongue my anus.
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>polio county being allowed to be in NYC
I'll take the coastal areas of piermont, nyack, and stony point so I can have my lycra fred rides to bear mountain without having to worry about getting arrested for temporarily being adjacent to another cyclist, but the inland areas should be handed over to new jersey

t. browner, spicier, and more DEI than you, I am literally eating a chop cheese made out of bodega cat meat right now while wearing timberlands with the tags still on them
both still preferable to the current crop of pigs that let unfettered niggerdom ruin public transport in new york
that's too much

What are the most /n/ films?
For me its Kontroll, the hungarian masterpiece
>Opens with a budapest transit official say they were happy to help make this film, but please don't think it reflects on our actual service
>Entirely set in the subway
>Excellent soundtrack
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Well, it's about building a road
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I remember seeing trailers for this and thinking it looked like unwatchable garbage. How was it?
>ctr+f pacific blue
>no hits

A 17-year-old German teen has been living life as a modern nomad, leaving his parents’ house to live on trains and travel all over his country.

While most 17-year-olds are only just beginning to consider the idea of leaving the nest, Lasse Stolley has already been on his own for over a year and a half. Convinced that his school studies were already behind him, he convinced his parents to allow him to leave their home in Fockbek, Schleswig-Holstein to embark on a unique train-hopping adventure. It took a lot of convincing, but they eventually agreed, and for the last year and a half, the German teen has essentially been living on trains, traveling all over his home country, working as a self-employed coder during the day, and sleeping on night trains at night.

“I’ve been living on the train as a digital nomad for a year and a half now,” Lasse told Business Insider. “At night I sleep on the moving Intercity Express (ICE) train and during the day I sit in a seat, at a table and work as a programmer, surrounded by many other commuters and passengers. I travel from one end of the country to the other. I’m exploring the whole of Germany.”

He gave into his wanderlust in 2022, selling most of his possessions and packing what was left in a 36-liter backpack that he has been carrying with him ever since. Minimalism and resisting the urge to acquire new stuff are an essential part of his lifestyle, as he needs to take everything with him wherever he goes. It’s not always easy, but he has found a way to make it work.


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I always thought it was a war crime that Truman insisted they must treat their water with oestrogen.
Agreed. His grandfather, who probably sacrificed his life for the fatherland on the Eastern Front, would die again out of sheer shame if he could see this basedcuck of a grandson now - i bet he also got all the clotshots.
He's not having sex
You mean hes not showering before or after sex. Maybe washes his hands.

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Not polished yet: https://close.city/

It's an interactive map to show the best places for transportation and walkability.

The default is Grocery + Library which makes the map really really narrowly defined and there's no real way to weight the options, so I recommend disabling Library and/or using just one at a time. But it does an incredible job of highlighting walkability and would make a great tool for deciding where to develop or move
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Car-dependency promotes goyslop consumption
Walkability promotes local farmers and quality produce
Thats why Americans fight it so hard. Walkability is an attack on their entire lifestyle and belief systems.
For individual needs, yes.
For a typical urban work cycle, absolutely not.
Walkability and anti-car is a leftist ideology. But I'm actually positively surprised that even some rightoids are getting into it, even if they bring undesirable prejudiced opinions with them.
In the end, paving the way for more walkable, humane cities just like the old days is a conservative point, if anything. It's also progressive because it makes people more united and open-minded.

In the end, people complaining about the discourse are just a bunch of centrist neolibs who suck the dick of the status quo. And that includes (You).
Thankfully, just like every status quo sucker, you will be trampled by the zeitgeist. You people are in the wrong side of history
they're poor

Someone died in a train collision last week. HOW TF DO YOU GET HIT BY A BIG AND LOUD ASS MOFO TRAIN???
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It hurts just to watch. Yikes.
That poor engineer.
Looks like the gates weren't working. This is on the railroad
My favorites include:
1. Poor driver training leading to NOT running over the fencing when boxed in
2. Forget to look(!)
3. Be even stupider and follow a queue INTO the fucking railroad track crossing, instead of treating them like a hot potato

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That seems awfully tall for a pilot, how do you fit in the cabin?
>co pilot
>not first officer

fake and gay delete your thread
Omg you got me. I use both.
NTA but less than half
Pretty much

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Space transportation general. Since spaceflight is increasing exponentially, since we are up to at least a launch per week and since we are days away from an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:

Upcoming NASA operations:


SpaceX Mars goal

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RIP Boeing. Wtf are they doing?

And about to be criminally charged after fucking up their deferred prosecution agreement over the Max crashes by not learning their lesson and forgetting to install bolts in doors.
Too big to fail. Congress will bail them out, or private equity firm will acquire them and sell it off to Lockheed and SpaceX.
Full stack, flight 4 WDR soon.
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this is what Mars will look like after the white man is done with terraforming

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These faggots should be strictly restricted to class F airspace, with well defined dimension and NEVER EVER LEFT OUT, sick and tired of avoiding them. Yesterday while flying a personal Cessna 310 from a buddy of mine and 3 weeks ago on the Dash 8 with the small airliner I fly for.
>23 year old co pilot
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On your toes zoomer
Why do they fly so close to the ground? Do they get lift from ground effect?
> i mean no but you cant with a plane or even a helicopter either
flying makes even less sense as transport than cars do
t. Never been to Alaska
He has a small dick

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It is happening again
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showindows,,,view?,those biglass thingslaped on the front?.
,,when did we gethis fixation onthe wavey needles.,
,,,,,,flyinglued to the panel?,
,,ya,ive flown twinengine thru thickstorm where gage lock wasathing.,Sucky!nothanks!, gothitwice by lightning tho so.,ya iseethe need,,ocasionaly.,
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I'm impressed by the pilots holding the nose up for that long.
>Boeing has violated a 2021 agreement that shielded it from criminal prosecution after two 737 Max disasters left 346 people dead, the Department of Justice told a federal judge in a court filing Tuesday.

Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling do~wn.

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