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Do you wave to other riders?
Mostly the head nod. Gives some plausible deniability for both parties.
Sometimes a low wave after I pass someone, if they moved over for me.
i do if they look chill and are similar to me.
Only other lycra freds, old ladies, and little kids on training wheels being followed by their dads (I don't wave to the dad unless he's a lycra fred). Everyone else sucks and I don't want to see them or acknowledge their existence.
i dont wave at anyone and theyve never waved at me maybe its an american cultural thing
Only if it's before 5:00 in the morning. I wave everyone who is training at that time.
i would not wave to you
I do the nod
I'm a both hands stay deathgripped on the handlebars until i reach a full and complete stop kind of guy.
Only on the trail.
I said only if you're followed by your dad. I don't make a habit of waving at children otherwise since an adult male being friendly to a child alone might be misconstrued.
if we make eye contact I do the head nod. if I notice a driver or ped has been considerate to me w/r/t traffic, I'll wave but usually just the "keep hand on bar and raise fingers while making eye contact" wave. this may be a southern US thing, I don't know. the only time I really wave is not for greeting but to wave-through other traffic when they have ROW or to indicate I wish to cede ROW to them, both of which which I do quite frequently.
I don't and I'm quite sad about it. I don't think it's in my imagination that racers are disgusted by us unracers and don't even consider us worth a nod.
When I wave unracers they never wave back so I stopped. Same with grumpy old men riding rim brake road bikes
No, when I'm on my bike I hate everyone on the road. Probably because I'm either cycling to work or eager to get home.
Also the highest gear I can get to on my poorly adjusted rear gears keeps skipping if I press on the pedals too hard.
>gears keeps skipping if I press on the pedals too hard.
Fix your shit.
I like to lift both hands off the handlebars, like a "woah there, partner" gesture, if I'm stopped and intending to yield to another road user.
A very clear indication I'm not going anywhere until the hands grab the bars again.
I just yell HEY CUNT at couriers.
>worried about waving at children
Just give them a thumbs up, they know what it means.

>to wave-through other traffic when they have ROW
If a cager is doing the wrong thing at an intersection, first they get a 3x "headshake No", then a "thumb out, cutting head off" gesture, then a middle finger.
Don't encourage their regressive, "gracious" behavior.
(You) suck, and i do not want to acknowledge your existence
yea, i don't wave to lycrafags.
hmm, I'll try it
I just nod in a non committal way and assume they saw the quality, rarity and desirability of my custom built fillet brazed 90s mtb decked out with Chris King, Ringle and Gravity Research
File: minivelofamily.png (91 KB, 275x124)
91 KB
>mini velo family
spotted yesterday
meme magic is real
look at all that wasted space between the bikes. a car would be much more efficient
I live in Florida, the only other riders are the homeless. Best not to make eye contact.
I always lift my fingers for others on similar bikes. Exceptions: I'm climbing, I'm on a grandpa bike.
In the countryside I might say moin
In the city no one even looks at each other
Why anime?
Arrested development and/or pedophilia
Why 4chan?
ya but not the ebikers
>guy fucking sees me
>doesn't wave back
i'll kill you
>a car would be much more efficient
says the car cuck
you post bait, I post counter-bait, simple as
only wave to cute boys and to dogs
Unfortunate, the cooler half of the year is perfect riding weather. Fellow Floridanon from Lakeland here.

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