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Why does this keep happening?
This literally happens all the time, it’s just that for some gay (stupid) reason, the media is covering every little thing. It’s like if the news reported every car crash and near miss, there would be 1000 of stories every day. I should know, I’m a pilot
Obviously won't happen over France tomorrow due to ATC strike
>I should know, I’m a pilot
you say this to the cashier when checking out groceries, or the UPS guy when he delivers a package, don't you?

i guess i would too, you guys are hot shit.
Those clowns over in ATC need a refresher course on Vitaly Kaloyev.
>i guess i would too, you guys are hot shit.
Thank you for kneeling, subject.
Swiss does transatlantic flights with A220? Quality fucking journalism.
But seriously does JFK lack a Runway Awareness and Advisory System (RAAS) or are they just dealing with high ATC turnover?
Theoretically we should, the crossing taxiways have runway status lights and we're specifically told not to bee line towards the hold short marker past 20mph otherwise it'll spook tower (which doesn't help when its a airliner going 10mph I guess). However the RSLs might not be visible cause it's sunny.

Logically the latter I don't think exists. Having been on the runway in question I don't see any form of sensor or anything that would be able to tell how fast youre coming up to the holding position marker. Just the 6 indicators you're approaching a runway.

imo controller stress/turnover and a shit ton of traffic (pre-COVID levels)
>be on a ryanair plane
>it goes to the runway and starts accelerating like it's about to take off
>suddenly it slows down really fucking fast
>flight captain goes "i'm sorry we couldn't take off this time we're going to try again don't worry everything is ok"
>20 minutes later we try again and everything went fine
huh, so that's probably what happened, now i'm reading that it's commonplace at this airport
you only get a job in these places if you check DEI boxes
jews are sabotaging the aviation industry. reason is unclear
I don't think there's any black people there as ATC. I remember it being 3-4 white guys, one Indian guy, a white girl, and a Puerto Rican girl. The white girl is a angel, she's very nice to deal with, bubbly personality on air while the Latina can get a little bitchy towards you.

Ryanair doesn't land in America

Everyone is inexperienced, the experience left during COVID when it seemed like the industry was 100% dead and everyone was getting laid off. Last month has seen a incredible amount of traffic, moreso than usual and probably exceeding pre-COVID amounts
i work at a center and we're chronically short staffed and work way more planes than we did before covid. spring break was awful this year
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I posted the conga lines at JFK last /gag/ thread 2 weeks ago. Was a long blur of blue colored departures on the north side taking off on 22R when you saw it on Aerobahn, a few of the older people I worked with said it was hasn't been like that for a while. You had easily 30+ planes on the north side waiting to take off from U3-U1, then looping around all around 13L from start to end of Twy C to Twy E to depart along with planes waiting on crossings...and it was like Friday night.
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(The JB in the background N2048 A321N has been down for months because PW GTL problems)
AIRBUS is getting completely paranoid with security. I won't say more.
It happened AGAIN:

Total ATC death when?
why do you ask this?
go back to your containment board

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