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Space transportation general. Since spaceflight is increasing exponentially, since we are up to at least a launch per week and since we are days away from an industry revolutionizing fully reusable
super heavy lift launch vehicle.

Upcoming launches:


SpaceX livestreams on Twitter/X:

Upcoming NASA operations:


SpaceX Mars goal



Starbase 24/7 streams



Starbase tour from last summer




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Should launch at 7am central which is 8 hours from now. It will be a game changer for the industry and the world. 200 tons of payload to orbit, fully reusable and with fuel that can be made on mars.
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The internal habitable volume will be even more significant
I was thinking about this recently. The amount if companies that will have access to R&D on commercial space stations is going to change everything.
what incentive is there to build space stations beyond research (eg ISS) and space tourism for the ultra wealthy?
if space mining becomes viable then I could see the need for space stations, but that seems unlikely to happen in our lifetimes
"Incentive" is always a relative term. Honestly if spaceflight becomes cheap enough, you'll see people make space stations etc because they can and it's cool, and people will move up there for selfsame reasons. Humanity doesn't always do things for rational reasons, and sometimes the irrational things they do occur at grand scale and expense. Guarantee you'll be seeing some insane startups claiming health benefits for time spent on-orbit, and people dumb enough to fall for it.
it's happening

I'm hype as fuck
Corporate research and certain manufacturing iin zero g. There is a bunch of financial interest in this.
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All engines fired.
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Stage zero went flawlessly
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Liftoff was a success
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All engines work
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Hot staging was successful
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Launch webm
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Hot staging and booster rud webm
It was so insane! I'm so pumped up. What a success
Anyone hear the rumor that Blue Origin is going to aquire ULA
Where the last 3 engines supposed to remain lit? Wouldn't this interfere with separation?
nah it was planned
What does the MSM get for shitting on starship and pretending the launch was terrible? Why is it called a failure every single time a successful test happens?
You don’t need to worry about ullage if you hot stage (ignite the n+1 stage engines while the nth stage is burning). It’s what the Russians have done for decades.
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The launch pad is undamaged. Crazy going from total destruction to no damage.
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spacex starship blew up again get rekt
It was a wild success. All raptors performed nominally which was thought to be impossible, hot staging worked and they got beyond max q
Wait why does that negate ullage?
If a rocket coasts while staging, the propellants will float up from the bottom of their tanks. If a rocket stays under thrust while staging, it negates the need for ullage rockets before second-stage ignition to seat propellant at the bottom of the tank so the pumps can get it.
>NASA's Phil McAlister says Boeing's crew flight test of Starliner is on track for NET April 14, 2024, pending a successful parachute test in January.
Will boing succeed? Will they embarrass themselves yet again? Find out next year on the shitshow.
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Elon Musk on X: Starship Flight 3 hardware should be ready to fly in 3 to 4 weeks
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Hardware is looking great
Intuitive Machines planning up to three lunar lander missions in 2024
New SpaceX statement on the OFT
>Starship returned to integrated flight testing with its second launch from Starbase in Texas. While it didn’t happen in a lab or on a test stand, it was absolutely a test. What we did with this second flight will provide invaluable data to continue rapidly developing Starship.

>On November 18, 2023, Starship successfully lifted off at 7:02 a.m. CT from Starbase in Texas and achieved a number of major milestones:

>All 33 Raptor engines on the Super Heavy Booster started up successfully and, for the first time, completed a full-duration burn during ascent.

>Starship executed a successful hot-stage separation, powering down all but three of Super Heavy’s Raptor engines and successfully igniting the six second stage Raptor engines before separating the vehicles. This was the first time this technique has been done successfully with a vehicle of this size.

>Following separation, the Super Heavy booster successfully completed its flip maneuver and initiated the boostback burn before it experienced a rapid unscheduled disassembly. The vehicle breakup occurred more than three and a half minutes into the flight at an altitude of ~90 km over the Gulf of Mexico.

>Starship's six second stage Raptor engines all started successfully and powered the vehicle to an altitude of ~150 km and a velocity of ~24,000 km/h, becoming the first Starship to reach outer space and nearly completing its full-duration burn.

>The flight test’s conclusion came when telemetry was lost near the end of second stage burn prior to engine cutoff after more than eight minutes of flight. The team verified a safe command destruct was appropriately triggered based on available vehicle performance data.

>The water-cooled flame deflector and other pad upgrades performed as expected, requiring minimal post-launch work to be ready for upcoming vehicle tests and the next integrated flight test.
>With a test like this, success comes from what we learn, and this flight test will help us improve Starship’s reliability as SpaceX seeks to make life multiplanetary. Data review is ongoing as we look for improvements to make for the next flight. The team at Starbase is already working final preparations on the vehicles slated for use in Starship’s third flight test, with Ship and Booster static fires coming up next.

>Thank you to our customers, Cameron County, spaceflight fans, and the wider community for the continued support and encouragement. And congratulations to the entire SpaceX team on an exciting second flight test of Starship!
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I know everyone is geeked up about the starship but to me the CLPS missions are what is going to make things real. They're close to launching, they lay the groundwork and they are beyond flag and footprints.
>Pittsburgh, PA – October 31, 2023 – Astrobotic announced today the Peregrine lunar lander has arrived safely in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The spacecraft was unloaded at Astrotech facilities where it will be integrated with the United Launch Alliance (ULA)’s Vulcan for launch on December 24, 2023.
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Vulcan upper stage has been stacked. Looking like the Christmas Eve launch is going to happen
I think the 6 raptors from the starship were enough to seperate them. Keeping the 3 lit is probably neccesary for their return burn
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>We are thrilled to share part of our growing customer base for Mission 1, set to launch aboard Starship as early as mid-2026.
Starship payload is startung to get contracted!!! Its real!
NASA Mars smallsat mission to be on first New Glenn launch
They have to dumb it down to the simplest possible coherent narrative so that the retarded reporters who don't care can hold the interest of their phonezombie audience with an attention span of zero seconds.

Big rocket go up high. Blow up.
Big rocket go up high. Not blow up.

Those are the only narratives they'll run. It's possible there's some twitter animosity or some shit like that but most likely it's just standard dumbass reporters, sensationalism and catering to the lowest-common denominator audience
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Lex Friedman visited Bezos and the picture shared seems to show New Glenn
>They have to dumb it down to the simplest possible coherent narrative
No there is more animosity than that
Because this is usually the part where the company's assets get liquidated and employees sold into sex slavery
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ESA’s new Ariane 6 rocket passed a major full-scale rehearsal today in preparation for its first flight, when teams on the ground went through a complete launch countdown followed by a seven-minute full firing of the core stage’s engine, as it would fire on a launch into space.
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So, which one gets your vote?


You have until Friday, 1 December 2023 to cast your vote for Australia's rover name.
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New Glenn first stage hardware spotted!!!
>New Glenn first stage hardware spotted

Honestly its insane how much US capabilities are pulling ahead. The future is looking bright!
Boongs barely lifted their heads enough to see the moon for 10k years and now they are naming the moon rover, wow
It's super annoying that they didn't actually take the public submissions. 2 abbo names and 2 non cultural tame bullshit names. Its embarrassing.
even mateship seems political in light of the recent maaate campaign
I didn't even think of that.. fucking tyrants
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SpaceX put up almost the mass of the ISS in just 3 months.
Upcoming CLPS Launches:

DEC 24
12:49 AM
Vulcan United Launch Alliance (ULA)
SLC-41, Cape Canaveral SFS
Florida, United States
— with: Peregrine 1, Celestis Enterprise Flight
Debut launch of ULA's new Vulcan rocket. Astrobotic's Peregrine lander will carry 16 customer payloads to the lunar surface.

Peregrine Lander | Astrobotic
Lunar LanderNASA Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS)Test FlightVehicle Debut DEC 06

JAN 12 2024
Nova-C IM-1
Falcon 9
LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center
Florida, United States
— with: DOGE-1
First lunar lander built and launched for NASA's CLPS program. This will be the first commercial lunar landing if successful.

SpaceX accepts Dogecoin as payment to launch ‘DOGE-1 mission to the Moon’ next year - CNBC
Nova-C (Intuitive Machines)
Lunar LanderNASA Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS)OCT 27

NOV 10 2024
Falcon Heavy
LC-39A, Kennedy Space Center
Florida, United States
VIPER (rover) (Wikipedia)
Lunar RoverNASA Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS)
Kind of crazy that its only been 25 years.
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SpaceX is testing new iteration for the tile mounts.
Latest starbase flyover shows they are prepping pads to store the segments of a second launch tower. Not sure if it would be possible to bring the second tower from Florida, seems like that would be a very disruptive series of road moves.
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Rocketlab had their 10th successful mission of the year
Where are they planning on putting it?
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Dream Chaser Tenacity is at NASA's Neil Armstrong Test Facility and set to be vertically stacked in launch configuration with Shooting Star. The two vehicles will soon be subjected to the extreme conditions of launch vibrations.
This is a HUGE milestone - full engine, 11x larger thrust than Aeon 1, designed for our reusable heavy lift rocket, and a big leap forward in 3D printing tech.
-Tim Ellis
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Kuiper satellites are now up
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its looking pretty good
Flight 3 Starship completed a full-duration static fire with all six of its Raptor engines
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Also, they just tested the payload bay doors!
NASA Astronauts Test SpaceX Elevator Concept for Artemis Lunar Lander
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Firefly launch today. Very good look for our future.
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Merry Christmas /n/ we have a big new year ahead of us and the SpaceX sign is finished!
Barge with first segment of the second tower along with some tanks for Masseys will arrive from Florida in a few days. The launch site will likely start expanding early in the new year so they can start on the second tower base, OLM columns and OLM deluge substructure.
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Happy New Year Space /n/erds. 2024 is looking great for spaceflight
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The Falcon Heavy launch was so Kino
Starting to remove some of the orbital tank farm vertical tanks. Maybe the water tank will go first since it wasn't being used. Possibly the methane tank that was being used for water if all the water is stored in the deluge tanks now.
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The Vulcan centaur is here.
Kinda sad desu
several are already working on it, Vast is the company spaceX partnered with
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Its so pretty
>Government space agencies would be Vast's primary target customers. Other customers could include philanthropists, private research firms and companies looking to send only payloads - not humans - to the station for robotic research missions.
Automated research would be game changing. Also this is one company, we are on the verge of serious expansionism.
>The launch site will likely start expanding early in the new year so they can start on the second tower base, OLM columns and OLM deluge substructure.
It will be very interesting to see just how much they can get done this year. 2 launch towers at that site will be incredibly productive.
>tfw I might have actually been born just in time to explore space
Feels good man
Original water tank completely cut up. Cutting the base of one of the shells for the not methane tanks which was being used as a water tank. Should lift that soon and start chopping it.
Now they are going for the stainless inner tank. Busy scrapping weekend.
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Vulcan launchedfor the first time! The rocket sent an Astrobotic lander on a moon mission, right now the lander is having issues but this is a major milestone in space expansion.
About time, they needed to get rid of those
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Making a giant wok.
You're very lucky, i will be an old man by then
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About damn time it sees sunshine
Starting to tear down the last of the production tents at Starbase.
New Glenn 2nd Stage Unveiled
Right, its finally getting exciting.
Good, I am surprised how long they lasted
Space Force to award multiple contracts for ‘Digital Spaceport’ up to $1.9 million each
First look at Axiom’s AxEMU suit
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New Sierra space pic dropped.
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SpaceX released a new render of the upcoming Polaris Dawn mission
Love these threads so much man. Man's natural place is among the stars. We'll look Prometheus in the eyes as we blaze past him, & I'm glad I get to see & help its start.
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It truly is, our possibilities increase exponentially once we start moving off world and light the forges of creation. I envy the kids just now going through school or entering college, they will see a world we only dreamed of.
Axiom's AX-3 is launching today. Private crew on a SpaceX dragon

>Axiom Space’s crew of four astronauts will conduct more than 30 different experiments while aboard the space station. Data collected on ground before and after the mission as well as in flight will impact understanding of human physiology on Earth and on orbit, as well as advance scientific understanding, harness opportunities for industrial advancements, and develop technologies for humanity’s progress.
Launches in 1 hour!!!

Here is the link:
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Very nice looking launch. Love to see private spaceflight.
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Dragon docked to the ISS with the ax3 crew
Rip to Japan's slim lander. It was a good attempt
New Glenn first and second stage mate for the first time. testing at LC-36 shortly
Belgium signed the Artemis accords, that makes 34 nations.
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The intuitive Machines IM-1 mission to the moon is set NET mid February for launch. Pretty exciting considering the recent Astrobotic mission failure. CLPS is both risky but important and will really help set the groundwork for the Artemis program.
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But a February launch makes for quite the turnaround.
>Latest Russian "timeline" shows only single Soyuz going to ISS in 2026 and 2028, no flights in 2030. I wonder if NASA knows that it will have one crew exchange opportunity in those years? (...and we can ignore the shown ROS schedule as completely, positively unachievable):

Blue Origin and SpaceX work on cargo versions of their landers.
> “NASA expects these large cargo landers to have high commonality with the human landing systems already in work with adjustments to the payload interfaces and deployment mechanisms,” NASA stated. “The preliminary design requirements include delivering 12 to 15 metric tons to the lunar surface.”
> NASA added that no payloads have been identified yet for those landers. The earliest the cargo landers would be used is Artemis 7, a mission projected for no earlier than the early 2030s.
NASA Shares Newest Results of Moon to Mars Architecture Concept Review
And here is their Moon-to-Mars architecture page
It is excellent to see them finally tweaking this to something that is a bit more serious as the technology actually gives us the capability.
Northrop Grumman prepare the first Cygnus to fly on Falcon 9.

Kinda crazy desu, you have to wonder what longevity this will have and if the cost will drop long term.
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It looks like a pretty rough outcome. I'm surprised its orientation is so bad.
RIP Ingenuity. Damaged rotors during last landing. Still upright and communicating but can't fly anymore.
it's about time we got back in the game
OLM legs getting painted and additional armor plates installed, so the next launch could be coming up fast. Even the vertical tanks are getting an exoskeleton.
Interesting, would be fun to play farewell to nova scotia during a launch.
Thats actually the best outcome as itnow will remain on the surface standing up until something comes into contact with it.
Updates for Polaris Dawn
That is much needed. I can't wait to see a launch without stage 0 damage.
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Musk on Martian laser communications systems.
Ahem.... I'll just drop this here
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>Starlink L136 | SpaceX | Jan 28 | 2315 UTC
18th launch this year already. Pretty incredible
It would be nice if some of these actually had space programs...
2008, more like 1969.
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kek. Oldspace is gonna Oldspace.
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Rocketlab Electron will deploy four SSA satellites to a 530km orbit - and will also be bringing the rocket’s first stage back to Earth under a parachute for a recovery attempt.
Did any of you guys watch that falcon 9 launch? The tracking on that landing was incredible!
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9 months to launch, and EuropaClipper has all its instruments!

During the spacecraft's 49 flybys of Europa, the instruments will gather measurements and images that will help us determine if Jupiter's icy moon has conditions suitable for life. https://go.nasa.gov/3Si8L8M
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Launch went well.
NASA announced Assignments for its SpaceX Crew-9 Space Station Mission
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Here they are Commander Zena Cardman, Pilot Nick Hague, and Mission Specialist Stephanie Wilson, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Mission Specialist Aleksandr Gorbunov
4 more tower sections moved in Florida for loading onto a barge. Construction on a 6 story parking garage supposed to start in Starbase next week. Looks like the office building might to getting started on the other side of the factory.
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Greece has now joined the Artemis accords
About fucking time. To be honest SpaceX should move their HQ down there
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IFT-3 is stacked
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New glenn is standing
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SpaceX has moved its state of incorporation from Delaware to Texas!
Yeah he's having a tantrum because a judge said he can't just grant himself a $60 billion bonus when he only owns 12% of the car company
And Russia is looking to nuke Starlink.
>moving HQ into the middle of nowhere in hurricane alley and right next to cartel warzone land

It was an absurd package, but saying "he gave himself $60B" is disingenuous. The board *and shareholders* approved a stock-based compensation package that would unlock blocks of shares to be issued if the stock met price targets. Price targets that, when the package was granted in 2018, were stupidly far off. It's like saying "if our company is worth a gazillion dollars tomorrow, we award our CEO a trillion shares of stock"- it was a publicity stunt. Then the company became worth a gazillion dollars and the CEO was awarded his stock and suddenly oh fuck, why are we letting this much money go out the door? We wouldn't have awarded this in 2018 if we knew what we know today". Except it isn't even money, it's shares, the value of which exists because Elon did what Elon does, and turned a podunk car company into the hottest shit on the planet. The lawsuit argued that the only fair solution is shareholders get 9001% returns instead of 9000% because fuck you, they mashed buy at the right time.
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>the value of which exists because Elon did what Elon does, and turned a podunk car company into the hottest shit on the planet
Was it hard to type that out with elon's dick in your mouth or are you pretty used to it by now?
>Elon did what Elon does, and turned a podunk car company into the hottest shit on the planet
It was just a name when he became a founder. They didn't even have a car design yet, thats why he is credited as a founder.
>hottest shit on the planet.
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Intuitive Machines flight controllers successfully fired the first liquid methane and liquid oxygen engine in space, completing the IM-1 mission engine commissioning. This engine firing included a full thrust mainstage engine burn and throttle down-profile necessary to land on the Moon
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Incoming tower segments.
Can't wait until starships are launching like falcon 9s.
If you excuse the Musk onions there's a kernel of truth in this anon's statement. Elon is a complete retard but investors latch onto him. Having his name associated with Tesla is the only reason its stock price is so inflated rn.
Are they planning on building additional towers at Boca Chica, or is this for a different site?
>Elon is a complete retard
The only retard is the one making this statement unironically.
>Are they planning on building additional towers at Boca Chica, or is this for a different site?
Boca Chica is getting a second tower. Since they have a long way to go to get approval to expand the site footprint, the second tower will likely go where the suborbital pad is. So that pad will likely get demolished very soon, maybe after the next ship does a static fire. Ship static fires are being moved to Masseys, but a lot of work before that's online.
I used to be a huge NASA and SpaceX fan 2015-2020 but now I think it's a big grift. NASA not so much because they do genuine science however they've been shilling a jobs program disguised as a moon rocket for years. But we all know this. The more insidious grift is SpaceX. Elon is a grifter, shocker. 1) It's not a private venture, he is heavily subsidised by the government. 2) The claims of going to Mars and even putting lots of humans in space is all bullshit designed to deflect away from his use of public funds. At the end of the day it's just a more efficient military satellite program. Do you really think the US gov would fund some autist's pie-in-the-sky dream?

Oh and none of it is new, The whole program is largely a copy of Philip Bono's ideas in the 1960s.
Its called starbase. Enough with the shitty development name.
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>he is heavily subsidised by the government.
No he is not
>The claims of going to Mars and even putting lots of humans in space is all bullshit
No it is not
>Do you really think the US gov would fund some autist's pie-in-the-sky dream
They aren't the ones paying for it.
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Odysseus lander captured this image approximately 100,000km from the Moon using its Terrain Relative Navigation camera.
Falcon 9 just completed its 300th successful mission. That is insane
Its happening!!!
I will never drink the kool-aid Elon pisses in.
>After troubleshooting communications, flight controllers have confirmed >Odysseus is upright and starting to send data.
>Right now, we are working to downlink the first images from the lunar surface.
Oh shit its upright
Because you are retarded
Wasting money on the stupid rockets which burn tons of fuel, create noise pollution, need heavy maintenance(as 1/100 rocket fails), costly for general public, takes more time on pre flight and post flight, launch depends on weather conditions or you are fucked. Instead of this usless vanity dick flagging why not make aeroplane faster, like revive concord or design some new supersonic planes. Plane tech is proven and way way more safer(1/1m), more efficient, less noise, cheaper etc. Elon musk is the brand ambassador of decompossing logic and sensibility. This bullshit will never be the preferred mode of transportation with the current tech. musk is a clown and sooner or later he will bite the dust along with his retarded cult.
>Did NASA save Elon musk ass with govt money
absolutely , lurk more cult fag.
Nice bait retard
A contract award is not a subsidy
Blue Origin has emerged as the likely buyer for United Launch Alliance
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New Glenn is standing!!
some serious mental gymnastics here, cult fag. chimp all you want, with current tech , Rockets will never be the mode of transportation just like flying cars will never be. Fraud musk is not the tony stark and Cult fags are worse than enemies. Strapping more rockets was never the answer for transportation, thanks to dumb ,grifter, musk. i must accept he maybe zero in actual stuff but he is master in creating illusions.
Press conference
Again nice bait
About 2 months ago they paved a large parking lot at the suborbital pad. Today they ripped out all the asphalt. Maybe the new tower is going there.
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The final resting place for Ingenuity in the undying lands.
"Upgraded stage two engine testing is off to a strong start." -Stoke space
"Upgraded stage two engine testing is off to a strong start." -Stoke space
The FAA has closed the mishap investigation into Flight 2 and SpaceX released an update on their website detailing the causes of failure
>Following stage separation, Super Heavy initiated its boostback burn, which sends commands to 13 of the vehicle’s 33 Raptor engines to propel the rocket toward its intended landing location. During this burn, several engines began shutting down before one engine failed energetically, quickly cascading to a rapid unscheduled disassembly (RUD) of the booster. >The vehicle breakup occurred more than three and a half minutes into the flight at an altitude of ~90 km over the Gulf of Mexico.

>The most likely root cause for the booster RUD was determined to be filter blockage where liquid oxygen is supplied to the engines, leading to a loss of inlet pressure in engine oxidizer turbopumps that eventually resulted in one engine failing in a way that resulted in loss of the vehicle. SpaceX has since implemented hardware changes inside future booster oxidizer tanks to improve propellant filtration capabilities and refined operations to increase reliability.
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>At vehicle separation, Starship’s upper stage successfully lit all six Raptor engines and flew a normal ascent until approximately seven minutes into the flight, when a planned vent of excess liquid oxygen propellant began. Additional propellant had been loaded on the spacecraft before launch in order to gather data representative of future payload deploy missions and needed to be disposed of prior to reentry to meet required propellant mass targets at splashdown.

>A leak in the aft section of the spacecraft that developed when the liquid oxygen vent was initiated resulted in a combustion event and subsequent fires that led to a loss of communication between the spacecraft’s flight computers. This resulted in a commanded shut down of all six engines prior to completion of the ascent burn, followed by the Autonomous Flight Safety System detecting a mission rule violation and activating the flight termination system, leading to vehicle breakup. The flight test’s conclusion came when the spacecraft was as at an altitude of ~150 km and a velocity of ~24,000 km/h, becoming the first Starship to reach outer space.
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Rocket factory Augsburg delivered the updated proposal of our cost-effective cargo capsule, Argo, to ESA today.
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NASA and SpaceX recently performed qualification testing for the docking system that will help future Artemis crews move between spacecraft to carry out lunar landings. The tests, conducted over 10 days, included more than 200 docking scenarios.
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>Starship completed its rehearsal for launch, loading more than 10 million pounds of propellant on Starship and Super Heavy and taking the flight-like countdown to T-10 seconds
OSAM-1 is cancelled... fuck. Can we get some money to NASA FFS
MethaneSAT posted their satellite release on Transporter-10 a good look on these payloads. Transporter missions are insanely good for R&D, the amount of research gains these missions create is truly incredible.
>over budget
>behind schedule
>congress kept shoveling money at it
>requirements kept ballooning
Unfortunately, it was joever before it even began
SaxaVord Spaceport will receive a £10M investment from GOVUK as announced in today’s SpringBudget.

>This latest investment will help us capitalise on the rapid pace of construction as we work towards the first-ever orbital launch from UK and European soil.
Sure but its still shameful. It shouldn't have been such a disaster.
Live on the crown jewel planet of the galaxy. Poison it. Children starving. Bomb babies. Spend billions trying to leave the plant instead of fixing it. Retards. Retards one and all.
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>Spend 10$ trying to reach the planets and
green planting them up.
,,,those islands arein view,,inreach,,,doable.,
,, i trusthathe Russian Venuslander was infected with a microbe that is learning to live,,,deepsea bugs are Loving thermal vents,800degrees and pressure,,lotsand lots!,
,,,we print money,,printer go BRRRRRRR!,
,dowe spend on cutting kids ballsoff?, spraying poison to stop the climate?,
,,,,isthere money being spentoday to pullife from the AIR??, YES!,your FING carbon CAPTURE plants!!,nothe green plants!,but your MACHINE plants running on petrolium!! DAMNTHATDUNG!,
,,carbon is life,,carbon is LOVE!,more PLEASE!,
,,,,,entire planets needing OUR life to grow!,
,oooo spreading misery?,thats how you view God,,no suffering if Godevil hadnot made it?,
,,,,,,,,contradictionsand confusion,,human understanding is like that.,
,,,,Go to YOUR abortion celebration rally,,while telling me to love kids?,
,im praying to be wrong about your holding up babies as a shield.
Starship launch targeted for Thursday pending license. SpaceX must be confident they'll get it since the FTS was installed on the ship / booster.
>Rocket propulsion startup Ursa Major announced March 9 its Hadley engine successfully flew for the first time powering a Stratolaunch hypersonic test vehicle.
Real hypersonic cruise missiles now
Whst happens if that jewel experiences an extinction level event? Why would you ruin a jewel with mining and manufacturing if you can do that with asteroids or on a barren planet?
>muh bombs
The only retard here is you
Its going to be a major success. I cannot wait.
Boca Chica residents got their evacuation notice, still no launch license yet.
Launch license granted for tomorrow morning.
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Kek, china and Russia may be a bit butthurt that their lie about capabilities just made the US stronger.
*starbase* and yes they did.
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onboard cameras
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largest object in orbit
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Wow reentry footage
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Looks like it died on reentry.
Yep unfortunately. But still what an amazing test flight
Not going to be much of the booster left hitting the water at 1100 km/h. Not so soft landing.
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15seconds,,,burn makesit landsoft!,
>living in a world where we can watch a 100 ton man-made object return from space live in HD
Absolutely wild.
>largest object in orbit
Largest single object by volume.
Booster maxed out at 106 km altitude, so it was in space too.
That live feed was insane
RIPTom Stafford
DARPA picks Northrop Grumman to develop 'lunar raiload' concept!!
Watch our Xodiac liftoff at night! Xodiac is a terrestrial, reusable rocket. The night flight prepared it for upcoming flight testing w. the NASA TechLeap Prize’s Nighttime Precision Landing Challenge, managed by NASA’s Flight Opportunities program.
A NASA-funded commercial space station, blueorigin's Orbital Reef, recently completed testing milestones for its critical life support system as part of the agency’s efforts for new destinations in low Earth orbit. The four milestones are part of a NASA Space Act Agreement originally awarded to Blue Origin in 2021 and focused on the materials and designs for systems to clean, reclaim, and store the air and water critical for human spaceflight.

NASA is working closely with commercial companies to develop new space stations capable of providing services to NASA and others, which will ensure that the U.S. maintains a continuous human presence in low Earth orbit and provides direct benefits for people on Earth.
RIP booster 4. Been parked for ages, but is now in a bay for scrapping. Must finally need an extra parking spot for a completed booster. Probably procrastinated on that because of all the engines that would need to be sent somewhere for secure disposal.
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Rocketlab NROL-123 'Live and Let' fly mission
Good, new everything. We need a focus on speed.
>2 starship launches in one thread
This is amazing when you think about it.
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Starbase, Texas, rocket factory
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Liftoff! NASA astronaut Tracy Dyson, Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy, and Belarus spaceflight participant Marina Vasilevskaya begin their journey to the Space Station.
>Things are heating up w/Polaris Dawn mission. We spent last week completing most of the EVA suit acceptance test procedure. This was the first time we wore the final assembled suits as opposed to the development or training suits. There are big milestones ahead (CEIT, vacuum chamber runs, joint sim campaign), but we are getting very close to
-Jared Issacman
this board used to be slow before it was invaded by lolbertarians and shills posting press releases and official PR photos
Its a cycle. Most blue boards do this
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The construction for the static fire stand at Masseys is pretty neat looking. There is a ramp that goes up to a pit. A giant sliding structure that can cover the pit. Which will allow SPMTs to carry the platform the ship will sit on and place it over the pit. The pit itself will have a pair of water cooled curved structures that look like a pipe organ.

They spent months prepping the flame trench using a slurry wall technique that used the ground itself as a concrete form since the water table was too high to excavate a pit. Then they built a huge slab on top of the wall. For the past few weeks they've been excavating the trench and under the slab.
Interesting, why are they pursuing a flame trench now?
Detailed diagram of Orbital Reefs initial configuration.
The existing suborbital pad has regularly caused damage to ships during static fires due to flying chunks of concrete. Its also a maintenance nightmare and they regularly have to repair damage to the stand and concrete below it. This also gets ship testing away from the launch site so there will be fewer extended beach and road closures.

The whole facility in general is going from a prototype to full production phase. A lot of "old" buildings and equipment are being replaced. The old booster stands are being replace with new ones that have built in stabilization pins and hydraulic hold down clamps. The one stands required people to manually unbolt every clamp before a lift.
The only thing, and I do mean the only thing, a flame trench does is control the direction of the flames. They want a flame trench because they want to control where the exhaust plume goes. You don't need to make up nonsense about pad damage for that.
So its basically for a test stand? Well thats fine as long as they aren't regressing yo yhr flame trench.
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>Congratulations to Int Machines, LunarOutpostInc, and Astrolab Space for being selected to move forward in developing the Artemis lunar terrain vehicle!

>This Moon rover will allow future astronauts to travel far on the lunar surface:

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Looks like SpaceX is roughing up the metal for the tiles
IFT3 recap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApMrILhTulI
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I guess Starship wasn't big enough.
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Incredible things are coming
Such an amazing flight! I cannot wait to see the 4th.
Honestly good. They should get as much performance out of the raptor as they can and that is going to change everything.
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New Mars render!
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New moon render!
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polesecret,,,back tothe Moon?,
,,giveup the highest vantage point?, NEVER!,
,,,athe poles its just 28 miles of powerline to have ENDLESS POWER!!,
,,,,,,nonstop., underground growrooms,,,internets is SLOW!,like,,5 second ping.,
,,look at OPic,,thearth is ALWAYS in the same place so windoworks ALWAYS!,depending on which limb youron earth will wax on during night to full,,,quarter to full to quarter,,,or full earthshine to wane dark., every month same same same!,then 14 daysunshine., except down in polar craters where the frozen water is,,,so cold you can open store lakes of hydrogen and oxygen to pump into starship.
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it's an end of an era folks.
Is the vehicle going to get its own lander?
No one is going to honor this shit in the next century.
It's about creating legitimacy for future actions. The accords themselves mean very little.
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sir, scat sat launch was successful
Raptor 3 is crazy clean looking. Over twice the thrust of an R1. Not needing heat shielding will save a lot of weight on the booster.
oops, my math was way off a lot more trust but certainly not twice.
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STS-1 – the first Space Shuttle mission – launched 43 years ago today from NASA Kennedy Space Center. The orbiter for STS-1 was the Columbia, which circled the Earth 37 times over the span of the 54-hour mission. The Shuttle program inspired a lot of Americans, particularly kids in the 80’s and 90’s, to get interested in space. I’m hopeful the next evolution of human spaceflight will help keep the inspiration alive!

-Buzz Aldrin
Should fit on the starship...
Honestly insane that they can do it so cleanly
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Here it is, the Europa clipper
Going to space is gay. What the fuck are you gonna do out there?
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Build like crazy, develop an obscene amount of tech and take advantage of the different environment. Most importantly we build out infrastructure to eventually start mining resources.
I just discovered this thread
I usually post on /sci/sfg/ spaceflight general, it's a lot more active with pretty much the same discourse as here
Check it out
Russia has just joined the discussion again. Successful Angara A5 launch.
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We used to be from /sfg/ but that anime spamming trans poster derailed every thread for so long we left. We won't go back until that poster is gone.
Yes we, there are a lot of us that left. We just don't discuss things on 4chan anymore. I keep up the /n/ thread just to spread awareness on space events because the big events draw eyes. /sfg/ is long since lost its value unfortunately.
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UPDATED artemis accords. Now with Switzerland
Sounds like a You that's looking for accomplices to me.
The irony of
and 4ch is that
>We are anonymous
>We are legion
That means one is part of the whole and the whole is part of one. Find your desired comfort zone and eventually, you assimilate with the oldfags and indoctrinate the newfags. That is the power of
>The People
I mean Anonymous
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>The BoeingSpace Starliner spacecraft is mounted atop its ride to space—ULA’s AtlasV rocket—in preparation for launch of CFT in collaboration with NASA's Commercial Crew Program.
We are borg
Our server says otherwise.
Bro the demiurge just makes these to deceive us about the truth.
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Mars today.. our future home.
Sweden just signed today
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Lot of answers from Tory
Prepping to remove more of the vertical orbital tank farm tanks in the next few days.
The Starship 2/3 stretches are needed because it is drastically underperforming the original expectations. 100t to LEO, ended up being closer to 40t. Vehicle weight ended up being higher than anticipated. Stretching improves the vehicle to fuel mass ratio.
Seems like they don't want any vertical tanks which desu seems like a waste of time to make the change.
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Nothing more kino than this.
How reliable is rocketlab these days? I still hear that they have the occasional RUD.
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We have confirmed deployment of the Advanced Composite Solar Sail System in low Earth orbit!

Next steps are powering up and making contact with the ground. Stay up to date by following along on our blog: go.nasa.gov/4b5FaY0
That image was a falcon9 but rocketlab seems to have ironed out the kinks. Its much less risky than it used to be.
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Ariane 6 coming rolling
Starship cargo.
>Gravitics Awarded U.S. Space Force Contract for Tactically Responsive Space Development
What third world shithole cuntry is that?
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SpaceX just unveiled the EVA suits
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Starliner set to launch tomorrow on a rocket that has been discontinued.
Starliner got delayed geg. Dubs and it's cancelled.
well, you didn't get dubs, but it was scrubbed.
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Last night S26 rolled over to Masseys on the new mobile static fire stand. The stand will let the ships get lifted at the build site so the test site won't need its own crane.
source of image?
Word has it that the berm between the orbital and suborbital site is starting to be demolished. Suborbital site demo, and start of new orbital pad should be imminent.
SpaceX revenue jumped from $1.4 billion in 2022 to $6.6 billion in 2024.
For comparison, the combined revenue of the two largest geostationary satellite operators, SES and Intelsat, which recently announced a merger, is around $4.1 billion.
SpaceX is on fucking fire.
A four-person volunteer crew entered JSC's HERA habitat yesterday to simulate living & working like astronauts on a mission to Mars.
Meh we just need boeing to get their shit together now
And its only going to increase
Suborbital pad started getting ripped apart before they even pulled S30 off the stand.
They're so fast its inspiring
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Rocketlab's new Archimedes Engine next to their old Rutherford engine.
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Ship 31 suffered an electrical issue. Could be a ship loss
RIP Boeing. Wtf are they doing?

And about to be criminally charged after fucking up their deferred prosecution agreement over the Max crashes by not learning their lesson and forgetting to install bolts in doors.
Too big to fail. Congress will bail them out, or private equity firm will acquire them and sell it off to Lockheed and SpaceX.
Full stack, flight 4 WDR soon.
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this is what Mars will look like after the white man is done with terraforming
well, looks like starliner will be delayed again...
Full speed ahead on old orbital tank decommissioning. 3rd to last cryo shell lifted and being cut up.
The Gateway to Mars wall is half gone. Its quite possible they'll remove the letters and knock the entire thing down.
RFA static fire!
It'll probably look more like northern countries with pines but yes
Holy shit..
terraforming mars is dumb, by the time you get started on it, large parts of the northern lowlands (the most habitable part of mars) will be colonized. I'm not sure that the colonists will be so enthusiastic about their homes being terraformed into the bottom of an ocean.
Doesn't Mars need more protection from solar and cosmic radiation so it doesn't tear away the atmosphere?
What's the long term plan for this?
I believe the terraformer's plan is something along the lines of "just add more atmosphere bro".
To be fair the rate at which atmosphere is lost to solar radiation is pretty low, and would probably still be low even if it had an earth-like one; Mars got to where it is now on geological timescales rather than human ones.
Starliner delay upgraded to indefinite.
What kind of technical issue could they be dealing with? It sounded like something was wrong with centaur, but It almost seems like it's more serious than that.
RCS leak in the service module. Can work around it instead of fixing, but they need to develop procedures to do that and NASA has to sign off on it. Maybe they do, maybe Boeing has to end up fixing it.
Texas DOT went on a camera bagging spree at Starbase. Looks like a crackdown on vehicle mounted live cams parked on the side of the road. Other cams on private property are safe. Maybe the number of car cams is getting out of hand. LP, NSF and WAI all have them and probably a few smaller channels too.
can you put "/stg/" in the title next time?
SpaceX releases updated report on IFT3. Clogged filter during superheavy boost-back. Clogging of the valves responsible for roll control on starship.
Yeah this thread was rushed to meet the oft
IFT4 as early as next Saturday.
Hopefully it is that early, every day wasted is a big deal now.
Its never going to happen
RGV did a flight today and said the footprint for tower 2 is visible, a 12 x 12 square grid of 144 piles.
Looks like NET already bumped back to Wed.
it didn't even make it into orbit

unlike my sides after watching it fall back to ocean haha

It was launched on a trajectory that would guarantee re-entry even if they lost control (which they did).
This has already been posted elsewhere, but it's a really great breakdown on current artemis status, including what's going on with gateway.
Starship flight termination explosives being installed today.

Tower 2 pile cap poured yesterday.
>Today, we welcomed two countries Peru and Slovakia to the Artemis Accords.

>That’s 42 countries so far.

>Together, we will make sure that space is explored openly, responsibly, in peace, and for all.

-Bill Nelson
Annnnd its destacked
Uh, to installed the FTS. They can't install it on the ship when stacked.
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Starliner on the pad to steal the show!!
Not with that attitude
Very big news for Europe.
Helium's flowing, but we're still going.
>Tower 2 pile cap poured yesterday.
It seems it wasn't the pile cap, just 30 truckloads to make a concrete border around it so they had somewhere to work and something to anchor the form wall supports. Yesterday's fly over showed the rebar for the cap in place and form walls going up.
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RIP dearMoon.

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