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Is it the blimp trains time to shine?
Could this be used to get Ukraine grain to the rest of europe?

They have different rail gauge between rooskie and EU tracks but blimp can be handed off with out even slowing down

THIS CAN WORK???!!!!!!!

Now Im on the edge of something
Wondering bout the blimp train
ooooohhhhaaaaa eeeeeaaaaahhhooooaaaa
Talking bout the blimp train
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Train plane https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRH5BO-bnDw
Is he one of us?
And they say azns cant be creative
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can he make a blimp one

can someone reach out to him

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Are thinner tires better for bikes that are used in the city and gravel roads mostly?
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Whatever you do, don't put on 1.75 inches tires. They are the most awful tires of all.
I lived years with them and i always looked at my builds with disgrace.
>humans can't make wheels spin out
i can do that easily if you shifting your weight too far forward when climbing for example
Schwalbe G-One RS it has the same rolling resistance as a slick
Pavement only: 28mm
Pavement and occasional nicely packed firm gravel: 32mm
Mix of pavement and bad condition gravel: 40mm
Casual mountain biking: 2"
Hardcore intense mountain biking: 2.3"
Downhill: 2.7" front 2.3" rear
Memes: 4.8"

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Do you enjoy any /n/ games, like city builders and tycoons?
>picrel OpenTTD, the best transportation game
If not a game, what software would you use to make model junctions and rail systems? /diy/ has solidworks, autocad, etc. Unironically a dumb game like OpenTTD seems to be the best option for exercising what you learn in your hobby, at least for free (so, not including real model railways.) It's also just fun as fuck.
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t. intensely buttblasted
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At least get these rails: https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=84591

>Dutch drop gone wrong [Colorized 4K 60 FPS]
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Gnarly fouling, dude!
My favorite city builder is and always will be SimCity 4

When you see it

Previous: >>1781074
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What experiences have you had on the CTA blue line at night? Is the stretch from O'hare to Lasalle and Van Buren as bad as from UIC to forest park?
Post CTA stories and experiences
The blue line used to be working class people and people who just flew in to o'hare and want to make a point about trains. Now, it's those people still, but also about 50% of the passengers are homeless people and not the temporarily homeless kind either, the professional homeless. The trains are basically rolling homeless shelters, except with more crack. I don't know if it's necessarily more dangerous per se but it's definitely a lot more seedy than it was.

t. used to live in chicago, go back there from time to time still (NY now)
From my commute yesterday, it seems that the train usually has less of that during rush hour. At the montrose stop towards forest park, the cabs are nearly empty and fill to capacity at logan. Each person ive noticed seems to be working class.
i would imagine this would change drastically during the night hours wherein homeless would likely ride, but i havent been on at night in a while.
Not good ones. Loop section is the worst part at night because you get both the people riding end to end all night long and the nocturnal loop creatures. The red line at least gets some normal people riding it at all hours. Blue line sucks during the day too since the trains never come. Thankfully I can live most of my life just fine never going west of Ashland. I would miss some friends and restaurants but could get by never going west of Michigan.
t. hyde parker who works in streeterville

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What does /n/ think of tomorrow's upgraded, more inclusive bike lanes? Cagetrolls will hate this, but I for one think it is perfectly reasonable for bike lanes to be open to any vehicle that doesn't have an ICE or require a Class A CDL to operate legally. What's the point of bike lanes if nobody is going to use them!??!?
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Do you have me confused for a SWE
If I catch you driving in my lane you son of a bitch you son of God I will pull you out of your car and deliver you to demons
All roads are car roads.
Holy shit. Will this result in dead cyclists? How and what can I do to support this and make sure it passes?

Also once this passes what kind of ICE or minimal hybrid vehicle could I build to legally be allowed to use this lane while still maximizing my space and comfort? I'm thinking something like picrel could be killer if I could get it to run under the proposed regulations. Imagine the age of DOT private Bikelane highway Kei Cars.

Yeah, I'm thinkin' based.
Spoiler, all bike lanes are stealth "kill all the cyclists" programs

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any tip, pic, possibly shit like sawed off dropbars, or bullhorn made with bar ends?
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God forbid having a discussion on a discussion board. kys faggot for not adding anything to this shit thread. Saged.
literally the setup of my ex boss who had parkinsonism.
Youre being taken for a ride numb nuts
just get drops, aero position without easy brake access is bad news
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Why are there no container ports for the Great Lakes, like there are on the East and West coasts of North America?
Why is it only used for bulk cargo at the moment?
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They couldn't do a project like this nowadays. There are lost villages along the old St. Lawrence that have sunk underwater, a part of the process of expanding the river for the seaway.
You can even see pictures of where the town was, and now there's just roads that lead into the river. You can even see the layout of the towns underwater from satellite pictures.
>They couldn't do a project like this nowadays
What even is Eminent domain/expropriation?
They removed most structures prior to flooding
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True, but that would take political will, which doesn't seem to exist anymore for mega projects these days. I doubt any government would voluntarily relocate and flood historical villages in the 21st century.
You can even see the outlines of what used to be there. Pretty sure some buildings ended up in Long Sault and Ingleside.
Reading this as a European, it sounds like a lot could be learned by looking at Europe. Large container ships mostly stop at the north sea harbours (Rotterdam, Antwerpen, Bremerhaven, Hamburg, ...). Then, containers for the baltic ports are put on smaller feeder vessels, which go there. Or on river ships, if the destination is inland from the harbour. Heck, the baltic feeder ships aren't larger than those on the great lakes.

The same concept should work in North America, if it weren't for legal obstacles.

> marine traffic carrying containers would have to pay a duty at both the Canadian port of handling, and the US port of arrival, so short-hop shipping is priced-out.
There was the concept of the freeport. Basically, the border for customs purposes is not the quay, but the border of the harbour area. Putting stuff on a different ship in the same harbour (to bring it onwards to a different country) does not cause any duties to be paid.

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/ck/ is having a meet up and /n/ is invited.
Yes you can walk or bike there from the Texrail station

Details here: >>>/ck/20472038 #
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No really, you can train and walk or bike there
i would ride metra through there from lisle so often that i forgot there was a warhammer shop steps away from the stop, the farmers market there sold me fish burger patties and they were really good.

You're at the cyclist cafe when this lady compliments your orchid collection.

What do you do, /n/? Oh and she's 163cm and 49kg, all slow twitch.
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peak performance
>he thinks 16.5 bmi is athletic
baste taste
does it mean she wants to suck on them on step on them cause i'm down for both
>bodybuilders look like cope machines
yeah well that's not surprising, it's always true regardless of gender
and you can be a weightlifter without being a copebuilder, you know
Total fixie death. Kill fixies behead fixies roundhouse kick a fixie into the concrete.
Fixie hate is so 2015

So it happened again, we can blame tactics, workers, management but we simply aren't good enough.
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The people knocking together this shit have bailed anon, why are YOU throwing away your one life?
this guy is very lucky to still be alive
>"I have lost faith on the quality organisation here at
If only there were whistleblowers willing to take the aircrafts' faults public.

bicycles should be fun colors, not boring solid colors
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If it's aluminum, strip the paint off the frame and polish it
>v-brakes and road levers
how'd he did dat
Oh interesting, didn't know that was a thing
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Hi /n/
I'm a bike commuter and i'm sick of dick head car brains shitting up the already shitty bike lanes
Whats the best way to ensure I don't get caught for slashing a tire, breaking a window, breaking a mirror, or all of the above?
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>I do and I love it but dick heads need some punishment every now and then, no?
Not by whatever you have in mind.

>It's why their behavior never changes.
No. It's because you live around dickheads. Though experiment. Take those dickheads and stick them in the train, or on the sidewalk. They're STILL dickheads.

You can't vandalize your way into becoming Japan or the Netherlands.
get motorcycle glovees and punch mirrors
thats what the carbon knuckles are for
yea, mindless vandalism is just counterproductive

picking a fight with a 2 ton piece of machinery is fucking retarded. even if you don't get caught by the police for vandalizing stationary vehicles some vigilante justice idiot is probably going to catch on at some point, especially if you are clearly the angry moron they see riding around all the time.
This will not improve society or make people better drivers.
At most you'll just become a boogeyman in these people's heads as a representative phantom of why they should never change anything.
No, the worst thing is messing with an urban gentleman's vehicle. Depending on what you do and the neighborhood you're in you'll be at best be branded a racist or worst, pic related (except that's your head).

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You WILL fly supersonic this decade
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When considering the price, what advantage will supersonic travel offer compared to ordinary planes? Some hour or two less ETA?
It was about 4 hours less going NY to London. Hardly justifiable especially in the era of zoom and in-flight internet but simps will simp for the lifestyle of the rapacious oligarchy because they think they'll be that some day
Specialists need to fly out to oilsites all the time. They don't have the necessary personnel for every eventuality. Doesn't matter with regard to speed though because you need to get equipment there too, which takes far longer than flying out engineers and technicians.
Oil sites in Jamaica Bay and the Thames Estuary? Or the ones 80 miles off the remote coastline of nowhere? How many 12000 foot runways are there within helicopter distance of an oil field anyway? Am I missing something here or are you grasping at straws?
>American airplanes
No thanks.

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What are the considerations needed to make between choosing a locomotive or MU to power a train?
I know passenger trains in Europe tend to be MU but freight is always locomotive hauled.
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>Jacobs bogies
main downside is that cars sharing a bogie are a bitch to seperate, while the whole point of using sperate cars instead of an integrated multiple-unit design is to be flexible in their combination.
Btw, I've seen similar designs (not sure if technically a jacobs bogie or if there's special terms for it) in car-transporters and container train cars, making two-car consists with 3 or 6 axles respectively.
I've always heard them referred to simply as articulated cars, jacobs bogie I only hear in reference to passenger equipment. Articulated autoracks are two cars, articulated well cars can be up to five cars, at least in US. 3 and 5 car articulated well cars are very common. I don't see it as much with autoracks.
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>Why aren't Jacobs bogies more of a thing with coaches?

When going through the trouble of Jacob's bogies, it makes no sense to have them on 'dumb' coaches. If you want to keep the axle load in check, the middle sections will get about half the capacity of a full coach - or even less when vestibules are considered. Jacobs bogies are also troublesome to rearrange the train, if it's not an EMU, then why limit the inherent flexibility of the wagon consist?

This is why they are popular on EMUS, but not traditional coaches.

However, this does not mean there weren't any. A famous example was British Silver Jubilee coaches originally pulled by A4 Pacifics. Pic rel is a German-made four-car set of Polish railway's double deckers which were phased out a few years ago. Those have three axle Jacobs bogies and were being used as two, three and four car sets. Romania, I think still uses these.
I'm only asking as it seems like most passenger trans are made of coach sets where you have a number of them coupled together for a long period.

The axle loading doesn't shoot up nearly as fast as you might think, a coach is an air-filled with some seats, racks, etc inside. Also, each section in an articulated set is shorter to reduce overhang inside the curves, but there's a reduction in the number of bogies over the whole train length.
The overall weight of the train goes down too, as each bogie is heavy. Maybe ~6 tons each for a lightweight design, which adds up. E.g. for a train of 8 coaches that could be a full coach's weight.

I get that this is probably more of a consideration where acceleration/ high speed performance is needed. As you say, for Amtrak and other long distance/slower services the consideration changes to reliability and easy maintenance.
Germany definitely has some 3 axle two car autoracks, while the container cars have 3 bogies of two axles instead due to weight.

Indeed those consists usually remain as is throughout the day, however from a maintenance standpoint single cars are a lot easier to handle given the facilites used for that.
Single cars can just be decoupled and then spread throughout the maintenance yard with these funny side-swiching bridges they use, while consists with jacobs bogies can only be handled in their full length.
Having properly seperate cars also allows all sorts of switching around when one is due for a service or repair. Up to just running the train without it.
For serious acceleration it's almost always just an EMU anyways, due to better ratio of tractive weight to total weight.

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