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Post trains that are just a bit weird or different from the norm. All trains welcome, passenger, freight, locomotive, rolling stock, etc.

Saw this one in the Netherlands and it's a bit odd.
>Only one motor car
>Which has three bogies and one level
>Every other coach is a normal bilevel
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Love choppers me but it is odd have a pair of locos like this.
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Also the Class 13 shunter with a master and slave loco. Our old trains really were soulful.
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A shortline that is still running with electric locos.
this happened too

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I really like planes, especially the BOOM Overture. Concorde, 747, 225, A380, and C-17. What planes do you like? :D
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I love the old Learjets
If you don't like the A340 you're gay
RIP unhushed CJ610
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Hi /n/, thoughts on package drivers? UPS package car driver here
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what are your thoughts about delivering water bottles? I just ordered some for the first time online

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Is there anything more soulful than taking a Greyhound bus from coast to coast?
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is anyone around here old enough to remember flying without security checks? how was it?
there's always taxi/uber, that's what the real upper-class that live in the tall towers in downtown use.
I am old enough to have flown before 9/11 but I don't really remember it very well because I was only 9 when it happened.
Flew cross country when I was 10, summer '00. It was fucking awesome from what I remember being a kid, the flight attendants loved me and I got a tour of a 742 that I'll remember for life.
Spent a lot of time at airports through the 90s, dad travelled for business and grandma was a snowbird. Waiting at the gate, watching the plane arrive, and greeting whoever we were picking up right off the jetway are fond memories.
your whole family could go to the gate with you and hang out while you waited to board was the best thing other than not getting anally probed by TSA

>The Missing emergency escape slide that fell off Delta Air Lines Boeing 767-300 aircraft (N176DN) on 27 April, have been found, as it washed up in front of house of lawyer whose firm is suing Boeing.
>Jake Bissell-Linsk a New York based attorney whose firm (Labaton Keller Sucharow) filed a lawsuit against Boeing in an Alexandria, Va. federal court following the Alaska Airlines door blowout in January.
>He saw the emergency evacuation slide Sunday around noon ,when he looked out the window of his oceanfront home in Belle Harbor, Queens.
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Yes I support china
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Do you think anything bad is going to happen to this guy?
I mean, he could get in an accident or something. Or choose suicide, idk.
>you can know a lot, you can know a little
>but whatever you know, dont blow the whistle

DOJ just announced Boeing is in violation of their deferred criminal prosecution agreement for the Max crashes.

A woman who is in a sexual relationship with an aeroplane has revealed that she travelled abroad 30 times in the last year just to spend quality time with her lover.

Sarah Rodo, from Dortmund, Germany, found love on her first flight with a Boeing 737 - after an unfulfilling attempt to date humans.

Since then, the 23-year-old has also 'met' 60 figurines and three larger models who she considers part of a 'collective being' that she is dating, and so she often refers to her lovers as one.

Keeping up a relationship with an object requires real commitment.

The avid jet-setter is so loved up that she has booked 30 mini-breaks in the last 12 months just to be close to her original beau, the Boeing 737.

Despite their many trips together, Sarah, who identifies as objectum sexual [having a sexual or romantic attraction to an inanimate object], is heartbroken that she's never been fully alone with her partner.

Sarah said: 'I'm proud to be objectum sexual – it's a wonderful sexuality, the only sad thing is that I can't be alone with a real plane.

'I flew a lot in the last year to be with the Boeing as often as I possibly could, I took about 30 flights and always combined it with a city trip or vacation.

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>In love with a Boeing
When the door flies off because the diversity hire forgot to install every screw and it kills her, will it be a plane accident or DV?
have they divorced yet
Still going hot here is her instagram.
fucking lost kek
>wearing protection
No, i want my lover to mpreg-nate me.

Isn't it incestuous for you to ride the town bicycle?

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Happy 20th Birthday 4chan. I traveled to Fremont, CA to meet up with some dear friends and family and found out that the the Niles Canyon Railway was doing a steam excursion to commemorate the Bronco Billy Film Festival where they were showcasing silent-era films that were shot in Bay Area at the turn of the century so I booked a last-minute ride aboard it.

Will dump my album and go over some history of the railroad and its equipment below.
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>mfw missed out on opportunity to ride the speeders this year

>The Diary of a Young Girl Inside a Young Girl
I thought only gypsies stole old metal. I hear this story about twenty years ago about some trains getting delayed because they stole the tracks.

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Why aren't trams more of a thing in North America?
>compatible with existing road infrastructure
>dedicated tracks so no sitting in traffic like with taxis or buses
>can have higher passenger capacity than buses
Europe is ahead with regards to this and its more cost effective than a full metro service which is unlikely to happen in major cities.
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both their brt and light rail are better than a tram
"light rail" is literally just a tram you turboretard
Have you ever been on a tram or a bus? Trams have much higher capacity, they are more quiet, they can be faster, wider, more space, more comfortable, you don't fall out the windows during aggressive turns, can encourage development along the line, etc. they are much better than buses
and a cessna 172 is a widebody jet
>you don't get it! part of the tram network is on a viaduct so it's a competely different mode of transport!

Any tips for sneaking a lil hotheaf on a domestic flight?
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Was considering doing this, but I'm flying international and UK customs are significantly more competent than the TSA, so I go without for two weeks.
This unironically, postal inspectors do not fuck around. You don't want to end up on the wrong side of these guys.
Be Canadian
How do you think dark net markets works.
Just vacuum seal it, No one's looking at your domestic packages
You mean those electronic markets where stupid people get rounded up by the hundreds every time a postal inspector gets bored, because dumbasses think "I don't understand this technology, therefore nobody understands this technology"?

You SURE you wanna use that example?

Yeah I think I'll just fly with my completely legal gummies instead of uploading a permanent electronic receipt of myself buying drugs that gets backed up to millions of servers simultaneously and forever but you do you.

I wish there were more transit of this kind however barebones it would have to be in the US. I was running the numbers on operating a private shuttle between two small cities that the local transit agencies seems to have no desire to connect, and even in the worst case scenario of expensive insurance and low ridership, I could make a modest living off of a running a twice-daily 30 mile long service that stops in all the small towns and villages along the way. Maybe this is all just completely obsolete in this day and age but I can't imagine anything more kino than living in a cozy hamlet and riding into the city over the country roads in one of these, stopping at the center of one stoplight towns and not interstate park and rides.
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And before you snicker at the suggestion that the humble 14 pax shuttle can be transit, please consider 14 pax shuttle, Japan
I wish we had these micro buses again. 20 seats, the back is low-entry which can be accessed with stollers or wheelchairs, trunk underneath has ample space for some luggage.

Too bad regulations say you must use large, 40ft long buses in transit nowadays except the roads are windy and tiny like in Switzerland.

Either standard 40ft, standard articulated ones or get a permission to use something like a 13-seater.
Optare Solo Gang
IIRC the town of Lindsay in Ontario, Canada uses the bus in you op pic for their bus network. Only recently having maybe adopted 1 larger bus. It's been a while since I lived there.

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a electric camper on 3 wheels, price around 2k
on aliexpress

you think they will let me drive that?
Seem pretty interesting. Got a link?
Oh wow that looks fantastic! I wonder if it's drivable too!

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Do you wear a helmet while riding your bicycle?
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>How can I fuck my shit up the fastest way possible.

My stance. Riding on a bike trail? No helmet.
Riding on a "bike lane" WITH CARS? Helmet.
>acts the same as he did before the accident
He would have been better off a vegetable, lest he waste even more medical resources on his dumbass.

I rode with no helmet for years, and suddenly I got a "fast bike" and that sentiment changed.

People close to me nag the shit out of me when I just want to go for a cruise without a helmet. I know my path to work / neighbourhood, so it seems unreasonable.

But conversely, I'd be worried if they didn't wear one.
other than looking like a fag (you already do, you are riding a bicycle) i can't really think of a reason not to wear one.
but seriously, does anyone look cool riding a bike? maybe the one guy on the cover of that real volume where he is riding on the seaside but that is not real life. mr romance looks kinda cool, but he smokes so maybe that just cancels out the fact that he's riding a bike.

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Why are they so (apparently) hated? People seem to dislike the fact that they have to wait for the lights to cycle before they can cross the road. But isn't this literally how they work in other normal parts of the world??

Also why are they called this? Because you have to "beg" cars to be able to cross the road? Do Americans really?
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>20 seconds

Last time i was in the USA, i timed it and it took 6 minutes to cycle round to let pedestrians cross

Here is always immediately puts on red lights for cars and green man for pedestrians when pressed, worst case around 10 seconds

I don't mind them here, but in the USA it's a shitshow, especially as you need to cross 8 lanes of traffic, so jaywalking isnt really possible
Why do you need to lie?
A lot of the buttons these days in the US don't actually work anymore and that's intended.
>pushing the cuck button
>not walking out into traffic like a chad
You’re not gonna make it famalam
I live in north italy. On secondary streets they tend to work on this sort of gentleman agreement:
Walkers don't push the botton
Drivers yeld and let them cross.
So, the outcome is favorable for both: pedestrians cross and drivers don't get a red light.

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The eternal debate....Which wins?
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except a motorcycle cant go on bike paths, requires insurance, uses gas and is far heavier.
Stealthy 40 mph ebikes are where it's at
Don't ruin bikes with your bitch ass throttle 'bike' on bike paths . Get a scooter make sure its under so many CCs and no special license is required

Get something like this which is cheaper than some ebikes and way better quality than the ching chong piece of shit amazon throttle 'ebikes'


Then stay on the roads!

This anon knows.
50cc scooters are tons of fun honestly.
I have a black vespa with a 50cc 2 stroke and you turn heads like you wouldnt believe. Chicks dig it too.
I bet no zoomette was eager to hop onto your shitty chinese huadong ching pong ebike.
>Not using a steam-powered bike
Some people lack class.

the mustached man edition

Read this:

Old >>199235
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Yes those plier-multi-tools that are becoming popular lately are reliable
Damn, I feel stupid for getting a smaller multi tool without it last year now.
Are you thinking of something else? I haven't seen any pliermultitools
This is the type of set I meant btw
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Why can't we have simple elastomere suspensions on regular bikes?
This is the overpriced multi-tool version that I would expect china to sell for $15, but what you posted has a chain wear checking gauge, masterlink opening/closing pliers, and the actual chain breaking tool, that’ll work

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