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File: ebikevsescooter.jpg (7 KB, 357x141)
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The eternal debate....Which wins?
Literally no debate
Depends on range you need to ride and storage capacity at the end points.

In end electric unicycle wins.
The e-bike in every case. A grown man on a scooter is gayer than having homo sex.
Bike is better. Scooter is the compromise of needs - cost, space etc.
Whenever I see someone on an e-scooter I imagine how long it'll take before they faceplant themselves onto the pavement. Even funnier when they drive on gravel.
There is reason rent services mostly have demand for renting out escoots but not ebicycles.
Invisible Hand of Market settled this question.
Market = cost. Not what's good. They're cheaper to buy, have fewer and simpler parts to maintain, easier to transport in bulk, need less storage, less chance for theft of parts or jail-breaking etc.
>Market = cost. Not what's good
>*People use cars instead of public transit *
Noooo! Market = what is good. Not what's cheaper
Both explode so I win
I hate you E-fags so fucking much. I just try to enjoy my commute on the bike lane, and you monsters zoom near me with those THICC tyres at 80 kmph. I hope goverments will ban these, unlicensed shit. Sincerely, a guy with working legs
Progress is good.
Conversatives are bad.
Bike, obviously. Safer, faster, stronger. Both will end up getting stolen however.
>illegal e-scooter
He didn't have a loicense for that there e-scooter, eh?
Most of the e-bikes are glorified mopeds with less safety features and there is no regulation since it's just a bicycle in most eyes.
>*zooms past red light*
e-bike is more stable, but gets stolen.
e-scooter is less stable, but doesn't get stolen.
go faster faggot. Your legs arent working. Mine work fine, i dont need to use them however.
When using a scooter you have to stand like a woman. Bikes make you either take a civilized sited stance or an ancestral attack one.
E-scooters fucking suck and was such a waste of money
>easier to get stolen
>can be fucking impossible to replace tires on
>hope your roads are GOAT tier or feel every bump
>if batteries die the motor is counter productive

At least a bike has use cases if the battery is dead

What e-bike goes 80kmph?
Unless you need the form factor of the scooter (you need to take it up the stairs, office, bus) get an ebike.
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>The eternal debate....Which wins?
the hobo rocket bike
>A grown man on a scooter is gayer than having homo sex.
You wish you were getting around at your destination as easily with your adventure Xootr that you brought in your carry-on.
I use an ebike to get to work without sweating then pedal home for some exercise.
Electric unicycle
Nothing beats electric unicycles
Extremely impractical, only for weird suicidal hipsters
Some ebikes contend with gas powered dirt bikes in speed, suspension, utility. The scooters are convenient little urban transportation devices that you look like a faggot for using unless you're drunk and using a city rental.
The choice is obvious.
>easier to get stolen
That's ebike feature.
Ebike has to be left outside -> it takes about 20 seconds with cordless grinder to repossess the e-bike.
E-scooter has other safety layer called small in size, which means that grinder doesn't do the trick, and you have to attack owner in one way or another, and since nobody gonna go to jail because of stealing a faggot device, they don't do it.
>if batteries die the motor is counter productive
True for direct drive ebikes too.
If you were in a big city I could see the scooter being a fun option or were just in a small town very close to stores.

Otherwise, e-bike in all other situations.
IMHO class 2 is not a e-bike but a scooter.
what are the best brands of electric unicycles?
That's why you lock it up inside class/work. I wouldn't recommend shopping with one
That's why stealth bike is the only answer. The "please steal me" proportions and battery pack is a 1500$ gimme. Runner up is the cheapest ebike.....
ViVi folding bike is great, what job won't let you store it? Are you a cube monkey?
No job. Just ethical consumerism. Like cars, these shits should be modularized/standardized as a sad nesscary part of the world to make them as cheap as possible. The Bolt just needs a dual motor kit (doubles milage to 30)/redesign to carry lower slung batteries.
>doesn't want to carry 800 pounds
>on a bike 10 times more substainal
>or a trike which can't go under a car
>with dial in power to match human output of any weight of 12,000 hyperlite composite ripoff with scrap quality materials
Ya done and never had a point, ableist scum.
>be me
>start a pev store with my buddy
>that's all
>electric unicycles
What, are you wanting to join the circus or something
just buy a motorcycle if you're doing anything where you can't get there on a classic road or gravel bike. the whole "zen" of bicycles is that 100% of the power is coming from your legs, so if you're willing to compromise that, might as well go all the way and get something that can take you as far as you want to go any time
except a motorcycle cant go on bike paths, requires insurance, uses gas and is far heavier.
Stealthy 40 mph ebikes are where it's at
Don't ruin bikes with your bitch ass throttle 'bike' on bike paths . Get a scooter make sure its under so many CCs and no special license is required

Get something like this which is cheaper than some ebikes and way better quality than the ching chong piece of shit amazon throttle 'ebikes'


Then stay on the roads!

This anon knows.
50cc scooters are tons of fun honestly.
I have a black vespa with a 50cc 2 stroke and you turn heads like you wouldnt believe. Chicks dig it too.
I bet no zoomette was eager to hop onto your shitty chinese huadong ching pong ebike.
>Not using a steam-powered bike
Some people lack class.
E-bike is better at everything.
Except portability. E-scooter is good if you want to ride a bus or store your scooter under your desk at work. Or if you live on an upper floor and have to carry the thing down a flight of stairs.
>carry the thing down a flight of stairs.
Do you mean carry up? Because carrying down is as easy as walking down the stairs with the bike by your side while holding it from the handlebars and slightly applying the brakes.
It's slow, but it's easy and low effort. I've done this from a 5th floor with relative ease. The problem is always going up.

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