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File: Greyhound-1.jpg (61 KB, 1000x667)
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Is there anything more soulful than taking a Greyhound bus from coast to coast?
Probably a train.
There's a dozen video max about this on youtube. even from /our/ guy Miles in transit.
Everyone tries to keep a smile but this is a really taking way to travel. You can do this in good spirit just once a year in my opinion. I personally get really nauseated.
The funniest vids though are from brits Noel Phillips and the one that did it first Zac Alsop.
Anyway I think there are major improvements since flixbus bought greyhound?
Yes, probably anything.

If you watch people attempt this, it's:

>constant delays
>constant cancellations
>missing connections
>dealing with uppity niggers / non-existent customer service
>Full of smelly meth heads
>No toilets / toilets caked in shit and period blood
>The price of a ticket can match air fare

Fuck. No.
Yeah, driving from coast to coast in a classic car.
Is greyhound actually better than the generic $10 intercity buses? I've only taken the $10 buses and they are HORRIBLE, I was trapped in a box with obese freaks covered in their own piss and shit, absolute nightmare scenario. never doing that again, amtrak is only like $50 more and it's so worth it.
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God I wish I was in a relationship like that. They seem so happy together.
is this the replacement for greg and vicki?
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Riding coast to coast on a motorcycle
reported for racism
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It's was nice back in the day. Too many wild "Youths" aboard today.
Imagine the smell.
Yea me banging your mom
>sovl is when you spend a week in a smelly bus with an overworked driver about to steer you into certain death and 20 druggies that take every coach stop to smoke crack


>Surly drivers
>Non-existant bus maintenance
>FlixBus, their new owner, is getting rid of actual stations, so you get to wait for your late connection with all your baggage at 3 am in a random parking lot
Amtrak, hands down. It's not even a close contest.
Yep there is.
>steals your zoomette gf
>nothing personal kiddo
this is now /ldbtg/ long distance bus travel general
look at this, motion-cancelling seats, nice
I would love to try a trip on this bus.
saw that too, it's some pakistani bus right... where do they put the luggage then
when i hear greyhound bus i think of that beheading
Yes literally anything else
>It's midnight at the depot
>And I drag my bags in line.
>Travelin' light, I got to go
>But the bus won't be on time.
>Everybody's looking half alive.
>Later on the bus arrives.
>They punch my ticket
>I find a seat
>And we move out past the lights.
>Come on Driver, where's the heat?
>It's cold out in the night.
>I keep telling to myself that I don't care.
>Come tomorrow, I'll be there.
>Take the Greyhound.
>It's a dog of a way to get around.
>Take the Greyhound.
>It's a dog gone easy way to get you down.
It was never good
I think for a foreigner taking the train from LA to NYC on amtrak provides a great view of America, especially the sw chief (kc to la)
Hell, even hitchhiking is more soulful.
Id rather just drive muh pickup, nice and quiet with my music and audiobooks for a so.id 30-40 hour drive.
Driving yourself is cucked behavior.
Choosing your own timeline is cucked behavior?
Forcing yourself to do long boring hours of nothing but staring at the road when you could be relaxing on a train, having a beer, reading a book, working on your laptop, playing a game etc. I know what I'd rather do. Cars are fine I guess in some situations for like, last mile travel but for long distance travel they're dreadful.
I took one from Oakland to Ashland Oregon as a kid. that bathroom smell. its weird. the whole trip. some weird chemical smell you never smell anywhere else. cept maybe a portapotty. grape scented and poo

why ? its cheaper or as cheap to fly. fucking old women and weirdos ride the bus
>some weird chemical smell you never smell anywhere else. cept maybe a portapotty. grape scented and poo
I know precisely what smell you're talking about and I've never been on a greyhound, but you've just ensured I never will be either.
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>Driving yourself is cucked behavior.

>stop whenever you want
>stop wherever you want
>drive how fast you want


>on a shitty slow bus smelling strangers farts

You literally don't know definitions of the words you use
Buses suck, I agree with you on that, but trains and planes are comfy. I love traveling on both of them even despite the TSA nightmare. Getting to sit back and relax and do whatever you want and eat whenever you choose to rather than waiting for the next truck stop 50 miles away is so convenient. You can even shop while you wait to board. It's very leisurely.
is anyone around here old enough to remember flying without security checks? how was it?
there's always taxi/uber, that's what the real upper-class that live in the tall towers in downtown use.
I am old enough to have flown before 9/11 but I don't really remember it very well because I was only 9 when it happened.
Flew cross country when I was 10, summer '00. It was fucking awesome from what I remember being a kid, the flight attendants loved me and I got a tour of a 742 that I'll remember for life.
Spent a lot of time at airports through the 90s, dad travelled for business and grandma was a snowbird. Waiting at the gate, watching the plane arrive, and greeting whoever we were picking up right off the jetway are fond memories.
your whole family could go to the gate with you and hang out while you waited to board was the best thing other than not getting anally probed by TSA

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