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Songs about or inspired by transportation, post your favourites, with lyrics preferably, so we know you aren't lying.

I'll begin then In guess.
look mom, I posted it again!

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That doesn't include weekends which is why I said you can have up to 7 weeks off. The same position at a European airport pays half the amount with less take home pay and worse healthcare.
It might pay less but you will have twice the amount of days off and not have to pay for healthcare.
My healthcare is unironically awesome

I can go to any specialist without referrals, 95% of doctors are covered, and copays are $20 a visit (they were $5 prior). I've never ever ever had to pay out of pocket for anything other than prescriptions and even that was cheap. It includes dental and vision which also covers everything including surgeries and orthodontics. It's $140 a month for a family of 4 and $80 a month for myself (my taxes are 35% avg between city state and federal inc. SSI and Medicare as single...and that's also including me putting 10% of my pre tax pay into a Roth IRA every check called NYS Deferred Compensation which is a easy). US Govt/State Worker healthcare is not the horror stories you see veterans or white collar wagies deal with...they usually get the best healthcare of anyone making under $200,000. I actually work with people who had children that needed multiple surgeries for issues during child birth and they paid zero out of pocket (and people that own businesses and work as paper pickers/jannys here for the healthcare)

And I doubt Euro countries give 3 months off. Take the hours there, add them up, divide by 8 (8 hour work day) and then divide that by 5 (5 day work week). That pic shows I have theoretically up to 6 weeks off (128+28) + 1 week paid sick (40). The comp time is another 11 days (2 weeks 1 day) I can take off on top from converting my OT into time off.
Yeah well you're gay
Thought Roth IRA is the one that's after tax

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Winter is coming, or rather, it's here.

What now?
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traveling to Siegen on a IC with the D-Ticket. sounds interesting. I'll buy some Sauerländer Gurken.
Oh right, it was via Siegen, not Kassel/Warburg.
Sorry for that brainfart.
not the problem of the rest of country that Bavaria decided to dig a hole in Munich to burn money there (7 billion €uros cost estimate currently). 2. Stammstrecke is making Stuttgart 21 look like an absolute bargain.
Nobody takes the ICE after 9 in the evening? I am all alone in my carriage. Feels kinda spooky.
Don't worry, we are sitting right behind (You).

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Eurosistas, they'll make fun of us...
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I accept your concession.
How is that a concession you braindead mongoloid?
How do the threads on that small screw hold the weight of the entire train?
>why hasn't any country rolled it out to their entire fleet?
First of all, there's more than one (way more than one) railway companies operating in each of those countries, especially in freight. Secondly, trains regularly cross boarders too. New systems are hard to get out there because the moment that car is incompatibel with the rest of vehicles out there it can no longer be used for most of its purposes. There's repeatedly been attempts and low-volume implementation, eg. on iron-ore trains in germany that would've been too heavy for buffer-&-chain but ultimately for most applications the advantages are not worth widespread incompatibility as of now.
Ah, cool. Thanks for the explanation. We don't have that type of coupler here, and I was curious about the differences. A shame no one does it correctly, presumably because a guy would have to be between two wagons compressing, which is dangerous? Hopefully these new ones work out better for everyone involved.

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Is there anything more based than 90s mountain bikes?
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>They've gone too hard into off road or just became "descending" machines
but then, that's what they're good at in the first place - doing things you wouldn't be able to (or want to) on a road bike. if you're skilled, you can ride anything you'd have fun riding a 90s rigid MTB on with a skinny tire 80s or 90s road bike - but a modern MTB will actually let you go fast places you wouldn't want to on any rigid bike
Just buy an XC full suspension bike if you want more geometry designed for normal bike trails. Or go.... 5+ years back. Great bikes from the 2008 and on that have steeper head angles.
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>more based than 90s mountain bikes?
70s "mountain" bikes
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The top 2 are the best bikes simply because they are decent in pretty much every kind of situation a cyclist will find himself in.
Capable off road, comfortable and adequate on the road, good for commuting, touring, bike packing, cruising and any other kind of cycling, except track or downhill competition.

Also light enough, durable as hell, reliable, flexible and adaptable, small changes to set up, for example tyres or handlebars, turn them into completely different bikes.

The last few on that list are great at one thing and one thing only, but utter shite at everything else.

80s atb/90s mtb is peak bike.

It disgusts me how today's so-called "cycling activists" are doing the work of the automotive lobby while thinking that they're the good guys.

Imagine if a bunch of politicians started pushing for a special residential area for a certain group, after having them habitually assaulted with weapons for many years. "We're terribly sorry about all the bloodshed but can't guarantee your safety, if you want to be safe, you have to go in this special place we designated for you".

That is what bike lanes are. We've tried "separate but equal". It doesn't work, because tyranny of the majority means a highly flexible definition of "equal".

People who have been riding bikes for many decades know what the game is. But zoomers and corona cyclists believe they know best. Instead of demanding justice, they demand segregation. Which is exactly what the automotive supremacists want.
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just build more parking then
imagine seething so bad because you can't pass the driving test
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Jokes on you, I never attempted it
High altitude and shirtless. I hope he is wearing sunscreen, otherwise that looks like a recipe for a horrible day after
Daily reminder that the people who want to force you to use bike lanes for your own protection also curiously support summary executions for cyclists who don't obey they rules that they intentionally make impossible to follow

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3 speed
All you need
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But alfine=/=nexus
What's the problem with nexus 7? Got one on my bike and it's been fine.
There aren't any
>tHeRE aReNt AnY!!!11
neck yourself

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Disasters never have one root cause and neither did the destruction of cycling. But I know some important milestones in the decline and fall:

1. COVID 19. Enough said.
2. Full suspension mountain bikes. Enough said.
3. Reddit. Enough said.
4. Twitter. Enough said.
5. British "people". Enough said.
6. The d-tch. Enough said.
7. The state of Utah. Enough said.
8. Zwift, Peloton, "Spin Class", and other cancer. Enough said.

What were some other key moments?
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>for whatever reason, cycling attracts narcissistic do-gooders that think they're "making a difference" by behaving like an asshole in public and not accounting for the massive difference between a dude on a bike going 10 mph and a one ton car that can rip to 120 mph at a moment's notice
this is why I switched to riding a motorcycle outside of short trips around town and dedicated MTB trails
>various weirdos too scared of White Slavic Immigrants
They got spooked by the Syrian refugee crisis. Sure, some might've been worried about Romanians, but they were mainly concerned about the browns.
if you didn't buy the bike, you don't count

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>filters normies
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lol ok. have fun on your kids bike.
a chainring that small is the opposite of masculine
wheres the footy
yep, bigboi bmx is where it's at. I got myself one recently and I love it already. When I pop a wheelie on my bigboi bmx in the downtown stoplight, stacys drop their panties while their chad bf opens a high five. I yell SEND IT, everyone claps
I use mine to get to the skatepark so I can sell weed to the underage kids

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Any fellow Texans here? Summer is right around the corner and I am starting to feel the heat. I'm expecting that we will reach 100F (38C) temperatures very soon. Is there any way at all to deal with this? or I just have to embrace being sweaty?
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Texans should really thank the transplants, now they have a convenient scapegoat for their failures rather than owning up to them.
that's extremely cringe
i'm not a white supremacist and minorities were not the people i was eager to get away from. fuck you.
Use sunhoody, bibs, helmet with good vents, embrace the sweat, protect yourself from sun, take shower
>move to the edge of city
>bus to the centre takes 43 minutes
>or I drive for 9 mins, and get the park & ride which takes 15 mins to get into the centre

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>be airbus
>do nothing
>stay winning because your only competitor can't build anything except a rehash of a 60 year old design that keeps nosediving
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Embraer should be wrecking those old farts
McDonnell Douglas merger is from the same disease that DEI comes from. They are both creations of the financialization of corporate America. The merger of Boeing and MD ended up just making the board an elitist Business School graduate circlejerk.
Those same people had friends in Private Equity firms and made DEI a religion in the company so they could score fictional high scores that would entice investment.
These people have absolutely zero engineering, technical, or even logistical skills. They have as much experience as the diversity hires they brought in to win their Wall Street BINGO card.
Sadly to the contrary of what "avgeeks" and normies think, Airliners are treated as commodities. The c-suite of large airlines do not give a fuck about the manufacturer just the lowest price, what performance fits them and time to delivery. European airlines most likely get a better price from airbus, and vice versa with American airlines.
well airbus is basically a state-owned enterprise. it exists to serve its own bureaucratic class the same way boeing exists to serve its parasitic investor class. luckily for airbus its possible for the interests of the bureaucracy to align with safety & quality manufacturing, whereas unfortunately for boeing (and honestly, everyone) the malevolence of american greed is basically incompatible with the idea of doing a good job.

so boeing will keep murdering whistleblowers and bribing the right politicians because at the end of day that's cheaper than giving a fuck.

but nobody should be fooled for one second that airbus actually cares, or that airbus is somehow a good company. its not. its actually pretty retarded and the decisions they make about meeting the market are almost always the wrong ones.
Welcome to the 21st century

A thread to discuss bike touring - bikes, routes, gear, stories, etc.
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kek now i'm thinking at all the hlaf islands-... cyprus? timor? ireland?
new guinea. borneo is split between 3 countries
In some languages the word for peninsula literally translated back to half-island.
how do you maintain your drivetrain? you carry any degreaser or just oil the chain every now and then? teflon, ceramic, wax or just normal cheap oil?
No degreaser but I carry a lil wd-40 for a variety of purposes and sometimes use it to degrease. teflon oil on the chain every 150km, a thick piece of cloth to clean it before, and remove excess oil after (I normally uses the same wet wipes I use to refresh myself, while retropedaling).
a toothbrush or brush may be helpful, but It usually just spreads the dirt and grease. I think little stick to reach for caked grease in between cassete cogs or chainrings it's more useful.
Trick for me is a lil bit of good, light oil for dry weather, but often, so you can weather the occasional shower and then reapply it. Never had to wash anything in months.

Grew up on 90s MTBs in the 00s, fell for the fixie meme around high school and college '10s, and now that I have $$$ I really don't care for peak performance Road nor MTB. I just want to cruise around the same dirt roads and trails around me in no rush. I had a gravel bike, it was okay. I saw what you guys meant by being under biked.

Money sorta isn't an issue and for the first time ever I can afford high end shit, but instead of listing after the latest full suspension trail bike or high end proper gravel bike, I just want some old school and as simple as possible.... but capable of mild trails and dirt roads.
I had some trek with 35mm tires. A Giant Fathom 29er.... KHS Zaca... Cannondale F400 I just get bored and want something different, not necessarily/better/

None of my friends care to ride. I don't like group rides. I Don't like riding on the street.

What should I get?

It has to be all black and I'll put on a Brooks saddle.
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Ya I just need to stfu and ride

28mm tires are so fucking gay
I ride roads like that with 28s once in a while, yeah it sucks but it's not that bad. If I could choose though, I'd rather be on my rigid 27.5x2.3 for that
Perfect terrain for my rigid single speed mtb with 26 x 1.5 or 1.9 tires.
I love 28's...... on the road.
Also check your gear ratio, it seems kinda high for this kind of terrain.
love me some oury grips.
But man those bars seem narrow. For me flat bars are perfect in the 600mm range for road.

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Australia can build nice modern metro stations, why can’t the US? New York’s city 2nd Ave Subway extension costed billions and the station built looked like shit, mid at best. Australia does the same yet builds great stations, all modern, functional with great station amenities and architecture. Metro trains are fully automated as well with platform screen doors on every station.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with mutts? This is not an Anglo-issue (London finishes Crossrail and Toronto is going big on transit expansions and major renovations), it appears only mutts are the outlier, why?
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Dude in Toronto our transit expansion is painfully slow and always delayed.

We have a line 4 years delayed and it's an LRT rather than full subway
DC is probably one of the best US metro systems, they've actually managed to continue system expansions, decades after initial construction something most other US metros seem to fail at.

That being said DC paid out the ass for it, they did at least get the job done.
Why are you crying goy?

Send more Dollarch to Chaim in Israel and Abracham in Ukraine ~
>new station looks new
yeah no shit. New stations built in US looks nice too.
does australia have black people?

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Is it supposed to look like that? It looks like a piece is missing.

On it right now, and it doesn’t look right to me. I have a background of flying, and maybe im just super unobservant, but that little scoop out of the edge of the flap looks like it might be a broken piece. If not, why does it look like that? Cant see the other side of the plane to compare and cant find images on google.
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So your issue isn't the crack that they have taken care of it's some hypothetical other crack that they don't know about. Gee I wonder why they're not fixing some crack that doesn't exist and you've decided they can't find. I guess you're going to magic up some reason that they're not going to replace the flap during the next scheduled major service too.
That's right
Nta but you're making your decision based on your emotional reaction to it ("It looks bad, therefore it is bad"). See >>1996562. Chances are if that section hadn't been removed, you wouldn't be able to see the crack. Therefore, it would be "safe" in your mind. Removal of the faulty section is one less area to constantly inspect (after identification of the problem) and even risk failing in flight - a far more dangerous outcome than cutting it out in a controlled environment adhering to prescribed practice.
there's no sense in trying to reason with people like this, they run their entire lives based on knee jerk reactions and feelings. if you push him into a corner he's just going to start screeching about DEI and the blacks
It works because it stops the crack from propagating further. Replacing an entire flap section for something that small would take time and cause costly delays. And that assumes they have spares in stock, which I doubt. It will most probably get replaced in the next major maintenance due whenever.

Kek, posting an entire mmel to someone who can't understand how a stress relieving cutout works.

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