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>be airbus
>do nothing
>stay winning because your only competitor can't build anything except a rehash of a 60 year old design that keeps nosediving
>buy an Airbus A320 Neo for your airline
>choose to equip the aircraft with super efficient PW1100G engines that are unique to the Neo
>the aircraft delivery date is delayed due lack of engine availability
>the aircraft finally receives its engines and is delivered
>said engines proceed to explode after only a handful of flights, your A320N is now grounded and a financial black hole.
I hate this gay world where small point to point airplanes are better
I wanted bigger and badder jumbos
We could have had a system of ultra efficient regional turboprops operating from every single little local airport feeding giant hubs specializing in funneling in all the feeders and putting people on massive jumbos to other hubs where you reverse the process and take a puddle jumper right to your destination.
Instead we got a moderate amount of medium sized airports located somewhere outside a city that require everyone to drive themselves there in cars just to sit in some sort of A737neoMAX that brings you to a "large" airport that doesn't excel at anything, and unless you want to stay in NY/Chicago/LA you have to get on another 3x3 shitbox to bring you to a medium sized airport somewhere kinda sorta near your destination.

What happened? American perspective obviously but is it any different anywhere else?
the cope is strong with this one
Your idea means 2 connections (unless you live near a hub)

Current system is set up for 1 or no connections for most domestic flights. I'll take that one
1 connection and a pain in the ass drive on either side
that's not cope

JetBlue N2048J has been parked for months because of that
Not for me
It’s a big problem for airlines atm that’s mostly gone under the radar, a United A320N’s engine exploded after only 4 revenue flights recently.
They're called Boeing because that's what the plane does when it inevitably crashes.
So you're saying that not only Boeing is an unsafe failure but now P&W can't put together a working product as well?

WTF is wrong with corporate America?
I mean GE seems fine rn (which is ironic considering people blame Boeing’s current business philosophy on Jack Welch’s influence) but Pratt is really struggling with fan blade durability issues on the GTF series, which happens to be the A320 Neo series engine of choice. Moral of the story is to buy LEAP instead.
>your A320N is now grounded and a financial black hole.
That's for P&W to cover, not you (yes they will pay your estimated losses from downtime due to engine issues on those new geared turbofans). From what I remember those issues only affected the smallest engines and have otherwise been fixed. The whole family of GTFs gives you >15% more fuel economy which is huge.
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>be boeing
>do nothing
>stay winning because your only competitor can't build anything except rehashes of a 40 year old design and an "extra wide body" that isn't wide enough
Typical boomer mentality.
GE teamed up with SNECMA/Safran tho
Ironically, RR's XWB-97 engines also have durability issues, especially in in Dubai's climate, where their would-be largest customer is located. GE and Emirates are the reason the 777X could survive its 5 year delay.
>be A350
>clean sheet design
>in service

>be 777X
>update to existing design
At least the 777X is somewhat innovative despite being a derivative of an existing airframe, it has funky folding tips while the A350 is a larger but less ambitious 787 clone which uses less carbon fibre.
Huh? How isn't the A350 innovative?
Ahem. Also 737 Max's seats was a nightmare; specifically designed to make passengers uncomfortable so I am glad with Turkish airlines decision.
>737 Max's seats was a nightmare
I though people on this board were somewhat less retarded

Plane manufacturers are not responsible for seats, the airlines choose and install those.
How new the "basic design" of an airplane is is important. The more recent it is, the more reliable the plane can be based on various new technologies and experiences.
The A350 was designed with 21st century HPC and has the most powerful computers of our time, but the 777X is an improvement on a product developed in the Game Boy era, and some of the avionics are probably antiques.
>it has funky folding tips
i give it 6 months after entry into service for one to fall off, jam upwards, or otherwise move undesirably during flight.
Superior European engineering vs Americuck Profiteering
Americans cant even build engines kek
Winning is when your plane is still not in service
yeah so do the airlines it turns out. airbus killed the A380 too early.
If jumbos are making a come back then why did Boeing just stop manufacturing the best plane they've ever offered?
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>Can't build plane
>Can't build engines either
P&W GTF series has problems across the board, and it's not a problem isolated to Airbus. A big part of the reason Bombardier had to unload CSeries was the delays and technical problems caused by the P&W GTF, which was CSeries' sole source engine. Embraer E2 is also having problems with P&W GTF. Mitsubishi's termination of the SpaceJet program was also at least partially attributable to the P&W GTF.
No one wanted them for ages and it wasn't viable as a freighter so airbus canned them
DIE and BRIDGE... Basically far too many browns and blacks being hired based on skin color instead of actual qualifications based on colorblindness and suitability for the position cratering profits and QA.
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>b..b..but blacks and browns DAE the west has fallen muh DEI
so did DEI exist in the 90s? Because the troubles began with the McDonalds merger, much in the past. The fruit of that misfortune is only bearing out in its entirety now. Companies on this scale don't collapse overnight if they aren't doing risky finacial shit, they rot. I would point to Intel as a less severe case.
>>be airbus
>>develop FBW 40 years ago
>>tweak control of every newer plane so it flies exactly like a320
>>planes basically flies it self, if it weren't for regulations pilots could literally watch porn and finger two stewardesses at the same time
>>say that airlines can save on type rating costs due to every plane flying like a320
>>regulators buy it
>>airlines gobble your cum..i mean hydraulic fluid because they want to save money
>>give too good to be true leasing option for airlines
>>stay winning because your only competitor builds planes where pilot is expected to stay in control for more than 3% of the flight
Embraer should be wrecking those old farts
McDonnell Douglas merger is from the same disease that DEI comes from. They are both creations of the financialization of corporate America. The merger of Boeing and MD ended up just making the board an elitist Business School graduate circlejerk.
Those same people had friends in Private Equity firms and made DEI a religion in the company so they could score fictional high scores that would entice investment.
These people have absolutely zero engineering, technical, or even logistical skills. They have as much experience as the diversity hires they brought in to win their Wall Street BINGO card.
Sadly to the contrary of what "avgeeks" and normies think, Airliners are treated as commodities. The c-suite of large airlines do not give a fuck about the manufacturer just the lowest price, what performance fits them and time to delivery. European airlines most likely get a better price from airbus, and vice versa with American airlines.
well airbus is basically a state-owned enterprise. it exists to serve its own bureaucratic class the same way boeing exists to serve its parasitic investor class. luckily for airbus its possible for the interests of the bureaucracy to align with safety & quality manufacturing, whereas unfortunately for boeing (and honestly, everyone) the malevolence of american greed is basically incompatible with the idea of doing a good job.

so boeing will keep murdering whistleblowers and bribing the right politicians because at the end of day that's cheaper than giving a fuck.

but nobody should be fooled for one second that airbus actually cares, or that airbus is somehow a good company. its not. its actually pretty retarded and the decisions they make about meeting the market are almost always the wrong ones.
Welcome to the 21st century

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