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Kinos to watch on acid?
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I watched The New World by Terrence Malick on mushrooms with my ex and it was pretty memorable. Probably better choices out there though.
Just go outside and look at the trees and clouds
The director's cut was much longer than necessary.
"Dude the only thing that's appropriate to do when tripping is be in heckin nature" has been added to the list of things redditors actually believe and say.
btw ive never tripped, just drank beer and watched tv. oh and one more thing, idk if it's relevant - im trans

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now that the dust has settled, was jay bent?
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>She went from goddess level of beauty to fat cow in the course of a year. No one stopped her.
yeah that's the idea
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>Could barely even wait a minute. And a meme poster.

>You're fucking disgusting and should think about killing yourself.
i have

>please can we keep off the light?
been there and my dick said no right in the moment

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If there's something strange in your neighborhood,who you gonna call?
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>retarded people know multiple languages
I think they might just be home schooled. Not even joking.
Holy, not even the same person, I was just slow on the draw.
I’ll just let the ghost rape me thanks
She crossed over so presumably so.
i can fix them at the same time

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They'd rather scrap it entirely than make a show for young men. What are the implications of this?
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Miles Morales ruined an entire generation of Timmies
>Tomb Raider, Resident Evil
these are big ips, nobody gives a fuck about Silk, yes capeshit is for young men, women don't give a fuck, that's why most of it fail, they could try a Hunger Games / Twilight wannabe at best...
> Capitalism always needs to grow
Bout you are wrong, they can't make neutral content for males and females because it appeals to nobody, you can get the entire market because people has different tastes.
My wife works in marketing and explained it to me after Budlight pissed everyone off. They always assume no matter what they do, the straight white male audience will always be there no matter what they do and to an extent that is true especially with boomers who will burn their local team's sports jersey for kneeling during the anthem and buy a new one next season.

Since they have this demographic on lock they do stupid shit to attract others. So you want this stupid shit to end? Boycott shit and don't waiver at all.
you consider that being in your 30s you are still young.
but you arent.

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Holy shit. Thoughts about this gem? Probably the most atmospheric movie of the year
Girl is unsettling but also hot.
>I liked it.

People slagging the ending have a bit of a point but not really.
She had a big nose

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Only snobs hate this scene.
A good burger is amazing.
Not some fast food slop or pretentions shit like Gordon Ramsey.
A good burger tastes like happiness.
not united statian btw
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It's anti-"artfags" who are so pretentious and up their own ass that they turn their own interests into something snobby and gay.
The burger is more artful than any of the other shitty pretentious "food" the chef makes in the film. It actually fulfills its purpose as food.
Doesn't look that fancy. Looks like something from Five Guys or a restaurant like that. Patty seems pretty thick though.
>all you have to do to glitch out the chef is "waitaminutethatcard" the photo of him in a fast food joint and select the secret "burger" option.
how to make fries crispy and salty?
>It's anti-"artfags" who are so pretentious and up their own ass
It's not tho
It's anti-art. It views art as a mechanism of "white supremacy", essentially, or "the patriarchy." Any assent to "high-art" in the film is portrayed as either an evil act or a delusional one. Even the movie star who is arguably the least delusional or evil of them all is considered that way and killed, because he dared to associate with "high-art."
The implication is of course that matters of art should be given up to whores or prostitutes, and additionally that art can never be on a level greater than "cheeseburgers." The jews who made this film want you to believe art is commercial, a commodity, and can only ever be on the level of fast-food, and no greater.
>"You're delusional for appreciating art goy. You should watch our commercials instead. Look at these whores, THEY like it. Why can't you?"
That's the point of the movie.
Fries are an overrated side when it comes to burgers. At a barbecue I'll usually have potato chips.

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How is it this guy didn't even know how to eat pizza?
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>They put their base impluses in front of even their own wellbeing.
everyone does that
That’s what I’ve been saying everyone jacks off in the kinoplex.
Uh, no... most folk are intellegent and moral enough to meet their desires without harming others. You are just a dick. Thats why dick moves are crimes.
shaving your head or not, a stupid man is someone who was too lazy to aggressively treat his hair loss before it's too late. couldn't be me kek. i will never be bald or balding. what a disgrace
stressing over or doing anything about your apperience is gay weak gene shit. It is the opposite of confidence. Even if you get away with it on the inside of that success you are just a weak liar.

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Imagine the soul crushing disappointment
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There’s a Beatles White Album jigsaw puzzle
If you like the same things as a child as you do now then you're a manchild
saw it opening night. people were mad, throwing shit at the screen.. Jarjar enraged everyone
>getting so mad at a movie you start throwing overpriced slop at the screen

star wars really are manchildren kek

What's the appeal of LOLSORANDUM characters?
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Power isn’t random at all, you brain damaged retard
I dunno, I don't care for shipfaggotry drama so much anyway
She's still annoying as fuck.
I know this is an anime website but you fags need to at least include the name of the show. I don't watch anime often enough.

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>America isn't the greatest country in the world
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I'm born and raised in LA, the wokes stopped using nigger/faggot in public years ago. They're all afraid of eachother and accidentally saying the wrong thing and getting cancelled by coworkers. I hope Hollywood burns, it's such a shithole
The B-52 is a great platform. No need to retire it, just got brand new engines btw. The M2 machine gun is a 100 year old design that still holds up, once again, no need to replace it. All the “shit from the 80’s” you are talking about is constantly upgraded, there is absolutely no need to create an entirely new platform when you can just yank out parts and put in new ones. You are a neverserve and have no idea what the state of US military equipment is. Shit the infantry load out of the average grunt in 2000 looks nothing like it does in 2024.
>They're all afraid of eachother and accidentally saying the wrong thing and getting cancelled by coworkers
It's just like twitter!
I dream every day of fleeing to the north, brother.
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>we're the only ones in the world who have freedom? Canada has freedom, Japan has freedom, the UK, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Australia, Belgium has freedom. Two hundred seven sovereign states in the world, like 180 of them have freedom
>no 1st or 2nd amendment in any of those countries
>UK, Canada & Germany all have laws that ban "hate speech"

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Any britbong can give me a tldr on this show here?
How did such a thing even come to be?
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not by a normie. *teleports 360 degrees and walks away*
You're either born a chud or you have to study the imageboard for decades. Those are the only ways to harness chudportation and the stance of power.
Did he wink at the mirror?
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Can I sue Britain for making a show with a character so obviously based on me without permission?

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I am too young and havent watched apparent all time classic movies like the Star Wars movies, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future and so on

would you recommend to give watch them nowadays is it just a nostalgia thing?
>posts on 4chan and uses TikTok for hours wondering if he should spend 2 hours on a movie
Don't bother
Star Wars isn't that great aside from the technical leaps of miniature spaceships that were groundbreaking at the time.

If you want to watch a good "old" movie, watch Tremors (1990).
No they are all time classics. I don't particularly like Indiana Jones and actively dislike Star wars but I know they are classics, hence why they got sequels.
BttF is an amazing franchise through. Timeless classics, no pun intended.
Also add never ending story, rocky and gremlins to that listxp80

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>zero likeable characters
>art style looks like absolute shit
>idiotic premise

How did this shit ever get popular?
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Of course it's shit. It's anime. There's not a single good anime.
It's funny because in Japan anime is a hobby for losers. It's not even respected in its home country except by social rejects.
You're a retarded faggot
>zero likeable characters
The main trio are lame but there are plenty of good supporting characters
>>idiotic premise
Unironically true, the plot is honestly retarded, I have no idea how people like this shit
Let me guess anon, divorced parents?

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Why does zoomer horror mog hollywood horror so hard?
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>omg is that an empty hallway AIIIIEEEE SAVE ME
>zoomer horror
care to elaborate?
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Kill yourself tranny faggot

Toonami chads are eating good
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Do you think you might ever be nostalgic for something or was your entire childhood bitter?
Why didn't SyFy stick with their anime block? Licencing issues or just not enough interest?
So an official Toonami Aftermath? Took them long enough, TA has been going on for ages
not enough interest as far as i remember

however if that one shark isekai manga gets an anime they should air that
You now remember the Chiller anime block. Or not probably.

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