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How is it this guy didn't even know how to eat pizza?
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This dude knew he was fucked and going to prison. He was stress eating.
many people drink or smoke
unsafe sex and gluttony abound
a man may leave his wife and kids to fuck man ass, or roleplay as a woman
no one does only healthy things
You are trying to draw a comparison between the actions of a system, to the crimes of an individual. Also, that is a hungry hungry hippos set you just destroyed with your speg.
Those are negatives and not the norm that the majority has deemed healthy for society. What are you trying and failing to argue? That it is ok to fuck kids? Its not.
It’s the real reason they turn the lights out.

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Mine's pic rel, Steven Mangan. He was great in Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency.
Next one should be Dr. Literally Who, with a rotating new Doctor in each new episode, where all lines are ad-libbed to increase the actability of each new Doctor.
there's no way there's going to be new Doctor who at least for a decade after the gaynigger travesty
and there's not going to be quality entertainment period until all the nonwhites are expelled to where they came from and sodomy made capital offence punishable by death yet again
i don't think globohomo is immune to market pressures.

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take me back bros...
>borderline experimental
what is the meaning of this?
They never made a good movie and never will.
good times
>They never made a good movie
Feeding Frenzy is genuinely entertaining. Gorilla Interrupted is obviously terrible but is not without its charms, mostly due to the fact it was some early twenty somethings getting off their asses and making something, even if it was a feature length shitpost. Space Cop is tiring and bad.
>and never will
Sadly true, they got very complacent in the spot they carved for themselves as a niche YouTube channel, and have clearly exhausted any ambition of being anything beyond that.

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Favorite musical?

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Aubrey Plaza is really getting into character by pulling pranks on the sets of both Agatha Megalopolis and being a prankster!

Did you all know this? Apparently she is a well known prankster. Previously she pulled a "sick" prank on the White Lotus set that left Adam DiMarco on the brink of a psychological break. Plaza also once got into a prank war with Gabriel Bateman, who played her onscreen son in the Child's Play remake. Here are her recent prank details below:

>Aubrey Plaza's Agatha All Along Costars Recall the Hilarious Prank She Pulled Off on the Show's Set
>"One day, Aubrey had schemed with the props guys to put a champagne bucket and rose petals on the floor in the tent," Locke, 20, shared before LuPone corrected, "[next] to the Equity cot."
>"That was awesome," Hahn, 50, said of Plaza's prank. "[It was] leading to the cot."

>“I would literally go from one to the other and would put my Wow wig on and my Wow costume on. And then the next day, I would go to the ‘Agatha’ set and I’d be dressed as a warrior witch with a dagger and stuff.
>At one point, when I was dressed in the Marvel character, I snuck onto the ‘Megalopolis’ set and I started harassing Giancarlo Esposito and Adam [Driver] and everyone,” Plaza recalled. “It was absolutely insane behavior.”

It looks like they all had a lot of fun and comradery making both Agatha and Megalopolis! Agatha will be a "witch focused" series and help create and develop a lot of the magical lore that is so important to the Marvel universe!
You shouldn't mock the elderly.

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Are you excited for the new Tomb Raider movie? Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a writer, producer and plays Lara.

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They were originally suppose to kiss in a comic spin off, I guess they didn't envision them as lesbians at first since that document shows that Sam and Lara are attracted to guys? I guess they'd rather have lara be a coal burner than a lesbian since the latter would mean that white gamers could fantasize themselves converting her.
Not shoehoring any romance in it other than implied was the right decision. Lara was a obsessed psycho killer at the end of shadow, she had not one quippy bone in her
>Phoebe Waller-Bridge is a writer, producer and plays Lara.

Sweet. Another show I will hard no watch.
Yeah but did it have to be with Tanzanians though?
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The best movie of last year has finally released. Where's the kino assassin gamecore discussion?
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Seems annoying
US cities and indie theaters. Today's the last day
I hope it some type of VOD soon.
I don’t know if he achieved his stated goals with it ie figured out what “comes after” film. But I’m just so glad for the opportunity to see something different and new. It’s also very funny
My thoughts exactly. Remove the buzzword filled discussion surrounding the movie, and you have one of the funniest films released recently and an honest reflection of our post modern social zeitgeist. Felt like it was made for me.

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What does he eat?
nigger cum
>be fat
>still better than Delight, Kim, Upamecano, Dier...
obesity is caused by seed oils so it must be that.
>die from the vax if you exercise

More athletes are gonna be fatties from now on.

This was supposed to be one of his best? It kinda sucked
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it's a long music video
Saw it a few months ago. It didn't blow me away, but I still liked it. It looked really good, and the soundtrack is great
Yeah it's overrated and just retreads old ground. Sonatine, A Scene at the Sea, and Violent Cop were better.
This movie blew me away. Bank robbery scene was kino as fuck. If you've never been in love you won't get it.
>Violent Cop
Better but the pointlessly nihilistic ending is dumb. Beach scene is distilled kino though.
>A Scene at the Sea
Still need to watch this.

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This is just a great character design
>The glass dome shows that he is a "thinking" villain, not a front line bruiser
>W shaped garment that exposes nipples for comedic effect
>no pants or shoes, which is reminiscent of a senile old man with dementia
oh, and also
>the dome has to be extra tall to account for his outrageous mad scientist hair
it just all combined to make a great character

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>grainy shot of sunrise over body of water
Is there anything more kino? I can feel the ocean wind on my face when I see this in cinema.
It's subconsciously linked to the pervasiveness of life and its beauty

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I want her to sit on my face until I suffocate.
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The manga up to the first few volumes of Last Order is so good that Kishiro must have sacrificed his first born or some part of his soul to create it. Somewhere in Last Order it then completely went bizarro and now it's a husk of itself with no remnant of soul left. So sad.
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That clockwork ceramic body is so fucking cool. And hot.
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I have nothing but utter disdain for the 3D waifufags that attached themselves to this series following the marketing and release of this film
you utterly desperate loser faggots
at least your obnoxiousness can't magically make the manga bad

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Johnny Knoxville Hit With $3 Million Lawsuit for Tasing Eric André’s Writing Partner on ‘The Prank Panel’
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Not if it was a prank.
a public defender can even dismantle an incident report in court
But people doesnt treat him like a superspy off camera.
That would have been such an insane show!! I'm sure old characters would have come back for this one!
you're right, they are great

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why was it so much worse than the first 4 seasons?

I just didn't enjoy it, at all
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But you enjoyed season 3, where pretty much nothing happened for more than half the season?
they should have left out the nazis and focus S5 on hank slowly getting on to walt
>le book signed by the nerd is on the toilet oops
was retarded
i'm guessing you're a gusfag who preferred it when walt had someone above him to feel threatened by?
season 5b was kino
right on bro
tbf his complaint wasn't that it was slow...
The antagonists were terrible and the finale with the machine gun in the car killing Nazis sounds so bizarre when you say it out loud.
The only thing missing was Walt doing backflips with a superhero landing before delivering a cheesy one liner.

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