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Do you let others or things annoy you when travelling?
Or do you just ignore it.

If not, post examples

1. Americans asking questions in a museum (it will be a moronically stupid child level question of ignorance).
2. French/Dutch accent is heard nearby
3. Queue skipping
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If it's outside it doesn't matter, I just move away and avoid masses of people anyway. It's really bad if you can't escape and worst experience was being stuck in a cable car with american tourists (loud) for 20 minutes and once in an elevator with french tourist for 30 seconds.
>Queue skipping
In general or paying a little to skip long queues at museums and tourist destinations?
I do the latter all the time, there is no way that I will stand an hour or so in the sun with all the other plebs only to be able to buy an entrance ticket
>Queue skipping
There there, one day you will realise that those people bought their tickets in advance.
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The only ones that get me are:
-LGBTQP american people, they are obnoxious and intrusive (and don't exist elsewhere fyi)

-4/10 bitches travelling with their boyfriends and who will act very agressively towards everyone around. They also think they are the elite of instagram/jet set people while flying coach. I guess those dumb bitches never get out of their town otherwhise, or maybe they are particularly hot in their village... idk, i seem to meet this kind everywhere. The dudes they travel with always seem to be cool/passive.
>don't exist elsewhere fyi
I've never seen as many openly gay and lesbian couples as I have in the European mediterranean countries and I live in northern europe in one of the supposedly "ruined by lgbt" countries.
>waiter expects a tip
>-4/10 bitches travelling with
Yeah they're always short too aren't they. Hate them. Bad look in theyre faces
>at aiport
>hear these guys 200meters before see them
>push into queue in front of everyone else
>hhkku hyemmm hkkuhhhkkk loudly pissing entire airport off
There are gays in Europe but unless it's a designated gay place they don't go around shouting loudly "Wow, i would so much suck the dick of that statue!", attention whoring and wearing a tank top and platform shoes while in a museum. But, that's ok if there's families around because "We in a foreign country, no one understands American, right?! XD".
I could back up what i'm saying with photos but i don't want to doxx people.
Why the fuck are they like this? I thought it was a pol meme but turns out they really are uncivilized assholes. American Jews are fine but Orthodox anything and Israelis were literally the worst tourists I ever met.
There's LGBTQ and then there's LGBTQ (American)
>Why the fuck are they like this?
>orthodox jews literally anywhere
>gypsies and bums
>loud, piss drunk british "lads"
>queuing for literally anything
>groups of local youths dressed in hoodrich or other stupid shit
>muzzies, especially burka women and their infinite amount of kids under 8 years old that they can never control
>american blacks
>American women traveling who think they're exceptional because they boarded a plane to Thailand/Italy/Spain by themselves
>Fagpackers who bring their carryon backpack that's blatantly too big for carryon, and a "40l personal item" backpack as well
>Greeks who clap when the plane lands
>People in dorms who use the snooze button repeatedly for an hour
>Guys in their 30s who still stay in dorms

>Queue skipping (99% of the time it's a chink, Pole, Balkan, or Israeli)
hearing a fellow canadian's voice

>Signs in English everywhere I go
>KFCs everywhere in Europe
>People not moving up in line at the airport
>People not letting me off the plane because it *has* to go in front to back order even though I'm ready and they aren't
>Have to be pushy and aggressive to do anything in Italy
>Siesta and nothing is open
>Seeing fat tourists in shorts and flip flops
>toilets that have a shelf and are not slanted so I have to scrape my turd in
>how every town in Mexico has that big rainbow sign of their town name that looks so corporate and cheap
italians that kind of fan out a queue so you think they're just waiting for an opportunity to overtake you but they won't outright attempt
>Have to be pushy and aggressive to do anything in Italy
Have you ever been to anywhere in Italy north of Rome?
I really hate that shit
Now that I have money? Disheveled looking tourists traveling way too long on way too little in the hopes of 'making an experience' while hauling around a backpack like they're going hiking in the wilderness for two weeks.
>-LGBTQP american people, they are obnoxious and intrusive (and don't exist elsewhere fyi)
as a mutt, i went to london and expected public buttsex in the streets but in reality saw maybe 2 fag flags the whole week i was there.
Europeans are enormous faggots. Major part of their faggotry is their insistence on projecting their own behavior on to others
Oh god I fucking HATE trekkies
>Now that I am locked in the wage cage getting paid less than what I lose in valuable time?
Tourists traveling way longer than I could ever afford
FTFY, try to keep the seethe from becoming too wordy
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>clueless french tourists who you attempt to help and get told no english even if you use google translate then get pissy because you can't help them
>scandinavian who wants to 'hang out' only to show up to the bar and order 1 beer acting like a deaf mute to any conversation
>anglo who has to tell me how america works or how to 'fix' america by his entire visibility of american politics or such being the one trip he took to NYC or headline articles
>italian who tries his hardest to pretend a badass but is such a pussy
>canadian abroad how needs to tell everyone how much they aren't american, did you know they aren't american because might have forgotten to mention they aren't america(but somehow american when they are being a retard)
>american who's from the military who's a total stereotype
>german who refuses or just doesn't put clothes on in the hostel
>australian who is a bro but can't handle a drink and proceeds to be loud as shit at 4am showing up at the hostel and won't shut off his fucking phone in the am
>any eastern european who if you mess up what country you are think they are from and they just simply won't drop the fact you mixed up in an honest mistake(so help you if they're polish)
>any mexican or brasilian abroad just... insufferable
>isreali you just know
>Japanese person you attempt to help because they are clearly in need but can't seem to just accept help and looks like a doofus
>Koreans who the second wheels up from Korea go full chinese+american stereotype in every way imaginable
>LGBTQP american people, they are obnoxious and intrusive (and don't exist elsewhere fyi)
All of these anons saying "but I was in (western country) and saw lots of faggotry!!!!
>4/10 bitches travelling with their boyfriends
Not sure where you're from but this is just how American women act, and it's often how their extremely insecure "macho" boyfriends act as well. It is very off-putting and another reason Americans are evil retards.
When I go to a country that isn’t in North America or Africa and see a black person.
Maybe I didn't read the posts close enough but I'm Surprised Indians weren't mentioned.


>Western European talking about America and how it should be fixed but clearly have no idea what they're talking about.
I really hate seeing homeless people. Obviously they're in the worse situation and I do have compassion for them to a degree, but it's just not nice to look at.
What are some cities with very minimal homeless?
>>Western European talking about America and how it should be fixed
it's unfixable, bro.
The obsession with america is so fucking annoying it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't their entire understanding of the US being that of "thing I saw on movie and LA/NYC is all the usa."

>explain most american places do have public transport in terms of buses
>it's not a hekkin shinkansen so it doesn't count!

>americans don't have healthcare
>explain most companies outside grocery store worker pay for it usually the people not with healthcare are illegals or super poors who don't want the government knowing their real address

>euro wants to visit america and thinks 2-3 weeks in LA/NYC/Miami/texas/vegas/seattle is enough
>explain how big the US is and how not feasible unless you have a plan but this enrages them

>explain I am WFH still and most my friends are
>they can't realize this as most their society went back to offices

>that fucking euro who wants to do 'urban exploring' but does not understand safety
>it's always some fucking german

>talks about how america needs to stay out of others businesses
>demands we do something about taiwan/hong kong or ukraine the next minute

>french "women" existing and their opinions should be a legit war crime against humanity

I could go on but man there is seriously nothing that gets under my skin than sitting at a bar to relax after a days work and then getting some euro needing to tell me how the US should be after learning I am a burger. Like it's so fucking unreal because you can see their demeanor change after explaining you're US based to just want and 'just ask you something real quick...' Do you haven't been to the USA if you only say LA and NYC for 2 weeks. If I said "Oh yeah man been all about the UK been to london for a few times... Why is HS2 so late? If I was in charge I'd .... " I'd get seen a a big fat stupid mutt and told off, but a euro explaining the US to me? oh nononoo that's how it should be!
I don’t let things slide but I’m a hot head sometimes. Some Korean business man purposefully bumped into me in Taipei. I shoulder checked him back and told him I’d fuck him up. Pussy didn’t say shit. I fucking hate Koreans.

The anti-american banter is cringe but if you think about it, our shit is rubbed in their faces 24/7. Nearly every sign in Europe is in English and it's not because of the UK. Fast food everywhere in cities now, and all they listen to is our music and consume our media. They are 'obsessed' only because America is in the face and down their throat everywhere. So I don't really get upset, just roll my eyes - I can understand their sentiments.
When narcissists on a plane:
>break the rules (e.g., moving seats);
>make noise;
>get up before the plane has arrived at the gate;
>call the flight attendant when the plane is delayed as if the flight attendant could make sure they make their connection;
>in cases of delay, get up and leave the plane even though the flight attendants said to let people with tight connections go first

Also, delays + missed connections in general suck; completely ruin day and lose a day off.
>I shoulder checked him back and told him I’d fuck him up.
You turned around, walked after him, and checked him? Or how did you do it?
I didn't have time because my lads were waiting for me but I turned around checked him from the back and looked at his shocked face. This mate was shocked that I noticed and did something about it. I let him pass after that and told him he's lucky we aren't back in QLD
Fuck you, you violent Anglo animal.
LOL cope. Fuck trekkies and shoestringers and fuck you for even conceiving of them any differently than poor pieces of dogshit
>Western European talking about America and how it should be fixed but clearly have no idea what they're talking about

Fucking hate this. Most of the time it's a Dutch trying to Dutchsplain the constitution. Their sources always include "we get American politics on our news channels"
I've only spent two days in Korea but I would see businessmen shoulder check each other on the sidewalk all the time. It reminded me of Boston except they would just carry on and act like it was normal.
He who asks a stupid question remains dumb for a few seconds, he who never asks remains dumb forever
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>>french "women" existing and their opinions should be a legit war crime against humanity

Be happy that you don't have to live surrounded by them, listening to their inane shit all day long.
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do you like anyone bro?
Fair point kek
Most normalfags are ignorant. Dont know how many people go through life without knowing shit about the world. Just ignore them.
Had the misfortune of spending an evening with a Canadian rugmuncher and American battyman from my hostel the other day
Was highly grating and I made an excuse to leave despite having no other plans
I don't let it ruin my day.
Neither will you when you grow up a little champs.
>faggot doesn't like the town signs in MX
you sound like an uptight meat gazer

Sorry you feel that way about yourself.
Look, all I'm saying is I've lived out of a backpack for a month in a hostel, and I've stayed at 5 star resorts. Something I don't think a lot of travelers realize, until they experience it personally, is that your accommodations can be just as much a part of the trip as where you go / what you see. There are vacations that I barely remember the destination, but will always remember the hotel or resort.
I'm all for people getting out there and traveling with what they have, but don't make a thing about it, you know? We get it, you're young and poor and traveling - so you have to dress like shit and carry all your belongings on your back? Even when I was broke, I never did that - I kept my things where I was staying like a normal human being and only went out with what I needed for the day.
I doubt the types of people who dress in such a conspicuous way would care if they were doxxed on 4chinz
They're the worst parts of Chinese people but just misplaced. Good on you to show the twat who's boss.
>Travel things which ruin your day
Americans, French and Russians
>t. euro
but i'm straight passing (like guns, cars) and me and my BF don't do gay stuff or talk like gay people.
this perspective makes me feel less bad for spending like $175 a night at a tokyo hotel for the majority of the trip instead of searching for the perfect budget hotel or hostel that isn't a piece of shit
>travel with a friend
>they walk slow as shit
>it's an episode of 'anon has no idea what to do and assumes you know everything'
>sleeps in every day then complains how crowded places are
>complains it's hot and humid in summer or too cold in winter
>friend didn't bring enough money to do things
>unintentional cockblock
>friend can't decide what to eat so you pick something and they still complain
>friend gets too drunk too fast and is annoying
that person does not sound like a friend
I stayed at the Ritz in Tokyo. It was quite nice. It was memorable. But so was the 10$/night shitholes I stayed in too because or the memories I made. The places I went to because those 10$ shitholes were in close proximity to other spots. Paying hundreds of dollars a night at 5 star/luxury resorts in foreign countries is generally retarded. It's the same manufactured bullshit. I can stay at luxury destinations in my home country, why do I need to fly for 12 hours to do the same thing I can do at home? I travel to travel, not stay in a hotel no matter how nice it is.
Travelers realize it very much, they don't do it because they aren't privileged like you. Hotels can easily become the single most expensive thing about traveling, even above the plane ticket cost.
He ran into me from behind. I then shoulder checked him harder from behind. I was at Taipei 101 and think security caught me doing it as I could see some of them staring at me and walking near me at some points. They didn't say anything to me though. Previously I made eye contact and smiled with him and his business associates taking the tour. Even though I can't understand Korean I could tell they were talking shit about me.
Actually I don't see most people caring about that. The few who are outspoken irl are really insecure people that nobody likes, for example fat ugly dumb people always complaining. And online it's just Russian and Chinese bots.
If youre traveling you are already privileged and therefore a retard if you are walking around like its Everest's base camp
Did you even read the post?? Anon didnt say you have to stay at a fancy hotel said, he said dont look like a homeless bum for no reason
>>gypsies and bums
I've been to Romania and the gypsy problem there is something else. literal third world shanty towns full of gypsies and they try the same little scams on you that you've dodged a hundred times before. it's all so tiresome.

>>loud, piss drunk british "lads"
also don't know what it is with british lads holidays, other nations don't seem to drink ten pints immediately on landing and then look for a fight. when I was that age I wanted to get drunk and stay up all night but not like that

>>People in dorms who use the snooze button repeatedly for an hour
even in hotels you can hear what the next room is up to and you sometimes get this fat cunt next door with uncontrolled sleep apnoea who insists on doing that. you won't get a wink of sleep next to the sawmill who can only smash his beeping phone every nine minutes in perpetuity

>>toilets that have a shelf and are not slanted so I have to scrape my turd in
ok this is a new one on me

personal thing that has been pissing me off for years is globohomo - anywhere urban is basically the same, menus being in a different script doesn't count
running into any eurotrash automatically ruins my day. someone needs to revoke all the vacation they get.
>drink ten pints immediately on landing and then look for a fight.

Colonialism culture
The ultimate redpill about travel is that 99% of people are better not interacting with.
Are you just being snooty about older Hostelers or are there legitimate reasons to despise them?
If i hear american voices (hard to miss, they always have to be the loudest people in a room) i immediately leave the area
>be american
>sit down at some pub because it's close and I don't care to find something local after a long day saw
>order some beer just to sit relax charge my phone and upload pics on wifi
>hear some loud english people outside the closed door
>3-4 lad's and sometimes a slag walk in
>blow past the wait to be seated line only a suggestion anyways
>sit at the bar bartender clearly wondering why they didn't wait a minute for him to get ready
>doesn't say any kind of brand so has to ask
>bartender has no idea what that means gives them a menu
>anglo's confused at reading so can't understand the drink tabs listed on them
>has to show them the beer
>they order stella without a second thought even though it was clearly seen and they could have just asked for it
>2-3 beers within 30 minutes
>get turned to OI MATE WHERE YOU FROM
>America, just here on vacation
>coo america where you from in america
>try to explain but anything outside NYC or LA is "don't know where that is"
>uhhh a bit east of california
>ask where they are from
>Ah you would't know where it is
>okay whatever sure
>oh no here it comes
>begin 30minutes of constant "well if you just did X" or "well why not do X" or "see doing ... wrong"
There is nothing more annoying than being american and having anglo's sit next to you and clearly have no clue about what the US is like and just HAVE to bring it up. Talk about the country you are in? pfft nah. Want to talk about hobbies or something? nope boring. Want to rag on america, talk about how all you've done with holiday is spend 8 hours a day at a bar, and then have 'bantz'. BINGO perfect holiday!
the obsession europeans have over america is honestly sad.
The entire world hates americans. For some reason americans think that could not ever be a real thing. Truly mind boggling
Sad state of the world, having Americans living rent free in your heads. Oh well, I'll go back to tipping waitresses in Japan :)
>The entire world hates americans.
Everyone hates americans until someone breaks out a war like in russia or annexs shit like china, then wants to know how the US is going to fix it.

I don't give 2 fucks if people hate the US fine stay out of it. I hate, absolutely HATE when someone who might have done 1 trip to the US, and watch some news segments; then INSTANTLY could be the president to fix all the things. What things? just all of them!

Yet if you try to make any observations about their country, culture, and so on; STUPID MUTT DOESN'T KNOW NUFFIN! I'm fine if we all want to play on the same playing field but man, sure doesn't feel like it.
You cant be on a level playing field with an American because by default they have brain damage
Changbros our response?
St Lucia bros we're eating good tonight
>muh per capita
On mars no less!
>the virgin americlap vs the chad bong chavs
lighten up buddy, they were only having a laugh
>muh per capita
The absolute levels of non-arguments kek
>even in hotels you can hear what the next room is up to
Even the worst hotels I have stayed at is nothing compared to the shit dealt with in a dorm. It took me until I was almost 30 to realize it's not worth traveling if you're either tired all the time or needing to stay in bed until 10am like every other person in a dorm does to make up for the shitty interrupted sleep.
By 30 men should be able to afford a room to themselves, not be mingling in a dorm room with teens and 20 something brokies traveling on mommy and daddy money. It's ok for women to do it because they're retards usually on their Eat, Pray, Love phase.
And everyone would be fine with that however it's not a give/take situation here. You basically can't do any 'banter' back to them without becoming irate or inanely defensive about everything and how 'yank doesn't know anything'. I'd be fine with it if we could do some back and forth joshing around but that happens on only the most extreme.

>euro jokes about car culture in america and it's impacts
>Oh yeah man we just are following the smart german culture ya know with shutting down all those nuclear plants for coal, man what is it with germans and burning things?

>bong complains the US election system is terirble (which it kinda is)
>joke about the royal family and how their house of lords is still very very archaic with tons of loopholes

>guns brought up
>Yeah we don't lose our heads over it like binning a knife tho

>americans are fat
>looks at obesity charts of UK

Yeah per capita means nothing in the scheme of things, you could say that Vatican city is the best country on earth because everyone living there is educated. Or lichtenstein is GOAT due to how little crime there is my actual citizens. You're looking for a way to move goal posts and no one is buying it.
Damn i thought americans would at least be able to understand per capita considering the 13 percent jokes. Dumbfounded
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even per capita we still mog the entirety of europe
not sure what your point was
13% is funny for a multitude of reasons, not because it's percapita specifically.

Also everyone knows nogs are problems in cities.
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>The entirety of Europe
>European Union
13 and 50 is a joke entirely about per capita, its literally the entire thing. Fuck me dead
They act this blatantly retarded and then they will come out and say
>i dont give a fuck about your country at all
American education is worse than third world
>euro tries to make shitty jabs and banter
>looks like an idiot
>laugh at said idiot
How long until 'merely pretending'
Why is it so easy to trigger Yuros?

>explain most american places do have public transport in terms of buses
The busses are shit here. Are you joking?

>explain most companies outside grocery store worker pay for it usually the people not with healthcare are illegals or super poors who don't want the government knowing their real address

I don't want the people who are making my food and cleaning my shit not have healthcare. Do you see how that's a problem?

>explain how big the US is and how not feasible unless you have a plan but this enrages them

For 2-3 weeks, going to LA, NYC and Miami is not that hard these days.

>they can't realize this as most their society went back to offices
They most likely live in walkable cities and have reasonable work-life balance in Europe already. Americans like WFH because they are just being introduced in what life should be like and had no idea what difference it would make.

>that fucking euro who wants to do 'urban exploring' but does not understand safety

You probably walk to the other side of the street when you see a black person because you are too much of a pussy faggot and people can sense it

>demands we do something about taiwan/hong kong or ukraine the next minute

Yes because every European thinks the exact same way and has the exact same opinion, right?

>I could go on but man there is seriously nothing that gets under my skin than sitting at a bar to relax after a days work and then getting some euro needing to tell me how the US should be after learning I am a burger

You're just making up a person. There's no way that actually happens in real life. Europeans are too polite to talk shit about America in person and if you do, they are opening up criticism of Europe too but you are too autistic to understand subtext and body language.
>Yes because every European thinks the exact same way and has the exact same opinion, right?
Actually, yeah. You're all the same.
This is the worst "how do you do fellow americans" post on this board currently. Are you mad you couldn't handle some push back on your retarded takes?
Nah, in my experience no one hates America the way they say they do. Most of the world hardly ever encounters Americans since only half the population even has a passport, and those that do usually just go to Canada or the Caribbean. Mostly all Americans who go to anywhere in Europe besides Paris/Rome are usually really decent... Brits and Aussies on the otherhand are the actual manifestation of the ugly American stereotype.

I'm American actually. Shocker, I know.
>euro jokes about car culture in america
>euro also literally obsessed and eats/breathes/thinks in Top Gear
It really is a sad life
>The busses are shit here
Where is "here", the buses in Salt Lake City are vastly different from what the bus system is like in Miami and so on. They are actually usable for most people in the north east and midwest.
>cleaning my shit not have healthcare.
Which is why ACA has been around for over a decade, most poors actually just try to skip it to save a few bucks a paycheck. It's not a problem for most outside illegals or people who 'don't want to be found'.
>is not that hard these days.
You'd be looking at a week tops for those and a huge financial setback to do it in that short time span, again it's not feasible given the scope of those cities outside window dressing
>They most likely live in walkable cities and have reasonable work-life balance in Europe already.
> pussy faggot and people can sense it
Nah I am talking european women walking through skid row before it was torn up, trying to be 'gangsta' by going through the hood only to get robbed, euro's trying to be bad ass getting their shit kicked in or scammed hard
>has the exact same opinion, right?
Many echo the same sentiment where in the US every state varies wildly unless you are talking about the small crunch states in NE
>There's no way that actually happens in real life
As an American I can assure you it happens a fair bit more than you think. This isn't just some fairy tail made up thing, it happens in a LOT of places.

The euro steething in this thread is hilariously bad.
No you aren't, you're either fishing for (you)'s or from a sheltered commie state.
Take meds schizo holy shit
EU has 115 million more people than the US yet we still mog the EU in laureates? Now add the rest of the minor, non EU, poor countries into the mix and get back to me Pavel
Also, not at all shocking, even if you're telling the truth. Americans who idolize europe are a dime a dozen, so much so they frequently become a problem.
Watched an old lady have a meltdown at CDG a few days ago after she tried three times to board in zone 1 when she was in zone 3. After the third time one of the employees pulled her out and made her wait until I assume the entire plane was full.

So you admit there is a disparity of bus travel between parts of the city yet you insist it's totally fine? And I live in the Northeast and don't drive; I will tell you they are shit and I'd rather Uber or take the subway.

>It's not a problem
Then it's not a problem. So you agree with me.

>it's not feasible given the scope of those cities outside window dressing

I just entered it into Google Flights and it is $1,081 round trip for two weeks from London. That's pretty good.

It's true.

>walking through skid row before it was torn up
Why would a woman, let alone, ANYONE, go to Skid Row? It was literally created as a containment zone a hundred years ago.

>Many echo the same sentiment
Not at all. Most Euros I know love America.

>I can assure you it happens a fair bit more than you think.
You have autism and it shows. Euros naturally speak in banter and if you take it seriously, you are a sperg. All you have to do is talk shit about their country and they will laugh. Get tested for your autismo.

>No you aren't, you're either fishing for (you)'s or from a sheltered commie state.

I've born and raised in America and lived in Germany for 4 years so I know what I'm talking about.
>So you admit there is a disparity of bus travel between parts of the city yet you insist it's totally fine?
Yeah man, same in europe. I dare you to take a bus in Albania or serbia, and then compare it to the bus service in Bergen norway. Going to be a difference in quality regardless.

>Then it's not a problem.
I think most people would want others to have healthcare but those who chose not to doesn't make the place shit.

>That's pretty good.
Until you realize that's only like London->NYC not the stops in between, or hotel costs for those places. Not to mention the disparity in pay.

>Why would a woman, let alone, ANYONE, go to Skid Row?
I've done greyhound from that station more times than I can count, the amount of shitty euro's hanging out after a shit week in LA trying to 'back pack' through america is high. I have no way to explain it outside of seeing it in person.

>You have autism and it shows.
Anon my only post was how I hate how shitty things are when euros rag on shit, my entire post wasn't that all euro's do that but many do. Especially anglo's. You went full autismo mode first and people just responding to it.

>I've born and raised in America and lived in Germany for 4 years so I know what I'm talking about.
That's super duper cool anon.
Airports. Liminal space hellscapes, huge hallways devoid of any human life stretching before and after with endless blank confusion, no signs, spaghetti-labyrinths of belt barriers with no apparent correct direction and employees who simply scream at you if you guess wrong, ask 5 different people get 5 different answers, flights leave and arrive all night long but customer service and store staffing vanishes after midnight leaving you stranded with no ammenities, being cancer-scanned and harassed by TSA goons, airlines getting more and more jewish about carry-on sizes and the draconian policing of your luggage. because yeah, i've really spent thousands of dollars booking a trip only to threaten the pilot with a single safety razor pinched between my forefingers and a 3 oz bottle of mouthwash. charging 4x as much for commodities in the airport because you have a captive audience and can. need medication? prepare to be extorted. wanted water? haha we removed all the fountains, now you get to pay $5 for a single bottle of water. pay hundreds of dollars for a flight only for crotch goblins to puke and shit all across the plane and spend hours straight screaming bloody murder, shrieking, and blasting cocomelon while their cunt mother knocks back a few miniatures of vodka happy that she can inflict her daily misery on innocent strangers. go to charge your phone, the fucking outlet doesn't work because they are too cheap to allow you to suck up four pennies worth of electric. apps that try to upsell you every step of the way and crash randomly. hell, now even the planes crash randomly. everything involving air travel is asinine.
> hate foreigners of any kind except English speaking countries
>I had Asians literally push and TOUCH me because I made it to the line before their group of 20 did
>workers who boss me around about my kid
>rides that are over an hour long
>everyone rushing and racing
>overly large crowds
>thieving, entitled Brazilians who pretend that they're dying only to get a better seat & who steal from gift shops
>i hate nonpolite snobby German women who don't know how to be friendly or smile
>Muslims who stare at my little girl like they're going to steal her are scary
>Hispanics who skip the line because they lied about having a kid
>rich people who pretend to be disabled to skip the lines
Israelis are fine its the weird orthodox ones that are entitled
>entitled Indians
>Hispanics who hate white people even though they're literally in THEIR country
This. They're obsessed with the fact that they're unarmed and we aren't.
Generally I get annoyed by other tourists, when they don't observe the social norms of whatever country they're in and make me look like an asshole by association. I felt this the most when I was in Japan. For example, when other tourists would talk really loudly on the train, be dicks to geisha or monks with unsolicited photos or poking fun, or one situation when two white American dudes were yelling on a quiet train because they made a mistake and got on the wrong train.
>Israelis are fine
lol no
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People asking me (right off the bat), "So, where are you from?". It's a loaded question. What they're really saying is: Ask me where I'm from so I can talk about myself... And even after you answer the question it's still all about how their friend or family member went to some University in the same country. And then you need to say something nice about where ever the fuck that is. But it usually turns out that the person they're referring to was actually trying to escape their bullshit hometown and never talked to anyone again after leaving. This shit goes on for 5 to 10 minutes and they NEVER even ask your name. They're more likely to ask next what you do for a living than ask your name. It's because they want to tell YOU what they do for a living. Like I give a shit. I was just having a beer and a cig and trying to relax. And now I'm hearing about Cousin Eddy who went to school in San Diego, like maybe I know him by chance.

And don't tell me this is really just strangers being nice to strangers. That's their fall-back angle. That's how they rationalize boring strangers to death every fucking place they go.
Have you been tested for autism, anon?
>go to some place known for being super spicy
>have to pay up front
>aw shit this gunna be good
>get food
>It's barely that hot
The amount of times this has happened annoys the ever loving fuck out of me when I travel. Absolutely nothing worse than it in europe where you order something ULTRA DEATH SPICY and they just put shit like jalapeno's or some habenero sauce on it with pepper jack cheese. Dutch are the absolute worst about it only narrowly beating out the English.
>MENA people (Israelis and Iranians are usually okay if they're not the druggy type or religious)
>Japanese sexpats, somehow even more degenerate than wypipo sexpats
>black "hood" Americans
>roasties in India/Thailand/Sri Lanka/(insert buddhist place), insufferable as all hell
I always give a stupid answer to this question like "North Korea" just to throw people and give them a mild shit test. My favourite is using it on brain dead touts who have no pre rehearsed answer instead of the usual "Australia, Melbourne? Sydney? Gday Mate!"
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or you go to some chinese/korean/thai/Indian place and order something spicy. they warn you multiple times how spicy it is
(twice by the waitress, once by the restaurant manager, the final time by the chef). and when it comes out and it's not even remotely that spicy. 100% the chef pulled his punches.

Just coz i'm vanilla icecream white, doesn't mean I don't know what i'm getting into.
I used to say to women, "My mommy's tummy." and to men, "My daddy's balls." That broke them out of their state of mind and got a laugh, but it also built instant rapport and I risked becoming the new best friend of Mr or Ms Fucking Boring.
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Everyone I met was either nice or indifferent to me, I don't remember being annoyed by other tourists at all, they couldn't care less about some lonely tourist from nowhere. And they're right, I'm boring and have nothing going for it. Oh well.
>even per capita we still mog the entirety of europe
>US in 15th place, with 12 European countries ahead of it
Do you have brain damage, or is this merely the American education at work?
>People that have travelled for a while and when asked where they're from they say some variation of 'oh I'm from from everywhere/nowhere, I don't have a home' or 'I'm from the world'
Such cringey, attention seeking behaviour. You know exactly what the question meant, tell us what country you're from and where you grew up. Majority of the time they're from some boring ass middle class suburb in the US or something but admitting that wouldn't sound cool enough for there new affected personality
Compare their populations numb nuts
It has always been an American remote worker who says that. Every single time it's some remote tech fag or crypto queer
Yeah this. WTF are white women doing walking around Soi 6 at 1am? Go away, I’m trying to coom in peace.
>People who treat meme rules like "middle seat gets 2 armrests as gospel and kick off about it
>People who complain about tipping. Pay your way in the world ffs.
>Passive aggressive folk who tut or complain when I have to get up early in a hostel. Get a hotel if you're a light sleeper.
>People who walk in the way when I'm taking a really good photo and ruin the moment.
>People who want to 'get off the beaten track'. Just leave the locals alone, ffs. The best sites are touristy for a reason.
>Hostels which are 100% full of Europeans. You know there's going to be some disrespect or snobbishness going on.
you sound like a whiney POS. I'm going to make a point of walking in front of any solitary, loser vibe dorks in the hopes one of them is you and I spoil your shot which would have been worthless anyway, kek
Actually there are 350 million Americans and fewer than 100 million have a passport
American Jews are just white people, yesterday I heard Amy Schemer is Jewish, soon Bruce Willis will say he's jewish, everyone who's not black is Jewish in that country
Put your bag down infornt of their feet when you see them creeping, mention what they're doing to your friend right in front of them if you're bold enough, make eye contact, there are a few things you can do to stop pieces of shit playing games
Thisis what I'm talking about. Too many """tourists""" out there like you who have 0 respect for anything but yourself. What happenedto the whole "leave no trace, leave only pictures"?
Seems your ilk want to ruin that for us, too.
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>as established by the 1895 will of Sswweeddiisshh chemist, engineer, and industrialist Alfred Nobel
Picrel really makes you wonder if this is a solid way of judging anything.
Yes, per capita controls for population size. Are you retarded?
>t. entitled pos that thinks everyone around him needs to stop what theyre doing to let him take endless tedious pictures of landmarks that have been photographed millions of times already, and that they'll never look at again
Or just, you know, tell them to stop.

This is literally every friend after a few weeks of travelling together lol.
Old people blocking the aisles of planes/ buses/ trains. When you're boarding, they'll hold 50 people up while they faff about deciding which seat is theirs, or which of the zillion identical seats will be the best to sit on. When you're leaving, they'll block everyone again while they faff around getting all their stuff together and rearranging themselves, instead of just grabbing their shit and disembarking.
Please staaap! :(

You dumb fast food lady, please stay in America, nobody wants to hear your whining
If you seethe because an Italian man tries to go ahead of you in a line and then complain about it online, it seems to me that you're the one who is whining.
>Assuming people just take pics of '''famous landmarks'''
I'm a cityscape photographer. I capture real life in real places, faggot.
Haha you idiot, I was giving advice. How did you get that from my comment, you're not too smart
1. An American accent ANYWHERE
2. Americans eating
3. Americans talking
4. Americans tipping
5. Americans demanding modification
No. As of 2023 160 million had a passport. Other poster is right, it's closer to half of Americans have one.
Cool man I'm sure your 300 followers on instagram really think your pictures are great and people should halt their lives so you can post for them.
Wow, you've really got a chip on your shoulder. What's wrong with taking pictures of amazing places?
All you have to do is step around. It doesn't cost you a penny.
I have a very successful travel vlog and blog btw, but I won't dox myself. My recent series focused on moonlight in cityscapes. I had to plan the full moons throughout the year and traveled to a different European city for each.
So yeah.
Just stop lol you're digging yourself a bigger hole. No random stranger owes you shit, the world doesn't belong to you.
Hey buddy, idk if anyone has told you this but.. no one wants to see your pictures of concrete staircases, homeless people, and shopfronts.
>I have a very successful travel vlog
>seetheposts on /trv/
yea sure you do buddy
Most Western Europeans hate Americans for the dumbest reasons. It really just makes them look like pussies. Fucking Iraqis complain less about us and we recently destroyed their country. Africans are friendlier too. So are South Americans and Asians. Most Eastern Europeans too. It's hilarious coming from a well off region of the world. You'd expect that from people we recently bombed. The culture is weird too. Who the fuck immediately asks someone if they're one of the good ones and interrogates them about politics. I can't imagine someone berating a Chinese person in the US over social credit scores or anything like that. It's also hypocritical given the past history of Western Europe and the lasting presence of France, for example, in Africa. Many Western Europeans have goldfish brains and many Brits don't realize they had an empire that was partly responsible for a lot of what happened. It's borderline delusional how elitist some Western Europeans are. Being cultured means being from whatever country they're from and everyone else is borderline subhuman. If thet view Americans that way, then they must think the 3rd world are subhuman.
>There are vacations that I barely remember the destination, but will always remember the hotel or resort
you're doing it wrong, buddy
Western Europeans aren't even cultured. They're really quite crass, drunken, and perverted.
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Kek what? I'm not even going to acronym this because I really want you to Kill yourself.

>Leave the locals alone

You know they're people right? Not some type of vulnerable Animals you need to protect. Imagine I'm walking to my local park in my shitty part of the city and somehow a tourist is here and wants to ask what non typical things are around, then some dorkus like you comes and says "leave him alone! :("
Look, the locals don't care about you, and don't want to be hassled by you. You're literally dirt on their shoe and a walking money bag. They have lives, families and hobbies, and don't need some guy in a backpack coming up to them on a bench in their lunch break and waffling on about shit in incomprehensible tongues.

It's rude and unthoughtful. If you're not fluent, you shouldn't be speaking to anybody full stop, unless it's a designated tourist site. This is why tours and hotels exist, ffs.
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>If you're not fluent, you shouldn't be speaking to anybody full stop
>leave only pictures
No one cares about your pictures.
>Don’t talk to anyone
Genuine incel
I get this insanity for different culture rather than age groups. I used to live in Croatia and I learned to recognize any flight going there by how they would rush the gate. On the plane they couldn't figure out how to sit down and stay seated, like ants in their pants. And the overheads all filled with their puffy jackets. Try to move their jackets to make space and they stand up again and start yelling in Klingon not to touch their stuff. That's the same for every country in the Balkans - fucking retards.
I left the US in 2003 and haven't looked back, but can confirm that bugs me now. I hear them and I always find something I don't like about them. I don't even hate the culture or country, but it's always fucking something that gets under my skin.
Yet TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, Google and Apple - all companies who specialise in photos/photo taking are the biggest companies in the world. Nobody cares apart from the hunreds of millions of shareholders and billions of users!

I'd just call the police if that happened. That's disgusting. And desu, quite frankly, tells us the type of traveler you are.

I'm very successful with women, actually. You do know that they actually like photos, right? Have you not seen the AirBnB experiences?
It's most of the former Eastern Bloc who act like this. I first noticed it with Poles and Georgians not being able to queue like civilized people. Then I learned the Balkans are just as bad. Something was definitely added to commie water to make them behave more like black people.
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>I'm actually very successful with women, I get a lot of girls liking my gay pictures I turn a mediocre profit on (if I even can do that)

On most of my travels, esp for work, even my Euro colleagues bring up gun control and the electoral college as if I'm going to go have a hearing in front of congress
>I'm very successful with women, actually. You do know that they actually like photos, right? Have you not seen the AirBnB experiences?
I don't have to fly to another country to get laid. Yikes.
Euros loooove talking about gun control because they can't even fathom ever having to defend themselves since they've became a culture to just bend over and take it when refugees deal it up their ass
Stay in your country.
Holy shit this is an astoundingly abnormal way of thinking.

You didn't really take in anything I wrote though, let's try again. Would you be "Hassled" by a Belgian Tourist asking you a question? In a non tourist "no talking zone"? You're a top Redditors so you think you're being thoughtful and politically correct by protecting third worlders but in reality you're treating them like they're different (sub human even), like they can't interact with people like we do and enjoy it, express their personalities, have a desire to engage in meaningful conversation. It's ironic that the only person in this thread insulting third worlders is you.
HELP! I've just had someone piss in me
You're the only one mentioning third worlders here. In my opinion, everybody is just a 'worlder'. No need for the discrimination, buddy.

I wouldn't want to be hassled by a Belgian while I'm going about my daily chores.However, if I'm at a museum or a theme park, I would be happy to help someone if they wanted to start a conversation about the rides, or exhibits.
Kek oh shit this dorkus is trying to turn it on me. You know you were picturing some disheveled Bolivian when you said it. You are a weirdo, I'm happy to meet interesting people at any time, doesn't have to be a designated zone.

By the way, where do you meet all the 10s of women you're shagging, does it have to be in a singles bar?
>implying he gets women
Weren't you just saying how "people need to not walk my heckin photorinos!" Then you immediately say the locals don't care about you? Yeah, they don't care about you or your faggy little ego photo pictures... Maybe that's why they don't walk around your camera is because they know you're not fluent (and they can beat your twink ass)
your definition of "hassle" makes me think you are interaction adverse outside of tourist zones or some situation where the person is paid to specifically deal with foreigners and respond in a "the customer is alright right" sort of manner. You get the real interactions chatting with people in non tourist areas. You make the issue black and white in a way that doesn't comport with anyone who has a sense of when to approach people, which, again, makes me suspect you have some issue in initiating and choosing interactions. If someone if busy and clearly in a sour mood or haste, I am going to let that person carry on. But if it's someone clearly relaxing or not in a rush, I can chat them up. It seems you may have had a bad experience or many and now want to project that on to anyone who has the courage and enthusiasm to interact with people not paid to deal with his shit. That's a you problem

Apart from that last faggy line you are right on the money, I didn't think about the possibility anon doesn't interact well with people so their view is very warped.

For a normal person it's less about the location but signs and body language, you can "hassle someone" by the Eiffel Tower if it's not appropriate, nothing to do with tourist locations, you don't own people there, they aren't part of your package deal just because they're around haha. And if you see someone smiling at you in a rural area it's safe to assume they might be approachable
Seeing other Americans acting like literal clueless babies for no apparent reason
You're actually right, every american I've met at hostels abroad (outside turbonormalfag destinations like you mentioned) has been polite and open-minded
I always leave the room when Americans enter.

Every American I met was loud obnoxious snored and would cause drama.
White people when I'm in Asia, Americans and worse fellow Germans trying to strike up a conversation. Literally ruins my day.
Don't you want to hear Americans and American cocksuckers (Europeans) talking about how evil Glompff is for 4 hours straight?
They unironically, genuinely believe they are the chosen master race to rule the world. Every single Israeli spends 2 years killing children in Palestine as part of their conscription. You are nothing but livestock to them, a filthy animal.
Just seeing them is already enough desu. I remember walking though Jeju-do after a storm. It was quiet, the air was cool and peaceful. I felt like the last man on earth until some fat, white 6' girl in FUCKING YOGA PANTS showed up out of nowhere. After seeing nothing but delicate slender kgf for 2 weeks the whiplash nearly made my throw myself off a cliff.
Go to somewhere other than Italy or Paris and you'll never run into that. You'd know that if you've ever traveled before
Shalom goyim
Seeing 1 Israeli person
Seeing more than 1 Israeli person
Lmao lol kek
>>that fucking euro who wants to do 'urban exploring' but does not understand safety
>>it's always some fucking german

thats me.
If the thugs in the street pull their gun in a fight they are no real men to me and I will tell them so
Pretty much the only reason I talk to germans is trying to ruin their day
Niggers have no sense of dignity, they will shoot you in cold blood because it's a dog eat dog world, and ain't nobody got time for dat for that uppity shit. Boom nigga, you gone!
I have it when Americans (or any Americanized person) bring their stupid ass “customer is always right” entitlement mentally. Especially in Asian countries. No, you are not the center of the universe and it will not bend to your will. You adapt.
I don't tend to let things ruin my day.
But things that annoy me are

- Karens that must to speak to the manager
- Lads on tour
- Australians
- Places where you can't walk two steps without someone trying to sell you something

And bonus 2020-2022 era
- antivax schizos having a meltdown at any covid restriction, loudly and proudly insisting to everyone who doesn't care that they won't wear the "cuck mask"
So where are you from?
Is that supposed to make them not mug you?
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chinese and chinese tour groups
I've seen chinks try to haggle prices in Venice like their back in their third world night market shithole lol
>gypsies with dogs/cats/rabbits they're clearly using just to guilt you into giving them money
if hitler had focused solely on eliminating gyppos nobody would have batted an eye
I've noticed that most places outside of America just hate money. America tries to maximize customer retention and know a business thriving is based on repeat customers but other countries will treat their customers like shit.
aren't you overdue for another booster shot?
as a west coaster, west coasters from canada or the US annoy me so fucking much, I hate their little quips and jokes and sarcasm that is never funny, just fucking talk like a normal person.
saw some german guy pull out a phone to google translate in the tokyo national museum in a very strict no photos room and after being told to put it away by the lady he loudly said "NO I AM NOT TAKING A PHOTO I AM GERMAN I AM TRANSLATING FOR MY NATIVE LANGUAGE, EET IS TRANSLATION"
most places in america you get to businesses by car and form no connection to the area and traffic is really low, so they have to try really hard to be appealing with insane shenanigans or 50 flavors of bagels, in asia there are thousands of people passing by each day and the shop only has to have decent food and prices.
I fucking hate anglos
>american who's from the military who's a total stereotype

lmao I met a fatfuck navy kid at my friend's bar in Tokyo a couple weekends ago. This retard left to try and find hookers and then came back at 3am after all the customers had left and stuffed the toilet brush, toilet paper holder and air freshener out the bathroom window which landed somewhere noone can reach and my friend had to buy another.
I have a pretty high tolerance for bullshit, but loud Brits can ruin whatever activity you're currently enjoying
last american I met abroad was in northern finland

they asked me if I knew when they were turning the northern lights 'on'. it was summer and they weren't joking
Americans abroad are adorable. Maybe not in Mexico idk. The Atlantic tends to filter a lot of the worst ones I guess, that and the need to have a passport.

Brits are generally the utter scum of the earth . Ryanair is single-handedly responsible for destroying the image of the Brit.
Disgusting people. They still think they run the world and can do as they please. They're seemingly unaware that most of their country is a disgusting hellhole, and the rest of the world has caught up or surpassed them.
It's not just the loudness, it's their mundane conversations, shunning of knowledge and curiosity, and absolute garbage tier takes on the world around them.
It's no wonder they need to hide behind 'muh banter' and 'lets get fukt up' - they literally have nothing else going for them.
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>Americans abroad are adorable.
I agree, I've almost always had positive experience with Americans in Europe. They have a certain wide eyed wonder about them.
I was in the Forum Romana a few weeks ago with an Italian friend when an obviously American woman approached out of nowhere and said "Wow, you speak English really well" with such a kind smile, genuine smile and then just left.
Thanks, random American.
Why do most Americans hate the British so much? I wish the UK would ditch the USA and realign with friendlier countries like China or Russia. USA is a cancer on this Earth.
>with such a kind smile, genuine smile and then just left
With such a kind, genuine smile*
Imagine taking one loose thread and shoehorning in politics so loosely. Take it to /pol/, faggot.
Not the anon you're replying to nor an American, but you're almost guaranteed to run into obnoxious Brits no matter where you go. It's hard not to hate them.
Why do Canadians hate Canadians?
Well I mean, I keep seeing mutts seething over Brits at every turn. Leftists mutts hate the British because colonialism. Right wing mutts hate the British because muh 1776. No one else seethes over the UK so hard, not even pajeets.
>Leftists mutts hate the British because colonialism.
Not sure I've ever encountered that as a Brit. If they're over in the USA they're welcome to give their land back to the indians and move to Sheffield or something.
Lol, you're deluded. British tourists are widely hated across Europe - they're fucking pigs.
>No one else seethes over the UK so hard, not even pajeets.
Pretty sure that on a global level, we brits are people's least fave tourists, followed by Germans.
You know who's worse than Brits? Russians.
They don't come to the EU proper so much though, especially now. But in cheap resorts in Egypt and Turkey you can see the battle royale.
Because brits seem to somehow manage to take all the stereotypes you could apply to americans and crank it up to 11 hitting it more perfect than Americans ever could.
Certain neighborhoods in Athens aren’t very welcoming
Well this thread has been an interesting read.
As someone who is flying out in a couple of days to spend two weeks in Switzerland/Germany as my first trip to Europe, I am looking forward to beating the negative American stereotypes and absolutely clowning on anyone that tires to talk shit about America like I am it's personal spokesperson. I suspect this is overblown though, and that by being considerate, polite, and reading the mood I will have almost entirely positive and pleasant interactions with the locals.
Never had anything really ruin my day (except getting soaked by flash rain in Bangkok)

But the grab motorcycle drivers can sometimes be absolutely psychopathic. Speeding through every bump and making sudden stops/accelerations. It's like they're trying to kill you sometimes
seeing black people does it for me
why the fuck do hotels put TVs in every room. like they want everyone at each others throats over noise issues? great way to ruin someone's trip if their neighbor feels like blasting TV all fucking night. this boomer shit needs to go. who the fuck even watches TV except disabled old faggots and third worlders? a TV in a hotel room is like handing a knife to a crackhead. "here, go be an asshole with our blessing." the only generation who are obsessed with the retard box are boomers and xoomers anyway and theyll be dead soon from morbid obesity.
t. vax mutant
Dirty Chinese scum, they are everywhere
how many boosters did you get? you should be on number 17 or 20 depending how many already pulled theirs off the market due to safety concerns.
youre a noob and poser
I hate how generally slow npcs move.
also the hostel hippies who act like hot shit because theyve been living like a bum for 4 weeks.
I hate Instagram culture (too many photographers!)
and most of all

>why is life not just an extension of my high school safe zone
Life is not a perpetual child center. Hostels are places to travel cheap and meet people. Deal with it zoombo.
I don't know what kind of Stockholm syndrome this is but this anon is clearly a long term captive.

Define hispanic fren. The only consistently shitty ones I've met have been, ironically, puerto ricans who are part of the u.s. roughly against their will.

>Go to bar
>Shock and horror when people make smalltalk
Lel how hard did they home school you for anon?
That's rich coming from someone that can't even answer a simple question out of pure shame
>Shock and horror when people make smalltalk
I don't mind small talk. I mind boring people who feel compelled to share how they don't think about what comes out of their mouths and have no interest in listening to what comes out of mine. It's a waste of time for everyone. Ask me about the weather, make a comment about something I'm doing/wearing ANYTHING other than asking me the same damn question I've answered thousands of times before. It's the first thing people say to you now. Yesterday I got another cousin-is-from-San-Diego - no fucking shit! Why are they always from San Diego!?
They still hate gays even if you’re “one of the good ones”. You have no idea how much homophobic shit I’ve heard from people that assume I’m straight.
>Queue skipping
How quintessentially British. But yes, I hate this one.

My ones are not necessarily tour exclusive but:
1. Chatting in queues then not knowing what they are going to order / Holding up a queue deciding a food order

2. Being loud late at night in a hostel dorm

3. Pseudo-Intellectualism/Spiritualism and arrogance of 20-something travellers

4. The loud-and-slow English method of tourist communication

6. Arguing over payments when the fault is yours for either not understanding conventions or being a brokie.
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>Why do a group of people who fundamentally believe they are the chosen children of all divinity, act so entitled?

A mystery for the ages anon.
>"Wow, you speak English really well" with such a kind smile, genuine smile and then just left.
If you find this sort of patronising behaviour endearing, you have mother issues.
Chernobyl exclusion area, zero homeless population
Even illegals cannot be denied healthcare at any hospital, they are legally required to treat them without any guarantee of payment or even identity. Healthcare is covered for anyone who cannot afford it in the US, only people who make more than a certain income are excluded from socialized healthcare because they can pay, and they can file bankruptcy and get it for free if they can't. Dumbfucks still spout this shit, but anybody within our borders can get healthcare if they actually need it, you just can't have your cake and eat it too with getting it free while having the wealth to afford paying for it.
>Loud groups of foreigners, particularly Hindus and Latinx (seriously, just ban groups of more than three)
>Obese Americans (I've never seen people this fat in my country, it's insane)
>Foreigners with their camera shoved in local's face (you're not working for Magnum you moron)
You demanding other people go out of their way to accommodate your shit is incompatible with the idea of leave no trace. You are the trace, a shitty smear on everyone else's existence. Take your photo when people aren't using public spaces for their public purposes you entitled shit.
I don't think there is a single american alive upset over the redcoats, although it's fun to joke about dumping tea and shooting lobsterbacks. Zero bitterness, we won the war and then stopped caring until britain became our ally. Right wing fags hates britain because you have fucking retarded social policies and takes about muh hate speech and brown people
I didn't agree to a leave-no-trace principle. When the fuck did that happen, you PC faggots? Leave no trace sounds like some chick thinking or hippie shit. Leftist fuckery. I'll dump what I got when I got to dump it.
Ameicans' obsession over eu is the same tho ?
>faggot thinks whole uk = london, france = paris, netherlands = amsterdam
>lmao dude its all so tiny ! 2-3 days should do
>meet a german person = "hahah hitler, yeah"
I mean, euros wouldnt be THAT unbearable if americans didnt still live in 1940 and reminded everyone everyday that theyre the world police i guess ?
Also youre breathing manually.
Nah the worst of americans are
>Oh man your country is so great it sucks in america, did I tell you I only make 6 figures yearly have a car, multi bedroom place, eat out daily, and pay less taxes than you can dream of?
>we don't get any vacation time, I only get 2 weeks vacation + 2 weeks company holidays throughout the year... I wish I had a month off a year like they do in france

Most americans these days don't pipe up unless you're pushing their buttons or they are seriously a boomer stereotype.
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>be digital nomad
>stay in hostels sometimes due to location/cost
>make the mistake of mentioning it to someone
>every time
>offer some advice on shit to do
>lol no
>proceeds to not get this isn't something that is a crash course and doesn't look at any of the resources pointed out for them just wants 'a job' thinking it's hit a few buttons or google per day and be done with

I've learned real quick to never tell people I am a digital nomad, be it at a hostel, bar, or whatever. People do straight up not get it often takes years of experience prior to a full remote gig where you can enjoy the travel by being project based, or learned to automate a lot of your job. I will never get after explaining for a few minutes that it takes time people still go "yeah well what's the short cut lol"
Don't tell this to the blackpill thread, they seem to think le digital nomad should be available to anyone with no skill or experience because they're too good for a job
>Tourists, go home!
>African refugees, welcome !

I never understood this Mediterranean logic.
Hippy tourists like to stay in "alternative" and "hippy" areas in Athens, mainly Exarcheia, which removes houses from the rent market, drives up prices and takes away the neighbourhood's character and charm.
While this is undeniable, the rent in Exarcheia was already high and most locals have left long ago. You'll be in no danger from Greeks, no matter how much they like to bark and act tough. Criminal illegal aliens and junkies on the other hand...
holy shit literal euro poor detected lmao
Won't someone PLEASE think of the poor anarchists :'(
They may not be real men, but you will no longer be a living one. Amerimonkeys do not care bro they will literally beat you to death and then post it online with their faces and accomplices tagged. Then they will make a song about it
Just don't go in trying to get into those conversations or even anticipating them too much. Worst case scenario be the friendly but oblivious American and you will be fine.
How about some white girls pointing and laughing at you then shaking head and going indoors. I still cant figure what the fuck she wants if all these feminists preach dont rape women dont catcall them dont harrass them at work dont send dickpics to girls dont fucking anything then HOW do you message her yeah i like pussy and i wanna weenie your breadhole into a hotdog. You cant do shit without everything being rape these days and then shes gonna say haha fag if you dont rape her. Cant slap the bitch either or thats the end of work contract due to domestic abuse. I got no way to went so i just went to listen to music on youtube and got a beer. Any tips if youre getting harrassed after work at street and in the mall? I gotta go out to buy fucking food. All i do is hoodie and jeans coz these wiggers dont work so they wouldnt understand what a blue collar shirt is. FUCK

Oh yeah and company forced us to take wokeshit training so that made pussifying even worse. Then they expect youre not gonna be a wimp if you have to sit at PC 8 hours a day. I just fucking cant. Travel work is such dogshit. All i wanna do is play street fighter, get high and fuck some asian girls. Please no white girls thats like a punishment since they cant stop fucking with your head.
Mock me all you want, but what is a digital nomad and how does that even work? You'd never believe I am certified and qualified in numerous IT and Tech skills, but never understood the digimad and how it works.
If I'm in Europe and someone discovers I am American, there is a 50% chance they talk about politics or social issues. Not only is it annoying, but they also will feel the need often times to tell me how things should be done. Are you planning on living in the US? No? Then shut the fuck up about it. Should I bring up their own country's politics to every fucking tourist I come across back home? Should I tell them how their country should be run? And if I did, they would get offended at it, but as an American, I'm expected to just shut up and listen to the nonsense they spew. Not to mention, Euros have an understanding of my country's politics at the level of a grade schooler. Not that I expect them to know anything, but must they pretend to be an expert on something they know jack shit about?
You profit from American imperialism, so don't be such a bitch, and deal with the backlash and fame it brings.
You don't get to represent a place swinging its dick around the world, then back out of any conversation regarding it.
If you don't want it, stfu about being American. Faggot.
You didn't read my post, nigger. How about you actually read before you make a whole post about seething.
I read it. If you claim to represent a power structure swinging its dick around, expect to receive feedback. It's really that simple.
You're not special, you're not unique, you're a representative of an imperial structure going through the motions, and people have opinions.
You have no god given right to silence when you claim allegiance to a structure affecting the lives of people.

Like i said. If you don't like it, distance yourself from being American.
Your whole post is a bunch of nonsense seethe. Why don't you go dickride some towelheaded suicide bombers instead of wasting my time? I'm not going to lie about where I come from, nor am I going to be ashamed. If they ask, I'm going to be honest. My post is a reasonable one until you made it about your overly emotional nonsense. Get fucked you stupid nigger.
>china annexes HK

>Russia is annexing ukraine

>America does something random
It's impossible to distance yourself from being American, even if you wanted to, when you speak with an American accent. No one should have to apologize for their government so maybe fuck off.
Read some history, faggot. It's the story of every empire, ever.
If you carry the flag, and profit from the returns, deal with the consequences.

If you don't believe in your government, denounce, overthrow,or stop being a hypocritical faggot. You either profit from your passport and leaders, or you don't. Make a choice.
Holy shit way to prove the anon correct. This is why europeans are so fucking annoying.
>just want to sit down at a bar or some shit
>uh yeah why
>not really don't care that much
>I don't really care
>Tsk. That's the issue with americans your see if you all would just do .... Don't you know you really should understand <random rant they have>

Why does every single fucking thing have to be about politics the moment some europoor realizes I'm american
If some faggot reveals he works for Google,I'll tell him he's a cunt, too.

Claim to represent shit, prepare to get shit.
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Denounce policy decisions? Sure. Denounce the entire country? No, that's stupid and there's not a damn thing you will do about it.

Work in progress. Picrel is just the appetizer if Biden gets elected for a second term.
Berlin in the 90s vibes.
It's lazy, boring small talk. They don't think before speaking. They're just loaded with scripts and you're supposed to respond with your obliged script, rather than shut them down like the bots they are. I don't know how many quiet pints they've ruined over the years - too many! It's like walking through a constant mine field of retardation. Sometimes I'll stand with my beer facing a fucking wall so I don't make eye-contact with these fucking drones.
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I'm generally annoyed when I see to many other foreigners I hate fellow Americans and general Anglosphere tourists but I avoid some of this by doing off the beaten path tourism which is harder if you visit a country where most of the people don't know any English. Another way to avoid that is visiting the 2nd/3rd best city in the country which will still be interesting in most cases.

Most annoying experience was renting a car and not long after taking it off getting into a minor fender bender with a local that wasn't paying attention and having to deal with all that where it took hours for one cop to come down that actually knew some English, I went home earlier after that even though I was lucky not found at fault now I only travel to places where I can get around with public transit unless it's a camping trip.
Basically it's a remote position in which some works on their laptop/PC but has a fully or semi nomadic life.

I generally tend to do 6-8 months abroad in countries around Europe and Asia, and then 6-4 months up and around North America. Some people to all 12 months hopping around country to country just living few months in airbnb's at a time. It can be fairly cheap assuming you space things out, 400/mo in Korea or PH is doable for a place to stay+internet, so compared to most peoples rent they can actually save money.

The biggest problem with talking about you doing it isn't that random cop around a bar might ree about you violating some random tourist visa, but the amount of smoothbrains who literally think because they know what a PC is they should be able to work 100% from a laptop living it up in a party hostel in SEA.
Skillset? Absolutely none.
Realizing you might have to work odd hours? wait really! WTF!??!
Ability to figure shit out if laptop dies. Bro not good with computers lol

Most people who want to digital nomad have little to no idea it takes a few years to build exp, ability to be self managed on timelines, and that DN can absolutely SUCK depending on what timezone back home you need to align to. Talking to people who 'want to do it just say it and I will do it' often have no chance and the entire convo is a waste of o2
Honestly, the only thing that appeals to me about that is the capacity to find somewhere dirt cheap to live while getting a decent wage.
I don't even care about the travel element, just the comfortable living standard.
>You profit from American imperialism
So do you lmfao
100%. And I'm grateful for it.
Though if people give me shit about some of the negative aspects of western influence in the world, I listen, try and empaphise and don't act like a little bitch.
>American education is worse than third world

Highschool education? Sure you don’t need a good education to work at wal mart and still make more money than the majority of “highly educated” Europeans.

College education?
College educated Americans mog the average European. The top colleges in the world are overwhelmingly American.

I guess being a nerd is Europe’s cope for being poor.
90 percent of the people that I've seen traveling without a backpack, are pulling along their wheeled suitcase that works famously on the "well-maintained" sidewalks.
Why do they do that?
Loud influencers
Annoying as fuck selfie stick/bracelet salesmen scammers
People asking for money as soon as they see you're white
Public transport that changes routes mid-drive with no announcement
People like this faggot >>2645222
LOL true, so many cheapshit tourists in Bangkok who apparently can't afford a $2 Grab ride
I stay in Airbnbs about 6 months out of the year. I've coined a term: Airbn-bruise. Almost every home has an unseen hazard that results in a bruise or cut. My record is within 30 seconds of entering one in Lisbon - the front door had some kind of antique locking mechanism that broke a vein in my finger. The most dangerous are the dull knives, so I've resorted to traveling with my own razor sharp chef's knife.
And that's why you're fat.
People taking pictures of fountains, ANY fountain. People are absolutely amazed by them.
>3. Queue skipping
This is the only one of the three that directly impacts me and frustrates me, especially in an airport security line. Some people, I find moreso women are the main culprits, are cutting little cockroaches and rarely do they get caught unless they're blatant like two black girls in Madrid who ran past the huge line through immigration and ended up getting put to the side to likely wait 2+ hours to get frisked and interrogated for being morons.
Most digital nomads I've met have jobs that could be done by any 90 is retard. All they do is
>Customer calls
>You want X amount of Y? Sure I'll get right on it
>Call factory / warehouse
>"Hey I need X amount of Y"
>Call customer
>"It'll be two weeks plus tip"

I've only met one who was some kind of engineer that was able to work from his computer but everyone else I've met have just been middlemen so I don't blame people for thinking they anyone could do it.
I run websites and get $300k/yr in relatively passive ad revenue for the past decade. Early days I would tell people I was a digital nomad, had to explain I get ad revenue from my websites. They would always ask the same question.
>Could you create a site like that for me? It doesn't have to make as much money as yours, just create an exact one for me please?
It was weird how many times I got asked that.
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Sexpats. Doesn't matter the nationality, though SEA ones are especially kind of bad almost on par with pajeets who try to pick up white women abroad

>try to have a normal convo at a hostel or bar

>talk about travels, off handedly mention a country we both been to

>that one guy who has to prove to you they had sex, did you know THEY HAD SEX!

>that one friend or anon who you mention going to a bar/pub
>no mention of going for hookups just beers food and whatever

>go to bar you like or been to before
>friend trying to hit on something
>not getting the hint
>finally gets it
>drunk enough he wants to try anything at the bar
>failing horribly
Europeans see American crap all day, can’t say I blame them for ranting about us.
The average medium-sized Western/Northern European city has better more extensive transit than 98% of American metropolises.
>urban exploring
European cities are safer and they’re clueless about the crime here
>America is that big
They can’t comprehend a continent-sized country and are used to interconnected rail, bus, and transit across multiple countries. Also as an American, most of America is not worth seeing. I routinely told my European friends, there are maybe 16 states max you need to visit. America is samey as fuck, which is why I won’t do a road trip, I’d probably off myself after seeing the 56th strip mall/dollar general on a stroad with Wendy’s and popeyes restaurants
>French women
Genuinely curious about your experience here, the French girls I met were relatively chill and almost apolitical
I actively avoided American military personnel because they act like fratboys when they’re stationed abroad
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>white people with dreadlocks
>hippy toffs
>Buddhist monks
>Romanian men (the women are fine)
>irksomely fashionable South Koreans
>laptop globalists
>Costa Coffee
>acoustic guitar strumming busker twats
This can only be said by someone still in high school whose entire knowledge of the Berlin wall is one image from the 90s in his history textbook
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The vast majority of the time I don't care what others are doing as long as they're not disruptive, fighting, loud etc. But while I was in Vietnam going through security at HCMC airport I saw the most stereotypical hippy motherfucker with no shoes or socks. For some reason that really pissed me off.
>go to another country
>do nothing
>sit in the bar
>get dehydrated
>blame local people that you dont know difference between water, beer, shots and coffee
>think your bodys under attack coz of dehydration
>get mad about it
>wake up in jail unless you did 22 shots in strip club and died
>go home and kick your 8 year old autistic son in the grass fields (Lexi FU)
Do britbongs really? Cant say yuck with U K
>going to a bar/pub
>for a drink
>not to try your luck to get laid
>"Sexpats are pests"
Drinking on tour has no other purpose except to feed those habits. Anyone saying they drink for the enjoyment of it are worse than smokers.
>Drinking on tour has no other purpose except to feed those habits. Anyone saying they drink for the enjoyment of it are worse than smokers.
You can't do anything social like have some beers to blow off steam, kill some time, just socialize with locals/other tourists, or just chat?

You sound like a real fun guy with lots of friends.
I have 0 understanding what it is with europoors, specifically Bongs who do not understand basic hydration methods or how to combat any environment that isn't air conditioned when traveling outside their island.

I often go to Japan for some EDM stuff once a year at the end of summer with friends from europe.


>shows up been drinking on the plane complain about jetlag
>rather than drinking water decide they want to booze through it and 'just need a little hair of the dog'
>all wearing dark non breathable clothing that absorb sun and heat
>get extremely dehydrated
>look and act like death
>rather than get water they get soda or worse a strong 0(why)
>due to severe dehydration get super fucked up super fast
>drunk by 2PM and need water
>not till day 3 they finally start drinking water regularly but are so jetlagged and exhausted they spend a full day sleeping
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>real fun guy with lots of friends
I do alright, thanks for the predictable sarcastic response. Drunks are boring people. You wanna be a fool? Just be a fool. Using substances as a crutch is just a waste of vitality.

>blow off steam, kill some time
Crutch. Do it sober, see what I mean. Nothing can stop you from enjoying the time without getting wasted. Except yourself.

>socialize with the locals
I've had plenty great nights sober with locals, many good friends and acquaintances were made through a good night out sober. Can even remember them clearly too.

>or just chat
Yet again, where does drink factor into this?
Did you know that when you've been running around all day, your body produces alcohol.
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How fascinating, let me just binge drink to compensate for my hyper-inhibitive neurosis. Thanks for blowing my mind anon.
The person said have a beer to kill 30 minutes, not drink enough to sedate a water buffalo. Stop being a bot. Seeing the world in 1s or 0s. On or off. Black or white. You're fucking annoying.
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You seem tense, have another drink.
I haven't drank for over a week. You see, you can't comprehend the middle, or you're a histrionic lonely faggot that should go outside and chat with some strangers while sober.
>Using substances as a crutch is just a waste of vitality.
this is how I know you are a faggot with no friends
Because at least in my world when I am traveling with friends often we fuck off during the day, then come back to hang out on a few things, so meeting at a bar is a lot less awkward than "see you in the hotel lobby with some soda!", bars can be everywhere ordering a beer to kill the sore feet one may have, sit somewhere cool, and usually recharge a cell phone while having a social environment with others is nice.

A pint or two over 30 minutes while you maybe debating grabbing food at the shop you're in or figure out plans for the night beats the hell out of trying to coordinate elsewhere.

>muh drunks
Nigga who said anything about getting shitfaced? I dunno about you but if I am in Japan during summer, or just got done sight seeing somewhere. Stopping to a pub to rest up for 20-30 minutes is worth the beer.

Now people like Anglos who need 30 beers in their system at all time while on their holiday make me sick.
my dad does all of this but somehow dodges getting sick or having issues. he only wears jeans and long sleeve polos, he drinks like a scotsman, barely ever drinks plain water, and he visits places like spain, texas and nevada all the time and even goes on random hikes in those same clothes. he's also overweight.
he has to be like 16 years old and thinks one beer makes you drunk because for most people (especially whites), a beer is pretty much like a glass of water and doesn't even get you buzzed, but is a nice crisp thing to have at the end of the day with some flavour, and you can have another if you wanna get buzzed.
It is almost as though that anon is from some sort of non-alcohol drinking culture. As though those sorts of people exist.
No one cares if you don't drink, anon just wanted to grand stand a moral high ground

You know what most non insufferable non drinkers do? Still come to the bar or something just order water or soda or whatever and never mention beer. Because a bar is still often decent for a meetup or hang out location that's almost always better than "Hey bro let's hang out in my hotel room... just us... n-no homo"
Not much puts a person off listening to drinkers than working in a bar for a few years. Drunks are just another way of referring to Drinkers. You'd know that if you weren't so triggered.

>stand a moral high ground.
He's not wrong though. Don't know many people who wouldn't just as easily enjoy a dinner or go hang out on a beach or camping or something. The drink is just used for lube, but not everyone needs it. No use getting at the guy because he still goes to bars without drinking.

>You wanna be a fool? Just be a fool
He's not wrong.
sounds like you know people who are a bunch of idiots. if you genuinely get annoyed at people for drinking if they aren't acting like assholes then you are just annoying. you literally proved his point that a lot of people who are anti drinking are not content at simply not drinking themselves, they have to say that others are fools and idiots and morally corrupt.
>getting annoyed means you are annoying
lol, k.
Holy shit talk about underage

You know some people go to the bar, have 2 maybe 3 drinks, aren't drunk and then go out and do things right?

Seriously who the FUCK gets drunk off 1-2 beers, 3 might get a buzz but that's pushing it into light weight
>>americans don't have healthcare
>>explain most companies outside grocery store worker pay for it usually the people not with healthcare are illegals or super poors who don't want the government knowing their real address

>everyone has insurance in the US except for poor people lmao
>still has to pay 30k instead of 300k after breaking their toe.

Fun fact: I was on a beach in cape cod and there was a literal plane flying with a banner to tell people not to get brunt on hospital prices and to check the costs before going to the hospital. Legitimate policy choice, but only rational if you assume the politicians are bribed by the health care lobby.
>people who can't make eye contact but still want to make small talk with you.
The worst are 35+, I really want to help them by being their friend though.

>dumb people
I. Really. Hate. Dumb. People. Not retards though, they can't help it.
I did SEO in the late 90s and up to 2010 making similar money. I learned to NEVER tell people about what I did - they always had a cousin or their own website that they wanted me to analyze for free. I couldn't just blow them off, they'd follow-up and keep asking and asking. Always asking for my number or email address like I loved working for free. I fucking hated working for bank, it was so boring I had to stop. But fucking normies (everyone I meet) are so fucking dense I had to start making up some other story: Real estate! That's right, I'm in real estate. Oh, anon - what kind of real estate? Fuck you! That's what kind.
"no rules brother haha"
>hey whats up, I just landed here from X country, tell me about this place
"ok 1 rule"
Just tell people you're retired, retard. Frankly, it's none of their business. You wouldn't tell them your mother's maiden name would you. They're meeting someone, not to become friends and get to know them, but to fill the void. They shouldn't be asking personal questions, and you shouldn't feel obliged to give them any. Hell, they don't even need to know your name, to get what they desire from you.
>Just tell people you're retired
I tried that when I did retire. But I didn't have any grey hair and I'd get the 'factory reset' look, and that would only invite more prying questions. Now that I finally have grey in my beard it's an easier sell. But they still ask me what I used to do. So I say, I'm trying to forget. That stops 90% of them but I need to shift to a comment about the weather or a question about them (which is what they really want) but I couldn't give a fuck about what was coming out of their mouths before, and asking something about them is always fucking poison.

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