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I'm going to Berlin for the first time this month. Any tips or recommendations?

I'm already pretty set on visiting historical sites and the museum island but I'm clueless when it comes to restaurants, bars, cafes and the public transport. Would also like to know the best student type sports bars. Also, is it safe enough to walk around at night?
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>Also, is it safe enough to walk around at night?
Just take the same precautions you would take when walking around any other city at night.
Study the public transit system before you go. Stay at a hotel or hostel near a major U Bahn or tram stop. It’s a big city but easy to get around quickly.
Canal boat tours. Potsdam. A shit load of museums. So much history.
Berlin is cheap when it comes to dining out, compared to other major cities in Europe.
Tip one is pretty good, but i stayed in arguably the most unsafe district, Wedding, and it was still fairly safe compared to Paris.
If you plan to go to clubs, prepare to gaymaxx, preferably have a male friend and hold hands when arriving at the line.
There's a few underground tours you can take (WW2 air raid bunker, Berlin Wall tunnels) but I did the nuclear bunker which was really cool. We met at the ticket booth and walked through the street to an unassuming door on a bridge that went down to it. Something different

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My sister and I just went to France and had a multitude of experiences that resulted in many laughs from our family. One being her trying to converse with the a local in broken Duolingo French. After 15 minutes of hearing us struggle, he started speaking fluent English despite listening to her and I converse in English. He just wanted to mess with us and it was all in good spirit. We had a great time.

Did you have any memorable travel experiences that has made people laugh when you recount it?
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wtf. Did nobody tell her to not be a whore? Did anyone remind her that it was meant to be time for family and not her small contribution to the Kalergi plan? What a whore
The first time I went to America as a French I was 19 and without much money. So when I was in Boston I decided to book the cheapest hotel online and it was far outside the city. I had to take a bus for one hour and then walk for half an hour. I didn't realize it was that far because I wasn't used to the scale of north american maps, I thought I was booking in the near suburb.
I ended up arriving at a motel on foot in a car dependent American suburb, it was already dark outside. The guy at the reception asked me where was my car, I acted like I didn't understand.
In the morning the half hour walk to the bus stop was especially weird, people looking at me wondering what the fuck I was doing in their neighborhood walking.
I'm german.
Was in Tbilisi years ago by myself in the hostel I used to stay at when I went mountaineering there. Decided to go for drinks with some of the other guys that were traveling by themselves. The evening ended up being very drunk for most of them while I - luckily used to strong Georgian alcohol - managed to remain only pleasantly buzzed.

At some point the Aryan German manlet ended up trying to convince the chill Israeli that Germany had collectively moved on from nazism by cracking Jew jokes. It didn't work, the Israeli was highly unamused but remained polite and calmly but firmly told the German to cut it off, at which the drunk German redoubled his efforts to prove he's not a nazi by attempting to fire off even more jokes. Had a good laugh at the sheer absurdity of the situation. We also lost the Canadian, who apparently fell asleep in the toilet of the last bar in town to be open.

Nice one, had a good laugh.
And you think that's funny?

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Saying fuck the US, moving over to PH since I can get a SIRV visa and stay as long as I like. I've got bare minimum $600/month in passive income to live off. I like to think I have a pretty solid plan here, but feel free to tell me I'm stupid and I'll let you know if I thought of it.

Anyway, I wanted to travel around a bit off Credit cards before I get there, so I should have around $30k to work with, plus a couple grand cash for the things that won't take cards. I want to visit Japan, see Tokyo and visit some of the whisky distillers, check out some of the historical stuff. Maybe visit South Korea? Then head to Thailand for a bit for the nature, temples, etc. Then off to Philippines to figure out where I'm settling down.

Just wanted to know what /trv/ thought, if there's things I should be sure to do in those countries, if there's other countries I should check out, or anything else I should know. I like to walk/hike, have no problem going out off the beaten path, and I've got a pretty strong stomach and enjoy authentic Asian food, so no need to find McD or shit like that.

Anything I should know, resources I should check out, trolls complaining about what I'm trying to do?
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I’m currently living in the Philippines.
I recommend OP stay for 3 months and he will learn a new appreciation for whatever location in the US he is currently trying to eacape.

$600 a month is barely enough to live off rice and hotdogs. he wont even be able to afford hotdog spaghetti. Or grocery bill is higher than it was in the US for much lower quality food. Thankfully my filipina wife is also ready to go back as soon as her mother is in better health. my filipina wife is the major bread winner. im disabled and she is a travel nurse when we live in the US. she affords is a wealthy lifestyle. i cant complain.
I live in Philippines. If I wasn't making at least 3.5k USD I think, I wouldn't enjoy living here. Manila is actually heaven on earth if you have an abundance of disposable income. I love it here as a successful young guy.

I'll be honest though I fucking hate bugs. If you're cheap, you're far more likely to encounter them. The bugs here are huge and disgusting. Perhaps consider some place in southern Europe.
3.5k usd is not successful dude. thats like $55k a year before taxes. which you arent paying
Oh, no. 3.5k a month isn't. I was doing that online before I was 22 on ebay. But 4600 per week is with zero income tax :-)
Clearly fake

Had to be drug-related right?

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yes that is indisputable, they tried to fight robbers and they just killed them because mexicans don't value human life and it's just easier to kill them for trying to fight back. they only got found because of foreign pressure and find my iphone. t. mexican
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>all these people saying these dudes must have resisted in some way
>shot in the head
How do you singlehandedly shoot three extremely fit white guys in the head while they're fighting back? This is why you should always carry two weapons in third world countries; one to visibly disarm yourself against the assailant if they hold you up with a gun, and one to use to fight for your life against the assailant when they seem the least guarded or most distracted.
Retarded cuck reditors thinking fighting back against some methed out mexican has the same risk profile as fighting back against the cops.

I have been to 35 countries in my life. And mexico is the worst one. They really are such a shitbag people.

8 People were just gunned down outside a resort in me*xico. Seems like such a great place to visit...


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What to do in Indonesia?
Where would you go and what would you do if you were there for a few weeks?
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>i would go to bali and network with the other digital nomads
is there really networking to be had in the digital nomad community?
I feel like that's a meme

friendship/companionship, sure, but are people actually leveling each other up?

Never met anyone with as good of a career as me or as interesting. all garbage that they can't transfer to their "network"
>met someone on the internet
>fall for the traps because anon's not seasoned in women
>"only gets intimate with guys she has feelings for"
>How CONVENIENT it is that anon is THE ONE

You feminine neurotic nerdy anons will ALWAYS be taken advantage of

Can't say you're completely wrong... from how she mentioned her ex to me, I could see that I was the guy in her mind that she could wrap around her finger and wouldn't get away. I tried to break it off in a friendly way and say I couldn't meet her, and she replied "you're not gonna play me like that dude lol". Needless to say, I deleted both our messages on the app we were talking on then I blocked her as soon as I saw that text. With what I told her, I know there's a slight chance it may not yet be over and she may send my dirty pics to people I know or something, but I'm ignoring her whatever comes so she doesn't get the satisfaction. No woman I'm with is gonna lowkey threaten me like that.
Indonesia is definitely on my bucket list
coffee tourism sounds great, I'd like to visit eje cafetero in Colombia too
thank you so much for posting this, pic looks out of this world. where is it?>>2650475
tons of thirsty Indos on apps. I wouldn't waste my time on someone you've never met. I don't want to talk about girls because I don't want to get banned but I find them hotter than other SEA girls (bigger tits), some of them are stunners. might not be as easy as other countries but I bet a lot of them are DTF even though they play the "I am Muslim" game wearing that retarded scarf on their head.

Im currently working a shitty dead end job and want to find a new one. The only experience I have is various machinery and quality stuff. I'm relatively young and don't have any experience outside of that. I want to find a travelling job because it's the thing I enjoy the most outside of vidya. I don't think I would mind working with others but I'm not very social. I don't want to work another monotonous job. Is there any job that fits the bill or do they all require some sort of experience?
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fpbp, these type of threads are so annoying
Okay, look up on indeed "your job title" select travel required and roll.

Chances are they will want some industry certifications if you lack any of them you're not worth the time.
Alright, thanks. There is a ranking system for my field and I'm currently the second highest. I was looking to do train into something different due to the way my job set me up but this would be a good alterative. I don't know what I would want to do other then "travel" but that's too vague to ask another question about.
it's all so tiring
>be DN for going on nearly 10 years at this point now 32
>every hostel or pub ever
>explain I am a Systems Admin who does remote work for my company
>explain needing to get certifications to stand out, maybe learn a foreign language to help, get some real world exp, etc
>eyes glaze over OKAY BUT LIKE ANY COURSES I CAN DO IN 6 MONTHS? I DON'T REALLY DO ANYTHING OTHER THAN <entry level shit at best>.
>Try to re explain how it will take more work that just a simple crash course
>almost visibly see in one ear and out the other happening

Most people don't get that unless you have 2-3 years experience and something that makes you stand out such as industry certifications, getting a remote job is fucking hard. No having a N+ and being "a really hard worker" isn't going to pay for you to be a liability working in a foreign country of SEA for 22.50/hr when they could pay Pedro 7.25hr via a contract in the Philippines who has an office he goes to every day. Many companies have been burned to hell and back by remote workers doing nothing at all. When people realize it requires more effort than the work they do, they quit trying and go back to day dreaming. By the time you get the Certs and EXP for a remote or travel job, most people have gotten into a position with 4 weeks off+PTO or are good enough to change to a well paying job where travel doesn't seem all that much important anymore.

It's not impossible but unless you're going to look up industry certifications, CPA/Welding/HVAC/HAZMAT/CCNP/etc to couple along with your experience; it's going to be an insanely up hill battle most the time.

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If threads like these annoy you so much, why dont you ignore them?

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Has anyone been to Hong Kong post COVID? Is there still soul or has it been completely taken over by the CCP?
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I've been to and through Dubai loads of times. It's got something for everyone. Last time I was there I did indoor snowboarding, smoked shisha, and fucked an Ethiopian girl all in the same afternoon. Where else could that sentence ever happen?
Aquapark, renting a supercar, camel riding, desert camping, visiting old Dubai...
Stayed in Youth Loft a few years ago, tho it's most traditional hotel rooms rather than dorms
Where is the best place to take night photos of street scenes showing streets with lots of neon signs like picel? I figured the streets around Mong Kok might be like this, or are there better areas?
Honestly Singapore seems more interesting than Dubai.

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For a long time, Vegas was known as the place where poor people could roleplay being rich, as rooms and food were affordable for so long.
These days, it feels very different. Everything that shouldn't cost money, does. And everything that costs money costs A LOT. The word 'complimentary' doesn't even exist there.
Everyone is trying to get into your wallet. Even just walking down the strip, you get harassed by beggars, photo whores, ticket sellers, Asian "gifts".

I went a few months ago to check out the sphere.
>show was at night
>gotta kill time during the day
>every little "museum" exhibit on the strip is $50 and lasts <1 hour
>every place that sells food is at least 2x normal price
>spend all day walking the strip, sightseeing
>finally time for the show
>go into Venetian, as there is a bridge to the sphere
>convention going on, so bridge is closed
>they tell everyone to walk down the back sidewalk
>10,000 people walking both ways to the sphere, on a tiny sidewalk, spilling into the road

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Vegas is like Times Square. Used to be sketchy sleazy and fun, now it's become a soulless bloated disneyfied gimmick. But Vegas is that magnified to city scale.
Loved it.
Lost a bit of soul but so much is going on. I was there at the tail end of 2022 and whilst my gf and her friend were out, I chatted up a woman at the casino, took her back and fucked. She was an escort but she was worried I was popo. Some blonde Polish broad in her 40s.
Vegas is a microcosm of corporatization ruining good things in the pursuit of a dollar. The first time I went was 2014 and it wasn’t cheap. Now it’s insane. $50 table game minimums, $40 nightly hotel resort fees, $150 show tickets, etc. It’s almost impossible to have fun in Vegas for less than $500/day. I have a friend who is wealthy and a big gambler. The best way to do Vegas is go with someone like him. He gets free nice rooms almost anytime he wants and a $100 daily dining credit. He makes around $20k in casino & sports wagers daily while he’s there.
Also if you want cheap fun:
>go to Fremont St at night. They always have 2 or 3 stages playing live music and S-tier people watching
>make a sports bet, tip the guy $5 and ask if they do drink tickets. Most sportsbook employees will give you at least 2 free drink tickets for a $5 tip, some will give you 5.
>buy booze and water at CVS or any off-strip grocery store to save 80% vs strip casino pricing
>stay off-strip somewhere like a Station Casinos property or even a non casino like Tahiti Village. Some Station properties are super nice and cost less than half as much as a comparable hotel on the strip. Green Valley Ranch and Durango in particular are great.
>play video poker at a bar for unlimited free drinks. Just don’t bet too big. They usually require $20 coin in for the free drink light to activate, which usually means you’ll lose about $5. Better than paying $9 for a beer or $14 for liquor.
>don’t go to strip clubs in Vegas. Sure they have insanely hot women who fly in for the weekend, but they’re going to want $400 for a 3-song dance and cover will be $50 if not $100. Not worth it. Go to Portland if you want a good strip club experience for $100 lol
Literally every Vegas post on /trv/ is some variety of
>I’m headed to Vegas soon and I don’t drink, gamble, or enjoy having fun. My budget is $13/day. What’s the best experience I can have??
Don’t go to Vegas if you don’t want to get wasted and blow a few grand. Simple as

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Whats the best island to go to in the south pacific? Ive been to bora bora and im still keen to go to something similar
If you dive, Truk (Chuuk) has the best diving ever.
Truk (formerly Chuck)
Hawaii is god tier. I'm from Aus and had been all over as a kid since my parents loved going around the pacific. I'd not been to hawaii until two years ago and it blew the others out of the water in terms of nature. If you're sitting arround in Honolulu it's a waste of time but wow those islands are beautiul
How is Hawaii different than other South Pacific islands? Bigger mountains?

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Quite a lot of chat about moving to Brazil lately. Discuss your Brazil travel related enquiries and opinions here.
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Planning a trip to southern Brazil soon. Can I get a QRD on these places?
>Florianopolis/Santa Catarina
>Rio Grande do Sul/Porto Alegre
Is is true that most of Brazil’s white population lived down there? Would they be more or less friendly towards a white American?
As a tourist, how can I cash out Bitcoin to get BRL for spending during a vacation in Brazil?
Why would I need a Brazilian tax ID number? Searching on it says I need one to buy a house, not consumer goods.

Also, that website slams up a "you have been blocked for trying to hack the site" message every time I try to access it, so I kinda have to wonder what's going on there. It does seem to talk about "plant medicines" though, so maybe it's legit.
NTA but literally everything requires a CPF if you're not buying it physically.

> Curitiba
It's a pretty decent city for living in, but people there are fairly depressed because of the shitty cold weather all year long. Because of that you'll probably meet more rude people than usual
>Florianopolis/Santa Catarina
The best one, for beaches, partying and stuff
Bland big city
>Rio Grande do Sul/Porto Alegre
Bland big city - except for now that it became the Brazilian Venice.

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Do most of you just travel for business or are there some passport bros here aswell? I just don't understand what type of job you could have to maintain this type of lifestyle.

So my main question is, what job do you guys have?
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I guess because cars and houses are loans that you pay off over time (typically), and retirement is something you save for for 40-50 years. Whereas travel is something you need ALL your money for, up front.

I agree with your point that 'you just need to save', just, think that comparison isn't necessarily great.
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So obvious it hurts.
>I don't get how these threads come up on such a regular basis, and nobody ever considers the possibility that people can just… save ur money lol.
>You don't need an income to travel, you just need money.
This thread is just mislabeled. OP conflates "traveling" with "being a nomad". And most of the replies are indeed people with remote jobs or people who want to get one.
This is me (27M) at the moment. In the middle of a 6 month holiday with my girlfriend. We both quit our jobs :)
I got lucky and got stationed in singapore. super low income tax, zero capital gains tax, earn strong currency in a country surrounded by those with weak currency. The island being small as fuck also motivates travel, and it has the best airport mall in the world.

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Anon, what is essential to know if you want to travel to Malta?
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so just like you're back in Mumbai?
>6. The island has 550k people living there so its overpopulated
I think is for this.
Don't count on the bus to ever be on time. The roads are fucking dumb also. Lots of south and central americans there to learn english. Bout it.
>Lots of south and central americans there to learn english. Bout it.
What do you mean ?
If you go in the winter, particularly January, it's super fucking cheap to stay as they're just trying to fill as many hotel rooms as possible

> St Julians is trashy as fuck, think Port Royal in the 1700s, a jungle of drugs, sex and degeneracy surrounded by casinos and night clubs. Dont book a hotel there or you will regret it. If you must book a hotel stick to Sliema or Valletta.
True of Paceville but Spinola Bay is comfy

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Is it possible to get between the major mainland cities of the SEA solely (or at least mostly) by rail in {CURRENT_YEAR}?

What are the facilities like for long-distance travel via train?

Do you have any stories, good or bad, of interrailing or train-hopping in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos (do they even have trains lol), Malaysia, or Singapore?
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Vietnam is piss easy, there's a line all the way down from Hanoi along the coast, which will cover a lot of popular spots. It's not cheap though compared to taking the bus and Viets have zero manners, prepare for quite the experience if you go with a sleeping car.
Thai trains are somewhat based if you value value, their third class is so stupidly cheap it might as well be free. If the train isn't packed, it's not even particularly uncomfortable with all the windows open and the air blowing in. The trains are always late though and second/first class gets booked out quickly on long routes - and since the surcharge is a set fee irrespective of distance, there's no point picking it on short runs.
Cambodian trains are more or less non-existent save for a single Snookie -> PP -> Batambang line. Batambang -> Poipet exists only on the map and there's no actual service, unless things have changed (I strongly doubt it).
Malaysia I somehow haven't used the train at all, my route managed to avoid any chance of boarding one.
Laos supposedly has a well-functioning brand new high speed train from Vientian to China, courtesy of the latter. Never been there though so no personal experience with it.
>since the surcharge is a set fee irrespective of distance, there's no point picking it on short runs.
There are in my opinion a couple of exceptions to this—trains between Bangkok center and the airports are worth it; they’re sometimes faster and definitely cheaper than a taxi. It’s also worth it to use the train between Bangkok and either Lopburi or Ayutthaya; buses are a bit faster but the trains are cheaper and more comfortable.
I'm still waiting for the Vietnam-China rail service to resume. It's been like four fucking years now since they paused it.
Crossing from Laos to China is doable according to my friend in Xishuangbanna (Yunnan). For him, he can take the Yuxi to Mohen train directly to the border and cross the border to Boten (Laos) and board another high-speed to Vientiane. I've never done it and I imagine you're still subject to the fuckery that is Chinese border and customs control but it might be an interesting way of seeing rural China if you're ever that side of Laos.

From Laos, you can only get to BKK directly by train. The train network in Thailand is thorough enough if you really want to go from BKK to Chiang Mai but realistically the only "desirable" places within a reasonable distance by train are Pattaya and the airport.

For Malaysia and Singapore, you can go directly from Thailand over the border but idk why you'd want to. As another anon said, the landscape isn't very varied. It might be convenient for getting between Singapore and KL (if that's one of your destinations) and maybe Penang/Georgetown, though you'll still need to take the ferry or a bus/cab over the strait as there's no direct train connection.

Vietnam is completely disconnected from all of this shit. There's no connection between HCM and Phnom Penh like you might expect for two major cities so close together. The flight takes less than an hour anyway so it would be an easy choice even if there were a train. I didn't realise that the crossing in northern Vietnam with China hadn't reopened yet but in better times you could cross over unimpeded into the vast Chinese rail network. They have proper high-speed trains on the major intercity routes up there and getting around is actually kinda chill.

Don't even bother with Burma until they stop killing jungle Muslims. The whole place is a tinderbox.
the only issue with the chinese laos train border crossing is buying tickets. if you do it in advance you are ok.

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The longest I’ve done before is 4.5 hours and I slept for 2
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They don't use small planes for 10 hour flights, in my experience. For me, economy on a long haul flight is a better experience than business on a domestic flight. I can actually stand without hitting my head on something.

This is true.
the worst is 6-8 hour flights on small planes, ie if you are travelling between Asia/Europe with a small city at one end, you will probably have to change in the middle east or something then they put you on a tiny plane to your final destination

i.e. Beijing-Edinburgh with change in Doha, the first leg is on a big 777 or something but the second leg is on a ryanair-tier 737
Look up how much legroom your airline offers. If you're over like 6', that's the biggest factor in if you'll have a good flight or not.

Taking Philippine Airlines to China vs taking Anna Air for instance, it made a big difference in how comfy it was. I'd even choose a longer flight if it meant not being cramped.
It really depends on how you prep for it. Getting the right seat and choosing the right hours can make it feel like a breeze.
I always get the aisle and emergency seat and make sure the arrival is around the morning. That way I spend the first leg of the trip watching a movie or two, then falling asleep.

If it's a direct flight, I just buy half a fifth of vodka, bring it to the toilet, gulp that shit with some sprite and sleep for 8-9 hours.

I also have a care routine where I take a few wipes, toothbrush and some mouthwash, along with spare t-shirt to the cabin so i can have a mini-shower before arrival. When everyone looks like shit, i look like a million dollar, albeit slightly hungover.

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Thinking of heading to Colombia next month
What am I in for?
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>Arthur Rimbaud
>Died in 1891 of cancer in Marseille at 37 after being a coffee and weapon trader in East Africa for 10 years
>a photographer for tourists

as the other anon says, it's not good idea to do anything that might lead them to mistake you for being a journalist. and the kind of photography work you're talking about is pretty much non-existent as a market. i do know of american photographers who moved to colombia and shoot weddings and real estate, but certainly not in leticia.
What's the street price for an AK? Will the cartels let me have a ride in their narcosub? Can I ski down a mountain of freshly cut cocaine?
how old are you lad? do you think one could move and find work (not a DN or degree holder) in just normal jobs or something? You mention here being a lack of tourism for english speakers, do you think one could truly work their way into making/becoming employed in a business that caters to anglos? I have been learning Spanish for a while and always debate moving to Brazil but the Portuguese thing sort of throws me off as if I somehow don't dig on Brazil then I'm stuck with Portuguese and only like one other country where it's viable. Florianopolis and South Brazil also look super lovely
when you buy a sim do you only get data or do you get an SMS phone number?

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