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What to do in Indonesia?
Where would you go and what would you do if you were there for a few weeks?
i would go to bali and network with the other digital nomads
Jakarta nightlife? It's raw and real enough to filter the richfag foreign paypigs. Hit the pavement after dark and listen for the thump-thump. From what I've heard it's what Metro Manila used to be.
Not OP but I am currently figuring out how long I want to visit Indonesia and to start buying plane tickets since I will be stopping into Philippines first.
>Arrive Philipines June 14th
>Flight back home is August 2nd
My current plan is the follows for general areas
>Five days
>Nightlife mostly/networking
>3 days
>Hotsprings/Tea Plantation
>5 days+
>Temples and shit
East Java (Surabaya / Kawah Ijen)
>5 days
>Distances/Hiking/Resting needed etc
>5 days
>bali shit
That leaves me with about 7 more days on my VISA without having to run it. Anything I broadly missed on this circuit I have planned out? Or areas I should devote my time to? My flight out of Indonesia would go from Bali back to Manila to meet friends again.
Was just there in December. Jakarta is indeed a good time after dark. Roof top bars and patios especially have a great vibe with musicians, food, and drinks. There are also the usual places masquerading as hotels where for not much you can much and with two. I would add Flores and Labuan Bajo to the list the other poster recommended. If you are into ocean stuff like diving and snorkeling it is great spring board. There are checp flights from Jakarata that also connect to Bali. Also has the dragons and killer sunsets. I would also recommend a train trip on Java. It had so much vibes sliding in from Jakrta to Yogya. By the station in the latter was a great cafe run by the railroad with good food and coffee. Speaking of which if you are into coffee, all over the place are typically small roasters with a wine list of different beans to try. Highly recommended. I ended up taking back a bunch in seal packs to convulse with back home. If you are going to go to Borobudur, book a ticket ahead. They limit numbers per day to only a few at certain times. You get souvenir slippers as well which are super comfortable and made from banana leaves.
So I thought for a second and inverted my trip. I am going to go from Manila to Bali and have 7 days set for Bali. That would be more than enough time for Bali so from there I can plan an island trip to Komodo National Park or maybe Flores. Then from there to Surabaya and doing Kawah Ijen to introduce me to the breadth of beauty Indonesia has. So 23 Days on Java, 7 days in Bali and surrounding Area. Regarding the stuff about the train.. Thats definitely how I will be getting around Java. I had heard an anon mention the good quality train service out of Jakarta. Coffee is also one of my big things so I am highly interested in that and tea plantations etc while I am there. Do you have any recommendations for a coffee plantation to visit? I know Bandung has a popular tea plantation/day trip backage that is run. The way I have it set up now is I will end up with whatever remaining time of the trip in Jakarta to do nightlife/relax a bit. Definitely want to do some more rooftop bars/premium lux experiences this trip compared to last year.
I went to a plantation but really it is just the beans. The roasters in most of the cities are where it is at.
I guess that makes sense, most of the plantation lots would be small family ones and not gigantic organized estates bulk producing and the beans would be sent green anyways.
Spent 5 weeks in Indonesia this year. Let me know if you need any tips for Maluku or the Banda Sea.

Skip Java and Bali.
wow, whan an absolutely insufferable bunch of cunts
guess indonesia is off the list
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Lan in Jakarta, look around the city, enjoy the nightlife etc. Take train to Bandung and see nearby volcano then move on to Borobudur and Prambanan Temple. Go from there to nearby city of Yogyakarta a historic capital with lots of local culture, spend a few days there before checking out some of the remote beaches and fishing villages on the south coast of Java. Beautiful beaches, friendly locals and hardly any western tourists, unlike Bali. Then I would make my way to Surabaya and check out that area for a few days before travelling by boat and land to Bali. After Bali I would check out the neighbouring island of Lombok which is less touristy but has lots of natural beauty (picrel). Then II would go back to Bali and get a cheap flight with Citilink to Dili, East Timor. It's only a two hour flight and usually quite cheap. That way you can say you have been to this small SEA country that not many people know about and check out some of the beaches and places there. It's not very developed though and there's not a great deal to do so probably 1 or 2 nights max is enough. Then just take the return flight to Denpasar and fly towards home from there, if you are flying into Jakarta then you can fly to Jakarta via Denpasar.
You guys have really good local restaurant recs? Budget is about 235k IDR per pax - I doubt any recs are even going to be that expensive, but I don't want a sit-down restaurant that is TOO fancy, just somewhere I can take my friend that is going to seriously impress him that I know about it. I want to find something that's local, maybe a Mom and Pop shop, but has food leagues above what you'd normally find as a tourist.
Everyone in this thread,
without any coercion, really sold the fuck out of Jakarta. Might have to go.
How does Jakarta compare to Thailand in terms of “cultural nonchalance”? Can I just bumble around solo and not be harassed accosted or pestered beyond the occasional hawker?
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> met an Indonesian chick on a chat site
> first we talked about her job (middle class professional in Jakarta), then she started flirting with me
> eventually things got heated and she sent me intimate pictures
> we've been talking for the past month now, I've confirmed she's real, she videochats with me, and our conversation cycles from funny, serious, to erotic
> she's been open about her exes, the last one cheated on her and she wasn't happy, says she only gets intimate with guys she has feelings for
> I've been open about my lack of relationships, and she's always saying things to let me know she cares, asking me how I am, she says I'm hot and she likes getting me out of my reserved shell and showing my inner freak to her
> there's been a few times she got pissed at me, usually because she thought I was talking about another girl, then the anger leaves quickly
> She wants me to come to Indonesia, she even said she'd rent out a place next to hers with her own money so we could stay together and wants to show me around

I know she might want a green card, a kid or whatever out of me, but with the way she talks to me, I truly don't know if she's trying to take advantage of me or if she's genuinely a crazy bitch who's looking for a man. At any rate, I'm 29, she's 26, I live alone in a place with few dating opportunities, and my PhD is making shit lonelier... I might just take the bait and say fuck it for the adventure, what say you?
>what say you?
this is a travel board, sir

Not trying to talk about sex tourism, and meeting other people abroad is a major part of travel. So what say you?
>seeking relationship advice on a travel board with the only connection being the country
>So what say you?
Ask another board

Just do it. She's obviously crazy or trying to take advantage of you in some way or another, but who cares. You only live once.

Maybe, maybe... witnessing my best friend break up with his toxic babymama really tries that mindset though
Read: shitty and disconnected. There isn't a decent nightlife district you can just walk around in and vibe, its scattered all over the place so an evening out means taxi rides and annoying walking distances.

Sure you can go to a brothel and fuck sex trafficked minors from the province but that's pretty fucking lame and evil. Actually having a good time and legit meeting people is a pain in the ass in that city.
I had a good time checking out rooftop bars and cafes. Some good food, some had music, and people were cool to hang out with and chat with. The """"hotels"""" are worth checking out just for the experience. The rest of the city is pretty crap. Only thing it is good for is a rail and air hub to get to some of the other places on the island or in other parts of the country that are worth seeing.
Part of the issue is probably knowledge about locations? I imagine there are certain neighborhoods specialized for entertainment but aren't all listed on Google maps with reviews etc.
why most of western men are so retarded? look at red flags
>middle class professional in Jakarta
>she's been open about her exes
>says she only gets intimate with guys she has feelings for, kek, that must be a long list
>she's 26

>I know she might want a green card
no you retard, she is a roastie that is hitting the wall and wants to secure a husband ASAP
you can have fun but beware that the moment she notices she is being pumped and dumped things will go to shit very quickly

if you are lonely and want a serious relationship, look for a young virgin from small towns
More desperate than retarded honestly

I'm an autist and I don't know much about this stuff and I've never been in a relationship, I used the chat site for the first time in years when I was bored and it all just happened. I didn't know that they want a husband that badly over there, I thought that was mostly an East Asian thing... she's pretty clingy over messages, asking me small questions to keep the conversation going and she's asked me a few times why I haven't responded. I wouldn't mind a girl being that way with me as much or even being a bit older if I could trust that she's not doing this with other guys, but of course I can't do that and she's a 30 hour flight away from me. She seems kinda BPD desu, though I don't think she's lying that she's gotten cheated on by the way she talks to me

It's a strange time in my life right now. I'm as old as my father was when he conceived my older sister, and I have a few years until I'm the age when he conceived me. I still don't know if I'm going monk mode for life or if I'll say fuck it like my best friend and knock a chick up, and I don't have a lot of time to make a decision. At the same time, I've personally seen what happens when men are impulsive with having children with the wrong woman, how life can be hell for the father and the children. It all seems like a big joke sometimes

> and this chick LOVES talking dirty about getting knocked up too lol
dont rush it dude, you are not your father. you can still make kids in your 50s
How much cash should I have on my person and with my bag to deal with potentially lack of ATM access?
anyone been to Sulawesi (Celebes)? it's such a large and cool looking island but I've never heard anything about it
>Maluku or the Banda Sea
that part of the country has always intrigued me, tell me about your time there
this is great bait because for a nanosecond I genuinely wanted to kill you
It's got some amazing history but is underinvested compared to some other tourism based islands in Indonesia

>i would go to bali and network with the other digital nomads
is there really networking to be had in the digital nomad community?
I feel like that's a meme

friendship/companionship, sure, but are people actually leveling each other up?

Never met anyone with as good of a career as me or as interesting. all garbage that they can't transfer to their "network"
>met someone on the internet
>fall for the traps because anon's not seasoned in women
>"only gets intimate with guys she has feelings for"
>How CONVENIENT it is that anon is THE ONE

You feminine neurotic nerdy anons will ALWAYS be taken advantage of

Can't say you're completely wrong... from how she mentioned her ex to me, I could see that I was the guy in her mind that she could wrap around her finger and wouldn't get away. I tried to break it off in a friendly way and say I couldn't meet her, and she replied "you're not gonna play me like that dude lol". Needless to say, I deleted both our messages on the app we were talking on then I blocked her as soon as I saw that text. With what I told her, I know there's a slight chance it may not yet be over and she may send my dirty pics to people I know or something, but I'm ignoring her whatever comes so she doesn't get the satisfaction. No woman I'm with is gonna lowkey threaten me like that.
Indonesia is definitely on my bucket list
coffee tourism sounds great, I'd like to visit eje cafetero in Colombia too
thank you so much for posting this, pic looks out of this world. where is it?>>2650475
tons of thirsty Indos on apps. I wouldn't waste my time on someone you've never met. I don't want to talk about girls because I don't want to get banned but I find them hotter than other SEA girls (bigger tits), some of them are stunners. might not be as easy as other countries but I bet a lot of them are DTF even though they play the "I am Muslim" game wearing that retarded scarf on their head.

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