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Thinking of heading to Colombia next month
What am I in for?
Poverty, Disease and Destruction
How much should I expect to spend per day on food/hostel in either Bogota or Medellin? I'm trying to budget for extra days at the end of my trip to just do whatever, but I don't want to end up scheduling too many and running out of money
avoid this shithole country. I had a girl introduce me to her mom and probably hungout with her like 14 days consecutive and then her friend sets me up and robs me of my phone and wallet. luckily credit/debit cards declined at ATM when they tried to withdraw.

shithole country full of unethical thieves. luckily I did not get drugged or kidnapped. mexico is safer for tourtists
https://t.me/ c3network
What kind of traveler are you? It mostly depends on that question
30$ if you are careful. Black Sheep in Medellin if you like meeting other tourists.

You should try not hanging out with poor people
go to Peru instead
yes the two girls were from Bello in Medellin. A shithole neighborhood. but you realize upper class Colombianas are in no rush to associate or date gringos.
South americans are ugly outside of Colombia and brazil . Peruvians lol
Nta but what are the types of traveller's? I've never traveled on my own or abroad
gf and I just broke up. going to medellin in a couple weeks. I need to party. what's the safest way to 'find things'? should I just ask a young taxi driver for help when leaving the airport? I'll be staying in El Poblado. Is Barrio Trinidad safe before dark for a gringo?
Roughly to give some ideas:
A All incl package tour booking. Like Cruises and groups. Literally sheeps, but are free to walk around for a free hours.
B Independent but preorganized holliday. Usually hotels. Organized transfers, no long bus rides or at least no 'local' bus rides. Restaurants chosen on the spot, or by recomendations.
C On the spot self organization. Usually hostels, booked up to one day before or walking in. Local buses, from terminals mostly. Will try local restaurants.
D Like C but extremer. Like taking collectivos (micro buses for locals), hitchhiking. Streetfood, self cooking and only local restaurants. Might ask locals for a bed when in need.
E Nomad?

Of course this is not covering everything and categories overlap for everyone. E.g. I see my self mostly in C. But I'm fine with local food, can walk in zones where I'm the only (obvious) foreigner as lonh it's not too sketchy. On the other hand I'm ok doing a day tour in a group (A) or pamper myself in a nice resraurant or hotel (B). Most people I meet for more than 5min are usually from hostels or a group tour.
mexico is safer. chances are high you will be robbed in medellin.
already bought my ticket. I read everywhere that you can 'buy gum' in El Poblado. How bad can it be? Not going to bring any ladies back to my apartment
I went to Medellin and got set up and robbed. by a girl who even introduced me to her mother. to be fair I think it was her amiga who did it but I think she obviously had some knowledge of it.

Be extremely careful. in poblado at night there is area called parque lleras. 10/10s for like 40-50 dollar for an hour. I only saw one girl from there. But I felt like way too many eyes were on me as a foreigner there.

your airbnb better have security. you can bring the girls back to your airbnb / hotel but they have to check in at front with security. with ID. never hangout with more than one girl. so many stories on 2 girls setting people up.

criminals are getting more and more bold in Medellin because the cops are fucking useless and the government of the city does not give a fuck about foreigners. despite the $ they bring.
read my post again, brother. not bringing ladies back to my pad. I've read too many horror stories. there are safe ways to go about that, from my understanding. I'm looking for something else there. probably just going to be 'buying a lot of gum' in El Poblado for a week and a half, unless taxi drivers are more reliable. what are the best taxis to use when leaving the airport?
taxi drivers rip you off at the airport. use uber its cheaper. and there is free Wifi at medellin airport if you do not have service on phone to use internet. i had no service at all in medellin but girl i was with let me use her hotspot on her phone so i made my way with that.

try to use uber for everything because of how cheap it is . and its safer than taxis . there are stories of taxi drivers robbing people. i have no idea how common this is but i have heard a few stories of this. mainly at night.

and i think there are hotels in parque lleras and major clubs. i remember i was having dinner in parque lleras because it was 1 am and everywhere else nearby was closed and i saw men taking girls up to a hotel. no idea on pricing. probably safer that way .

Medellin is a beautiful city but it has major problems people like to pretend is not a big deal. they need to do what el salvador did and round up all degenerates and anyone suspected of being a criminal and extremely tough on crime. i would move there instantly if they did that.
I'll probably just get a sim card at the airport. I read somewhere that there is a weird issue with using Uber from the airport, like they aren't legally supposed to operate there or something. but yeah, I would definitely feel safe with an Uber driver because I have a way of verifying them and they would be much less likely to fuck with tourists. hope they can point me in the right direction of what I am looking for
uber is illegal in all of Medellin. Though there is still widespread useage.

When I was at the airport the uber driver messaged me telling me to go to a different pickup location because they don't want to be seen picking someone up in area where all the taxis hangout.

And its weird because sometimes the uber driver wants you to sit in front seat. because less risk of being stopped by police or something. you won't get in trouble the driver will if you are stopped. so i hear
is uber the main service, or is something like bolt more popular? what is the likelihood an uber/taxi driver will help me acquire some primo 'gum'? I've heard it's $5-$10 a pack for gringos
ok ima bout to drop some of the greatest medellin knowledge of all time
Uber doesn't work anywhere where the pickup is a "node" the little dots with names on the map that you select for a given area - it will say you can get a car but it will never come. This includes things like the airport terminal, train stations, or the viewpoints over the city. Meanwhile, normal addresses and pin drops work fine.
To get an uber from the airport, go out the door and walk right down the road for 5 minutes until you get to an intersection with a restaurant. There, you can get an uber in literally 1 minute while 10,000 people in the airport stare hopelessly at their phones for eternity. I had to learn this the hard way, hope it helps you bro
When you get an uber make sure you use a type with a confirmed price, I remember when I used it in Colombia it had some weird bullshit "suggested price" thing and the driver wanted to negotiate with me after we got on the highway. Never going back to that shithole country
I don't know. girl I was with always mentioned uber to pick her up at her house. so i am assuming that.

>acquire some primo 'gum'?
I have no idea what this means or what you mean by this.
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I don't know why you guys are avoiding taxis from the airport. The fare is fixed, so they can't overcharge you. Taxi fares in COlombia are highly regulated, and taxis from teh airport are perfectly safe and reliable.

In other parts of teh city, just hailing a cab you are more at risk of being robbed or ripped off. Many ways for them to rip you off, same as in other countries. Switching your bill for example for a fake or giving you change in fake bills. The switch is most common so never pay in high-denomination bills.
so if I wanted to "buy gum" as the other anon puts it, would you recommend just buying gum off the street corner? I see there are online gum agencies that have pictures of the different flavors of gum available, should I go through one of them? It seems like that might be more legit and safer. For gum.
check 'em
what about the medellin 'mint gum' that makes your mouth numb?
are we talking about the same thing? I thought anon was using "buying gum" as a euphemism for sex. Wtf are you talking about?
what other reason would someone have for going to medellin if they weren't a coomer? read between the 'lines'

the actual gum vendors sell cacao so it's kind of weird to be talkign about gum as though it meant something else
then wtf is "mint gum"?
and somebody answer >>2635000
Has anyone heard anything about Bogota or Mariquita? Thinking about visiting those places this May
How do I get around once I'm in the country? Can I rely on getting last-minute plane tickets in June/July? I want to be flexible so, for example, I don't want to book a flight to/from Cartegena ahead of time because I want the option to stay longer or leave sooner or go somewhere else or whatever. If I just show up to the airport in Bogota and say I want a one-way ticket to Cartegena (or Medellin or wherever) is that going to work? And then do the same for the return flight, just wait until the day of to do it.
Are the flights going to be booked full and/or too expensive to do that? It doesn't look like there are trains and the buses are long bus rides.
alternatively how cheap/easy would it be to change the flights after I booked them, but like the day before the flight? EG, book a flight to/from Cartegena, but then if I decide I want to spend more time in Medellin I could call the airline and have the departure date moved. Or if I like Cartegena and want to stay there a couple extra days, have the return date changed the day before.

I just want to be able to stay flexible with how many days I send in one place, but don't want to be stuck if I can't get a flight last-minute.
Is it worth visiting the Lost City (Ciudad Perdida)? I've been to Machu Pichu so I wanted to go to the Lost City, but idk the pics just don't seem nearly as interesting as Machu Pichu and I wonder if the time would be better spent elsewhere, like going to Los Llanos near Yopal. But everybody says to go see the Lost City so maybe it's better than it looks
isn't is low quality tho? what if you want something better?

bartenders can typically help you out

mint gum is typicall flavored with spearmint or peppermint. it's not the same thing as "wintergreen" so I hope you don't fall for that scam.
would you recommend avoiding asking uber drivers?
>The Lost City
sounds like a tourist trap
It's a trekking journey which is partially interesting
Colombia isn't a complete shithole, anon. It's a capitalist country. There are flights everywhere all the time.
yes but even in the US you generally book flights in advance, otherwise you risk the flights being full or airlines sometimes price gouge the last-minute flights.
If the flight is full just book a later one. You're not gonna love Cartagena. It's small and swelteringly hot, filled with scammers. Medellin is chill, nice weather, good economy, good uber with decent roads. The only downside of Medellin is that it's a little bit boring with not a lot to do. The malls are huge and nice, like we had in America in the 90s and 2000s.
What about taking day trips to do fun stuff? Are there things to do around Medellin?
Yea Guatepe and Santa Fe de Antioquia are nice to visit. Jardin is a nice weekend trip but long 4-hr bus ride. Medellin has a nice social life and night life in Provenza. Provenza is one of the coolest streets/districts in the world, not even kidding.
Claro or Movistar for my sim? I do not plan on traveling much outside of Medellin. want to make sure I have good and fast coverage inside my apartment in Poblado
Is Barranquilla nice? Heard it’s got a big Carnival season but idk what up outside of then. Beach looks aight but I’d worry about my shit being jacked soon as I went in the water
>Venezuelan girlfriend

How can you stand that ugly accent?
people are going to find you in Medellin, it's everywhere
A lot of Mexican cities nobody gives a fuck you are a white gringo.

Colombia, especially the men seethe because they are poor and white men fuck their whore women. Colombians complain nonstop to the point where its fucking annoying and cringe.
No they dont lmao. Dont listen to this guy. Colombian men are chill and friendly
Have you ever been diagnosed with schizophrenia?
Nah american women still fuck ghetto thugs and blacks while married. They just (rather openly) snag a cuck via court order (marriage) to take his bux.
It’s a nicer accent than the Colombian/Paisa accent. Venezuelans don’t pronounce some S’s
venezuella but marginally better in some places
I didnt know that otssing out your FUD fake stories about foreign places would be out of place for someone who ACTUALLY TRAVELS. Unlike you, fat fuck.

Since when were there any Japanese in Columbia (aside from the emerald cowboy)?
There's a history of Japan being a country of emigration not immigration 100 years ago and many did go to South America, former president Fujimori being the most famous example of this population.
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Nippon and Brasieu maintain Good relations desu

The question was COLOMBIA, not Peru and not Brazil. In case you didn't know, those are three different countries.
Thoughts on Cartagena? Flights are very cheap right now.
Do you want anons to get robbed? Picking up dumb tourists at the airport is the easiest way to earn money for Colombians. They will drop you off at some favela and have their cousins jack your shit.
The best way to get around is to know someone who already has experience in Colombia or if you know some Colombians before who have no incentive to rob you.
>t. spent 1 year in Colombia and got lucky but later learned what to do after hearing all the stories from tourists and locals
If you come from a safe country, you take a lot of things for granted and naturally make dumb tourist mistakes. Find someone with experience.
>They will drop you off at some favela

I've never heard of it. The dumbest thing a criminal could do is drive his taxi into an airport where they have hundreds of cameras pointed at him.
Just avoid hanging out with anyone who has any tattoo and you will be fine
That only applies to countries where criminals are arrested. Like other anons pointed out, the taxi drivers could rob you too.
Full of sexpat passport faggot bros, so you'll find plenty of guys to talk about crypto with.
Can you prove this claim about airport taxis kidnapping you?
How I do brassport pro safely in Medellin
USians stay home
Do NOT use dating apps. Colombians dont use them like mutts do. Best case scenario you’ll get a scummy girl who fucks you and who wont kill you, but wants your shit. Worse case is you get murdered.

Meet girls doing shit out there. If you can, cold approach girls that look normal (not crooks). Theres no stare rape enforcement in colombia so you can still cold approach.
Paisa accent is not Colombia accent, dumb monkey. Paisa accent is very over the top, nothing like other Colombian accents from the Andes. And Caribbean accents are completely different.

>Has anyone heard anything about Bogota

> or Mariquita?
yes, you are one of these.
Peru is extraordinarily shit
Fuck you, you little shit. You think you can come here, do whatever tf you want and leave without consequences?
Or just don't be retarded and have some standards.

I posted earlier, but my comment seems to have been deleted. I'm married now, but have visited Colombia several times for non-cooming purposes (e.g., I took my first trip there simply because there were inexpensive round-trip tickets to Bogota, and I'd never before been anywhere in Latin America). However, I did use dating apps--there, in the U.S., and elsewhere--when I was still single. And I never had any of the issues people here are describing.

All things considered, I found that Colombians were reasonably nice people who tend to be incredibly outgoing. This goes for day-to-day interactions with ordinary men and women, as well as girls on dating applications and in bars. Gold-digging does seem to be more culturally accepted there than in most other parts of the world, but it isn't impossible to meet normal women, either.

I've always gotten this impression: if you're a decent-looking guy with a decent job and a university degree, it's pretty fucking easy to meet decent-looking women with decent jobs and a decent level of education. Better-educated and better-earning women are usually much less likely to game you, though they're also less likely to sleep with you if you're a disgusting sexpat.

But if you're not a disgusting sexpat, you can avoid getting scammed or scopi'd or murdered by having some standards when you swipe. If you're a 4/10 man and exclusively swiping on 7+/10 women with pictures from their hovel in the barrio, you're only going to match with girls who see you as a walking passport and/or wallet.
>fuck with a local whore
>find out
every. single. time.
You suckers need to stop blaming Colombia for your retardation.
Leaving your fucking wallet unattended next to a whore. IDC what nationality she is from, she's gonna grab that shit and take off.
cockblocking is not the government's job
I've even heard that you were expected to hug the Uber driver before getting in his car at the airport, kek
Both are big cities with tons of options, you can find hostels and restaurants just as cheap or expensive as you like.
I haven't been since 2021.
hostels for $6 or $7/night are pretty common in Colombia. proper restaurant meals are not as cheap as SEA, but you can eat empanadas and other cheap food to stretch your pesos.
coke ay e nay?
that all depends on airline policies
Colombia technically requires proof of onward travel. I bought a Delta ticket from Atlanta with flexible dates, extended from one month to three months shortly after arrival.
it's very much a wilderness adventure, up to you if you want to paypig to walk through sweltering jungle for miles
Cartagena is big, but most of the city is undesirable to tourists. The beach is all right. The poorer you look, the less the hustlers & scammers will bother you.
I rode the bus along the COL-90 route, the beaches were all right, but you might have to go a long way from the city (and the Magdalena River outlet) to get to a decent beach.
don't fuck with people who find you, they are predators. do your own approaching.
>chill and friendly
until they aren't, then they turn menacing in a flash
>do your own approaching
what if I'm a borderline sperg? I'm afraid of asking a bartender and having him tell me to fuck off. also I can't speak Spanish
$35 a day got me a downtown apartment on AirBnB. If you’re staying long term you can get something cheaper. A hostel even cheaper. Food will run you about $10 a day if you eat one meal at home, $15 if you don’t, $30 if you’re eating at higher end places. I literally paid for a group of 5’s dinner with less than $40.
> but you realize upper class Colombianas are in no rush to associate or date gringos.
This isn’t true at all. Most of the women you will meet are going to be wealthier, comparatively speaking. Almost every single one I met was a working professional, and that wasn’t intentional on my part.
It’s really common for these situations to be setups. My friend got robbed the day before he left the country, and he thinks it was a neighbor. It’s a cultural thing - the poverty isn’t Africa-tier where people are starving in the street. Most robbers are riding bikes that cost almost a year’s salary. They aren’t poor, they aren’t desperate, they’re just evil.
The taxi drivers are registered and even if they charged you double it’s a difference of about $4 USD from the airport to La Candelaria. I only had USD in $20s at the time. Guy was thrilled. A trip that long in Canada would have been $60.

Gringo pricing is a myth, I never had it happen to me once, and I’m very obviously white.
A high denomination bill in Colombia is like $15, so again, this is a non-issue.
The thing about taxis robbing you is true and most are not even particularly safe (then, neither are a lot of rideshare cars). The airport taxis are all registered though, and like you said, the fares are fixed. The government does NOT want foreigners getting robbed and frankly organized crime doesn’t, either. I’ve heard people make this claim about airport taxis but never seen any stories. It’s always cabs hailed off the street where robberies occur.

One thing to watch out for is beggars trying to load your bag into the taxi and then asking for a tip. This woman started undoing the clip off my laptop bag to load it in and didn’t stop even after I shouted at her. They probably aren’t going to steal from you with security there, but be careful, because everyone was treating it like it was the most normal thing in the world.
You got lucky. These apps are fucking dangerous. That said if she looks like a whore, she is one. Colombians are image conscious. Always vet with Instagram or Facebook.
Also if you went before COVID the economy was at an all time high and there weren’t many Venezuelans at the time. It’s a lot worse now.
This was for Bogotá, Medellín might be slightly more expensive.
>medellin dangerous shithole post covid and saturated with the worst kinds of basketball americans
>CDMX pricey for what you get and gentrified by digital dorkers
>Buenos Aires has gotten way more expensive thanks to president lolberg
Is there literally any place in Latin America that isn't a dangerous shithole and relatively affordable for what you get?
The airfare is a lot, but Rio is absolutely beautiful and almost unbelievably cheap for what you get. I stayed there for about 2 weeks, in the most desirable part of the city, for like $70/night. Restaurants are weirdly expensive, but otherwise everything is quite cheap compared to the quality of the goods and services. It's also extremely safe as long as you don't go out of your way to find trouble (which is certainly not the case in Colombia or Ecuador, for example). The beaches, the mountains, the hiking, and the prostitutes are all absolutely top notch.

I will warn you thought that no one (and I do mean *no one*) speaks English or will attempt to speak English to you. You can probably sort of get by with Spanish but Brazil, like the US or Russia, is geographically isolated from "the rest of the world" and monolingualism is basically the rule for 99% of people.

Anyway, tourism for anglophones is surprisingly undeveloped, which is a huge mark in its favor if you're concerned about prices. There is no little world of businesses for English speakers in general, and especially not for sex tourists like there is in Colombia or Mexico. I'd definitely recommend learning Portuguese to about a B1 level first though, which shouldn't take more than 3 months if you focus. I plan to return and work remotely there next winter to avoid the Jewish winters of Massachusetts.
If you're planning to stay somewhere for any longer than a few months, just rent an Airbnb for the first two or three weeks and use that time to coordinate with landlords and prospective sublessors on Facebook.

Also, even on Airbnb, there are still plenty of decent, affordable options in both Mexico City and Bogota. However, you'd have to compromise a bit on either safety or location. But you should be fine if you do a bit of research.

A few years back, for instance--during the beginning of the Airbnb and vacation-rental boom--I rented a small two-bedroom apartment in Bogota for about $330 per month. It wasn't a palace, but I thought it was a fairly comfortable place. IIRC, it was in a recently-constructed building, had a reasonably well-equipped kitchen, and a little outdoor porch with a view of the communal garden and Monserrate.

The trade-off, of course, was that it wasn't the best neighborhood. It was on the lower-elevation edge of Las Cruces, which most Colombians told me was a dangerous place. Sometimes, when I'd take taxis back "home" during the day, I'd end up getting out around the busy intersection of Carrera 6 and Calle Septima--and, more often than not, my drivers would say, "peligroso, peligroso," and offer to drive me the rest of the way for free.

But I never had any issues. The locals weren't very friendly at first, but got a lot more chatty and social after I'd been that for a few weeks.

I will say that I remember looking at Airbnb prices in Medellin about a year ago, and was fucking floored by how much Airbnbfaggots are charging for 1- and 2-bedroom apartments. Can't fucking believe people are paying $1,500+ per month to live in fucking Airbnbs that'd otherwise rent for maybe $500-$600 at the very most.
how is Ecuador? Going there to visit family, gonna spend a few days in quito and Loja. Any tips on how to bag an Ecuadorian baddie?
People in Medellin hate tourists and foreigners. They joke and laugh when the foreigners get robbed or drugged

Medellin is a shithole sex tourist destination and nothing more
>If you're a 4/10 man and exclusively swiping on 7+/10 women with pictures from their hovel in the barrio, you're only going to match with girls who see you as a walking passport and/or wallet.
This is wrong imo.
I'm like a 5/10 white man and had way more luck with 7+/10 Latinx girls than with average European girls. It was just online fun, but they never once asked me for money and even said they would be my tour guide if I ever came to visit their countries. Meanwhile I have to jump through dozens of hoops to even get a date with a chubby European bitch and she thinks she's doing me a favour instead of vice versa.
This youtuber pointed it out too: https://youtu.be/f2k1cQf0Gvw?feature=shared&t=230
Medellin is OVER
Government is cleaning the place up
The end of cooming will drastically reduce all the crime and nastiness of the city, that's for sure
>It was just online
Irrelevant. However yes I pulled woman I never would have thought I had a chance with.
Wynwood House has decent places in Bogotá. I lost my virginity in 2022 in one of the apartments they have in El Centro.

The build quality was questionable (bad drainage and ventilation) and there was nowhere to dry sheets, so best to stay there a month or two. You can negotiate discounts if you book with them directly, but AirBnB prices are not bad - about $1000 CAD, so probably like $800 USD a month.

Most AirBnB hosts down there are horrible, so definitely go with a hotel or a chain like Wynwood. There’s also an apartment hotel in Bogotá near the university. It was a bit cramped but was fully furnished and the build quality looked good. If you’re looking for friends, the university is a great place to look. Lots of restaurants nearby. Make sure to check out Car Burger. If you end up closer to El Centro, Niupi is another great option. It’s next to the National Museum.
This isn’t an exaggeration. Look up Paul Nyugen on Reddit. Reading that thread was like browsing /pol/ with upvotes and Latinos.

I never believed in the concept of “victim blaming” until I spent some time browsing /r/Colombia.
You get the advantage of recourse when renting through AirBnB. The security element should also be considered. My experience was broadly negative, but I think for a lot of people it’s using a known service. If I went back I’d book directly with Wynwood or get a friend to find a place for me, but for those who don’t know, it can make sense to pay the premium.
Bogotá malls are like this too. People there are still earning the discretionary income that they need to buy stuff, and they’re buying a lot. I tell my girlfriend “I don’t need anymore stuff, why do you keep buying stuff?” and see just told me “The stuff makes my life better.”

Just a different mentality.
Claro is bigger and in Bogotá has better coverage. Not sure about Medellín. They’re so cheap and widely available you could honestly just buy one of each. I think I paid $10 for a SIM and $10 more a month for a data plan.
How safe is Barrio Antioquia in Medellin before dark?
This. Latin America is full of materialistic whores. That's why I find the passport bros who go there so fucking delusional
Don't think it's too surprising.

My wife is from a developing country, too. She grew up lower-middle-class, but has a graduate degree and a professional-level position that pays well. If anything, she's probably better with money than most people I've met--but she still buys a lot of shit she doesn't need. Doesn't rack up a huge bill or get into debt, ofc, but I think she just like being able to afford nicer products that she'd never dreamed of buying when she was younger.

Though IMO a lot of lower-income women--especially those with lower levels of education--will relentlessly confused until they either drive themselves into debt or exhaust their boyfriend or husband's source of income. I know a handful of refugees in the U.S. who've make good money running their own trucking companies ($500,000-$600,000+), then got married to women from their own countries. Girls come to the U.S. from fucking shacks in Russia or Turkey, and start spending $10,000 per month on fucking Costco groceries within a month.

One of my friend's cousins--who's ethnically Turkish, but from Russia--married a lower-middle-class woman from Russia. Dude ended up buying another house because his wife didn't think their 5-6 bedroom house was "new enough," and then replaced the BMW he'd bought for her because she didn't like the color, kek.
*consume, not confused
Only in the First World are anti-materialism and minimalism considered desirable character traits. Hating greed and consumerism is a mental luxury born of secure affluence.
Everyone in developing countries wants to buy nice brand-name things at MSRP, paypig for luxury experiences, and otherwise flaunt their wealth for social status. Maximize the present good feelings, because you never know when things are gonna go to shit.
The truth is, Colombians are particularly bad at impulse control. A chick would rather drug and rob her date for what's in his wallet than play the romance game for what's in his bank account. Paradoxically, the danger game has lured more and more men to try their luck and charm with a top-tier femme fatale in Medellin.
Never gonna travel to South America but thanks for the thread, it was really entertaining and informative.
Reddit is not real life. I was just in medellin and made good friends with a couple dudes there. They fed me and took care of me while I was sick. I like colombian people and they are not hateful.
It’s cope. Colombia is too corrupt to do shit. Your chances of getting bagged increase 1% maybe. I dislike sexpatting tho so my enjoyment of medellin will increase due to this.
>$1,500+ per month

That's not even a lot. It was like that even ten years ago. You wouldn't have been able to get a nice one-bedroom in Provenza for less than $1k. $500 wouldn't have gotten you shit, maybe something in Robledo.

The only people who go there are cheap asses.

1am curfew. brilliant
majority of medellin women are sex workers or have been at some point in their life.

Its a shithole city and they love to whine and complain about gringos and blame them for all their problems

stop defending the city of whores
Yeah I am not a delusional passport jogger but this idea that if you can't get laid at home you are going to be sexless is abroad is pure bunk and fud.
Yeah I agree with the other poster its cope, they just want to pass the blame on gringos when the reality is that 80% of the degeneracy is a product of the locals
Lmao thats bs man.
Is this the same guy? I doubt colombia is more expensive than greece. I paid 800 for a full month and a half in athens near the center of town last year in july. From what I hear from friends, a nice aptmnt is a couple hundred bucks in medellin or cartagena.
yeah, but is it safe to go to before dark if I'm White and speak with a thick gringo accent?
>I will say that I remember looking at Airbnb prices in Medellin about a year ago, and was fucking floored by how much Airbnbfaggots are charging for 1- and 2-bedroom apartments. Can't fucking believe people are paying $1,500+ per month to live in fucking Airbnbs that'd otherwise rent for maybe $500-$600 at the very most.
Because there's dumb foreigners that rent at that price, and the landlords tell others how much they're getting from doing it, so more greedy people repeat that process and start hiking prices up.

Why do you think west and east coast have such unnattainable prices now?

It's funny how they are creating their own negative reputation by blowing everything out of proportion and bringing international headlines on themselves highlighting the very things about them that they are complaining ruins their international image. So now everytbody in the world thinks this is the place to go if you are looking for that kind of stuff. Real smart, Federico. Keep it up and you can be assured MDE will be the most notorious city in the world.

>a nice aptmnt is a couple hundred bucks in medellin or cartagena

I wouldn’t really call them materialistic, the things they want are just basic stuff that you and I would take for granted - kitchen appliances, sports equipment, clothing, etc. I found most of the girls down there who had boyfriends seemed to stay with them, and weren’t overly concerned about money since the cost of living is lower there and it’s not weird to live with other people. There is a subculture of whore-adjacent women who come out of the barrios, but they look exactly like you’d expect and they’re fairly easy to avoid. It’s really easy to find a good girl down there.
The real horror stories I’ve heard are from women giving the money to family. Iucked out there. My girlfriend doesn’t ask, and her father has actually gotten angry at her for doing things like paying to fix his house. It’s really common for women to look to men as providers there, you just want to be suspect any time it’s some expense that you’re being asked to pay for.
You have never been to Colombia.
You are basically asking to get murdered if you stay out at night past 1 am in any major Colombian city. Bogotá is a complete ghost town after 7 pm.
If I got setup and robbed by a girl and I know her full name. How do I get my revenge and how much will this cost? Any advice?
all of Colombia is a bunch of whores
over half the country has been displaced by conflict and they have participated as guns or whored for the guns
It's going to be extremely hard but you could try luring her somewhere out of the way and beat the shit out of her.
I was with a girl I know and her amiga. got robbed by men at gunpoint. but the girls mom texts me and tells me the amiga admitted to setting me up. but obviously the girl I talked to had to have knowledge of it. She denies involvement .

girl is still is delusional telling me I should come back or fly her out to Mexico for vacation trip.

I kind of just want to pay someone to do something. but i don't know how to find someone and I feel like people would just scam me.
>I was with a girl I know and her amiga. got robbed by men at gunpoint
Average passport bro moment.
well I was not expecting it because this girl introduces me to her mom and its not some random girl. I probably spent 2 weeks consecutive with her

But there were red flags yes which I ignored. luckily I just lost my phone and 50 dollars. they could not withdraw money.
Yanks have really shit up Colombia. Why do you retards insist on paying $2000 for apartments and tipping everyone who breathes in your direction sending prices through the roof?
Because its not as expensive as their stupid states, and they dont realize that they're behaving like the same chinks that came to their country and drove prices in their area sky high.
>how is Ecuador?
right now not that good

>Any tips on how to bag an Ecuadorian baddie?
I dunno, all I can say is avoid Venezuelans

>is it safe to go to before dark
I went there once a few years ago, every mall had guards with either a rifle or a shotgun, plenty of stretchers hanging in the walls just like fire extinguishers, I asked a guard where I can find a locker to leave my bag and he said "we don't have lockers anymore after someone left behind a bomb"

This happened between 1pm - 3pm, that place must be hell after dark
>You are basically asking to get murdered if you stay out at night past 1 am in any major Colombian city.
Seems like a nice place...for me to cross off my list.
That first guy sounds like an insufferable faggot and I can tell from his avatar he was dissapointed that Russia was no longer the USSR
Is it possible we can get a yankee ban?
I want an indio wife, does anyone have experience with Bucuramanga? My ex was from there and desu I really fumbled her, hard.
Can get a decent hostel for $10-20 per night, lots of options. I stayed at the Viajero in each place, which were both ok. Food costs depend on where you go. Can easily find restaurants/cafes for $5-10 per head, or even cheaper if you go for Menu del Dia

Yes, you should be able to book last-minute domestic flights fairly easily. There's also a bus network connecting all of the major cities which is ok and about a third of the cost of a plane ticket, but obviously takes quite a bit longer

Didn't do it personally, but met a guy who did and he loved it

Nicest looking city in Colombia. Quite touristy. Interesting enough to visit, Getsemane district had quite a lot going on
You would be surprised, I fucking hate the new era of travel we are in. Cities in Europe (Spain, Italy, Greece) are somehow cheaper these days than the overhyped shitholes zillenials like to flock too like CDMX and Medellin. Buenos Aires is now reaching European levels of prices (product of inflation but still), there is zero reason to go there than Spain. Even the you know what is nothing special if the prices for those have increased. These passport fags could not shut up about any place they found. Still its not hard to go off the beaten path and theres still plenty of new places but the fact that it got to this level because of covid blue balls is outrageous
>It's funny how they are creating their own negative reputation by blowing everything out of proportion and bringing international headlines on themselves highlighting the very things about them that they are complaining ruins their international image. So now everytbody in the world thinks this is the place to go if you are looking for that kind of stuff. Real smart, Federico. Keep it up and you can be assured MDE will be the most notorious city in the world.

How was Colombia known for anything else besides Pablo Escobar and putas? Ironically its these digital dorkers, pious sexpats in denial, and locals that keep seething which like you said is worsening things and bringing more of that activity. Next time dont tell everyone on /r/digitalfaggots and your blog about le heckin new hip spot
Kek, sexpats truly are clueless.
They see these whores from the barrio with their fit bodies and tight clothes and bite the bait hook, line and sinker since back home all their women are fat and bitchy.
They answer the sirens' call and lose everything, up to and including their lives.
Guess that's just how it is, a fool and his money are soon departed.
What hours are safe to be in Plaza Botero? Is this a good place to go if I want to grab a beer and maybe find some trouble?
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My observation on Colombian behavior still stands. Colombia is the complete opposite of a disciplined and orderly society. Only fear of retribution maintains the facade of decent behavior. It was very rare that I could relax on the streets, even in Manizales which is supposedly one of the best cities in the country. Salento was relaxing, yes...despite the car alarms of Bogota roadtrippers popping off every time a dog sniffed their tires. San Agustin was also pretty chill. Everywhere else my spidey senses were constantly on high alert.
With everything closed at 1 AM and all decent people locked away in their homes, the pertinent question is why the fuck do you even want to go out? COVID curfews were in force when I visited cities like Cali, so the cops would make their rounds at 10 PM telling people to go home. The later it got, the tougher they got on those who still lingered in the streets.
$10-20 USD for a bunk, that really is European-tier pricing...or at least that's what Europe cost a few years back. I visited COL December 2020 to February 2021. Poorfagged to the max. Most hostels were empty, and I paid around $7/night for a bunk, even in Medellin and Cartagena. I also stayed in a good number of private rooms under $10/night. Back then I thought I was getting the best deals in the world, but after traveling to Southeast Asia, I know better.
The strong peso means that Mexico is getting very expensive lately, but Europe has also seen prices skyrocket for nightly rentals.
It is never safe. There are always eyes sizing you up as a potential target. Don't flirt with the lolis.
>There are always eyes sizing you up as a potential target
what if I go during the day and flirt with non-lolis or pick up some powder?

Just go and see for yourself. Do you think just walking through there they're going to kill you right away? It would have to be very crowded for htem to pull that off. There are enough cops in the area that if you stay within sight of them, you'll be okay. The muggers down there work in teams, so tif there's a crowd, they'll get you on all sides. You dont stand a chance if you're targeted. Bring a cheap throw-away phone and leave your wallet at home.
Never been to Colombia and it's what it seems like to me also from the videos. Colombia was actually safer when Don Pablo was in power. Say what you want about cartels, but in Mexico they don't mess with tourists because they're bringing in the money. Colombia no longer has that, so every random hoodrat is a potential threat because nobody will punish them and jobs don't pay + Venezuelans.
I love my Colombian bros and sisters. They all were nice and wanted me to cook for them.
Did you pass through the town of Mariquita?
Really? No Bucuramanga?
No one expected tips when I was there. Taxis didn’t even know what to make of it.
You are poor.
>Verification not required.
>My observation on Colombian behavior still stands
No, it doesn’t. Why are you wasting your time larping here when you’ve just admitted you’ve never set foot in the country?
>area called parque lleras. 10/10s
>parque lleras
the absolute state of troon-seeking amerilardians
What are the good touristy areas to stay in Bogota (or other cities I guess). And what are the non-touristy areas? I want to spend time in both. But I have enough Spanish to get around but I'm not fluent, so are there non-touristy areas where I won't get shot if I'm a gringo and only have limited Spanish? I want to spend at least a few days in non-touristy areas to get to know the local culture. Where would be best for that?
>looking for prostitutes
well Medellin just banned them so I won't be spending much time there, but what about Bogota or other cities? Should I just stick to the touristy areas?
>Medellin just banned them
you're gay and are only going to colombia because of some yootoob faggot that you idolize
you should absolutely go, though
make sure you let everybody that you encounter know you're a foreigner
Kek found the incel. No bitches?
I'm flying to Medellin in 2 days. Getting a bit nervous, bros. What are my chances of getting robbed/shot if I'm there for a month?
He's right though. Colombia has become the new babies first passport bro trip because of black youtubers
Are White tourists preferred over black tourists in Medellin?

Blacks are preferred because they spend more money.
Yeah I do think I should be able to visit your country without expecting to be drugged, robbed, stabbed, or extorted.

It's a reasonable expectation, you fucking savages. Other humans aren't your prey and you aren't predators.

Colombians insane attitude is why they will forever be an irrelevant backwater. You can just tell when a people have greatness in them or not, and these ones do not. Always waiting to score. Always waiting to backstab. Just a bunch of psychos chasing each other around, it's pathetic.
>Buenos Aires has gotten way more expensive thanks to president lolberg
Strange way to say their economy got marginally more stable and monthly inflation slightly less shitty. It's still one of the cheapest countries in the entire world not just for American and European tourists but even from Latin countries like Uruguay, Brazil, Chile. If Argentina is expensive for you right now then you don't want "relatively affordable", you want an entire country to be practically free so fuck off.
Zero chance. Dont listen to the FUD here, it’s being posted by literal federal agents and leftwing ideologues. One of them has recently become a janny so expect my post and others that aren’t FUD, or which go against the FUDposting, to be deleted.
you type like a fucking faggot, lmao
I think I did, but don't remember anything about it.
You learn to read the crowd and pick out which people are predators by their behavior and body language (i.e. how they react to your presence)
Often they call out to you after you catch their eye, casually or mockingly, trying to provoke you into engaging with them. look ahead and keep walking like you are a man on a mission.
If you are tall with long legs, your ability to casually outstride every shortshit Latino is a major factor in keeping your backside safe. I've suddenly powerwalked away from a fair share of unpleasant encounters that had the potential to become dangerous. Cool street thugs don't run, they only saunter.
Motorbike robbers are peak paranoia. Any motorbike without a license plate, or one with two riders that is behaving erratically, is an instant red flag. Do your best to walk facing traffic whenever possible, and decide in advance what you are going to do if you are targeted by motorbike robbers.
Don't rely on the cops to protect you.
Leave your ATM card in your room, not your wallet.
You want to have an ID on your person while in the street, ideally an old driver's license.
you took the short bus to school
alright, bros, I'm making the jump. about to cross through customs. second time in South America. Wish me luck. Here's to not getting stabbed for my smartphone.
You ARE a fucking faggot wearing womens clothes lmao
>Colombia was actually safer when Don Pablo was in power.
The homicide rate during these years was like 4 times higher than now, dumb Nigro. Let alone other crimes like kidnappings or selective murders, which were exponentially higher.

5 million foreign tourists visit Colombia every year, dumbfuck Nigro number two, the vast majority of them don't have any issue and that's why the number grows year after year. So it's not like you are some kind of explorer /scout delving into some savage land.
>5 million foreign tourists

Those are just gringos brought their against their will on cruise ships docking in Cartagena
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Holy frijoles! Colombians—explain this antisemitism immediately. These eggs are highly insulting to my people!
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The 17th body found this year in Medellín wrapped up like a present.


so what, 17 idiots out of a million coomer tourists? those are odds I can live with. pretty sure the guys that get killed are obese neckbeards using tinder thinking that big boots Latinas are down for a three-way at his rental after a night of texting.
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Colombian here, "kike" or Quique is an abbreviation of the name Enrique

But yeah, they'll need to change the name of that brand someday
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Really? not a soul has heard of this place? My ex was from here and it sounds like the place to meat an actual wife, and yes, with indio blood.
Colombian here, no, para qué van a cambiarlo? Para que unos maricas gringos judíos no se ofendan? Que la chupen.
I know a girl who went there to get plastic surgery for her ass.

"We are poor and we are proud! We are poor. We are proud!"

Fucking trash. I hope these people starve.


Colombians are trash and the men are all skeevy pieces of shit. They have the same machismo complex Meixcans have without the bodyweight or money to back it up, so they develop that 'cool' facade but constantly look down during conversation just waiting for their chance to one up. Never trust a Colombian.

There's an fried arepa stand in Chapinero Bogota that's killer. I've lived in Colombia on and off for 18 months in the last few years, mostly Bogota and Santa Marta. This arepa stand is worth walking from Candeleria for if only to not be a fat ass eating 5 of them.

I'm walking back to Candeleria from Chapinero after having a few and there's a black woman, Venny or Choco, with a cheap food stand in front of the Santander skyscraper near the Gold Museum. She has a couple of kids next to her and, being me, decide to shove another arepa in my face - I could afford the calories with the walk.

Nice as she was, I hand her a whopping $1.25USD (5000COP) for the arepa, she makes it on her makeshift cart, and her son hands it to me.

If it weren't for me the American, this kid wouldn't eat that night. If it weren't for me the American, this kid wouldn't be learning a good work ethic from his mother. But these stupid fucks >>2647339 can't see that. Literal human fucking trash.

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It's like the Mexicans now, they blame the gringo presence for all of their money problems which has included inflation since Covid just like the rest of the world.

Only Mexicans are too fucking stupid like >>2647339 to understand the... "causes" of inflation.

Go to Roma Norte in CDMX and look around. There aren't that many gringos, and most are actually white women traveling for sex and free food living there with dogs and shit. Not men, and not large swaths of Americans like Mexican news makes out.

Travel south to Oaxaca and Chiapas and there are even fewer. The tourism industry in Mexico is DEAD and the losses are made up VIA money laundering. Those guys with backpacks that sleep in the hostal and make up those loses and pay the bills are accepting tax liability for drug money. But otherwise there are no tourists to be seen.

Meanwhile, Mexicans in full retard fashion blame Herr Gringo for all of the inflation because some favela monkey in CDMX had to leave his roofless and windowless building in Roma because "the white man bought it and gentrified it".

Maybe 25% of the buildings in that area are renovated, not nearly as many as is represented by Mexican media just as there aren't nearly as many 'gringos living here' driving up prices. If the bombed out windowless building some hedge fund bought to renovate, which is as likely cartel run as it is is Gringo or Chinese money, then you should probably have been living in the fucking favela in the first place.

I'm so sick of these poor fucking locals bitching. Zoomers with new credit cards and the Covid propaganda have gotten these jungle trash way too accustomed to free money and now that it's all dried up, they're in this denial state where they don't want to go back to actually earning their handouts.

They need to remember what it was like to be thankful for some boomer's $5. Nothing's changed and they're poorer anyway.
Colombia is a shit hole not worth visiting. If you don't speak Spanish you are easy prey. Don't be like the "passport bro" niggers who go there for cheap sex. You will get drugged, robbed or killed.
Been through the city, I came across the highlands from Pamplona by bus. It looked modern and well-kept by Colombian standards. Bus terminal was great. Climate is warm but not oppressively so. It rains a lot there, almost every day. On that trip I only stayed in rooms that cost under $10/night, and I couldn't book anything for that price in B'manga, so I headed on to San Gil.
>tourism industry in Mexico is DEAD
Outright confabulation. 42 million tourists visited in 2023. https://www.datatur.sectur.gob.mx/RAT/RAT-2023-12(EN).pdf
Mexico is busier than ever, and prices have gone through the roof in much of the country. Hostel bunks are now selling for $20 a night in Puerto Vallarta.
Oaxaca de Juarez is full of white people in the winter. Walk downtown and you see as many white people as oaxaquenos. And yes, gentrification is a real problem. Everywhere you look there's some boutique restaurant charging $20 for a plate of food. Of course with the strong peso, it's foreigners who are getting price-gouged these days, so Mexicans aren't seething like they were back in 2021. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if most of the airbnb-dwelling digital nomads in CDMX have packed up and moved on to cheaper pastures.
>cheapest country to visit in South America
>comfortable highland climate, pick your elevation
>amazing natural diversity and unique landscapes
>plentiful tropical fruit
>cheap flights from the USA
>polite friendly service in businesses
>fitness culture
>great place to learn Spanish
>dangerous fun available
sounds worth visiting to me

>Mexicans aren't seething like they were back in 2021.

You can't be American in Mexico anymore.

>42 million tourists visited in 2023.

Doubt it, and let's address all of the NGO workers bullshitting on the visas that aid human trafficking north, and include all of the Russians and Chinese doing the same shit and worse. How many of those 'migrants' are being issued tourist visas by the $5/stamp border guards on the southern borders as well?

>Hostel bunks are now selling for $20 a night in Puerto Vallarta.

The 'hostals' are full of tattoo'd up Mexicans that are laundering drug money into the businesses. There are 2 or even 3 cartel soldiers laundering through the hostals for every 1 foreigner. The tattoo'd browns and the brown guys coming in at night with backpacks are all tax mules and unless you're the Hilton then your business is a cartel front VIA extortion or choice.

>And yes, gentrification is a real problem.

Sorry your favela got relocated.

All the housing has been taken up by gringos running their AirBnb businesses. This is a problem both in CDMX and MDE and the locals are pissed about it.
>“There’s too many tourists here!” said the tourist.
>find some trouble
>find some trouble
You are going to be murdered and the only record that you ever lived will be a hastily-written article in a Spanish online newspaper describing Plaza Botero as a place where foreigners go to look for cocaine and whores.
Escobar bombed an airplane you fat retard.
> Blacks are preferred because they spend more money.
Bait but read this sentence back to yourself and see why no one fell for it.
> This arepa stand is worth walking from Candeleria
That’s like a 2 hour walk one-way, you fat retard.
went to plaza botero without any issue. also went to barrio trinidad twice to pick up. pretty sure I'm set for my whole trip now. whores aren't really my thing, but if I do go for them, I'm not bringing them back to my pad. I'll be fine. don't wander the streets after dark. don't pull money or your phone out. simple as.
Barrio Antioquia is safe. The gangs run it, and they want to make money. Violence is bad for business there
>I'm not bringing them back to my pad

If they scope you, you will bring them wherever they tell you to.
I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers
just tell them who is the real (((culprit)))

>fitness culture
>t. seething paisa
Not my fault I make 10x your salary. Stop being poor

Everything you want to do outside can be done in the daytime. At night it's like the purge, and you have to board up the windows and hunker down.
How do I become a property developer for the cartels?
Knowing you got hurt either physically or emotionally makes me feel fuzzy inside. I hope it was a horrible experience.
>I've never traveled on my own or abroad
Then you're a retarded traveler. Likely to fall for scams and get in trouble and have a hard time solving shit.

I'd advice you skip colombia until you've tried easier countries. Eastern europe is a good option cause the dificulty is higher but won't be as dangerous. That or something like puerto rico or Oaxaca in mexico. Something that caters to inexperienced travelers.
>should I just ask a young taxi driver for help when leaving the airport?
Why don't you give them a scalpel and show them exactly where to find your kidneys? Sniff whatever they offer while you're at it.
Uber is considered illegal and driving one is considered "transportation piracy".

So here's the two reasons why uber is kinda weird in colombia:
1. They're illegal, so they want to pretend they're picking up a friend. That's why they'd ask for a hug, sit in the front or tell you their name. In case they're stopped you can say: Yeah this is my buddy Carlos.

2. Taxis feel they're being undercut (They are but taxi drivers are the scum of the earth). Taxis must pay for extra insurrances and operational costs, while uber doesn't. So Uber drivers wont go near taxi drivers because they might get attacked. Frankly you could get attacked too and forced out of the car. Taxis opertate as a gang and the only reliable time you can get in one is from the airport or bus starion with a fixed fare or calling the company directly. Taking a taxi off the street is rolling a dice, and doing it at night it's putting yourself at risk.
>Never been to Colombia
So let me share the most retarded and uninformed opinion about cartels.

Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot. Colombia was insanely dangerous during the escobar years. I was in a bombing as a child. There were attacks in cities all the time. Today you retards only need to worry if you're too stupid to believe you're about to have a threesome with two women who look like dua lipa while you're crimsom red, fat and your eyebrows are so blond you can barely see them.
Bogota as you know is not the kind of city that is very friendly to tourists. That doesn't mean that there's nothing to do.

The only touristic area is La candelaria. The rest of the city is just a normal, working city. The south tends to be more dangerous and sketchy. Idk what kind of culture you think you're gonna get to know. People go to work from 7 to 5 and a residential neighbourhood will be empty and sleepy.

Just stay in a good central neighbourhood like a good part of chapinero, la soledad, teusaquillo. And either walk to the more active areas or take a taxi to the hotspots or events. Make some friends, preferably male, and do shit. There are always things to do, art, theatre, cafes, cinemas, festivals, open air concerts, monster trucks, football matches, basketball matches, boxing, MMA, you can have a picnic in a park bigger than central park, you can bar hop, plenty of restaurants to try, you can go clubbing. Like two weeks ago I went to a bookstore called Matorral that is inside a bar. I had never seen so many hot preppy single women just chilling.

No one is gonna shoot you for speaking retarded broken spanish. They'll shoot you if it looks like you have money, whether you speak spanish or not, whether you're a gringo or not.
>2634747 #
>I don't know why you guys are avoiding taxis from the airport. The fare is fixed
Special airport taxis in latam are almost always a huge ripoff, paying $40 for a ride that would be $10 on Uber or a local taxi.
>or a local taxi.

the local taxis are the ones that go to the airport but the fares are fixed going to or from, and it's not expensive, given the distance

if you don't mind squeezing in with others, they also have vans from the airport but while very cheap it's not worthwhile because once you get out of the van in town you'll still need to grab a taxi
south americans really just don't value human life like westerners do. Its their pagan indigenous roots showing weaved with colonial trauma and culture of victimhood

its not just violence, they don't value the truth. Ever ask a south american a basic question that they have nothing to lose from answering and... they just don't answer it? Or pretend you didn't say anything? There's no cultural obligation of being straightforward and honest, fucking everything is like pulling teeth dealing with them. Things like shoplifting are common even with middle class people

even the "good" south american girls just study you, figure out what you like, and try to be that, for you. This is seen as a desirable behaviour. they have very little confidence or even a sense of self. even a "good" south american girl will grind up on the dick of someone while dancing bachata even if she is taken and genuinely in love with someone, there's no impulse control.

As soon as the the cage is unlocked, they go fucking nuts

there are women who aren't like this, but at that point there's plenty at home too, why go south.
I completely agree and it's probably why their economies are perpetual nightmares. But could there be some value there? I mean someplace like europe is just total shit anyway and that's filled with cowardly whites, and since it's not the best it's just worth 0. Places like Germany are just nothing compared to the US. Absolutely no dynamism left.

Basically, I'm actually fascinated by some of this indio behavior. I mean for one thing they aren't neurotic. If I could just pick the best traits from a autistic neurotic Brit and combine them with the stoic indio traits, I feel like I'd make a superior human, let loose in the US, of course. Maybe that's some wishful thinking but the status quo white person is the best but still lacking.
i mean what would probably happen is you'd end up having arguments as the latina repeatedly crosses hard boundaries. once you have a few of those resentment builds in and you can't go back and neither of you respect each other.

Even things like screaming at you violently and hitting you is kind of supposed to be a thing that you just move on from and continue the relationship, and people will think you're a pussy if you back down for a reason as small as that.

I met another cute latina and tried to give it another shot and she was more modest and conservative but still had the same problems, super low self esteem, curating herself to your desires (you get the gnawing feeling of dating a stranger) and this was a highly educated one who made more than me.. She was also a legit 9/10 and constantly said she's just "average" and she's "invisible to men" while simultaneously posting ass shots to her story (she was really into fitness and had a giant ass) with captions like "I think I'm seeing a little bit of progress finally working out!" as if she was posting a normal picture of her benching 100lbs or something.

And I just went fuck it not this pick me girl/slutty girl dichotomy anymore I am DONE with them. fuck.
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I agree the traits you describe are totally unworkable. The pandering, low self esteem, and fighting is impossible to work with and should be broken up with immediately.

Mine certainly didn't pander and she was modest with pretty high self esteem. I really liked her and she's the one who dumped me because I was the panderer (lesson learned), she was my first.

She was great because she was telling me all about her life and where she came from.

Maybe the similarity however is the resentment building / no forgiveness / no reconciliation. This girl absolutely had that. Unlike anything I've ever experienced with a westerner or even asian. Oh well, it's sad I find them the most beautiful.
>simultaneously posting ass shots to her story

all sluts are like that these days. it's not a latina thing.
Going to Bogota later this month? What am I in for? What is there to do? How dangerous is it?
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>The only people who go there are cheap asses.
That's cap. People go to Barrio Antioquia all the time to buy drugs. All sorts of people, from lawyers to taxi drivers. They do it because the local mafia cracks down on petty crime there for the sake of business. They know they'll be safe.

A tourist's first instinct is to go to Poblado or Laureles when they're planning a Medellin trip, because it's where every travel website and blog tells them is the posh part of town. It's a mistake.

Not only are they overpriced, but paradoxically, they're the least safe part of town, unless you go to a shithole like Bello or Manrique. Why? Because of all the districts of Medellin, Poblado and Laureles are the only two not controlled by any local mafia.

Decades ago, the local mafias decided that keeping the peace between them was better for business, and parceled out the entire city amongst themselves to settle territorial disputes. Every mafia keeps the peace inside its own territory; local criminals often don't dare rob people in most of the city, because they know the local mafia will not tolerate it and will wipe the fucking floor with them if caught. Sometimes the police catches them and lets them go, just so that the mafia can deal with the situation in its own way.

Poblado and Laureles are a sort of no man's land in this situation. Criminals know it's where tourists high in money and low on street smarts congregate, and understand they're the few places in town where they can rob people without fear of retaliation by criminal groups.

If you're looking for a place to stay, try Sabaneta or Envigado. They're broadly middle class areas where you'll get more of a local vibe than the usual gringo stomping grounds. They are rapidly gentrifying as well, because the cannier sort of foreigner has already discovered them; real estate prices are going up. But that can't be avoided in Medellin these days.
This is correct.
It feels counterintuitive, but Barrio Antioquia during the day is significantly safer than Poblado at night. The gangs that control it have an understanding with the police. They are allowed to peddle their wares as long as the neighborhood remains safe.
>Criminals know it's where tourists high in money and low on street smarts congregate, and understand they're the few places in town where they can rob people without fear of retaliation by CRIMINAL groups.

I like the way you think, friend. Just don't end up like one of those eighteen dead Americans so far this year whose bodies showed up in Robledo, Aranjuez, Santo Domingo or a dozen other safe barrios.
>The gangs that control it have an understanding with the police. They are allowed to peddle their wares as long as the neighborhood remains safe.
Exactly. Barrio Antioquia is, by convention, the drug marketplace of Medellin. People go there to buy drugs (in personal quantities) with impunity. Everyone in the city knows this.

The police presence there is a complete charade. They're told by their superiors to look the other way if they witness someone picking up. The leadership is in cahoots with the local mafia.

So not only are you protected from petty crime, you're protected from the police as well. Barrio Antioquia is a Foucauldian heterotopia, a world within a world, mirroring and yet upsetting what lies beyond.

Might sound like a larp, but all this was explained to me by a very street smart Colombian lawyer. I had it straight from the horse's mouth.
What's it like at night, though? Seems like there would be a lot of crackheads scurrying about in the shadows
Most taxi drivers are *using* Uber and Cabify in Bogotá. This is up there with gringo pricing in terms of something that sounds like it would be true but is completely made up by people who have never been to the country.
I’m Canadian and you and I both know you pump gas for a living.
This isn’t an exaggeration.
Fuck off we are full! gonorrea
It's watched by both the police and the mafia to ensure petty crime doesn't happen, but of course, like you say, you can't rule out the possibility that there will be someone desperate or stupid enough to try to rob you even then (aka a crackhead).

I would say that no part of Medellin is safe for a tourist to walk the streets at night. That said, Barrio Antioquia is definitely one of the safer places to do it, for reasons we've already mentioned in this thread.

I know of a guy who got mugged outside of Black Sheep at knifepoint. In Poblado, supposedly the safest part of Medellin (actually one of the least safe, especially for foreigners). Wasn't even that late either, it was like 8pm. The sun had just set.
>Brown anon here
>robably just going to be 'buying a lot of gum' in El Poblado
What does "buying gum" actutally mean in non-obfuscatory plain old English? Coca leaf, actual chewing gum, nipples to suck on, or what?
Sounds retarded. Some nonce snuck some girls into the hotel so the government is trying to seize ownership of the place?
Cocaine, you stupid fuck.
How hard would it be to work in Colombia (Leticia) with a tourist visa ?
I speak French, Spanish and English and have a Master degree from a western european university
chill, nigger, most people still remain human
Uh. Just keep a low profile and be surrounded by an academic enviroment.... Leticia is no law land, the Police is not going to help you if shit gets serious. Also you will face parasites and bacterias all the time.
>The sun had just set
Working people are off the street by like 5:30 PM if they can help it. There’s a reason for that. I would get nervous when the sky started changing colors in the afternoon if I wasn’t in my apartment. Things can happen during the day, but it’s much less common.
>Leticia is no law land
Could you elaborate on this, please ?
I've searched for recent local news about security in Leticia but found not much.

picrel is from the french ministry of foreign affairs and it says Leticia is fine

what kind of work are you going to find in leticia? it's just a small border town with some tourism. are you going to work in teh tourist industry?

with the qualifications you have, you could probably find work in the city as an instructor at a secondary school, but not on a tourist visa. they would have to sponsor you for employment at a relatively high (for the country) salary in ordre to get a work visa.

don't know about safety in leticia but i've never heard of anybody having problems.
I'm looking for anything that pays enough to cover rent in a decent (real bed, electricity, internet, hot water) and safe place as long as I don't put myself in danger at work.
My plan is to offer my services as a photographer for tourists when they visit the jungle or the natives. Also i could be an interpret/translator if need be. That's the plan A but I need a plan B in case the context is not favorable.
I've worked shit jobs all my life so I don't really mind what kind of job I get.
So you think you're gonna be Rimbaud living in the middle of nowhere? Are you aware of what ended up happening to Rimbaud? I wouldn't live in the Amazon because of the tropical diseases alone. Never mind everything else you need to worry about. Plenty of places for you to choose from in Colombia, why Leticia?

Leticia is a strategic port for the cartels. For over a century, it's been vital in spreading weapons and other contraband across the region. That's why it's so dangerous. You're never gonna read about any of this shit on the news because it's kept lowkey for the sake of business. And Colombians have turned the murder of journalists into something of a national sport.

I also don't recommend trying to work in Colombia on a tourist visa. If you really do have a master's degree, try getting a remote job based in your country instead. I know that's easier said than done, but trust me, working illegally in Colombia would be an even greater shitshow. Do you know how little photographers in Colombia make? Beaners who say they can speak English are a dime a dozen, you're not gonna do well as an interpreter there either.

I'm not the guy you were responding to, by the way.
>Arthur Rimbaud
>Died in 1891 of cancer in Marseille at 37 after being a coffee and weapon trader in East Africa for 10 years
>a photographer for tourists

as the other anon says, it's not good idea to do anything that might lead them to mistake you for being a journalist. and the kind of photography work you're talking about is pretty much non-existent as a market. i do know of american photographers who moved to colombia and shoot weddings and real estate, but certainly not in leticia.
What's the street price for an AK? Will the cartels let me have a ride in their narcosub? Can I ski down a mountain of freshly cut cocaine?
how old are you lad? do you think one could move and find work (not a DN or degree holder) in just normal jobs or something? You mention here being a lack of tourism for english speakers, do you think one could truly work their way into making/becoming employed in a business that caters to anglos? I have been learning Spanish for a while and always debate moving to Brazil but the Portuguese thing sort of throws me off as if I somehow don't dig on Brazil then I'm stuck with Portuguese and only like one other country where it's viable. Florianopolis and South Brazil also look super lovely
when you buy a sim do you only get data or do you get an SMS phone number?
How did you meet them? That's my preferred demographic.
You'd have to bring your passport with you to get a hotel, though. Isn't that your most valuable possession?
for OP or the guy asking about Taxi in Colombia. As a person who travel to Colombia frequently from the US, please have with you a unlocked phone (an android, nothing flashy like an iPhone). once you arrive at the airport you can easily purchase a sim to use for internet and calls. Do not take taxi as ive seen people get robbed by them. instead use Uber and if you must get a ride from the airport to your destinations, you can use Drive-In its like uber but better (in my opinion) and super safe. in fact I have traveled around using the Drive In app then uber. Second if your moving and traveling around please don't wear flashy clothing or jewelry. use your commons sense. as for money, if your moving around only take what is necessary with you and maybe one credit card (don't take everything with you). Also if you need to purchase any food you can use the app Rappi (never had any issues with them), its like uber eats or door dash....
Language exchange websites and filter by their socials. If they’re dressed nicely in conservative clothing, they are probably working professionals. The white-passing ones may have family money, but family money in Colombia is just like being lower middle class if you’re from the US or Canada.

If you’re younger you can also scope out universities. Remember: The ones dressed like whores will rob you.

just carry a copy of it. they just want the info in it they don't keep your passport when you check in. you could probably even just show them a picture of it.
>is there any place in a shithole continent where it's not a shithole?
why the fuck do you think the US is flooded with south americans you fucking retard? sure as hell it ain't escaping from paradise
fuck's sake you're all a bunch of braindead niggers
no, little timmy, those brown troon faced mutt baboons are not attractive to normal people. get some standards, it's not the world's fault the """women""" in your flyover shithole are man faced roblox characters.
hope you can stop being an indian soon.
where to go in Colombia for bike/run training camp? manizales is the closest big city to alto de letras, seems to me I've also heard boyaca mentioned but I forget the details.
Is Medellin really that much more dangerous than Bogota or other cities? I'm a gringo and I would like to date there but I will not be using prostitutes.

they are all dangerous places. if you can hack it in bogota you will survive medellín
While I agree that the tourist-heavy zones of Medellin feel like a no-mans-land of lurking lowlifes and clueless English-speaking foreigners, you forgot an important point. The COL national police, as incompetent as they are at stopping street crime, are very trustworthy by LatAm standards. Whereas your safety in the gang-controlled neighborhoods depends entirely on the whim of the street gangs. They know they can rob you, even kill you and get away with it, because you are a clueless gringo, a new arrival. You have no local friends who will go to bat for you. Your hope is that they like you just enough to do business with you instead of taking what you have by force. And even then, they are likely to fuck with you, see what you're made of, enjoy their little power-trip over the white guy.
Just because locals can pick up paco hassle-free doesn't mean that your foreign will be safe, and it sure as hell doesn't mean you'll be charged the local's price.
Are you legitimately retarded? I am Colombian.

Uber as a technological platform is allowed to operate in Colombia, but the law says you can't use private vehicles for "public transportation". Which is what makes getting into an Uber car illegal. It is a technicality of Colombian law.

And gringo pricing is 100% real, what the hell are you talking about? I have been charged four times the price for a beach tent when I went to cartagena with my polish girlfriend. They lowered when I replied in spanish.
fuck you, you fucking kike
shitty city, nice people tho
you shouldn't even dare as an inexperienced naïve gringo that doesn't speak spanish.
This never happened. Ive been to colombia before and this guy is full of shit. He’s reddit spacing so that’s probably why.
> Ever ask a south american a basic question that they have nothing to lose from answering and... they just don't answer it? Or pretend you didn't say anything? There's no cultural obligation of being straightforward and honest, fucking everything is like pulling teeth dealing with them.
This describes americans and many europeans too. Especially the young euros/americans.
>the "good" south american girls just study you, figure out what you like, and try to be that, for you. This is seen as a desirable behaviour.
I prefer that to the open hate and contemptuousness from american roasties.
>they have very little confidence or even a sense of self. even a "good" south american girl will grind up on the dick of someone while dancing bachata even if she is taken and genuinely in love with someone
This describes american and european women.
what this guy says is retarded, Leticia is not strategic for anything as it's too far away from everything. And one single journalist was murdered in 2023 in Colombia. But it's just a small town with no job market for such thing.
For me as a Colombian, Bucaramanga ended up being a lot dirtier than I expected it to be, with way too many hobos and unkept areas in the center. I had very high expectactions about the city, as it's known as "La ciudad bonita", "La ciudad de los parques" etc but it's just ok, it has some nice areas.

it doesn't rain all the time, obviously. It depends on the season. For the last months of the past year and the first of this year, there was a huge drought in most of Colombia. And Santander is actually drier than other areas of Colombia, as you can see in the landscape around Bucaramanga or the Chicamocha.
>Leticia is not strategic for anything

have you heard of google? maybe try a search. tons of drugs move there between peru, colombia and brazil.
What are the "safe", tourist-friendly areas of Bogota, Medellin, and Cartagena? What areas do I need to avoid?
And are there any places that are safe by myself (male) to go out even at night? I'm traveling alone but don't want to completely miss all the nightlife
different anon here. is Rio Negro reasonably safe? It's like 1 hour from Medellin
bumping and I want two different places for Bogota, Medellin, Cartagena, and Cali too:
1) The tourist centers. The places where I can find other tourist. And I want a bar I can go to at night where half the people there are from America or Europe
2) Places without tourists where I can get to know the local people and practice my Spanish, BUT, are friendly and safe for a gringo.

I want to visit both types of places. Any recommendations of neighborhoods or specific bars/places please.
>anything called Negro
>alone but don't want to completely miss all the nightlife

Colombia isn't really a place to be enjoying nightlife alone. You will get drugged and robbed and possibly killed.
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>mfw retard mutts get robbed and raped for thinking they have sex appeal for being united statians

but are there any safe places or is the whole country like that?
I think I have sex appeal because I have $50 and prostitution is legal. Gonna get like 4 chicks at once with my big American sex appeal.
go ahead and do it mate, all while white women gets to slurp brown and black cock way back home, fine by me
So what do you recommend for travel? Is there an app like Uber that's legal? I don't trust random taxis off the street

stick to your wagie concrete jungle anglo zoo. fag.
How do buses work in Colombia? Like a bus from Bogota to Medellin is 9 hours. Do they have bathrooms on the bus? Does the bus make designated stops for everybody to have a chance to pee? Even a bus from Santa Marta to Cartagena will be ~4.5 hours. I don't mind long bus rides but I don't want to be stuck holding my pee for the whole ride.
idk but I'm in the same boat. I'm in Medellin right now. I don't know where I'm going next, but I need to leave Colombia early next month. I'm sure all the flights from Bogota are going to be cheaper, but I've got to factor in the cost of a hotel in Bogota and a rough 8 hour bus ride. I've been on some amazing buses in Taiwan. Essentially, it's a king-sized sofa. And shitty flixbus in Europe. If I go to Mexico City after this, I'll 100% fly out of Medellin

Typically the long-distance ones have stops where everybody gets out and has lunch and their bathroom break. Sometimes the driver will stop anywhere to take a leak, but the driving will not feel safe. It's not as bad as Bolivia (where the bus drivers are all drunks) but neither the drivers nor the roads are very good.

Only reason to take a bus is if it's the only option when the holiday flights are all booked out and you have urgent travel needs. Navigating ticket counters for buses during holiday season (which also sell out) is itself very stressful and confusing with a thousand people in the station trying to get a seat somewhere. The bus is leaving "ahorita" and you have to figure out which of the hundred buses out there is yours. Plane travel booked in advance online is much easier.
Colombian here, I dont know why you think this country is so different from yours. Basically a western country. You can get some adventure if you fancy the great outdoors. Besides that I think its a great country to do business in. I recommend travelling to lesser known locations such as Amazonas, Cauca, Huila, Narino, Putumayo rather than the traditional tourist trap Bogota, Cartagena and Medellin.
>its a great country to do business in.
> vacuna
> 35% taxes
I'm in Colombia now. I saw a monkey earlier today. That doesn't happen in my country
All buses on a route such as that one (Medellin/Bogota) have bathroom.
How kino is the bus ride from Medellin to Bogota? This is my first time in the Andes. If it's a kino window trip, I may consider it
Colombian here, have you never been abroad?
Cómo vas a decir que Colombia no es tan diferente? En Estados Unidos suben gallinas a los buses? En Francia hay páramos? En México hay chontaduros? Si comparas con otros países latinoamericanos sí te creo, pero de occidental tenemos la arquitectura y eso
99% of Colombians have never seen a monkey
Go to a zoo, I'm sure you have monkeys in your country.
Colombian cities and countryside are different worlds, as in many countries. Ofc we are not western, we just have western language, architecture, DNA, Institutions, live on the western hemisphere, western religion, western clothing, western traditions, western name (Colombia), but we are not western.
Despite all of that you can make good money because of weak government. So you have more freedom!
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Good times in BAQ
>best Christmas vibe I felt in such a long time. Taxis: I always asked the price to an address and it was truthful and didn’t change.
Decent working class people just trying to live
I wasn’t seeking drugs/hoes/stripclubs
Women will say hello. Hard eye contact and smiles from the moment I stepped off the plane at the airport.
I liked the food. Beer was thirst quenching in a tropical environment: Aguila, Brunonia, etc
The only asshole eyeballing my wallet was the venezuelan working at the barber shop. His eyeballs damn near bulged out of his head when I payed the bill. Kek faggot
Any of my fellow gringos needing outrageously overpriced dental services, I highly recommend seeking alternatives in other parts of the world. I just happened to choose Colombia this time as I’ve never been to the Caribbean/Atlantic side of the world. Including airfare/lodging/meals 60%-70% less than what I was quoted here and was pre covid pricing.
Don’t be a dick or stupid and you will have a very nice time here. Going back in July. With plans to do a lot more sight seeing. Viva Colombia. Definitely admire their official stance on (((zionism)))
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Also, pharmaceuticals available at a great price and MOSTLY without a middleman gatekeeping jew in doktor between you and what you want…
Never thought I’d live to see the day that I’m fucking sick of living in my home country. Doesn’t matter which shabbos goy is president…
>seriously adding this country to my exit strategy
Nta but Columbia is a tropical jungle. I'm sure there are monkeys who get lost and end up being close to people.
I lived in Colombia for 6 months last year and believe me it gets old. It’s not a deep country with a lot of cool shit to do, plus it’s annoying to constantly be on your guard. After visiting Japan in April I have a lot less tolerance for third world Latin America malandro bullshit
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Thanks for the info
Don’t get me wrong Colombia is the best country to date hot girls, just don’t mess around with whores. I only sleep with normal chicks with real jobs. I still end up giving them money though

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