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For a long time, Vegas was known as the place where poor people could roleplay being rich, as rooms and food were affordable for so long.
These days, it feels very different. Everything that shouldn't cost money, does. And everything that costs money costs A LOT. The word 'complimentary' doesn't even exist there.
Everyone is trying to get into your wallet. Even just walking down the strip, you get harassed by beggars, photo whores, ticket sellers, Asian "gifts".

I went a few months ago to check out the sphere.
>show was at night
>gotta kill time during the day
>every little "museum" exhibit on the strip is $50 and lasts <1 hour
>every place that sells food is at least 2x normal price
>spend all day walking the strip, sightseeing
>finally time for the show
>go into Venetian, as there is a bridge to the sphere
>convention going on, so bridge is closed
>they tell everyone to walk down the back sidewalk
>10,000 people walking both ways to the sphere, on a tiny sidewalk, spilling into the road
>watch a 45 minute environmentalist PSA for $90 in the sphere

The sphere is actually insane, and is worth seeing in person, but I'm amazed with how boring Vegas has gotten to me. I'm not big on drinking or gambling, I just like to sight see. But once you have walked up and down the strip a couple times, and you don't have tickets to any big event, its pretty hollow...
It's really hard to get around just how much they fuck you over, charging stupid amounts for everything. I went there wanting to spend huge amounts of money and ended up spending far less as they were too blatant ripping you off.
go to downtown
Is Casino Quest worth it? I really want to have gamble and play the table games, but I’m such a tightwad losing any real money just isn’t fun.
You gotta try craps it’s great odds if you avoid the sucker bets and you win as a whole table so there’s times when someone will roll for a half an hour and everyone will be drinking and celebrating
I grew up a few hours from Vegas, this is my experience.

As a kid and into college, Vegas was a place where you could feel rich for little money. Always had specials on shows, rooms at the Bellagio or Wynn, super nice buffets or restaurants. You found what you wanted. Family friendly experience? Totally doable. Splurge like a degenerate? Go for it.

Now a days, Vegas has become a bloated shit hole. Everything is dated, prices are inverted where nothing is worth it and everything is run down. Went to a concert a year ago with my wife, the Mirage smelled like puke and shit, somebody had in fact puked and pissed in the elevator, the entire hall to our room smelled. Ghetto trash fucking everywhere, nigs and trash walking around everywhere. All the restaurants are stupid expensive and food is shit quality now. Rooms were like 5x what I remember.

Over the years, Vegas has gone through ebbs and flows with the economy, but they did a good job of masking the issues.

Maybe a sign of the economy at large now,
It's gone down hill in a way it's never coming back.
Vegas is like Times Square. Used to be sketchy sleazy and fun, now it's become a soulless bloated disneyfied gimmick. But Vegas is that magnified to city scale.
Loved it.
Lost a bit of soul but so much is going on. I was there at the tail end of 2022 and whilst my gf and her friend were out, I chatted up a woman at the casino, took her back and fucked. She was an escort but she was worried I was popo. Some blonde Polish broad in her 40s.
Vegas is a microcosm of corporatization ruining good things in the pursuit of a dollar. The first time I went was 2014 and it wasn’t cheap. Now it’s insane. $50 table game minimums, $40 nightly hotel resort fees, $150 show tickets, etc. It’s almost impossible to have fun in Vegas for less than $500/day. I have a friend who is wealthy and a big gambler. The best way to do Vegas is go with someone like him. He gets free nice rooms almost anytime he wants and a $100 daily dining credit. He makes around $20k in casino & sports wagers daily while he’s there.
Also if you want cheap fun:
>go to Fremont St at night. They always have 2 or 3 stages playing live music and S-tier people watching
>make a sports bet, tip the guy $5 and ask if they do drink tickets. Most sportsbook employees will give you at least 2 free drink tickets for a $5 tip, some will give you 5.
>buy booze and water at CVS or any off-strip grocery store to save 80% vs strip casino pricing
>stay off-strip somewhere like a Station Casinos property or even a non casino like Tahiti Village. Some Station properties are super nice and cost less than half as much as a comparable hotel on the strip. Green Valley Ranch and Durango in particular are great.
>play video poker at a bar for unlimited free drinks. Just don’t bet too big. They usually require $20 coin in for the free drink light to activate, which usually means you’ll lose about $5. Better than paying $9 for a beer or $14 for liquor.
>don’t go to strip clubs in Vegas. Sure they have insanely hot women who fly in for the weekend, but they’re going to want $400 for a 3-song dance and cover will be $50 if not $100. Not worth it. Go to Portland if you want a good strip club experience for $100 lol
Literally every Vegas post on /trv/ is some variety of
>I’m headed to Vegas soon and I don’t drink, gamble, or enjoy having fun. My budget is $13/day. What’s the best experience I can have??
Don’t go to Vegas if you don’t want to get wasted and blow a few grand. Simple as
I have money to spend, I just don't want to feel like its burning up for nothing...

I went to a place called Chicken guy in Disney world last year, and it was really good. I heard there was one on the LV strip, so I wanted to go again. IT WAS 2.5X MORE EXPENSIVE FOR THE SAME THING.
3 piece chicken went from $6 to $15! lol...
still love Vegas. fuck the haters. it's beautiful to walk through, the airport is 5 mins away, and hooters still has $1 blackjack. Circus circus still has coin slots but they'll likely be out of business soon anyway.
>She was an escort
How much did you pay her?
> the city of gambling with boomers and overpaying for dinner and a show
Wow. So cool.
Vegas is a great way to just escape.
Nothing is real but everything is a spectacle.
It’s a great way to step off planet earth for a few days.
1. what's it like going to vegas solo?
2. any other activities besides gambling?
3. favorite show you went to see?
4. favorite hotel on the strip?
5. favorite restaurant?
Then don’t buy it.
Vegas sucks balls now. I will only go back if I have to for work. I would not go voluntarily.
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I’m thinking about doing a roadtrip from California to Las Vegas in September for Fallout New Vegas day. It’s really niche and autistic so l thought here would be the best place to find a travel buddy.
My current plan is to see all major monuments in game, go to event, and enjoy Vegas
>road trip will go like this (rough draft, open to changes)
>first stop Goodsprings, go to New Vegas event
>second stop Buffalo Bill’s or the other casino (I heard one of them closed. If we like the event enough and it’s too late we’ll spend a night here).
>Las Vegas (2-3 days. One day in Vegas, 2 days in Downton due to it being cheaper+more fun. Open to changes)
>Hoover Dam
>Zion (if time permits or anon would like to go)
>circle back, hit Red Rock Canyon or Mt Charleston depending on route
>back to California (or different state, one of us could fly in/out).
I’d be willing to pay for rooms, every other meal, and split gas money. Pic related is date of event (could be scheduled to change, and in event it doesn’t happen, still willing to do trip just to have fun).
I’m located in SoCal, so would be bonus if you are from that area. If not that’s fine.
*November, not September. Typo, sorry.
I usually do outdoor stuff outside the city during the day, cause the strip sucks during daylight hours. For example, Mojave National Preserve, Valley of Fire, Desert NWR, Red Roxk Canyon or just playing around in the Mojave. Theres tons of stuff to see out there nobody knows about. Unless you’re scared of the outdoors.
darn I'm gonna be in vegas around the 24th, this would actually be cool
>What are your thoughts on Las Vegas?
It's a city in America that is full of casinos. I don't gamble so, apart from live shows, I don't think there'll be much for me to do there. I can't be bothered flying all the way to America to watch some regime approved comedian or singer in the twilight of their career. So I don't really give a shit about going to Las Vegas or pretty much anywhere else in the US.
Vegas has been shit for about 12 years. They had already begun tearing out a lot of the soul that peaked in the 90s but it became soulless and sterile around the time that Linq "mall" opened. Vegas shifted gears to trying to attract millennials rather than the boomers still sustaining them but what they've become appeals to nobody. It used to look and feel grand but was affordable and cheap. Faux luxury mixed with real luxury if you wanted it. Gonna see a massive contraction without the boomers to sustain it
Fuck you mean? 4am-8am Strip is the best. You get to see people arrested, be depressed, have meltdowns, and jump. Afternoon-Night is boring, unless you are at a video poker bar-top like Circa on Fremont on the high roller floor with a bartender with no one else
These guys are all retards. I spent 200-250$ dollars a day drinking, eating, gambling, and going to shows
1. Don’t to be retard and go to the Strip for more than a day or two
2. Get your drinks as freebies at bars with video poker, like the D, Circa, or Binion’s (tip 1-2$ per drink, and choose a quieter bar)
3. Use apps, sign up for rewards programs and get room comps. I was able to get 200$ in freeplay and matchplay by spending 5 min signing up at each casino. Best ones on Fremont is D and Golden Nugget. Off Strip go to Ellis Island, and on strip go to all, though they are cheap.
4. Eat cheap. Tony Romo’s on Fremont has 11.99 steak and lobster, White Castle 1.29 sliders, and more if you look. Plus you can get 25-50% discounts by signing up with the aforementioned rewards shit. These fags are all complaining because they are stupid. If you have a car or rental go to Ellis Island. They have great prices. On strip you’re fucked unless you go to places like in N out, White Castle, or get comps which are pretty easy. Go to sports lounges and tip 10-20$ to the bartender and ask where to go. They’ll occasionally give you meal tickets if you play your cards right or at the very least drink tickets. I can get 4-5 tickets due to being able to talk to them.
5. Go on off days. You can get rooms for 50-60$ a night that are decent if you don’t go to during weekend or during conventions.
6. Download the casino’s shitty apps. I got free tickets to a ton of shows doing that. You can set them to auto play while you are working a month or two before you go to Vegas.
Vegas is still extremely cheap and doable if you aren’t a mouthbreathing moron who can’t plan to save your fucking life.

>For a long time, Vegas was known as the place where poor people could roleplay being rich, as rooms and food were affordable for so long.

Man people earn A LOT more money nowadays then 10-15 years ago. Quality of life has gone up A LOT. If you can't afford Vegas, then sorry, but you are poor.

Stop complaining and fix your life instead. $50 lunch isn't expensive anymore, maybe it was in 2015 but dude you can literally go to a coding bootcamp and get a junior software engineer job earning $140k/year EASY if you're of at least average intelligence. EASY.
If you pay 50$ for lunch in Vegas unless it’s a buffet or steaks you are a retard. You’re poor.
It's fun if you're part of the movers and shakers of the world, which it doesn't seem like anyone in this thread is.

>Uhhhh ACKSHULLY you're the poor one if you can afford expensive things!!!!!!

Market prices adapt to people's buying power. Right now people have a lot of money, free time, and the will to travel. And you're just bitter because you feel left behind.
>hey guys I’m rich because I’m too stupid to use a discount
Poorfag LARP giveaway. Post your primary savings account balance with a timestamp or go back to the cuckshed.
It's awesome, pussies here don't like them for the same reason they don't like cruises.
I've literally been coding all my life. I know more and am better at any language than any cs grad and yet I never make it to the interview because of hrfags and certain factors which are outside of my control.
Maybe go for contractor roles instead. Also, companies aren't only looking for knowledgeable coders. They're also looking for sociable and amiable people to work with. I mean who wants to work with a coding guru who's a jerk or antisocial? Getting employed means working within a team not by yourself. Go write an app or become a contractor instead.

Don't know what to tell you. I took a 2 month coding bootcamp a little over a year ago, I know earn $240k/year. US dollars. Maybe you're not as good as you think you are.
>family likes playing slots
>want to join in but autism kicks in and feel bad wasting money
>end up either watching them play or play minimum slowly
>if I plan ahead to establish a budget and strategy/play-style I have more fun
How do I determine a bankroll for slots? This was easier to do for table games but my family isn’t interested in them
>I spent $200 a day drinking, eating, gambling, and going to shows
And you also spent $220 for a hotel + resort fees, etc so you spent nearly $500 a day.
Slots are the biggest moneysuck in Vegas, they literally keep casinos in business. Don't play slots. Play video poker or video blackjack if you want to gamble on a machine
>what's it like going solo
Going to vegas solo is fun. I've been maybe 15 times for work and fun, and all but 3 trips were solo. There's plenty to do and every restaurant is used to solo diners so you don't seem like a weirdo. It's easy to make friends when everyone is drunk, just chat up whoever is sitting near you at the bar or table games, have a laugh, and half the time they'll invite you to whatever activity they're doing next.
>favorite activities besides gambling
Fremont Street is the best people watching you'll ever see. I had one of the slutty cop 'performers' straight up offer to suck my dick in an alley once. She was disgusting and I said no. They also have 3 stages with live music every night and you don't have to spend a dollar to enjoy it. Wander around Fremont after midnight and smile at women, you have a great chance of getting laid if you're not gross/autistic. There are also a ton of hookers wandering around those casinos looking for guys walking to the hotel elevators solo. One hot black hooker at Golden Nugget was extremely aggressive trying to get me to bang her. Wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole lol makes a good story tho.
>favorite show
I don't really go to shows. I'd rather sit at a sportsbook bar, flirt with the bartender and get five free drinks while I lose $30 on video poker. Most shows are at least $60, $100+ if you want good seats.
>fav hotel on the strip
Aria is the best hotel IMO, but it's fuckin expensive. I like staying off strip at Station Casinos. They're nice and most are a quick Uber to the strip.
>favorite restaurant
Stanton Social Prime at Caesar's is great. Prepare to spend $125 per person for a steak and a couple drinks tho. For breakfast I like Hash House. Good food and huge portions.
youre not wrong anon its just that 98% of people who visit vegas will not do what you do. they stay at a strip casino and eat at overpriced strip restaurants and play $25 minimum 6:5 strip blackjack and pay $8 for a bud light and spend $1000 a day because that's the list price
i went to nacho daddy for breakfast last year. had two screwdrivers and huevos rancheros and my tab was $36 before tip. it's not hard to spend $50 on a 'cheap' meal in vegas
Love Vegas. It’s the only city in America I don’t worry about being gluttonous. You walk 10 miles a day so it’s fine to eat and drink 4000 calories of world class food
Slots used to be really fun until they became dominated by Chinese slots and Buffalo clones, all with the same shitty 6-tier jackpot system.
I don’t understand the appeal of gambling. I’ve tried it at least 20 times and it’s been lose lose lose lose no matter what. Slots, craps, blackjack, roulette, sports betting, horse betting. You can’t fucking win and it’s the dumbest use of money possible. The only good that can come of gambling is a Vegas hotel giving you free room and free meals cuz you lost $3000
>tourist traps all over the place
>simple fast food style milkshake charges like a premium steak
>lots of touts that will sell you promises of tours and group setting activities only to take your money and run
>nightclubs and even the premium ones feel extremely dated and dirty Millenials and Zoomers dont party so youre stuck with oldheads
>every other casino feels dated like they never left the 1970s
the only redeeming quality of that place is that they are actively trying to gentrify it. Some places look pretty good on an international level where you can get some good shopping in. But when I last visited, couldnt shake off the dated atmosphere. Everything was just degenerate and none of it truly appeals to me. I suppose if you were a real wealthy baller and are into doing degen stuff, then it might be for you. But much of it caters to the Boomer crowd- like no one cool goes to Vegas pool parties or attends oldhead electronic concerts there. Its just ass overall
I really like the Station properties but can never forgive them for removing the buffets
>Tony Romo’s on Fremont has 11.99 steak and lobster,
except u never actually got to have it bc the restuarant seats like 10 people and there are 10 more people waiting outside the restaurant, so please stop offering advice if u did not actually ahve the experience. its literally a trap to get people into the casino.
I've been going to town on average 4 times a year since 2011. I haven't really noticed much of a change. Rooms on strip are still very reasonable, compared to other top resort cities. Certain times of year you can get rooms in 5-star resorts for less than $100 - try that anywhere else for a 5-star.

That said, yes, the strip is expensive. Yes, things are 2-3 times what you pay at home, but does your hometown have the Bellagio Fountains? A scale model of the Eiffel Tower? A fucking pyramid? You're paying for an experience you can't have anywhere else, if you don't understand that stay the fuck home in bumfuck Kansas or wherever you're from.
Poker and sports betting are the only forms of gambling you can actually win long term
Poker is not gambling, it's a game of skill
Anything with an element of chance when the house takes a percentage is gambling
Only the worst types of people like Vegas
fuck that fucking city
some street nigger robbed cash and valuables from my truck soon as I walked away from it
worse than Hispanic Third World shitholes, but with sky-high prices and assholes everywhere
i'd rather be anywhere else, even bumfuck Kansas
You don't play against the house in Texas Hold'em, the house just takes a percent of the pot after the hand is over while the winner keeps the rest. You don't play against the house, you play against the other players, the house just facilitates the game, and the fee is to pay for that.
Facts. One of my best friends is a degerate like this, I just spend the time watching him gamble then we do shit after.

The amount of comps degenerate gamblers get is insanae, makes me almost wanna put my life on red.
I arb bet online using sportsbooks in my state. I actually have a VIP host at a couple different locations and offers for free rooms at MGM and Caesars properties, but I’m afraid when I arrive they’ll realize I don’t gamble like that in person.
Has anyone counted cards, or seen someone get thrown out for counting?

It was weird how for a couple of years there were stories about kids getting rich off counting, and if I recall correctly, the stories ended with the casinos switching from 4 decks per table to 8, or something like that, to completely kill the 1% edge the counters had. It was some kind of stupidly easy fix, don’t know why the casinos didn’t do it earlier, I thought the whole thing might have been a publicity stunt for the house but the stories seemed legit
The latest (((game defense))) is continuous shufflers. The machine can hold 6-8 decks and all the played cards are reshuffled back in every few hands. It’s like playing with a new shoe every hand
Yep, if they think you're counting, they'll shuffle constantly
I recently went to Vegas for the first time and loved it. Before going I got the Wyndham business rewards credit card which allowed me to status match to Caesar’s diamond. I stayed at a Caesar’s property and got no resort fees. Went Sunday through Thursday and paid about $40 bucks per night. While I was there I got a $100 food and beverage credit from Caesars then was able to status match to Fountaineblue for another $150 food and beverage credit, I was also able to status match to Wynn for platinum and MGM for gold. I gambled about $3500 over the trip, mostly on video poker and some slots. Ended the trip down about $700. Now I’m getting a bunch of offers for comped rooms at Caesars properties and some for MGM. So I think if you do it right you can do it relatively cheaply. I also went to CVS and packed my fridge with beer and ate at In & Out burger a few times. I’m not sure if I’ll go back soon but maybe.

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