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The longest I’ve done before is 4.5 hours and I slept for 2
I've done 15, it's meh
you'll have movies to entertain yourself at least
Is it rude to wake someone up if I need to go to the bathroom if I’m in the middle or window seat that is
don't sweat it, it's a fact of life, as someone who takes the aisle seat on every flight possible, I think the person interrupting remembers that awkwardness more
I always deeply sigh, throw my headphones in my lap and shake my head. They tend to hold it in more after that. I can get at least a 6 hour sleep uninterrupted
it depends on two things
the airline- most long haul airlines are pretty good these days even in economy but there are some that are better than others- you could look at reviews on youtube etc
who you are sitting next to- you could get super lucky and have an empty seat next to you but it is unlikely. you could have a nice fellow traveller, or maybe a couple who will snuggle up to each other which will give you a little bit more space. unfortunately you could also get a twat who tries to steal your space, a sweaty smelly thirdie, or just a sour cunt like >>2660332
10 hours is my limit in economy personally
I usually get annoyingly uncomfy in them at the 6 hour mark, but at that duration knowing it's more than halfway over and looking forward to 2nd meal service makes me tough it out.
13h+ it has to be exit row/premium ec/business depending on the airline and fares.
How tall are you? How fat are you? What airline are you flying? What destination are you flying to?
I've done a bunch of 12hr stints in economy and the best thing to do is always try to sleep as much as you can, watch two movies in between and get up occasionally.

Usually around the 10hr mark I start getting restless though. I have done a 15hr flight in economy before and vowed to never do that to myself ever again unless Im flying economy at least.
The only time it kind of sucked was when I was stuck for 14 hours between two ENORMOUS Taiwanese aborigine brothers. Completely full plane otherwise I would have moved.

Last time I flew, I sat down, fell asleep before takeoff, and woke up about ten hours later.
Melatonin/ambien is your friend. Just hope you don’t get stuck next to someone who has to pee every 45 minutes
They don't use small planes for 10 hour flights, in my experience. For me, economy on a long haul flight is a better experience than business on a domestic flight. I can actually stand without hitting my head on something.

This is true.
the worst is 6-8 hour flights on small planes, ie if you are travelling between Asia/Europe with a small city at one end, you will probably have to change in the middle east or something then they put you on a tiny plane to your final destination

i.e. Beijing-Edinburgh with change in Doha, the first leg is on a big 777 or something but the second leg is on a ryanair-tier 737
Look up how much legroom your airline offers. If you're over like 6', that's the biggest factor in if you'll have a good flight or not.

Taking Philippine Airlines to China vs taking Anna Air for instance, it made a big difference in how comfy it was. I'd even choose a longer flight if it meant not being cramped.
It really depends on how you prep for it. Getting the right seat and choosing the right hours can make it feel like a breeze.
I always get the aisle and emergency seat and make sure the arrival is around the morning. That way I spend the first leg of the trip watching a movie or two, then falling asleep.

If it's a direct flight, I just buy half a fifth of vodka, bring it to the toilet, gulp that shit with some sprite and sleep for 8-9 hours.

I also have a care routine where I take a few wipes, toothbrush and some mouthwash, along with spare t-shirt to the cabin so i can have a mini-shower before arrival. When everyone looks like shit, i look like a million dollar, albeit slightly hungover.
The entertainment in planes has inproved drastically over the years. You'll have plenty of movies, tv, and vidya to keep you occupied. The biggest issue is sitting on your ass that long. Try to get up and stretch a little as often as possible. And if you can fall asleep, even better.
If you have to fly economy sit on the aisle and try to get a seat towards the front where it's just pure leg room basically. Or an exit row. I always fly business on flights over 10 hours, but if I had to do economy I'd do that and just get up frequently. I can't sleep sitting upright so that wouldn't be an option for me.
>How bad is 10 hours in economy seat?
It depends on the Airline. Cathay Pacific, for instance, are one of the best airlines for economy class because they offer reasonable legroom and recline along with good food, great IFE and excellent service. On the other hand if you are flying with some budget low cost airline where economy passengers are crowded in like sardines then it will probably be miserable. On a 10 hour flight it's worth spending an extra $200 just to fly with a better airline. !0 hours in economy is doable if you are with a decent carrier. Most flights from Australia or New Zealand to Europe, the Americas or the Middle East are more than 10 hours and tens of thousands of people fly those routes every week.
this is why you choose an aisle seat in the middle of a 3-3-3. 50 50 chance on whether they ask you or the person next to them to move. Often times the two next to you are travelling together so they always get out on the other side.

I recently did a flight with Cathay, absolutely the best airline you could take with economy. The service is next level, and to make things better they're all beautiful hong kong chinese similar to Singapore airlines in terms of beauty standards. One thing about them is that they're a bit stricter, standards wise than other airlines which can be a good and bad thing. Generally speaking it's always a pleasure.
I've done 18 hours in economy and stayed awake the whole time playing polytopia lmao.
The best economy flights I've taken are aisle seats on Swiss Airlines. The side rows on the Airbus planes are just two seats. They're especially good if you're traveling with another person and you sit next to each other. The food is decent, all the seats have entertainment built into the headrest, the seats are comfy and you get a decent amount of leg space.
This is correct. The worst is 5+ hour domestic flights in coach
What a rude cunt. Are you female?
It's extremely unpleasant. Flew to New Zealand like this, will not do again unless in lie-flat seat.
If I can get a window seat it's fine, I fucking hate being told to move every 5 minutes because the person next to me has a bladder the size of a peanut.
This is bad advice, the ""person"" you're replying to has to stop being a fucking bitch and to simply stand up and ask for permission to go to the toilet.
If the loser you're replying to has a hard time doing this, imagine what's gonna happen when haggling, avoiding a scam or simply standing up for ""him""self.
The seat is not the problem - it's the people around you. When you upgrade you're getting away from those people and it comes with a more comfortable seat and the food/service is nicer. But you're really paying to get away from the knuckle-dragging public - their precious broken condoms (aka children), their inability to stay seated and to keep from bickering, farting and kicking your seat. Among many other fucked up things they do.
Best advice is to stop being a sensitive pussy. There's a lot more unpleasant experiences in life than sitting on a padded seat for ten or twelve hours. Yeah, the person behind you is gonna bump your seat a time or two. Big fuckin deal. If you're in a middle seat, it's your duty to use the bathroom the same time the window seat person does.
its not bad- granted like others have said, you pay premium to get away from the normies. I would just pull up my laptop and watch movies/play games. One time I played a city building sim for hours and suddenly realized we were landing when the stewardess tapped me to get ready to land.

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