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My sister and I just went to France and had a multitude of experiences that resulted in many laughs from our family. One being her trying to converse with the a local in broken Duolingo French. After 15 minutes of hearing us struggle, he started speaking fluent English despite listening to her and I converse in English. He just wanted to mess with us and it was all in good spirit. We had a great time.

Did you have any memorable travel experiences that has made people laugh when you recount it?
At the border crossing between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan over a decade ago, me and two buddies crossing over in a shitty car we'd driven from the north of England. Some Uzbek officials were inspecting our car, making sure we weren't taking out antiquities, that kind of thing. To kill some time I pulled out a travel version of Connect 4, put it up on the side of the immigration building, beat one of my buddies a few times.

A couple of the Uzbek guys noticed and brought it to the attention of a guy who was clearly in charge (he had a chest covered in medals). I beat my friend again, he watched curiously, so I tried to explain the rules through hand gestures, and then I tried to convey "I want to play you, let's go". He agreed, but he wouldn't play one-on-one, he barked some orders which, based on what happened next, was him ordering the border to cease operations and had like ten of his men surrounding him to kick off the game.

Playing took a while, he took minutes to make every move, like all of his guys arguing loudly about where to drop the pieces, like it was super important. Truck drivers trying to cross the border were coming over and yelling, I didn't understand but based on the tone and expressions I think it was along the lines of "Are you fucking kidding me?"

I was going to throw the game, I was making deliberately bad moves, but I was also super hungover from the night before in Tashkent and I accidentally won with a diagonal. He was a gracious loser, as were all of his men, they reopened the border but from then on all his guys were way less serious and basically goofing off, changed the whole vibe of the place.
When my family went to Paris my sister met some black boys and spent Friday and Saturday nights out with them instead of the family. We had one week and she'd come home at like 3am
I'm an American, white, 6'3" (190 cm), so I definitely stuck out in China and apparently looked Russian. One evening I went into a small restaurant in [Harbin] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harbin) and upon sitting down, was handed a menu in Russian. I know probably 5 words in Russian, but know Mandarin. So I said to the guy "I don't know Russian, can I get a menu in Chinese?". He just stood there for a couple seconds like his brain needed a reboot until I asked again, where upon he started laughing and gave me a menu I could understand.

It happened a couple other times where I think people just weren't expecting the white guy to understand them, so you'd get a similar reaction, but that's the one that really sticks out.
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I rubbed vaginal cream all over my face on a boat in Greece because I thought it was sunscreen
wtf. Did nobody tell her to not be a whore? Did anyone remind her that it was meant to be time for family and not her small contribution to the Kalergi plan? What a whore
The first time I went to America as a French I was 19 and without much money. So when I was in Boston I decided to book the cheapest hotel online and it was far outside the city. I had to take a bus for one hour and then walk for half an hour. I didn't realize it was that far because I wasn't used to the scale of north american maps, I thought I was booking in the near suburb.
I ended up arriving at a motel on foot in a car dependent American suburb, it was already dark outside. The guy at the reception asked me where was my car, I acted like I didn't understand.
In the morning the half hour walk to the bus stop was especially weird, people looking at me wondering what the fuck I was doing in their neighborhood walking.
I'm german.
Was in Tbilisi years ago by myself in the hostel I used to stay at when I went mountaineering there. Decided to go for drinks with some of the other guys that were traveling by themselves. The evening ended up being very drunk for most of them while I - luckily used to strong Georgian alcohol - managed to remain only pleasantly buzzed.

At some point the Aryan German manlet ended up trying to convince the chill Israeli that Germany had collectively moved on from nazism by cracking Jew jokes. It didn't work, the Israeli was highly unamused but remained polite and calmly but firmly told the German to cut it off, at which the drunk German redoubled his efforts to prove he's not a nazi by attempting to fire off even more jokes. Had a good laugh at the sheer absurdity of the situation. We also lost the Canadian, who apparently fell asleep in the toilet of the last bar in town to be open.

Nice one, had a good laugh.
And you think that's funny?
Should have left him the connect 4
It was when we got back and a few months later found she had gotten herself pregnant. She wasn't even sure which one. If you'd have seen the look on my parents face.

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