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Saying fuck the US, moving over to PH since I can get a SIRV visa and stay as long as I like. I've got bare minimum $600/month in passive income to live off. I like to think I have a pretty solid plan here, but feel free to tell me I'm stupid and I'll let you know if I thought of it.

Anyway, I wanted to travel around a bit off Credit cards before I get there, so I should have around $30k to work with, plus a couple grand cash for the things that won't take cards. I want to visit Japan, see Tokyo and visit some of the whisky distillers, check out some of the historical stuff. Maybe visit South Korea? Then head to Thailand for a bit for the nature, temples, etc. Then off to Philippines to figure out where I'm settling down.

Just wanted to know what /trv/ thought, if there's things I should be sure to do in those countries, if there's other countries I should check out, or anything else I should know. I like to walk/hike, have no problem going out off the beaten path, and I've got a pretty strong stomach and enjoy authentic Asian food, so no need to find McD or shit like that.

Anything I should know, resources I should check out, trolls complaining about what I'm trying to do?
Have you been to SEA before? How do you know you want to move to PH? How much are you planning to spend traveling before settling down? 600 a month might not be what you think it is once you get there. I've found life is always more expensive then we plan for.
Haven't been, but I need a change. Not want, need. Can't keep doing this shit here. I know a lot of people from the culture of the area in general, and I'm not a complete smooth brain when it comes to languages, so I'm not to concerned about the culture shock

Philippines because it's a largely westernized in that it's a Christian (not that I'm religious) society that predominantly speaks English and has a low cost of living. I've done my research and $400 would get me a fairly basic standard of living which would be just fine by me. I've lived on a cot in a shipping container for months, eating the same 3 menu choices for every meal. If I can get decent internet, a real apartment, and adobo chicken and rice, I'll be happy. I'm hoping to get my passive income (veteran's disability) up to around $2,000/month, but $1k is more reasonable, and the $600 I already get should still be sufficient. I'm looking at this as an early retirement. Absolute worst case, my job is such that I can do contract work remotely. Just really don't want to be stuck working if I don't have to.

Looking to travel for a couple weeks, but it's not a requirement, and it probably won't last longer than a month, maybe 2 max. Don't give a fuck about the credit cards, so budget is really just "how much until they don't let me anymore", then they are getting tossed. $30k is a middle ground for what I reasonably think will be left in credit on the cards I have when I leave. If there's less, more walking and nature, fewer bars and nice food. If there's more, nicer hotels, food, etc.

And if it's really not enough when I get there, I'll figure it out from there. Can't get worse than it already is.

Are you saying you're going to max out your cards and then stiff the bank?
The bank can make itself whole, I have plenty of assets they are welcome to that I don't plan to bring with.
>vetnigger is already getting paid for “muh disability” through traceable “compensation” payments and wants to stiff the bank

they’re gonna just garnish your welfare queen check if you try to do that. None of you POS are ever disabled. You’re literally on par with illegal immigrant free loaders.

Get fucked
>hey’re gonna just garnish your welfare queen check
Vet disability legally can't be garnished. Literally first thing I thought of, but thanks for playing. And in my opinion, after all the years I gave to the military, as well as the permanent hardware holding my bones together, fucked joints, and cancer, I've earned the right to take something back.

> How do you have so much passive income?
Veteran's Disability, my payment for breaking my body for Uncle Sam for close to 2 decades.

> I know Vietnam and Indonesia have some of the most beautiful women in the world
And the Philippines, it was definitely a consideration for staying there also. I've been around abject poverty in much worse conditions than basically anywhere in SEA, it doesn't really phase me much. Besides, I have to invest at least $75k to get an SIRV, I figure there's some good I can invest, like getting internet out to some of the smaller villages since it's something I know about already.
600 a month means you will be living like a beggar. Don't fall for all these YouTube retards saying they live on 400 a month or whatever. It's expensive. Philippines is extremely expensive.
A hotel will cost about the same as it would in your home country, for some reason hotels are fucking expensive despite it being a third world shit hole. Vietnam and Thailand absolutely mogs PH for hotel and accommodation value.

>600 usd
>34,000 PHP
>Rent 10k a month
>Water 330p, internet 2000p, phone 500p, grocery 10k, going out (can't, broke), electricity (you don't have enough, electricity is same cost as first world nations)
Not to mention visa renewals every 3 months, medical insurance, scams and miscellaneous day to day, transport , medications, hygiene products,
You would be trying and failing to live on the same money as a Filipino makes daily. They can do it, you can't do it
You only need to pay $1500 for a permanent visa since you're a scamming disabled veteran. It's called SRRV. American vets only need to pay 1500 dollars. You actually have no idea about any of it, this is all just schizo headcanon in your mentally unwell brain. Try going there first, but you can't afford the ticket.
so for the SIRV you have to invest 75k into PH companies? you can't just buy a house that costs that much? aren't you worried about parking your money in philippine stocks? seems sketch
You just totaled to 25k of my 34k budget. No visa renewals with the SIRV. And you don't know anything about me or how I can live. A bed and a stove are more than I've lived with in the US before. And again, that's $600 minimum. I filed before cancer took one of my testicles away, and that's going to bump me up.

You're the one that doesn't know what you're talking about. SRRV requires a _pension_ of $1500 _per month_, and an investment of $10k. Besides, I'm not over 50 so I can't get an SRRV anyway (that changed within the last couple years).

$75k into PH business that's not real estate or financial, which can either be stocks or direct investment into companies in a handful of special sectors. Maybe a couple other things on that list. Foreigners are actually banned from owning property. If I can get above my minimum, they do allow long term leases so it's not uncommon for foreigners to sign a 25 year or longer lease. and I'll likely be dead by then anyway. Or, the other option is that you're allowed to own a condo if it meets a handful of requirements, but that doesn't count toward your investment.

As far as being worried about parking my money, who cares. I just need the paperwork saying I invested it, and I'm set. Not taking the money with me when I die, and $75k for a permanent residency in any county is fairly cheap.

Not that any of this has to do with the travel portion...
>Not that any of this has to do with the travel portion...
no I just wanted to inquire further because I haven't even heard of this option and I'm hoping to a pull an early retirement as well, just wanted to flesh out the details more, thanks for the information
do you know what kind of companies you plan on investing in? and will you just arrive on a regular visa and then make the investments and then apply for the SIRV?
US can get visa on arrival, and they only require that you show up with a flight that leaves the country within 60 days. There are apparently even services that will "book a flight" for $50, with the understanding that you're not going to take it. You can also just file for the SIRV at your local PH Consulate. You apply for the visa, the last step of which is to deposit the money in one of 4 banks. You then have 6 months to make your investment during which you have a provisional visa. As I alluded to, I'm probably going to try and find a company that will use it to build out internet to underserved areas.
seems like a good plan
just wondering though, if you don't like the philippines do you have any back up plans? philippines makes sense though, what with them speaking english and all. I am still trying to decide here. I'm look at many options in eastern europe (have eu passport), south easy asia and south america, so like the whole world... I might just travel for a year until I find somewhere I love. I love my homeland, Canada, but it is deteriorating rapidly and I believe it will be a terrible place in several years
Backup plan would be one of the other typical SEA countries, one of the typical SA countries (I at least already speak some Spanish), or maybe Eastern Europe. I've also heard Spain is fairly affordable outside of the major cities, and I think Portugal was up there too. I actually qualify for an EU passport that I'm getting documents together to apply for it, which opens up those options as well.

I personally don't think the US/Canada are headed down any road they can't recover from, I really just want an escape from a life that I'm basically locked into with few options to start over here.
Thanks for the advice.
Lulz they fucked his body and mind and will fuck him again in this open air prison of a country if he tries to escape.
How does it feel op? Is your privilege checked?
> you have enough money to set up a business somewhere and be legit.
Money isn't the entirety of my issues. I make low 6 figures right now, even if I'm losing half of it. Starting a business is going to just give me more debt and more stress, since I can't really leave my current job I'll be stuck working and running a business

>Once you are here you can speak to a VA doctor and see about getting your % increased
I can do it here, not leaving until I get some things set up.

> If you were actually injured and have documentation showing it, you will be fine. If you actually deployed to a warzone, you can get more than whatever you currently have. I suspect you spoke to some fat retarded nigger who didn't give a shit about you, which is why you only get $600 a month
I didn't tell a single lie or stretch an ounce of the truth my first time through and only filed what I already had documentation proving. I then got diagnosed with cancer after I got out, but before I even got my first check. I've actually got in my file that it's service connected from the burn pit exposure push they made a couple years ago, which means I minimum should get 6 months of 100% backpaid, plus whatever I get ongoing.

That's also with no PTSD rating, which I've recently been diagnosed with causing my depression.

> Go to a local VFW (there are VFW's in pampanga and NCR/manila/ and cebu, I am sure there are more), and talk to the crusty vets there about finding a VA disability specialist.

Actually just god to know, thanks.
$600 is what I'm currently getting. I mentioned in another comment that I'm hoping to get up to $2k, but $1k I figure is the minimum I'd reasonably expect with my current problems.
SRRV if you're a veteran is 1500 dollars you fucktard. Not investing 75,000. It's just only 1500.
I was actually on mid-tour when my platoon took indirect. I did have to carry my Squad Leader to the Blackhawk after his legs got blown off though, deployed as an 11B both times.
Foreigners aren't banned from buying property. You can buy as many condos as you want. Retard.
See it's all mentally ill schizo headcanon, you don't know the smallest things that are well documented online. People tell you to go there first and check it out and you refuse lmao
You get what you fucking deserve
For foreign nationals, 50 years old & above, who are retired Armed Force officers of foreign countries with existing military ties and/or agreement with the Philippine Government. A monthly pension of at least US$1,000.00 and an SRR Visa deposit of US$1,500.00 are required.
You still need to be 50 or older, you absolute neanderthal

Sorry, banned from buying land, and the condos you buy can only be in certain buildings that have fewer than a certain amount of foreigners.
Listen to >>2652130 because those are realistic if not tight estimates depending on where you plan to live, but 10k for "a real apartment" might be a little too low. Also, you'll have to get used to the smell of sewage, horrible public transportation, power outages because the infrastructure is terrible. Doctors are largely shitheads because the competent ones have gone abroad.

On a more positive note, you'll be happy with the variety of food and fruit you can get with $50.
He will turn up at hospital and they will ask for money upfront and when he can't pay they will let him die in the gutter outside kek
Imagine not even trying to visit a place you claim you can live on 600 a month. Not only that he tells people who have lived there for years they are all wrong. He's an expert, self taught from YouTube lmao
PH is undergoing a major heatwave at the moment and it's expected to get even worse next month.
What "shit" are you doing in America? Do you realize millions of people come to your country every year for opportunities?
Nobody said you can't make money in the usa. The problem are the social/culture/legal conditions which victimize men and render them into a slave caste to be exploited.
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How do I account for international date line? I want to go to plan a multi leg trip over a couple days and I'm having trouble figuring out my dates much less times.
>The problem are the social/culture/legal conditions which victimize men and render them into a slave caste to be exploited.
Just say you're a virgin and go to Thailand for a month to coom. We don't need another fucking blog on this board.
nta, the USA is not a country but an economic zone to be exploited by the rich and third worlders. Those of us in the middle are just squeezed. The new American dream is to make money in $, and spend it in ₱, ฿, MX$, ₫, R$, ¥, or whatever else. Currency arbitrage. Our European ancestors left home in search of a better life across the Atlantic. Now we are doing the same, but across the Pacific.

You have to be clever about how you max out those cards because it's likely they'll put a stop on your card before you go too far with it. They're not as dumb as you think.
You got other good advice in this thread, so let me just add some food for thought.
Vietnam is a lot cheaper to live in than Philippines. You'll pay more in fees (3 month visas) but still save money overall.
English is widespread in Philippines but how much of it you understand will depend on where you go and the people you are speaking with. Many Filipinos speak English at about the same level that the average American speaks Spanish.
If you've never lived in SEA before, you might not have the tolerance for life at the bottom end of the housing market that you think you do. Think metal sheds with padlocks, cracked concrete walls, bugs, mattresses that quickly go bad from the humidity.
Living in Manila will cost you more than living in Bangkok, which will cost you more than living in Saigon. In terms of prices of luxuries, Bangkok is cheaper than Saigon, and Saigon is cheaper than Manila.
If you do go to Philippines, GTFO out of Manila and move to a smaller city or town. But you will be a magnet for every possible scam as the new American who just moved in and who knows nothing about the country, and your experience could go any which way.
Wherever you end up, you should hook up with a local woman to help acclimatize yourself. I heard an old geezer in Thailand give the advice to someone like yourself who only had 500/month and found life was more expensive than he'd expected. The geezer told him to find a woman and give her half of it to budget as she sees fit, and she'll have no trouble getting a roof over his head and three cooked meals a day.
>Foreigners aren't banned from buying property. You can buy as many condos as you want. Retard.
not banned from buying property, but no land is a serious limitation.
not every town/city even has condos
>Vietnam is a lot cheaper to live in than Philippines. You'll pay more in fees (3 month visas) but still save money overall.
even those visas are cheaper i think

>If you do go to Philippines, GTFO out of Manila and move to a smaller city or town
I'd actually counter this advice if you're <= 40 and have some decent income. You'll find the most genuine friends/people in manila. specifically, you can network with the middle and upper middle class and even occassional upper class person.

the rest of the country is a lot lot lot lot lot more desperate. My one buddy's family has a family house (mansion) easily worth multi million. Go find that in whoremaguete
>move to a smaller city or town
>I'd actually counter this advice if you're <= 40 and have some decent income. You'll find the most genuine friends/people in manila.
I agree, but my advice is because OP has a very small income. I'd have give different advice if they had double their budget, but $600/month will not take them far in Manila.
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I’m currently living in the Philippines.
I recommend OP stay for 3 months and he will learn a new appreciation for whatever location in the US he is currently trying to eacape.

$600 a month is barely enough to live off rice and hotdogs. he wont even be able to afford hotdog spaghetti. Or grocery bill is higher than it was in the US for much lower quality food. Thankfully my filipina wife is also ready to go back as soon as her mother is in better health. my filipina wife is the major bread winner. im disabled and she is a travel nurse when we live in the US. she affords is a wealthy lifestyle. i cant complain.
I live in Philippines. If I wasn't making at least 3.5k USD I think, I wouldn't enjoy living here. Manila is actually heaven on earth if you have an abundance of disposable income. I love it here as a successful young guy.

I'll be honest though I fucking hate bugs. If you're cheap, you're far more likely to encounter them. The bugs here are huge and disgusting. Perhaps consider some place in southern Europe.
3.5k usd is not successful dude. thats like $55k a year before taxes. which you arent paying
Oh, no. 3.5k a month isn't. I was doing that online before I was 22 on ebay. But 4600 per week is with zero income tax :-)
Clearly fake
Not that anon, but $3.5k/month remote income in SEA is successful unless you are measuring yourself against incomes in developed countries. I personally have no plans to return to my collapsing home country. I'm as likely to move to Saudi Arabia as go back to my home country, so I don't care how much Saudis earn and what they consider successful. $3-4k/month is a balling income in SEA.
You'll get maybe 1000 out of them in a foreign country before they cut it off, they have entire departments of jews to calculate common risks of people not paying back their shekels
Find someone who can be your go-to fixer in the PH, because doing things the legitimate way here is so goddamn annoying.
20-30$ in the right hands can save you a lot of time when dealing with the government and public services.
Makati and BGC are the most foreign friendly places I've seen, but that raises the price on everything there.
>skipping China
You normies always do the same boring ass shit.
>Not want, need
What do you do for income? Can you get work with a SEA based company? Work permits stand as sound ID while you are there.

Try before you buy is always sound wisdom when it comes to shopping for a place to live. If you go there, whatever issues you carry with you don't blow away with the first breeze.

>Can't get worse than it already is.
You don't say that when you hit rock bottom.
>Or grocery bill is higher than it was in the US
also gay

literally ripoff central. Everyone and their mother will scam you even if you spoke perfect Vietnamese. The white tax is extreme. 3x marked up everything.

Thailand is white man's paradise and everyone knows it. Only problem is you can only stay 6 months a year.

youre gonna need way more than $600 to start off and even live off of
That is one of the fairest naïve assessments I have heard in a while.
just stay in thailand make the shitty philippines your first visa run
The only thing I would say to consider is that you can make money in a western country and simply put it into something that tracks s&p. if you made only 37k after tax and put it away you're making an additional 312 each month on average.

use the credit cards only if you never think you're coming back and have no assets in the US.

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